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Quick Intro

My name is Rob Goyette. I live in Puerto Rico with my wife and 8-year-old son. I've been working in the
coaching niche since 2007. I've coached and supported leaders such as Christian Mickelsen, Lisa
Sasevich, Michelle Schubnel, Milana Leshinsky, Rich German, Jeanna Gabellini, Eva Gregory, Donna
Kozik, Kim Clausen, Nancy Juetten, David Steele of The Relationship Coaching Institute, Gary Henson
from, and many more. For over a decade, I've been helping coaches get clients.

In 2014, I moved away from supporting these leaders decided to work on my own business. I started
building and nurturing an audience and created products and programs to help coaches build their

In 2015, I created an “out of the box” coaching model. And in the following year, I enrolled over 50
clients who paid me up front for a year of coaching. I didn’t have strategy sessions which saved a lot of
time and rejection. For the most part, I just sent out some emails to my audience (10 people signed up
in person while I was wandering around a live event).

I was able to coach these clients working 3 or 4 days a week from 8am to Noon (I love having Fridays
off). And the ROI for my time with this model has been about $500/hour.

I then additional coaches to my team, and the profit margin is around 80%, meaning that this
model is scalable and can generate passive income if you want to really grow your business.

I see a lot of coaches struggling to get clients or working way too hard with the ones they have. Most
coaches invest in a program (or dozens of programs) and either don’t get results or don’t follow through
with what the program tells them to do.

So, in this report, I’m going to share my Fast Revenue (Laser) Coaching model to show you how to enroll
clients, the technology you’ll need, and how to get your clients results in just 15-minute calls. This
model puts money in most coaches’ banks accounts within 4 days.

Let’s move on to how to enroll clients…

How to Enroll Clients
To enroll clients in any program, all you need is TRUST and an IRRESISTIBLE OFFER. If prospects trust you
as a person and as the expert who can get them the results they want, then laser coaching is an
irresistible offer to them compared to your normal one-on-one coaching program (it also makes a
great downsell to help clients start working with you).

If you have an email list, it’s super easy. You can send out a 3-day campaign to your audience to
announce your offer, provide social proof, and give them a deadline. This is how I enrolled most of my
Fast Revenue Coaching clients. They paid a year in advance and the money showed up in my bank
account within 4 days.

If you don’t have an email list, you can reach out to your contacts (maybe check your ‘sent items’ folder
in your email software to quickly identify great prospects).

You can also enroll clients through strategy sessions. The model works really well if you offer your
normal “high-end” coaching package, and the client wants to work with you but cannot afford
your normal coaching package. So it’s a great downsell (it’s more congruent than putting clients
into a group coaching program).

You can enroll clients at networking events. I enrolled 10 clients by wandering around a live event,
building trust and then explaining the laser coaching offer.

Social media is another great strategy. I’ve had students tell me that they engaged and enrolled
prospects using FB Messenger. LinkedIn and other social media can work really well too!

You can also enroll clients by giving a short presentation. One of my students gave a 10-minute talk to a
room of 35 people and enrolled 3 Fast Revenue Coaching clients from his short talk (I give you the
actual presentation he used on my 30-minute webinar).

You can also enroll clients through an automated webinar so that you have a 24/7 selling machine
teaching great content and making your irresistible laser coaching offer.

One student told me she enrolled the passenger sitting next to her on a plane. They started talking and
she enrolled him as a client.

Clients pay for the entire year up front which can put money in your bank account fast (within 4 days).
What’s interesting is that the average client only has 7 or 8 coaching sessions and most coaches who follow my
model make about $500/hour for their time.
AND you can reach out to those clients who aren’t having very many calls and allow them to apply what they’ve
spent with you to a higher end offer (Fast Revenue Coaching works great for these upsells).

The bottom line is that if you are talking to someone who trusts you and wants the results you provide,
this Fast Revenue (laser) Coaching model is an example of an Irresistible Offer that works.

Let’s move on to the technology you’ll need…

The Technology You Will Need
You don’t need much technology to make this model work.

You need a way to get paid and you can use PayPal, Stripe, or however you normally have clients pay

You can hold your calls on Zoom. Zoom is free for calls under 40 minutes, and laser coaching only takes
15 minutes. So, it works really well for these short calls. You can also record the calls and send them to
clients afterward (hint: they love this because it gives them a tangible asset from your program).

I recommend you use a calendar scheduler to control when you want to coach. I offered Monday-
Thursday from 8am to Noon (sometimes I’d take Mondays off too). You can set your own schedule and
clients can pick a time to work with you.

And finally, you need a way to take notes on your calls. I use Evernote, but you can use any software or
even a physical notepad and pen.

My students love how easy it is to get started with this model!

Let’s move on to how to get results for clients in 15 minutes…

How To Get Results In Just 15-Minutes
A lot of coaches think they can’t possibly get results for clients in just 15-minutes, but I’ll tell you that it
works in every niche I’m aware of (even if you normally spend a lot of time with clients on calls).

I recommend your first coaching call is 30-minutes to get to know the client and their goals. Then after
that, 15 minutes is all you need.

Important: Creating a Results Model is a great way to sell and deliver the coaching so that you and the
client can always have the big picture and steps in front of you. I share my results model in my 30-
minute webinar (you can watch it right now or at a scheduled time).

The secret to the program working is that clients make progress between calls as “homework”. Think of the laser
coaching calls as “check in” calls where the real progress is made as homework between calls.

Let’s move on to your next step…

Your Next Step
If you’d like to learn more about this model, including the irresistible price-point to use, I invite you to
watch my short, 30-minute webinar here:

Note: You can watch the webinar replay immediately or choose a time that’s convenient for you.

Thanks for reading about this model – it’s really powerful, and I’m excited for you to use it in your

-Rob Goyette

P.S. If you have questions, you can email me at, but please watch the
webinar first as it should answer most questions.

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