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of the main verb. Active Voice Pax He repairs m He repaired He will repair He has rep: Voice are repoired rein ill be repaired by been repaired he mail at ten o'c! F brings urgent information the papers in ink. rought presents from Hong Kong. 15. The teacher corrects our coi ooks in Boston. 17. He cuts the grass once 2 we: 18. They s end the letters by air mail. 7 prepares the contracts. tion provides the money. Escaneado con CamScanner 64 ) Passive voice 2 The passive voice in the past perfect tense is formed in the following way: Akira Kurosawa had directed the movie The movie had been dirceted by Akira Kurosas a Change the following sentences from the active to the passive voice. Write complete sentences. Put all adverbial expressions at the end of the sente nce, 1, Mr. Sato taught the class yes- terday. . Someone took the money. . The letter carrier had delivered the mail. 4. He has signed the letters. 5. She has written many books. 6. Ma 7. They will finish the work to: morrow. janne paid the bills by check 8. He had finished the work in time. 9. They have planned the party. 10, Native Americans grew corn Mexico. 11, He has designed several build: ings. a 12. He had signed the contract pre- viously She broke the plate while was washing it. 14. Julia saw the’ accident on her way home from work. Ee . They had bought the tickets. ee ey . They have found the child at last. . Sonia planted the trees. . They prepared the dinner. . She will send it immediately. . He used the key to open the door, & Escaneado con CamScanner Passive voice 3 Form the passive voice of can, have to, may, must, ought to, and should with be and the past participle of the main verb, J must finish this work quickly This work must he finished (by me) quickly. . The plants can be protected (by you) with plastic bag Her work should be done (by on a word processor You can protect the plants with plastic bags She should do her work on a word processor, Form the passive voice with infinitives by using be and the past participle of the verb. He has to do it today It has to be done (by him) today. They are going to take it. It is going to be taken by them Form the passive in the continuous tenses with being and the past participle of the main verb. She is watering the flowers. The flowers are being watered by her. If it is not important to state the doer of the action, the by phrase can be omitted. Change the following sentences from the active to the passive voice. Write complete sentences. Leave out the by phrase if the subject is a pronoun. Put all adverbial expressions at the end of the sentence. 1. We can finish this today. ‘This cen be finished tcday. 2. The museum may keep it for twa weeks. You can pay the bill later. . We have to deliver it tomorrow poe They must send it at once. eae 3 4. 5. They can't put those things there. peaceeeoeeareoe 6 7. They should deliver it today. _ 8 You ought to write it now. ee 9. Kevin must study these exercises. pues 10. They may bring it later. — 11. Linda can use this room. ——— 12. She has to do it soon. ——— 13. The police may hold him for several days. § —____———— 65 Escaneado con CamScanner Passive voice: negative form Form negatives in the passive voice by placing not after the auxiliary verb. We generally use the contracted forms. The book was not written (wasn’t written) by Ian Fleming. The film will not be shown (won't be shown) until next week. Change the following sentences to the negative form. Write the complete verb in the blanks. L 2) 3 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. OF . The book was published in France. was not published . The books will be delivered on Wednesday. . These letters must be signed in pencil. . The thief was shot by a police officer. . This class is taught by Ellen Marks. . The package was wrapped very neatly. . The house was struck by lightning. . The mail has been delivered. The war was followed by a serious economic depres- sion. The screams were heard by everyone. . This room can be used for our lesson. . The book was printed in Mexico. . The letters were sent by regular mail. . The merchandise will be delivered tomorrow. . The bill can be sent after the first of the month. eee . The money was taken by one of the visitors. . We were disappointed by the music. . The report will be prepared by Joe Trumbull. . All the work has been finished. . The house had been decorated by a New York firm. Escaneado con CamScanner Passive voice: question form Form questions in the passive voice by placing the auxiliary verb before the’ subject. Will that film be shown on TV this year? Was the best actor award won by Robert De Niro? Change the following sentences to the question form. Write the subject and the complete verb in the blanks. The man was shot by a police officer. Was the man shot The thief was captured by the police. wpe The lecture will be attended by many important peo- ple. The dinner has been served by the host. wb We are invited to David's party. The work will be done by a Santa Fe firm. . The city was destroyed by fire. . These letters must be signed at once. . America was discovered in 1492. 10. The house has been struck by lightning. 11. The tree was blown down by the wind. 12. They were arrested by the police. 13. The book wil! be published next month. 14, This work must be finished today. 15. The mail is delivered at exactly nine o’clock. 16. The letters are written by Connie. 17. The car was destroyed in the accident. 18. Their engagement will be announced soon. 19. They will be married in New York. 20. The meeting was held in Paris. 21. It was attended by all the foreign ministers. 22. All these books can be borrowed from the library. wnra ._TADIVIVTTTDTTTTE Escaneado con CamScanner

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