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Class Policies
Grading system
Students’ grades will be based on two main criteria:
1) Formative Grade = 100%,
2) Summative Grade = 100%.
Both grades will be averaged to obtain a Final Grade.

The Formative Grade will always be described in the block´s program and presented to the class
on the first day of each block. In general terms, the student’s work and effort during class time will
carry a heavier percentage of such a grade; therefore attendance and active participation are crucial
for a positive block grade.

Attendance and absences

Attendance is considered as part of a student’s grade. The assigned grade for the block will be
divided into its corresponding number of classes. Every student in the group will begin the session
already awarded those points; their goal is to keep them until the end of the class.
The teacher will take attendance at the beginning of the class and the students are marked as follows:
 The student is “Present” when answers immediately after being called out during taking
attendance. The student keeps all their points.
 The student is “Delayed” when their name has been called out with no answer, yet the student
is distracted in the classroom or somewhere else on the school premises, showing up in the
classroom later on. Points will be deducted from the Formative grade according to specifications
in the CELA’s Student Rule Book.
 The student is “Absent” when no answer is given when their name is called out during taking
attendance and the student is not on the school premises. Points will be deducted from the
Formative grade according to specifications in the CELA’s Student Rule Book; unless the
student’s parents present a formal excuse to the Administration.
IMPORTANT: Taking attendance is carried out electronically, once a student is marked and the
attendance list is sent, it will not be changed. Please, pay attention to your name being called out
during taking attendance so you are not marked neither as “Delayed” nor “Absent”.

In the event the student is absent, their parents/ tutors must contact P.S. Cristina Matos at in order to present a formal excuse. A direct excuse to the teacher will not do.
With a formal excuse addressed to Ms. Matos, no points will be deducted from the student’s
Formative Grade of the Block.
The same procedure applies to situations involving bad internet reception, blackouts, or
malfunctioning of computer/tablet, in the event the student must take online classes.
IMPORTANT: Students could lose attendance points, even if they are present in the class, due to
unwillingness to work or participate, refusal to comply with the rules of use of electronic devices, or
disrespectful attitudes towards the teacher o classmates. This measurement will rely on the teacher’s
assessment of the situation.

Active participation is the core of a student’s Formative Grade. The percentage of this grade will
be presented to the students on the very first day of the block as assigned in the block’s program. In
some classes students will begin the session with participation points already awarded to them aiming
to keep them; in some other classes students will have to earn those points. Also, in some other
classes students will be able to earn extra points. The teacher will inform the students about how
participation points are earned at the beginning of every class.
We will understand Active Participation as not only “speaking”, but the quality of the student’s
interventions, the consistency of those interventions, and the ability to follow the conversation and
comply with the classwork even if no speaking opportunities were taken. Basically, Active Participation
is demonstrating how focused the students are in the class and how well they achieved the learning
Students lose Participation points due to:
• Being distracted in class
• Acting as a distractor in class
• Not having their materials ready
• Inconsistency in sharing ideas
• Refusing to answer questions posed by the teacher or classmates
• Not being able to follow the class conversation/reading/work
• Working on an assignment from another subject during the Literature class
• Not being able to finish the class activity due to distraction or unwillingness
• Showing disrespect towards the class, teacher, or other students.
 Using unrequested electronic devices

IMPORTANT: Once these points are deducted from the Formative Grade, they will not be reinstated.

Use of the Moodle platform

Students are responsible for continuously checking the virtual classrooms on the platform Moodle
regarding assignments, quizzes, and task due dates.

There are two types of postings by the teacher for Literature 1 on Moodle:
1) Materials. Documents, audios, web links, task guides, etc. You will need these materials to
either be used in class or as guidelines for class evidence.
2) Drop-out boxes. In these, you will upload materials requested by the teacher as class evidence
to be graded according to the class program. It is crucial that students always keep in mind the
tasks’ due date since once the drop-out box is closed, it will not be reopened.

Quiz on Moodle
One monthly quiz will be assigned on the platform Moodle in order to solidify reading
comprehension. This is an open book quiz that will evaluate the understanding of the text(s) read
in the block. The teacher will inform the students of the date when the quiz will be available on the
platform Moodle. The students will be able to start working on this quiz on a Monday and it will
remain available to them until the Friday of that same week at 23:59.
Students can take the quiz as many times as they need, at any hour during that week, and the
highest score will always be registered in their Formative Grade.
It is for all these reasons that once the quiz is closed, it will not be reopened. It is crucial that
students are aware of their task schedules.

Use of electronic devices and cameras

Students in class time must abstain from using any electronic device (cellphones, tablets, or
computers) unless it is requested by the teacher. Home students will remain with cameras on at all
times and microphones off.
By not complying with this students lose participation points immediately. Confiscation of
electronic devices will be carried out according to CELA’s rule book.
The same applies when working on materials from another school subject in the Literature class.

One monthly exam, good for 100 points, will evaluate the student’s knowledge of the covered
topics in the block. Students will take the exam on the school premises, on their scheduled dates.
In the event the student is absent from the exam, their parents/ tutors must contact P.S. Cristina
Matos at in order to present a formal excuse and reschedule it.
IMPORTANT: End-of-semester exams cannot be rescheduled.

Contact: or chat on Moodle.

From Monday to Friday at 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Teaching hours: Mondays through Fridays 9:00 AM – 1:30 PM

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