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Programme of Inquiry Learning 2011 Act Now Shape Your Future!

TRANSDISCIPLINARY THEMES Teachers think and work at this level to help children make connections to big ideas that are worth making an integral part of our lives.

Term 1 Where we are in time and place

An inquiry into the history, geology and composition of the Earth, how we know that living things from the past are now extinct.

Term 2 How the world works. Making sense of the physical world
An inquiry into how we use our understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.

Term 3

Term 4 Sharing the planet

An inquiry into the natural world and the interconnectedness of humans, plants and animals

An inquiry into the properties of hard materials and the ways which everyday materials can be used when identifying a need, planning, resourcing and evaluating an outcome

Science Strands

Living World

Material World
Properties and change of matter Chemistry and society

Living World
Life processes

Physical World
Physical inquiry and physics concepts

Science Achievement Objectives Technology Strands

Understanding about Science

Investigating in science Participating and contributing Communicating in science

Technological Practice

Understanding about science

Planning for practice Brief development Outcome development and evaluation


* Treaty of Waitangi (6/2) * Chinese New Year (2/2) * International Day for the Elimination of Racial discrimination (21/3) * All children have the

* International Day of Families 15/5 * Matariki (4/6) * You have a right to special care and protection and to good

* International Day of the Worlds Indigenous People (9/8) *You have the right to love and understanding,

* International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 17/10 * Diwali (26/10) * Parihaka (5/11) * Human Rights Day

Programme of Inquiry Learning 2011 Act Now Shape Your Future!

right to what follows, no matter what their race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, or where they were born or who they were born to. * You have the special right to grow up and to develop physically and spiritually in a healthy and normal way, free and with dignity. HEALTH PROMOTION
* Sun Safe Activities * Swimming * Fundamental skills programme * Summit Club * Nutrition Each Syndicate and Classroom to plan according to needs and integration with Inquiry units Each Syndicate and Classroom to plan according to needs and integration with Inquiry units Each Syndicate and Classroom to plan according to needs and integration with Inquiry units Each Syndicate and Classroom to plan according to needs and integration with Inquiry units

food, housing and medical services. * You have the right to special care if handicapped in any way.

preferably from parents and family, but from the government where these cannot help. * You have the right to go to school for free, to play and to have an equal chance to develop yourself and to learn to be responsible and useful Your parents have special responsibilities for your education and guidance
* Jump Jam * Fundamental skills programme * Nutrition

(10/12) * You have the right always to be among the first to get help. * You have the right to be protected against cruel acts or exploitation, eg you shall not be obliged to do work which hinders your development both physically and mentally.
* Sun Safe Activities * Fundamental skills Programme * Nutrition * Jump Jam

* Fundamental skills programme * Nutrition

Mathematics Literacy Writing The Arts

Programme of Inquiry Learning 2011 Act Now Shape Your Future! Kowhai Term 1 Syndicate & Te Pouahi R10
Unit Topic
Buried treasure Curriculum focus Science Evolution

Term 2

Term 3
Unit Topic
Connecting And Constructing Curriculum focus Technology Technological Practice

Term 4

Unit Topic
Magic magnets Curriculum focus Science Properties and changes of matter Chemistry and society

Unit Topic
Busy bees Curriculum focus Science Life Processes

Key Competencies

Key Competencies
Using Language, symbols and text Relating to others Participating and contributing

Key Competencies
Participating and Contributing Managing Self

Key Competencies
Relating to Others Thinking

Key idea

Key idea

Key idea
Different materials require different ways of fastening. Materials can be changed or joined in many ways to make new things.

Key idea
Animals and plants work together.

Fossils provide a picture of Magnets have many uses past life and living in our everyday lives. conditions on earth.

Lines of inquiry

Lines of inquiry

Lines of inquiry

Lines of inquiry

Programme of Inquiry Learning 2011 Act Now Shape Your Future!

1. How do we know about things on earth before people? 2. What is a fossil? 3. What clues do fossils give us about life in the past? 4. Select and research an extinct NZ animal 5. What can we do to prevent other NZ animals from becoming extinct? 1. Understand that magnets have a north and south pole. 2. Indentify everyday uses of magnets. 3. Explore properties of magnets through a series of experiments e.g. Which materials can a magnetic force pass through? Which materials are or are not attracted to magnets? 1. Explore how everyday things are joined together e.g. toys, construction and destruction. 2. Series of investigations using everyday materials: newspaper, wire, wood, glue, nails, split pins, cellotape, making tape 3. Use understanding developed from investigations to design, construct and evaluate a mask 1. How is honey made? 2. Investigate the life of a bee 3. Investigate the link between flowers, bees and honey 4. Investigate recent threat to bees in NZ 5. How can we look after bees in the future to ensure an ongoing supply of honey?

Rich Task
Visually present information to show understanding of an extinct NZ animal. HUMAN RIGHTS
* Treaty of Waitangi (6/2) * All children have the right to what follows, no matter what their race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, or where they were born or who they were born to. * You have the special right to grow up and to develop physically and spiritually in a healthy and normal way, free and with dignity. * Sun Safe Activities * Swimming * Fundamental skills programme

Rich Task
Perform a magic trick involving magnetism.
* Matariki (4/6) * You have a right to special care and protection and to good food, housing and medical services.

Rich Task

Rich Task

Produce a mask to be worn Digital story reflecting at the Nelson Mask childrens understanding Festival of how honey is produced
*You have the right to love and understanding, preferably from parents and family, but from the government where these cannot help. * You have the right to go to school for free, to play and to have an equal chance to develop yourself and to learn to be responsible and useful Your parents have special responsibilities for your education and guidance * Jump Jam * Fundamental skills programme * Diwali (26/10) * Parihaka (5/11) * Human Rights Day (10/12) * You have the right always to be among the first to get help. * You have the right to be protected against cruel acts or exploitation, eg you shall not be obliged to do work which hinders your development both physically and mentally. * Fundamental skills Programme * Jump Jam


* Fundamental skills programme * Nutrition

Programme of Inquiry Learning 2011 Act Now Shape Your Future! Pohutukawa Term 1 Syndicate & Te Pouahi R16
Unit Topic
Inside the Earth Curriculum focus Science Evolution

Term 2
Unit Topic
Science Alive Curriculum focus Science Properties and changes of matter Chemistry and society

Term 3
Unit Topic
Masks Curriculum focus Technology Technological Practice

Term 4
Unit Topic
Living Creatures Curriculum focus Science Life Processes

Key Competencies
Participating and Contributing Thinking Relating to Others

Key Competencies
Using Language, symbols and text

Key Competencies
Participating and Contributing Thinking

Key Competencies
Using Language, symbols and text Thinking

Key idea
The Earth has layers. There is evidence in the Earths layers to prove that dinosaurs existed. Dinosaurs existed and are now extinct.

Key idea
We can observe, describe and compare common materials and the changes that occur when heated, cooled or mixed. There are scientific processes for conducting experiments.

Key idea
Masks are created and used for different reasons. There is a process for using materials to create a mask for a specific purpose.

Key idea
Living creatures and plants can be grouped in different ways. Living creatures and plants have similarities and differences.

Lines of inquiry

Lines of inquiry

Lines of inquiry

Lines of inquiry

Programme of Inquiry Learning 2011 Act Now Shape Your Future!

1. What is the Earth made of? 2. What are the different layers of the Earth? 3. What in the Erath tells us that dinosaurs existed? 4. How long ago did dinosaurs exist? 1. Materials have different properties. 2. Materials can physically change. 3. Changes to materials can be permanent or temporary. 1. What are masks used for? 2. What is the purpose and brief of the masks we are creating? 3. What is the process for creating a mask? 1. What makes humans different from other living creatures? 2. What types of living creatures and plants are there? 3. How can living creatures and plans be grouped?

Rich Task
Design and create a model showing the layers of the Earth.

Rich Task
Carry out a scientific experiment using the correct process and present your results. Matariki * Fundamental skills programme

Rich Task
Following the technological process, create a mask. (Identify a need, plan, resource, develop, create and evaluate.) International Day of Peace * Fundamental skills programme * Nutrition

Rich Task
Create a diagram that shows the similarities and differences of groups of living creatures and plants. Diwali Parihaka * Sun Safe Activities * Fundamental skills Programme * Jump Jam


Treaty of Waitangi Purple Cake Day * Swimming * Fundamental skills programme

Programme of Inquiry Learning 2011 Act Now Shape Your Future! Kahikatea Term 1 Syndicate & Te Pouahi R17
Unit topic Whats beneath our feet? Curriculum focus Science Evolution

Term 2
Unit topic A matter of fact! Curriculum focus Science Properties and changes of matter Chemistry and society Key Competencies Thinking Using language symbols and texts Relating to others Participating and contributing Managing self Key idea Changes occur when materials are mixed, heated and cooled. There are simple patterns in physical phenomena Lines of inquiry

Term 3
Unit topic Stick it! Curriculum focus Technology Technological Knowledge and understanding Key Competencies Thinking Using language symbols and texts Relating to others Participating and contributing Managing self Key idea Identified needs dictate technological practice

Term 4
Unit topic Flower Power! Curriculum focus Science Life Processes

Key Competencies Thinking Using language symbols and texts Relating to others Participating and contributing Key idea Fossils give us clues about life in the past Many plants and animals that lived on Earth in the past can no longer be seen alive Lines of inquiry

Key Competencies Thinking Using language symbols and texts Relating to others Participating and contributing Key idea All living things have certain requirements so they can stay alive

Lines of inquiry

Lines of inquiry

Programme of Inquiry Learning 2011 Act Now Shape Your Future!

What is a fossil? How living things become fossils What can we learn from fossils? Different materials behave in specific ways in certain conditions Matter changes and interacts Energy affects matter What are our identified needs and how will we plan to meet these? Different materials require different ways of fastening Strength of materials and fastenings should be considered Rich Task Children will design and construct a model to meet the identified needs using their knowledge of fastenings and materials. * International Day of the Worlds Indigenous People (9/8) What are the requirements that living things need in order to survive? Parts of a plant fulfil different functions Plants reproduce in different ways Rich Task Children will design a digital presentation that identifies the different parts of a plant and their functions * Diwali (26/10) * Parihaka (5/11) * Human Rights Day (10/12) * Sun Safe Activities * Fundamental skills Programme * Jump Jam

Rich Task Children will create a presentation to show how a living thing became a fossil HUMAN RIGHTS * Treaty of Waitangi (6/2) * Chinese New Year (2/2)

Rich Task Children will design a science fair investigation to demonstrate their understanding of scientific investigative principles * Matariki (4/6)


* Swimming * Fundamental skills programme

* Fundamental skills programme

* Fundamental skills programme * Nutrition

Programme of Inquiry Learning 2011 Act Now Shape Your Future!

Totara Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Syndicate Programme of Inquiry Learning 2011 Act Now Shape Your Future! & Te Pouahi R9
Unit Topic
Our Evolving World Curriculum focus Science Evolution

Unit Topic
Is Plastic Fantastic? Curriculum focus Science Properties and changes of matter Chemistry and society

Unit Topic
Running Like Clockwork Curriculum focus Technology Technological Practice

Unit Topic
What it means to be alive! Curriculum focus Science Life Processes

Key Competencies
Using language symbols and texts Thinking Managing Self Participating and Contributing Relating to Others

Key Competencies
Using language symbols and texts Thinking Managing Self Participating and Contributing Relating to Others

Key Competencies
Using language symbols and texts Thinking Managing Self Participating and Contributing Relating to Others

Key Competencies
Using language symbols and texts Thinking Managing Self Participating and Contributing Relating to Others

Key idea
Plants and animals change, evolve and adapt over long periods of time.

Key idea
Materials have chemical and physical properties that can change and make them useful for us in everyday life.

Key idea
Planning trial and improvement can help us make a better product.

Key idea
Humans, plants and animals are interconnected and interdependent.

Lines of inquiry

Lines of inquiry

Lines of inquiry
Simple machines make our lives easier. Investigate simple machines that work together to cause an effect, Eg. Clockwork, puppets

Lines of inquiry
Living things have certain life processes in common. There are seven factors that are needed in order count as being living (MRS GREN). Humans rely on plants and animals for our survival.

Plants and animals can be Different materials are classified into groups. used for different technological uses and Plants and animals evolve processes. and adapt over long periods of time. Materials can change chemically and physically. Some living things in NZ are quite different to living Materials can be grouped things in other parts of the according to their chemical

Programme of Inquiry Learning 2011 Act Now Shape Your Future!

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