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in Social Sciences Research Journal – Vol. 9, No. 4

Publication Date: April 25, 2022


Whiteside, M., & Herndon, J. M. (2022). Chemtrails and Covid-19: Two Faces of Evil. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal,

9(4). 184-200.

Chemtrails and Covid-19: Two Faces of Evil

Mark Whiteside, M.D., M.P.H.
Florida Department of Health, Key West, FL 33040 USA

J. Marvin Herndon, Ph.D.
Transdyne Corporation, San Diego, CA 92131 US

Chemtrails and Covid-19, two faces of Evil, threaten all life on our planet solely for
political reasons. If we are to have a viable future on this planet, a critical mass of
humanity must wake up to the atrocities of the ongoing chemtrail and biological
operations. People must break out of their mass formation hypnosis and
distractions, start to look up, and bear witness to the terrible suffering of the
natural world around us. We are not separate entities from the rest of the
biosphere: if the forests die, the wildlife dies, and the oceans die, we too will die. Our
time is short – action is urgently needed now to salvage what remains of our natural
life support systems and give our children a healthy and viable future.

Chemtrails crisscrossing the skies have been witnessed by untold millions (if not billions) since
the beginning of the 21st Century, and yet the masses are repeatedly told that these jet-sprayed
particulate trails are jet-exhaust “contrails” consisting of harmless ice crystals. This deliberate
deception, the terrible secret “hidden in plain sight,” is maintained internationally across
cultures, and it surely represents one of the biggest and most destructive lies ever told (Figure
1). How has this utter chemtrail-caused destruction been allowed to happen? Are people blind?
Do they not look up? Do they not question?

Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom

Whiteside, M., & Herndon, J. M. (2022). Chemtrails and Covid-19: Two Faces of Evil. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 9(4). 184-200.

Figure 1. Chemtrails with photographers’ permission. Clockwise from upper left: New York,
New York, USA (Mementosis); Warrington, Cheshire, UK (Catherine Singleton); Alderney, UK
looking toward France (Neil Howard); Luxembourg (Paul Berg)

It is hard to imagine that most people cannot recognize a normal blue sky or a natural cloud
compared to the jet-sprayed material that fans-out to leave a milky haze across the sky. We are
both told and expected to believe that we are not seeing what we are seeing. Indeed, the truly
deceived can be shown a chemtrail and will respond “conspiracy theory.” The success of this
pervasive deception can be explained by mass formation psychosis, a type of hypnosis of the
masses that leads to an extreme narrowing of attention and makes people only see what is
indicated by a the “official” narrative.

According to Professor Mattias Desmet [1], mass formation refers to the process of the
formation of a crowd or mass, a phenomenon studied for over one hundred years. “Once you
understand the basic mechanisms through which individual’s personality is in the grip of the
opinion of other people, you understand the elementary mechanisms at work in the enormous
psychological processes that are happening when a mass emerges in a society.” He argues that the
psychological process of mass formation has grown stronger over the past two centuries and it
eventually leads to totalitarian thinking and the emergence of totalitarian states. Mass
formation psychosis explains Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia, and the “witch hunts” in Europe
and America in the 16th and 17th centuries. The most glaring example is Germany in the 1930s
and 1940s, where a civilized, highly educated, “liberal” population would “go crazy,” and stand
by as millions of their innocent countrymen were slaughtered. As Gustave Le Bon wrote in his
influential book The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, “The masses have never thirsted after
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truth, whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master, whoever attempts to destroy
their illusions is always their victim” [2].

Desmet argues that totalitarianism is characterized by processes of large-scale mass formation.
Four conditions needed for large scale mass formation include:
• A high percentage of people who feel alone and isolated,
• Many people who feel their lives are pointless or lack meaning,
• High levels of anxiety and fear, and
• High levels of frustration and aggression.

Under these conditions (prevalent in our current times), a narrative is distributed through the
mass media which portrays a subject of anxiety (or threat) and provides a strategy to deal with
this anxiety or threat. Since this strategy promises to reduce fear and anxiety, there is a great
willingness to participate in this “solution to the problem.” At the same time, the field of
attention gets narrower until it contains only the part of reality indicated by the narrative and
people lose their capacity to recognize other aspects of reality [1].

In the case of chemtrails, the official narrative is that runaway global warming is caused by
carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases and it has now become a dire emergency that can
only be relieved by radical technological means IN THE FUTURE, like the spraying of a “sun-
screen for Earth.” The hypnotized masses who are constantly bombarded with lies and
misrepresentations cannot process totally contradictory information, e.g. the reality that the
jet-spraying has been going on for decades and it is making the global warming unimaginably

When people are inundated with a narrative that targets and describes an object of fear and
anxiety, and a strategy for coping with it, then many people will band together to battle the
perceived threat with a collective singlemindedness. This laser focus on the threat and its
“solution,” relieves anxiety and the group becomes increasingly bonded and connected. Leaders
of the movement may find they are worshipped and can do no wrong. A society or culture under
the spell of mass formation will support a totalitarian governance structure capable of
otherwise unthinkable actions in order to maintain compliance.

Another consequence of mass formation is the intolerance of dissenting voices. If someone
claims the official narrative is false and new information threatens to wake people up, they may
be confronted by their previous fears and anxiety and direct their aggression at the dissenting
individual and/or his or her viewpoint. Although it is extremely difficult to wake up the masses,
at least speaking out and exposing the truth may help prevent some of the biggest crimes. Some
leaders or dictators may be hypnotized themselves and believe their own lies, but that isn’t the
case in the modern technological state. In this instance the globalist controllers cannot help but
be fully aware of the ongoing, covert “climate intervention” operations taking place around the

Dr. Robert Malone, one of the developers of the messenger RNA (mRNA) platforms, has recently
suggested that mass formation hypnosis has been employed to push the COVID-19 narrative
[3]. He claims that with mass hypnosis a large percentage of the population is completely unable

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to process emerging scientific data and individuals have been lied to and misled about the
effectiveness and adverse effects of mandatory mask use, lockdowns, and the new genetic
vaccines (e.g. mRNA vaccines) that cause people’s bodies to make the potentially toxic
coronavirus spike protein. He says that too many people have blindly accepted experimental
vaccines that lacked adequate testing and that were administered without proper informed
consent. It has become evident that vaccines do not work as we were told (especially against
new COVID variants) and they are not “safe and effective.”

Psychological manipulation of the media and Big Tech has consistently distorted the facts and
increasingly authoritarian governments have been willing to impose harsh COVID-19
restrictions and mandates. As first revealed by author and journalist Laura Dodsworth,
scientists in the United Kingdom admitted using “unethical” and “totalitarian” methods in order
to instill fear in the populations to control their behavior [4]. In a coordinated propaganda and
censorship response, the BBC-led Trusted News Initiative, the “Scientific Elite,” the
transnational investment funds and their World Economic Forum allies which control Big
Pharma use crowd psychology tools to advance their agendas on a global scale.

Genetically modified plants, animals, and microbes are complimentary to chemtrail alteration
of the environment in the same way that bio-warfare is related to global environmental warfare
[5]. The bulk of scientific evidence to date indicates that the chimeric structure and furin
cleavage site of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) was the result of human manipulation [6]. SARS-CoV-
2 is unique among other beta-coronaviruses not only in its furin site at the spike 1-2 junction,
but also in the four amino acid codons that code for this site. These findings of extreme low
probability strongly suggest the furin cleavage site was inserted into the virus genome in a
controlled manner [7, 8]. Furthermore, genomic evidence indicates that the receptor binding
domain (RBD) of SARS-CoV-2 was genetically altered, and strongly resembles that of the
original SARS-CoV-1. The RBD within the spike protein determines the host specificity of the

Dating back to 2008, Ralph Baric and others showed that infectious recombinant viruses could
be created in the lab by replacing a bat coronavirus spike receptor binding domain with the
SARS-CoV-1 RBD [9]. Scientific studies confirm that both cleavage site and specific RBD can
result from so-called site directed mutagenesis, a procedure that may not leave a trace [10].
Synthetically generating potential pre-emergent coronaviruses (i.e. in gain-of-function
experiments) was a declared goal of federal grants (e.g. from the National Institutes of Health –
NIH) funneled through the Eco Health Alliance, which in turn funded research at the Institute
of Virology in Wuhan, China in collaboration with laboratories in the U.S. and elsewhere [11].

Patents relating to SARS-type coronavirus structure, spike protein, treatment, and vaccines
between 2002 and 2020 indicate a foreknowledge of the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the many
patents on SARS coronaviruses identified by Dr. David Martin, one is from Dr. Ralph Baric
(University of North Carolina) in 2002 (U.S. Patent No. 7,279,327) for “an infectious, replication
defective, coronavirus particle that specifically targets lung epithelial cells.” The U.S. Centers for
Disease Control filed a patent in 2003 for the entire gene sequence for the original SARS
coronavirus (U.S. Patent No. 7,220,852) and later patents for the gene sequence of SARS
coronavirus and the means for detecting it using RT PCR testing. The CDC secured these patents
after appeal in 2007. All told, there were over 70 patents issued for unique features of SARS
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coronavirus and its spike protein before 2019 [12]. Under the Bayh-Dole act, the U.S.
government is entitled to benefit from research they have funded [13]. It has recently come to
light that a 2018 Moderna patent (U.S. Patent No. 9,587,003) was for a “cancer gene,” (MSH3)
found in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. In the words of a recent scientific article, “a BLAST
(Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) search revealed that a 19 nucleotide portion of the SARS-
CoV-2 genome encompassing the furin cleavage site is a 100% complementary match to a
codon-optimized proprietary sequence that is the reverse complement of the human mutS
homolog (MSH3).” Researchers estimate the chance of this happening naturally is less than one
in a trillion [14]. It is noteworthy that the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Moderna
entered into an agreement in 2019 to co-develop coronavirus vaccines before the identification
and spread of COVID-19 [15].

Just how “safe” are the new COVID-19 genetic vaccines? The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting
System (VAERS) in the U.S. shows that serious reactions and deaths after COVID-19 vaccination
exceed all other vaccines combined since 1990 [16]. A freedom of information (FOIA) request
revealed that over 1200 deaths and thousands of severe reactions were reported from the
Pfizer vaccine during the first three months of its use [17]. COVID vaccines do not deliver virus,
but rather the RNA blueprint to make spike protein. SARS-CoV2 spike protein circulates after
vaccination [18], and it is likely responsible for the serious reactions and deaths after COVID-
19 vaccination [19]. The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 virus alone (by itself) can damage
vascular endothelial cells by downregulating ACE2 receptors and consequently inhibiting
mitochondrial function [20]. Vaccine induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia and
cerebral venous sinus thrombosis are known rare adverse reactions to viral vectored COVID
vaccines [21]. A recombinant spike protein alone (without the virus) can elicit functional
changes in heart vascular pericytes which may explain the complication of myocarditis after
vaccination with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines [22].

How effective are COVID vaccines? The “vaccine only” approach to the pandemic has not proven
scientific nor has it controlled the pandemic. While COVID-19 vaccines thus far may protect
against more acute, serious illness, they do not prevent infection or transmission of the virus
[23, 24]. Attempts to develop vaccines to the original SARS virus failed due to antibody
dependent enhancement (ADE), which is associated with waning antibodies over time [25]. The
significant risk of ADE should have been and should be disclosed to vaccine recipients [26].
Changes in the antigenic determinants on SARS-CoV-2 virus spike protein are a possible cause
of antibody-dependent enhancement of virus infection [27]. Facilitating or enhancing (i.e. non-
neutralizing) antibodies have been shown to have increased affinity for the potentially deadly
COVID Delta variant [28]. For COVID-Omicron, neutralizing epitopes are greatly affected,
suggesting that current vaccines will offer little protection against these newer variants [29].
“Leaky” vaccines that allow ongoing transmission can create conditions that promote the
emergence of pathogen strains that evade antibody protection and pose risks to vaccinated,
unvaccinated, and previously infected alike [30]. Mass vaccination during a pandemic promotes
viral resistance to COVID-19, which drives enhanced infectiousness and ultimately enables the
virus to utilize alternative methods to enter and infect permissive cells. Prevailing COVID-19
variants can be quantitatively explained by infectivity-strengthening and vaccine-induced
evolutionary pressure. There is therefore an urgent need to develop new virus combating
strategies [31].

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SARS-CoV-2 infection presents as a broad clinical spectrum, ranging from asymptomatic or mild
disease to life-threating and fatal disease. Disease severity is largely determined by the host
immunological response. Anti-spike IgG antibodies neutralize virus entry into the angiotensin
converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2)-bearing cells, but can enhance virus internalization into
macrophages, monocytes and B-cells by an IgG/FcyRII-dependent mechanism [32] (Figure 2).

SARS-CoV-2 antibodies may drive an inflammatory response through the classical complement
pathway and via cellular immune-complex activation. The combination of antibody-mediated
complement activation and subsequent cellular priming could result in severe COVID-19
disease [33]. There is accumulating evidence that COVID-19 is a multi-system, antibody, and
immune complex mediated disease. This emerging paradigm could be easily disproved or
confirmed experimentally for both severe COVID disease and vaccine immunity [34, 35].
COVID-19 as an immune complex hypersensitivity in antigen excess conditions might occur in
3 phases:
• 1) A viral phase that is asymptomatic or weakly symptomatic,
• 2) An immune phase with antigen (virus) excess resulting in immune complex
formation, and
• 3) A severe hemo-vascular phase with complement-mediated tissue damage.

Thus, COVID-19 could begin as a simple viral infection, develop as a diffuse immune complex
hypersensitivity, and then, especially in vulnerable hosts, explode into a systemic hemo-
vascular disease [36]. Soluble immune complexes composed of COVID-19 spike protein and
related antibodies provoke plate activation and thrombosis like that seen in heparin-induced
thrombocytopenia [37]. It has been shown that aberrant glycosylation of anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike
IgG antibody is a prothrombotic stimulus for platelets [38].

Figure 2. From [32]

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COVID-19 vaccines to date “mis-train” the immune system to recognize only the spike protein
of the original Wuhan strain of the virus. The currently used COVID vaccines are given by
intramuscular injection and do not prevent infection or transmission from the nose and upper
airways where mucosal immunity is important [39]. COVID “booster shots” not only do not
provide protection from newer SARS-CoV-2 variants, they may pose risks of ADE and dose-
related toxicity from the spike protein. Early and/or non-neutralizing antibodies bind to the
virus and the resulting virus-containing immune complexes are taken up by Fc receptors on
monocytes and macrophages. Newer strains of SARS-CoV-2 like the currently dominant
Omicron group (BA1 and BA2) utilize different cell receptors including the Fc receptors and are
thus able to “hijack” immune cells and travel throughout the body. SARS-CoV-2 virus is found
in multiple organ systems and vascular endothelia in autopsy studies [40]. In this regard a
hallmark of immune complex disease is viral persistence [41]. Recent studies show the
persistence of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in immune cells many months after infection, and/or
vaccination [42]. While COVID Omicron strains thus far cause “milder disease,” viral persistence
is likely to lead to later health complications and a significant contribution to underlying
disease. It has become evident that COVID-19 can result in long-term symptoms, post-acute
sequelae, and various residual effects in many “recovered” individuals [43, 44]. It is particularly
disturbing that imaging studies show brain damage even after some mild SARS-CoV-2
infections [45]. The newer highly mutated Omicron family of variants are highly contagious and
highly immune evasive. While they often cause asymptomatic or mild disease, they may
represent “Silent Killers,” capable of spreading globally and causing more severe disease over
time, especially with repeated exposure.

Air pollution is the greatest killer of our age and a major contributor to non-communicable
disease [46]. A growing body of evidence suggests that air pollution is an important cofactor in
the spread and severity of COVID-19. As we have shown, ultrafine combustion-type particles,
like those in coal fly ash, have major effects on the world’s cloud layer, the hydrological cycle,
and global warming. The magnetic, iron-bearing pollution particles found in human tissue
match those in coal fly ash. The near-universal contamination of human tissue and cells with
ultrafine pollution particles produces toxicity primarily by mitochondrial dysfunction and
endoplasmic reticulum stress [47]. COVID-19 and its spike protein cause similar toxicity on the
subcellular level [48]. Iron dysregulation (caused by misplaced or excessive reactive iron)
characterizes many chronic illnesses and severe COVID-19 infections [49]. The pandemics of
air pollution, non-communicable disease, and COVID-19 are thus all interrelated and

As described in a recently published book [50], Figure 3, chemtrails, evidenced as consisting
mainly of coal fly ash, the waste product of coal-burning, is a toxic nightmare that mixes with
the air we breathe. Aerosolized coal fly ash is a significant risk factor for COPD and respiratory
disease [51], lung cancer [52], and neurodegenerative disease [53], and is potentially a major
agent in the globally-catastrophic demise of insects [54], bats [55], birds [56], and forests [57]
as well as exacerbating increases in harmful algae in water bodies [58], poisoning the
environment with mercury [59], and destroying the ozone layer that protects life from harmful
solar ultraviolet radiation [60]. These converging catastrophes represent an existential threat
to humanity, especially in the wider context of the numerous anthropogenic threats to the
biosphere. The global nature of these problems shows they can only be tackled by international
cooperation. Complacency about the dangers of air pollution and the deadly “code of silence,”
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specifically regarding ongoing “covert” chemtrails, must be broken if the world is to have any
chance of controlling these public health emergencies.

Figure 3. Cover image of a recently published book, available from [50]

Modern science and medicine are based on what is the greatest “false paradigm” of all, the
biochemical-mechanistic conception of life. The technological explosion over the past century
reinforced the notion that “magic bullets” would cure disease and solve most of the world’s
problems. The discovery of DNA as the basis of heredity strengthened the Darwinian concept
of natural selection and unfortunately reduced living organisms to the composition of their DNA
base pairs. Dr. Robert Becker (who proved the existence of bioelectricity) outlines “three wrong
turns” taken by the technological revolution [61]:
• The exclusion of electromagnetism from the study of life,
• The reduction of life to chemical machinery, and
• The broad acceptance of technological advances without questioning their biological

These disastrous wrong turns have led to a situation where global ecosystems are collapsing,
life’s support systems (for example, the stratospheric ozone layer) are threatened, our health
is declining, and new plagues are upon us. Our unrestricted use of electromagnetic energy has
produced a global environment hazardous to human life [62]. The chemical-mechanistic
doctrine has created a complex web of interrelationships among scientists, physicians, Big

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Pharma, Big Tech, and government. One of the main supports for legitimacy in modern cultures
is scientific and technological expertise. When scientists and government officials agree on a
policy or practice (or “consensus”), this provides persuasive justification for their actions [63].
Any attempts to inform the public about the grave hazards of, for example, ongoing chemtrail
operations, is met with suppression or disinformation [64]. Digital and social media offer new
tools for expanding state surveillance and control of the “official narrative” [65].

Why the deception? Why the deceit? Why the destruction? What is the endgame?
Eight years ago, when we first began to be concerned about chemtrails, it was easy to believe
that the U.S. military was engaged in perfecting the techniques of weather warfare. After all, in
1996 the U.S. Air Force had published a document entitled “Weather as a Force Multiplier:
Owning the Weather by 2025” [66]. Moreover, in 1997 Secretary of Defense William Cohen
directly stated [67]: “Others are engaging…in an eco-type terrorism whereby they can alter the
climate, set off earthquakes, [and] volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic
waves….It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our efforts.”

Historically, the military has exhibited little or no concern for the health and wellbeing of its
own citizens when what it perceives as “national security” goals are at stake. During the 1950s
and 1960s, more than one hundred nuclear devices were detonated above ground in Nevada
(USA) [68]. Without being told of the potential health risks, thousands of military personnel
were deliberately exposed to nuclear blasts, including “war game” maneuvers that took place
directly beneath the atomic clouds [69, 70]. Nor were local residents clearly informed of the
risks or provided with ways to minimize those risks [69]. Radioactive fallout occurred not only
in the area near the nuclear blasts, but as winds propelled the radioactive cloud across the
United States, fallout occurred along the paths, shown in Figure 4, that depended upon weather

Figure 4. U.S. Department of Energy image showing areas of the continental United States
crossed by more than one nuclear cloud from aboveground detonations as indicated in black
during the 1950s-1960s
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Eventually, atmospheric nuclear aboveground testing came to an end, but only as the result of
public outcry over news reports that bomb-produced radioactive strontium-90, found in cows’
milk, posed dangers of being incorporated into the teeth and bones of infants and children
especially [71]. That was a time when many in the scientific and medical communities were
genuinely concerned for humanity, unlike the present.

There is no doubt that the U.S. military would capitalize on any technological advances
perceived to be of benefit to its mission. However, evidence emerged that the underlying basis
of the chemtrail activity was more widespread, and more diabolical. Chemtrail activity became
a near-daily, near-global operation with many citizens voicing concern [72]. Not only are the
chemtrail activities international, but allegedly commercial airlines are involved, not just
military aircraft [73].

About the chemtrails, a strange omertà – the code of silence – has pervaded international
officialdom, including the medical and scientific communities. Like the mainstream news
media, atmospheric and climate scientists avoided considering the consequences of, or even
mentioning, the very obvious atmospheric manipulation [74], and misleading claims were
made that the aerial particulate-trails are just harmless ice-crystal contrails [64]. But the most
disquieting pervasive omertà in our experience was, and is, perpetrated by the medical and
public health community.

As credentialed professionals we have submitted for publication Commentaries and
Perspectives warning of the global health risks of the tropospheric particulate aerial spraying
to the Bulletin of the World Health Organization, The Lancet, and Environmental Health
Perspectives, the latter being a publication of the U.S. National Institutes of Health [75]. In each
case our submission was rejected without benefit of peer-review.

One of us (JMH) submitted a manuscript to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
(USA) [PNAS] entitled “New Evidence of Aerosolized Toxins in the Lower Atmosphere”. Instead
of the manuscript being sent out for peer review, the PNAS Editorial Board flatly rejected the
paper because it “lacked the broad appeal necessary for further consideration by the journal”

There is a widespread, concerted effort, presumably made in conjunction with the intelligence
community, to deceive the public and the scientific, medical and public health communities into
believing the toxic particulate trails are harmless ice-crystal contrails [77]. Their operatives
were responsible for coercing editors of public health journals to retract two peer-reviewed
and published public health articles without ever allowing the author (JMH) to see and respond
to their allegations [78, 79]. Moreover his reputation has been smeared on disinformation
websites and his Wikipedia page marginalized and perverted. Deliberate public deception of
the adverse health risks of the aerial particulate spraying is clear evidence that those who order
the spraying do so knowing that the public’s health will be jeopardized.

We used forensic methodologies to determine the devastating consequences of chemtrails on
human and environmental health based upon numerous publications in the peer-reviewed
scientific and medical literature. Amid the intense degree of secrecy, for a number of years one
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question perplexed us and reviewers as well: What is the legal basis for chemtrail activities?
Then we made that discovery.

Environmental warfare was documented during the Viet Nam War with the wide-spread use of
the chemical defoliant, Agent Orange [80], and with cloud seeding operations to cause
additional rainfall over the Ho Chi Minh Trail to impede movement of troops and supplies [81].
Nevertheless, unlike nuclear warfare, which previously had been released from Pandora’s Box
[82], environmental warfare was yet in its infancy. Preventing environmental warfare was an
idea people everywhere might willingly embrace. But as we revealed [83], the hope of
preventing environmental warfare was the key for realizing a means to co-opt sovereign
nations into waging covert, highly destructive environmental warfare against their own
citizens. The means involved deceiving leaders of sovereign nations into signing onto a
deceptively-worded “Trojan horse” international treaty, sometimes referred to as ENMOD [84].
The United Nations international treaty, “Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any
Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques,” through concerted efforts by the
United States and the Soviet Union [85] was entered into force on October 5, 1978 [84].

The following are highlights of a legal critique of ENMOD [84] published previously [83].

Logically, the term “environmental modification techniques”, that which is being prohibited,
should be defined prior to its prohibition. But that is not the case here. The term “environmental
modification techniques”, is defined quite precisely and in the broadest possible terms in Article
II, which states: “As used in article 1, the term “environmental modification techniques” refers to
any technique for changing – through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes – the
dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and
atmosphere, or of outer space.”

The “prohibitive terminology” Article I is not prohibitive at all as it uses the non-binding phrase
“undertakes not to” instead of the prohibitive “shall not” which would carry the force of law.

Article III actually mandates compliance on activities not connected in any way with the subject
expressed by the ENMOD [84] title. It is a Trojan horse: Article III deceptively mandates
environmental modification not at all indicated by its title:
• Article III, Section 1, by the use of shall, mandates that there shall be no prohibition
whatsoever on the use of environmental modification techniques “for peaceful
• Article III Section 2, although confusingly written, is clearly understandable when some
of the unessential words are removed: “States Parties ... shall contribute, alone or together
with other States or international organizations, in the preservation,
improvement and peaceful utilization of the environment.”

ENMOD does not prohibit environmental warfare, but instead mandates environmental
modification within the range and domain described by Article II that is not connected by intent
with its title. Moreover, ENMOD fails to define “international organizations” or “peaceful” or
“improvement of the environment.” Furthermore, ENMOD does not specify the purpose, nature,
time, cost, level of commitment, and the risks to human health and to environmental harm to

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which all humanity may be subject (Figure 5) via mandated “contributions” from “States
Parties.” Moreover, and significantly, any modification of Earth’s natural environment, vis-à-vis
Article II, cannot be peaceful [50], as it disrupts the delicate balance by and between myriad
biota and their environments [86, 87].

Figure 5. A public domain image showing the January 3, 2018 distribution of ENMOD signers.
Adapted from [83]

The United Nations international treaty, “Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any
Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques,” entered into force on October 5,
1978 [84], a masterwork of artful deception, was constructed to provide a pseudo-legal basis
for systematically destroying human and environmental health. The United Nations is a
culpable party:
• Providing the pseudo-legal basis for poisoning humanity and the environment
• Soliciting funds for evaluating fossil-fuel combustion-caused global warming while
causing global warming by chemtrail particle pollution
• Suppressing public health warnings submitted to the Bulletin of the World Health

Likewise culpable are the government officials, directors and officers of participating
corporations, and others who aid and abet the chemtrail poisoning of the air we breathe and
deceiving the public of the risks. These are the modern untermenchen, sub-humans, heathens –
those with utter disregard for human and environmental health and the freedoms we hold

For years, since publication in 2015 of the first scientific article evidencing the coal fly ash
composition and adverse health threats of chemtrails [88], we wondered what kind of monsters
would deliberately poison the air. But over the last two years, the goals, ambitions, and motives,
once concealed, became in-your-face evident: Chemtrails were simply one diabolical part of a
concerted effort to destroy freedom and to enslave or destroy humanity.

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The following quotes, from a referenced essay by Gary D. Barnett [89] entitled “What Will You
Do When There Is No Food?”, capture the essence of those once-concealed revelations.
“In a world such as this, where every freedom is being relinquished, where every
aspect of life is being controlled, where every state threat is a lie, where every truth
is avoided; what will become of man? …
Today, people are awaiting their next order, they are awaiting the next false-flag
‘emergency;’ they are awaiting permission to live free. They are doing this without
much resistance, mainly because resistance requires courage and an acceptance of
truth, and of course, self-responsibility for one’s own being. While this mass apathy
runs rampant, the evil that is the controlling class is plotting to build a global
governing system meant to take control of every aspect of life as we know it. They
have even named it the ‘New World Order,’ or now the ‘Great Reset.’ They are doing
this openly, and in full view of all. The plots of the powerful, those like Klaus Schwab
of the World Economic Forum, the entire Davos crowd, all the top political classes
and governments, including presidents and rulers worldwide, the insanely rich
whores that control banking, huge corporate entities, agriculture, medical care,
pharmaceuticals, and technology, are all on board with this attempted takeover of
Of course, those who cling to the state narrative, and the state supporting ‘fact
checkers’ who protect that narrative, will call foul on all those exposing truth, and
given the gullibility of the masses, most will not understand what is going on until
it is too late….
Hell is coming, and famine is coming with it. The same situation occurred during
the Great Depression, but this time it will likely be much worse, as the takeover of
society, monetary chaos and digitization, and the depopulation agenda are gaining
steam daily at this point. What will you do to protect yourself and your family?
What will you do when you cannot get enough food? This world is embroiled in
corruption and insanity, and has become a totalitarian hell. When will you say
enough is enough, and will you stand your ground, or will you do nothing until it is
too late?”
It is time, not only to stand your ground, but to join with other freedom-loving citizens to engage
in legal means to extricate these monsters from their freedom and from their assets. If we are
to have a viable future on this planet, a critical mass of humanity must wake up to the atrocities
of the ongoing chemtrail operations. People must break out of their mass formation hypnosis
and distractions, start to look up, and bear witness to the terrible suffering of the natural world
around us. We are not separate entities from the rest of the biosphere: if the forests die, the
wildlife dies, and the oceans die, we too will die. Our time is short – action is urgently needed
now to salvage what remains of our natural life support systems and give our children a healthy
and viable future.

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