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Intensive & Critical Care Nursing 63 (2021) 102965

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Research Article

The risk of microaspiration during oral care in mechanically ventilated

patients: A randomised cross-over study comparing two different
suction protocols
Marion Griton a, Natacha Naud a, Didier Gruson a,d, Aurélie Bedel b,c, Alexandre Boyer a,d,⇑
Medical Intensive Care Unit, CHU Bordeaux, F33000 Bordeaux, France
Biochemistry Laboratory, CHU Bordeaux, F-33000 Bordeaux, France
Univ Bordeaux, INSERM U1035, F-33000 Bordeaux, France
Univ Bordeaux, INSERM U1045, F-33000 Bordeaux, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objectives: To assess whether optimised oral care including subglottic suction could reduce microaspira-
Received 26 May 2020 tion in comparison with a routine oral care.
Revised 12 October 2020 Research methodology/design: An open prospective study comparing optimized versus a routine oral
Accepted 13 October 2020
care procedure in two randomised crossover consecutive periods of one day each. Optimised oral care
consisted of suction via the subglottic suction port before and after a 10 seconds chlorhexidine oral care,
compared with no use of the port during routine care.
Setting: Single-centre inclusion of critically ill patients ventilated for 48 hours with a subglottic suction
Endotracheal tube
endotracheal tube, no curare, Ramsay score not <3, and semi-quantitative assessments of tracheal
Microaspiration secretions  ++.
Oral care Main outcome measures: Amylase being a relevant surrogate for oropharyngeal content, microaspirations
Subglottic suction were defined by tracheal/oral amylase ratio.
Ventilator-associated pneumonia Results: 21 patients (11 and 10 with routine and optimised care in the first day respectively) with no base-
line difference in risk of microaspiration. Neither difference in tracheal amylase amount or in tracheal/oral
amylase ratio (1.5% (0.7%–16%) and 2.3% (0.6%–6%), p = 0.37) was observed indicating that microaspirations
were not significantly decreased after optimized versus routine oral care.
Conclusion: Suctioning by the subglottic port of endotracheal tubes may not decrease the risk of microaspi-
ration during oral care of ventilated patients.
Ó 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

Implications for clinical practice

 Oral care comes with an inherent risk of microaspiration even when endotracheal tube cuffs are adequately inflated
 Manual suction with a syringe connected to the subglottic port of the endotracheal tube during oral care does not decrease

Introduction taminated secretions from the mouth (Blot et al., 2014). Despite
the paucity of evidence showing its benefit in most patients
Microaspiration of oropharyngeal secretions contaminated by (Klompas et al., 2014), oral chlorhexidine treatment has been
endogenous flora is a prerequisite of ventilator-associated included in most bundles and recommendations (web site). How-
pneumonia (VAP). Oral care contributes to the clearance of con- ever, oral care is not clearly standardised. It usually includes oral
rinses with antiseptic solutions, tooth brushing, and repeated suc-
⇑ Corresponding author at: CHU Bordeaux, Medical Intensive Care Unit, F-33000 tion. Oropharyngeal and tracheal suction can induce the cough
Bordeaux, France. reflex in non-paralysed patients, leading to mobilisation of the
E-mail address: (A. Boyer).
0964-3397/Ó 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
M. Griton, N. Naud, D. Gruson et al. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing 63 (2021) 102965

endotracheal tube. Consecutive bolus aspiration of contaminated Ethical aproval

subglottic secretions should thus occur. Alpha-amylase is a
recently developed biomarker for microaspiration and has been Surrogates of the patient provided informed consent. The study
proposed by many research teams, including ours (Filloux et al., was approved by the ethics committee of our hospital. In the data
2013), to assess their amount (Dewavrin et al., 2014; Filloux section VAP means ventilator-associated pneumonia The ethics
et al., 2013; Weiss et al., 2013). In a recent randomised study using approval number is 2013-A00835-40. It has been delivered by the
this biomarker, no evidence of microaspiration decrease has been Comité de Protection des Personnes Sud-Ouest et Outre Mer III. I
observed in a group of patients receiving a deep oropharyngeal join it.
suction intervention compared with patients receiving usual care
(Sole et al. 2019). As subglottic suctioning endotracheal tubes can Participants
be used as part of VAP prevention strategies (Branch-Elliman et al.,
2015), we hypothesised that the drainage of subglottic secretions All adult ICU patients ventilated for at least 48 hours with a sub-
in specified phases of oral care, before the start of oral care and glottic suction endotracheal tube (ISIS, Teleflex) were eligible.
before oro-tracheal suction, could reduce microaspiration. Patients with sufficient amount of tracheal secretions to allow
the amylase dosage (semi-quantitative assessments of tracheal
Methods secretions  ++ on a scale consisting of 0, +, ++, and +++) and no
exclusion criterion were included. Exclusion criteria were cystic
Research question fibrosis, bronchiectasis, pregnancy and protective measure status.
In addition, patients receiving, neuromuscular blocking agents,
The aim of this study was to assess whether an optimised oral who were awake (Ramsay score 1–2) and/or under pressure sup-
care including subglottic suction could reduce microaspiration. port ventilation with the decision to withhold/withdraw life-
sustaining treatment, those with contraindications to tracheal
Setting aspiration (hemorrhagic risk, bronchospasm, PaO2/FIO2 ratio < 100,
or tracheal malformation or fistula), and those with closed endo-
This pilot open prospective study was conducted in a 13-beds tracheal aspiration systems were excluded.
medical intensive care unit (ICU) of a teaching hospital. The study
was performed during an 18 months period and compared patients Data collection
receiving two different oral care procedures (optimized versus
routine) in two randomised crossover consecutive periods of For each included patient, the study lasted two days. Trained,
one day each. critical care nurses had a role of research assistants for the study.

Fig. 1. Description of the cross-over design of the study.

M. Griton, N. Naud, D. Gruson et al. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing 63 (2021) 102965

Two different oral care procedures were compared in two ran- 2 (2–5) days. Ten and 11 patients received optimised-routine and
domised crossover consecutive periods of one day each (Fig. 1). routine-optimized oral care, respectively. The percentage of
According to randomisation, routine or optimised oral care was patients with natremia > 145 mmol/L, the amount of secretions
selected for the first one day period, and was followed by another suctioned at 2 pm and 6 pm, the number of tracheal suctions per-
one day period with the alternate oral care protocol. Routine oral formed between 10 am and 6 pm and baseline (10 am) tracheal/
care consisting of, in sequence, oral suction, 10 seconds chlorhex- oral amylase ratios did not differ significantly between day 1 and
idine rinse, tooth brushing and tracheal suction, was performed day 2. The entire routine and optimised oral care procedures lasted
(Fig. 2). During the other period, patients received optimized oral 7.3 ± 1.3 and 9.4 ± 1.4 min, respectively (p < 0.001).
care. The optimisation was based on the hypothesis that subglottic The respective amounts of amylase in oral suctions were similar
suction would subsequently reduce microaspiration prompted by in the routine and optimized groups [200.400 (62.700–586.354)
oral suction or oral care. It therefore consisted of, in sequence, sub- and 182.200 (54.000–423.100) IU/L; p = 0.86]. The subglottic suc-
glottic suction (suction 1) before oral suction, 10 seconds chlorhex- tion amylase level in the optimized group was 75.420 (27.735–
idine rinse, tooth brushing, a second subglottic suction (suction 2), 218.120) IU/L. No difference in the amount of amylase in tracheal
and finally tracheal suction (Fig. 2). Every suction was standard- suctions was observed between the routine and optimised groups
ized: oral suction was performed through a Yankauer cannula [2.429 (1.226–5.842) and 3.246 (1.385–12.881) IU/L, respectively].
and lasted 20 seconds, tracheal suction consisted of suction with The median tracheal/oral amylase ratio was not significantly
a 10 french guage flexible cannula lasting 10 seconds and subglot- decreased after optimised or routine oral care [1.5% (0.7%–16%)
tic suction consisted of manual suction using a 10-cc syringe con- and 2.3% (0.6%–6%), respectively; p = 0.37; Fig. 4]. These results
nected to the subglottic port. Oral care was performed three times did not differ when adjusted to baseline (10 am) tracheal/oral amy-
each day at 10 am, 2 pm, and 6 pm. Other VAP prevention strate- lase ratios.
gies or routine practices included enteral nutrition, semi-
recumbent positioning. To specifically avoid microaspirations due
to the endotracheal tube suction, a minimal level of positive end-
expiratory pressure of 5cm and cuff pressure adjustment
In this pilot study, despite protection of the trachea by the
(25 mmHg) was regularly checked (Chair et al. 2019).
endotracheal tube cuff, amylase was found in tracheal suction
samples from the last step of a standardized oral care procedure.
Outcome measures Indeed, oropharyngeal content may continuously reach the trachea
past the cuff. This mechanism may be independent of oral care per
Amylase enzymatic activity was measured, as described previ- se. However, oral care is a risk factor for microaspiration because it
ously, for the oral, tracheal, subglottic 1 and 2 suctions. Amylase is can induce movement of the endotracheal tube within the trachea,
considered to be a relevant surrogate for oropharyngeal content spontaneous patient movement and changes in trans-cuff pressure
(Dewavrin et al., 2014; Filloux et al., 2013; Nseir et al., 2011; as a result of suctioning (Chair et al., 2020). However, no decrease
Weiss et al., 2013). If present in tracheal suctions, it quantitatively in microaspiration was demonstrated when subglottic suction was
defines microaspiration (Dewavrin et al., 2014; Filloux et al., 2013; interleaved between oral and tracheal suctions. This study may
Nseir et al., 2011). Chlorhexidine has been shown to have a neutral then suggest that optimized oral care is ineffective in comparison
effect on the amylase quantity (Filloux et al., 2013). As the amount to routine care which may be due to the inability of subglottic suc-
of amylase in tracheal suctions is potentially influenced by the tion to prevent the microaspiration of oro-pharyngeal content dur-
amount of amylase in oral suctions, we used the amylase tracheal/ ing oral care. The use of a cross-over design allows patients specific
oral ratio as the primary assessment. The 10 am amylase tracheal/ factors to be controlled. Tracheal and oral amylase levels and the
oral ratio was considered to be the baseline measure of cuff leakage tracheal/oral ratio were similar to those previously reported by
risk (due to individual factors such as awakeness, cough reflex). The our previous study [4] [tracheal 6.661 (2.774–19.358) IU/L, sub-
median value of the 2 pm and 6 pm amylase tracheal/oral ratios was glottic 130.750 (55.257–157.717) IU/L, oral 307.606 (200.725–
defined as the primary outcome and compared between the routine 461.300) IU/L, tracheal/oral ratio 5.5% (1.1%–36%)] and to those
and optimized groups. It was adjusted to the baseline 10 am tra- of Nandapalan et al. (1995) (tracheal/oral ratio 10%), which
cheal/oral ratio to better assess the specific effect of the oral care strengthens the external validity of this marker.
protocol. Exposure variables potentially affecting the quality of
secretions, such as natremia, cholinergic, anticholinergic, or neu-
roleptic treatment; and the amount of tracheal suction since inclu- Limitations
sion and between study measurements were also assessed.
Two limitations, leading to a biased underestimation of the op-
timized care protective effect, deserve to be discussed. First, amy-
Data analysis
lase may have remained in trachea between the 2 pm and 6 pm
measurements since the rate of amylase tracheal clearance is not
Continuous variables were compared using the paired t-test or
known. However, the variations in individual patients’ amylase
Wilcoxon signed-rank test when appropriate for the matched
levels within the same day (i.e., 2 pm vs. 6 pm) support active amy-
paired series. Categorical variables were compared using Fisher’s
lase clearance. No automatic cuff pressure adjustment was used in
exact test. P values < 0.05 were considered to indicate statistical
the study and we cannot eliminate that microaspirations occurred
significance. All data were analysed and processed using SAS 9.2
during the manometer connection (which was systematically per-
software (SAS Institute, Cary, NC).
formed before oral care) (Nseir et al., 2011). This study has other
limitations. It was a single-centre pilot study with no sample size
Results calculation; therefore, increased power may have yielded more sig-
nificant results. However, in this study, the estimated decrease in
Twenty-four patients were enrolled and 21 were included in the microaspiration in patients receiving optimised vs. routine oral
final analysis (three patients progressed to Ramsay score 1–2 dur- care seems to have been very limited and not clinically relevant.
ing the 2 study days) (Fig. 3). Most patients (SAPSII 51 ± 16) were Also, patients included in this study were not deeply sedated, with
ventilated due to respiratory failure (48%) for a median duration of Ramsay scores of 3 and 4. No Ramsay score difference was
M. Griton, N. Naud, D. Gruson et al. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing 63 (2021) 102965

Fig. 2. Description of the routine vs. optimized oral care protocols.

M. Griton, N. Naud, D. Gruson et al. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing 63 (2021) 102965

Fig. 3. Flow chart of the study.

Fig. 4. Comparison of amylase tracheal/oral median ratio afetr optimized versus routine oral care.

observed between groups. However, this status could have be more prone to detect oral care specific effect and limit
favoured microaspiration and led to the absence of difference microaspirations due to agitation. Accordingly, automatic cuff
between groups. Finally, in this study, no continuous subglottic pressure management should be used. Finally, if clinical endpoints
suction was used between oral care procedures since it has been such as the incidence of ventilated associated tracheobronchitis or
associated with tracheal injuries (Berra et al., 2004). Had the sub- pneumonia were to be chosen, routine or optimised oral cares
glottic zone been continuously suctioned, the effect of optimised should be randomised in separate patients.
oral care might have been modified. The amount of subglottic
secretions would have probably been decreased, then limiting Conclusion
the risk of microaspiration associated with the oral care procedure.
According to these limitations, should another study been fur- Suctioning the subglottic port of endotracheal tubes may not
ther designed, several issues should be pointed. A multi-centre decrease the risk of microaspiration during oral care of ICU venti-
study with an increased sample size should be designed. Patients lated patients. The single-centre design of the study however
needing more sedation for deeper and longer hypoxaemia would precludes the generalisation of this conclusion. This study was
M. Griton, N. Naud, D. Gruson et al. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing 63 (2021) 102965

not designed to assess whether the use of subglottic suctioning of References

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This study has been funded by TELEFLEX MEDICAL SAS, La Sole, M.L., Talbert, S., Yan, X., Penoyer, D., Mehta, D., Bennett, M., Emery, K.P.,
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Clinical registration number Bronchoalveolar lavage amylase is associated with risk factors for aspiration
and predicts bacterial pneumonia. Crit. Care Med. 41 (3), 765–773. (n°NCT01807884).

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