Fast-HPLC: University of Huddersfield

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Bob Ardrey

University of Huddersfield
Vishnu Shinde (U1073020) 14/1/2011


Chromatography:Chromatography may be defined as a method of separating a mixture of components through equilibrium distribution between two phases. The technique of chromatography is based on the differences in the rate at which the components of a mixture move through a porous medium (called stationary phase) under the influence of some solvent or gas (called mobile phase). (1) The steps involved in chromatography are; (1) 1. Adsorption or retention of a substance or substances on the stationary phase. 2. Separation of the adsorbed substances by the mobile phase. 3. Recovery of the separated substances by a continuous flow of the mobile phase; the method being called elution.

Abstract:Chromatography is a technique in which complex mixtures are analyzed and separates. The separation and analysis of mixture is done within two phases a stationary phases and a mobile phase. Mobile phase is percolates through the stationary bed (1). Fast HPLC can achieve by two ways 1. Narrow bore column 2. Smaller particles (2). Columns are available commercially with ids of 4.6, 3.2, 2.1 and 1 mm. These offers reduced solvent (mobile phase) consumption and increased mass sensitivity. The fast HPLC is newly developed technique comparable to UHPLC in chromatographic performance (7). The instrumentation of fast HPLC is almost similar to HPLC, but few changes are there to increase the resolution and to minimise the time for analysis (9).

4. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the eluted substances. High Pressure/Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC):In HPLC system pressure is applied to the column, forcing the mobile phase through at much higher rate. The pressure is applied using pumping system. The action of pump is critical, since it must not pulsate and mix up the sample being separated in the solvent, causing it to lose resolution. Development of pump has proceeded quite quickly over the last several years, and now it is possible to achieve good resolution under the condition required for HPLC. (1) A proper operation of HPLC system is depend on knowledge of principle of chromatographic process, as well as reasons behind the choice of component of chromatographic system such as mobile phase, column and detectors. Instrumentation of HPLC is shown in Figure 1. To pass the mobile phase through the column at typical flow rates of 0.5-2 ml/min a high pressure pump is required. Injection device is used to introduce the sample to be separated; the injection of sample is may be manual or automatic, prior to column. The mobile phase passes with the sample components eluting from column through low volume cell which is usually in detector. (5) HPLC has resolving power of chromatographic column increases with column length and number of theoretical plates per unit length, although there are limit to the length of a column due to the problem of peak broadening. As the number of theoretical plates is related to surface area of the stationary phase it follows that the smaller the particle size of stationary phase, the better the resolution. Unfortunately, the smaller particle size, the greater the resistance to eluant flow. (1)HPLC allows you to use very smaller particle size for packing material of column which provides greater surface area for interaction between mobile phase and stationary phase. This gives much better separation of the component of the mixture. (4) Depending on relative polarity of solvent and stationary phase, there are two type of variance in use in HPLC. (4) Normal phase HPLC (4):Column is made up of tiny silica particles and solvent is hexane (non-polar). The polar components in mixture will stick longer to polar silica. Then the non-polar component will pass faster through the column. Reversed phase HPLC (4):In reversed phase HPLC the column size is same, but silica is modified by attaching long hydrocarbon chain to make it non-polar. In this polar solvent is used for example a mixture of alcohol and water such as methanol. This is most common form of HPLC.


Figure 1:- Instrumentation of HPLC (3)

Types of HPLC: - (10) 1. Adsorption chromatography. 2. Ion-exchange chromatography. 3. Size exclusion chromatography. Fast HPLC:Introduction:Fast HPLC is popular topic today. Higher throughput demand is constantly growing. The development of packing material with small particles and combine with other instrument (which gives increased back pressure) results in high resolution by fast HPLC. This all gives increased use of Fast HPLC. (9) In fast HPLC mobile phase should be liquid in nature to separate the mixture. The stationary phase is of liquid or solid phase. Components are dissolved in solvent, this is the first step. Then under high pressure this solution flows through a chromatographic column. The

stationary phase present in column separates the components of mixture. The resolution of chromatogram is important which depends on extent of interaction between stationary phase and solute components. The fast HPLC gives high degree of versatility which is not found in other chromatographic technique. Fast HPLC can separate wide variety of chemical mixtures. (10) Instrumentation:The instrumentation of fast HPLC is almost similar to HPLC, but few changes are there to increase the resolution and to minimise the time for analysis. The fast HPLC increase the speed by using short columns by this change it can give same efficiency like standard HPLC with 3 or 5 m particles. The packing material size is small in fast HPLC therefore it require very high back pressure and smaller the particle size higher will be resolution. (9) Fast HPLC has following parts, (10) 1. Stationary phase (column). 2. Mobile Phase. 3. Pump. 4. Injector. 5. Detector. 6. Data system.


Stationary phase (column):Stationary phase in fast HPLC separates the components from solvent which is passed through it. Stationary phase is of porous or non-porous material. Porous material increases resolution of chromatogram and decreases the time required for analysis. The porous particles efficiency and performance are excellent for analytical separation of small molecules (11). The stationary phase of 125 or 250 mm columns packed with porous material transferred to 33 mm columns packed with non-porous particles. This change in fast HPLC reduces analysis time by factor four to eight (12). Silica is the best example for porous and non-porous material. The smaller pore size gives better surface area but larger pore size material gives better separation especially for large molecule.


Mobile phase:It is the phase in which analyte is present and forced through stationary phase for separation. If the stationary phase is polar then the mobile phase will be non-polar and

vice-versa. We must choose the mobile phase which is compatible with detector. The other parameters like pore size, sample solubility, viscosity are also considered while choosing the mobile phase. (10)


Pump:It is used to give back pressure to analyte which lowers the time of analysis. In fast HPLC the pressure is about 15000 psi/1000 bar. It means we can analyse compound having particle size 1.7 m.


Injector:There are various injection techniques for injecting the sample in fast HPLC. Use of injection valve is simplest method of injection the sample. But nowadays automatic sampling devices are using. In this technique sample is introduced by auto sampler and microprocessors. (10) Common HPLC injection system


Detectors:There are so many detectors present in the market. 2998 photodiode (PDA) detector is one of them. This detector gives advanced optical detection for fast HPLC. It has flexible sampling rates for normal and fast HPLC separations. It has superior linear range. Thermal management is good which helps for maximum baseline stability (13). The mass spectrometer can be used as detector in fast HPLC.


Data system:The obtained data is electronic so some sophisticated software is used to analyse it. It is fully analysed by computer. The use of electronic data is for minimise the errors and increase accuracy. (10)

These parts are as standard HPLC but there are several parameters we can change in HPLC to improve selectivity, some are as follows (6):1. Change in particle size. 2. Switch to monolith. 3. Change in column temperature.

4. Change in column pressure. 5. Change in column length.

Fast HPLC is different than HPLC; this can be achieved in two ways 1. Narrow bore column. 2. Smaller particles.


Narrow bore column (2):Faster separation can obtain on standard HPLC instrument by using narrower internal diameters with shorter column. Columns are available commercially with ids of 4.6, 3.2, 2.1 and 1 mm. These offers reduced solvent (mobile phase) consumption and increased mass sensitivity. The effect of using narrow, short bore column on HPLC system will be broader peaks and decreased resolution. (2) By using different column id the flow rate will change

Table 1:- Flow rates at different column ID Column ID 4.6 mm 3.2 mm 2 mm 1 mm 2. Smaller particles:The same mass size particles of analyte are injected into column of different diameter then elution of material is in higher concentration with smallest diameter. As compare to a 4.6 mm ID column a 2 mm ID column is five time and a 1 mm ID column 20 times more mass sensitive. (2) Advantages: - (14) 1. It is an automated process which takes few minute to analyse the sample. 2. It gives the high resolution compare to other chromatographic techniques. 3. Without problems the tests are reproducible. Flow rate 1 ml/min 0.5 ml/min 0.2 ml/min 0.05 ml/min

4. It gives higher signal to noise ratio. 5. The columns are cheap. Disadvantages: - (14) 1. It is costly instrument. 2. The operation of fast HPLC may be complex. 3. It has low sensitivity for some compounds. Discussion:Figure 2 shows chromatogram which is obtained by column. The top most chromatogram is result of analysis on standard HPLC by using traditional column (4.6 mm ID) before optimisation. The overall separation was good and whole process done in less than 1.5 minutes with baseline resolution of all peaks.

The lower chromatogram shows results when HPLC is optimized and the changes are, (7)

Decreasing the tubing ID between column, injector and pump. Decreasing the volume of UV detector flow cell by replacing the standard flow cell with semi-micro flow cell from 13 L to 5 L.

Narrower peak widths and increased resolution will get by these changes in HPLC. Then system dead volume has been reduced. (7) Table 2:- Peak width and resolution before and after optimization of HPLC system. (7) Before Optimization After Optimization Peak Number Peak Width Resolution Peak Width Resolution 1 0.059 min ----0.042 min ---2 0.066 min 1.76 0.046 min 2.60 3 0.072 min 1.96 0.057 min 2.86 4 0.085 min 2.06 0.076 min 2.73 5 0.103 min 1.89 0.099 min 2.35 Figure 2:- chromatogram of flow cell before optimization and after optimization (7)


Fast HPLC is comparable to UHPLC: - (8) The fast HPLC method uses short packed column with 2.7 m fused core silica particles. These particles give rapid chromatographic separation at very low pressure. The UHPLC (Ultra High Pressure Liquid Chromatography) is another technique of rapid chromatography which works under very high pressure resulting from stationary phase with sub2-m particles. UHPLC gives better chromatographic resolution, sensitivity and speed over conventional HPLC. The fast HPLC is newly developed technique comparable to UHPLC in chromatographic performance but it do not require expensive UHPLC instrumentation, not new laboratory protocols. Conclusion:From above data it is conclude that the Fast HPLC is the best technique for analysis the samples because it reduces the time which is required for analysis of sample and it gives better resolution than conventional HPLC. It is comparable with UPLC. UPLC has most of same advantages like fast HPLC. UPLC needs more pressure than fast HPLC but the analysis time is less than fast HPLC.

References:1. Insrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis, Gurdeep R. Chatwal and Sham K. Anand, First edition (2005) 2. SMA0006 Advanced separation Technique, Handouts by Dr. Bob Ardrey. 3. Date: 20-12-2010 time: 15:00

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