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Asignatura:Language Arts 3er Semestre /LA3_B122_LG_SEC_AGO-SEPT

Nombre del maestro: Lori Jean Garrido Poucher

Bloque: I Valor de la calificación total del semestre: 33.33% Fechas Del: 22-AGO
23 SEPT.- 2022

Competencias genéricas a desarrollar:

4.1 - Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingüísticas y gráficas.

4.3 - Identifica las ideas clave en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de ellas.

6.4 - Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sintética.

Competencias disciplinares a desarrollar:

C1 – Conecta preguntas y respuestas de manera oral y escrita utilizando la gramática apropiada relacionándose con sus
semejantes de forma colaborativa
C2 – Identifica e interpreta la idea general y desarrollo general de un mensaje escrito en una segunda lengua recurriendo a
conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales y contextos.
C3 –Expresa ideas y conceptos en composiciones coherentes y creativas, con introducciones, desarrollo y conclusiones clara.

Objetivo: (Propósito/Criterio)
 Students will be able to state, recognize and use grammar structures in various situations and apply it in

Fechas: Contenidos : Estrategias de Enseñanza –

(Aproximadas) Aprendizaje:
Week 1 Unit 1 ORIGINS Page 7
Aug 22 The Continuous aspect Page 8  Brainstorming
Phrases Page 9
Homework  Teacher background information
My English Lab assigned activities using book, audiovisual aids:
PowerPoint, videos
Writing task no. 1
Write a personal profile. Include the following  Individual work. (Pearson
information.- Platform exercises)
Where are you from?
Family information, likes and dislikes, hobbies, music,  Group work: Reading and
discussing, exercises from book
food, (religion, spiritual, skeptical, psychic, atheist), Pet
and online resorces
peeves, groups you belong to, trips, any unusual
Send to

Describing habits Page 11

Idioms Page 12
Week 2 Will /Would Page 13
Aug-29 Homework
My English Lab assigned activities

Writing task no. 2

Write a personal profile. Include the following
Talents, skills, education, grades, qualifications, goals,
plans for the future, (address) achievements. Send to

Speculating Page 14
Linking elision Page 15
Unit 2 OPINION Page 19
Week 3 Hypothetical conditional past Page 20
Sept. 05 Homework
My English Lab assigned activities

Writing task no. 3

Describe an organisation that you know of that helps
people, animals or the environment. What do members
of this organisation do? Why is it important? 100 words
Send to

Double contractions Page 21

Verb patterns Page 23
Collocations Page 25
Week 4 Homework
Sept.12 My English Lab assigned activities
Writing task no. 4
Describe a well-known ceremony or tradition in your
country. What happens? Who takes part? How long
does it last? What do people do before, during and after
the ceremony? 100 words
Send to

Grammar video Project In teams.

Week 5
Sept 19
Ponderaci Entrega a cargo Primera Segunda entrega a Última
ón dentro del alumno devolución a cargo del alumno devolución a
del cargo del docente cargo del
bloque: maestro
Evidencia Criterio 1
(50%) 100

Student Book Aug. 22

Speakout Advanced 20
Pearson Course Book Aug. 29

Sept. 05
------------------- ---------- ----------

Practice exercise H.W. 20

(Pearson platform
Advanced ) Sept. 13 ------------------- -------------------- ------------


Writing Practice Tasks 20

Deadline date Sept,
--------------- --------------- ---------------
Quiz 20 Sept. 12-18
Participation 20 Continuous
Evidencia Criterio 2 100 Sept. 22

Grammar video Project In


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