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Transfer Taxation Estate Tax is an excise tax because it is a tax on a privilege.

General Concepts Reasons/Doctrine supporting the imposition of estate tax.

1. Benefits Received Principle: State can collect taxes

because of the services rendered by government in
Transfer Taxation: pertains to the imposition of transfer
the distribution of the estate.

Transfer Taxes: Taxes imposed on gratuitous transfers. 2. Ability to Pay Principle: The receipt of inheritance,
which is in the nature of unearned wealth, places
Gratuitous Transfers: Transfers without any consideration. assets in the hands of the heirs, thereby creating an
ability to pay the tax and thus to contribute to
governmental income.
2 Types of Transfer Taxes
3. State Partnership Principle: State is a passive and
Estate tax: Tax imposed on the privilege of transferring a silent partner in the accumulation of the properties
property upon the death of the transferor. by the estate.
Donors Tax: Is a type of transfer tax imposed on the privilege
of transferring a property gratuitously during the lifetime of
the transferor. 4. Redistribution of Wealth Principle: The receipt of
inheritance is a contributing factor to the inequalities
Difference: Estate tax will be imposed if the transfer will take in wealth and income. The imposition of taxes
effect upon the death of the transferor while donor’s tax is reduces the property received by the successor, thus
imposed if the transfer will take effect during the lifetime of helping bring about a more equitable economic
the transferor. environment.

5. Back Tax Theory: Taxes should have been imposed by

Can we consider Capital Gains Tax as a transfer tax? the government for the services it had rendered.
Taxes that were not imposed upon the accumulation
Answer: No. Because transfer taxes are taxes imposed on of the property.
gratuitous transfers.

Capital gains tax is imposed on the sale of a real property

classified as a capital asset. Since it involves sale, barter or
other types of dispositions with consideration, then capital
gains tax is not considered as a transfer tax. Transfer taxes
are only imposed on gratuitous transfers.

Revenue Regulation 12-2018

This revenue regulation provides the details to the general

framework of the TRAIN LAW dealing with transfer taxes.
Concept of Gross Estate All income accruing prior to the death of the decedent shall be
reported under the name of the decedent because he was still
Governed by Section 85 of the NIRC
alive during that time when the income accrued.
SEC. 85. Gross Estate. - the value of the gross estate of the
decedent shall be determined by including the value at the
time of his death of all property, real or personal, tangible or Extra-judicial Settlement of Estate
intangible, wherever situated: Provided, however, that in the
*If the settlement of the estate is extra-judicial in nature, the
case of a nonresident decedent who at the time of his death
income earned prior to the death shall still be reported under
was not a citizen of the Philippines, only that part of the entire
the name of the decedent.
gross estate which is situated in the Philippines shall be
included in his taxable estate. If the income accrued after the death of the decedent, the
income shall be reported by the heirs.
(A) Decedent’s Interest
(B) Transfer in Contemplation of Death If the heirs pooled their inheritance together and decided to
(C) Revocable Transfer contribute more to improve the properties and agreed to
(D) Property Passing Under General Power of divide the profits amongst themselves, an unregistered
Appointment partnership is created. The income accruing to the property of
(E) Proceeds of Life Insurance the decedent after his death shall be reported by the
(F) Prior Interests unregistered partnership.
(G) Transfer for Insufficient Consideration
(H) Capital of Surviving Spouse
Gross Estate:

COMPOSITION OF THE GROSS ESTATE: If property accrued BEFORE the death of the decedent and
existing at the time of death= PART OF GROSS ESTATE.
The properties to be included in the gross estate shall not be
limited to those actually owned by the decedent at the time If property accrued AFTER death= NOT PART OF GROSS
of his death but shall also include those that are ESTATE. (DATE OF DEATH VALUATION RULE)
constructively owned by him.
Date of Death Valuation Rule: Only those properties and
deductions existing at the time of death shall be considered in
the valuation of the estate.
Gross Estate: all rights, properties, or interests existing at the
time of death. BAR QUESTION:

Phrase “existing at the time of death”: Mr.X owns a property and he bought this property in 1974 with
a value of P10 Million. In 1994, Mr. X died. By operation of law
If the property no longer exists at the time of death: it will heirs inherited the property. In 2004, the heirs decided to
no longer form part of the gross estate. settle the estate. The value of the property increased to P40
Million in the year 1994.
If the property accrued after death: the said property will not
form part of the gross estate. Question 1: Will the property form part of the gross estate of
the decedent?
A property or right or an interest will only form part of the
gross estate if such property, right, or interest exists at the Answer: Yes. Because the property was existing at the time of
time of death. death of the decedent

Question 2: How will you value it?

Judicial Settlement of Estate Answer: The property will be valued based on the Fair Market
Value of the Property at the time of death by reason of the
*An estate can be considered as a separate taxpayer if the
date of death valuation rule.
settlement of the estate is judicial in nature such that in cases
when the estate settlement is judicial in nature, then all
income accruing after death shall be declared by the estate as
a separate taxpayer.
Kinds of Decedent Rules with Respect to Specific Personal Properties

1. Resident Decedent: those who are either a resident 1. Shares of stocks- the location will depend on the
or a citizen of the Philippines. issuer corporation.

Treatment of Individual Taxpayers: Issuer Corporation is DOMESTIC corporation: the shares of

stock are considered as situated within the Philippines.
i. Resident Citizen: Treated as Resident
Decedent Issuer corporation is FOREIGN corporation NOT operating in
the Philippines: the shares of stock are considered as located
ii. Non-resident Citizen: Treated as Resident outside the Philippines.
Decedent being a citizen of the Philippines at
Issuer corporation is a FOREIGN CORPORATION operating in
the time of death
the Philippines: check the percentage of operations. If atleast
iii. Resident Alien: Treated as Resident
85% of the operations is located in the Philippines, the shares
Decedent being a resident of the Philippines.
of stock are considered as located within the Philippines.
iv. Non-resident Alien: Treated as a non-
resident decedent.
2. Franchises- where the franchise is exercised
3. Royalties- where the royalties are exercised
4. Partnerships- where the partnership is performing
2. Non-Resident Decedent: one who is neither a
its business
resident nor a citizen of the Philippines.

Importance of classifying the type of decedent: A resident Reciprocity Rule:

decedent shall be subject to estate tax for his properties
Applies only to properties owned by a non-resident decedent.
wherever situated.
Requirements for applicability:
On the other hand, only the properties located in the
Philippines of a non-resident decedent shall be subject to 1. There is an intangible Personal Property
tax. 2. The IPP is located in the Philippines
3. The IPP is owned by a non-resident decedent
Remember: if we talk about income taxes there is only one
4. The laws of the domiciliary country grant a tax
taxpayer who shall be taxed for his worldwide income, and
exemption to Filipinos not residing in such
that taxpayer is a resident citizen.
domiciliary country.
On the other hand, if we talk about estate tax, all tax payers
Example: Mr.A is a Malaysian and is not residing in the
except a non-resident alien shall be taxed for properties
Philippines. She however bought shares of stock of P & G
located within and outside the Philippines. Only a non-resident
Philippines which is a domestic corporation.
alien shall be subject to tax for properties located in the
Philippines. What is the classification of Mr.A as a decedent?

Caveat: You have to remember the location of the property. Answer: Non-resident decedent.

SITUS OF PROPERTY What is the property owned by the non-resident decedent?

If real property: where the property is located. Answer: Intangible Personal Property

If property is personal property: the movable property follows Is the IPP located in the Philippines?
the domicile of the owner.
Answer: Issuer corporation is a domestic corporation. Thus,
IPP is located in the Philippines.

Since all the elements concur, we now need to take a look at

the laws of Malaysia. If the government grants an ABSOLUTE
tax exemption to Filipino Citizens not residing in Malaysia, the
PH government will likewise grant the same tax exemption in
favor of the estate of Mr.A.
The following intangibles are properties considered as In determining the gross estate of A, should the heirs include
located in the Philippines: A’s house in Los Angeles, California, USA?


1. Franchise which must be exercised in the Philippines A is classified as a resident filipino citizen. Being a resident
citizen, he is classified as a resident decedent. Being a resident
decedent, all his properties wherever situated shall be subject
2. Shares, obligations or bonds issued by corporation or to estate tax.
sociedad anonima organized or constituted in the
Thus, the heirs herein should include A’s house in Los Angeles,
California in the determination of his gross estate.

3. Shares, obligations or bonds issued by a foreign

corporation eighty-five per centum of the business
of, which is located in the Philippines;

4. Shares, obligations or bonds issued by a foreign INCLUSIONS IN THE GROSS ESTATE

corporation if such shares, obligations or bonds have
acquired a business situs in the Philippines; and
(A)Decedent’s Interest:
5. Shares or rights in any partnership, business or
Definition: An interest or a right over a property which is not
industry established in the Philippines. (Section 104,
yet in the possession of the decedent at the time of his death.
However, the right over the property had already accrued
prior to death.

The case where the corporation declared dividend income in
The properties to be included in the gross estate shall not be
favor of all stockholders and the decedent is one of the
limited to those actually owned by the decedent at the time
stockholders of such corporation. However, the dividend
of his death but shall also include those that are
income was not yet distributed because the date of
constructively owned by him.
distribution will occur after death.
Pano pag yung property pinangalan lang sakanya?
Suppose: The dividend income was declared December 2020.
The rule is: As long as it is under the name of the decedent, The distribution will be on April 2021. The SH died January
then it shall form part of the gross estate of the decedent. 2021.
Nonetheless, there are likewise situations wherein the
Question: Will the Fair Market Value of the dividend income
decedent no longer has this property under his name but the
form part of the decedent’s estate?
decedent has control over it. In this case, where the property
is no longer under his name but he still has control over the Answer: Yes. Because the right over the dividend income had
property, the FAIR MARKET VALUE of the property shall be already accrued prior to the death of the decedent.
included as part of the gross estate.

(B) Transfer in Contemplation of Death
A, a resident Filipino Citizen, died in December 2018. A’s only
assets consists of a house and lot in Alabang, where his heirs -May take in the form of a transfer where the thought of
currently reside, as well as a house in Los Angeles, California, dying is the impelling motive in transferring the property.
USA. In computing A’s taxable net taxable estate, his heirs
How does this work?
only deducted:
It will work in situation where the decedent knows that he
1. P10 Million constituting the value of their house in
will die.
Alabang as their family home;
2. P200,000 in funeral expenses because no other Then the decedent by reason of such thought of death,
expenses could be substantiated. transfers his properties to his heirs without any
consideration. In this situation, the thought of dying is the
impelling motive.
Question: Will these properties transferred to the heirs at the May take in the form of income over the fruits of the
time that the decedent was dying, be considered as part of property, or possession of the property.
the decedent’s gross estate?
e.g. Property A: registered by the parents under the name of Aa (child #1)
Property B: registered by the parents under the name of Bb (child #2)
Answer: Yes. Because the property was transferred to evade
But these properties are still owned and possessed by the
the payment of estate tax it appearing that the transferor had
parents, even if they are under the names of Aa and Bb.
no intention to transfer the said properties for a
consideration. When the parent dies, will the FMV of the properties
transferred form part of the gross estate of the parents?

Answer: Yes. Because the transfer was made with retention of

interest. The decedent still has control over the property at the
Mr. X knows that he is going to die. He then sold his properties time of his death and since the decedent has control over the
to his son and there was an adequate consideration for the property at the time of his death, then the FMV of the property
transfer. Mr. X died. The BIR knew about the transfer so the will form part of the gross estate.
BIR said that this is a transfer in contemplation of death,
therefore the property should form part of the decedent’s
estate.  If there are problems dealing transfer with
reversionary interest and transfer with retention of
Question: Is the inclusion of the property proper?
rights, the FMV of the property subject of the transfer
Answer: The inclusion is not proper. It will not fall within the shall still form part of the gross estate
concept of transfer in contemplation of death because the - Because the decedent has still control over the
transfer was done with adequate and full consideration. property at the time of his death, even if the property
There is a legitimate transaction. The transfer was made at is no longer under his name.
arm’s length. Thus, since it was made at arm’s length, the
transfer cannot be classified as a transfer in contemplation of
death. (C) Revocable Transfers

: This transfer is a transfer made by the decedent during his

lifetime but there is a revocability clause.
Other types of transfer in contemplation of death /
classifications of transfer in contemplation of death: - The revocability clause contains a stipulation where
the decedent shall have the right to revoke, amend,
1. Transfer with Reversionary Interest
or to add/alter the provisions of the transfer so at any
2. Transfer with Retention of Rights time the decent can actually get back the property
from the transferee.

In this type of transfer, the transferor/decedent still has

 properties transferred under these types of transfer in
control over the property at the time of his death. This is the
contemplation in death shall still form part of the gross
reason why the property subject of revocable transfer shall still
estate of the decedent.
form part of the gross estate of the decedent who transferred
the same through a revocable transfer.

“TRANSFER WITH REVERSIONARY INTEREST” Bottomline: If the decedent still has CONTROL over the
property at the time of his death, the property will form part
: Transfer where the property is transferred but the same of the gross estate of the decedent.
may be recovered by the transferor.

(D) Property Passing Under a General Power of Appointment

General Power of Appointment
: Transfer where the economic benefit over the property is still
being retained by the decedent at the time that he is still alive. An agreement between the transferor and the transferee
where the transferee shall have the power to designate who
will enjoy the properties of the transferor after his death and
the beneficiaries to be designated by the transferee shall
: What are the economic benefits from the property?
include himself.
Special Power of Appointment  What we are talking about here is the GROSS ESTATE OF B
– transferee/one who was designated to appoint. So, for it
The transferor designates the transferee to determine the
to be considered as part of the gross estate of B, the type
beneficiaries of the properties to be left by the transferor
of appointment must be GENERAL POWER OF
based on a list determined by the transferor excluding the
(E) Proceeds of Life Insurance

In the concept of Income taxation

Example: Suppose A and B:
Premium Payments made by the employer for the life
A designates B in his will as the person who will determine the
insurance policy of the employee – considered as taxable
beneficiaries of the properties that he would leave.
income on the part of employee if the employee or his family
A told B that it is up to her as to who will be designated as the are the beneficiaries of the life insurance policy. Otherwise,
beneficiaries, and told B that she can designate even herself as the premium payments made by the employer for the life
a beneficiary. insurance policy of the employee will not be considered as
taxable income on the part of the employee.
 General Power of Appointment
 The properties will form part of the estate of B in case
that B dies. Section 32(B) Exclusions from Gross Income. – The following
 In general power of appointment, B has control over items shall not be included in gross income and shall be
these properties. exempt from taxation.
 The FMV of these properties will form part of the
gross estate of B. (1) Life Insurance. – The proceeds lof life insurance policies
paid to the heirs or beneficiaries upon the death of the
Example: A and B, same story as above

Only that, the will states that B can appoint any of the following If the heirs received life insurance proceeds from the
individuals as the beneficiary over the properties of A. insurance policy of the employee, will the proceeds form part
of the gross income of the heirs?
The possible beneficiaries are: C, D, E
Answer: No. Section 32(B) provides that proceeds of life
In this case, A already specified who the beneficiaries are. And insurance shall not form part of the gross income.
the list does not include B.

 Special Power of Appointment

If the employer is the beneficiary, are the proceeds taxable
 In case B dies, these properties will not form part of
her gross estate.
 She does not control these properties at the time of Answer: No. The law does not make any qualification. As long
her death. as the amount received by the recipient is in the nature of
proceeds of life insurance, then the amount of the proceeds
will be excluded from the gross income and therefore exempt
 You need to determine the type of appointment because from income tax.
only property passing under a GENERAL POWER OF
In the concept of Estate Taxation
APPOINTMENT shall be considered as part of the gross
estate The determination on whether or not the proceeds of life
 In cases of special power of appointment, it will not be insurance will be included as part of the gross estate will
considered as part of the gross estate of the person who entirely depend on the designation of the beneficiary.
will appoint.
Designation of the Beneficiary is REVOCABLE:

The proceeds of life insurance will be INCLUDED as part of the

 We are not talking about the gross estate of A. It is really gross estate.
part of his gross estate because these are all his properties.
Why included? Because the decedent still has control over the
life insurance policy at the time of his death.
Designation of the Beneficiary is IRREVOCABLE: Assuming that Mr.A transferred his car and the car has a FMV
of P1 Million but Mr.A only transferred it for P100,000.
The proceeds of life insurance will be EXCLUDED from the
gross estate. Is the transfer a transfer for insufficient consideration?

Presumably yes. It is presumed to be a transfer for insufficient

consideration because the transfer was made NOT for an
Designation is SILENT:
adequate and full consideration.
Treat it as REVOCABLE.
There is merely a presumption in this case.

The taxpayer may however rebut the presumption by

Under the Amended Insurance Code: showing that there is a: (B A D)

If the designation is REVOCABLE but it was NOT EXERCISED 1. Bona Fide Sale;
during the term of the policy: 2. That the sale was made at arm’s length;
3. And there is no donative intent.
The designation will be converted into an IRREVOCABLE
designation. Therefore, the proceeds of the life insurance If the transferor cannot show the following, the presumption
policy shall be EXCLUDED from the gross estate. stands.


Question:What if the designation was revocable and the right The concept of transfer for insufficient consideration will
to revoke was exercised just once but after one month the NEVER INCLUDE A TRANSFER OF REAL PROPERTY CLASSIFIED
decedent designated another. After several years the AS CAPITAL ASSET.
designation was never changed. Is the designation revocable
or irrevocable?
How much will be considered as a transfer for insufficient
Answer: Designation is revocable. The right to revoke was
exercised during the lifetime of the policy.
Answer: The difference between the FMV and the Selling Price.
Question: if the designation is IRREVOCABLE but the ESTATE
or the EXECUTOR OR ADMINISTRATOR is the beneficiary: Thus, the difference will form part of the gross estate of the
decedent if the transfer will take effect at the time of death of
Answer: Even if the designation is irrevocable, the proceeds
the transferor.
will STILL FORM PART of the gross estate because the estate is
the beneficiary.

If the transfer will take effect during the lifetime of the

(F) Prior Interest
The difference between the FMV and the consideration will
form part of the GROSS GIFTS subject to DONOR’s TAX.
(G) Transfer for Insufficient Considereation

In order for it to be classified as a transfer for insufficient

How to value these properties?
1. Real Property = valued based on the FMV or Current
1. The transfer must not be a BONA FIDE SALE
Fair Market Value at the time of death
2. There must be NO ADEQUATE and FULL
CONSIDERATION in money or money’s worth. Current Market Value = The higher value between the value
prescribed by the BIR (zonal value) and the value prescribed by
When will this transpire?
the city or provincial assessor (assessed value).
There will be a transfer for insufficient consideration when:

The Fair Market Value of the property at the time of transfer

2. Personal Property = valued based on CMV

Example: This valuation shall NOT apply to shares of stock.

In cases of shares of stock: died. When Mr.A died, will the property ought to be
transferred to B and C be subject to estate tax?
 If LISTED: the valuation shall be based on the
arithmetic mean between the highest and the lowest Answer: Yes. Since the property is considered as existing at the
quotation nearest the date of death. time of death of the decedent. Thus, it will form part of the
gross estate. Consequently, it will be subject to estate tax.
 If UNLISTED: valued depending on the type of share.
As regards the 2nd transfer:
If the unlisted shares are in the nature of PREFERRED
Who is the usufructuary in this case?
SHARES = Valuation shall be based on the PAR VALUE.
If the unlisted shares are in the nature of COMMON
SHARES = valuation shall be based on the BOOK Who is the owner of the naked title?

Question: What if Mr.B dies? Where will the usufruct be

Summary: transferred?

Answer: It will be transferred to Mr.C and not to the heirs of



Answer: Because this is in accordance with the will of Mr.A.

Will the transfer from Mr. B to Mr. C be subject to estate tax?

Answer: No. Because the 2nd transfer is just part and parcel of
the 1st transfer.

Take note:

If there is no provision in the will of Mr.A bequeathing the

usufruct over the property to Mr.C, the property will now be
transferred to the heirs of B.

In that case: the transfer will be subject to estate tax because

the transfer is pursuant to succession.

However, in the earlier case, since the first transfer was

EXCLUSIONS IN THE GROSS ESTATE already subject to tax, the 2nd transfer would no longer be
subject to tax because it is merely part of the 1st transfer.
In items 1, 2 and 3, the 2nd transfer must be pursuant to the
will of a prior decedent.

1.Merger of usufruct in the owner of the naked title 2.The transmission or delivery of the inheritance or legacy by
the fiduciary heir or legatee to the fideicommissary
The owner of the naked title and the usufruct will be merged
into one individual. But the merger is based on the will of a Illustration:
prior decedent.
Mr. A executed a will indicating therein that Mr.B shall inherit
Illustration: his propert for the benefit of Mr.C. The degree of relationship
between Mr.B and Mr.C is just one degree.
Assume that Mr. A executed a will. In this particular will, he
mentioned that the usufruct shall belong to Mr.B and the What will you call Mr.C? Fiduciary Heir.
naked title shall belong to Mr.C. In the same will, Mr.A
What will you call Mr.B? FideiCommissary
manifested that in case when the usufructuary dies, the
usufruct shall belong to the owner of the naked title. Mr.A Now. Mr.A died.
Question: Will the property be subject to tax after Mr.A’s

Answer: Yes.

Now. Mr.B died.

Question: Where will the property be transferred?
:Excluded from the gross estate.
Answer: The property will be transferred to Mr.C in accordance

Will transfer from Mr.B to Mr.C be subject to estate tax? 1. Community Property:

Answer: No. Because it is just part and parcel of the 1st transfer. All properties acquired prior to marriage will be
The 2nd transfer is merely being made in accordance with the considered as the property of both spouses.
will of Mr.A.

Question: What if the degree of relationship between Mr.B and

2. Conjugal Property:
Mr.C is more than one degree?
Properties acquired prior to marriage shall belong
Answer: The 2nd transfer will still not be subject to estate tax
EXCLUSIVELY to the person who acquired it.
because the 2nd transfer is still being made in accordance with
the will of Mr.A. Note that:
Where then would this fall? Effectivity of Family Code is August 3, 1988.
It would fall under item number (3) Marriage is celebrated after effectivity of Family Code

= Community Property governs.

3.The transmission from the first heir, legatee or donee in Marriage is celebrated before effectivity of Family Code
favor of another beneficiary, in accordance with the desire of
the predecessor = Conjugal Property governs.

If the properties belong to the Community Property or

Conjugal property it will form part of the gross estate.
4.Transfer to social welfare, cultural and charitable
institutions If the property falls under the exclusive property:

It will be excluded from the gross estate if and only if it Determine if exclusive property of surviving spouse or the
complies with the following: decedent.

i. Recipient must be NSNP institution (non-stock, If it’s the exclusive property of the decedent: It will form part
non-profit) established for social welfare, of the gross estate.
cultural, or charitable institution or an institution
If exclusive property of surviving spouse: It will not form part
that is established for the promotion of
of the gross estate of the decedent because the decedent does
education, religion.
not have any interest over it.

ii. Not more than 30% of the bequest,device, or Illustration:

legacy must be used for administrative purpose;
Assume that there is community property in the amount of P10
*if more than 30% has been used for administrative purposes,
the value of the property transferred to that institution will no Exclusive Property (Share of surviving spouse): P5 Million
longer be excluded from the gross estate.
Exclusive Property of decedent: P1 Million
*In order for the transfer to be excluded from the gross estate,
the transfer must be compliant with the abovementioned
requisites of exemption.
Question 1: Which among the properties will form part of the DEDUCTIONS
gross estate?
Resident Decedent
Will the community property form part of the gross estate?
Entire Amount? YES. The ENTIRE AMOUNT.

Note: if the property is classified as a community or conjugal Ordinary Deductions

Question 2: What about the exclusive property of the Transfer for Public Use
surviving spouse? Amount received under RA 4917
Vanishing Deduction
Answer: It will not be included in the gross estate of the Share of Surviving Spouse
decedent because the entire value of the exclusive property of
the surviving spouse will not form part of the gross estate of
the decedent. Special Deductions
Family Home
Question 3: What about the exclusive property of the
Standard deduction (5M)

Answer: Yes. It will be included in the gross estate of the

decedent. Why is it important to know whether it is an ordinary or special
*In the computation of the share of surviving spouse you only
 Because in the computation of the share of surviving
consider the amount of community property.
spouse, you should deduct ordinary deductions from
*Include entire value of the community property or conjugal the community property (meaning the fair market
property as part of the gross estate of the decedent then value of the community property) and half of the net
deduct the share of surviving spouse later. effect of which shall be considered as deduction of
the share of surviving spouse.
 Amount: Share of surviving spouse is equivalent to ½
of the Net Estate after Conjugal Ordinary Deduction.
NET ESTATE & DEDUCTIONS FROM THE GROSS  Deductions before arriving at the Net Estate: you
ESTATE need to deduct LITTAVS from the community
property before you arrive at the net estate, then you
get the share of the surviving spouse
Computation of Net Estate is:
e.g. 10M
Gross Estate less deductions= NET ESTATE Ordinary deductions: 1M
10M – 1M = 9M
Net Estate is the taxable base in the computation of the
50% of 9M which is 4.5M is the share of the surviving spouse
estate tax.
-- this is the rule if the decedent is married
Computation of Estate Tax Due is:
You should not deduct family home and standard deduction
Net Estate x 6% Estate tax rate= Estate Tax Due
Family home: 1M
CAVEAT: Apply RA No. 8424 (Schedular Tax Rate) if the Standard deduction: 5M
decedent died prior to 2018. 9M – 6M – 3M
50% of 3M = 1.5M (share of surviving spouse)
-- hindi dapat ganito!!
Deductions can either be:
You do not deduct special deduction (family home & standard
1. ORDINARY DEDUCTIONS deduction) in the computation of the share of the surviving
2. SPECIAL DEDUCTIONS spouse – this is more beneficial on the part of the estate.
Non-resident Decedent For Funeral Expense
- It is deductible if such expense has been incurred
prior to death, and they remain unpaid at the time of
Ordinary Deductions:
death. They must be in the nature of a claim against
the estate.
Transfer for Public Use Prior to TRAIN Law, particularly under RA 8424
Vanishing Deduction
Share of Surviving Spouse - Funeral expense is incurred in order to communicate
about the death of the decedent, and these expenses
were incurred after death, can be considered as
Losses, Indetedness, Taxes deductible expenses
 these deductions shall be in proportion of the gross
estate located within the Philippines that bears over Under the TRAIN Law
the gross estate
- They are no longer considered as deductible expenses
e.g. – if the amount of losses, interests and taxes is 2M and they are not even considered as claims against
- only 20% of the gross estate is sourced within the PH the estate if they have been incurred after death
- only 20% of those deductions shall be sonsidered as because all deductions can be considered as
ordinary deductions from the gross estate deductible amounts from the gross estate only if they
had been INCURRED PRIOR TO DEATH, and they must
- it is limited up to the gross estate located within the be EXISTING AT THE TIME OF DEATH. Otherwise, they
PH that bears over that worldwide gross estate are not considered as deductible from the gross

Special Deduction
For Judicial Expenses
Standard Deduction (500K)
- Judicial expenses prior to death can be considered as
 Non-resident decident cannot deduct FAMILY deductible items if they remain unpaid at the time of
HOME because he is not residing in the PH at the death because they will be considered as claims
time of death against the estate.

Expenses are no longer considered as deduction under REQUISITES OF DEDUCTIBILITY of each and every kind of
the TRAIN Law deduction: [Resident Decedent]
 Medical Expense Ordinary Deductions
 Funeral Expense
 Judicial Expense
However, these may be deductible if they are in the nature of
Requisites of deductibility
a. When it arises frim TRECUSO (Theft, Robbery,
Embezzlement, and other Casual and Unusual
For medical expense Sudden Occurrence)
Assuming that: The decedent incurred medical expenses prior b. They had been incurred not later than the last day
to his death, and these expenses were not paid. for the payment of the tax;
c. The loss can be deducted if it is not supported by
The amount of expense is not deductible as a medical expense, insurance; and
rather it is deductible as claims against the estate in which case d. The loss has not been claimed as a deduction from
it must comply with all the requisites of deductibility of a claim the income tax.
against the estate.
- If one requisite of deductibility is wanting, then the
expense shall be disallowed.

May be in the nature of: Example: A borrowed money from B

 A claim against the estate A borrowed 1M from B

 A claim against insolvent person A delivered the money (1M) to C
With respect to the agreement between A and B – B is the
lender, and A is the borrower
 CLAIM AGAINST THE ESTATE With respect to the agreement between A and C – A is the
creditor, and C is the borrower
(In accommodation loan, there are 2 agreements)
Requisites of deductibility: ( V E R G )
When A dies, the estate of A can deduct the 1M unpaid
a. The debt must be valid and subsisting at the time of
obligation, provided that the estate of A will include the
receivable of C to A as part of the gross estate.
b. The debt must be existing at the time of death;
c. The amount of debt must be reasonable; - here, A lent 1M to C.
d. The debt must have been entered in good faith; - it is actually a collectible amount by A from C.
e. Under the Revenue Regulations – these indebtedness - being a collectible amount, it is considered as an
must likewise be supported by documents. asset that can be collected by the heirs of A from C.

Requisites of deductibility:
Unpaid Mortgage:
a. The debt must be valid and subsisting at the time of
- If the indebtedness is in the nature of an unpaid death;
mortgage – meaning the loan obligation is secured by b. The debt must be existing at the time of death;
a mortgage agreement. c. The amount of debt must be reasonable;
d. The debt must have been entered in good faith;
e. Under the Revenue Regulations – these indebtedness
Requisites of deductibility: must likewise be supported by documents.
a. The debt must be valid and subsisting at the time of f. The accomodated loan proceeds must be included as
death; part of the gross estate
b. The debt must be existing at the time of death;
c. The amount of debt must be reasonable;
As to the example above:
d. The debt must have been entered in good faith;
e. Under the Revenue Regulations – these indebtedness Whatever is the amount not yet paid by C to A must be
must likewise be supported by documents. included in the gross estate in order for A to deduct his
f. The market value of the property mortgage must indebtedness/obligation from B.
likewise be included as part of the gross estate.

If the market value was not included as part of the gross estate,
Dizon Case
then that is a ground for the disallowance of unpaid mortgage
as a deduction from the gross estate. The obligation was condoned after death

A borrowed money in the amount of 1M from B

The obligation was left unpaid when A died
Accommodated Loan
When A died, B told the heirs of A that the obligation is already
- Is a situation where the decedent borrowed money condoned
not for himself but for the benefit of another
individual or entity. Can the estate of A deduct the 1M?

In cases of Accommodation, the proceeds of the loan will go to Answer: Yes because the obligation is still existing at the time
another person who did not enter into an agreement with the of death. The condonation occurred after death.
person who lent the money.
- POST DEATH DEVELOPMENT If the tax accrued after death, or at the time of death

In accordance with date of death evaluation rule, POST DEATH - It can no longer be considered as deduction from the
DEVELOPMENTS ARE IMMATERIAL in the valuation of the gross gross estate
Estate tax is not considered as a deductible tax from the gross
This post death development will not affect the deductibility of estate because it accrues at the time of death, not prior to
the obligation as an expense. death.

SC Ruling: The obligation is still considered a deduction from

the gross estate because it is still existing at the time of death.

- this is a deductible item if and only if it will be

Will the answer be different if the condonation occurred prior transferred to the government or any of its political
to death? [[ A is still alive when B condoned his debt ]] Can the subdivisions or agencies
estate of A deduct the 1M obligation?

Answer: No. Since the condonation occurred prior to death, Requisites for deductibility:
the obligation no longer exists at the time of death. a. The transfer must be testamentary in character
b. It must be transferred to the government or any of its
Since the obligation no longer exists at the time of poliical subdivisions or agencies
death, then it will no longer be considered as a deduction from c. The property will be exclusively for public use
the gross estate.

The transfer must be testamentary in character

- not intestate
- if the decedent transferred property to the
Claims against the estate Claims against insolvent person government or any of its agencies pursuant to a will,
- the estate has obligation - the estate is the lender and the property will be exclusively used by the
- the estate is the - it lent money to an insolvent public, then it will be considered as a deduction from
borrower person
the gross estate.

Insolvent (under the FRIA)

- financial condition of a debtor that is generally unable to pay
its or his liabilities as they fall due in the ordinary course of 5. AMOUNT RECEIVED UNDER RA 4917
business or has liabilities that are greater than its or his assets RA 4917

Insolvent person - Law governing retirement benefits

- refer to a natural person who is a resident and citizen of the
Philippines that has become insolvent
Income Taxation

- About the taxability of the retirement benefit

If it has been determined that the debtor is an insolvent - 50 years old – 10 years of service – 1 (availed only
person, then the claim against such person can be considered once) = retirement benefits are exempt from tax
as a deduction from the gross estate.
- same concept as bad debt
Estate taxation

3. TAXES - About the inclusion of the retirement benefits in the

gross estate
Requisites of deductibility:
a. The tax should have accrued prior to death of the
decendent Will the executor or administrator include the amount
b. The tax should be existing at the time of death received under RA 4917 (retirement benefit) as part of the
gross estate?
Answer: Yes. It will be added or included in the gross estate
but it will de deducted as amount received under RA 4917.

- Add then deduct

There are certain instances wherein which the net estate is not
material, rather what is material is the amount of gross estate.


- A deduction which is also called as “Property Is vanishing deduction Applicable to the Estate of Assunta?
previously taxed”
Answer in the Bar Q: No. In order to claim a vanishing deduction,
Properties Previously Taxed Sec. 86(A2) NIRC requires that the estate tax or the property from
Jaime to Assunta has already been paid. However, in this case, it
- This is a situation where there are two transfers, and is unlikely that the estate has been paid because of the difference
the two transfers occurred within a five year period. of only one day between the respective times of death.
The first transfer can be through donation or succession Alternative Answer in the Bar Q: Yes. Provided that the estate tax
The second transfer must always be through succession of the property of Jaime was paid before Assunta died, as provided
for inSec. 56(A2) NIRC. Vanishing deduction equal to 100% is
 The first transfer and the second transfer must occur applicable to Assunta’s estate as regards ½ of the cash she
within a five year period. inherited from her son Jaime. Assunta diesd within 1 year after
receiving her share of Jaime’s estate.
Requisites of deductibility:

a. The death of the decedent must occur within five

years after the date of donation or after the date of Discussion ni ma’am:
b. The property must be located in the Philippines; Namatay ba within 5 year period? Yes.
c. It must have been availed of only once; Will the estate of Jaime be subject to estate tax? Yes
d. The property must have formed part of the gross Will the estate of Assunta be subject to estate tax? Yes
estate in cases of succession, or gross gifts in cases of Will the estate of Jaime form part of the estate of Assunta? Yes,
donation; because Assunta is the heir of Jaime.
e. The estate tax or donor’s tax should have been paid. Is it located in the Philippines? Yes
Babayaran ba yung tax? Yes, need to pay first the tax.
The amount of deduction shall depend on the time that had - The estate of Assunta can avail vanishing deduction.
lapsed between the first transfer and the second transfer.

 Within 1 year – 100% of the final basis shall be considered This case happened during the effectivity of RA 8424. Prior to
as a deductible amount TRAIN Law, the standard deduction is 1M.
 Within 2 years – 80%
 Within 3 years – 60% - In this case, Jaime’s gross estate is 1.2M
 Within 4 years – 40% - Standard deduction of 1M
 Within 5 years – 20% - 2.1M – 1M = 200k Net estate
- Net estate in the amount of 200K or less shall be
It cannot exceed 5 years because the transfer must have
considered as exempt from tax.
occurred within that five year period.
- The trick in this case is that, the estate of Jaime is
RR 12-2018 exempt from tax – therefore not required to pay tax.

Opinion of Ma’am: The estate of Assunta cannot avail of

vanishing deduction because the estate of Jaime did not pay
any tax liability and in which case there is no need to alleviate
Bar Q: the burden of tax.

Take note: Vanishing deduction was granted by the congress

in order to alleviate the burden of the transfer taxes.
In this case, there is a need to distinguish whether the first Example:
estate paid the tax liability or not. Because if the first estate did
not pay any tax liability, then there is no burden to alleviate.
Community Property: 10,000,000 deduct
Ordinary Deduction: 1,000,000

- The amount of the share of surviving spouse is ½ of 9,000,000 is 4,500,000 (share of surviving spouse)
equivalent to ½ of the community property less the
Net estate: 4,500,000
ordinary deductions that had been taken out from the add
Exclusive Property of the decedent: 1,000,000
community property.
= 5,500,000
(dito mo idededuct yung special deductions)
If the claim against the estate is a claim against the exclusive
property 5,500,000
- You will not deduct it from the community property Standard Deduction: 5,000,000
- What you will deduct from the community property:
Assuming that the decedent has no family Home to deduct
those deductions that are directly attributable to the
community property = Net estate: 500,00
- If the problem is silent: You can deduct it from the
community property Net estate 500,000 x 6% = 30,000 estate tax due

The total amount of community property minus the amount of Special Deductions
ordinary deductions in order to get the Net Estate
- net estate after ordinary deductions
- Standard Deduction does not need Substantiation
- ½ of the net estate is the share of the surviving spouse
-- receipts are not required
This amount of share of surviving spouse is also a deduction
- The resident decedent, upon proving that indeed he
- After deducting the share of the surviving spouse, you is a resident decedent, the estate can deduct 5M
will arrive at the Net Estate
Under RA 8424
Computation:  the amount of Standard Deduction is ₱1,000,000
Community Property  Non-resident Decedent cannot avail of any special
- Ordinary Deductions deduction.
Net Estate after OD
If no exclusive property: Under TRAIN Law
- ½ Share of surviving spouse
Net Estate after Share of SS
Net Estate after Share of SS  the amount of Standard Deduction is ₱5,000,000
+ Exclusive Property (if there is)  Non-resident Decedent can now avail of Standard
- Special Deductions
Net Estate Deduction but only in the amount of ₱500 000.
Net Estate after SD
- Special Deductions
x 6%
Net Estate after SD
x 6% Estate Tax due
Estate Tax due

- Family home is a deduction if the decedent is married,

or is a head of the family.

Head of the family

- Considered as head of the family if he has a brother,

a sister, a parent, or a child or children under his care
Requisites of Deductibility: e.g. – if the amount of losses, interests and taxes is 2M
- only 20% of the gross estate is sourced within the PH
a. The decedent is married, or is a head of the family;
- only 20% of those deductions shall be sonsidered as
b. The property must be the dwelling place of the
ordinary deductions from the gross estate
c. It must be proven that the decedent is resident of the
- it is limited up to the gross estate located within the
barangay where the property is situated.
PH that bears over that worldwide gross estate
- The Punong barangay must issue a certification that
indeed the decedent is a resident of that barangay. e.g. – If PH G.E is 4M
d. The value of the deduction must be equivalent to the Worldwide GE is 10M
fair market value of the property or the decedent’s 40% = deductible from the GE
interest but not exceeding ₱10,000,000
 Requisites of deductibility for Ordinary Deductions are
the same with that of the resident decedent
What if the value of Family Home is ₱20,000,000 and the
Family Home is exclusive property of the decedent. How much
can be deducted as Family Home?
 Difference:
Answer: ₱10,000,000. The value of the deduction must be  Amount of Standard Deduction for non-resident
equivalent to the fair market value of the property but not decedents shall be lower: ₱500,000
exceeding ₱10,000,000.  No special deduction of Family Home

What if the value of the Family Home is ₱15,000,000, and it is NET ESTATE OF NON-RESIDENT DECEDENT
the exclusive property of the decedent?

Answer: ₱10,000,000. Gross Estate of NRD

- Shall include only those properties located within

the Philippines
What if the ₱15,000,000 Family Home is a conjugal or
community property. How much is the deductible amount of Deductions
Family Home?
- The estate of a non-resident decedent can avail of
Answer: ₱7,500,000. Because the decedent’s interest is only Standard Deduction in the amount of ₱500,000
50% of 15,000,000 since the property is a conjugal or - The estate of a non-resident decedent can avail
community property. The value of the deduction must be ordinary deductions (LITTVS):
equivalent to the decedent’s interest but not exceeding > Losses (Proportionate amount)
₱10,000,000. > Indebtedness (Proportionate amount of claims
against the estate; claims against insolvent person;
unpaid mortgage)
> Transfer for Public Use
Ordinary Deductions: > Vanishing Deduction
Losses > Share of Surviving Spouse
Taxes Declaration of Worldwide Gross Estate
Transfer for Public Use
Vanishing Deduction Should the non-resident decedent declare the worldwide gross
Share of Surviving Spouse estate?
Answer: Yes. The woldwide gross estate will not be subject to
taxm because only properties which is located within the
Losses, Indetedness, Taxes Philippines are subject to tax.
 these deductions shall be in proportion of the gross
estate located within the Philippines that bears over Worldwide gross estate should be declared for
the worldwide gross estate purposes of computing the proportionate amount of losses,
indebtedness and taxes.
Losses, Indetedness, Taxes - these deductions shall be in
proportion of the gross estate located within the Philippines FILING AND PAYMENT
that bears over the worldwide gross estate
 The estate tax return must be filed within 1 year
Gross estate within the PH from the date of death
÷ Worldwide Gross Estate  The payment of the tax must be done at the time of
------------------------------------ the filing of the return
Proportionate amount of losses, indebtedness and taxes = THE TAX MUST BE PAID WITHIN 1 YEAR FROM THE


 The filing of the return can be extended for a period
Section 86 (E) Tax Credit for Estate Taxes Paid to a Foreign Country of 30 days
 The application for the extension must be
(1) In General. – The tax imposes shall be credited with the amounts
filed prior to the lapse of the 1 year period.
of any estate tax imposed by the authority of a foreign country.

(2) Limitations on Credit. – The amount of the credit taken under  The payment of the tax may be extended for a
this section shall be subject to each of the following limitations: period of:
(a) The amount of the credit in respect to the tax paid to 2 years in cases of extrajudicial settlement of estate;
any country shall not exceed the same proportion of the or
tax against which such credit is taken, which the 5 years in cases of judicial settlement of estate.
decedent's net estate situated within such country taxable
under this Title bears to his entire net estate; and  Can only be extended if the application was:
 done prior to the lapse of the 1
(b) The total amount of the credit shall not exceed the
same proportion of the tax against which such credit is
year period and
taken, which the decedent's net estate situated outside  upon presentation that the
the Philippines taxable under this Title bears to his entire payment will cause undue
net estate. hardships on the part of the heirs

Tax credit  There must be reasonable grounds in the

- A deduction from the estate tax due application of the extension for the
payment of the tax.
Estate tax paid to a foreign country by a resident decedent
 can be used as a tax credit here in the Philippines in Installment Payment
order to counterveil the effects of double taxation
Section 91(C) Payment by Installment. – In case the available
Tax credit: to be deducted from the estate tax liability cash of the estate is insufficient to pay the total estate tax
(LIMITATION) due, payment by installment shall be allowed within two (2)
1. Must not exceed the amount of Philippine estate tax years from the statutory date for its payment without civil
due penalty and interest.
2. Must not exceed this amount:
PH estate tax due x (NE outside÷Worldwide NE)
 It must not exceed a ratable proportion of Extention of payment and Installment Payment
the net estate located outside the Philippines that
bears over the worldwide gross estate on the Extension of Payment Installment Payment
Philippine estate tax due. Undue hardship upon
Grounds Insufficiency of cash
the heirs
Period of 2 years
2 years
Extension 5 years

Posting of May be required by the

Not required
bond CIR
Penalties surcharges DECEDENT


In cases of partial payment there is partial disposition of the Before TRAIN LAW: there must first be issuance of certificate
estate and the application of the proceeds to the estate tax authorizing registration before one can withdraw.
So, if the bank manager knows that the decedent already
Partial Payment happens if: died, the bank account of the decedent will outrightly be
freezed. This will only be lifted upon the submission of the
If what was left by the decedent are properties which are not heirs of a certificate authorizing registration.
liquid (meaning they are not cash).

*The CIR allows the disposition of these properties so that

after its disposition the CIR grants a certificate authorizing Under the TRAIN LAW:
registration. The proceeds of the sale of the properties which
The heirs can IMMEDIATELY withdraw from the bank account
are not liquid will be used for the payment of estate tax.
EVEN WITHOUT SUBMITTING the certificate authorizing

1. If someone dies there will be an execution of extra- BUT there shall be a Final Withholding Tax of 6% that shall be
judicial settlement of estate. imposed on the amount to be withdrawn and the withdrawal
2. After execution of extra-judicial settlement of estate, shall be made within ONE-YEAR (1) from the date of death of
all documents will be submitted to the BIR. the decedent.
3. BIR will assess the estate tax due based on their one-
In cases of partial withdrawal: The heirs can do so provided
time computation sheet.
that the withdrawal be made within one-year from the date
4. If the heirs are satisfied with the estate tax due, they
of death of the decedent and the amount withdrawn shall be
will prepare an estate tax return and proceed to the
subject to 6% FWT.
bank for payment of the estate tax.
5. The bank issues a deposit slip, then this will be Question:
submitted to the BIR together with all the
documentary requirements. Will the amount of the partial withdrawal made be included
6. The BIR will thereafter issue a certificate authorizing in the computation of the gross estate?
registration. Answer: NOT ANYMORE! Because the 6% FWT imposed
7. This certificate is mandatory in the transfer of the title thereto already settles the tax liability.
from the decedent to the heirs.
8. If the certificate authorizing registration is already
available you will pay the transfer tax with the city
government or provincial government.
9. All the documents will now be endorsed to the
Register of Deeds for the cancellation of the title
under the name of the decedent and issues a new title Under the TRAIN LAW:
in favor of the heirs.
The executor or adminstrator is primarily liable for the
With respect to Partial Payments, what happens is that a payment of the tax while the heirs are merely subsidiarily
property or certain properties will be released through liable.
certificate authorizing registration, then this particular
property or properties granted certificate authorizing
registration will be sold by the heirs in order for the heirs to The SC held that there are 2 modes of collecting tax due from
use the proceeds thereof for the payment of the estate tax the heirs, to wit:
1. To collect the tax due from all the heirs in proportion
to their inheritance;
2. To constitute a tax lien over the inheritance and in
constituting a tax lien over the inheritance the
government has the option to collect only from one
or some of the heirs.
In this case there were 15 heirs but the government only personally and constructively served upon him, at
collected the estate tax from Pineda alone. his last known address. Thereafter, Formal
Assessment notices were served upon Mrs. Marcos
The SC held that the entire amount can be collected from c/o Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos II, at his office.
Pineda because of the mode of collection through tax lien. Moreover, a notice to Taxpayer inviting Mrs.
Marcos (or her duly authorized representative or
What is only prohibited is that the government collects estate
counsel), to a conference, was furnished the
taxes over and above the amount of inheritance received by
counsel of Mrs. Marcos — but to no avail.

Remedy of Pineda is to ask for reimbursement from the other The deficiency tax assessments were not
heirs. protested administratively. The BIR Commissioner
issued notices of levy on real property against
certain parcels of land owned by the Marcoses to
satisfy the alleged estate tax and deficiency
CASES FOR ESTATE TAXATION income taxes of Spouses Marcos.
Is the approval of the probate court necessary
before the collection of estate tax?
Former President Ferdinand Marcos died in
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. A Special Tax Audit Team
was created to conduct investigations and
examinations of the tax liabilities and obligations
No. From the foregoing, it is discernible that the
of the late president, as well as that of his family,
approval of the court, sitting in probate, or as a
associates and "cronies". Said audit team
settlement tribunal over the deceased is not a
concluded its investigation with a Memorandum.
mandatory requirement in the collection of estate
The investigation disclosed that the Marcoses
taxes. It cannot therefore be argued that the Tax
failed to file a written notice of the death of the
Bureau erred in proceeding with the levying and
decedent, an estate tax returns, as well as several
sale of the properties allegedly owned by the late
income tax returns covering the years 1982 to
President, on the ground that it was required to
1986, — all in violation of the National Internal
seek first the probate court's sanction. There is
Revenue Code (NIRC).
nothing in the Tax Code, and in the pertinent
remedial laws that implies the necessity of the
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue thereby
probate or estate settlement court's approval of
caused the preparation and filing of the Estate Tax
the state's claim for estate taxes, before the same
Return for the estate of the late president, the
can be enforced and collected.
Income Tax Returns of the Spouses Marcos for the
years 1985 to 1986, and the Income Tax Returns of
petitioner Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos II for the On the contrary, under Section 87 of the NIRC, it is
years 1982 to 1985. the probate or settlement court which is bidden
not to authorize the executor or judicial
administrator of the decedent's estate to deliver
The BIR issued the following: (1) Deficiency estate
any distributive share to any party interested in the
tax assessment no. against the estate of the late
estate, unless it is shown a Certification by the
president Ferdinand Marcos; (2) Deficiency
Commissioner of Internal Revenue that the estate
income tax against the Spouses Ferdinand and
taxes have been paid. This provision disproves the
Imelda Marcos representing deficiency income
petitioner's contention that it is the probate court
tax for the years 1985 and 1986; (3) Deficiency
which approves the assessment and collection of
income tax assessment against petitioner
the estate tax.
Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos II representing his
deficiency income taxes for the years 1982 to
1985. If there is any issue as to the validity of the BIR's
decision to assess the estate taxes, this should
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue avers that have been pursued through the proper
copies of the deficiency estate and income tax administrative and judicial avenues provided for
assessments were all personally and constructively by law.
served upon Mrs. Imelda Marcos and against
Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos II were also
In the Philippine experience, the enforcement and all the heirs and collecting from each one of them
collection of estate tax, is executive in character, the amount of the tax proportionate to the
as the legislature has seen it fit to ascribe this task inheritance received. This remedy was adopted in
to the Bureau of Internal Revenue. Section 3 of the Government of the Philippine Islands v.
National Internal Revenue Code attests to this. Pamintuan, supra. In said case, the Government
filed an action against all the heirs for the
It has been repeatedly observed, and not without collection of the tax. This action rests on the
merit, that the enforcement of tax laws and the concept that hereditary property consists only of
collection of taxes, is of paramount importance for that part which remains after the settlement of all
the sustenance of government. Taxes are the lawful claims against the estate, for the settlement
lifeblood of the government and should be of which the entire estate is first liable.The reason
collected without unnecessary hindrance. why in case suit is filed against all the heirs the tax
However, such collection should be made in due from the estate is levied proportionately
accordance with law as any arbitrariness will against them is to achieve thereby two results: first,
negate the very reason for government itself. It is payment of the tax; and second, adjustment of
therefore necessary to reconcile the apparently the shares of each heir in the distributed estate as
conflicting interests of the authorities and the lessened by the tax.
taxpayers so that the real purpose of taxation,
which is the promotion of the common good, may 2. Yes, the Government can require
be achieved. Manuel B. Pineda to pay the full amount of
the taxes assessed.
Pineda is liable for the assessment as an
CIR vs. PINEDA heir and as a holder-transferee of property
GR NO. L-22734 belonging to the estate/taxpayer. As an
Facts: heir he is individually answerable for the
part of the tax proportionate to the share
On May 23, 1945 Atanasio Pineda died, survived he received from the inheritance. His
by his wife, Felicisima Bagtas, and 15 children, the liability, however, cannot exceed the
eldest of whom is Manuel B. Pineda. After the amount of his share.
estate proceedings, the estate was divided As a holder of property belonging to the
among and awarded to the heirs. Manuel B. estate, Pineda is liable for he tax up to the
Pineda's share amounted to about P2,500.00. the amount of the property in his possession.
Bureau of Internal Revenue investigated the The reason is that the Government has a
income tax liability of the estate for the years 1945, lien on the P2,500.00 received by him from
1946, 1947 and 1948 and it found that the the estate as his share in the inheritance,
corresponding income tax returns were not filed. for unpaid income taxes for which said
Thereafter, the Collector of Revenue issued an estate is liable, pursuant to the last
assessment. Manuel B. Pineda, who received the paragraph of Section 315 of the Tax Code,
assessment, contested the same. Subsequently, which we quote hereunder:
he appealed to the Court of Tax Appeals alleging
that he was appealing "only that proportionate If any person, corporation,
part or portion pertaining to him as one of the partnership, joint-account (cuenta
heirs." After hearing the parties, the Court of Tax en participacion), association, or
Appeals rendered judgment on the ground that insurance company liable to pay
his right to assess and collect the tax has the income tax, neglects or refuses
prescribed. to pay the same after demand, the
amount shall be a lien in favor of
Issue/s: the Government of the Philippines
from the time when the assessment
1. What are the two modes of collecting taxes? was made by the Commissioner of
Internal Revenue until paid with
2. Can the BIR collect the entire amount of tax interest, penalties, and costs that
from Manuel Pineda? may accrue in addition thereto
upon all property and rights to
Held: property belonging to the
taxpayer: . . .
All told, the Government has two ways of
collecting the tax in question. One, by going after
By virtue of such lien, the Government has
the right to subject the property in Pineda's ISSUES:
possession, i.e., the P2,500.00, to satisfy the 1. When did the obligation to pay accrue?
income tax assessment in the sum of 2. What is the valuation of the estate?
P760.28. After such payment, Pineda will 3. Is the compensation of the trustee deductible?
have a right of contribution from his co-
heirs,to achieve an adjustment of the
proper share of each heir in the RULING:
distributable estate. 1. Inheritance tax accrues upon transmission
or the transfer or devolution of property of a
decedent, made effective by his death.
However, the fact that Thomas Hanley died on
May 27, 1922 does not follow that the obligation to
pay the tax arose as of that date. The time for the
payment of inheritance tax is clearly fixed by
section 1544 of the Revised Administrative code as
Lorenzo v. Posadas amended by Act No. 3031.
G.R. No. 43082
As provided under such law, the tax shall
Facts: be paid within the six months subsequent to the
death of the predecessor; but if judicial
Thomas Hanley died in Zamboanga on May 27, testamentary or intestate proceedings shall be
1922. He left a will and considerable amount of instituted prior to the expiration of said period, the
real and personal properties. The will provides, payment shall be made by the executor or
among other things, that his real properties should administrator before delivering to each
not be disposed of for 10 years after his death; that beneficiary his share.
such properties be handled by his executors
during the same period; and, after the lapse of 10 As such, the tax should have been paid before the
years, his properties must be given to his nephew, delivery of the properties in question to P. J. M.
Mathew Hanley. Moore as trustee on March 10, 1924.

The probate court found it proper to 2. If death is the generating source from which
appoint P. J. M. Moore, one of the executors of the the power of the state to impose inheritance taxes
will, as trustee to administer the real properties takes its being and if, upon the death of the
during the 10-year period. In 1932, Moore resigned decedent, succession takes place and the right of
as trustee and Lorenzo was appointed in his stead. the state to tax vests instantly, the tax should be
measured by the value of the estate as it stood at
The CIR assessed against the estate an the time of the decedent’s death, regardless of
inheritance tax in the amount of P1,434.24 which, any subsequent contingency affecting value of
together with the penalties for delinquency in any subsequent increase or decrease in value.
payment consisting of a 1 percent monthly interest
from July 1, 1931 to the date of payment and a 3. A trustee, no doubt, is entitled to receive
surcharge of 25 percent on the tax, amounted to a fair compensation for his services. But from this it
P2,052.74. does not follow that the compensation due him
may lawfully be deducted in arriving at the net
The CIR alleged that estate left by the deceased value of the estate subject to tax. There is no
at the time of his death consisted of realty valued statute in the Philippines which requires trustees’
at P27,920 and personality valued at P1,465, and commission to be deducted in determining the
allowed a deduction of P480.81. net value of the estate subject to inheritance tax.
Furthermore, though a testamentary trust has
Lorenzo paid the amount under protest, notifying been created, it does not appear that the testator
the CIR at the same time that unless the amount intended that the duties of his executors and
was promptly refunded, suit would be brought for trustees should be separated.
its recovery. CIR refused to refund the said amount
or any part thereof.

Seeking relief from the courts, Lorenzo contended

that the CIR decision is incorrect.
Dizon vs. CA tax burdens are not to be imposed, nor presumed
GR No. 140944 to be imposed, beyond what the statute expressly
Facts: and clearly imports, tax statutes being construed
On November 7, 1987, Jose P. Fernandez (Jose) strictissimi juris against the government. Any doubt
died. His will was probated and Justice Arsenio P. on whether a person, article or activity is taxable is
Dizon was appointed as the administrator while generally resolved against taxation. Second. Such
Atty. Rafael Arsenio P. Dizon was appointed as construction finds relevance and consistency in
Assistant Administrator. On March 14, 1990, Justice our Rules on Special Proceedings wherein the term
Dizon through Atty. Gonzales filed an estate tax "claims" required to be presented against a
return with the BIR, showing therein a NIL or no decedent's estate is generally construed to mean
estate tax liability since the allowable deduction debts or demands of a pecuniary nature which
(including the liability to the creditors) as could have been enforced against the deceased
computed (P187,822,576) was greater than the in his lifetime, or liability contracted by the
value of the estate (P14,315,611). The BIR issued deceased before his death. Therefore, the claims
Certification Nos. 2052 and 2053 stating that the existing at the time of death are significant to, and
estate taxes had been fully paid. Soon after, a should be made the basis of, the determination of
compromise agreement was made between the allowable deductions.
creditors of the estate and the estate’s
administrators wherein the creditors agreed to
partially condone the debt of the estate due to -------------------x END OF ESTATE TAXATION x--------------------
them. Hence, the estate did not pay the original
amount of debt due to the creditors. This
prompted the BIR to reassess the tax liability of the
estate. The BIR argued that the partially condoned
debts should not be allowable as a deduction to
the value of the estate.

Is the condoned obligation deductible?

Yes. The condoned obligation is
deductible applying the date-of-death valuation

The U.S. court ruled that the appropriate

deduction is the "value" that the claim had at the
date of the decedent's death. Also, as held in
Propstra v. U.S., where a lien claimed against the
estate was certain and enforceable on the date
of the decedent's death, the fact that the
claimant subsequently settled for lesser amount
did not preclude the estate from deducting the
entire amount of the claim for estate tax purposes.
These pronouncements essentially confirm the
general principle that post-death developments
are not material in determining the amount of the

We express our agreement with the date-of-death

valuation rule, made pursuant to the ruling of the
U.S. Supreme Court in Ithaca Trust Co. v. United
States. First. There is no law, nor do we discern any
legislative intent in our tax laws, which disregards
the date-of-death valuation principle and
particularly provides that post-death
developments must be considered in determining
the net value of the estate. It bears emphasis that
Donations made by the Husband and Wife Husband Wife

P500,000 P500,000

Husband and wife are considered as two SEPARATE taxpayers.

Thus, being two separate taxpayers, each of them can deduct
Son Son’s Wife Son Son’s Wife
Question: What if the value of the property is P2 Million, and
the property has been donated by husband and the wife P250K P250K P250K P250K
because the property is their conjugal or community property.
Question: How many donations will there be in this case?
Answer: It will be deemed as each of them donating one
million each. Answer: The number of donations in this particular problem
would be 4.
How do we compute the donors’ tax due of such donation?
Why four?
1. Husband to Son
Husband’s share: 2. Husband to Son’s wife
3. Wife to son
P1 Million for the husband
4. Wife to son’s wife
Less: P250,000
Question: Will the donation now be exempt from donor’s tax
= P750,000 because each donation is valued at P250K?

x 6% Answer: No. Donor’s Tax is computed on a cummulative basis.

The P250K is not on a per donation basis but rather it is on a
Donor’s Tax Due: P45,000 PER CALENDER BASIS. Thus, in this case, the total gifts made
by the husband during the calendar year shall be P500K.

Wife’s share:
The same as above.
Less: P250K

Net Gifts: P250,000 which shall now be subject to 6% donor’s

Suppose: If the property was donated only by the husband and
the husband is the owner of the property. The property is
classified as an exclusive property. The same shall apply to the wife’s donation.
How will the donation be computed?

Answer: Since the wife does not have any interest in the SPLITTING OF DONATION
property, the husband shall donate the entire amount of P2
Million less P250,000. Taxable donation will now be P 1.75 Scheme whereby the donor shall delay a portion of the
Million. donation in order for the donor to avoid the payment of
donor’s tax.
What if the husband and the wife donated a property worth P1
Million to their son and the son’s wife, how will the donation This is tax avoidance scheme.
be computed?

Answer: Illustration:
If the donation is P1 Million then the husband and the wife A decided to give gifts to B, C, D, and E.
donated P500K each.

In order for A to avoid the payment of Donor’s Tax he must

only give the gift to B and C in the total amount of P250K during
the year 2020. By the year 2021, A thereafter gives the gifts to Taxpayers Service Division to facilitate the transfer
D and E. of the shares. Months later, petitioner was
informed that it needed to secure a BIR ruling in
connection with its application due to potential
donor’s tax liability.
Philamlife requested a ruling to confirm that the
Just remember that: sale was not subject to donor’s tax, pointing out,
in its request, the following: that the transaction
Foreign tax payments made by the taxpayer can be used as a cannot attract donor’s tax liability since there was
tax credit subject to the limitations set forth by law. no donative intent and, ergo, no taxable
donation, citing BIR Ruling [DA-(DT-065) 715-09]
Caveat: No need to dwell into the limitations kano. dated November 27, 2009; that the shares were
sold at their actual fair market value and at arm’s
length; that as long as the transaction conducted
FILING OF DONOR’S TAX RETURN AND PAYMENT is at arm’s length such that a bonafide business
arrangement of the dealings is done in the
: The filing of a donor’s tax return must be made within 30 ordinary course of business a sale for less than an
days from the date of the donation. adequate consideration is not subject to donor’s
tax; and that donor’s tax does not apply to sale of
: The date of donation is the date indicated in the Deed of shares sold in an open bidding process. However,
Donation submitted to the BIR. the BIR denied the request. The CIR determined
that the selling price of the shares thus sold was
: The donor’s tax must be paid at the time that the return is
lower than their book value based on the financial
statements of Philam Care as of the end of 2008.
As such, the Commissioner ruled that the
difference between the book value and the
: If the return is NOT filed and paid within the prescribed selling price in the sales transaction is taxable
period, the taxpayer must pay the following: donation subject to a 30% donor’s tax under
Section 99(B) of the NIRC. Respondent
Commissioner likewise held that BIR Ruling [DA-(DT-
065) 715-09], on which petitioner anchored its
claim, has already been revoked by Revenue
Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 25-2011.
Secretary of Finance affirmed the ruling.
2. SURCHARGE EQUIVALENT TO 25%. Is the price difference of the book value and the
gross selling price subject to donor’s tax?
Both the interest and surcharge are based on the tax due. YES. The price difference is subject to donor's tax.
R.R. 6-2008 states that In case the fair market value
The BIR can likewise assess compromise penalty. of the shares of stock sold, bartered, or
exchanged is greater than the amount of money
and/or fair market value of the property received,
the excess of the fair market value of the shares of
stock sold, bartered or exchanged over the
amount of money and the fair market value of the
PALGIC v SOF property, if any, received as consideration shall be
November 24, 2014 deemed a gift subject to the donor’s tax under
Section 100 of the Tax Code, as amended.
PhilamLife’s (PALGIC) shares of stock were sold to The absence of donative intent, if that be the
STI in a public bidding in the amount of USD case, does not exempt the sales of stock
2,190,000, or PhP 104,259,330 based on the transaction from donor’s tax since Sec. 100 of the
prevailing exchange rate at the time of the sale. NIRC categorically states that the amount by
After the sale, Philamlife filed an application for a which the fair market value of the property
certificate authorizing registration/tax clearance exceeded the value of the consideration shall be
with the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Large deemed a gift. Thus, even if there is no actual
donation, the difference in price is considered a
donation by fiction of law. Therefore, the transfer is a. The reduction of the patrimony of the
considered transfer for insufficient consideration donor;
because PhilAmLife (PALGIC) did not prove that it
was made in bonafide sale or at an arm’s length. b. The increase in the patrimony of the
donee; and

REMEMBER: c. The intent to do an act of liberality or

animus donandi
If the GSP is lower than FMV, there is a presumption
that the sale is a transfer for insufficient 2. Yes. The political contribution is considered
consideration. The difference between the GSP a gift or donation. In the instant case, the
and the FMV shall be subject to donor’s tax. contributions are voluntary transfers of property in
Sec. 7(c.2.2) of RR 06-08. Definition of ‘fair market the form of money from private respondents to
value’ of Shares of Stock. ‘Fair market value’ of Sen. Angara, without considerations therefor.
the share of stock sold shall be: In the case of Hence, they squarely fall under the definition of
shares of stock not listed and traded in the local donation or gift. For internal revenue purposes,
stock exchanges, the book value of the shares of political contributions in the Philippines are
stock as shown in the financial statements duly considered taxable gift rather than taxable
certified by an independent certified public income. This is so, because a political contribution
accountant nearest to the date of sale shall be is indubitably not intended by the giver or
the fair market value. contributor as a return of value or made because
of any intent to repay another what is his due, but
bestowed only because of motives of
philanthropy or charity. His purpose is to give and
to bolster the morals, the winning chance of the
candidate and/or his party, and not to employ or
Abello, et al. vs. CIR
buy. On the other hand, the recipient-donee does
GR No. 120721
not regard himself as exchanging his services or his
product for the money contributed. But more
importantly he receives financial advantages
During the 1987 national elections,
petitioners, who are partners in the ACCRA law
firm, contributed P882,661.31 each to the
3. Yes. The political contribution is taxable. At
campaign funds of Senator Edgardo Angara, then
the time of the promulgation of this case, the
running for the Senate. The BIR then assessed each
transfer of political contributions was not yet
of the petitioners P263,032.66 for their
exempt from donor’s tax.
contributions. Petitioners questioned the
assessment claiming that political or electoral 4. Under the TRAIN Law, political
contributions are not considered gifts under NIRC contributions are exempt from donor’s tax. On
therefore, not liable for donors tax. The claim for November 15, 1991, Congress approved Republic
exemption was denied by the Commissioner. The Act No. 7166, providing in Section 13 thereof that
BIR denied their motion. They then filed a petition political/electoral contributions, duly reported to
with the CTA, which was granted. On appeal, the the Commission on Elections, are not subject to
CA again held in favor of the BIR. the payment of any gift tax. This being said, all
political contributions given after the effectivity of
Issue/s: the law will be exempt from donor’s tax. This
exemption was reiterated under Republic Act No.
1. What are the requisites of a donation?
10963, otherwise known as the TRAIN Law.
2. Is political contribution a gift or donation?
3. In this case, is the political contribution
4. Under the TRAIN Law, is a political
contribution taxable?

Ruli Ruling:

1. The requisites of a donation are as follows:

GIFT TAXATION - Transfer during lifetime of transferor

Under the old Tax Code (1930s)

 2 Impositions in the nature of gift tax:  2 concepts:
Donor’s Tax & Donee’s Tax Donation inter vivos & Donation mortis causa

Donee’s Tax
 Tax on the privilege of receiving donation or gift  Mortis causa: the transfer shall not subject to
 No more donee’s tax donor’s tax because the transfer takes effect upon
 This concept have been removed under the present the death of the decedent
tax law - the transfer is subject to estate tax.

Donor’s Tax  Inter vivos: the transfer shall be subject to donor’s

 Tax imposed on the privilege of transferring a because the transfer shall take effect during the
property gratuitously to another individual during lifetime of transferor
the lifetime of the transferor.
Sec. 99

 Location of the Property

Parish of Nueva Segovia Case
2 types of donors:
- The parish received 100k from another entity.
1. Resident Donor
- BIR assessed the parish donee’s tax for receiving such
2. Non-resident Donor
- Parish argued that it is exempt from donee’s tax because
it is in the nature of a property tax, hence covered by the Resident Donor
Constitutional tax exemption with respect to property
tax.  A resident or a citizen of the Philippines

SC: Donee’s tax is not included within within the ambit of  Liable for donor’s tax for properties donated which is
the constitutional provision. The constitutional provision located within and outside the Philippines
related to tax exemption plainly deals with real property
- Donee’s tax is not in the nature of property tax, rather it Non-resident Donor
is an the nature of excise tax because it is a tax on the
privilege.  Person who is not a resident and not a citizen of the
Under the present laws
 Only subject to donor’s tax if the property is located
- There is no longer an imposition of donee’s tax within the Philippines
- If there is a gift, then it is no longer subject to donee’s tax
but only donor’s tax.  If a non-resident donor owns an Intangible Personal
Property which is located in the Philippines, apply
Nature of Gift Tax / Donor’s Tax the reciprocity rule. The IPP shall be exempt from tax
- In the nature of an excise tax if the following requisites are present:
- Not in the nature of property or poll tax
Reciprocity Rule Requisites:

Concept of “GIFTS”subject to taxes 1. There is an intangible personal property;

2. The IPP is located in the Philippines;
Sec. 98. Imposition of Tax. – 3. The IPP is owned by a non-resident donor;
4. The laws of the domiciliary country grants a tax
(A) There shall be levied, assessed, collected and paid upon exemption to Filipinos not residing in such domiciliary
the transfer by any person, resident or nonresident, of the country.
property by gift, a tax, computed as provided in Section 99.
(B) The tax shall apply whether the transfer is in trust or
otherwise, whether the gift is direct or indirect, and whether
the property is real or personal, tangible or intangible.
SITUS OF THE PROPERTY Donor’s Tax will be imposed only if there is a completed

1. Real property – consider the location of the real If the subject of donation is a real property: The donation must
property be embodied in a public instrument. Otherwise the donation is
2. Personal property – apply the principle of mobilia
sequntur peronam - movable follows the owner If the subject of donation is personal property: The donation
must be contained in a written agreement if the value of the
personal property exceeds P5,000.

The following intangibles are properties considered as Requisites of a taxable donation: ( C I D A )

situated in the Philippines:
1. Capacity of the Donor

a. Franchise which must be exercised in the Philippines; (Capacity of the donee is not important because a gift
can be given even to an unborn child)
b. Shares, obligations or bonds issued by corporation
or sociedad anonima organized or constituted in
the Philippines;
2. Intent to Donate
c. Share, obligations or bonds issued by a foreign
corporation 85% of the busienss of which is located (Can be dispensed with in cases of indirect gifts
in the Philippines; because in the concept of indirect gifts animus
donandi is not present)

3. Delivery
d. Shares, obligations or bonds issued by a foreign
corporation if such shares, obligations or bonds This element that completes the concept of
have acquired a business situs in the Philippines; completed donation.

e. Shares or rights in any partnership, business, or 4. Acceptance

industry established in the Philippines.
This is an element for the validity of a donation.

Concept of Direct Gifts

BASIC PRINCIPLES There has to be an intent to donate.

Few things to consider: There has to be an explicit intention to donate and explicit
acceptance of a donation.
Donor’s Tax= is an Excise Tax and Transfer Tax because it is a
taxed imposed on gratuitous transfers.
Concept of Indirect Gifts
2 Types of Transfer Taxes
May be in the form of:

1. Condonation of indebtedness:
Remuneratory Donation: An instance where the
debtor rendered a service in favor of the creditor in
2. DONOR’S TAX order that the creditor will condone the obligation. In
cases of remuneratory donation, the transaction shall
be subject to income tax imposed on the amount of
Under the Local Government Code, transfer taxes being
obligation condoned.
imposed by provinces and cities is a different type of tax.
Donor’s tax, estate tax, or transfer tax being collected by the
Local Government Unit CAN BE IMPOSED ON THE SAME
TRANSFER. There is no direct double taxation because the
taxing authorities are DIFFERENT.
Bar Question: ii. Specific Renunciation- Renunciation of
inheritance in favor of ONE or SOME BUT NOT
A borrowed P100,000 from B. Thereafter, A paid P25,000, thus
there is still a balance of P75,000. B then agreed that A will just
clean his house and the remaining obligation shall be This kind of renunciation is SUBJECT to Donor’s Tax.
Example: Siblings A, B, and C inherited several properties
Question: What is the tax implication of the transaction? from their parents. A thereafter renounces his share in the
Answer: The transaction is subject to income tax because there inheritance in favor of B.
exists a rendition of service. Technically, A was paid because of
the services he rendered. Thus, A shall be liable for income tax.
3. Transfer for Insufficient Consideration

What if the condonation of indebtedness is by reason of sheer TFIC takes place when a property is transferred to another
generosity? individual for less than the adequate and full consideration.
Meaning, the property has been sold for less than its Fair
The condonation shall be treated as one in the nature of a gift Market Value.
and this condonation shall be subject to donor’s tax.
 Take note: Under the present Revenue Regulation,
Who will be liable for donor’s tax?
there exists a presumption that the transfer is
Answer: The creditor being the donor. considered a TFIC when the gross selling price is less
than the fair market value. Thus, the difference
between the FMV and the GSP shall be subject to
Condonation by a Corporation in Favor of a Stockholder donor’s tax if the transfer will take effect during the
lifetime of the transferor.
There is condonation between a corporation and a stockholder
where the stockholder borrowed money from the corporation
and the corporation thereafter condones the indebtedness of
the stockholder. This is considered as equivalent to a  If the transfer will take effect upon the death of the
declaration of dividends. transferor, the difference between the FMV and the
GSP shall be subject to Estate Tax.
Tax Implication depends on who the donor is and who the
donee is: Remember also that: the concept of TFIC does not apply to
sale of real property classified as capital asset.
 If both the donor and the donee is a domestic
corporation = dividend income is exempt from tax
pursuant to the inter-corporate dividend principle.
Remedy to avoid the payment of Donor’s Tax or Estate Tax
 If donor is RFC or NRFC, and donee is a DC = subject
The taxpayer must establish the following:
i. that the transfer was made at arm’s length
ii. or the transfer is a bona fide sale
2. Renunciation of Inheritance iii. and transfer was without the intent to donate.

In this case, an heir no longer accepts his or her distributive If TP fails to prove this, presumption that the transfer is a TFIC
share over the inheritance. will remain.

2 Types of Renunciation of Inheritance:

i. General Renunciation- Renunciation of

inheritance in favor of ALL the heirs. Back to the discussion of Renunciation of Inheritance:
This kind of renunciation is EXEMPT from Donor’s Tax.

Example: Siblings A, B, and C inherited several properties Illustration:

from their parents. A thereafter renounces his share in the
inheritance without specifying any sibling. The estate of the decedent is worth P10 Million and the
properties thereto are conjugal or community property. The
decedent is survived by his children A, B, and C and his spouse In the valuation of gross gifts, any diminution of the value of
D. the property shall be reflected in the tax return.

1/2 of the estate shall belong to the surviving spouse as her  The assumption of mortgage by the donee shall be
conjugal share. considered as a diminution of the value of the
The other half will form part of the Net Distributable Estate.
Thus, it will be divided among the first child, the second child,
Illustration: A property is worth P 1 Million but the
the third child, and the surviving spouse.
donee mortgaged the same but the value of the debt
is only worth P400K. Technically, the donee only
receives only P400K and not P1 Million. The value of
 If the surviving spouse renounces all her interest over the diminution shall be deducted from the amount of
the estate. The renunciation of her conjugal share gross gifts.
shall be subject to Donor’s Tax. The concept of
general renunciation does not apply with respect to Illustration: the value of the property is worth P1
the conjugal share of the surviving spouse because Million but the donor indicated a stipulation that after
the renunciation pertains to the renunciation of her a year the donee needs to transfer a portion of the
conjugal or community share and NOT the property to another individual. In this case, there is
renunciation of HER SHARE in the inheritance. likewise a diminution of the value of the property
because the donee cannot enjoy the entire property
itself. If that is the case, the value of the gross gift shall
 With respect to the share of the surviving spouse in be diminished by the value to be transferred to
the Net Distributable Estate, apply the principles of another individual.
general renunciation. Thus, if the surviving spouse
renounces her share in the Net Distributable Estate in
favor of ALL the remaining heirs, the renunciation VALUATION
shall not be subject to Donor’s Tax.

Valuation of properties that shall form part of the gross gifts

 But if the surviving spouse renounces her share in the
shall be based on the Current Fair Market Value at the TIME
Net Distributable Estate in favor of SOME OR ONE
BUT NOT ALL OF THE HEIRS, the renunciation shall be
subject to Donor’s Tax. Current Market Value= The higher amount between the zonal
value and the assessed value.
Remember that the concept of General and Specific
Renunciation applies ONLY to the renunciation of inheritance.

Computation of Donor’s Tax Liability

Waiver is not the same as renunciation.

In waiver, the heir already received the share in the inheritance 6% in excess of P250,000.
before renouncing while in renunciation the heir has not yet
received his share but he is already renouncing his inheritance. Thus any amount in excess of P250,000 multiplied by 6% shall
be the amount of donor’s tax due.

Under the TRAIN LAW, regardless of the status of the

relationship between the donor and the donee, the tax rate
shall be pegged at 6% based on the amount of the net gifts.
Determination of Gross Gifts
Gross gifts shall include ALL GIFTS during the calendar year.
(Cumulative Basis of Reporting)

Thus, the donation made in January will still be included in

the computation of gross gifts at the end of the year.
1. Gifts made to or for the use of the National
Government or any entity created by any of its
agencies which is not conducted for profit, or to any Definition: VAT is a tax on the value added by the performance
political subdivision of the said government; and of the service or sale of goods.

 It is a tax on the privilege to conduct a business

2. Gifts in favor of an educational and/or charitable,
within the jurisdiction of the Philippines. Therefore,
religious, cultural or social welfare corporation,
VAT is in the nature of a business tax.
institution, accredited non-government organization,
trust, or philanthropic organization or research
institution or organization
 It is likewise ad valorem tax because the tax is based
The 2nd exemption applies only if: on the value of the property being sold.

I. the recipient is a non-stock non-profit

 VAT is equivalent to 12% of the gross sales or gross
receipts. Therefore, it is immaterial whether the
profit is derived from rendering the service or selling
II. the recipient is one established for the purposes
 VAT is cumulative in nature because VAT is not a
single-staged tax. Single-staged tax refers to the
III. That not more than 30% of the donation shall be
imposition of tax only at the first stage of production.
used for administrative purposes.
 Multi-staged Tax refers to where the tax to be
imposed will be imposed from the time that the
3. Political Contributions provided that the following product is manufactured until the time that the
requisites are complied with: product is sold.

 VAT is a regressive tax because the payment thereof

i. There is compliance with the does not consider the ability to pay of the taxpayer.
reportorial requirements provided
under the Omnibus Election Code;  In the concept of VAT, only the burden of tax is
shifted to the end consumer, the tax liability remains
ii. That there has to be a filing of with the seller.
statement of contributions and
expenses (COSE)
 The imposition of VAT is equitable because it
considers the VAT exemption of those taxpayers
iii. That the contributions must be whose gross sales or gross receipts do not exceed the
spent during the campaign period; threshold amount. If the taxpayer did not earn P3
Million then the taxpayer will not be subject to VAT.
iv. That the contributions must be fully (Kapatiran vs. Tan)
utilized. (Unutilized portion shall be
subject to donor’s tax)
 VAT is a tax imposed on the seller, lessor, importer, or
Under the revenue regulation, the political party or
service provider.
candidate who accepted the political contribution is
mandated to withhold the tax from the income
payment made to the suppliers upon which the
political contributions had been used. 2 General Types of Business Tax

If there is Failure to withhold the same: The amount 1. VAT

paid to the supplier will be considered as UNUTILIZED 2. Percentage Tax
thus subject to Donor’s Tax.
The national government cannot impose both taxes at the Caveat: Sale of a CAPITAL ASSET shall never ever be subject to
same time, within the same taxable period because that would VAT or percentage tax because the sale of a capital asset is not
be equivalent to direct double taxation. There is direct double made in the ordinary course of business!!
taxation because the taxes are of the same nature (same
business tax), same subject matter (privilege to conduct
business), same taxable period, and both of them are being CIR vs. Magsaysay Lines
collected by the national government.
MBC was sought to be privatized. To privatize MBC, MBC sold
Reimbursement-of-cost basis: The sale of a seller is only 5 vessels. During the auction Magsaysay Lines won.
equivalent to the cost of sales. Example: You bought P100
pesos worth of goods then you only sold it for the same value. Question: Is the transaction subject to VAT?

CASE: What if the taxpayer is only operating only on Answer:

“reimbursement-of-cost basis”, can the BIR still impose VAT
The sale of the 5 vessels is not considered as sale of goods in
on the taxpayer?
the ordinary course of business because it is merely an isolated
Answer: Yes. The transaction is still subject to VAT transaction. Being an isolated transaction, the transaction is
notwithstanding the fact that there is no profit earned from not subject to VAT.
the transaction, the transaction is still subject to VAT based on
Also, MBC was merely forced to sell the 5 vessels because of
the gross selling price.
the privatization program. By reason of this, we cannot
consider the sale as subject to VAT. It is not even considered
as an incidental transaction.

However, under RA. No. 9337, all income or receipts from

COVERAGE OF VAT incidental transactions shall be subject to VAT.


Sale Mindanao Geothermal Case

Barter Mindanao Geothermal is engaged in the business of

generating electric power. Thereafter, it sold a Nissan Patrol
Exchange Truck which was being used in the operations of their business.
Lease It now argues that the sale of the Nissan Patrol Truck is not
subject to VAT because it is not engaged in the business of
Of goods or services “in the ORDINARY course of business”.
buying and selling of vehicles and is engaged in the generation
Also includes importation of goods notwithstanding the fact of electric power. Further, it argues that the sale of the truck is
that it is not made in the ordinary course of business. not even incidental to its business.

If importation of goods, it need not be made in the ordinary Ruling of SC: it was erroneous for Mindanao Geothermal to
course of business. conclude that the sale was not an incidental transaction when
in truth the Nissan Patrol Truck was being used in its business.
Question: Will the collection of association dues be subject to
In fact, based on the financial statements of Mindanao
Geothermal, the Nissan Patrol Truck was listed as part of the
Answer: No. Any collection made is not made in the ordinary Property, Plant & Equipment. Meaning it is indeed used for its
course of business. In fact, what is only being done is collection business. Being used in its business, the asset shall be classified
by the association in trust for all the owners of the as an ordinary asset which if sold will be subject to VAT.
condominium units or homeowners in a subdivision.

Association dues are not subject to VAT because the collection

made is not done in the ordinary course of business nor is it
subject to income tax because association dues are merely Check if the asset is being used in the ordinary course of
held in trust by the homeowner’s association. business.

If ordinary asset: Subject to VAT

PSALM Case exemption from the tax being imposed. Further, the SC held
that VAT’s tax liability is imposed on the seller and not the
PSALM was created by the government for purposes of selling consumer. What is merely being done in VAT is that the
hydro-power plants. PSALM thereafter sold assets of burden of paying the tax is shifted to the end consumer or
Pantabangan Dam. By reason of this transaction, BIR buyer. Since the tax liability remains with the seller, PH
collected VAT from PSALM. Acetylene shall be liable for the VAT even if it cannot shift it
to the consumer.
Question: Will the sale of the assets of Pantabangan Dam by
PSALM be subject to VAT?
Answer: NO. PSALM was merely forced to sell the assets of
Pantabangan Dam because PSALM was mandated under the Facts:
law which created it to sell the following assets. Thus, since
PSALM was forced to sell the assets herein because it is its GOTAMCO entered into a transaction with WHO.
mandate under the law, we cannot therefore consider the GOTAMCO constructed the WHO building. WHO is exempt
transaction as one being done in the ordinary course of from tax under the Host Agreement. Thereafter,
business. contractor’s tax (same as VAT) was collected from

BIR argued that GOTAMCO is not the one who is exempt but
rather it is WHO who is exempt from tax.
VAT is a tax on consumption
-It is imposed on each sale, barter, lease or exchange of goods
or properties or on each rendition of services in the ordinary GOTAMCO shall not be liable to pay the contractor’s tax.
There is an express provision in the Host Agreement which
course of business as they pass along the production and
states that persons or entities dealing with WHO shall be
distribution chain.
exempt from taxes.
-It should be understood not in the context of the person or
entity that is primarily, directly, and legally liable for its
payment. Difference of the two cases:

INDIRECT TAX In the Host Agreement which granted the tax exemption of
Incidence of Tax= refers to the Burden of tax WHO, an additional provision has been included therein which
Impact of Tax= refers to the Tax liability RESPECT TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE WHO BUILDING


Philippine Acetylene Case
In the Visiting Agreement with respect to the Voice of America,
Facts: the Voice of America is exempt from taxes both direct and
indirect taxes. Nowhere is it stated in the agreement that “ALL
PH Acetylene (Seller) entered into a transaction with Voice PERSONS DEALING WITH VOICE OF AMERICA SHALL LIKEWISE
of America (Buyer). BE EXEMPT FROM TAX”.
Voice of America now claims that it is exempt from tax.
According to PH Acetylene, since Voice of America is GOTAMCO CASE PH ACETYLENE
exempt from tax, PH Acetylene should likewise be exempt There is an explicit provision There is no express
from VAT. in the Host Agreement provision on the Visiting
providing for the exemption Agreement providing for
SC RULING: from taxes of persons or exemption from taxes of
entities dealing with WHO persons who are dealing
PH Acetylene is not exempt from tax. Even if Voice of with the Voice of America.
America is exempt from indirect tax, PH acetylene is still
liable for VAT because PH Acetylene does not enjoy any
The existence of an income does not automatically result to
the imposition of a business tax be it in the nature of a VAT
CIR v. American Rubber or percentage tax. In the imposition of VAT, there must be
sale, barter, lease or exchange of goods or services in the
Facts: ordinary course of business.
American Rubber is engaged in the production of rubber
products. At the time of the promulgation of this case, these
products are exempt from VAT but at the present time
these products are no longer exempt from VAT.

In this case, the VAT was paid by the purchasers of the

rubber products. The purchasers now argued that they
should not have paid the VAT because the sale of the rubber TAX CREDIT MECHANISM
products are exempt from tax.
American Rubber now fails a claim for refund. The It is a scheme adopted by VAT registered entities whereby the
purchasers sought the dismissal of the case since it was not
INPUT VAT will be used to reduce the amount of OUTPUT
American Rubber who paid the tax.

It also involves a situation where the creditable input VAT can

SC RULING: be used to reduce the amount of OUTPUT VAT for the next
succeeding taxable periods.
Since the tax liability still remains to be with American
Rubber, it shall therefore have the personality to file a claim APPLICABLE ONLY TO TAXPAYERS WHO ARE SUBJECT TO VAT
for refund of the erroneously paid tax. AND WHO ARE REGISTERED UNDER THE VAT SYSTEM.

The rule is: the statutory taxpayer has the personality to file
a claim for refund.
OUTPUT VAT: The VAT imposed on the sale of goods to
When the claim for refund is successful, American Rubber another whether VAT registered or not.
will hold the taxes refunded by the government in trust for
INPUT VAT: Is the VAT acquired from the purchase of goods
the purchasers who shouldered the burden of tax.
from VAT registered entities.

CIR v. Sony Philippines Output VAT minus Input VAT is the concept of Tax Credit
If the OV > IV= there is VAT liability.
This case involves Sony Singapore and Sony Philippines.
Sony Philippines incurred advertising expense which Sony If the OV < IV= there is Creditable Input VAT
Philippines could not pay.
The Creditable Input VAT can be carried over to the next
Sony Singapore then paid for the advertising expense as a succeeding taxable period and it can be used to reduce the
way of assisting Sony Philippines. amount of output VAT over the next succeeding taxable
The BIR then assessed Sony Philippines for VAT with respect
to such transaction.
SC Ruling:
Assume that Mr. A is the manufacturer of a bag. He is not VAT
The transaction is not subject to VAT because there is no registered.
sale, barter, lease or exchange of goods or services in the
ordinary course of business. Take note that Sony Philippines A then sells the bag to B (VAT registered) for P1,000.
did not sell, exchange, nor lease any goods or services to
Since B is VAT registered, if B sells to C the same bag for
Sony Singapore. This being said, the transaction is not
subject to VAT but that does not mean that there is no P10,000, the sale will now be subject to VAT. Thus, C will pay
income involved. In this case, the amounts received as the amount of P11,200 (P10,000 + 12% VAT). On the part of
subsidy by Sony Philippines shall be treated as an income. B, the amount of P1,200 is called OUTPUT VAT.
What if C is likewise a VAT Registered Entity and sells the DESTINATION PRINCIPLE
same bag to Mr.D for P20,000. Will the sale be subject to
VAT? (Not the same as Cross-Border Doctrine)

Answer: Yes. Thus, D will pay C the amount of P20,000 + 12% Destination Principle states that VAT shall be imposed to form
VAT. On the part of C, the amount of P2,400 will be part of the cost of goods destined for consumption in the
considered as OUTPUT VAT. territorial border of the taxing authority.

Further, since C earlier paid the VAT of P1,200, such amount Applying this principle in the Philippine context, if the goods
shall be treated as INPUT VAT. are consumed in the Philippines, VAT shall be imposed.

Thus, what then is the VAT liability of C? On the other hand, Cross-Border Doctrine states that no VAT
shall be imposed to form part of the cost of goods destined
Output VAT: P2,400 for consumption outside the territorial border of the taxing
Less Input VAT: P1,200

VAT Liability: P1,200 Exception to the Destination Principle:

The manner where you deducted the input VAT from the In the case of CIR v. AMEX, the SC ruled that Foreign Currency
Output VAT is called Tax Credit Method. Denominated Transactions involving services shall be
considered as an exemption to the destination principle.


The SC held that consumption would mean the extinguishment

Creditable INPUT VAT of the liability of the taxpayer with respect to the contract of
service. Thus, if the services shall be performed in the
If the OV is less than the IV then there exist a Creditable Input
Philippines, in order to relieve the taxpayer from the liability,
VAT which is considered as an asset.
the services must be consumed in the Philippines.
Why asset?
In FCDTs, the services are performed in the Philippines, all the
Because you can use it as payment for the next succeeding contractual obligations shall be extinguished in the Philippines.
taxable period. Therefore, the services are consumed in the Philippines.
However, the SC held that notwithstanding the fact that the
goods are consumed in the Philippines, it will not be subject to
In the year 2020 there is creditable input VAT in the amount 12% rather, the transaction is subject to 0% VAT.
of P1 Million. In the first quarter of 2021, the taxpayer has an
output VAT of P3 Million. This would mean that the VAT
liability will not be P3 Million because the taxpayer can General rule: Goods consumed in the Philippines shall be
deduct the input VAT during that taxable period plus the subject to 12% VAT. (Destination Principle)
creditable input VAT in the amount of P1 Million.
Exception: Foreign Currency Denominated Transactions
Computation of VAT Liability: involving services. Notwithstanding the fact that the goods are
consumed in the Philippines, it will not be subject to 12%
rather, the transaction is subject to 0% VAT.
What else?
LESS: CREDITABLE INPUT VAT Under Zero-Rated Transactions, export sales are NOT subject
to 12% rather it is subject to 0% VAT.
Why 0%?
0% because pursuant to the Cross-Border Doctrine, you cannot
impose VAT on goods that are consumed outside the
Philippines. Since the goods in export sales are to be consumed
outside the Philippines, it will not be subject to 12% VAT but
rather 0% VAT.
Take Note: In the case of sale, barter, or exchange of real
property classified as an ordinary asset subject to
If the taxpayer is NOT VAT REGISTERED= the export sale will
still not be subject to VAT because as can be gleaned from the
list of VAT exempt transactions, export sales by Non-VAT
Taxable base is the gross selling price which shall
registered taxpayers are considered as VAT EXEMPT
mean the consideration stated in the sales document
or the fair market value, whichever is higher.

Would it include the capital gains tax?

Answer: No. Because if the sale involves sale of capital

asset it is not subject to VAT because the sale is not
made in the ordinary course of business.

2. Importation of goods- taxable base shall be the total
Mandatory Registration:
value used by the Bureau of Customs in determining
The persons mandated to register under the VAT system are: the tariff and custom duties plus excise tax and other
charges which shall be paid prior to the release of
the goods from the custom’s custody.
i. Those who voluntarily register under the VAT Custom Duties are determined on the basis of the
system quantity or volume of the goods= VAT shall be based
on the landed cost plus excise tax, if any.
ii. Those who are mandated to register

Persons or entities mandated to register:

3. Sale of Services- the taxable base shall be based on
gross receipts.
 Taxpayers who reached the threshold
amount of MORE THAN P3 Million gross
“Gross Receipts”- refers to the total amount of
sales or gross receipts.
money or its equivalent representing the contract
price, compensation, service fee, rental or royalty,
including the amount charged for materials supplied
IMPOSITION OF VAT: TAX BASE with the services and deposits applied as payments
The imposition of VAT shall be based on the gross sales or for services rendered, and advance payments
gross receipts. actually or constructively received during the taxable
period for the services performed or to be
In order to know the proper taxable base, you need to performed for another person, excluding VAT.
determine the transaction first.

Determine if the transaction involves the: Medicard Case

1. Sale of goods- Taxable base is Gross Selling Price

Under Revenue Regulation 13-2018, gross selling Medicard received P2,500 which represents the service fee
price means the total amount of money or its of medicard in the amount of P500 and the remaining
equivalent which the purchaser pays or is obligated P2,000 represents the amount that will be used to pay
to pay to the seller in consideration of the sale, barter hospital bills and doctor’s fee.
or exchange of the goods or properties, excluding
VAT. The excise tax, if any, on such goods or BIR assessed Medicard VAT based on P2,500.
properties shall form part of the gross selling price. Medicard argued that taxable base should have been the
amount of P500 only because the P2000 is merely held in
trust by medicard.
The BIR argued that Medicard received the full amount of
P2,500 thus it shall be constituted as their gross receipts.
3. Consignment of goods if actual sale is not made
SC Ruling: within 60 days following the date of such goods were
The SC held that Medicard must only include as part of its
gross receipts or gross sales the amount of P500 only. The following elements must be present:

i. There was no actual sale made within 60 days;

The SC held that gross receipts or gross sales must not
include the amounts held in trust for another individual. Any ii. And the consigned goods were not returned to
amount held in trust by the taxpayer will not be subject to the consignor within the 60-day period.
Note that in consignment, what is being transferred is merely
the possession and not the ownership over the goods.
Here, the amount of P2,000 is merely held in trust by
Medicard for the hospital bills and doctor’s fee.

4. Retirement from or cessation of business, with

respect to inventories of taxable goods existing as of
such retirement or cessation
TRANSACTIONS DEEMED SALE In this case, any type of retirement from or cessation of
business by a VAT registered taxpayer shall be equivalent to a
Take note:
transaction deemed sale. Thus, the ending inventory of the
NIRC does not limit the definition of “sale” to commercial VAT registered taxpayer is considered as constructively sold
transactions. even if the goods were not actually sold.

TRANSACTIONS DEEMED SALE ARE TRANSACTIONS Change or Cessation of Status as VAT Registered Taxpayer
This is considered as retirement from or cessation from

1. Transfer, use or consumption not in the ordinary A change in the status of the VAT person or there is a cessation
course of business of goods or properties originally of its status as a VAT person, it shall be considered as
intended for sale or for use in the course of business retirement from business.

In order for this transaction to be considered as a Coverage of Change or Cessation of Status as VAT Registered
transaction deemed sale the goods used must be Taxpayer
originally intended for sale.
1. Change of business activity from VAT to VAT-exempt

2. Approval of a request for cancellation of registration

2. Distribution or transfer to shareholders or investors due to reversion to exempt status;
as share in the profits of the VAT-registered persons,
or to creditors in payment of debt or obligation

Illustration: 3. Approval of a request for cancellation of registration

due to a desire to revert to exempt status after the
A has a grocery store. A is indebted to B. A can no longer pay lapse of three (3) consecutive years from the time of
his obligation to B. A then requested B that the obligation be registration by a person who voluntarily registered
paid through his grocery items. B agrees. The payment made despite being exempt (below threshold); and
to B shall be treated as a transaction deemed sale even if there
is no actual sale. 4. Approval of a request for cancellation of registration
of one who commenced business with the
expectation of gross sales/receipts exceeding P3
Million but who failed to exceed this amount during
the first 12 months of operation.
If the taxpayer is a VAT EXEMPT PERSON, the taxpayer may
file a claim for refund of unutilized input VAT provided that
A person whose registration has been cancelled due to
the taxpayer is VAT registered.
retirement from or cessation of business, or due to changes in
or cessation of status may, within two (2) years from the date
of cancellation, apply for the issuance of a tax credit
certificate for any unused input tax which may be used in
payment of his other internal revenue taxes.
The filing of the claim shall be made only after completion of
3 Classifications:
the mandatory audit of all internal revenue tax liabilities.
1. Export Sales;
Upon the determination that indeed the taxpayer has
unutilized input VAT, the Commissioner will issue a Tax Credit
2. Foreign Currency Denominated Transactions
Certificate. This will now be used by the TP to pay off other
internal revenue tax liabilities.

3. Effectively Zero-Rated Transactions


1. ORDINARY TRANSACTIONS which are subject to 12% 1.Export Sale
(Limited to sale of Goods)
2. ZERO-RATED TRANSACTIONS which are subject to 0%
Under the NIRC, the enumeration of export sale will include:
I. Actual shipment of goods to a foreign country
and will also include constructive shipment of
3. VAT EXEMPT TRANSACTIONS – there is no goods to a foreign country.
imposition of VAT.
Constructive Shipment to a Foreign Country- There is no
actual shipment to a foreign country but the law
considers the transaction as an export sale.
Zero Rated Transaction vs. VAT Exempt
Transaction Illustration:

If an individual sells supplies to Texas Instruments which is

As to There is an imposition There is no an export oriented enterprise (it considered as an export
imposition of VAT but it is only imposition of VAT. oriented enterprise because more than 70% of its
of VAT pegged at 0%. production are shipped abroad). Technically Texas
Instruments is the one who exports the products. It is
As to claim The taxpayer is The taxpayer is not Texas Instruments who has actual shipment abroad. But
for refund allowed to claim for allowed to claim for the law considers sale of goods to Texas Instruments as an
refund of unutilized refund of unutilized export sale because it is a sale made to an export oriented
input VAT input VAT. enterprise.
As to the The taxpayer must be It is not necessary
need of VAT registered. If the that the taxpayer is
registration taxpayer is not VAT registered under the
II. Sale of goods by Pioneer Enterprises which are
under the registered, the VAT system. Thus,
VAT system. taxpayer’s transaction whether the registered with the Bureau of Investment
will not be classified as taxpayer is There is no actual shipment abroad but the law considers it as
zero-rated. registered or not,
export sale.
the transaction can
be classified as VAT
2.Foreign Currency Denominated Differences
Transaction Zero-rated Effectively Zero Rated

(Limited to Sale of Services) Person Benefits the Seller Benefits the Buyer
If we talk about foreign currency denominated transactions Nature Generally refers Refers to the sale of
this are transactions where the services are performed in the to the export sale goods or supply of
Philippines but these services were rendered in favor of non- of goods and services to persons or
resident clients and the taxpayer receives an acceptable supply of services entities whose
foreign currency denominated transaction in accordance with exemption under
special laws or
BSP rules and regulations as payment for the services.
Elements of FCDT: agreements to which
the PH is a signatory
1. Service must be performed in the Philippines; effectively subjects
2. The service must be performed in favor of a non- such transactions to a
resident client; zero rate.
3. The service should have been paid in an acceptable
foreign currency in accordance with BSP Rules and
Highlights of Zero-Rated Transaction
1. The sale of goods, supplies, equipment and fuel to
persons engaged in international shipping or
The element that the service must be covered in the international air transport operations is subject to
enumeration under the NIRC is no longer an element of FCDT zero-rate transaction provided, that the goods,
because in the case of CIR v. AMEX and CIR v. PLACERDOME, supplies, equipment, and fuel shall be used
the SC held that ALL SERVICES ARE COVERED BY THE exclusively for international shipping or air transport
In this particular item, the sale of goods must be made

3.Effectively Zero-Rated Transaction I. Persons engaged in international shipping;

Effectively Zero-Rated Transaction involves sales to entities or
persons who are exempt from VAT and a provision in a special II. Persons engaged in international air
law or treaty effectively subjects the transaction to a zero- transport operations
rated transaction.
III. That the goods must be EXCLUSIVELY used
2 Elements:
for international shipping or air transport
I. There is a sale made to entities or persons who operations.
are exempt from VAT
What if the taxpayer sold P1 Million worth of petroleum
II. That there is a provision that effectively subjects
products to an entity engaged in international shipping and
the transaction to a zero VAT.
60% of which is used in international shipping and the 40% was
Illustration: used for domestic air transportation?

PH Acetylene case and GOTAMCO case. Answer: Only the 60% sold will be zero-rated. The 40% will be
subject to 12% VAT.

2. Services rendered to persons engaged in

international shipping or air transport operations,
including leases of property for use thereof shall be
subject to zero-rate transaction provided, that these
services shall be EXCLUSIVELY for international
shipping or air transport operations.
Has the same elements above. The only difference is that this
item refers to a service while the first item refers to the sale of Question: If Seagate filed a claim for refund under Section
goods. 112 of the NIRC, will the claim prosper?

Vetoed Provisions under the TRAIN LAW:
Yes. Because Seagate is VAT registered.
Registered enterprises within a separate customs territory as
provided under special law. However, the locators are still In this case, Seagate was filing a claim for refund under
Section 112.
considered as located in a foreign country.

Registered enterprises within tourism enterprise zones as Under Section 112, the transaction must be attributable to
declared by the TIEZA subject to the provisions under RA No. a zero-rated transaction or to an effectively zero-rated
9593 or the Tourism Act of 2009. However, the incentives transaction. This means that the input VAT acquired by
Seagate must be used by Seagate for its zero-rated
under RA No. 9593 remains in effect. TIEZA law allows only
transactions or effectively zero rated transactions. Thus, the
duty and tax-free importation capital requirement,
supplies it bought from supplier A, must be used for
transportation equipment and other goods. transactions of Seagate that are classified as either zero-
Notwithstanding the fact that DU30 vetoed the first provision, rated transaction or effectively zero-rated transaction.
the separate customs territory is still treated by legal fiction of
law as a foreign territory.

Notwithstanding the fact that Du30 vetoed the second If an entity is within an export zone, the entity is
provision, it remains that they are still exempt from tax and considered as located in a foreign territory.
duties on importation of capital equipment, transport
What if Seagate sells within the Philippines?
equipment and other goods.
Answer: The sale will be considered as an importation of
goods thus it is subject to VAT.
CIR v. Seagate Technology
However, in this case, under RA No. 7227, Seagate is
Facts: exempt from both direct and indirect tax.

Seagate bought supplies from Supplier A. Locators enjoy exemption from both direct and indirect
Seagate like context is located in an eco-zone.
Locators are liable for 5% tax and this in lieu of national or
The supplier shifted VAT to Seagate. local taxes.

Seagate paid the VAT. Since Seagate is exempt from both direct and indirect tax,
then Seagate should be free from the payment of VAT.
Seagate filed a refund for unutilized input VAT before the
BIR. Since Seagate is VAT registered and is exempt from both
direct and indirect tax, then Seagate is considered as a VAT
Issue: exempt entity, being a VAT exempt entity, it can file a claim
for refund of unutilized input VAT provided that it is VAT
Will the claim for refund prosper? registered.


Yes. Because Seagate is VAT registered entity.

Question: If Seagate filed a claim for refund under Section

229 of the NIRC, will the claim prosper?

No. Because Seagate is not the statutory taxpayer.
CIR v. Context In this particular case, the services were performed in the
Philippines, and PlacerDomePh was paid in an acceptable
Facts: foreign currency. The client is PlacerDome Canada, a non-
resident foreign corporation.
Context bought supplies from supplier A.
Thus, since all the elements of foreign currency
Context is located in an eco-zone. denominated transaction are present, this transaction shall
therefore be subject to 0% tax.
Supplier A shifted the VAT to Context.
(Same ruling in AMEX Case)
Context objected, but made the objection belatedly
because the VAT was already shifted to it.

Context argued that it erroneously paid the tax to supplier

A. Context then filed for a refund of the VAT that it
erroneously paid to supplier A.
This claim for refund was filed with the CIR.

Take note that:
Will the application for refund prosper? If the gross annual sales and/or receipts of which does not
exceed the amount of P3 Million= The transaction will fall
within the status of VAT EXEMPT TRANSACTION.
NO. Because Context is not the statutory taxpayer. If a
taxpayer will file a claim for refund of erroneously paid tax
under Section 229 of the NIRC, it is necessary that this What if the expected sales will be P3 Million?
person must be the statutory taxpayer.
It will qualify as a VAT TAXABLE TRANSACTION.
If the person is not the statutory taxpayer, the claim for What if the taxpayer failed to meet the expected sales?
refund under Section 229 will not prosper.
The taxpayer may opt to revert back to Non-VAT but that
Can Context file for a refund of unutilized input VAT under would be considered as cancellation of registration as VAT.
Section 112 of the NIRC?
If that is the case, the ending inventory will be subject to VAT
Answer: because that is considered as a Transaction Deemed Sale.

No. Because context is NOT VAT REGISTERED.


1. Educational Services-

Facts: Exempt from VAT but take note that the exemption
refers only to tuition fees and other related activities.
Placerdome PH was engaged by Placerdome Canada. Further, the educational institution must be duly
accredited by CHED, DepEd, or Tesda.
They agreed that PlacerDomePh will rehabilitate the river
that has been affected by the operations of a mining Question: Does it matter whether the educational
company. institution is stock or non-stock?

PlacerDome Canada paid PlacerDomePh in an acceptable Answer: No. It does not matter. Thus, even if
foreign currency. proprietary educational institution, it is VAT
CIR v. United Cadiz
Question: University of Baguio is a proprietary
educational institution, is it exempt from VAT? Facts:

Answer: Yes. But only with respect to their tuition fee United Cadiz Sugar Farmers Association Multi-
because UB is an educational institution duly purpose Cooperative (UCSFA-MPC) is a multi-
accredited by CHED. purpose cooperative. It is engaged in producing
refined sugar. In BIR Ruling No. ECCP-015-08, the
CIR ruled that the cooperative "is considered as
the actual producer of the members' sugarcane
production, because it primarily provided the
2. Senior Citizen and PWD various inputs (fertilizers), capital, technology
transfer, and farm management." (emphasis
Senior Citizen and PWDs are exempt from VAT. supplied) The CIR thus confirmed that UCSFA-
MPC's sale of produce to members and non-
Thus, when the following buy their basic necessities, members is exempt from the payment of VAT.
their purchase will not be subject to VAT. Likewise, However, Regional Director Galanto of the CIR,
the services rendered by Professionals to the again demanded the payment of advance VAT
following shall be exempt from VAT. from UCSFA-MPC. Unable to withdraw its refined
sugar from the refinery/mill for its operations,
UCSFA-MPC was forced to pay advance VAT
under protest.

3. Health Services NOT rendered by Professionals
Is the transaction subject to VAT?
Take note that:

Health services, medical, and veterinary services NOT

rendered by professionals shall be exempt from VAT.
Example: If you went for an X-Ray.
As a general rule under the NIRC, a seller shall be
However, if you already have reader’s fee (doctor liable for VAT on the sale of goods or properties
reading the x-ray), the reader’s fee will not be subject based on the gross selling price or gross value in
to VAT provided that the gross receipts of the doctor money of the thing sold. However, certain
exceeded P3 Million. transactions are exempted from the imposition of

4. Cooperatives One exempted transaction is the sale of

agricultural food products in their original state.
Agricultural food products that have undergone
Cooperatives are exempt from VAT with respect to
simple processes of preparation or preservation for
their transactions WITH MEMBERS.
the market are nevertheless considered to be in
their original state. Sugar is an agricultural food
If the transaction is NOT WITH MEMBERS, then it is product.
Notably, tax regulations differentiate between
Exception: When the cooperative is an agricultural raw sugar and refined sugar. For internal revenue
cooperative and such is selling agricultural products, purposes, the sale of raw cane sugar is exempt
the sale thereof is NOT SUBJECT TO VAT even if they from VAT40 because it is considered to be in its
had transacted with non-members. original state. On the other hand, refined sugar is
an agricultural product that can no longer be
considered to be in its original state because it has
undergone the refining process; its sale is thus
subject to VAT.
Although the sale of refined sugar is generally
subject to VAT, such transaction may nevertheless
qualify as a VAT-exempt transaction if the sale is advance payment of VAT upon withdrawal from
made by a cooperative. Under Section 109(1) of the refinery/mill. The agricultural cooperative's
the NIRC,sales by agricultural cooperatives are exemption from the requirement of advance
exempt from VAT provided the following payment is a logical consequence of the
conditions concur, viz: First, the seller must be an exemption from VAT of its sales of refined sugar.
agricultural cooperative duly registered with the
CDA. An agricultural cooperative is "duly
registered" when it has been issued a certificate of
registration by the CDA.

This certificate is conclusive evidence of its

registration. Second, the cooperative must sell SALE OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS IN THEIR
either: 1) exclusively to its members; or 2) to both
members and non-members, its produce, whether ORIGINAL STATE
in its original state or processed form. The second (VAT EXEMPT)
requisite differentiates cooperatives according to
its customers. If the cooperative transacts only with
members, all its sales are VAT-exempt, regardless
of what it sells. On the other hand, if it transacts This exemption applies ONLY to food products and only if the
with both members and non-members, the following requisites are present:
product sold must be the cooperative's own
produce in order to be VAT-exempt. Stated
differently, if the cooperative only sells its produce 1. The food products must be in the nature of
or goods that it manufactures on its own, its entire
agricultural and marine products;
sales is VAT-exempt.
2. The food products must be sold in their ORIGINAL
A cooperative is the producer of the sugar if it
owns or leases the land tilled, incurs the cost of STATE.
agricultural production of the sugar, and
produces the sugar cane to be refined. It should
Original State- the food products have undergone simple
not have merely purchased the sugar cane from
processes of preparation or preservation for the market, such
its planters-members. UCSFA-MPC satisfies these
requisites in the present case. First, UCSFA-MPC as freezing, drying, salting, broiling, roasting, smoking, or
presented its Certificate of Registration issued by stripping.
the CDA. It does not appear in the records that
Polished and/or husked rice, corn grits, raw cane
the CIR ever objected to the authenticity or
sugar and molasses, ordinary salt, and copra shall be
validity of this certificate. Thus, the certificate is
considered in their original state.
conclusive proof that the cooperative is duly
registered with the CDA.

While its certificate of registration is sufficient to Question: What if the vegetables were chopped and sold in
establish the cooperative's due registration, we SM, is the sale exempt from VAT?
note that it also presented the Certificate of Good
Standing that the CDA issued. This further Answer: Yes. The chopping of vegetables was merely a simple
corroborates its claim that it is duly registered with process of preparation for the market.
the CDA. Second, the cooperative also
presented BIR Ruling No. ECCP-015-08, which Question: What if the taxpayer goes to Teriyakishit and buys
states that UCSFA-MPC "is considered as the sashimi, is it subject to VAT?
actual producer of the members' sugar cane
Answer: Yes. The sashimi is no longer in its original state
production because it primarily provided the
because the restaurant is no longer engaged in the sale of
various productions inputs (fertilizers), capital,
food products rather it is now engaged in the sale of its
technology transfer, and farm management." It
concluded that the cooperative "has direct service, thus, subject to VAT.
participation in the sugar cane production of its Illustration: If you buy Lechon Manok from Andoks, subject to
farmers-members. The sale of refined sugar by an
VAT because what is being sold by Andoks is their service.
agricultural cooperative duly registered with the
CDA is exempt from VAT. A qualified cooperative
also enjoys exemption from the requirement of

In SALE OF RESIDENTIAL LOT, it will be subject to VAT if the
gross selling price is more than P1.5 Million, if the gross selling
price is P1.5 Million and below, it will be exempt from VAT.
Sale of gold to Bangko Zero-rated VAT-exempt
Sentral ng Pilipinas because it is Question:
an export sale
What if the taxpayer sold 4 residential lot worth P1 Million
each for the taxable year 2021, will the sale be subject to
Sale or lease of goods and VAT-exempt VAT-exempt
services to senior citizens (under special (Highlighted
and persons with disability laws) under the Answer:
No. Since the transaction involves the sale of residential lots,
we must consider the gross selling price per transaction. Since
Transfer of property No Provision VAT EXEMPT the gross selling price per transaction per lot is only P1 Million,
pursuant to Section on VAT- then it will not qualify under VAT. Thus, even if his annual gross
40(c)(2) of the NIRC Exemption sales is P4 Million but the per sales transaction is only P1
Million which did not exceed the threshold amount of P1.5
(TAX FREE EXCHANGE) Million, then the same shall not be subject to VAT.

Association dues, No Provision VAT EXEMPT

membership fees, and on VAT- (Highlighted
other assessments and Exemption under the DISCUSSION ON SALE OF RESIDENTIAL HOUSE AND LOT
charges collected by TRAIN LAW)
(Includes Sale of Condominium Units)
homeowner associations
and condominium
LAW, the gross selling price must exceed P2.5 Million in order
Sale of drugs and Not Exempt VAT-EXEMPT for the sale to be subject to VAT. If the gross selling price is P2.5
medicines prescribed for from VAT Million and below, the sale is not subject to VAT.
diabetes, high cholesterol
and hypertension
beginning January 1,2019.

What if the taxpayer sold two residential house and lot worth
Sale of Residential Lot P1,919,500 P1,500,000 P2 Million each, will the transaction be subject to VAT?
and below and below
(Must be classified as an (EXEMPT) (EXEMPT)
ordinary asset)
More than this More than Answer:
amount, this amount,
subject to VAT subject to No. Because the sales of the taxpayer per transaction does
VAT not exceed P2.5 Million.

Sale of Residential House P3,199,200 P2,500,000 REMINDER:

and Lot and below and below
(EXEMPT) (EXEMPT) Under Revenue Regulation 13-2018:
(Must be classified as an
If two or more adjacent residential lots are sold or disposed in
ordinary asset) More than this More than
amount, this amount, favor of one buyer, for the purpose of utilizing the lots as one
subject to VAT subject to residential lot, the sale shall be exempt from VAT only if the
VAT aggregate value of the lots do not exceed P1.5 Million.
Requisites for this to apply: Rules with respect to Lease of Residential units under
Revenue Regulation No. 13-2018
1. Two or more adjacent lots are sold;
2. In favor of only ONE buyer; Monthly Rent Aggregate Rental Business Tax
3. And the same shall be utilized by the buyer as one Implication
residential lot; P15,000 or below P3,000,000 or Exempt from VAT
4. The aggregate value of the lots must not exceed P1.5 below and percentage
Million. P15,000 or below More than Exempt from VAT
P3,000,000 and Percentage
Thus, if the aggregate value of the lots exceeds P1.5 Million, Tax
then subject to VAT.
More than P15,000 P3,000,000 or Percentage Tax
More than P15,000 More than VAT
Illustration: P3,000,000
If three lots are sold the values of which are P1.5 Million each
and there is only one buyer and the buyer utilizes the lots as
one residential lot. The transaction shall be subject to VAT
because you consider the aggregate amount of the three lots 1. If the monthly rental is less than P15K= It will NEVER
pursuant to RR. 13-2018. be subject to VAT and Percentage Tax;

Adjacent residential lots, although covered by separate titles 2. There would only be a business tax implication if the
and/or separate tax declarations, when sold or disposed to one rent is more than P15K
and the same buyer, whether covered by one or separate Deed
of Conveyance, shall be presumed as a sale of one residential 3. Thus, if the monthly rental is more than P15k and
lot. the aggregate rental is P3 Million and Below= subject
only to Percentage Tax;

4. If monthly rental is more than P15K and the

aggregate amount exceeds P3 Million= Subject to
(Includes apartments, dormitories, house)

(DOES NOT INCLUDE MOTELS, HOTELS, INNS AND LODGING The term “unit” shall mean any apartment unit in the case of
HOUSES) apartments, house in the case of residential houses; per
person in the case of dormitories, boarding houses and bed
spaces; and per room in case of rooms for rent.
Apply this rule ONLY if the lease pertains to RESIDENTIAL
UNITS. Do not apply this rule if the lease pertains to
commercial units.


2. Aggregate of such rentals does not exceed P3

BOTH requisites must concur to be VAT EXEMPT. Otherwise, if = VAT EXEMPT PROVIDED THAT:
either of the requisites exceed the threshold amounts, then The fuel, goods, and supplies shall be used for international
SUBJECT TO VAT. shipping or air transport operations.
Do not be confused with the Zero-Rated Transaction: INTERNATIONAL CARRIERS

The Zero-Rated Transaction pertains to the SALE of fuel, (Under this rule, the International Carrier is the one Selling
goods, and supplies. This one pertains to the IMPORTATION. Services)

(Subject to 3% OPT regardless of the amount of gross



(Under this rule the International Carrier is the one purchasing

the goods)

 If the International Carrier earned income from

DOMESTIC FLIGHTS= The income earned shall be

Illustration: Petron SOLD goods, supplies, equipment, fuel to  If the International Carrier earned income from
The international carriers will use the fuel or petroleum Why is this the rule?
products for international flights and domestic flights.

Because International Carriers are subject to 3% Other

 If used by the International Carrier for its Percentage Tax (OPT) regardless of the amount of gross
INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS = Subject to 0% sales/receipts.
VAT (Zero-Rated Transaction)
The government cannot impose VAT and OPT at the same
 If the used by the International Carrier for time (because these are both business taxes). Otherwise to
its DOMESTIC FLIGHTS = Subject to 12% impose both taxes at the same time shall result to direct
VAT. double taxation.

If Petron IMPORTS the goods, supplies, equipment or fuel to

the international carrier:

 If used by the International Carrier for its


 If used by the International Carrier for its DOMESTIC


 If the Domestic Carrier IMPORTED goods, supplies,

fuel and the same was used for its INTERNATIONAL
INPUT TAX- Tax acquired by reason of the purchase of goods

OUTPUT TAX- VAT imposed on the sale of goods.

 If the Domestic Carrier IMPORTED goods, supplies,
fuel and the same was used for its DOMESTC

If OV < IV = Creditable Input Tax (this can be used as a tax

If there is SALE of goods, supplies, equipment to the credit for the succeeding taxable quarters)
FOR: Applying this rule:

1. INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS= 0% VAT If the transaction is Zero-Rated Transaction, the OUTPAT VAT
2. DOMESTIC FLIGHTS= 12% VAT will always be pegged at 0. If the taxpayer in this transaction
acquires supplies from another VAT registered entity, this VAT
registered entity may shift the VAT to the taxpayer. Thus, in
which case a taxpayer engaged in Zero-Rated Sales may pay

Under Section 112 of the NIRC:

The refund of Unutilized INPUT VAT under Section 112 of the

NIRC can be made if:

Southern Philippines v. CIR

SC enumerated the requisites in order that the taxpayer

can file a claim for refund under Section 112 of the NIRC.

The requisites are as follows:

If the Domestic Carrier earns income from:
1. The taxpayer is VAT-registered;
2. INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS = 0% VAT (ZERO RATED) 2. The TP is engaged in zero-rated or effectively
zero-rated sales;

3. The input taxes are due or paid;

4. The input taxes are not transitional input
DOMESTIC FLIGHTS, IT IS VAT EXEMPT WITH RESPECT 5. The input taxes have not been applied against
BECAUSE IT IS ALREADY SUBJECT TO 3% OPT output taxes during and in the succeeding
DOMESTIC FLIGHT IS SUBJECT TO 12% VAT. THE INCOME 6. The input taxes claimed are attributable to
EARNED FROM INTERNATIONAL FLIGHT IS 0% OR ZERO zero-rated or effectively zero-rated
7. For zero-rated sales under Section 106 (FCDTs) TRANSITIONAL INPUT TAX:
the acceptable foreign currency exchange
proceeds have been duly accounted for in = Is the INPUT TAX that can be availed of by the a NEWLY
accordance with BSP Rules and Regulations; REGISTERED VAT TAXPAYER.

8. Where there are both zero-rated or effectively

zero-rated sales, and the input taxes cannot be Question:
directly and entirely attributable to any of
these sales, the input taxes shall be Is there a requirement that the TP should have voluntarily
proportionately allocated on the basis of sales registered under the VAT system?

There is no requirement. What is only required is that the TP

9. The claim is filed within two years after the
close of the taxable quarter when such sales is a NEWLY REGISTERED VAT TAXPAYER.
were made.

What if the TP was mandated to register under the VAT


Answer: It does not matter. What is only important is the fact

Applicability of Section 112
that the TP is NEWLY REGISTERED. If the TP is a newly
Section 112 will only be applicable if the transaction is a registered, this would mean that the TP can claim transitional


OV is Zero Transition Input Tax is equivalent to 2% of the beginning

inventory or the actual input tax whichever is higher.
IV is 12%
This could thereafter be used to reduce the amount of output
Difference: Creditable Input VAT of 12% VAT during the first time that a TP had registered under the
VAT system.
Such amount shall be subject to refund under Section 112 of
the NIRC because the INPUT VAT is attributable to a zero-
rated transaction.
How does this work?
If the TP is engaged in BOTH zero-rated transaction and a
This particular amount of transitional input tax can be claimed
transaction subject to 12% VAT, this would mean that we
need to attribute the INPUT VAT. (han ko maawatan if the TP submits a beginning inventory to the BIR. Without this
discussion ditoyen) beginning inventory submitted to the BIR, the TP cannot file a
VAT return indicating a transitional input tax.

If we talk about VAT EXEMPT PARTY, the TP can still file a
claim for refund under Section 112 of the NIRC provided that: ABC Corporation is a newly registered under the VAT system.

1. The TP is the one that is EXEMPT; Since it is newly registered under the VAT system, what it did
2. This particular TP is VAT-Registered was to submit a beginning inventory to the BIR.

Question: Can ABC Corp., deduct transitional input VAT from

the output VAT arising from the sales made during the first
time that it registered under the VAT system?

Answer: Yes. Because ABC Corporation is a newly registered

VAT taxpayer.

The TRAIN LAW removed foreign currency denominated sales Facts:

from VAT zero-rating and subjects to the VAT indirect
exporters and agents only upon the establishment and Fort Bonifacio purchased parcels of land from the
implementation of an enhanced VAT refund system. government. At the time of purchase of the
parcels of land, the transaction was not yet
Thus, foreign currency denominated sales are no longer
subject to VAT.
considered as zero-rated sale.

While Indirect Exporters and agents are still considered as Thus, Fort Bonifacio did not pay any VAT with
respect to such transaction.
subject to Zero-Rated Sales because the government did not
yet establish a VAT refund center.
Later on, Fort Bonifacio developed these parcels
These sales or services are no longer considered as export sales of land and sold these parcels of land to different
upon the establishment of a VAT refund center. entities.

At this time that the sales were made, the sales are
now subject to 12% VAT.
Establishments affected by the establishment of a VAT
Refund Center: Fort Bonifacio now claims for transitional input tax
which the CIR disallowed arguing that Fort
I. Sale of raw materials or packaging materials to a
Bonifacio cannot avail of the transitional input tax
non-resident buyer for delivery to a resident local because Fort Bonifacio did not pay any VAT.
export-oriented enterprise to be used in
manufacturing, processing, packing or repacking
in the Philippines of the said buyer’s goods and Issue:
paid for in acceptable foreign currency and
accounted for in accordance with the rules and Whether or not the output VAT from the sale of the
regulations of the BSP; parcels of land by Fort Bonifacio can be reduced
by the amount of transitional input tax.
II. Sale of raw materials or packing materials to
export-oriented enterprise whose export sales Held:
exceed 70% of total annual production;
The payment of INPUT TAX is NOT considered a
condition sine qua non for the availment of
transitional input vat.
III. Those considered export sales under EO No. 226,
otherwise known as the Omnibus Investment The INPUT VAT is merely used as ceiling amount for
Code of 1987 and other special laws the utilization of transitional INPUT VAT. Meaning, if
the TP has a beginning inventory and was
submitted to the BIR, then the first parameter has
Other Types of INPUT VAT already been set, particularly 2% of the value of
the beginning inventory or the actual input VAT
paid. In this case, it would be 0 because Fort
Bonfacio did not pay any INPUT TAX.
1. Transitional Input VAT- 2% of the value of the
inventory or the actual VAT, whichever is higher.

 Applies only if the taxpayer is newly vat-

 There has to be submission of beginning
inventory to the BIR (without this the
transitional input vat will not be recognized)
 The payment of INPUT TAX is NOT
considered a condition sine quo non for the
availment of transitional input vat.
2. Presumptive VAT INPUT VAT- 4% of gross value in REFUND OR TAX CREDIT OF EXCESS INPUT VAT
money of their purchases of primary agricultural
Refund under:

1. The TP is VAT registered;

 Can be availed of by taxpayers engaged in the
2. The TP is engaged in zero-rated or effectively zero
PRODUCTION of sardines, mackerel, milk, refined
rated sales;
sugar, cooking oil, packed noodles.
3. The input taxes are due or paid;
 The enumeration is EXCLUSIVE.
4. The input taxes are not transitional input taxes;
5. The input taxes have not been applied against output
 If the manufacturer produces the said goods, then the
taxes during and in the succeeding quarters;
manufacturer can claim presumptive input VAT
6. The input taxes claimed are attributable to zero-rated
equivalent to 4% of the gross value in money of their
or effectively zero-rated sales;
purchases of primary agricultural products.
7. For Zero-Rated Sales, the acceptable foreign currency
exchange proceeds have been duly accounted for in
 Take note that these agricultural products are not
accordance with BSP rules and regulations;
subject to INPUT VAT because they are sold in their
8. Where there are both zero-rated or effectively zero-
original state, thus the sale thereof shall be classified
rated sales and taxable or exempt sales, and the input
as a VAT EXEMPT transaction. NONETHELESS, the
taxes cannot be directly and entirely attributable to
taxpayer can STILL claim a presumptive input VAT
any of these sales, the input taxes shall be
equivalent to 4% of the gross value in money of their
proportionately allocated on the basis of sales
purchases of primary agricultural products.
volume; and
9. The claim is filed within two years after the close of
Illustration: the taxable quarter when such sales were made.

If we talk about sardines the main ingredient in the

manufacture of such is obviously a fish.

Is the fish agricultural product sold in their original state?

Southern Philppines Case
Answer: Yes. Thus, if the fishes were bought from the
fisherman the manufacturer has no INPUT TAX. If they will Facts:
already sell the canned sardines, there will now be VAT.
Southern Phils., is a pioneer enterprise.
The manufacturer does not incur any INPUT VAT from the
purchase of the fishes because the fishes are goods sold in Being a pioneer enterprise, under the Omnibus
their original state, and the sale of these goods are exempt Investment Code, it will be engaged in a zero-
from VAT. Since there is no INPUT VAT, the manufacturer is rated transaction (export sales)
burdened considering that there is nothing that can reduce his
OUTPUT VAT. Since its transactions are zero-rated transaction, it
has no liability because the OUTPUT VAT is
This is the reason why Congress granted Presumptive Input computed as 0% multiplied by gross sales.
VAT in order to alleviate the burden of paying the VAT.
In this case, Southern Phils., made purchases. Its
purchases have INPUT TAX, the burden of which is
shifted to Southern Phils.


Can Southern Phils., claim the INPUT tax shifted to



Yes. Application for Zero-rating is not material

because the law itself classifies the transaction as
a zero-rated transaction. The application is just a juncture that consistent with its belief to be zero-
confirmation that indeed the transaction is a zero- rated, MPC opted not to pay the VAT component
rated transaction. of the progress billings from Mitsubishi for the
period covering April 1993 to September 1996—for
But take note, the application is not a condition for
the classification of such transaction as a zero- the E & M Equipment Erection Portion of MPC’s
rated transaction because the law classifies it as contract with Mitsubishi. This prompted Mitsubishi
such. to advance the VAT component as this serves as
its output VAT which is essential for the
determination of its VAT payment. MPC filed on
December 20, 1999 an administrative claim for
refund of unutilized input VAT.


(Section 112) Was the claim for refund timely filed?


The two-year period is counted from the close of the taxable
quarter when the sales were made. NO. Section 112 provides in no uncertain terms
that unutilized input VAT payments not otherwise
used for any internal revenue tax due the
MIRANT Case taxpayer must be claimed within two years
reckoned from the close of the taxable quarter
Facts: when the relevant sales were made pertaining to
the input VAT regardless of whether said tax was
MPC is a domestic firm engaged in the generation paid or not. As the CA aptly puts it, albeit it
of power which it sells to the National Power erroneously applied the aforequoted Sec. 112(A),
Corporation (NPC). For the construction of the "[P]rescriptive period commences from the close
electrical and mechanical equipment portion of of the taxable quarter when the sales were made
its Pagbilao, Quezon plant, which appears to have and not from the time the input VAT was paid nor
been undertaken from 1993 to 1996, MPC secured from the time the official receipt was issued." Thus,
the services of Mitsubishi Corporation (Mitsubishi) when a zero-rated VAT taxpayer pays its input VAT
of Japan. a year after the pertinent transaction, said
taxpayer only has a year to file a claim for refund
In the light of the NPC’s tax exempt status, MPC, or tax credit of the unutilized creditable input VAT.
on the belief that its sale of power generation The reckoning frame would always be the end of
services to NPC is, pursuant to Sec. 108(B)(3) of the the quarter when the pertinent sales or transaction
Tax Code, zero-rated for VAT purposes, filed on was made, regardless when the input VAT was
December 1, 1997 with Revenue District Office paid. Be that as it may, and given that the last
(RDO) No. 60 in Lucena City an Application for creditable input VAT due for the period covering
Effective Zero Rating. Not getting any response the progress billing of September 6, 1996 is the third
from the BIR district office, MPC refiled its quarter of 1996 ending on September 30, 1996,
application in the form of a "request for ruling" with any claim for unutilized creditable input VAT
the VAT Review Committee at the BIR national refund or tax credit for said quarter prescribed two
office on January 28, 1999. years after September 30, 1996 or, to be precise,
on September 30, 1998.
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue issued VAT
Ruling No. 052-99, stating that "the supply of Consequently, MPC’s claim for refund or tax credit
electricity by Hopewell Phil. to the NPC, shall be filed on December 10, 1999 had already
subject to the zero percent (0%) VAT, pursuant to prescribed. To be sure, MPC cannot avail itself of
Section 108 (B) (3) of the National Internal the provisions of either Sec. 204(C) or 229 of the
Revenue Code of 1997." It must be noted at this
NIRC which, for the purpose of refund, prescribes Remember the Taxable Quarters: M J S D
a different starting point for the two-year
1. End of 1st Quarter = March 30
prescriptive limit for the filing of a claim therefor.
Section 229 sets a two-year prescriptive period, (January- March)
reckoned from date of payment of the tax or
2. End of 2nd Quarter= June 30
penalty, for the filing of a claim of refund or tax
credit. Such provision applies only to instances of (April-June)
erroneous payment or illegal collection of internal
3. End of 3rd Quarter= September 30
revenue taxes

4. End of 4th Quarter= December 31

*** Under recent CTA decisions: the concept of “sales were
made” pertains to the date when the sales have been earned
by the taxpayer, it does not pertain to the date when the
taxpayer purchased goods. (APPLY THIS!!)
Under the TRAIN LAW

Administrative Claim for Refund
If the sales were made on January 10-30, 2020.
The CIR has a period of 90-days to act on the administrative
Question: Until when can the TP file an administrative claim for
claim for refund.
The lapse of the 90-day period is NOT considered as an
automatic denial of the claim for refund.
The TP can file an administrative claim for refund until March
31, 2022.

Why March 31,2022?

Judicial Claim for Refund

Because the close of the taxable quarter with respect to The Judicial Claim for refund must be filed within 30-days from
January shall be March 31, 2020, thus, the 2-year period shall the receipt of the decision.
be counted from March 31, 2020. The TRAIN LAW already removed the concept of implied
denial. Inaction by the CIR is not deemed a denial.

Before the TRAIN LAW, the claim for refund can either be filed
What if the Sales were made on August 2020?
30-days from the receipt of the decision of the CIR or the lapse
When is the close of the taxable quarter if the sales were made of the 120-day period.
on August 2020?
Under the TRAIN LAW, the reckoning date of the 30-day
Answer: September 2020. period is FROM THE RECEIPT OF THE DECISION of the CIR.
Therefore, the decision is necessary in order for the TP to file
Since close of the taxable quarter is September 30, 2020, TP
a judicial claim for refund
can file an administrative claim for refund until September 30,
2022. Without any decision rendered by the CIR, the TP cannot file
a judicial claim for refund. Thus, the receipt of the decision is
a condition in the filing of a judicial claim refund.
The CIR or his duly authorized representative may order
(Section 112) suspension or closure of a business establishment for a period
of not less than 5 days for any of the following violations:

a. In the case of a VAT-registered person.-

i. Failure to issue receipts or invoices;

ii. Failure to file VAT return as required under
Section 114 or;
iii. Understatement of taxable sales or receipts
by thirty percent (30%) or more of his correct
taxable sales or receipts for the taxable

b. Failure of any person to register as required under

Section 236

c. One that may result to a presumption that there is

1. The filing of an Administrative Claim for Refund fraud. This presumption applies also to other taxes
before the Commissioner which shall be filed within 2 which the TP is deficient. The presumption will arise
years from the close of the taxable quarter when the only when the TP’s sales or receipts are under-
sales were made (Mandatory Requirement) declared by thirty-percent (30%) or more of the
correct taxable sales or receipts.
Without this the Judicial Claim for Refund shall be
dismissed on the ground that there is failure to d. If there is a failure to register as a VAT payer, the
exhaust administrative remedies. business can be suspended or closed.

2. The CIR shall act upon it within 90 days from the date AMORTIZATION OF INPUT VAT
of submission of the official receipts or invoices and
other documents in support of the application
Amortization of INPUT VAT applies when the TP acquired
depreciable property such as machineries, equipment,
3. The TP has 30 days from the receipt of the decision of furniture, and buildings with an aggregate acquisition cost of
the CIR denying the claim to file a judicial claim for more than P1 Million.
refund. If the TP purchases depreciable property during the taxable
year, and it amounts to more than P1million, the input vat
attributable to such purchase shall be amortized for a period
NOTE THAT: All claims for refund/tax credit certificate filed of 5 years or the estimated useful life whichever is LOWER.
prior January 1,2018 shall still be governed by the one-hundred
(120)-day processing period. (Not asked in BAR)

Thus, when the administrative claims for refund was filed prior
to TRAIN LAW, the 120-day period shall apply.

If the TP did not file the judicial claim for refund within the 30- -Is inherently legislative because it deals with the
day period from the receipt of the decision of the CIR or from enactment of laws. Thus, it cannot be delegated to
the lapse of the 120-day period, the judicial claim for refund the executive branch of the government.
shall be dismissed.
- vs-
If the judicial claim for refund is filed before the lapse of the
120-day period, the petition will likewise be dismissed on the Assessment & Collection
ground that there was premature filing. Except if the judicial -Are the components of tax administration. Thus, it
claim for refund was filed during the effectivity of D.A 489-03 can be delegated to the executive branch of the
(2003 to October 6, 2010) government.
Beginning October 6,2010, premature filing is no longer
allowed. If there is a premature filing the judicial claim for
refund will definitely be dismissed. Tax Administration being implemented by the
The 120-day + 30 day rule will be applied ONLY when the TP
filed the judicial claim for refund before January 1, 2018.

If the judicial claim for refund was filed after January 1, 2018, Government agencies involved in tax
then the provision of TRAIN LAW shall apply. administration:

1. Bureau of Internal Revenue

2. Bureau of Customs
3. LTO
OTHER TAXES Why is LTO included?

The LTO is included because the automobile

Percentage Tax- a business tax imposed on the sale, barter, registration fees are being collected by the LTO and
exchange or lease of goods or properties in the ordinary course these fees are in the nature of a regulatory tax.
of business only that the transaction is VAT exempt because Being a regulatory tax, it therefore implies that LTO is
the TP did not reach the threshold amount of more than P3 collecting taxes.

Excise Tax- tax imposed on sin products or non-essential EXTENT OF CONGRESS’ POWER RELATED TO TAX
Documentary Stamp Tax- tax imposed on transfers of property
The power of the Congress does not involve
whether in the nature of a sale or donation
SCRUTINY because it will violate the principle of
separation of powers.

TAX ADMINISTRATION The power of SCRUTINY involves an act to check

whether the executive branch is implementing the
3 Stages of the Power of Taxation law correctly. The guidelines or details on how to
implement the law is SOLELY vested with the
1. Levy- pertains to the act of enacting a law
EXECUTIVE BRANCH of the government.
in order for the government to assess and
collect taxes The Congress can act in order to aide legislation.

2. Assessment- refers to the computation of ABAKADA Guro Party List vs. Purisima
the tax liability
RA 9335 covers all employees of both agencies
regardless of their employment status as long as
they have already rendered at least six months of
3. Collection- refers to the settlement of the tax
service. The DOF, DBM, BIR, and CSC were tasked
liability to issue and implement the IRR of RA 9335 subject
to the approval of the Joint Congressional provides that the new brands should be classified
Oversight Committee of the Congress. based on the net retailed price. RMO 6-2003
provides for periodic reclassification of the new
Ruling brands every two years, or earlier as provided by
the CIR.
Issue on Undue Delegation
In order for a valid delegation of legislative power
there must be two tests that must be No violation of the Equal Protection Clause
conducted(Quiz/Exam): because the State has the power to elect the
i. Completeness Test: A law is complete subject of taxation i.e. articles, goods, etc. The
when it sets forth therein the policy to be court also applied the Rational Basis test i.e. that
executed, carried out or implemented by there is substantial distinction between the new
the delegate. and old brands. Upon the enactment of RA 8420,
the new brands were not existing at that time, for
ii. Sufficient Standard Test: It lays down a practical reasons, the Congress provides for this
sufficient standard when it provides parameter. RR 9-2003, RMO 6-2003 and RR 22-2003
adequate guidelines or limitations in the were invalid because it empowers the CIR to
law to map out the boundaries of the reclassify the new brands every two years or
delegate’s authority and prevent the earlier. Remember: Nowhere in the RA 8420 that
delegation from running riot. grants power to CIR to reclassify the brands, it
merely provides for the reclassifications. Under RA
Remember: RA 9335 adequately states the policy 8420, the classification shall be effective upon the
and standards to guide the President in fixing approval of the Congress. The power to reclassify
revenue targets and the implementing agencies still belongs to the Congress.
in carrying out the provisions of the law. Hence,
the president will merely perform a ministerial act.
‘Revenue targets’ refers to the original estimated
revenue collection expected of the BIR and the BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE
BOC for a given fiscal year as stated in the Budget
of Expenditures and Sources of Financing (BESF)
submitted by the President to Congress. 1. Commissioner;
2. Deputy Commissioners

SEC. 2. Powers and Duties of the Bureau of Internal

Separation of Powers Revenue. - The Bureau of Internal Revenue shall be
under the supervision and control of the
Remember: The Congress cannot indicate in the Department of Finance and its powers and duties
law that any IRR shall be subject to its approval shall comprehend the assessment and collection
otherwise it will violate the Separation of Powers. of all national internal revenue taxes, fees, and
This is already considered as Scrutiny. The Section charges, and the enforcement of all forfeitures,
creating the committee is unconstitutional penalties, and fines connected therewith,
because the moment the law becomes effective, including the execution of judgments in all cases
any provision that empowers the Congress to decided in its favor by the Court of Tax Appeals
create a role in the implementation of the law is a and the ordinary courts. The Bureau shall give
violation of the principle of separation of powers. effect to and administer the supervisory and
police powers conferred to it by this Code or other
(from KAMM NOTES) laws.

AMERICAN BRITISH TOBACCO vs. CAMACHO SEC. 3. Chief Officials of the Bureau of Internal
G.R. No. 163583, 20 August 2008 Revenue. - The Bureau of Internal Revenue shall
have a chief to be known as Commissioner of
RA 8420 was made effective in January 1997. In Internal Revenue, hereinafter referred to as the
June 2001, American British introduced Lucky Commissioner, and four (4) assistant chiefs to be
Strike, Mentol Light and Lucky Strike filter. RR 9-2003 known as Deputy Commissioners.
 The 2nd function of the CIR which is the
SEC. 4. Power of the Commissioner to Interpret Tax power to decide D R O P cases can be
Laws and to Decide Tax Cases. - The power to delegated.
interpret the provisions of this Code and other tax
laws shall be under the exclusive and original  The 1st function is appealed to the
jurisdiction of the Commissioner, subject to review Secretary of Finance.
by the Secretary of Finance. (This 1st function is
called “QUASI-LEGISLATIVE FUNCTION”  The 2nd function is appealed to the CTA.

The power to decide disputed assessments, Simply Put:

refunds of internal revenue taxes, fees or other
charges, penalties imposed in relation thereto, or 1. If the CIR exercised its quasi-legislative
other matters arising under this Code or other laws function, appeal should be made before
or portions thereof administered by the Bureau of the Secretary of Finance
Internal Revenue is vested in the Commissioner, 2. If the CIR exercises its quasi-judicial
subject to the exclusive appellate jurisdiction of function, appeal should be made before
the Court of Tax Appeals. (QUASI-JUDICIAL the CTA


The CIR’s exercise of its power to interpret tax laws
1. The power to interpret the provisions of tax comes in the form of revenue issuances, which
laws shall be under the EXCLUSIVE and include RMOs that provide “directives or instructions;
ORIGINAL jurisdiction of the Commissioner, prescribe guidelines; and outline process,
subject to review by the Secretary of operations, activities, workflows, methods, and
Finance; procedures necessary in the implementation of
stated policies, goals, objectives, plans, and
2. The power to decide D R O P cases arising programs of the Bureau in all areas of operations,
under tax laws subject to the exclusive except auditing. (Courage v. CIR)
appellate jurisdiction of the CTASPECIFIC
FUNCTIONS OF THE CIR Thus, all acts related to revenue issuances shall come
within the ambit of quasi-legislative function of the
(If we refer to the specific functions of the CIR, we CIR.
are referring to the power of the CIR to INTERPRET
TAX LAWS and to DECIDE CASES) Question:

Will issuance of rulings be included?

The cases referred to under Section 4 of the NIRC Answer: Yes.

shall pertain to D R O P cases.

D- Disputed Assessment Tax Rulings- are official position of the BIR on inquiries
R- Refund of taxpayers, who request clarification on certain
provisions of the NIRC, other tax laws, or their
O- Other matters governed by the tax laws implementing regulations, usually for the purpose of
seeking tax exemptions. Rulings are based on
P- Penalties being imposed pursuant to the Tax
particular facts and circumstances presented and
are interpretations of the law at a specific point in
These are the cases that can be entertained by the time. The BIR also issues rulings to answer written
Commissioner of Internal Revenue. questions of individuals and juridical entities
regarding their status as taxpayers and the effects of
Take note: their transactions for taxation purposes.
 The power of the CIR to interpret tax laws
shall be called “Quasi-legislative To be valid, the ruling must be in conformity with the
functions” law that it seeks to implement.
To be valid, a ruling of first impression must not only government
be conformable with law. It must also be issued by agency.
the CIR himself, as it is one of the non-delegable
powers of the CIR.
Binding It is binding upon It is not binding, but
Simply put, the issuance of a ruling of first impression Effect courts for being has great weight.
is a non-delegable power of the CIR, it is only the CIR a subordinate
who can issue the same. legislation.

2 Types of Administrative Issuances:

Ruling of First Impression- is a ruling that involves a
NOVEL issue. Meaning such issue has not yet been 1. The Legislative Rule – is in the nature of
interpreted before by the CIR or such ruling does not subordinate legislation, designed to
have any precedent. implement a primary legislation by providing
the details thereof.

REVENUE REGULATION VS. ADMINISTRATIVE RULING 2. The Interpretative Rule – is designed to

provide guidelines to the law which the
Revenue Administrative Ruling administrative agency is in charge of
Regulation enforcing.
Issuing It is issued by the It is issued by the
Body Secretary of CIR(if ruling of first Simply put, we can call a revenue regulation as a
Finance and not impression) or his legislative rule. While an administrative ruling is an
the CIR, the CIR subordinates( if the interpretative rule.
will only ruling is not in the
recommend the nature of a ruling of CIR v. Fortune
promulgation of first impression
Revenue In order for a legislative rule to be valid, there has
Regulations but to be compliance with the requirement of
the CIR will not publication and hearing. Without which, there
issue the shall be a violation of the due process clause of
Revenue the Constitution. Hence, legislative rule shall be
Regulations considered as void.
because it is the
Secretary of On the other hand, publication and hearing shall
Finance who NOT be required in cases of Interpretative Rule
issues the same. because the bear issuance thereof shall make the
Nature It is in the nature It is the best guess of ruling valid.
of an the CIR concerning
implementing tax applications.
rule of tax laws
Scope It is applicable to It is applicable to
all taxpayers taxpayers who SEC. 246. Non- Retroactivity of Rulings. - Any
requested the ruling, revocation, modification or reversal of any of the
except when the rules and regulations promulgated in accordance
ruling is in the nature
with the preceding Sections or any of the rulings or
of a general
circulars promulgated by the Commissioner shall not
interpretative rule.
be given retroactive application if the revocation,
A general modification or reversal will be prejudicial to the
interpretative ruling is taxpayers, except in the following cases:
issued without a
(a) Where the taxpayer deliberately misstates or
requesting taxpayer,
omits material facts from his return or any document
this ruling is issued
based on query of a required of him by the Bureau of Internal Revenue;
unit of such
(b) Where the facts subsequently gathered by the Another Revenue Memorandum Circular was
Bureau of Internal Revenue are materially different issued in the year 1981, in this particular RMC, it has
from the facts on which the ruling is based; or been stated that the 15% Branch Profit Remittance
Tax should be based on the total amount remitted
(c) Where the taxpayer acted in bad faith. and the amount earmarked for remittance.

Bar Question:
Will the revocation of the 1980 RMC have a retro-
There was a ruling issued in favor of a taxpayer. Later active effect?
on the BIR gathered facts which was not mentioned
by the taxpayer. Held:

In the first ruling, the taxpayer is exempt. No. Because the revocation of the ruling will be
prejudicial to the taxpayer. Hence, the revocation
With respect to the 2nd ruling, the taxpayer is no will not have a retroactive effect.
longer exempt because the BIR gathered facts that
was not mentioned by the taxpayer and which
would entirely change everything. What if the RMC in 1980 states that the 15% Branch
Profit Remittance Tax shall be based on the total
Discussion: If the revocation will have a retroactive amount remitted and the amount earmarked for
effect it would simply mean that it would be deemed remittance. In the year 1981, this has been
as if the first ruling has not been issued at all. Would revoked by another ruling issued by the CIR and in
this mean that the BIR can collect deficiency taxes this ruling the 15% Branch Profit Remittance Tax
from the TP with respect to the period that the first shall now be based on the amount remitted ONLY.
ruling has been in effect? Answer would be yes.
Question: Will the revocation of the ruling have a
retroactive effect?
Question: Will the retro-active application of the
If the revocation will be given a retroactive
revocation be prejudicial to the taxpayer?
application, it would be beneficial on the part of
Answer: Yes. Because if the revocation would be the taxpayer. Because, it would mean that the
retro-actively applied the taxpayer will be taxpayer can claim for refund since there is no
basis for the computation of the tax liability at the
mandated to pay deficiency taxes.
time that it has been computed.
However, the non-retroactivity of ruling shall not
apply in this case because as an exception to the However, the TP cannot claim a refund of the
rule when the TP deliberately misstated or omitted taxes it had paid based on the 1980 RMC because
in this particular case we still apply the non-
material facts from his return, the retro-active
retroactivity of rulings. There must be adherence
application of the revocation shall still apply.
to the prospective application of tax laws.
Thus, if the revocation will be retro-actively applied,
the taxpayer shall be answerable for any deficiency
PB Com v. CIR

CIR v. Burroughs Facts:

The CIR issued an administrative issuance which
The CIR issued revenue memorandum circular in states that the TP has a period of 10 years instead
the year 1980. In this particular revenue of 2 years counted from the date of payment to
memorandum circular, it states that the basis of claim a refund. In issuing this circular, the CIR
the 15% branch profit remittance tax shall be the opined that the proper provision is the provision of
total amount remitted. It will not include the the Civil Code with respect to prescriptive periods
amount earmarked for remittance. and the prescriptive periods dealing with written
transactions shall be 10 years.
PB Com, filed a claim for refund beyond the 2-year GR: A void law or administrative act cannot be a
period provided under Section 204 & 229 of the source of legal right
XPN: Operative Fact Doctrine, if there is a judicial
Under Section 229 of the NIRC, the TP has a period declaration of its invalidity, then it does not
of 2-years from the date of payment regardless of obliterate the effects and consequences of its
any supervening event to file a claim for refund. invalidity.

However, PB Com filed the claim for refund Remember:

despite the fact that it has already been filed
beyond the said 2-year period under Section 229 A TP can be deemed to have relied in GF if the
of the NIRC because according to PB Com, it provision of the law is complicated and subject to
capitalized on the administrative issuance of the different interpretation.
CIR, and in this administrative issuance, claims for
refund may be filed within a period of 10-years. However, if the provision of the law is clear and
unequivocal or it is not subject to different
The Court then nullified the administrative interpretation, then you cannot apply 246.
SC Ruling:
If the Court nullified this administrative issuance
and the revocation will be retroactively applied In order to know the applicability of Section 246 of
what would be the effect? the NIRC, it must first be determined whether there
is a complex issue involved.
It is as if the administrative issuance was not issued
at all. It would therefore mean that the claim for If the issue does not involve a complicated matter,
refund of PB Com pursuant to the 10-year period then we apply the case of PB Com v. CIR because
will no longer have any legal basis. And if PB Com in this particular case, if the law is not subject to
will not have any legal basis for the 10-year period, any interpretation and the taxpayer relied on the
this would mean that there would be no ground or ruling which is obviously contrary to the provisions
basis for the claim of refund filed by PB Com. of the law, then the taxpayer is deemed to have
acted in bad faith.
If the revocation will not be retroactively applied,
it would mean that the administrative issuance In addition to this, the SC held that Section 246
remains to be valid, thus, the administrative claim shall likewise apply if the entity which revoked the
for refund of PB Com filed beyond the 2-year ruling is a court.
period but within the 10-year period shall be
respected. Here, DA-489-03 was revoked by the Supreme
Court through the case of CIR v. Aichi.

Ruling of SC: Can the taxpayers who relied on DA-489-03 be

considered to have acted in good faith?
No taxpayer can claim a vested right over a
wrong construction of a law. In this particular case, Yes. Because the issue involved in the issuance of
when the CIR issued the administrative issuance, DA-489-03 is considered to be a complicated
there was a wrong construction of the law. Since issue. Hence, the taxpayers can rely on it in good
there was wrong construction of law, then the faith.
revocation, modification, or reversal of the
administrative issuance shall be retroactively Having relied on it in good faith then we apply
applied notwithstanding the fact that such Section 246 of the NIRC, hence any revocation or
revocation shall be prejudicial to the taxpayer. modification shall not be retroactively applied if
the revocation or modification is prejudicial to the

CIR v. San Roque Power Corporation

Burroughs v. PB COM
Operative Fact Doctrine
In Burroughs, a provision of the law is complicated,
subject to different interpretations.
In PB COM, the provision of the law is not subject to This Court, however, declares that the CTA may
different interpretation, rather it is clear and likewise take cognizance of cases directly
unequivocal. challenging the constitutionality or validity of a tax
law or regulation or administrative issuance such
as revenue orders, revenue memorandum
circulars, rulings.
Take note:

(Appellate Procedure in Cases of Quasi-Legislative Furthermore, with respect to administrative

Functions of the CIR) issuances (revenue orders, revenue memorandum
circulars, or rulings), these are issued by the
If a taxpayer disagrees with a ruling of the CIR or his Commissioner under its power to make rulings or
duly authorized representative, the taxpayer may, opinions in connection with the implementation of
within 30-days from the date of receipt of such ruling, the provisions of internal revenue laws.
seek its review by the Secretary of Finance. The
request for review shall be in writing and under oath.
Tax rulings, on the other hand, are official positions
COURAGE v. CIR of the Bureau on inquiries of taxpayers who
request clarification on certain provisions of the
SC RULING: NIRC, other tax laws, or their implementing
These revenue issuances are subject to review of
the Secretary of Finance. In relation thereto, Hence, the determination of the validity of these
Department of Finance Department Order issuances clearly falls within the exclusive
No.007-002 issued by the Secretary of Finance laid appellate jurisdiction of the CTA under Section
down the procedure and requirements for filing an 7(1) of RA No. 1125, as amended, subject to prior
appeal from the adverse ruling of the CIR to the review by the Secretary of Finance, as required
said office. under RA No. 8424

A taxpayer is granted a period of thirty (30) days Simply put if the issue pertains to the quasi-
from receipt of the adverse ruling of the CIR to file legislative function of the CIR, the appeal should
with the Office of Secretary of Finance a request first be made before the Secretary of Finance
for review in writing and under oath. before elevating it to the CTA.

A direct invocation of the CTA’s jurisdiction should

only be allowed when there are special,
QUASI-JUDICIAL FUNCTIONS OF THE CIR important, and compelling reasons clearly and
specifically spelled out in the petition.
Pertain to the power of the CIR to decide D R O P
The decision of the CIR is reviewable by the Court of
Tax Appeals. Quasi-Legislative Function of the CIR- Appeal first
before the Secretary of Finance before elevating it
to the CTA.
COURAGE v. CIR Quasi-Judicial Function of the CIR- Upon receipt of
the decision of the CIR, appeal can be made
SC Ruling:
directly to the CTA because the CTA has exclusive
appellate jurisdiction.
The CTA has undoubted jurisdiction to pass upon
the constitutionality or validity of a tax law or
regulation when raised by the taxpayer as a
defense in disputing or contesting an assessment POWERS OF THE CIR
or claiming a refund. It is only in the lawful exercise
of its power to pass upon all matters brought
before it, as sanctioned by Section 7 of RA No.
1. Power of the Commissioner to Obtain
1125, as amended.
Information, and to Summon, Examine, and
Take Testimony of Persons (Sec.5)
Question: What if the taxpayer allowed the
 This power is SOLELY vested in the CIR examination of books of accounts and later on the
 This power can be delegated by the taxpayer realizes that the Letter of Authority was
CIR to its duly authorized officials or served beyond the 30-day period? Can the
representatives. taxpayer question the validity of the Letter of
 Under the present administrative Authority?
issuances, this power is delegated to
the Revenue Regional Director.
No. Because the taxpayer is already in estoppel. The
With respect to the act of obtaining information from
taxpayer already allowed the examination of his
taxpayers or persons transacting with taxpayers, the
books of accounts.
books of accounts of persons transacting with
taxpayers may likewise be subject of an audit
Third-Party Verification Rule- is a scheme whereby
However, before the revenue officers may do so, the revenue officers would inquire from parties
they must be armed with a Letter of Authority. transacting with the taxpayer in order to determine
whether the taxpayer incurred deficiency taxes.
Letter of Authority- is an official document which
authorizes the revenue officers to examine the books Or it may also involve cross-reference with the
of accounts of the taxpayer or the books of account information submitted by the taxpayer to other
of individuals transacting with the taxpayer for government agencies.
purposes of determining the deficiency taxes that
the taxpayer had incurred. It may likewise involve data submitted to other
government agencies.

 Without this Letter of Authority, any

assessment made shall be considered as If the revenue officers will conduct third-party
VOID. verification, and it involves the books of accounts of
individuals transacting with the taxpayer, the
 A Letter Notice is NOT considered a valid revenue officers must be ARMED WITH A LETTER OF
substitute for a Letter of Authority. AUTHORITY.

**In answering Bar Questions, if there exist no Except when the records are already with the BIR, a
irregularity, then do not assume that there is letter of authority is no longer required.
irregularity. Rather, assume regularity.

Inquiry into Bank Deposits- (SECTION 6(F))

Letter of Authority; When Issued?
GR: Revenue officers cannot inquire into bank
The Letter of Authority must be served upon the deposits by reason of the Bank Secrecy law.
taxpayer WITHIN 30-DAYS from the date of issuance.
EXCP: If the revenue officers are armed with a waiver
If there is failure on the part of the revenue officers to of the Bank Secrecy Law or any of the following
serve the same within the prescribed period, the circumstances apply:
taxpayer may refuse to submit the books of
accounts on the ground that the Letter of Authority
is no longer considered as valid. 1. A decedent to determine his gross estate
- This is considered as an exception to the
Question: If the period had already lapsed, what is
general rule because the administrator or
the remedy of the revenue officer?
executor is required to submit a certificate of
Answer: the outstanding balance of the decedent.
Here, you cannot therefore claim that there is
Ask another Letter of Authority. a violation of Bank Secrecy Law.
2. Any taxpayer who has filed an application for
compromise of his tax liability under Section Issue:
204(A)(2) of this Code by reason of financial
incapacity to pay his tax liability Can the CIR use this information as a basis?


i. Reasonable doubt as to the validity of Yes. The lack of consent of the taxpayer to the
the assessment submission of the books of accounts and various
- In this ground, the execution of a documents does not warrant the non-use of the
waiver of the Bank Secrecy Law is said documents. Establishment of the tax liability of
NOT mandatory. the taxpayer partakes the nature of administrative
proceedings which are not governed by the
ii. Financial Incapability to pay the tax technical rules of evidence. Moreover, the BIR is
liability. vested with ample powers to secure all relevant
- In this ground, the execution of waiver documents in connection with the establishment
of the Bank Secrecy Law is mandatory. of tax liabilities, even without the consent of
3. A specific taxpayer or taxpayers subject of a
Hence, in this particular case, the SC upheld the
request for the supply of tax information from validity of the assessment because such is
a foreign tax authority pursuant to an covered within the powers of the BIR.
international convention or agreement on
tax matters to which the Philippines is a Further, no cross-examination can be had
signatory or a party of: Provided, That the because this does not involve a criminal case.
information obtained from the banks and
other financial institutions may be used by
the BIR for tax assessment, verification, audit
and enforcement purposes.
“Foreign tax authority” as used herein, shall 2012)
refer to tax authority of tax administration of
The doctrine of willful blindness is defined as “the
the requesting state under the tax treaty or
deliberate avoidance of knowledge of a certain
convention to which the Philippines is a
crime, especially by failing to make a reasonable
signatory or a party of.
inquiry about a suspected wrongdoing despite
being aware that is highly probable”

Summon Persons and Take Testimony- *Those highlighted in yellow are matters that are
covered by Section 5 of the NIRC.
Question: Can the taxpayer object to an audit
based on the information supplied by its former
Question: Can the BIR commence tax investigation
notwithstanding the issuance of a Commencement
Order by a Rehabilitation Court?
Fitness by Design Case
If there already is a commencement order issued by
Without the consent of a taxpayer subject of an a rehabilitation court, the investigation of the
audit, its former accountant was able to taxpayer should likewise be suspended or tolled
surreptitiously secure the taxpayer’s books of because all assessment notices or notice of informal
accounts and submitted them to the BIR which conference must be coursed through the
eventually became the basis of establishing the rehabilitation court.
tax liability of the taxpayer. The taxpayer
complained on the ground that the documents
should not be used in evidence as the same was
illegally obtained.
Case: accounts of the taxpayer or the books of account
of individuals transacting with the taxpayer for
The Revenue Officers issued a Notice of Informal purposes of determining the deficiency taxes that
Conference and Assessment Notices against the the taxpayer had incurred.
taxpayer notwithstanding the fact that a
commencement order had already been issued Purpose of LOA: is to extend authority to the
by the rehabilitation court. revenue officers to examine the books of
accounts of a taxpayer.
Why issued?
Such is not allowed. The act of the Revenue
Officers is considered as in contempt of court. It is issued because this revenue officers are not
Once a commencement order is issued, vested such power under the law. Hence, the
investigation of the taxpayer is also suspended. power is delegated through the issuance of a

Did the BIR act properly in assessing Sony for taxes
 It is an official document which authorizes the covering the period January 01 1998 to March 31,
revenue officers to examine the books of 1998?
accounts of the taxpayer or the books of
No. Because such period is not covered by the
account of individuals transacting with the
Letter of Authority issued. The Letter of Authority
taxpayer for purposes of determining the
does not indicate the period “January to March
deficiency taxes that the taxpayer had 1998”. Since the assessment is not preceded by a
incurred. LOA, the assessment is void. Then, there can be no
 A LOA is the authority given to the appropriate collection with respect to this tax because the
revenue officer assigned to perform assessment collection of the tax through the administrative
functions. It empowers or enables said revenue remedy of collecting the tax must be preceded by
officer to examine the books of account and a valid assessment notice.
other accounting records of a taxpayer for the
purpose of collecting the correct amount of tax. SC RULING:

No. The BIR team of examiners went beyond the

scope of its authority because the deficiency tax
Case of Sony Philippines assessment was based on records from January to
March 1998 or using the fiscal year which ended
A Letter of Authority (LOA) was issued to a team of in March 31, 1998.
BIR examiners to audit the taxpayer Sony for “the
period 1997 and unverified prior years”. It appears, The CIR knew which period should be covered by
however, that Sony was using fiscal year, and that the investigation. If the CIR wanted to or intended
it reported its tax liabilities for the period “April the investigation to include the year 1998, it should
1,1997 to March 31, 1998.” have done so by amending the LOA to include
the said period, or by issuing another LOA.
Deficiency taxes were discovered by the team of Moreover, the statement in the LOA “and
examiners covering the period 01 January 1998 to unverified prior years,” violated the rule that LOA
March 31 1998. This was contested by Sony as the should cover a taxable period not exceeding one
same was not covered by the LOA. The BIR argued taxable year.
that the contested period is part of the taxable
year of Sony. If the LOA will cover more than one taxable
period, those taxable periods must be specifically
What is a Letter of Authority? What is its purpose indicated in the LOA.
and why is it issued?
The Government has 2 modes of collecting liability:
I. Administrative Collection- issuance of a
It is an official document which authorizes the warrant of distraint or levy. The issuance
revenue officers to examine the books of of a warrant of distraint or levy must
always be preceded by a valid CIR may prepare a return based on the best
assessment notice. If the notice of evidence obtainable.
assessment is void, then a void
assessment bears no fruit. Thus, any
collection made or any act made CIR v. Hantex
pursuant thereto will be considered as a Facts:
VOID act.
The taxpayer was subject of an assessment issued
II. Judicial Collection- the filing of a case in by the CIR and the assessment was based on an
court. information by an informant and this information
was sworn to and made under oath and the
photocopies of documents issued by the taxpayer

2. Power of the CIR to make Assessments and Hantex questioned the assessment and argued
Prescribe Additional Requirements for Tax that the assessment is considered as void because
Administration and Enforcement it is a naked assessment. It is a naked assessment
because the assessment is not supported by facts
and the assessment is merely based on
conjectures, speculations, and assumptions.
In making an assessment the CIR may do so even if
there is no return.
Is the argument of Hantex correct?
I. The CIR has the power to make an
assessment based on the return filed by SC RULING:
the taxpayer.
The arguments raised by Hantex are meritorious
The assessment issued by the CIR can be based on because indeed the assessment is a naked
the Best Evidence Obtainable by the CIR. (Best assessment. While it is true that hearsay evidence
Evidence Obtainable Rule) can be used as a basis of an assessment, such
hearsay evidence must still be verifiable. Meaning,
Assessments should always be based on the best such information must be verified by documents.
evidence obtainable. The CIR cannot make an
assessment or prepare a return based on In this particular case, there was an informant.
speculations or assumptions. Question is: can the information supplied by the
informant be used as a basis for the assessment?
If there is no evidence to support the assessment,
such assessment is called a “NAKED ASSESSMENT”. A Answer:
naked assessment is a void assessment.
Yes. Hearsay evidence can be used as a basis for
the assessment. However, in using such hearsay
evidence, there must be supporting documents.
In this case, the hearsay evidence was supported
= States that an assessment can be issued based on
by photocopies of the documents issued by the
the best evidence obtainable through the exercise
taxpayer. However, the SC held that these
of the following functions: (L T I S)
There being no probative value, the photocopies
cannot be used in supporting the assessment.
1. Letter of Authority;
2. Third-Party Verification Rule; Likewise, it is not necessary that the assessment
3. Inquiry into bank deposits; must be with mathematical exactness.
4. Summon persons and take testimony
The rule is, when there is information supplied to
**Said rule is still applicable if the assessment is based the revenue officers, the revenue officers must
on a scenario where the taxpayer did not submit any ensure that this information is corroborated by
return. If the taxpayer did not submit any return, the supporting documents.
CIR v. Embroidery Garments Fiscal Year- 12-month period beginning in any
month of the year and ending in any month of the
Facts: year other than December.

The revenue officers used the information by the **In order for the CIR to assess the tax liabilities of the
former manager of Embroidery Garments. taxpayer, the CIR must first complete the taxable
The CIR issued an assessment based on the sworn
statement of the former manager. Exception:

Termination of the taxable period can only be

Is the assessment valid?
made in the following instances:

(H I R R O)
1. The taxpayer hides his property;
The assessment is a naked assessment; therefore,
it is void. The assessment cannot be solely based 2. The taxpayer has the intention to leave the
on a sworn statement of an individual. The Philippines;
assessment must be based on a verified
information. For it to be considered as a verified
information, the information must not be based on
3. The taxpayer removes his property from the
speculation or conjectures. The information must
business premises;
be verified through supporting documents.

4. The taxpayer retires from his business;

II. The CIR also has the POWER TO CONDUCT

INVENTORY-TAKING, SURVEILLANCE and TO 5. If the taxpayer obstructs the proceedings for
PRESCRIBE PRESUMPTIVE GROSS SALES and the collection of the taxes.
In this instances, the CIR can immediately terminate
Inventory-taking- can only be done when there is a the taxable period by providing a notice to the
reason to believe that the taxpayer is not reflecting taxpayer that the period has already been
the correct amount of gross sales/receipts. This is terminated.
otherwise called “Mission Order” of the BIR.
Upon service of such notice, the CIR can now make
Surveillance- a revenue officer is dispatched to the any assessment with respect to that shortened
business establishment of the taxpayer and taxable period.
conduct a surveillance and based on the
surveillance conducted, they will compute the Note: Individual taxpayers only have one taxable
estimated amount of gross sales/receipts. period and that is CALENDAR YEAR.

Prescribing presumptive gross sales/receipts- will AMENDMENT OF RETURNS

only be allowed if the taxpayer did not keep books When the taxpayer had already filed his or its return,
or the taxpayer does not issue gross sales/receipts. the taxpayer can still amend this return.

Provision of the Tax Code:

III. The CIR can also terminate taxable Any return, statement of declaration filed in any
periods office authorized to receive the same shall not be
2 Types of Taxable Period: withdrawn: Provided, that within three (3) years from
the date of such filing, the same may be modified,
Calendar Year- 12-month period beginning the changed, or amended: Provided, further, that no
month of January and ending in the month of notice for audit or investigation of such return,
December. statement or declaration has in the meantime been
actually served upon the taxpayer.

Simply put:
If the taxpayer already filed a return the same could **Revenue officers have separate and distinct
no longer be withdrawn. The remedy is to amend the assignments: thus, a revenue officer shall be
return. considered as one in the discharge of his functions if
he is performing acts pursuant to his assignment.
The amendment must be made within 3-years from
the date of such filing.

However, if there is already a notice for audit or SECTION 12 OF THE NIRC:

investigation issued to the taxpayer, the amendment
Any officer or employee of an authorized agent
bank assigned to receive internal revenue tax
payments and transmit tax returns or documents to
the BIR shall be subject to the same sanctions and
penalties prescribed in Section 269 and 270 of the
Tax Code.
After the assessment shall have been made, the
returns together with any corrections thereof which The data processing of sales and purchase data shall
may have been made by the Commissioner, shall be comply with the provisions of RA No. 10173, otherwise
filed in the Office of the Commissioner and shall known as the “Data Privacy Act” and Section 270 of
constitute public records and be open to inspection the NIRC, as amended, on unlawful divulgence of
as such upon the order of the President of the taxpayer information and such other laws relating to
Philippines, under rules and regulations to be the confidentiality of information.
prescribed by the Secretary of Finance, upon
recommendation of the Commissioner. IV. CIR has the Power to Accredit Tax Agents
and Prescribe Procedural and
This particular rule shall likewise apply when there is a Documentary Requirements
foreign tax authority requesting for the returns of a
particular taxpayer.  The accreditation of tax agents does not
apply to lawyers because lawyers can
represent their clients before the BIR even
The IRS of US requested the copy of the return of X without accreditation.
corporation. Notwithstanding the fact that the return  The CIR likewise has the power to prescribe
of X corporation is a public record, it can only be rules with respect to E-Filing, Substituted Filing,
inspected by a requesting foreign tax authority if Net Worth Method.
there is an order issued by the President of the
Net Worth Method- is the method used in order to
determine the amount of deficiency taxes.
Thus, if there is an increase in the net worth to the
Any officer or employee of the BIR who divulges or exclusion of the non-taxable items, the increase in
makes known in any other manner to any person the net worth will be treated as an undeclared
other than the requesting foreign tax authority revenue.
information obtained from banks and financial
institutions pursuant to Section 6(F), knowledge or
information acquired by him in the discharge of his
official duties, shall upon conviction, be punished by
The commissioner can fix real property values, called
a fine of not less than P50,000 but not more than
zonal value/valuation. It is the commissioner that has
P100,000, or suffer imprisonment of not less than 2
the power to prescribe real property values, the
years but not more than 5 years, or both.
governing section is section 6E of the NIRC.
Simply put: Requirements with respect to the act of prescribing
real property values/zonal values:
Information received or obtained by a revenue
officer in the discharge of his duties cannot be 1. Mandatory consultation with competent
disclosed. appraisers both from private and public
4. The power to assign and re-assign employees
-this requirement existed even prior to the designated in establishments subject to excise
TRAIN Law and still after the TRAIN Law; tax.

Story of ma’am Tin about how establishments pay

2. With prior notice to the affected taxpayers;
Excise Tax:
-New requirement under Section 6E. Applies
BIR assigns Revenue Officers within the
only after the effectivity of the TRAIN Law;
establishment. He has rolls for proof of payment of
excise tax (rolls of those that are stuck to products,
3. There must be an automatic adjustment
such as those stuck to wine bottles that look like
every three (3) years;
documentary stamp taxes). The officer will be
assigned in the establishment only for a period not
4. The adjustment must be published in a
exceeding two (2) years. Only the commissioner can
newspaper of general circulation and
assign and reassign these officers.
posted in the provincial capitol, city or
-The employees under number 4 does not
municipal hall and two (2) other conspicuous
pertain to employees of the establishment but to the
places; and
revenue officers of the BIR.
5. That the basis of any valuation, including the NOTE: Compromise and Abatement have different
records of consultations done, shall be public grounds.
records open to the inquiry of any taxpayer.
*only number 1 was a requirement prior to the TRAIN Grounds:
Law, numbers 2 to 5 are new under the TRAIN Law.
1. A reasonable doubt as to the validity of the
POWER TO DELEGATE claim against the taxpayer exists; or
 covers all functions indicated in the Tax Code 2. The financial position of the taxpayer
except: (RICA)-non-delegable functions of the demonstrates a clear inability to pay the
CIR assessed tax.
1. Recommend the issuance of revenue  it is important to determine the ground in the
regulations, since only the Commissioner can application of a compromise because:
recommend the issuance of these regulations, A. If the ground is reasonable doubt as to the
cannot be delegated to anyone else. validity of the claim against the taxpayer,
then the settlement offer must not be less
(Letter I in RICA talks about two (2) acts)
than 40% of the basic tax due. That is the
2. A. The act to issue rulings of first impression. The prescribed rate of the settlement offer.
issuance of a ruling is a delegable function, it B. If the ground is the financial position of the
only becomes non-delegable when the ruling is taxpayer, the settlement offer must not be
a first impression. less than 10% of the basic tax due, it does
 Ruling of first impression: one that involves a not include the interest, surcharge, and
novel issue, meaning the commissioner did compromise penalty.
not yet issue any ruling dealing with the same
NOTE: If it goes below the settlement rates,
subject matter or the same issues.
the application for compromise shall be
subject to the approval of the National
2. B. Act of revoking, revising, and modifying a Evaluation Board which shall comprise the
previously issued ruling. Only the Commissioner and the Four (4) Deputy
commissioner can revoke, revise, and modify Commissioners.
rulings previously issued.
Where the basic tax involved exceeds One Million
(Letter C in RICA speaks of two (2) acts as well) Pesos, or where the settlement offered is less than the
prescribed minimum rates, the compromise shall also
3. The power to (1)compromise and (2)abate.
be subject to the National Evaluation Board.
 Compromise is different from abatement,
which will be discussed later. Instances where the Regional Evaluation Board (REB)
may act on the application for compromise,
meaning they can recommend the approval or 4. Delinquent accounts with duly approved
disapproval of the application for compromise: schedule of installment payments.
 There is neither doubt nor a possibility of
1. The assessment was issued by the regional
financial inability on the part of the
office of the BIR;
taxpayer as he was the one who
2. The amount involved a basic deficiency tax
proposed or has agreed to the schedule
of Php 500,000.00 or less, or those involving
of installment payments.
minor criminal violations;
3. The same was discovered by regional and
district officials. (What was discovered was
the assessment)
-whenever the REB acts on the application, it
is merely a recommendation, since it is the Does the Court of Appeals have the power to review
Commissioner that approves or disapproves compromise agreements forged by the
the application. Commissioner and a taxpayer?

All tax cases, even criminal cases, may be the NO. The CA does not possess such authority.
subject of a compromise, for as long as sufficient
1. The power to compromise is a sole
grounds exist, except in the following:
prerogative of the CIR. It is a discretionary
1. Those involving fraud, or power and courts have to authority, as a
2. Criminal violation of the NIRC that are general rule, to compel him to exercise such
already filed in the courts. discretion one way or another;
2. If the CIR commits grave abuse of his
Specific examples of tax cases that may not be discretion by not following the parameters
compromised under the revenue regulation: set by law, the CTA, not the CA, may correct
such abuse of the matter is appealed to it.
1. Withholding tax cases, unless the applicant-
The exercise of the power to compromise
taxpayer invokes provisions of law that cast
may fall within the parameters of “other
doubt on the taxpayer’s obligation to
matters” that the CIR is empowered to
perform under the NIRC.
 Tax withholding cases cannot normally be
compromised because they involve ABATEMENT
 Withholding tax cases- cases where the Grounds:
withholding agent has been assessed. It
1. The tax or any portion thereof appears to be
cannot be compromised because he is
unjustly or excessively assessed; or
not the taxpayer, he is the collector. It will
2. The administration and collection costs involved
be like estafa if he does not remit the tax
do not justify the collection of the amount due.
 Example: amount of gift worth 251,000.00.
 Can it be a ground that the agent was not
The 250,000 will be exempt from donor’s tax.
able to collect?
1,000.00 will be subject to donor’s tax.
NO, that is a doubtful ground. Under the
1,000.00 x 6% tax will be 60.00.
revenue regulation, the only way for the
 The expenses of the government to collect
withholding agent to compromise his
the 60.00 will be greater than the 60.00 to be
liability is when the agent invokes a
collected. Hence, the Commissioner has the
provision of the law that casts a doubt on
power just to abate the tax liability since the
the taxpayers’ obligation to withhold.
cost of collecting the tax deficiency will be
way more than the tax to be collected.
2. Criminal tax fraud cases confirmed as such
by the CIR or his duly authorized Difference between the 1st ground under abatement
representative; and compromise:

3. Criminal violations already filed in court; In compromise, there is a legal basis which is doubtful
as to its application.
In abatement, there is no legal basis at all for the
collection. If there is a legal basis but it is not sure if
the application was proper, it is not considered
unjust, hence, it cannot fall under abatement.

People vs. Tan

An agreement denominated as a compromise

agreement was entered into between the
Commissioner and SMB. In that agreement, SMB
will only pay 10M of tax liability, not 300M. SMB
paid the 10M. The agreement was questioned
and Tan was sued in his official capacity as the
Commissioner of the BIR as a violation of RA 3019.

Did Tan violate any provision of the law?

SC: No. There was Tax Pyramiding in this case.

The reason why the liability reached 300M was
because they imposed a tax on the tax already
imposed. The basic liability was taxed, and was
again imposed a tax which included the
previously imposed tax. Thus, the tax liability
increased. This concept of Tax pyramiding does
not find any legal basis under the law. Since
there is no legal basis for such imposition, then
the tax was unjustly assessed. Although the
agreement was denominated as a compromise
agreement, it is not considered as a compromise
because erroneous taxes cannot be
compromised. Only valid taxes can be
compromised. Hence, it is not a compromise but
an abatement as there was no legal basis for the
collection. And under abatement, the entire
amount of tax liability, or a portion thereof, may
be removed, there is no prescribed rate.
Rule-Making Authority of the SOF: 1. In order for a formal assessment notice (FAN) or
a notice of assessment to be considered as
The SOF is granted, under Section 244 of the
valid, the FAN with assessment notice, or no
NIRC, the authority to promulgate the necessary
matter how it is called, must contain:
rules and regulations for the effective enforcement
a. The fact;
of the provisions of the law. Such rules and
b. The law;
regulations, as well as administrative opinions and
c. The rules and regulations; and
ruling, ordinarily deserve to be given weight and
d. The jurisprudence upon which the
respect by the courts. Such authority, however, is
assessment is based.
subject to the limitation that the rules and regulations
 if there is non-compliance with this rule,
must not override, but must remain consistent and in
then the assessment is considered a void
harmony with, the law they seek to apply and
assessment. If an assessment is void, then
implement. It is well-settled that an administrative
it cannot bear fruit, hence, the
agency cannot amend an act of Congress.
government cannot collect
Thus, when a provision of law grants tax administratively the taxes because it is not
incentives, such incentives cannot be withdrawn by supported by a valid assessment.
the SOF in the guise of enacting a regulation, as he
The government can only collect
cannot arrogate upon himself a power reserved
administratively if, and only if, such collection
exclusively to Congress.
is preceded by a valid assessment.
Ex: revenue regulations requiring
In order for the assessment notice to be valid,
confirmatory rulings first before the application of the
it is necessary that the FAN must contain a
tax exemption. This is allowed for purposes of
demand to pay. If there is no demand to
administration, but this is considered as void for
pay, then the assessment notice is also void.
purposes of revoking the tax exemption because the
law grants the tax exemption. The Secretary cannot Hence, possible grounds to declare an assessment
issue additional condition for the tax exemption void:
since in such a case, the Secretary arrogates upon
1. The assessment does not contain the factual
himself a power exclusively reserved to the Congress.
or legal basis;
A confirmatory ruling is merely for the 2. It does not contain a demand to pay;
purpose of an effective administration of the law, it 3. The assessment notice must be addressed to
cannot be considered as an additional condition, the taxpayer;
unless the Congress makes it so. The SOF is limited to 4. It was not sent to the taxpayer;
the provisions of the law, they cannot expand, 5. It does not contain a definite amount of tax
supplement or override the provisions of the law. liability;
6. The FAN does not contain the due dates for
the tax liability;
7. When the assessment was not issued within
the period indicated under Section 203 of the
Notice of assessment is not the same as a preliminary NIRC or Section 220 with respect to
assessment notice, a notice of assessment refers to a extraordinary period to assess the tax;
formal assessment notice or a formal letter of 8. The Regional Director or the Commissioner
demand with assessment notice. did not issue a PAN; (if there is not PAN, the
FAN is void)
CiR vs. Gonzales-a notice of assessment has been
defined as a declaration of deficiency taxes issued CIR v. Gonzales
to a taxpayer who fails to respond to a preliminary
assessment notice (PAN) within the prescribed The lack of a control number is not a requirement
period of time. for the validity of an assessment. The assessment
will still be valid.
-in this definition, we can conclude that a
notice of assessment is not a PAN.

Things to consider:
CIR vs. Enron
In Enron, the taxpayer did not participate in
A FAN has been issued which indicates the the administrative proceedings. Enron only replied
supposed tax, surcharge, interest, and the when the FAN was issued.
compromise penalty, but the assessment did not
provide the specific provision of the Tax Code or In Samar, the taxpayer participated in all the
the Rules or Regulations which were not complied administrative proceedings, hence, the taxpayer
with by Enron. Hence, there was no legal basis for was duly apprised during the entire proceedings
the assessment. The CIR argued that the about the legal and factual basis on which the
assessment is still considered valid even if it did not assessment was based.
state the legal basis because the CIR informed Ma’am Tin: does not agree with the case of Samar
the employee of Enron through a preliminary five because of the mandate that whatever happened
(5) day letter and the audit working paper about prior to the issuance of a FAN, it is a requirement that
all the legal basis. both the legal and factual basis to which the
SC: the preliminary 5 day letter and the audit assessment was based must be contained in the FAN
working paper given to the employee of Enron itself.
are not considered as valid substitutes for the Answer only based in the case of Samar if the
mandatory notice in writing because the law problem given is the same with the factual
mandates the government to indicate both the circumstances of the case. If they are not the same,
factual and legal basis on which the assessment stick with the factual and legal basis must be
is based, and these must be contained in the indicated in the assessment.
assessment itself.

Samar Electric Case

The taxpayer participated in all the parts of the

administrative proceedings. When a Letter of
Authority was issued, Samar also gave documents.
When a notice of informal conference was issued,
Samar answered the notice, to which the BIR
likewise replied to. When the government replied,
it issued a Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN).
After the issuance of the PAN, the taxpayer again
replied to the PAN. The government replied again,
and thereafter issued a FAN. When the FAN was
issued, the taxpayer argued that the assessment
notice did not contain both the legal and factual
basis on which the assessment is based. BIR
argued that it replied and explained both the
legal and factual basis during the course of the
administrative proceedings. From the time the
notice of informal conference was issued up to the
time that the assessment had been issued,
everything was answered.

SC: the assessment is valid because there was

compliance with the due process requirement
because the taxpayer was duly apprised during
the entire proceedings. When the taxpayer filed a
letter in response to the notice of informal
conference and in response to the PAN, the
government had explained to the taxpayer both
the legal and factual basis to which the
assessment was based.
CIR vs. Pascar Realty CIR vs. Reyes

A complaint was filed against Pascar. The factual and legal basis must be
The Revenue officers executed and attached indicated in the assessment notice, otherwise
an affidavit in support of the case filed for tax the assessment is void. Hence, since the
evasion. In the affidavit, the revenue officers assessment notice did not contain both the legal
indicated the deficiency taxes, the reason for and factual basis, then the assessment is void.
the deficiency taxes, etc. The government
collected the deficiency taxes administratively
and claimed that the assessment notice is the CIR vs. Fitness by Design
There were 2 issues raised:
SC: the taxpayer must be certain that a specific
document is an assessment notice. In this case, 1. Whether the extraordinary assessment
there was no indication that the affidavit issued shall be applied;
by the revenue officers already represents the 2. Whether a formal assessment notice
assessment notice of the BIR. The affidavit which does not contain a definite due
cannot be considered as an assessment notice date is valid.
for the following reasons: Facts:
1. In order for a document to be On April 11, 1996, the annual income tax
considered an assessment, the return (AITR) for the year 1995 was filed.
document must be sent to the taxpayer.
In this case, the affidavit was not sent to On June 9, 2004, the taxpayer received
the taxpayer, It was made as an the FAN which was dated March 17, 2004.
attachment to the complaint;
The FAN was issued by virtue of a letter of
2. The assessment is deemed made only
authority. The FAN contained the computation
when the revenue officers mails or sends
of the tax, and the details of discrepancy.
the document to the Taxpayer.
However, the notice of assessment contained
In this case, the affidavit merely contained a
the phrase:
computation of the tax, it did not state a
demand to pay the tax, it was not addressed to “Please note, however, that the interest
the taxpayer, and it was not sent to the and total amount due will have to be adjusted.
taxpayer. The affidavit was even addressed to If paid prior or beyond a particular date…”
the Secretary of Justice, not the taxpayer. The
affidavit was meant merely as a support of the On Feb. 2, 2005, a warrant of distraint or levy was
claim, not a notice of assessment. issued. (If the problem states that a warrant of
distraint or levy was issued, it means that the BIR
resorted to an administrative remedy of
collecting the tax, not judicial remedy. If the
mode of collecting the tax was administrative, it
must be preceded by a valid FAN).

SC: an assessment refers to the determination of

amounts due obligated to make payments.
Assessment process as discussed in the case: face of the return, then the regional
director or CIR does not need to issue
1. Assessment process starts with the filing of a
a PAN;
tax return (AITR) and the payment of the tax.
b. If the tax withheld is not equal to the
It does not start with the LOA. It starts from the
tax remitted, then a PAN is no longer
preparation of the income tax return and the
necessary since it can be seen on the
payment of the tax, this is called the self-
face of the return;
assessment since the taxpayer computes his
c. If the taxpayer filed a claim for refund
tax liability.
of excess withholding taxes but later
on it was determined that the
2. After the filing of a return, the CIR may allow
taxpayer carried over the subject of
the examination any taxpayer for assessment
the refund;
of the proper tax liability, but the examination
d. If the excise tax has not been paid;
of the taxpayer can only be done if there is a
letter of authority (LOA). Thus, issuance of
e. If articles locally purchased or
LOA for the examination. In Medicard case,
imported by exempt persons were
a letter notice is not considered a substitute
sold to non-exempt persons.
for a LOA. If there is no LOA, the assessment
is void.
In these cases, the Regional Director
or the Commissioner can issue a FAN.
3. After the issuance of a LOA, the examination
begins. When the examination ends, the BIR
5. When the PAN is issued, the taxpayer has a
will not issue a notice of informal conference
period of 15 days (prior to RR 22-2020) to
(or notice of discrepancy based on RR 22-
respond. If the taxpayer does not respond,
2020, depending on the year the assessment
he is considered in default.
was made), which is required because that is
one of the due process requirements under
Under section 228 of the NIRC, the PAN must
the revenue regulations.
likewise contain the facts, the law, the rules
and regulation, and the jurisprudence on
Under RR 22-2020, it is no longer called notice which the assessment is based.
of informal conference (NIC) but a notice of
discrepancy (NOD), but the principle is still The difference of a PAN and a FAN is that the
the same. Upon the issuance of a notice of FAN has a formal letter of demand.
discrepancy, the BIR must schedule a
discussion on discrepancy, which must be 6. If the BIR is not satisfied with the explanation
done within a 30 day period after the notice of the taxpayer, the Regional Director or the
of the notice of discrepancy. When the Commissioner may now issue a FAN. At any
taxpayer wants to submit all relevant case, the FAN can be issued if the taxpayer
documents in support of its claim, it must be replied or did not reply. The FAN or Formal
submitted within the same 30 day period. Letter of Demand with Assessment Notice
(FLDWAN) includes the notice of
4. After the issuance of the notice of informal discrepancy.
conference, the taxpayer has 15 days to 7. The taxpayer has a period of 30 days to file a
respond (not under RR 22-2020 yet). When protest, which may be in the nature of a
the BIR is not satisfied, the BIR will issue a PAN. request for reinvestigation or a request for
Only the Regional Director has the authority reconsideration;
to issue a PAN, not the revenue district officer, 8. If the taxpayer did not file a protest, the
pursuant to administrative issuances by the assessment becomes final and demandable,
Commissioner; which means that the taxpayer can no
longer raise the defense of prescription, the
Exceptions to the issuance of a PAN under correctness of the computation, and the rest.
Section 228 of the NIRC: The assessment notice will already be valid. It
a. If the finding is the result of a is important that the taxpayer files a protest
mathematical error appearing on the
in order for the assessment to not become AITR-LOA-NIC/NOD-30 days discussion-PAN-reply-
final. FAN or FLDWAN-30 days to file protest-60 days to
9. The taxpayer has a period of 60 days to submit relevant documents-FDDA issued by RD or
submit relevant documents, but only if the CIR or inaction-CTA based on number 11.
protest is in the nature of a request of a
ASSIGNMENT: can a FAN be issued even if the 15 day
period has not yet lapsed without the taxpayer
10. The CIR has a period of 180 days to decide
having replied?
FDDA (Final Decision of Disputed
Assessment). FDDA is issued by Regional
Director or Commissioner, depending where
the case is pending. The RD or Commissioner READ: CIR VS. ROCA
is required to decide within the 180 day
period, but there is no effect since there is no What is the reason behind the process of
repercussion, unlike in Section 112. But there assessment? In order to provide due process in
needs to be a decision first before the favor of the taxpayer.
taxpayer can elevate the case to the CTA. SC decision of the case:

In a protest case, the CIR has 180 The assessment is not valid. The FAN is not a valid
days to rule on the protest, if the CIR assessment because no definite amount of tax
did not decide within the 180 day liability is indicated in the assessment. The phrase
period, the taxpayer has 2 options: indicated (“please note”) as stated above, leads
a. File a petition for review before the to the conclusion that there is of definite amount
CTA within 30 days after the lapse of of tax liability because if provides that the tax due
the 180 day period. Meaning the is still subject to modification.
taxpayer may treat the lapse or
The assessment notice is likewise void since it does
inaction of the CIR within the 180 day
not contain due dates for payment in the FAN.
period as an implied denial;
The lack of due date in the FAN negates the
b. Wait for the decision on the disputed
demand to pay. Since the document did not
assessment. Once the assessment has
contain a due date, as it was just left blank by the
been issued, the taxpayer can file a
revenue officers or regional director, then it is
petition for review within 30 days after
considered a ground for the nullity of the
the receipt of the decision.
-pwedeng may forever pag hinde
sumagot sa ang RD/CIR. The trick is to Hence, since the FAN was void, then the warrant
utilize the 2nd remedy if the 180+30 of distraint/levy is also void since an invalid
day period had already lapsed and assessment bears no fruit.
just wait for the decision.
NOTE: Read the questions in the problems, an
11. Remedy depends on who issued the
assessment is different from a warrant of
FDDA, if the RD issued the FDDA, appeal to the CIR
distraint/levy. It could be that the problem is only
(Administrative appeal) within 30 days after the
asking the validity of the assessment, or the warrant
receipt of the FDDA. The CIR has another 180 days to
of distraint/levy, or both.
decide, after the lapse of the 180 days, appeal to
the CTA by filing a petition for review or await for the DIFFERENT KINDS OF ASSESSMENT:
issuance of the decision of the CIR on the
administrative appeal. (Same process as before). 1. Self-assessment-where the taxpayer is the
one computing for his or its tax liability;
If the CIR issued the FDDA, go to the CTA 2. Deficiency assessment-an assessment by the
division by filing a petition for review within 30 days examiner whereby the amount of tax is
after the receipt of the decision. determined after audit. So kung na audit na,
at mayroong kulang na tax, deficiency
If there is inaction in the disputed assessment,
assessment ang tawag doon;
file an appeal with the CTA division within 30 days
3. Illegal or void assessment-an assessment
after the lapse of the 180 day period.
where the examiner has no power to act on
Thus: it;
4. Erroneous assessment-one where the EXAMPLE:
examiner has the power to make such Taxable period 2019. The income tax return must be
assessment but errs in the exercise of such filed on April 15, 2020, which is the last day prescribed
power. Example: wrongful computation; by law. If the return was filed April 13, 2020, the
5. Jeopardy assessment-an assessment issued government has until April 15, 2023 to assess the taxes
without a complete or partial audit. or 3 years after. Why April 15, and not April 13?
Nagmadali ung revenue officer. The period Because the law provides that if the return was filed
to asses was already about to expire, and before the last day prescribed by law for the filing of
they had to issue the FAN, and the FAN did the return, then the 3-year period shall be counted
not contain a complete or partial audit. from the last day prescribed by law. In this example,
it was filed before the last day prescribed by law, so
the 3-year period shall be reckoned from the last day
Section 203 NIRC: STATUTE OF LIMITATION ON prescribed by law for the filing of the return, which is
ASSESSMENT April 15, 2020. So, count from April 15, 2020, thus, the
government has until April 15, 2023 to assess the tax
Provides that there must be a three (3) year period liability. If the taxpayer filed on the last day
after the last day prescribed by law for the filing of prescribed by law, or on April 15, 2020, the
the return in order to assess the tax liability. government has 3 years or until April 15, 2023 to
assess the tax liability.
If the taxpayer filed belatedly, or on April 30, 2020,
Section 203, NIRC then the government will have until April 30, 2023 to
SEC. 203. Period of Limitation Upon Assessment and assess the taxes, since that is the actual date of filing.
Collection. - Except as provided in Section 222,
 It is only in cases of belated filing that the 3-year
internal revenue taxes shall be assessed within three
period to assess will be counted from the actual
(3) years after the last day prescribed by law for the
date of filing.
filing of the return, and no proceeding in court
without assessment for the collection of such taxes For Number 1, where the government will collect
shall be begun after the expiration of such period: taxes without assessment, meaning, this can only be
Provided, That in a case where a return is filed done when the government will collect taxes
beyond the period prescribed by law, the three (3)- judicially.
year period shall be counted from the day the return
was filed. For purposes of this Section, a return filed  Assessment notice is no longer necessary since
before the last day prescribed by law for the filing there is a trial process that they must follow. The
thereof shall be considered as filed on such last day. trial of that case will give due process to the
Three (3) year period in the first part applies to both: taxpayer. But if the government will resort to this
type of method, the collection of the tax must
1. Collection of the tax without assessment (judicial be done within 3 years from the last day
collection of taxes); and prescribed by law for the filing of a return or if
the return has been belatedly filed, such
2. Assessment of taxes.
collection must be done within 3 years from the
For Number 2: actual date of filing.

If there is an assessment, the government has a How to reckon the date of collection of the tax if the
period of three (3) years counted from the date of government will collect the tax after the issuance of
assessment to collect the tax. The date of assessment an assessment notice?
is the date when the assessment has been sent to, or
 Under Section 203, the government has a
mailed to, the taxpayer. It is not the date received
period of three (3) years to collect the tax from
by the taxpayer.
the date of assessment, if an assessment notice
The last part of section 203 means that the reckoning is issued. However, Section 203 does not state
date can either be the last day prescribed by law or the date of assessment. Check the case of CIR
the date of filing. The actual date of filing will only be vs. United Salvage and towage.
applied when there has been a belated submission  In CIR vs. United Salvage and Towage, the SC
or filing of the tax return. held that upon the issuance of an assessment
notice (a formal or final assessment notice), the
government has a period of 3 years to collect The 10 year period will be made to apply if we talk
the tax from the date of assessment. about assessment or filing a collection in court
without an assessment.
Example: The government issued an assessment on
March 12, 2021. This is the date when the assessment Condition of the last part of Section 222 (a): the fraud
has been sent to the taxpayer. Until when can the assessment will be final and executory if there will be
government collect the tax? Until March 12, 2024, or no filing of a protest, if there is no compliance with
3 years after. the procedure laid down under section 228 of the
NOTE: This assessment does not only apply to income
taxes, it applies to all types of internal revenue taxes. (b) If before the expiration of the time prescribed in
**Section 203 applies with respect to withholding Section 203 for the assessment of the tax, both the
Commissioner and the taxpayer have agreed in
taxes. Withholding taxes on the part of the
writing to its assessment after such time, the tax may
withholding agent are not considered as penalties,
be assessed within the period agreed upon. The
but internal revenue taxes. The prescriptive period period so agreed upon may be extended by
under Section 203 applies to withholding taxes with subsequent written agreement made before the
respect to the liability of withholding agents. expiration of the period previously agreed upon.
 Letter (B) is called the waiver of the statute of
 Collection must be done within a period of 3 limitations.
years from the date of assessment.
o 3 years came from the case of CIR vs. United (c) Any internal revenue tax which has been
Salvage and Towage. There was change assessed within the period of limitation as prescribed
from 5 years to 3 years. in paragraph (a) hereof may be collected by
distraint or levy (ADMINISTRATIVE) or by a
Section 222, NIRC proceeding in court (JUDICIAL) within five (5) years
SEC. 222. Exceptions as to Period of Limitation of following the assessment of the tax.
Assessment and Collection of Taxes.-
 Letter (C) speaks of collection of taxes. If an
(a) In the case of a false or fraudulent return with assessment has been issued within the 10-year
intent to evade tax or of failure to file a return, the period, the government has a period of 5 years
tax may be assessed, or a proceeding in court for the to collect the tax, whether judicially or
collection of such tax may be filed without administratively.
assessment, at any time within ten (10) years after the
discovery of the falsity, fraud or omission: Provided, (d) Any internal revenue tax, which has been
That in a fraud assessment which has become final assessed within the period agreed upon as provided
and executory, the fact of fraud shall be judicially in paragraph (b) hereinabove, may be collected by
taken cognizance of in the civil or criminal action for distraint or levy or by a proceeding in court within the
the collection thereof. period agreed upon in writing before the expiration
of the five (5) -year period. The period so agreed
The extraordinary period to collect shall only apply upon may be extended by subsequent written
when: agreements made before the expiration of the
period previously agreed upon.
1. there is a filing of a false or fraudulent return with
the intent to evade the tax;  Also called the waiver of the statute of
2. There is a failure (omission) to file a return; limitations.

These are the 2 instances when the government can (e) Provided, however, that nothing in the
use the extraordinary periods under Section 222 of immediately preceding and paragraph (a) hereof
the NIRC. The government will have a period of shall be construed to authorize the examination and
within 10 years after the discovery of the falsity, fraud, investigation or inquiry into any tax return filed in
or omission to make an assessment or to collect the accordance with the provisions of any tax amnesty
tax without any assessment. law or decree.
Section 203 refers to the ordinary period to assess
and collect taxes. Pertains to the regular period to When will the extraordinary period be applied?
assess.  it will be applied if and only if there is a clear
showing that there is an intent to evade the tax.
Section 222 is the extraordinary period to assess and
 the facts of fraud must be indicated in the
collect taxes. It is extraordinary because it only
assessment, if the facts of fraud are not
applies to those instances mentioned under section
indicated in the assessment, the extraordinary
period shall not be applied.
 it is necessary that the assessment notice
contains the fact that the taxpayer committed
RECAP: a fraudulent act. If such fact is not indicated in
the assessment notice, then the extraordinary
period shall likewise not be applied.

The government has a period of within 3 years

counted from the last day prescribed by law for
filing, or the last day of filing if belatedly filed to During the previous discussion:
ASSESS the tax. Emphasis: There has to be a strict compliance with the
mandatory period within which the government could assess
Collection without Assessment: or collect the tax.
The government has a period of within 3 years
counted from the last day prescribed by law for Take Note:
filing, or the last day of filing if belatedly filed to The assessment periods are intended to protect the rights of
COLLECT the tax. the taxpayer in order to prevent unscrupulous investigation
investigations by revenue officers for an indefinite period of
Collection with Assessment: time. This being said the, the period must be strictly complied
with by the revenue officers.
The government has a period of 3 years from the
date of assessment. In such collections, there is 3
Reiteration of the PROCESS OF ASSESSMENT
years to assess, and 3 years to collect.
1. It always starts with a Letter of Authority. Without this, the
assessment is considered as void.

EXTRAORDINARY PERIOD 2. Then it is followed by a Notice of Discrepancy

Assessment: Previously, this was called as “notice of informal conference”.
However, under Revenue Regulation No. 22-2020, the same is
The government has a period of 10 years from the now called as Notice of Discrepancy. There must be a
discovery of the falsity or omission to ASSESS the tax. discussion on discrepancy within the 30-day period. If the
taxpayer will reply or submit documents in order to dispute the
Collection without Assessment:
discrepancy, the taxpayer must submit the necessary
The government has a period of 10 years from the documents within that same 30-day period.
discovery of the falsity or omission to COLLECT the
tax. 3. After the issuance of Notice of Discrepancy, the
government must issue a Preliminary Assessment Notice
Collection with Assessment: (PAN). Without the issuance of a notice of discrepancy AND a
PAN, the assessment notice is void.
The government has 5 years from the date of
assessment to COLLECT the tax.
**Reminder: The LOA, Notice of Discrepancy, and PAN are
Atty. Tin: ibig sabihin, pag collection under ordinary all mandatory.
period, ang iisipin mo e 3-3, 3 years to assess, 3 years This are all processes that must be complied with in order not
to collect. to contravene the due process clause of the Constitution.

Pag extraordinary, ang isipin mo 10-5, 1 years to

asses, 5 years to collect.
CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF The 60-day period to submit additional documents will apply
PAN: only if the taxpayer filed a protest that is in the nature of a
request for re-investigation.
Section 228 NIRC:
SEC. 228. Protesting of Assessment. - When the Commissioner If the taxpayer did not file additional documents within the 60-
or his duly authorized representative finds that proper taxes day period, the assessment becomes final and executory.
should be assessed, he shall first notify the taxpayer of his There is no submission of additional relevant documents if the
findings: Provided, however, That a pre-assessment notice taxpayer filed a request for reconsideration.
shall not be required in the following cases:
(a) When the finding for any deficiency tax is the result of 7. Upon submission of the additional documents, the CIR or
mathematical error in the computation of the tax as appearing the RD in most cases, the CIR has 180-days to decide on the
on the face of the return; or protest.
(b) When a discrepancy has been determined between the tax
withheld and the amount actually remitted by the withholding 8. There can now either be inaction or a decision.
agent; or The decision is called a “Final decision on disputed
(c) When a taxpayer who opted to claim a refund or tax credit assessment” or FDDA.
of excess creditable withholding tax for a taxable period was
determined to have carried over and automatically applied the 9. If there exists an inaction, the only remedy of the taxpayer
same amount claimed against the estimated tax liabilities for is to file, within a period of 30-days a Petition for Review before
the taxable quarter or quarters of the succeeding taxable year; the CTA Division. Or wait for the decision pursuant to the case
or of Lascona v CIR.
(d) When the excise tax due on excisable articles has not been
paid; or 10. If the RD issued a FDDA, the taxpayer has two options:
(e) When the article locally purchased or imported by an I. To file an administrative appeal or
exempt person, such as, but not limited to, vehicles, capital II. To file a judicial appeal.
equipment, machineries and spare parts, has been sold, traded
or transferred to non-exempt persons. If the taxpayer opts to file an administrative appeal:
The administrative appeal must be filed before the CIR and
4. The taxpayer is then given 15-days to reply to the PAN. must be filed within a period of 30-days from the receipt of the
5. If the Regional Director finds the arguments raised by the
taxpayer as unmeritorious, the RD will issue a Formal The CIR will again have a period of 180-days to decide. There
Assessment Notice (FAN) and attached thereto is the can either be inaction or can be acted upon by the CIR.
document denominated as “Details of Discrepancy”  Where the CIR rendered a decision, the taxpayer will
have a period of 30-days from the receipt of the
6. After the issuance of a FAN, the taxpayer must file within a decision of the CIR to file a petition for review before
period of 30-days from the issuance thereof, a request for re- the CTA Division.
investigation or a request for reconsideration.  Where there is inaction on the part of the CIR, the
taxpayer has 30-days after the lapse of the 180-day
The failure of the taxpayer to protest within the 30-day period period within which to decide to file a petition for
renders the assessment final and executory. review before the CTA Division.

Request for Re-investigation: Is a type of protest that raises If the taxpayer would resort to a Judicial Appeal
ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE. It is not necessary that these pieces of A petition for review before the CTA Division must be
evidence are considered as newly discovered. So long as there filed within a period of 30-days from the receipt of the FDDA
is additional pieces of evidence, it is reinvestigation. issued by the RD.

Request for Reconsideration: Is a type of protest that will NOT

involve additional evidence and the arguments are plainly 11. Next step is file an appeal before the CTA EN BANC but
based on law and on existing documents that had already been before going to the CTA En Banc, there must first be a filing of
submitted to the BIR. a Motion for Reconsideration or Motion for New Trial which
must be filed within 15-days from receipt of decision of the
Why the need to know the difference? CTA-Division.
12. SUPREME COURT b) The waiver must be signed by the taxpayer himself or his
duly authorized representative. ln the case of a corporation,
the waiver must be signed by any of its responsible officials (it
Take note that: if we talk about the Final Assessment Notice is no longer necessary that these officials are armed with SPA.
(FAN), this has to be issued to the taxpayer within 3-years As long as the official is in charge during the audit, such official
counted from the last day prescribed by law for the filing of a is considered an authorized representative)
return or if the return has been belatedly filed, then it will be
counted from the actual date of the filing. c) The expiry date of the period agreed upon to assess/collect
the tax after the regular three-year period of prescription
If the return has been filed before the last day prescribed by should be indicated in the waiver.
law for the filing of return, the reckoning date shall be the last
day prescribed by law for the filing of the return. Meaning, you Material Dates above:
will only apply the actual date of filing if the return was I. Date of execution
belatedly filed. II. Expiry Date

Date of acceptance is no longer considered as a material date.

Therefore, as long as it can be proven that the government
accepted the waiver within the 3-year period, that will
**Question: 2019 Bar question: the taxpayer did not receive already suffice. Notwithstanding the fact that the date of
the assessment and the BIR does not have any proof that the acceptance was not indicated in the waiver, the waiver is still
taxpayer received the assessment, what happens in that case? valid, provided, that the CIR accepted the same within 3-year
Answer: period.
The BIR has the burden of proof to prove that indeed the FAN
has been sent to the taxpayer. If the revenue officers cannot Note: The execution by the taxpayer and the acceptance by
present an evidence that indeed the assessment was sent to the government must be done before the expiration of the
the taxpayer, then the assessment will be considered as if it regular period to assess or to collect.
was not issued.
Under RMO 20-90, the fact of receipt must be indicated on
the waiver. But this is no longer considered a mandatory
Discussion on: Note:
RMO 20-90  Waiver of the Period to Assess= there is no need to
RMO 14-2016 specify the tax.

Both RMO speaks of the mandatory requirements for the  Waiver of the Period to Collect= there is a need to
validity of a waiver of the statute of limitations. specify the tax being collected otherwise the waiver
is void.
Section 222 of the NIRC talks about the extension of the
period to assess and collect. In order to extend this period to The waiver need not be notarized. It is not mandatory.
assess and collect, it is necessary that the taxpayer must The waiver must be signed by both parties (TP and CIR)
execute a waiver of the statute of limitations.
CIR v. Kudos
**If the waiver is not executed by the taxpayer AND the CIR Facts:
or his duly authorized representatives, then the period is not The irregularities of the waiver are:
validly extended. 1. There is no notarized written authority;
2. The waiver failed to indicate the date of
Mandatory Requirements under RMO 14-2016:
3. The fact of receipt by the TP was not indicated in
a) The Waiver of the Statute of Limitations under Section 222 the original copies.
(b) and (d) must be executed before the expiration of the
period to assess or to collect taxes. The date of execution shall RULING OF SC:
be specifically indicated in the waiver. If the date of execution The waiver is considered a void waiver and
is not indicated in the waiver, then the waiver is invalid. therefore the period to assess was not extended. The waiver
is void because it did not comply with RMO 20-90. The
waivers were executed without the notarized authority of RCBC v. CIR
the accountant. The waivers did not indicate the date of
acceptance and the fact of receipt by the taxpayer was not Facts:
indicated in the original copy of the waiver.
On August 15, 1996, a LOA was issued.
If these regularities still happened at the present time or
during the effectivity of the RMO 14-2016, will the waiver be On January 23, 1997, RCBC executed waiver extending the
considered as valid? period to assess up to December 31, 2000.

No. The waiver in this case is a valid waiver. On January 27, 2000, a Formal Letter of Demand with
The notarized written authority is no longer a requirement Assessment Notice was issued.
under RMO 14-2016. In fact, under RMO 14-2016, the
taxpayer is charged with the burden of ensuring that the The taxpayer filed a protest on February 24, 2000.
waivers were executed by an authorized representative of
the taxpayer. The taxpayer’s representative who On November 20, 2000, the TP filed a petition for review
participated in the audit may no longer be contested. before the CTA.

On December 6, 2000, a Formal Letter of Demand was issued

after negotiations. This time, the Formal Letter of Demand
CIR v.CARNATION already indicated a reduced amount of deficiency taxes. By
Facts: reason of this, on the same date, RCBC paid the tax.
The following irregularities occurred:
1. The CIR’s authorized representative or the CIR RCBC assails the validity of the waiver on the ground that it
himself did not sign the waiver was merely attested to by the coordinator of the CIR and
there is no indication of the acceptance by the CIR.
Therefore, according to RCBC, since the waiver is invalid,
If this occurred during the effectivity of RMO 14-2016, is then the Formal Letter of Demand issued AFTER the 3-year
the waiver valid? regular period to assess, then the assessment is void.

No. If the waiver is not signed by both parties or their RULING OF SC:
authorized representatives, the waiver has no binding
effect. Implied consent cannot be presumed. RCBC was estopped when it made partial payments of the
revised assessments. RCBC’s subsequent action effectively
belies its insistence that the waiver is invalid. Thus, RCBC is
estopped from questioning the validity of the waiver.

CIR v. Standard Charter Bank


The TP executed waivers.

On July 14, 2004, a Formal Letter of Demand (FLD) was

received by the TP.

On August 12, 2004, the TP filed a protest.

On March 9, 2005, a petition for review was filed before the

CTA due to the inaction of the CIR.

On October 14, 2005, the TP filed a motion for leave of

court to serve supplemental petition due to the alleged
payments of the other taxes except income tax and final
Take note that in this particular case the payment of taxes On August 18, 2003, although the BIR sent a final notice
was done during the pendency of the case before the CTA. before seizure to GJM’s address in Cavite. The latter claimed
Also, despite the payment of the tax, they had indicated all that it did not receive the same.
their arguments related to the validity of the waiver.
Technically, there was payment under protest. On December 8, 2003, GJM received a warrant of distraint or
Can the TP still question the validity of the waiver?
The company then filed its letter protest on January 7, 2004,
SC RULING: which was denied by the BIR. GJM however denies ever
having received any formal assessment notice. Hence, GJM
The waivers are not valid. When the TP paid under protest, filed a Petition for Review before the CTA.
there was no waiver of prescription because it was made on
record that the TP continued to raise the defense of Question:
prescription in its pleadings. Further, the CIR belatedly raised
the defense on estoppel. Will the issuance of FAN be considered as barred by
Furthermore, the SC held that, when payment was accepted
by the BIR without objection during the pendency of the case Answer:
before the CTA, the acceptance of the payment extinguished
the liability of the taxpayer. If we will count it from April 12, 2000, the government has
until April 15, 2003 to make an assessment against GJM.

In this particular problem, it states here that the FAN has

been sent to registered mail on April 14, 2003 (apparently it
CIR v. GJM Philippines is still within the 3-year prescriptive period). But take note
that GJM denied having received any FAN.
Now, will the allegation that the FAN has been sent suffice?
The material dates are:
On April 12, 2000, GJM filed its ITR for taxable year 1999.
(This is a material date because the 3-year period to assess According to the SC, when an assessment is made within the
shall be counted from the last day prescribed by law for the prescriptive period, receipt by the taxpayer may or may not
filing of the return or the actual date of filing if there is be within the said period.
belated filing.)
It is not necessary that the TP will receive the assessment
On August 26, 2002, GJM informed the RDO through a letter within the 3-year period. What is only essential is that the
that it already changed its address. assessment must be ISSUED to the TP within the 3-year
period to assess.
On October 18, 2002, the BIR sent a Letter of Informal
Conference (Notice of Discrepancy). It is not necessary that the TP actually received the
assessment notice within the 3-year period. But it is
On February 12, 2003, the BIR issued a Preliminary important that there is proof that the TP received the
Assessment Notice. assessment notices.

On April 14, 2003, it issued an undated assessment notice. If the TP denies having received an assessment from the BIR,
BIR sent the Formal Assessment Notice through the it then becomes incumbent upon the BIR to prove by
registered mail. Take note that was has been sent in the competent evidence that such notice was indeed received by
month of February is a PAN. the TP.

On July 25, 2003, the BIR issued a Preliminary Collection In this case, the onus probandi has shifted to the BIR to show
Letter requesting GJM to pay income tax deficiency for the by competent evidence that GJM indeed received the
taxable year 1999. The said letter was addressed to GJM’s assessment notices in due course of mail.
former address in Pio Del Pilar Makati. Take note that GJM
already sent a letter informing the BIR that it transferred its It has been settled that while a mailed letter is deemed
address to Cavite. Nonetheless, the BIR still sent the received by the addressee in the course of mail, that is
collection letter to the GJM’s former address. merely a disputable presumption subject to contraversion.
The direct denial of which shifts the burden to the sender to
prove that the mailed letter was in fact received by the As to the issue of prescriptive period:
In this particular case, a complaint of tax evasion was filed,
Regrettably, in this case, the BIR was not able to prove that would that automatically mean that the 10-year extra-
the assessment was indeed received by the TP. Hence, since ordinary period for assessment will be applied?
there was no proof that it was received by the TP, then it will
be deemed as if it has never been sent at all. According to the SC, the regular period shall be applicable. In
this case, the BIR failed to convince that the TP filed a
Thus, the FAN in this case is void. fraudulent tax return. It is necessary that there is a proof
that there was an intent to evade the tax.

The intent to evade the tax must be established by clear

Republic of the Philippines vs. GMCC United and convincing evidence.

Facts: In this case, such error stemmed from a wrong application of

The material dates in this case are: the law. Therefore, it is not an indication that there was an
intent to evade payment of tax.
On March 28, 2003, the LOA was issued for the taxable year
1998 and 1999. If there were really an intent to evade payment of tax,
respondent would not have reported and subsequently paid
On November 17, 2003, a notice was sent to the TP. the income tax. Therefore, since there is no intent to evade
the tax, the 10-year period under Section 222 will not apply.
On December 8, 2003, the BIR issued a PAN. It is not enough the fraud is alleged in the complaint, it must
be established by clear and convincing evidence.
In this case, it was mentioned that the FAN was issued but
the case does not indicate when it was issued. Since the BIR failed to discharge the burden of proving fraud,
then Section 222 (A) cannot be invoked.
By reason of the issuance of the FAN which was received by
the TP, the TP filed a protest on November 23, 2004. The 3-year period should apply in this case, and since the last
day prescribed by law for the filing of the 1999 tax return was
Upon receipt of the protest, the TP received a final decision April 15, 1999, the government only has three years from
on the disputed assessment. April 15, 1999 to issue an assessment. In this case the PAN
was issued only in the year 2003, thus any assessment made
The date of the FDDA is February 10, 2005. thereto shall be void.

On October 7, 2005, a criminal complaint for tax evasion was But take note that notwithstanding the fact that the SC made
filed by the BIR. The criminal complaint for tax evasion was reference to the issuance of PAN herein, you need to
dismissed. consider that it is the FAN which must be issued within the
3-year period.
Is the dismissal proper?
CIR v. Systems Tech Inc.
As it stands, while the dacion en pago in this case which were
not declared by the TP in the year 1998 but was only Facts:
declared in 2000 (this is the reason why there is an allegation In the fiscal year ending March 2003, the financial
of tax evasion) has not been declared in the year 1998, they statement was filed on August 15, 2003, this is for Income
had been listed in the GMCC’s 2000 financial statement. Tax Return.

Respondents’ act of filing and recording said transactions in For VAT, the returns were filed on July 23, 2002, October
their 2000 Financial Statement bely the allegation that they 25, 2002, January 24, 2003, May 23, 2003.
intended to evade paying their tax liability.
Expanded Withholding tax were filed for the period of May
Petitioner’s contention that the belated filing is a mere 10, 2002 to April 15, 2003.
afterthought designed to make it appear that the non-
reporting was not deliberate, does not persuade, Until when can the government assess if this is the period
considering that, the filing of the 2000 financial statement (August 15, 2003) = August 15, 2006.
was done prior to the issuance of LOA which authorized the
investigation of GMCC’s books of account. For VAT consider each quarter, thus if you ought to compute
the period to assess for the period May 23, 2003 the
reckoning period within which to assess will be May 23, request for re-investigation and it must be
2003. And considering that quarterly returns shall be made granted by the CIR. Because if the TP filed a
in the 25th day of the next month following the close of the request for reconsideration, it will NOT toll
taxable quarter, the reckoning period shall be May 25, 2003. the running of the prescriptive period.)
Thus, the government has until May 25, 2006 to assess. Likewise, if the TP filed a request for re-
investigation but it was denied, it will NOT
toll the running of the prescriptive period.
For the Expanded Withholding Tax, the last day prescribed
by law is April 17, 2006. Why?
In sum, both these requisites must concur:
The SC used April 17, 2006. I. What is filed is a request for re-investigation;
II. It is granted by the CIR
(Not thoroughly explained why)

3. The TP cannot be located in the address given by him

in the return filed upon which a tax is being assessed

INSTANCES WHEN THE RUNNING OF THE PRESCRIPTIVE  (but if the TP informed the CIR of the change
PERIOD IS SUSPENDED of his address, the period will not be
Running of the Prescriptive Period- is governed by Section 223
of the NIRC. 4. A warrant of distraint or levy is duly served upon the
TP or his representative AND no property could be
Section 223 of the NIRC: located.
SEC. 223. Suspension of Running of Statute of Limitations. - The
running of the Statute of Limitations provided in Sections 203  Take note that the period will be tolled only
and 222 on the making of assessment and the beginning of if the warrant of dsitraint is SERVED (not
distraint or levy a proceeding in court for collection, in respect issued) and there is no property that could be
of any deficiency, shall be suspended for the period during located.
which the Commissioner is prohibited from making the
assessment or beginning distraint or levy or a proceeding in 5. The TP is out of the Philippines.
court and for sixty (60) days thereafter; when the taxpayer
requests for a reinvestigation which is granted by the
Commissioner; when the taxpayer cannot be located in the
address given by him in the return filed upon which a tax is
being assessed or collected: Provided, that, if the taxpayer
informs the Commissioner of any change in address, the
running of the Statute of Limitations will not be suspended; Republic v. Hizon
when the warrant of distraint or levy is duly served upon the
taxpayer, his authorized representative, or a member of his Facts:
household with sufficient discretion, and no property could be A notice of assessment was issued by the CIR on July 18,
located; and when the taxpayer is out of the Philippines.
A request for reconsideration was made on November 3,
Instances for the suspension of the prescriptive period: 1992.

1. When the CIR is prohibited from making the A warrant or distraint or levy was issued on January 12,
assessment or beginning distraint or levy or a 1989.
proceeding in court and for 60-days thereafter
The CIR filed a case in court on Janaury 1, 1997.
2. When the TP requests for re-investigation which is
granted by the CIR In this particular case, take note that the filing of the
protest did not suspend the running of the prescriptive
 In order for this instance to suspend the period.
running of the prescriptive period, the
Although the CIR acted on Hizon’s request for
protest filed must be in the nature of a
reconsideration by eventually denying it and this has been
denied on August 11, 1994. This does not detract from the
fact that the assessment has long become final and Can the enforcement be done beyond the 3-year period
demandable. to collect?

It became final and demandable because the TP did not Answer: Yes. It can be enforced beyond the prescriptive
file the protest within a period of 30-days from the receipt period. What is only required is that the TP should have
of the notice of assessment. received the same within the 3-year period to collect.

Question now is: Did the period to collect tax prescribe? In this particular case, the SC ruled that:

The CIR in this particular case argued that the period was If the prescriptive period was suspended twice on
suspended was suspended when the BIR timely served a November 3, 1992 (assuming that this is considered as a
warrant of distraint on January 12, 1989. request for re-investigation), the 3-year period begins to
run again after the service of the warrants and under
SC Ruling: Section 223, it will begin to run again after 60-days
Timely service of warrants of distraint suspends the thereafter.
running of the prescriptive period to collect the deficiency

Simply put: BPI v. CIR

It is necessary that the warrant of distraint or levy must Facts:

be issued and served upon the TP within the prescriptive The issuance of the warrant of distraint or levy was done
period. within the 3-year period, but the service was done beyond
the 3-year period.
Take note: It is equally important that the TP receives the
warrants of distraint within the prescriptive period to Main Issue:
collect. Whether or not the period to collect was done within the
prescriptive period.
It is not the same with ASSESSMENT. In assessment, it is
enough that the notice is issued within the 3-year Held:
prescriptive period to assess. Even if the TP receives the According to the SC, the period to collect is already barred
same beyond such period, the assessment remains to be by prescription because, while it is true that the warrant
valid. was issued within the 3-year period, the service of the
same was done BEYOND the 3-year period. Therefore, it
On the other hand, if we talk about the PERIOD TO is already barred by prescription.
COLLECT TAXES, it is necessary that the TP must have
received the warrant of distraint or levy within the 3-year Request for Reconsideration- Is a plea for re-evaluation of an
period to collect the tax. assessment on the basis of EXISTING records without need of
additional evidence.
Now, in this case, the assessment was issued on July 18,
Request for Investigation- Is made on the basis of newly
1986, thus the government has until July 18, 1989 to
discovered or additional evidence which does not necessarily
collect. Thus, since the warrants of distraint were received
within the 3-year period, the same shall be valid. take in the nature of a newly discovered evidence.

Now, was the filing of the case herein done within the
prescriptive period? PROCESS OF ASSESSMENT

No. Therefore is this already barred by prescription and Remember:

should the case be dismissed? **The issuance of PAN is MANDATORY.
**There are instances when the PAN is not required (Section
Answer: Yes, because it is already barred by prescription.
**Both the PAN and the FAN must contain the facts the law,
Take note that: the action has prescribed but without the rules and regulations, and the jurisprudence on which the
prejudice to the disposition of the property covered by assessments are based.
the warrants. Thus, even if the case above was dismissed,
the warrant of distraint could still be enforced.
Question 1: (2014 BAR Q)
Mr. Tiaga has been a law-abiding citizen diligently paying his failure to issue the PAN. Hence, the assessment and warrant of
income taxes. On May 05, 2014, he was surprised to receive an distraint or levy are void.
assessment notice from the BIR informing him of a deficiency
tax assessment as a result of a mathematical error in the Estate of the late Juliana Diez v. Vda. De Gabriel
computation of his income tax as appearing on the face of his
income tax return for the year 2011 which he filed on April 15, Facts:
2012. Mr. Tiaga believes that there was no such error in the During the lifetime of Vda. De Gabriel, business affairs
computation of his income tax for the year 2011. Based on the were managed by PhilTrust.
assessment received by Mr.Tiaga, may he already file a protest
After her death in the month of April of 1979, PhilTrust
filed her income tax return for the year 1978. After
investigation BIR sent a notice of assessment to PhilTrust.
Yes. Mr.Tiaga may already file a protest. Among the instances In 1984, CIR issued a warrant of distraint/levy which was
provided in Section 228 of the NIRC, where no pre-assessment served upon Vda. De Gabriel’s heir.
or preliminary assessment is required is when the tax liability
is arising from PURE MATHEMATICAL ERROR in the The main issue in this case is: Whether or not the warrant
computation of the tax. In such case, an assessment may be of distraint is valid?
issued outright.
This was what happened in this case. A Formal Letter of Discussion:
Demand was immediately issued by the CIR, and this has been
validly done by the CIR. Hence, the TP is allowed to already file Take note that there are 2 remedies to collect the tax.
his protest. Judicial Remedy or Administrative Remedy.

How will the government implement an Administrative

Question 2: (2019 BAR)
Remedy of collecting the tax?
On October 5, 2016, the BIR sent KLM Corp., a Final
Assessment Notice, stating that after its audit pursuant to a Through the issuance of a warrant of distraint/levy.
Letter of Authority issued therefor, KLM Corp., had deficiency
VAT and withholding taxes. Subsequently, a warrant of Take note again that: the warrant of distraint or levy must
distraint and/or levy was issued against KLM Corp., opposed be issued within the prescriptive period and that it must
the actions of the BIR on the ground that it was not accorded be preceded by a valid assessment. If the warrant of
due process because it did not even receive a PAN after the distraint/levy is not preceded by a valid assessment, such
BIR’s investigation, which the BIR admitted. will be void.
a) Distinguish PAN from FAN In this particular case, the notice of assessment was
b) Are the deficiency tax assessments and warrant of distraint issued to PhilTrust but the warrant of distraint/levy was
issued to and served upon the heirs.
and/or levy issued against KLM Corp., valid?
According to the SC, death terminates the agency;
therefore, the notice of assessment cannot be received by
A) PhilTrust.
As to nature: PAN contains initial computation of tax liability,
while FAN contains a final assessment of tax liability. Why?
As to what is being protested: There is no need to file a protest Because upon the death of Vda. De Gabriel, PhilTrust is no
to the PAN only a reply will suffice. While a protest must be longer considered the agent of Vda. De Gabriel by reason
filed in order to question the FAN. of her death.

B) All this being said, the service on Philtrust of the Notice of

The tax assessment and the warrant of distraint or levy are not Assessment was improperly done. As of November 18,
valid by reason of the government’s failure to issue a PAN. 1982 when the Notice of Assessment was served, there
was no legal relationship between PhilTrust and the
It is well entrenched in jurisprudence, that the issuance of a
estate. Since there is no valid notice, it could not have
PAN is a requirement of due process. Failure to issue a PAN will
become final, executory and incontestable. And for failure
result to the nullity of the assessment. Consequently, the to make the assessment within the 5-year period, the
warrant of distraint or levy is likewise void because a void claim against the petitioner is barred.
assessment bears no fruit.
Applying the foregoing tenets, it is clear that there was a
violation of due process clause by reason of the government’s
So while it is true that the release or mailing of the Notice Sending of PAN is part of due process, the absence of
of Assessment is sufficient, it must be sent to the TP and which renders nugatory any assessment made by the tax
not to a disinterested party. authority.

In this case, the assessment is void or non-existent. Thus, Since in this case, the BIR was not able to establish that
while there is a rule that the TP should receive the notice, indeed the PAN was issued and was received by the TP,
due process requires that such notice must be actually then it is deemed as if no PAN was issued at all.
received by the TP.
Since there is no PAN issued, then the assessment is void.
Absent this assessment, no proceedings could be initiated The FAN is void. Consequently, the warrant of
in court or administratively. Therefore, the issuance of a distraint/levy is likewise void.
warrant of distraint/levy is already time-barred.

Question: When do we reckon the period when assessment

CIR v. Menguito was made? It will be reckoned from the date when the
(Decided during the effectivity of the OLD law meaning assessment was issued, mailed, or sent to the TP.
the law prior to RA 8424)
Not discussed
Question: Is assessment necessary before a TP could be
prosecuted for violation of the NIRC?
CIR v. Metro Star Superama
In the landmark case of Ungab v. Cusi, the SC held that, an
(Decided during the effectivity of RA 8424)
assessment is not necessary for the prosecution of the TP for
Facts: tax evasion.
What is necessary is to establish a probable cause that indeed,
A LOA was issued for the taxable year 1999. This was the TP filed a fraudulent return with the intent to evade the
issued on January 26, 2001. tax.

Thereafter, a preliminary 15-day letter was received by Adamson v. CA

the TP and the letter states the tax and the facts of post-
audit review. SC Held:

After the preliminary 15-day letter, the revenue officers When fraudulent tax returns are involved, a proceeding in
issued a FAN. court after the collection of such tax may be begun
without assessment
A year thereafter, a Final Notice of Seizure was issued.
Question: Are the procedures outlined in Section 228 of the
A warrant of distraint/levy was issued in the year 2004 NIRC retroactive?
and it was received by the TP on February 6, 2004.
CIR v. Reyes, the SC held that since Section 228 is remedial in
Will the warrant of distraint/levy be considered as valid? nature, then it will have a retroactive effect.

Failure of the CIR to prove receipt of the assessment leads
to the conclusion that no assessment was issued. Overview:
The remedies on the part of the TP may be classified into two:
In this case, the CIR failed to present evidence that Metro
1. Before payment of the tax;
Start received the PAN.
2. After payment of the tax.
To proceed with the tax collection without establishing a
valid assessment is already violative of the cardinal If the TP did not pay yet, then the TP may file a protest or may
principle in administrative investigation that is, that the file an application for compromise.
TP should be able to present their case. If the TP has already paid the tax, then the TP’s remedies are:
1. To refund;
2. To file an action to contest forfeiture of chattel when there i. A statement of facts and/or law in support of the
is already forfeiture (this action must be filed before the sale protest
or destruction of the property or, if after the sale, it must be
within 6-months)  If the protest did not comply with these
But if it’s after the sale, the only remedy of the TP is to recover requirements, then the protest is not valid and the
the net proceeds. CIR may or may not entertain the protest.
 If no protest is filed, the assessment becomes final
3. Redemption (the real property is already levied; redemption and executory.
is only applicable to real property levied)
Types/Kinds of Protest:
On the part of the GOVERNMENT: 1. Request for Reconsideration
The government may file a collection case in court or collect 2. Request for Reinvestigation
through an administrative means of collecting tax.
Administrative means of collecting tax would pertain to the Request for Reconsideration
issuance of a warrant of distrant/levy. - Is a plea for re-evaluation of an assessment on the
basis of existing records without need of additional
REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO TAXPAYERS - It may involve both a question of fact or of law or
a. Before Payment: Request for Reinvestigation
 Protest - Is a plea for re-evaluation on the basis of newly-
 Compromise discovered evidence or additional evidence that a
taxpayer intends to present in the investigation.
b. After Payment - It may also involve a question of fact or law or both.
 Refund

For Protest to be entertained, there must be compliance with CIR vs Philippine Global Communication
Section 6, RR 12-85 – Requirements of a valid protest GR No. 167146
- It is mandatory that the protest contains the The Supreme Court discussed the two types of Protest
a. Name of the taxpayer and the address for the On April 15, 1991, the return was filed for taxable year 1990
immediate past 3 years On April 15, 1992, a Letter of Authority was issued to the
b. Nature of the request whether a request for taxpayer
reconsideration or a request for reinvestigation On April 22, 1992, a letter to present documents was served
c. If it is in the nature of a request for reinvestigation, upon the taxpayer
the protest must specify the newly discovered On April 21, 1994, PAN was received by the taxpayer.
evidence, or the additional evidence which the On April 22, 1994, FAN was received by the taxpayer.
taxpayer intends to present. On May 6, 1994, a protest was filed
d. Taxable periods covered On October 16, 1992, a final decision on disputed assessment
e. Assessment number was received by the taxpayer.
f. Date of receipt of the assessment notice
g. Itemized statement of the findings to which the Is the right of the government to collect barred by
taxpayer agrees as a basis for computing the tax due, prescription?
which amount should be paid immediately upon the
filing of the protest. YES. The assessment was presumably issued on April 14,
- When the taxpayer agrees, but only to a specific 1994 since PBCom did not dispute the CIR’s claim that the
amount. Then he needs to pay such amount. assessment was issued on this particular date. Therefore, the
h. Itemized schedule of the adjustments with which the BIR had until April 14, 1997 to collect. (1 year is equivalent to
taxpayer does not agree 12 months)
Since the Government only has until April 14, 1997, check CIR vs. Hon. Gonzales
whether the government collected within the period. Upon GR No. 177279
the perusal of the facts, there was no Warrant of Distraint
Tax assessments are presumed to be correct and made in
and/or Levy served on the respondents nor any judicial
good faith.
proceedings initiated by the BIR, the earliest attempt of the
BIR to collect the tax due based on this assessment was when
A taxpayer's failure to file a petition for review with the Court
it filed its Answer in CTA Case No. 6568 on 9 January 2003,
of Tax Appeals within the statutory period rendered the
which was several years beyond the three-year prescriptive
disputed assessment final, executory and demandable,
period. Thus, the CIR is now prescribed from collecting the
thereby precluding the taxpayer from interposing the
assessed tax.
defenses of legality or validity of the assessment. It will also
preclude the taxpayer from interposing the defense of
You cannot use the case of CIR vs. GJM, because in CIR vs
prescription of the Government's right to assess.
GJM, the taxpayer denied that it has received the FAN.

- It is not only the failure to file protest which will

In this case (PBcom), the FAN was received, only that it
make the assessment final, but the failure to file a
cannot be determined when it was issued.
petition for review before the CTA will likewise
render the disputed assessment final and
“Date of Assessment” – date when the FAN was issued.
- The taxpayer cannot raise the defense of
However, if there is no record which would show the date
prescription only as to the assessment.
when the assessment has been issued, then the date that the
taxpayer received the assessment shall be considered as the
date of issuance.
Can the taxpayer later on question the validity of the
- This can only be applied if there is no evidence
warrant of distraint/levy on the ground that it is already
showing when the assessment has been issued.
barred by prescription? - Yes. Because that does not refer to
the right to assess, but rather the right to collect.
What should be protested?
It is the Formal Letter of Demand and Assessment Notice
Will the period to collect be suspended by the filing of the
(FAN) that must be administratively protested or disputed
within 30 days, and not the PAN.
- What is filed if it refers to PAN is a reply.
No. The period is not suspended because PBcom did not file
any request for reinvestigation. In fact, PBcom even refused
to submit any new evidence. Therefore, there is no
Allied Banking Corporation vs. CIR
reinvestigation involved.
On April 30, 2004, a Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN) was
The main difference between these two types of protests lies
in the records or evidence to be examined by internal
PAN was received by the taxpayer on May 18, 2004.
revenue officers, whether these are existing records or newly
On May 27, 2004, the taxpayer filed a protest.
discovered or additional evidence.
On July 16, 2004, a Formal Letter of Demand with Assessment
 A re-evaluation of existing records which results
Notice (FAN) was issued.
from a request for reconsideration does not toll the
This formal letter of demand with assessment notice states
running of the prescription period for the collection
that “It is requested that the above deficiency tax be paid
of an assessed tax.
immediately upon receipt hereof, inclusive of penalties
 Reinvestigation entails reception of additional
incident to delinquency. This is our final decision based on
evidence which will take more time, and therefore
investigation. If you disagree, you may appeal the final
justifies the suspension of the period. If the request
decision within thirty (30) days from receipt hereof, otherwise
for reinvestigation is granted, it will suspend the
said deficiency tax assessment shall become final, executory
running of the prescriptive period to collect the tax,
and demandable."
including the right to assess.
On August 30, 2004, the taxpayer received this FLDw/AN.
By reason of the receipt of the FLDw/AN, the taxpayer filed a
Effect of Failure to file Protest
Petition for Review with the CTA.
Renders the assessment final and executory.
Summary of Events:
PAN  Protest  FAN  Petition For Review Effect of a protest on the period to collect deficiency taxes
- If this is the factual circumstances without reading The prescriptive period provided by law to make a collection
the contents of the Formal Assessment Notice, by distraint or levy or by a proceeding in court is interrupted
FANPFR is not allowed. once a taxpayer requests for reinvestigation (not
- A petition for review will be dismissed because of reconsideration) of the assessment.
failure to exhaust administrative remedies.
CIR vs. Wyeth Suaco Laboratories
Under Section 7 of RA 9282, the CTA has jurisdiction over The CIR issued two assessment notices. The first one is dated
decisions of or inactions by the CIR in cases involving December 16,1974, and the second is dated December 17, 1974.
disputed assessments – this assessment refers to the FAN. -
The decisions in this provision refers to the decisions on the These notices were received by Wyeth on December 19, 1974.
protest against the assessment. If the FAN is not disputed, Protests were filed on January 17, 1975 and February 8, 1975.
then you cannot speak of a “disputed assessment”. If there is BIR conduct a review and reinvestigation of the assessment.
no disputed assessment, then the CTA cannot acquire
jurisdiction. On December 10, 1979, the CIR issued a decision to reduce the
However, this case of Allied Banking Corp. vs CIR is different. This decision was received by the taxpayer on January 2, 1980.
Looking into the contents of the Formal Letter of Demand By reason of the receipt of the assessment, the taxpayer filed a
Petition for Review before the CTA on January 1, 1980.
with Assessment Notice, this is considered as an exceptional
If the warrant of distraint/levy was issued on February 7, 1980,
circumstance. In this case, what was protested is the PAN,
and was received by the taxpayer on March 12, 1980, was the
and not the FAN. If the rules are to be strictly applied, the
collection made within the period prescribed by law to
dismissal of the Petition for Review was proper.
collect the tax? Is the government’s right to collect barred by
prescription? No.
But this case is an exception to the rule on Exhaustion of
Is the assessment barred by prescription?
Administrative Remedies – that is Estoppel on the part of the
- It cannot be determined in the facts provided if it is
administrative agency.
barred by prescription because the facts did not
provide what year is involved and when the return
It appears from the demand letter that CIR has already made
a final decision. And the remedy is to file an appeal. The
taxpayer should not be blamed because the language used
and the tenor of the demand letter indicate that it is the final - Presume regularity
decision of the CIR. The formal demand used the word
“appeal” instead of “protest”. Appeal refers to the remedy The issue in this case is the Government’s right to collect
before the CTA. Hence it was the CIR who caused the Prescriptive Period: 3 years from the date of assessment.
confusion. Date of assessment – date when the assessment is sent to or
mailed to the taxpayer (not served) but it is necessary that
It is the FAN that must be protested to, however this is an the taxpayer receives the same. – issuance
exceptional case.
When will there be a collection?
- When there is a case filed in court or when the tax is
General Rule: administratively collected
Therefore, the FAN / Formal Letter of Demand that must be
administratively protested. Not the PAN The tax will not be considered as validly collected
administratively if the warrant is not served upon the
taxpayer. – issuance is not sufficient, it should be served.
Exception: - Both the issuance and the service of the warrant
If there is an estoppel on the part of the administrative should be done within the prescriptive period.
agency (CIR) - Distraint proceedings will not be considered as
Such as in this case where the taxpayer was made to believe validly begun if the warrant was not served upon
that the formal letter of demand is the final decision. the taxpayer.

In this case, when was the assessment issued?

- There were two assessments: assessments. Hence the 5-year period to collect the tax was
1st – when the CIR issued two notices on December interrupted.
16 and 17, 1974
2nd – when the CIR issued a decision to reduce The original assessments were subject of reinvestigation.
assessment on December 10, 1979. ‘ Therefore, the prescriptive period was interrupted.

 It should be counted from December 1974. It is the This period started to run again when the BIR served the final
date when the CIR issued assessment notices. assessment on January 2, 1980. Since the warrant of
- 3 years from December 1974 is December 1977. The distraint/levy were served to Wyeth on March 12, 1980, only
Government has until December 1977 to collect. about 4 months of the 5 year prescriptive period was used:
From December 1974 to February 1975 = 2 months
Is the issuance of the Warrant of Distraint/Levy already From December 1979 to February 1980 = 2 months
- In this case, there was a reinvestigation.
- The facts provide that what was filed by Wyeth was Failure of the BIR to act within the 180-day period
a “protest.” Obviously, it is in the nature of a request Upon the submission of relevant documents or after the
for reinvestigation because the BIR conducted a submission of a request for reinvestigation, the CIR has a
reinvestigation. (Was the request for reinvestigation period of 180 days to act on the protest.
granted? Yes. The fact that the BIR conducted a
reinvestigation.) If the protest or administrative appeal is not acted upon by
the Commissioner within one hundred eighty (180) days
Did the filing of the request for reinvestigation toll the counted from the date of filing of the protest, the taxpayer
running of the prescriptive Period? may either:
- YES 1. Appeal to the CTA within thirty (30) days from after the
expiration of the one hundred eighty (180)-day period; or
How to count the 3 year/5 year (in this case) period to collect 2. Await the final decision of the Commissioner on the
disputed assessment and appeal such final decision to the
When was the assessment issued? – Presumably on CTA within thirty (30) days after the receipt of a
December 17, 1974 copy of such decision. (RR 13-18)
Count until the date when the BIR conducted a
reinvestigation – February 8, 1975
Lascona vs CIR
 From December 1974 to February 1975 = 2 months There are actually 2 options that the taxpayer could adopt in
cases of protest.
(3 years/5 years minus 2 months. You stop counting upon
the grant of the reinvestigation) Facts:
On March 27, 1998, an assessment notice was issued.
Mere act of filing a request for reinvestigation will not toll the On April 20, 1998, the taxpayer filed a protest.
prescriptive period. The period will be tolled if the In a letter dated March 3, 1999, the protest was denied.
reinvestigation is granted. On April 12, 1999, the taxpayer filed an appeal before the CTA.
The prescriptive period will start to run again when a new
assessment is issued. CIR argued that Lascona’s failure to timely file an appeal after
the lapse of the 180-day period render the assessment final.
New assessment was issued on – December 10, 1979 According to the CIR, Lascona should have filed an appeal
Warrant of distraint/levy was issued on – February 1980 within 30 days after the lapse of the 180-day period.

 From December 1979 to February 1980 = 2 months The CTA, in its Decision, nullified the assessment because the
taxpayer has two options, either to appeal to the CTA within
30 days after the lapse of the 180-day period or to wait until
Supreme Court Ruling: the CIR decides.
Although the protests letters were not categorically
denominated as request for “reinvestigation” or Was the CTA correct?
“reconsideration”, BIR treated them as request for Yes.
reinvestigation when it conducted as review of the The taxpayer has two options: (1) File a petition for review
with the Court of Tax Appeals within 30 days The petition for review was dismissed because the petition
after the expiration of the 180-day period; or (2) Await the was filed beyond the prescriptive period. And no appeal to
final decision of the Commissioner on the disputed the CTA en banc can be filed if there is a final assessment.
assessments and appeal such final decision to the Court of
Tax Appeals within 30 days after receipt of a copy of such Take note: The CTA cannot acquire jurisdiction over final
decision. assessment, because it can only acquire jurisdiction over
decisions of or inaction by the CIR involving disputed
Same with Section 112, the taxpayer needs to wait for the assessments.
decision of the CIR before it can be elevated to the CTA.
What makes it different from the case of Lascona?
In Lascona, the taxpayer opts to wait for the decision of the
Difference of Section 228 and 112: CIR before it appealed.
Under Section 228, the taxpayer has the option to treat the
lapse of the 180-day period as an implied denial. In this case of RCBC, RCBC did not wait for the issuance of the
Under Section 112, the taxpayer has no option to treat the decision on the protest. There was no issuance of final
inaction as an implied denial, because it is necessary that the decision on disputed assessment.
CIR must issue a decision before the taxpayer can file an
appeal before the CTA According to the Supreme Court, in case the Commissioner
--- failed to act on the disputed assessment within the 180-day
period from date of submission of documents, a taxpayer can
In arguing that the assessment became final and executory by either: 1) file a petition for review with the Court of Tax
reason of the failure to file an appeal within 30 days after the Appeals within 30 days after the expiration of the 180-day
180-day period, the CIR in effect limited the remedy of the period; or 2) await the final decision of the Commissioner on
taxpayer to just one option – that is to appeal the inaction. the disputed assessments and appeal such final decision to
- Such argument is erroneous the Court of Tax Appeals within 30 days after receipt of a
copy of such decision. However, these options are
The word “decisions” does not signify the assessment itself. A mutually exclusive, and resort to one bars
taxpayer cannot be prejudiced if he chooses one option over the application of the other.
the other.
In the instant case, RCBC chose the first option which is to file
These options are mutually exclusive and resort to one bars a petition for review before the Court of Tax Appeals, and
the application of the other. consider the lapse of the 180-day period as an implied denial.
--- If it is resorted to by the taxpayer, it is necessary that the
petition for review must be filed within 30 days after the
In this case, Lascona chose the second option. It opted to lapse of the 180-day period.
await the final decision of the Commissioner on the protested
assessment. It then has the right to appeal such final decision Unfortunately, the petition for review was filed out of time. It
to the Court by filing a petition for review within thirty days was filed more than 30 days after the lapse of the 180-day
after receipt of a copy of such decision or ruling, even after period. And therefore, the petition for review must be
the expiration of the 180-day period fixed by law for the dismissed.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue to act on the disputed
assessments. Thus, Lascona, when it filed an appeal on April
12, 1999 before the CTA, after its receipt of the Letter18 Administrative Actions taken during the 180-day period
dated March 3, 1999 on March 12, 1999, the appeal was Prior to the decision on a disputed assessment, there may still
timely made as it was filed within 30 days after receipt of the be exchanges between the commissioner of internal revenue
copy of the decision. (CIR) and the taxpayer. The former may ask clarificatory
questions or require the latter to submit additional evidence.
However, the CIR's position regarding the disputed
RCBC vs CIR assessment must be indicated in the final decision. It is this
decision that is properly appealable to the CTA for review.
On July 5, 2001, the taxpayer received an assessment (formal (CIR v. ICC, 2011)
letter of demand)
On July 20, 2001, the taxpayer filed a protest. REMEMBER: The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should
On April 30, 2002, a petition for review with the CTA for the always indicate to the taxpayer in clear and unequivocal
cancellation of assessment was filed.
language whenever his action on an assessment questioned Since the final action with respect to collection is the filing
by a taxpayer constitutes his final determination on the of a case in court, the protest is just deemed denied when
disputed assessment. On the basis of this statement the CIR filed a collection case in court, and the 30-day
indubitably showing that the Commissioner's communicated period shall be counted from December 28, 1978 which is
action is his final decision on the contested assessment, the the date when the summons was served upon the TP.
aggrieved taxpayer would then be able to take recourse to
the tax court at the opportune time. Advertising Associates

CIR v. Union Shipping
What constitutes a Final Decision of the BIR is that
Facts: contained in the letter of the CIR and not the warrant of
The material dates are:

A LOA dated December 27, 1974 was received by the TP

on January 4, 1975.
CIR v. Isabela Cultural Corporation
The TP filed a protest on January 10, 1975. This protest
was received by the CIR on January 13, 1975. Facts:

Instead of acting on the protest, and instead of issuing a In this case, the assessment was issued on February 9,
final decision on disputed assessment, the CIR issued a 1990, which was received on February 13, 1990.
warrant of distraint/levy. This was issued on November
25, 1976. A motion for reconsideration was filed on March 23, 1990.
Additional documents were submitted on April 18,1990.
On November 29, 1976, the CIR received a reiteration on
the request for reinvestigation from the TP. Instead of acting on the protest filed, the CIR issued a Final
Notice Before Seizure, and this was issued on November
The CIR instead of replying to the letter, filed a collection 10, 1994. But it was received by the TP on February 9,
suit, and the summons were served on December 28, 1995.
1978. This time, the TP filed a petition for review before
the CTA on January 1979. Since the TP received a final notice before seizure, the TP
filed a petition for review before the CTA on March 9,
The CIR argued that the period to appeal to the CTA 1995.
commences to run from the receipt of the warrant of
distraint/levy. Therefore, the petition for review should The CIR argued that, there was yet no final decision on
be dismissed because the warrant of distraint/levy was disputed assessment. Thus, the filing of a petition for
served upon the taxpayer on November 25, 1976 and yet review before the CTA is premature.
the TP did not file any petition for review before the CTA
within 30-days upon the receipt of the warrant of
distraint/levy. Question: Should the petition for review be dismissed?

Held: SC HELD:

The CIR should always indicate to the TP in a clear and The TP would not be groping in the dark as to what really
unequivocal language what constitutes his final constitutes the decision. In this particular case, where it
determination of the disputed assessment. has been stated in the Final Notice Before Seizure that,
that is already the final decision of the CIR, then the TP
Since the CIR, not having clearly signified his final action could actually treat it as the decision of the CIR on the
on the disputed assessment, legally, the period to appeal disputed assessment.
has not commenced to run.
The TP cannot therefore be blamed for treating the Final
SC held that, the period to appeal has not commenced to Notice before Seizure as the final decision of the CIR.
run in this case because there is no categorical language
as to what is the final decision of the CIR.
Protector’s Services v. CA II. Filing of a Petition for Review before the CTA (Judicial
This case involves a situation where the TP received the Note:
BIR assessment on December 10, 1987 but the TP filed a The administrative appeal shall apply ONLY when there is a
protest on January 12, 1988. Final Decision on disputed assessment issued by the Regional
Director. If there exists an inaction, the administrative appeal
Should the CTA dismiss the petition? will not apply.

Answer: Administrative Appeal is only applicable if there is a decision.

Yes. The protest was filed out of time. Since the protest If there is an inaction, the remedy shall always be the filing of
was filed out of time, the CTA has no jurisdiction because a Petition for Review before the CTA.
there is no disputed assessment.

What is required is that there must be a protest filed. The CIR v. Liquigaz Ph Corporation
CTA can only acquire jurisdiction over cases involving
disputed assessment. SC HELD:

The final decision on disputed assessment must comply

How is should we count the period to file the protest? with the requirements under RR. 18-2003.

The TP received the BIR assessment on December 10, Under RR. 18-2003, the Final Decision on disputed
1987. assessment must contain the:

How many days are there in December? 31. I. Facts;

II. The law;
Thus; III. The rules and regulations; and
IV. The jurisprudence
-10 on which the decision is based.
21 days
If the Final Decision on disputed assessment did not
comply with the requirements above, the FDDA is void. If
Now, the TP filed a protest on January 12, 1988.
the FDDA is void, then there is nothing to appeal.
Add: 12
Question: Will it result to the nullity of the assessment?

Answer: No. The assessment remains to be valid if it is

33 days. The TP is 3 days late. Thus, the protest was filed valid. What is only considered void is the FDDA.
beyond the 30-day period to protest. Therefore, the
assessment herein is final and executory. Consequently, What will only be affected are the proceedings after the
the CTA cannot acquire jurisdiction over the petition for FDDA. Any proceedings after a void VDDA shall likewise
review because there is no longer a disputed assessment be void.
to speak of.



Under RR. 18-2013, the Secretary of Finance provided two (2)
1. Decisions of the CIR in cases involving DROP cases;
possible remedies in favor of the TP in cases when there is a
final decision on disputed assessment. 2. Inaction by the CIR in cases involving DROP cases, where the
NIRC provides a specific period of action, in which case the
The two remedies are: inaction shall be deemed a denial;
I. Administrative Remedy otherwise called as Administrative
Appeal which is the filing of an appeal before the CIR
3. Decisions, orders or resolutions of the RTC in local tax cases Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial Courts and
originally decided or resolved by them in the exercise of their Municipal Circuit Trial Courts in their respective jurisdiction.
original or appellate jurisdiction;
c. Jurisdiction over tax collection cases as herein provided:
4. Decisions of the COC in cases involving liability for customs
duties, fees or other money charges, seizure, detention or c.1. Exclusive original jurisdiction in tax collection cases
release of property affected, fines, forfeitures or other involving final and executory assessments for taxes, fees,
penalties in relation thereto, or other matters arising under the charges and penalties: Provided, however, That collection
Customs Law or other laws administered by the BOC; cases where the principal amount of taxes and fees, exclusive
of charges and penalties, claimed is less than One million pesos
5. Decisions of the CBAA in the exercise of its appellate (P1,000,000.00) shall be tried by the proper Municipal Trial
jurisdiction over cases involving the assessment and taxation Court, Metropolitan Trial Court and Regional Trial Court.
of real property originally decided by the provincial or city
board of assessment appeals; c.2. Exclusive appellate jurisdiction in tax collection cases:

6. Decisions of the SOF on customs cases elevated to him  Over appeals from the judgments, resolutions or
automatically for review from decisions of the orders of the Regional Trial Courts in tax collection
cases originally decided by them, in their respective
COC which are adverse to the Government under Section 2315 territorial jurisdiction.
of the Tariff and Customs Code;
 Over petitions for review of the judgments,
7. Decisions of the Sec of DTI, in the case of nonagricultural resolutions or orders of the Regional Trial Courts in
product, commodity or article, and the Secretary of Agriculture the Exercise of their appellate jurisdiction over tax
in the case of agricultural product, commodity or article, collection cases originally decided by the
involving dumping and countervailing duties under Section 301 Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial Courts and
and 302, respectively, of the Tariff and Customs Code, and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts, in their respective
safeguard measures under Republic Act No. 8800, where jurisdiction.
either party may appeal the decision to impose or not to
impose said duties.
Take note: If we talk about appeals to the CTA involving
decision of the CIR, it will not be directed to the CTA En Banc,

1. Exclusive original jurisdiction over all criminal offenses

arising from violations of the National Internal Revenue Code Fishwealth Canning Corporation v. CIR
or Tariff and Customs Code and other laws administered by the
Bureau of Internal Revenue or the Bureau of Customs: Facts:
Provided, however, That offenses or felonies mentioned in this There was a LOA issued. When the LOA was issued, the TP
paragraph where the principal amount o taxes and fees, settled its obligations but it requested for a request for
exclusive of charges and penalties, claimed is less than One reinvestigation.
million pesos (P1,000,000.00) or where there is no specified
amount claimed shall be tried by the regular Courts and the The FAN was issued on August 6, 2003, the TP filed a
jurisdiction of the CTA shall be appellate. Any provision of law protest on September 23, 2003.
or the Rules of Court to the contrary notwithstanding, the
criminal action and the corresponding civil action for the The FDDA was issued on August 2, 2005.
recovery of civil liability for taxes and penalties shall at all times
be simultaneously instituted with, and jointly determined in However, this FDDA was received by the TP on August 04,
the same proceeding by the CTA, the filing of the criminal 2005.
action being deemed to necessarily carry with it the filing of
the civil action, and no right to reserve the filling of such civil Instead of filing a petition for review before the CTA, the
action separately from the criminal action will be recognized. TP filed a Letter of Reconsideration. This letter was filed
2. Exclusive appellate jurisdiction in criminal offenses: before the CIR.

a. Over appeals from the judgments, resolutions or orders of The CIR ignored the letter of reconsideration.
the Regional Trial Courts in tax cases originally decided by
them, in their respected territorial jurisdiction. On September 6, 2005, a Preliminary Collection Letter
was issued.
b. Over petitions for review of the judgments, resolutions or
orders of the Regional Trial Courts in the exercise of their
Upon receipt of such, the TP filed a petition for review
appellate jurisdiction over tax cases originally decided by the
before the CTA.
If FDDA is issued by the Regional Director:
Question: Was the petition for review filed within the
30-day period? TP can file an administrative appeal before the CIR

No. The reckoning period within which to file the petition
is the date when the TP received the FDDA. The TP should
have filed the petition for review within 30-days from Commissioner will have 180 days to act on it
August 04,2005.

CTA Division via Petition for Review

Commissioner of Customs v. Marina Sales


The filing of a Motion for Reconsideration or Motion for

CTA En Banc ( MNT OR MR must be filed first before CTA
New Trial is mandatory before the filing of an appeal to
the CTA En Banc. If the TP fails to file either before the CTA Division)
Division, the petition for review before the CTA EN Banc
shall be dismissed.
Supreme Court


If FDDA is issued by the CIR:

Remedy is to file a Petition for Review before the CTA

Division. REFUND
Section 229

SEC. 229. Recovery of Tax Erroneously or Illegally Collected. –

no suit or proceeding shall be maintained in any court for the
recovery of any national internal revenue tax hereafter
A MNT or MR must be filed before the CTA Division
alleged to have been erroneously or illegally assessed or
collected, or of any penalty claimed to have been collected
without authority, of any sum alleged to have been
excessively or in any manner wrongfully collected without
authority, or of any sum alleged to have been excessively or
If not filed, the Petition for Review filed before the CTA En in any manner wrongfully collected, until a claim for refund or
Banc will be dismissed. credit has been duly filed with the Commissioner; but such
suit or proceeding may be maintained, whether or not such
tax, penalty, or sum has been paid under protest or duress.

From CTA En Banc  Refunds whether under Section 112 or 229 must be
strictly construed against the taxpayer. Refunds are
similar to tax exemptions. Therefore the principle of
strictissimi juris shall apply.
- all doubts or ambiguities dealing with provisions and the
Supreme Court grant of tax exemption and refund shall be strictly
construed against the taxpayer.
- The taxpayer has the burden of proving the both factual
and legal basis for the refund.
- The burden to prove the refund is never shifted to the
return filed showing an overpayment shall be considered as a
written claim for credit or refund.
Grounds for the claim of refund
1. Overpayment  It is mandatory that the taxpayer must first file a
2. Erroneous payment written claim for refund before the Commissioner.
3. Illegal payment
4. Payment of penalty not authorized under the law General Rule:
The taxpayer must first file a written claim for refund before
If the grant of refund has been based on any of these the Commissioner.- ADMINISTRATIVE CLAIM FOR REFUND
grounds, then the refund is valid.
If there is no written claim for refund filed before the
Question: Can there be an overpayment/illegal if assuming commissioner, he CTA can dismiss the case for failure to
that at the time that the tax was paid there was a basis for exhaust the administrative remedies.
 There can be no refund if there is a legal basis for the Exception:
payment of the tax because refund can only be done If the mathematical error resulting to the overpayment of the
if there is an overpayment, illegal payment, tax is clearly shown on the face of the return, there is no need
erroneous payment or payment of penalty not to file a written claim for refund before the CIR.
authorized under the law.
CIR vs. Acosta (G.R No. 154068)
Engtek Phils vs CIR (CTA Case No. 6644, 26)
The filing of an Administrative Claim for Refund is
Facts: mandatory and jurisdictional.
The board of directors declared dividends. The dividend
declaration was recorded of the books of the corporation The taxable period involved is a taxable period prior to RA
(Engtek Phils). However, prior to the date of distribution 8424. The taxable period in this case is 1996, RA 8424 was
(the dividend was already declared and recorded but not enacted and made effective on January 1, 1998. Therefore
yet distributed) Engtek Phils remitted the final withholding in this case, what is applicable is the law prior to RA 8424.
tax with respect to the dividend income Thereafter they
revoked the declaration. Under the NIRC, file a written claim for refund, except
when there is a mathematical error on the face of the
The revocation of the declaration was done after the return. Prior to RA 8424, there exists no exemption, it is
payment of the tax. Engtek Phils, as a withholding agent, mandatory to file a written claim for refund.
filed a claim for refund of the taxes that have been Facts:
remitted to the Government. Acosta filed a return for the year 1997.
In the year 1998, Acosta decided to file an amended
CTA ruling: return. In the amended return, the overpayment is clearly
The refund should be denied because at the time of the shown on the face of the return.
remittance (payment of the tax) to the Government, there Acosta filed a claim for refund directly with the CTA.
was a legal basis for the payment thereof. CTA dismissed the claim for refund on the ground that
there was no written claim for refund filed by the
Tax on dividends accrue upon the declaration and petitioner.
recording of the dividend.
In this case, both are present. At the time of the payment Acosta claimed that there is no need to file a claim for
of the tax, the payment is a valid payment. There exists no refund because the mathematical error is clearly shown on
overpayment; no illegal payment because there is a legal the face of the return.
basis for the payment; no erroneous payment; and there is Supreme Court Ruling:
no payment of penalty not authorized under the law. The applicable law is the law prior to RA 8424. Therefore,
Therefore, the claim for refund shall be denied. the filing of the written claim for refund is mandatory and

Procedure in filing a claim for refund Acosta cannot use Section 204 (C) of the NIRC, because
such provision does not provide for any retroactive
Section 204 (C) application. Laws must be applied prospectively.
No credit or refund of taxes or penalties shall be allowed Therefore, the provision related to the exception shall
unless the taxpayer files in writing with the Commissioner a apply only if the claim for refund will be filed after the
claim for credit or refund within two (2) years after the effectivity of RA 8424.
payment of the tax or penalty: Provided, however, That a
In this case, the taxable period involved covers a taxable
period prior to the effectivity of RA 8424. 100,000/month x 12months = 1.2M
Tax withheld is 10,000 x 12months = 120,000
Reckoning date:
The taxable period involved. At the end of the year 1.2M less expenses in the amount of
Coverage of NIRC: = Net income: 200,000
Taxable years 1998 onwards. - Will this be subject to tax? NO. It is EXEMPT.
- Under Section 24 (A), net income in the amount of
Php250,000 or below will not be subject to tax
Documentary Proof of a claim for refund
The tax due should be 0.
If a taxpayer will file a claim for refund on the ground of But Lawyer A already made advance payments is the amount
overpayment by reason of the fact that there were creditable of Php120,000 (creditable withholding tax)
withholding taxes withheld from payments to the taxpayer,
and the taxpayer does need to file or pay any taxes at all, the
evidentiary value of BIR Form 2307 shall be needed.
Lawyer A has 2 options, either:
 The probative value of BIR Form 2307, which is 1. Carry it over to the next succeeding taxable year and
basically a statement showing the amount paid for use it as payment of his next tax liability; or
the subject transaction and the amount of tax 2. File a claim for refund or an application for the
withheld therefrom, is to establish only the fact of issuance of a tax credit certificate.
withholding of the claimed creditable withholding
tax. Refund also covers the application for the issuance of a tax
 There is nothing in BIR Form No. 2307 which would credit certificate.
establish either utilization or non-utilization, as the - The taxpayer needs to specify his/its request.
case may be, of the creditable withholding tax.


A taxpayer can be subjected to creditable withholding tax.
- Creditable withholding tax – tax withheld from the CWTx = 10M
income payments to be made to the taxpayer. But it has no tax due because of losses. If there are losses,
there is net income tax. Income tax liability will only result
For example: therefrom if there exists an income.
Lawyer A has a retainer’s fee of Php100,000 (on a monthly
basis) It filed a claim for refund of the amount of 10M CWTx.
The creditable withholding tax for this particular income shall
be at the rate of 10%.
His gross receipts would be Php720k & below (yearly income) Corporations and individual taxpayers who are engaged in
- If more than 720k – creditable withholding tax is 15% business must file quarterly returns. (1Q, 2Q, 3Q, Annual)
There is no 4th Quarter Return in case of income tax.
(If he is registered under 8%, the tax rate is 5% as long as
there is a sworn declaration submitted to the withholding Case of..
agent which the withholding agent will submit to the BIR.)
1Q: paid 2M
Assume that he is not registered under 8%. 2Q: paid 2M
3Q: paid 2M
Annual Income Tax Return: 0 tax liability because it
In the Php100k retainer’s fee – he will only get 90% of suffered losses.
Php100k because his client needs to withhold 10% (Php10k).
- This 10% is the creditable withholding tax  6M total
- Lawyer A will only get Php90,000 Taxpayer can:
> Carry it over to the next succeeding taxable years, and
Who shouldered the burden of the tax? – Lawyer A use it as a tax credit against the tax liabilities for the
The only job his client is to be the collector of the government succeeding years; or
– withholding agent. The client will remit the amount of > To file a claim for refund or the issuance of a tax credit
Php10,000 to the BIR within 10 days from the close of the certificate
taxable month. This shall be done on a monthly basis.
Is it same with CWTx? – YES. - Creditable withholding taxes are in the nature of
provisional payments of taxes
In this case, it is called as QUARTERLY PAYMENTS. - At the time of remittance of CWTx, the liability is not
It is in the same nature as CWTx because both of them are yet determined.
advance payments of the tax liability. - Therefore, the reckoning date of the 2 year period
will not be on the date of remittance, rather it will be
counted on the date of filing of the final adjustment
Period within which to file a claim for refund return.
Until when can the taxpayer file a claim for refund?
 As to quarterly payments, 2 year period is reckoned
Section 229 (2nd paragraph) from the date of payment, and not from the date
In any case, no such suit or proceeding shall be filed that the taxes have been actually paid on a quarterly
after the expiration of two (2) years from the date of basis.
payment of the tax or penalty regardless of any supervening - The date of filing quarterly returns will not be
cause that may arise after payment: Provided, however, That material because quarterly returns are considered
the Commissioner may, even without a written claim provisional returns.
therefor, refund or credit any tax, where on the face of the - The amount of tax liability indicated in these returns
return upon which payment was made, such payment are still subject to adjustments when the taxpayer
appears clearly to have been erroneously paid. shall now file the annual income tax return or the
final adjustment return.
 The taxpayer has a period of 2 years from the date of
payment regardless of any supervening event to file a
claim for refund, or to file a case in court for the claim For example: QUARTERLY PAYMENTS
for refund. Taxpayer – X Corporation
Taxpayer will file quarterly payments within 60 days from the
- It is definite that this 2 year period shall apply for close of the taxable quarter.
JUDICIAL CLAIM FOR REFUND. “Within 60 days from the close of the taxable quarter”
– date of filing of Income Tax Returns

1Q 2Q 3Q Annual Income Tax

Is there a need to wait for the decision of the CIR? Return
- If the period of 2 years is about to lapse, there is no
need to wait for the decision of the CIR on the
Administrative Claim for Refund. Close: March Close: June Close: Sept Paid: April 15 of
the following year
There was an instance where the taxpayer filed a Judicial Paid: May 25 Paid: Aug. 27 Paid: Nov. 17
Claim for Refund without awaiting for the decision of the CIR 2M 2M 2M 0
on the administrative claim for refund 3 months prior to the No tax liability
lapse of the 2 year period
- Supreme Court held that this is PREMATURE.
- The taxpayer should have waited for the decision of Question: If the taxpayer decides to file a written claim for
the CIR. refund before the CIR (administrative claim) and a judicial
claim for refund before the CTA, until when can the taxpayer
If it is 1 month, the period is about to lapse, therefore the file a claim for refund before the CIR and the CTA?
taxpayer can already file a judicial claim for refund. - Do not count from May 25 nor August 27 nor Nov.
17 because these are provisional payments
- The 2-year period shall be counted from the date of
“Date of Payment” filing of annual income tax return or also called “final
 The date when the final adjustment return is filed adjustment return” because this is the date when
because this is the date when the tax is finally the taxpayer determines with finality his or her
determined. income tax liability.
- On the assumption that the taxpayer filed it on April
 This is important because as to creditable 15, 2021, the taxpayer can file a claim for refund
withholding taxes, the 2 year period is reckoned until April 15, 2023.
from the date of payment, and not from the date - April 15, 2023 is the last day for both administrative
when the tax has been remitted (within the 10 day claim and judicial claim for refund.
period after the close of the taxable month)
CWTx must be paid within 10 days from the close of the
Section 229 Section 112
2020 Subject Matter Involves refund of Involves refund of
For the month of January – when will this be remitted? overpaid tax, unutilized input
February 10 illegally paid tax, VAT.
For the month of February – March 10 erroneously paid
tax, or payment of
Remits every month.
penalties not
Last remittance: January 10, 2021 for the month of December
authorized under
the law.
Question: Assuming there are creditable withholding taxes As to Status of Not required to be TP must be
in the amount of 10M (total amount for the entire year), until TP engaged in zero- engaged in zero-
when can the taxpayer file a claim for refund for the year rated or effectively rated or effectively
2020? zero rated zero-rated
- 2 years from date of payment
transaction transaction
- When is the date of payment? – when the payment
is determined with finality – upon the filing of the As to VAT The TP is not The TP must be
final adjustment return. registration required to be VAT VAT registered
- Taxable year: 2020. Not required The INPUT VAT
- Prescribed date for the filing of the final adjustment must be
return: April 15, 2021 (Calendar year).
attributable to a
- But it was filed on April 30, 2021.
 Until when can the taxpayer file a claim for zero-rated or
refund? effectively zero-
 Until April 30, 2023. Because the 2 year period is rated transaction
reckoned from the date of the filing of the final As to The filing of a The filing of a
adjustment return.
Requirement Written Claim for Written Claim for
of Filing a Refund is Refund is
Written Claim Mandatory MANDATORY
As to when Filing of refund Filing of refund
Apply: the date of payment shall mean the date of remittance
of the tax. Thus, the counting of the 2-year prescriptive refund must be must be done must be done
period shall be reckoned from the date of remittance. filed within 2-years within 2-years
from the date of from the close of
Why Date of Remittance? payment the taxable
= Date of Remittance because the tax is not provisional in regardless of any quarter when the
nature. Remember that Final Tax extinguishes the TP’s supervening sales were made
liability, therefore, the date of payment shall be the date of
As to Invoicing Not required Required
What if refund of donor’s tax? Same rule applies. Take note
however: The
Question: invoicing
requirement is not
If tax is paid on installment, until when can the TP file a claim
a mandatory
for refund?
requirement for
tax credit
Last installment payment.
Take note: CIR v. PNB
The 2-year period under Section 229 applies to both Facts:
administrative claim for refund and judicial claim for
refund. PNB made an advance payment, without any liability
yet. Around 10M. In order for PNB just to credit the
The 2-year period under Section 112 applies only to
advance payment.
administrative claim for refund. It is not applicable to
judicial claim for refund because Section 112 provides For several years, PNB suffered losses. After the 3rd
that the judicial claim for refund must be filed within 30- year, PNB had a tax liability for around1M each year.
days from the receipt of the decision on the There is a balance of 8M.
Administrative Claim for Refund. It is mandatory that the
TP must receive the decision on the administrative claim PNB filed a claim for refund for the 8M. CIR denied
for refund first before filing a judicial claim for refund. because it was beyond 2-year period.

Hence, is it possible that the judicial claim for refund will PNB filed a PFR before the CTA.
be filed beyond the 2-year period under Section 112 of
the NIRC? Question: Should the PFR be dismissed on the ground
of prescription?
 Yes.
Is it possible that the judicial claim for refund will be filed
beyond the 2-year period under Section 229 of the NIRC? No, the claim for refund was not barred, because in
order for subject payment for overpayment, it
presupposes that there is a tax liability in the first
 No. Because under Section 229, both the place. In this case, when PNB paid the tax of 10 million,
administrative and judicial claim for refund must PNB had not incurred any liability. Hence, the 2-year
be filed within the 2-year period counted from period shall not apply. What should be applied is the
the date of payment. 10-year period under the NCC. Hence, the claim shall

Question: Can there be a refund of VAT under Section AMENDMENT OF RETURNS

In cases of amendment of returns, the 2-year period
Answer: Yes. In cases of VAT registered TPs, this can only shall still be counted from the date of payment.
be done upon the cessation of business or cancellation of
registration under the VAT system, and the refund is for
the unutilized input VAT counted from the date of
Assuming that the TP paid on April 15, 2009 the
cessation or date of cancellation. amount of P10 million.
What if the TP did not yet cease nor cancel its business?
The TP thereafter filed an amended return on April
=The TP will carry-over the overpayment. 15, 2010.
What if the TP is not engaged in Zero-rated or effectively What is the reckoning date of the 2-year period?
zero-rated transaction, can the TP still deduct Input VAT Answer: It will still be counted from April 15, 2009,
or adopt tax credit mechanism? thus, the TP has until April 15, 2011 to file both the
written claim for refund and judicial claim for refund.
=Yes. Provided that the TP later on ceases or cancels its
Will the reckoning date be affected by reason of the
amended return?
Answer: No. Because it is provided under the law that,
no such suit or proceeding shall be filed after the
expiration of two (2) years from the date of payment Remember:
of the tax or penalty regardless of any supervening Grounds for Filing of Refund under Section 229 are:
cause that may arise after payment:
1. Overpayment;

2. Erroneous payment;
What if this is the situation:
3. Illegal payment;
On April 15, 2009, the TP paid for taxable year 2008 4. Payment of penalties not authorized under the law.
the amount of P10 million.

The TP amended the return on April 15, 2010.

 In order for a Judicial Claim to prosper it is
Based on the amended return, it paid additional P5 mandatory that an Administrative Claim for a
Million it appearing that, in his amended return, his refund must be filed first. Meaning, a written
liability was in the amount of P15 Million. claim for refund filed before the commissioner
is mandatory in order that a judicial claim for
The TP thereafter realized that it is exempt from tax. refund will prosper.

Until when can the TP file both the written claim for  However, as an exception, when the return
refund and the judicial claim for refund? shows overpayment on its face, the filing of an
administrative claim for refund is no longer
With respect to the P10 Million the TP has until April mandatory.
15, 2011 to file the administrative claim for refund and
judicial claim for refund.

With respect to the additional P5 Million, the TP has  No suit or proceeding shall be filed after the
until April 15, 2012 to file the administrative for refund expiration of 2-years from the date of payment
or the judicial claim for refund. regardless of any supervening cause that may
arise after payment.

Take note: Section 52(c) and Section 56(a)

 The 2-year period applies to both the
administrative claim for refund and the judicial
claim for refund. Section 52 (c) deals with the requirement of filing an
annual income tax return within 30-days after the
 Before filing a judicial claim for refund, there adoption by a corporation of a plan for its dissolution or
has to be an action on the administrative claim 30-days from notice of involuntary dissolution or
for refund by the CIR. However, if the period is reorganization.
about to lapse, the TP may file a claim for
Take note that: This section is applicable only in cases of
judicial claim for refund without waiting for the
taxpayers contemplating dissolution.
decision of the CIR on the administrative claim
for refund. If a corporation decided to dissolve its business
operations, then this corporation must file within 30-
 The term period is about to lapse, under days after the adoption of a plan for its dissolution a
jurisprudence, would mean 3-months before correct return to the CIR.
the lapse of the prescriptive period.
BPI vs. CIR CIR v. Proctor & Gamble
Held: A person liable for tax has been held to be a
BPI and Family Bank merged. person subject to tax or properly considered a
taxpayer. Such person should be regarded as the
On June 30, 1985, Family Bank ceased its business party in interest or person having sufficient legal
operations. interest to bring a suit for refund of taxes he believes
were illegally collected.
On July 1, 1985, SEC approved the merger.

On April 15, 1986, Family Bank filed its Final

Adjustment Return. Claim for Refund under Section 112

Proper party to claim a refund= could either be the

Take note: Family Bank should have filed the return
purchaser or the taxpayer in cases when the taxpayer is
within 30-days from its plan for its dissolution. But
engaged in zero-rated or effectively zero-rated
instead of filing within 30-days from June 30, 1985,
it filed the annual income tax return on April 15, transaction.
1986. When will the purchaser have a personality to file a
claim for refund?
On December 29, 1987, BPI filed a refund before
the CTA. = When the purchaser can establish that it is exempt
from both direct and indirect tax.
Question: Will the refund prosper?

May a withholding agent be deemed as a taxpayer for
it to avail of the tax amnesty?
The 2-year period must be counted from June 30,
1985, that is 30-days after the approval of the SEC =The withholding agent does not have a personality as a
of its plan of dissolution. taxpayer because it is merely an agent or collector of
the government. Not being a taxpayer, it cannot avail of
June 30, 1985 is considered the date of payment by
the tax amnesty.
FBDC of the taxes withheld on the earned income.
Therefore, BPI has until June 30, 1987 to file a
written claim for refund and a judicial claim for
refund. Is it possible that the tax amnesty may cover the
liability of a withholding agent?
BPI filed the refund on December 29, 1987.
=Yes. As a general rule, tax amnesty laws do not cover
Therefore, it is already barred by prescription.
liabilities of withholding agents. Exception: But if it is
The reason why it is reckoned from June 30, 1987 is provided under the provisions of the law that it is
because the corporate life is shortened by reason covered.
of the dissolution.
Bottomline: If there is an amnesty made in favor of the
taxpayer, such amnesty does not extend to the
withholding agents.

Who has the personality to claim for a refund? CIR v. SMART

=Statutory taxpayer.
A withholding agent may file a claim for refund.
Although such relation between the taxpayer and
the withholding agent is a factor that increases the
latter’s legal interest to file a claim for refund, such Section 204 is explicit. The refund must be filed by
is not required for the withholding agent to file a the taxpayer.
claim for refund.
In this particular case, Silkair is neither the person
The reasons behind these are: liable for tax nor the person subject to tax. There is
no legal duty on the part of Silkair to pay the excise
1. The withholding agent is liable because he is tax. Therefore, since Silkair is not the statutory
personally liable. Therefore, since the withholding taxpayer, it has not personality to file a claim for
agent is personally liable, then the withholding refund.
agent may file a claim for refund.
Take note that: Excise Tax is an indirect tax where
2. The authority to file for the taxpayer and to remit the burden can be shifted to the consumer but the
the tax withheld to the government impliedly tax liability remains to be with the manufacturer.
includes the authority to file a claim for refund.
Petron as the manufacturer and producer, is the
This particular case highlights the legal basis in person liable for the payment of excise tax. It is the
concluding that the withholding agent may file a taxpayer that is primarily, directly, and legally liable
claim for refund. While the withholding agent has to pay the tax.
the right to recover the tax he has the obligation to
remit the same to the taxpayer. Although Silkair ultimately bears the burden, it does
not transfer the liability to silkair. It does not
likewise transform silkair’s status into a statutory


Silkair is an entity which purchased petroleum CIR v. Phil. Asoc. Smelting and Refining
products from Petron to be used for the former’s Corporation
international flights.
Silkair is a foreign corporation with PH
representative. A purchaser has the personality to file a claim for
refund provided that it can prove that it is both
Based on the invoices, excise tax was added to the exempt from both direct and indirect tax.
amount paid on its purchases.

Silkair contends that it is exempt from the tax and

its seeks for a refund.
Chevron v. CIR
Petron shifted the excise tax to silkair. Silkair paid
the same. Doctrine:

Silkair filed a written claim for refund. Excise tax on petroleum products is essentially a tax
on property, the direct liability for which pertains to
Question: Is Silkair the proper party to file a claim the statutory TP (i.e., manufacturer, producer or
for refund? importer). Any excise tax paid by the statutory TP on
petroleum products sold to any of the entities or
Held: agencies named in Section 135 of the NIRC exempt
from excise tax is deemed illegal or erroneous, and
In the refund of indirect taxes, the statutory TP is should be credited or refunded to the payor
the proper party who can claim the refund. pursuant to Section 204 of the NIRC. This is because
the exemption granted under Section 135 of the
NIRC must be construed in favor of the property Inasmuch as its liability for the payment of the excise
itself, that is, the petroleum products. taxes accrued immediately upon importation,
Chevron was bound to pay, and actually paid such
Facts: taxes. But the status of the petroleum products as
exempt from the excise taxes would be confirmed
Chevron sold and delivered petroleum products to only upon their sale to CDC in 2007. Before then,
CDC. Chevron did not pass on to CDC the excise taxes Chevron did not have any legal basis to claim the tax
paid on the importation of the petroleum products refund or the tax credit as to the petroleum
sold to CDC. Hence, it filed an administrative claim products.
for tax refund or issuance of tax credit certificate.
Consequently, the paymentof the excise taxes by
Issue: Chevron upon its importation of petroleum products
was deemed illegal and erroneous upon the sale of
Whether Chevron was entitled to the tax refund or the petroleum products to CDC.
the tax credit for the excise taxes paid on the
importation of petroleum products that it had sold
to CDC.
Philex Mining v. CIR
Doctrine of Equitable Recoupment
Yes, the excise taxes that Chevron paid on its = States that a claim for refund which is already
importation of petroleum products subsequently barred by prescription can be used to settle existing
sold to CDC were illegal and erroneous, and should tax liabilities.
be credited or refunded to Chevron in accordance
with Section 204 of the NIRC. Take note that: Under existing laws, a claim for
refund a claim for refund that is already barred by
With respect to imported things, Section 131 of the prescription can no longer be used to settle existing
NIRC declares that excise taxes on imported things liabilities. Therefore, the doctrine of equitable
shall be paid by the owner or importer. For this recoupment is not applicable in the Philippine
purpose, the statutory taxpayer is the importer of setting.
the things subject to excise tax. Chevron, being the
statutory TP, paid the excise taxes on its importation Facts:
of the petroleum products.
Philex has a claim for refund of taxes. It received an
Pursuant to Section 135(c), petroleum products sold assessment. Philex then wanted to set-off the tax
to entities that are by law exempt from direct and liability from the assessment and its claim for refund
indirect taxes are exempt from excise tax. Section of taxes.
135(c) should thus be construed as an exemption in
favor of the petroleum products on which the excise Held:
tax was levied in the first place. The exemption
cannot be granted to the buyers – that is, the entities The concept of set-off of taxes does not apply in the
that are by law exempt from direct and indirect taxes Philippine setting because the government and the
–because they are not under any legal duty to pay taxpayer are not debtors and creditors of each
the excise tax. other.

CDC was created to be the implementing and General rule: There is no set-off or compensation.
operating arm of the Bases Conversion and
Development Authority to manage the Clark Special Exception: If the liabilities arose from the same
Economic Zone (CSEZ) As a duly-registered transaction.
enterprise in the CSEZ, CDC has been exempt from
paying direct and indirect taxes pursuant to Section
2421 of Republic Act No. 7916 and RA 9400.
SEC. 76. - Final Adjustment Return. - Every
corporation liable to tax under Section 27 shall file a
final adjustment return covering the total taxable CISTRA v. CIR
income for the preceding calendar or fiscal year. If
the sum of the quarterly tax payments made during Facts:
the said taxable year is not equal to the total tax due
On April 16, 2001, an annual income tax return has
on the entire taxable income of that year, the
been filed for taxable year 2000.
corporation shall either:
Creditable Withholding Taxes of more than P4.7
(A) Pay the balance of tax still due; or Million had been withheld.

(B) Carry-over the excess credit; or During the year 2000, net losses were incurred.

(C) Be credited or refunded with the excess amount Excess payment was carried over to the next
paid, as the case may be. succeeding taxable year.

In case the corporation is entitled to a tax credit or In the 2001 ITR, which of course if filed in the year
refund of the excess estimated quarterly income 2002, the TP indicated the option for the issuance
taxes paid, the excess amount shown on its final of a tax credit certificate.
adjustment return may be carried over and credited
against the estimated quarterly income tax liabilities On August 09, 2002, the TP filed a claim for refund
or issuance of a tax credit certificate for the
for the taxable quarters of the suceeding taxable
unutilized creditable income tax for taxable year
years. Once the option to carry-over and apply the
2000 and 2001.
excess quarterly income tax against income tax due
for the taxable quarters of the succeeding taxable Issue:
years has been made, such option shall be
considered irrevocable for that taxable period and Whether the TP is already barred from filing an
no application for cash refund or issuance of a tax administrative claim for refund under Section 229.
credit certificate shall be allowed therefor.

If you may note, with respect to taxable year 2000,

Irrevocability Rule states that: the TP has already made an option with respect to
the tax credits that it had acquired for the year
When option to carry-over is made, such option is 2000. The TP acquired tax credits for the year 2000
irrevocable for that taxable period and no application for in the amount of P4.7 Million.
refund or issuance of tax credit certificate shall be
allowed. Obviously, it was carried over, the facts state that
the excess payment was carried over. However, in
The irrevocability rule only applies when the taxpayer the year 2001, the TP again acquired creditable
chooses the carry-over option. withholding taxes (meaning tax credits) for the year
2001, and the TP filed a claim for refund for the
The irrevocability pertains to the taxable period. taxable year 2000 and 2001.

Will the revocability rule apply in this case?

Definition of the phrase “that taxable period” Applying Section 76(c) of the NIRC, the TP has two
options, either:
= it would mean the taxable period when the tax credit
has been acquired.
1. To carry over; or CIR v. BPI

2. To apply for refund or issuance of a tax credit Facts:

A formal adjustment return was filed on April 15,
In exercising the option, the corporation must 1999 for taxable year 1998.
signify in its Formal Adjustment Return, that it is
indeed exercising the option to either carry it over First to third quarters= payments were made in the
or to apply for a refund or tax credit certificate. amount of P563 Million.

How will the corporation do this? There was likewise expanded withholding tax that
was reduced against its income in the amount of
=By marking the option box for either carry-over or P7.68 million.
Likewise, it likewise had foreign tax credits in the
The irrevocability rule prevents the taxpayer from amount of $151, 467.
claiming twice, the quarterly taxes paid.
There was an amount carried over from the year
In this case, the TP has already made an option for 1997 in the amount of P59.4 Million.
year 2000 when it carried over the tax credits. Thus,
carry over option was already chosen for the year Total Tax Credits amounted to P600+ million.
Question: Can the TP file a claim for refund?
Therefore, if we talk about the tax credits acquired
in the year 2000 in the amount of P4.7 million, the Answer:
refund can no longer be made by reason of the
irrevocability rule. Yes.

Question: With respect to 2001, can there be a However, did the TP already opted to carry over
refund of the tax credits acquired in 2001? the tax credits? Because if it did, then the answer
would be no.
Continuation of Facts:
Yes, because the TP had made the option to file an
application for refund with respect to the tax During taxable year 1999, the TP still suffered
credits acquired in the year 2000. losses.

The option to carry over was made only with During taxable year 2000, the TP suffered losses.
respect to the tax credit acquired in the year 2000.
Finally, on April 3, 2001, the TP filed a claim for
Obviously, the phrase “that taxable period” refers refund.
to the taxable period when the tax credit was
acquired. Question: Can the TP file a claim for refund for
taxable year 1998 if the TP reflected the tax credits
it acquired in the year 1998 in the ITR for the year


The option to carry over was made on the credits

acquired in the year 1998. If the tax credits in the
year 1998 were reflected in the year 1999 return,
and the same was reflected in the 2000 return, it’s
obvious that the act of indicating the tax credits
apart in 1998 in both returns shall mean that the TP What if the TP did not indicate his option in the return
had opted to carry over the tax credits. This option and was not even indicated as prior years excess credit
to carry over its 1998 tax credits is irrevocable. It and the subsequent action of the TP was to file a
cannot later on opt to apply for a refund of the very written claim for refund?
same 1998 excess credits.
The failure of the TP to make an appropriate
marking of its option in the income tax return does For taxable year 2010, the TP has excess credit
not automatically mean that the TP has opted for a amounting to P2 Million.
refund or tax credit certificate.
In its tax return for taxable year 2010, the TP did not
The chosen option of the TP can be determined indicate his option.
from the act of the TP. In this case, even if the TP
did not tick the box for either refund or tax credit, In the next taxable year, in said return, the TP indicated
what he did was to reflect the tax credits in the in its return that its prior years excess credit in the
1999 return and the 2000 return. amount of 0.

Question: If the TP filed an administrative claim for

refund in the year 2012 for the tax credits acquired in the
year 2010, will it prosper?

Asiaworld Property v. CIR Answer:

Facts: Yes. Since the TP did not reflect any prior years excess
credit, the TP is not yet barred from filing an
For the taxable year 2001, the ITR was filed on April administrative claim for refund.
5, 2002. In the said return, the TP declared MCIT
but with a refundable income tax payments for
prior year excess credits and creditable withholding
taxes for the quarters. Rhombus v. CIR

On April 9, 2002, a request for refund representing Facts:

excess creditable withholding taxes for taxable year
2001 was filed. ITR was filed for taxable year 2005. The TP ticked
the box for “to be refunded”.
On April 12, 2002, TP filed a petition for review
before the CTA. During the first quarter of 2006, the TP indicated
prior years excess credits in the amount of P1.5
Question: Can the TP still claim for refund? Million.

Answer: 2nd Quarter of 2006, the TP likewise indicated the

same prior years excess credits.
No, because the TP opted already to carry over. If
the TP indicates in the ITR that there are prior years 3rd Quarter of 2006, the TP likewise indicated the
excess credit, it would mean that the TP opted to same.
carry over.
The TP then filed an annual ITR and the TP reflected
Thus, since the TP already opted for a carry over, it prior years excess credits of 0.
can no longer claim for a refund.
The TP filed a petition for review pending the Held:
decision of the administrative claim for refund.
The SC held that the refund option is not irrevocable.
Question: The irrevocability rule applies only when the TP
chooses the carry-over option.
Is the TP barred by the irrevocability rule?
In this case, when the TP changed its option from
Held: refund to carry-over, such option became
irrevocable. Thus, the application for refund must be
SC held that it is clear in the return for taxable year denied.
2005, that the TP chose to file a refund because he
ticked the box for “to be refunded”. The fact that
the prior years excess credit were included in the
quarterly returns did not reverse such option.

University Physicians v. CIR


On April 16, 2007, an Annual ITR was filed for taxable EFFECT OF AN EXISTING TAX LIABILITY ON A PENDING

There was an over payment in the amount of P5.1

Million. The TP thereafter ticked the box “for
refund” CIR vs. CA and CitiTrust

On November 4, 2007, an annual ITR was filed for Facts:

the short period because they changed their taxable
year to fiscal year. Citibank filed a claim for refund which was granted
by the CTA.
When the TP filed an annual ITR for the short period,
the TP reflected the overpayment of P5.1 Million. The CIR questioned the grant of the refund on the
ground that:
The TP amended the annual ITR for the short period,
instead of declaring an overpayment in the amount 1. There exist an assessment with the same taxable
of P5.1 Million, the TP declared an overpayment of period (1984), thus, the pending assessment lends
P2.2 Million. doubt as to the accuracy of the claim for refund.

On October 10, 2008, the TP filed a claim for refund Question: Will the assessment affect the refund?
in the amount of P2.9 Million which is the excess
payment made for year 2006. Held:

The pending assessment will affect the refund of

the taxes because an assessment gives doubt as to
Question: the accuracy of the data indicated in the return.
Since it gives a doubt as to the accuracy of the data
Should irrevocability rule apply?
indicated in the return, then the ITR cannot be used Government and the amount thereof shall revert to the
as a basis in the grant of refund. general fund.

The SC then remanded the case to the CTA in order (B) Forfeiture of Tax Credit. - A tax credit certificate
for the SC to determine whether there is a ground issued in accordance with the pertinent provisions of this
for the grant of refund based on other documents Code, which shall remain unutilized after five (5) years
other than the return. from the date of issue, shall, unless revalidated, be
considered invalid, and shall not be allowed as payment
Bottomline: for internal revenue tax liabilities of the taxpayer, and the
amount covered by the certificate shall revert to the
If there is a pending assessment, then the pending general fund.
assessment will affect the accuracy of the return
upon which the refund is based. (C)Transitory Provision. - For purposes of the preceding
Subsection, a tax credit certificate issued by the
Continuation of Facts: Commissioner or his duly authorized representative prior
to January 1, 1998, which remains unutilized or has a
After it was remanded to the CTA, CitiBank paid the creditable balance as of said date, shall be presented for
pending assessment and then filed/manifested revalidation with the Commissioner or his duly authorized
before the CTA that it had paid the assessment and representative or on before June 30, 1998.
requested for a refund. Since the assessment was
already paid, the refund was thereafter granted by Discussion:
the CTA.
 When the government grants an application for
CIR thereafter issued an assessment for the taxable refund the government will issue a check.
year 1985. The case went on to the SC.
 The TP has period of 5 years to use it all up. If not,
Before the SC, CIR argued that the refund will still the refund is forfeited in favor of the
not be granted because there is another government.
What if the TP applied for the issuance of a tax credit
Held: certificate?

The SC held that, the 1985 assessment will no =The tax credit certificate must be re-validated within 5
longer affect the pending case for refund because years, otherwise, the same will be forfeited in favor of
its speaks of another taxable period. the government.


A Tax Credit Certificate is a proprietary right of the TP

because once the government issues the same, there
already is stamp of validity that indeed the government
owes the TP a certain amount of money.
Therefore, it may be utilized to pay off other existing
SEC. 230. Forfeiture of Cash Refund and of Tax Credit. – liabilities or it may be transferred to another individual.

(A) Forfeiture of Refund. - A refund check or warrant PILIPINAS SHELL V. CIR

issued in accordance with the pertinent provisions of this
Code, which shall remain unclaimed or uncashed within Facts:
five (5) years from the date the said warrant or check was
mailed or delivered, shall be forfeited in favor of the
Pilipinas Shell bought tax credit certificates from able to validly and legally use the TCC in the payment
pioneer enterprises. of its taxes.

Pilipinas Shell now used the tax credit certificate to Bottomline:

pay off its liabilities.
The TCC is transmissible because it is a proprietary
When Pilipinas Shell used this tax credit certificates, right.
BIR refused to recognize the same. The CIR argued
that the tax credit certificates are not valid because
they are subject to a suspensive condition and they
will only be valid upon the fulfillment of the
suspensive condition. The suspensive condition is a
post-audit. The CIR argued that if the tax credit VDA De San Agustin v. CIR
certificate is already issued, the same must be
subjected to a post-audit. Facts:

BIR now assessed deficiency taxes against Pilipinas An assessment was issued against the TP and the
Shell. same was later on paid under protest by the TP.

TP then filed a refund with respect to the taxes it

had paid under protest.
CIR prayed for the dismissal of the petition for
1. The SC held that the tax credit certificates are valid review on the ground that there was no written
from the moment that they are issued. The BIR claim for refund filed before the CIR.
cannot argue that there exists a suspensive
condition, that is, the post-audit requirement, Held:
because such condition is not indicated in the face of
the tax credit certificate. The filing of an application for refund is considered
as a futile effort on the part of the TP because of
If the CIR really intended to really make it as a the denial of the protest. There is no need to file a
suspensive condition, then such condition should written claim for refund because in this particular
have been indicated on the face of the tax credit case, the filing of the judicial claim for refund was
certificate. Since there is no condition of some sort, preceded by the filing of a protest which was
then the CIR cannot impose an additional condition denied by the CIR,
after the issuance of the TCC.
The filing of a written claim for refund will be
2. Further, a TCC is a document evidencing considered a useless remedy because the protest
proprietary right of the TP over an overpayment of has already been denied.
tax or over an amount that the government owes
the TP. Once it is issued, then it is protected by the This case further amplifies the concept that refund
due process clause of the constitution. and protest are mutually exclusive remedies
although if a protest has already been filed and was
3. Since it is considered a property right of a TP, then denied by the CIR then there is no need to file
we apply the principle that if it has been sold to a written claim for refund before the CIR because
purchaser in good faith and for value, then the rights such will be considered a useless remedy.
of the purchaser in good faith and for value must
likewise be protected.

In this case, Pilipinas Shell is considered a purchaser

in good faith and for value. Therefore, it should be
IS THE TAXPAYER ENTITLED TO CLAIM INTEREST ON Within the 1-year period, the owner shall have
THE REFUNDED TAX? possession of the property and shall be entitled to the
rents and income earned from the property.
=Yes. Any excess of the taxes withheld over the tax due
from the taxpayer shall be returned or credited within After the 1-year period, there will now be consolidation
three (3) months from the fifteenth (15th) day of April. of ownership, thus possession shall now be turned over
Refunds or credits made after such time shall earn to whoever is the highest bidder during the auction
interest at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum, sale.
starting after the lapse of the three-month period to the
date the refund of credit is made.

Availment of Tax Amnesty

Tax Amnesty- a situation where there already is an

accrued tax liability and the liability has been or will be
OTHER REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO THE TP condoned by the government.

It would include the following: Tax Exemption- a situation where there is no accrual of
liability yet.
1. Action to Contest Forfeiture of Chattel (Sec. 231)

2. Redemption of Property (Sec. 214)

LG Electronics v. CIR
3. Availment of Tax Amnesty
= The Tax Amnesty Law does not cover withholding
taxes. Thus, the liability of withholding agents is not
covered by the Tax Amnesty Law.
Action to Contest Forfeiture

Applicability: This particular action shall be made

available to the TP if there exist a seizure of property
under claim of forfeiture.

Who will contest? The owner.

When will it be filed? At any time before the sale or
destruction of the property or it can also be filed after 1. Assessment
the sale and must be filed within 6 months from the sale
or destruction of the property. 2. Collection

If the action to contest forfeiture is made before the sale, It could either be through administrative means or
the prayer should be to enjoin the sale. judicial means.

If the action to contest forfeiture is made after the sale, If ADMINISTRATIVE = the CIR issues warrant of
the prayer should be to recover the net proceeds realized distraint/levy or warrant of garnishment. However, in
at the sale. adopting this particular procedure, the warrant of
distraint/levy must be preceded by a valid assessment. If
Redemption the assessment is void, then the succeeding warrants
shall likewise be void based on the principle that a void
When filed? It must be filed within 1-year within the assessment bears no fruit.
date of sale.
If JUDICIAL= simply involves the filing of a case in court.
When the government collects taxes, the TP cannot pray
for the issuance of a writ of injunction in order to restrain The deposit of the amount must be done with the CTA
the collection of taxes and this is by virtue of Section 218 and the filing of the surety bond must be done with the
of the NIRC. CTA.

Section 218 of the NIRC states that: No court shall have Remember:
the authority to grant an injunction to restrain the
collection of any national internal revenue tax, fee, or GR: The appeal filed before the CTA will not suspend the
charge imposed by the NIRC. collection of the tax.

Thus, even if the TP filed a petition for review before the Exception: When the CTA in its opinion will suspend the
CTA it will not enjoin the collection of the tax. collection of tax because it thinks that the collection of
tax will jeopardize the interest of the government or the
The TP cannot likewise file a petition for injunction taxpayer.
before the RTC in order to restrain the collection of any
national internal revenue taxes. However, in the suspension of the collection of taxes, the
CTA may require the TP to either deposit the amount
Section 218 does not apply to LOCAL TAXES and REAL claimed provided that the amount to be deposited will
PROPERTY TAXES not be double the amount of the tax being collected or
to file a surety bond not double the amount of the tax
Section 218 does not apply to local taxes and real being collected.
property taxes because the Local Government Code
does not contain a provision similar to Section 218 of
the NIRC.
Therefore, the rule that there shall be no injunction in
order to restrain the collection of taxes shall apply ONLY Facts:
Tridharma filed a petition for review with motion to
What is the remedy of the TP in order to ensure that the suspend the collection of taxes.
government will not collect any taxes first pending the
ruling on the petition for review filed by the TP before the The CTA Division granted the motion to suspend with
CTA? a condition that Tridharma deposits with the court an
acceptable surety bond equivalent to 150% of the
General Rule: assessment or in the amount of P6 Billion within 15
days from notice.
Under RA 9282, it provides that, no appeal shall suspend
the payment, levy, distraint, or any sale of any property Tridharma filed a motion for partial reconsideration
of the TP for the satisfaction of the TP’s tax liability. with the CTA asking for the reduction of the bond and
the CTA reduced it to P4 Billion.
Tridharma questioned the bond and filed an appeal
When in the opinion of the CTA, the collection of the tax before the SC.
may jeopardize the interest of the government and/or
the TP, then the CTA, at any stage of the proceeding may Held:
suspend the collection of the tax and require the TP
either to: Clearly under the law, the CTA may suspend the
collection of taxes provided that the TP either deposits
1. deposit amount claimed; or the amount claimed or file a surety bond.

2. file a surety bond for not more than double the

amount of the tax being collected by the government.
The surety bond amounting to P4 Billion imposed by They likewise alleged that Jinky Pacquiao was denied
the CTA is considered as an act that is gravely in abuse due process because she did not receive the notices.
of its discretion. While it is true that the surety bond
amounting to P4 Billion is within the parameter set or By reason of the denial of the CIR of the request to
delineated under RA 9282, the CTA still committed defer the collection of the taxes, Pacquiao filed an
grave abuse of discretion because it fixed the amount urgent motion for the CTA to lift the warrants of
of the bond at nearly 5 times the net worth of distraint/levy and garnishment issued by the CIR and
Tridharma WITHOUT conducting a Preliminary to enjoin the CIR from collecting the assessed
Hearing to ascertain whether there were grounds to deficiency taxes pending the resolution of their
suspend the collection of the deficiency assessment. appeal.

Here, the main error of the CTA is that they failed to Pacquiao likewise argued that the posting of bond
conduct a preliminary hearing. There must first be a must be dispensed with because the assessments are
preliminary hearing before the CTA imposed a bond. It highly questionable.
should have determined first whether there were
grounds to suspend the collection of the deficiency Held:
assessment, to wit, on the ground that the collection
would jeopardize the interest of the TP. The CTA has ample authority to issue injunctive writs
to restrain the collection of tax and even to dispense
In fact, although the amount of P4 Billion was its self with the requirement that a certain amount must be
the amount of the assessment, it behooved the CTA deposited with the CTA. This requirement may be
division to consider other factors recognized by the dispensed with whenever the method employed by
law itself towards suspending the collection of the the CIR in the collection of the taxes jeopardizes the
assessment, like whether or not the collection of the interest of the TP for being patently in violation of the
assessment would jeopardize the interest of the law.
government or the TP, or whether the means adopted
by the CIR in determining the tax liability was legal and In this particular case, it is clear that the authority of
valid. the courts to issue injunctive writs to restrain the
collection of tax and to dispense with the deposit of
Simply prescribing the high amount of bond in this the amount claimed is not simply confined to cases
case would practically deny Tridharma the meaningful where prescription has set in. It may likewise apply
opportunity to contest the validity of the assessments when the method employed by the CIR in the
and would likely even impoverish Tridharma so as to collection of the tax is not sanctioned by law.
force it out of business.
The purpose of this law is to prevent not only to
prevent jeopardizing the interest of the TP but more
importantly, to prevent the absurd situation wherein
the court would declare that the collection by
summary methods of distraint or levy was violative of
the law and in the same breadth require the TP to
deposit or file a bond as a pre-requisite for the
issuance of a writ of injunction.

Pacquiao vs. CTA Hence, the SC in this case remanded the case to the
CTA in order for the latter to conduct a preliminary
Facts: hearing in order to determine whether or not the
method employed by the CIR is in patent violation of
Pacquiao filed a petition before the CTA and the law.
contended that the assessment of the CIR was
defective because it was predicated on its mere
allegation that they were guilty of fraud.
time only means that the validity or correctness of the
assessment may no longer be questioned on appeal.

However, in this case, the issue is now about the

CIR vs. Hambrecht collection. The validity of the assessment is a separate
issue from the issue of whether the right of the CIR to
Facts: collect tax has already prescribed. And this issue of
prescription being a matter over which the CTA has
The subject assessment notice was sent by registered appellate jurisdiction, is well within the jurisdiction of
mail and was sent on January 8, 1993 to the former the CTA.
place of business of the TP.

The TP did not file a protest. Therefore, the

assessment became final and executory. CIR v. Unites Salvage

However, the CIR did not issue a warrant within the = The government has a period of 3 years from the date
prescribed period to collect the tax. of assessment to collect the taxes in cases of taxes falling
under Section 203 of the NIRC.
The CTA held that the CIR failed to collect the tax
within the prescriptive period and therefore the CTA
directed the cancellation and withdrawal of the
assessment notice.

The CIR argued that the CTA has no jurisdiction over TAX LIEN
the case because the CTA will only have jurisdiction
over disputed assessment. Since this case involves an Tax Lien- refers to the provision of law which states that
assessment which has already become final and the unpaid tax shall constitute a lien on the properties of
executory then, the CTA cannot acquire jurisdiction the taxpayer notwithstanding the fact that the property
over the case. is not subject to the tax.

Held: SEC. 219. Nature and Extent of Tax Lien. - If any person,
corporation, partnership, joint-account (cuentas en
The appellate jurisdiction of the CTA is not limited to participacion), association or insurance company liable
cases which involves the decisions of the CIR on to pay an internal revenue tax, neglects or refuses to pay
matters relating to assessments or refunds. The 2nd the same after demand, the amount shall be a lien in
part of the provision covers other cases that arise out favor of the Government of the Philippines from the time
of the NIRC or related laws administered by the BIR. when the assessment was made by the Commissioner
until paid, with interests, penalties, and costs that may
In this particular case, the issue at hand is no longer accrue in addition thereto upon all property and rights to
whether or not the BIR assessed the taxes within the property belonging to the taxpayer:
prescriptive period but the issue now is whether or not
the BIR’s right to collect the taxes had already Provided, That this lien shall not be valid against any
prescribed. This is now falling within the provision of mortgagee, purchaser or judgment creditor until notice
the Tax Code. Therefore, the issue of prescription of of such lien shall be filed by the Commissioner in the
the BIR’s right to collect taxes may be considered as office of the Register of Deeds of the province or city
covered by the term “other matters over which the where the property of the taxpayer is situated or located.
CTA has appellate jurisdiction”.
The fact that an assessment has become final for
failure of the TP to file a protest within the allowable In order to effectuate this particular lien, it is
necessary that the notice should have been filed by the
Commissioner in the office of the Register of Deeds.
Otherwise, it will not bind any mortgagee, purchaser, or receipt of the property distraint has not been signed
judgment creditor. by the TP, therefore, the receipt is not valid. He further
held, that taxes are absolutely preferred claims only
with respect to movables or immovable properties on
which they are due. Since the taxes sought to be
CIR v. NLRC collected in this case are not due on the barges in
question, the government’s claim cannot prevail over
Facts: the claims of the employees.

The CIR sent letters of demand to pay deficiency taxes. Held:

MCP did not file any protest. By reason of the finality While the CIR admitted that the receipt of the
of the assessments, two warrants of distraint/levy property distraint had not been signed by the TP or the
both dated January 23, 1985 were served on Janaury person in possession of the TP’s property, such is not
28, 1985 upon the accountant of MCP. a ground in order to conclude that there was no
proper distraint. The TP was not aware, however, of
On April 16, 1985, a receipt of goods (constructive the fact, that the receipt had been acknowledged by
distraint), articles, and things seized under authority of the coast guard which had the barges in its possession.
the NIRC was executed covering among others the 6 Subsequently, the CIR issued a notice of seizure of
barges, identified as MCP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. The personal property stating that the goods and chattels
receipt is required by the Tax Code as proof of the listed including the barges, had already been
constructive distraint of property. distrained by the CIR and this notice was received by a
representative of MCP.
(If TP already received such receipt, the TP is barred
from disposing the property subject of the receipt. All this being said, the distraint is valid.
Technically, notwithstanding the fact that the TP’s
property is still in the possession of the TP, the TP can The unpaid taxes constitute a claim of unpaid internal
no longer dispose of the same by reason of the revenue taxes which gives rise to a tax lien upon all
constructive distraint. Upon the service of the receipt properties and assets of the TP whether movable or
of goods, it is the undertaking by the TP or any person immovable.
in possession of the property covered, that he will
preserve the property and deliver it upon order of the Article 110 of the Labor Code, applies only in cases of
court or upon the order of the CIR.) bankruptcy or judicial liquidation of the employer.

The receipt in this particular case was not signed by This case does not involve liquidation of the
MCP because the persons who were taking custody of employer’s business. Therefore, NLRC was ordered to
the barges refuse to receive them. remit the proceeds of the auction sale to the BIR to be
applied as part payment of MCP’s tax liability.
On July 20, 1985, 4 of the 6 barges were placed under
constructive distraint and were levied upon the
execution of the deputy sheriff of Manila to satisfy the
unpaid wages and other benefits of the employees.

On August 12, 1985, the 4 barges were sold at a public DISTRAINT

auction. On September 4, 1985, the CIR asked the
labor arbiter to annul the sale or to remit the proceeds 2 Types:
to the BIR because according to the BIR, they served
the receipt first prior to the constructive distraint for 1. Actual- Governed by Section 207(a) of the NIRC. It is
the payment of wages. provided therein that, the RDO shall seize and distraint
any goods or chattels or effects if the amount of basic tax
In an order dated September 30, 1985, the labor due is P1 Million or less.
arbiter denied the motion of the CIR stating that the
claims of the employees enjoy preference and that the
If the amount is more than P1 Million, the CIR shall seize In cases of refusal to sign the receipt, the Revenue
and distraint any goods,chattels, or effects. Officer effecting the constructive distraint shall proceed
to prepare a list of such property and in the presence
2. Constructive- Governed by Section 206 of the NIRC. two witnesses, leave a copy thereof in the premises
where the property distrained is located.
SEC. 206. Constructive Distraint of the Property of A
Taxpayer. - To safeguard the interest of the
Government, the Commissioner may place under
constructive distraint the property of a delinquent LEVY
taxpayer or any taxpayer who, in his opinion, is retiring
from any business subject to tax, or is intending to leave Involves a real property. It is effectuated by preparing a
the Philippines or to remove his property therefrom or to duly authenticated certificate showing the name of the
hide or conceal his property or to perform any act TP and the amounts of the tax and penalty due from
tending to obstruct the proceedings for collecting the tax him. Said certificate shall operate with force of a legal
due or which may be due from him. execution throughout the Philippines.

The constructive distraint of personal property shall be It shall be effected by writing upon such certificate the
affected by requiring the taxpayer or any person having description of the property upon which levy is made
possession or control of such property to sign a receipt and there should be a written notice of the levy which
covering the property distrained and obligate himself to shall be mailed to or served upon the Register of Deeds
preserve the same intact and unaltered and not to of the province or city where the property is located
dispose of the same ;in any manner whatever, without and upon the delinquent TP or in the absence of the TP,
the express authority of the Commissioner. to his duly authorized agent.

In case the taxpayer or the person having the possession

and control of the property sought to be placed under
constructive distraint refuses or fails to sign the receipt GARNISHMENT
herein referred to, the revenue officer effecting the
constructive distraint shall proceed to prepare a list of Governed by Section 208 of the NIRC.
such property and, in the presence of two (2) witnesses,
leave a copy thereof in the premises where the property It shall involve stocks and other securities which must be
distrained is located, after which the said property shall distrained by serving a copy of the warrant of distraint
be deemed to have been placed under constructive upon the TP or upon the president, manager, treasurer,
distraint. or other responsible officer of the corporation which
issued the said stocks or securities.
This constructive distraint shall apply to a case involving
a delinquent taxpayer or any TP who, in his opinion, is A is the TP, and he bought shares of stock of San Miguel
retiring from any business subject to tax or is intending Corporation. To effect the garnishment, the revenue
to leave the Philippines, or is planning to remove his officers will go to San Miguel Corporation and will serve
property therefrom, or to hide or conceal his property, thereto the copy of warrant of distraint.
or to perform any act tending to obstruct the
proceedings for collecting the tax or which may be due Debts and credit shall be distrained by leaving with the
from him. person owing the debt or having in his possession or his
agent under his control such credits a copy of the warrant
A person having possession or control of such property of distraint. The warrant of distraint shall be sufficient
is required to sign the receipt covering the property authority to the person owning the debts or having in his
distrained and obligate himself to preserve the same possession or under his control any credits belonging to
intact and unaltered, and not to dispose the same in any the TP to pay to the commissioner the amount of debts
manner without the express authority of the CIR. or credits.
Bank accounts are likewise covered by garnishment. It SEC. 2. Cases within the jurisdiction of the Court en
shall be garnished by serving a warrant of garnishment banc. – The Court en banc shall exercise exclusive
upon the TP and upon the president, manager, treasurer, appellate jurisdiction to review by appeal the following:
or other responsible officer of the bank.
(a) Decisions or resolutions on motions for
reconsideration or new trial of the Court in
Divisions in the exercise of its exclusive
JUDICIAL REMEDIES appellate jurisdiction over:

Remember Section 203 and Section 222 of the NIRC. (1) Cases arising from administrative
agencies – Bureau of Internal Revenue,
Section 203 involves the regular period to assess and Bureau of Customs, Department of
collect taxes. Finance, Department of Trade and
Industry, Department of Agriculture;
Section 222 deals with the extraordinary period to
assess and collect taxes. (2) Local tax cases decided by the
Regional Trial Courts in the exercise of
Section 220 provides that: Civil and Criminal actions and their original jurisdiction; and
proceedings shall be brought in the name of the
government of the Philippines and shall be conducted by (3) Tax collection cases decided by the
the officers of the BIR. But, no civil or criminal action for Regional Trial Courts in the exercise of
recovery of taxes or the enforcement of any fine, their original jurisdiction involving final
penalty, or forfeiture, shall be filed in court without the and executory assessments for taxes,
approval of the CIR. fees, charges and penalties, where the
principal amount of taxes and penalties
Under existing revenue regulations, the CIR had issued claimed is less than one million pesos;
administrative issuances wherein the CIR empowers his
subordinate officials to file the necessary case against the (b) Decisions, resolutions or orders of the
TP. Under the case of Republic v. Hizon, such delegation Regional Trial Courts in local tax cases decided
is allowed and is valid because the filing of a case or the or resolved by them in the exercise of their
signing of a certificate of non-forum shopping and appellate jurisdiction;
verification are acts which are considered as delegable.
(c) Decisions, resolutions or orders of the
However, in the case of CIR v. La Suerte Cigar, the SC held Regional Trial Courts in tax collection cases
that, in cases of appeal of tax cases, such appeal must be decided or resolved by them in the exercise of
brought by the office of the Solicitor General. their appellate jurisdiction;

The participation of the office of the Solicitor General is (d) Decisions, resolutions or orders on motions
required, notwithstanding the fact that, the case has for reconsideration or new trial of the Court in
already been filed by the legal officers of the BIR. Division in the exercise of its exclusive original
jurisdiction over tax collection cases;
SC held in this case that, the conduct of a particular case
by the legal officers of the BIR will only apply in cases of (e) Decisions of the Central Board of
initiatory cases. If it does not involve initiatory cases, but Assessment Appeals (CBAA) in the exercise of
rather involves an appeal case, the appeal must be its appellate jurisdiction over cases involving the
brought by the Office of the Solicitor General and this is assessment and taxation of real property
mandatory. originally decided by the provincial or city board
of assessment appeals;
(f) Decisions, resolutions or orders on motions
Section 2, Rule 4 of AM No. 5-11-07-CTA: for reconsideration or new trial of the Court in
Division in the exercise of its exclusive original
jurisdiction over cases involving criminal
offenses arising from violations of the National (2) Inaction by the Commissioner of
Internal Revenue Code or the Tariff and Internal Revenue in cases involving
Customs Code and other laws administered by disputed assessments, refunds of
the Bureau of Internal Revenue or Bureau of internal revenue taxes, fees or other
Customs; charges, penalties in relation thereto, or
other matters arising under the
(g) Decisions, resolutions or orders on motions National Internal Revenue Code or
for reconsideration or new trial of the Court in other laws administered by the Bureau
Division in the exercise of its exclusive appellate of Internal Revenue, where the National
jurisdiction over criminal offenses mentioned in Internal Revenue Code or other
the preceding subparagraph; and applicable law provides a specific period
for action: Provided, that in case of
(h) Decisions, resolutions or orders of the disputed assessments, the inaction of
Regional trial Courts in the exercise of their the Commissioner of Internal Revenue
appellate jurisdiction over criminal offenses within the one hundred eighty day-
mentioned in subparagraph (f). period under Section 228 of the
National Internal revenue Code shall be
Discussion: deemed a denial for purposes of
allowing the taxpayer to appeal his case
Section 2(a)(1)(2)(3): The Court in Division will exercise to the Court and does not necessarily
original jurisdiction over cases involving administrative constitute a formal decision of the
agencies such as the BIR, BOC, DOF, DTI, or DOA. It will Commissioner of Internal Revenue on
also involve local tax cases decided by the RTC. It will the tax case; Provided, further, that
also include tax collection cases decided by the RTC in should the taxpayer opt to await the
the exercise of their original jurisdiction involving final final decision of the Commissioner of
and executory assessments for taxes, fees, charges, and Internal Revenue on the disputed
penalties, where the principal amount of taxes and assessments beyond the one hundred
penalties claimed is less than P1 Million. eighty day-period abovementioned, the
taxpayer may appeal such final decision
to the Court under Section 3(a), Rule 8
of these Rules; and Provided, still
SEC. 3. Cases within the jurisdiction of the Court in further, that in the case of claims for
Divisions. – The Court in Divisions shall exercise: refund of taxes erroneously or illegally
collected, the taxpayer must file a
(a) Exclusive original or appellate jurisdiction to petition for review with the Court prior
review by appeal the following: to the expiration of the two-year period
under Section 229 of the National
(1) Decisions of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue Code;
Internal Revenue in cases involving
disputed assessments, refunds of (3) Decisions, resolutions or orders of
internal revenue taxes, fees or other the Regional Trial Courts in local tax
charges, penalties in relation thereto, or cases decided or resolved by them in
other matters arising under the the exercise of their original
National Internal Revenue Code or jurisdiction;
other laws administered by the Bureau
of Internal Revenue; Discussion: If the decisions, resolutions
or orders of the RTC in local tax cases
Discussion: Eto ung Section 228 of the were decided in the exercise of its
NIRC. Punta muna CIR since it involves appellate jurisdiction, hindi na yan
disputed assessments. After CIR, punta dadaan sa CTA division, deretcho na sa
CTA Division, then punta CTA En Banc. CTA En Banc.
(4) Decisions of the Commissioner of Discussion: Pag criminal case involving tax na P1
Customs in cases involving liability for Million or more, Original Jurisdiction ay CTA
customs duties, fees or other money DIVISION.
charges, seizure, detention or release of
property affected, fines, forfeitures of (2) Appellate jurisdiction over appeals from the
other penalties in relation thereto, or judgments, resolutions or orders of the Regional
other matters arising under the Trial Courts in their original jurisdiction in
Customs Law or other laws criminal offenses arising from violations of the
administered by the Bureau of Customs; National Internal Revenue Code or Tariff and
Customs Code and other laws administered by
(5) Decisions of the Secretary of Finance the Bureau of Internal Revenue or Bureau of
on customs cases elevated to him Customs, where the principal amount of taxes
automatically for review from decisions and fees, exclusive of charges and penalties,
of the Commissioner of Customs claimed is less than one million pesos or where
adverse to the Government under there is no specified amount claimed;
Section 2315 of the Tariff and Customs
Code; and Discussion: If the amount being collected is less
than P1 Million or no specified amount is claim,
Discussion: Automatic review only then the RTC shall acquire jurisdiction. Provided
happens when the Commissioner of further that, the imposable penalty is more than
Customs decided against the 6 years. Pag imposable penalty is less than 6
government. years or less, then the MTC acquired original
(6) Decisions of the Secretary of Trade
and Industry, in the case of Take note that: The criminal action and the
nonagricultural product, commodity or corresponding civil action for the recovery of
article, and the Secretary of Agriculture, the civil liability for taxes and penalties shall at
in the case of agricultural product, all times be simultaneously instituted with or
commodity or article, involving jointly determined in the same proceeding by
dumping and countervailing duties the CTA.
under Section 301 and 302,
respectively, of the Tariff and Customs The filing of the criminal action being deemed
Code, and safeguard measures under to necessarily carry with it the filing of the civil
Republic Act No. 8800, where either action and there is no right to reserve the filing
party may appeal the decision to of such civil action separately from the criminal
impose or not to impose said duties; action.

In sum, no right to reserve the filing of the civil

action separately from the criminal action will
(b) Exclusive jurisdiction over cases involving criminal be recognized.
offenses, to wit:
Gao v. CIR: Sa case na to, talagang pinagsasama
(1) Original jurisdiction over all criminal na nila yung criminal case and civil case kasi
offenses arising from violations of the National deemed instituted na sya. Hindi pwde ang
internal Revenue Code or Tariff and Customs reservation of the filing of the civil action.
Code and other laws administered by the
Bureau of Internal Revenue of the Bureau of (c) Exclusive jurisdiction over tax collections cases, to
Customs, where the principal amount of taxes wit:
and fees, exclusive of charges and penalties,
claimed is one million pesos or more; and (1) Original jurisdiction in tax collection cases
involving final and executory assessments for
taxes, fees, charges and penalties, where the
principal amount of taxes and fees, exclusive of
charges and penalties, claimed is one million filed a petition for the annulment of
pesos or more; and judgment with the CTA En Banc.

(2) Appellate jurisdiction over appeals from the Issue:

judgments, resolutions or orders of the Regional
Trial Courts in tax collection cases originally Whether CTA En Banc has jurisdiction to take
decided by them within their respective cognizance of the petition for annulment of
territorial jurisdiction. judgment filed by the CIR.

Discussion: Held:

CTA Division acquired original jurisdiction in tax The SC held that, the annulment of judgment
collection cases involving final and executory involves exercise of original jurisdiction as
assessments for taxes, fees, charges and penalties, expressly conferred by BP Blg. 129.
where the principal amount of taxes and fees, exclusive
of charges and penalties, claimed is one million pesos It implies power by a superior court over a
or more. subordinate one wherein the appellate court
may annul the decision of the RTC or the
If the amount claimed is less than P1 Million, latter court may annul a decision of the MTC.
jurisdiction shall be vested with the RTC in the exercise
of its original jurisdiction. Then RTC to CTA Division. However, the law is silent when it comes to a
situation similar to this particular case
What if the amount claimed is P200,000? =Jurisdiction wherein the CTA is called upon to annul its
vests with the MTC. From MTC next is RTC. From RTC own judgment.
deretcho na CTA En Banc kasi ang CTA Division
magkakaroon lng ng jurisdiction if the judgment was SC held that CTA divisions are not considered
issued by the RTC in its original jurisdiction. as separate and distinct courts but are
divisions of one and the same court. There is
CIR v. Kepko no hierarchy of courts within the SC and the
CA for they each remain as one court
Facts: notwithstanding that they work in divisions.
Thus, it appears contrary to this features that
Kepko filed an administrative claim for refund a collegial court siting en banc may be called
and judicial claim for refund. The CTA division upon to annul a decision of one of its
granted the refund. There being no motion divisions.
for reconsideration filed by the CIR, the
decision became final and executory. The silence of the rules may be attributed to
Subsequently, a corresponding entry of the need to preserve the principle that, there
judgment was issued on October 10, 2009. can be no hierarchy within a collegial court
between its divisions and the en banc.
On February 16, 2010, the Court issued a writ Further, a court’s judgment, once final and
of execution. The CIR alleged that the it only executory is immutable.
learned of the decision in the subsequent
issuance of the writ on March 7, 2011. Thus, in this particular case, the CTA En Banc,
cannot annul the judgment of the CTA
Consequently, the office of the Deputy Division.
Commissioner for legal inspection group
received a memorandum from the appellate What remained as a remedy for the
division of the national office recommending petitioner in this case was to file a petition
the issuance of a tax credit certificate in the for certiorari under Rule 65, which could have
amount of P443 Million in favor of Kepko. been filed as an original action before the SC
After learning about the memorandum for and not before the CTA En Banc.
the issuance of a tax credit certificate the CIR
AGENCIES SC held that the CTA En Banc can acquire jurisdiction
over petitions for certiorari questioning the denial of
PSALM v. CIR a Motion to Quash.

The Secretary of Justice has a jurisdiction where two

government agencies are in dispute.
Effects would be the payment of:
SEC. 281. Prescription for Violations of any Provision of
this Code. - All violations of any provision of this Code 1. SURCHARGE
shall prescribe after five (5) years.
Can be in the nature of:
Prescription shall begin to run from the day of the
commission of the violation of the law, and if the same a. Ordinary Surcharge(Section 248(A))- is equivalent to
be not known at the time, from the discovery thereof and 25% of the basic tax due. This is only a one-time
the institution of judicial proceedings for its investigation imposition.
and punishment.
It shall be imposed in the following cases:
The prescription shall be interrupted when proceedings
are instituted against the guilty persons and shall begin  In cases of failure to pay the tax on time as
to run again if the proceedings are dismissed for reasons required by law;
not constituting jeopardy.
 Failure to pay the deficiency tax within the time
The term of prescription shall not run when the offender fixed in the notice;
is absent from the Philippines.
 Filing of the return with the wrong office.
Lim Case:
b. Fraud Penalty- Is equivalent to 50% of the basic tax
Prescription begins to run from the institution of a due. This is a one-time imposition only. It will only be
judicial proceeding. imposed if there exists a TAX FRAUD. Meaning, it has
been established that, the TP has the intention to evade
The term “institution of judicial proceeding” refers to the tax.
the filing of a case before the Office of the City

Lim Case: CIR v. Javier Jr.

Prescription begins to run from the institution of a Will Javier be subject to fraud penalty of 50%?
judicial proceeding.
According to the SC, by reason of the existence of the
The term “institution of judicial proceeding” refers to footnote made by Javier, there is no fraud. There was
the filing of a case before the Office of the City no intent to evade the payment of tax. Because
Prosecutor. otherwise, if he had the intention to evade the
payment of tax, then Javier should not have included
the $1,000 accidentally received from a remittance in
the footnote. This being said, the fraud penalty
cannot be imposed.

The imposition of SURCHARGE is MANDATORY

The imposition of COMPROMISE PENALTY is
MANDATORY. But compromise penalties can be
reduced by Revenue Officers pursuant to the This particular power is limited by the provision of
the law.
parameters set under existing administrative issuances.
- Section 5 Article X of the 1987 Constitution
2. INTEREST- now pegged at 12% (TRAIN LAW) provides that subject to the limitations
set forth by the Congress, the Local
**Assignment Government Units can levy taxes, fes, and
- Such taxes must accrue exclusively to the
Local Government. Hindi yan shine-share
with the National Government.
CIR v. Saint Lukes
- These limitations are found under the Local
Facts: Government Code (R.A. 7160).

- We do not apply the NIRC because NIRC

Saint Lukes requested for the issuance of a ruling and applies only to national internal; revenue
the CIR ruled that it is exempt from tax and therefore taxes. It does not apply to Local taxes and
it did not pay any tax liability with respect to the Real Property taxes.
income that it earned from paying patients.
- The Local Government Code is not used as
a basis in imposing and collecting taxes.
Later on, it was ruled that it is liable for the taxes on
Ang basis parin dapat ay issuance of a tax
income earned from paying patients. ordinance. The Local Government Code
merely sets the limitations on the taxing
Question: power of the Local Government Units. It
is not considered as a source of obligation
Would there be imposition of compromise penalties on the part of the citizens who will pay the
on the deficiency taxes of Saint Lukes? tax. Dapat meron paring ordinance.

Held: How do we describe the Power of Taxation of Local

Government Unit?
No. Because the non-payment of the tax is by reason - A power that is directly conferred by the
of an honest mistake and compromise penalties will Constitution.
not be imposed in cases when the TP committed an
honest mistake.
Question: Let us assume that a Local Government
Unit did not enact an ordinance tapos nagcollect sila
ng taxes. Pwede ba yun?
- No that is in violation of the due process
clause of the Constitution. Take note that
the substantive aspect of due process clause
requires that a law must be enacted first
before the collection and imposition of taxes.
With respect to local taxes including real
The Power of Taxation of Local Government Unit
property taxes, ang law na yan local
- It is settled that a municipal corporation
unlike sovereign state is clothed with no
inherent power of taxation. And the
power when granted is to be construed in
The Congress cannot prohibit the exercise of the
strictissimi juris. Any doubt or ambiguity
taxing power.
arising out of the term used in granting
- The power of taxation of the Local
that power must be resolved against the
Government Unit is no longer considered a
municipality. This particular principle is
delegated power. It is a power that is
not applicable to the power of taxation of
directly conferred under the
the State because the taxation power of the
Constitution. Therefore, the Congress
State is inherent.
cannot prohibit the exercise of the taxing
power of the Local Government Unit but it such guidelines and limitations as the Congress
can merely set the limitations. may provide.

What are the limitations set forth under the Local In order for the ordinance to be considered valid.
Government Code? The ordinance must comply with the Fundamental
1. Those limitations under Section 133 of the Principles of local taxation:
Local Government Code.
Fundamental Principles of Local Taxation
This is also called the rule on pre-emption. (Section 130 of the Local Government Code)
- The tax ordinance may be nullified if the local
tax does not comply with Section 133 (Rule 1. Taxation shall be uniform in each local
on Pre-emption) or Section 130 government unit;
(fundamental principles on local taxation) of
the Local Government Code. Taxation shall be uniform in each local government
- Hindi kailangan na pare-parehas per Local
Case of Pelizloy (READ) Government Unit pero sa isang Local
Government Unit dapat uniform ang
The only authority vested upon the Congress is to applicability nung tax.
provide limitations on the exercise of the power to
2. Taxes, fees, charges and other impositions
The Congress cannot abolish the power to tax. a. Be equitable and based as far as
practicable on the taxpayer’s ability to
In the case of Meralco v. the Province of Laguna, b. Be levied and collected only for public
the SC held that he Legislature must still see to it purposes;
that: c. Not be unjust, excessive, oppressive, or
1. The taxpayer will not be over-burdened or confiscatory;
saddled with multiple and unreasonable d. Not be contrary to law, public policy,
impositions; national economic policy, or in restraint
2. Each local government unit will have its fair of trade;
share of available resources;
3. The resources of the National Government 3. The collection of local taxes, fees, charges,
will not be unduly disturbed; and and other impositions shall in no case be let
4. Local taxation will be fair, uniform, and just. to any private person;

These principles are important in order to determine 4. The revenue collected pursuant to the
if the ordinance is considered as valid or not. provisions of the Local Government Code
shall inure solely to the benefit of, and be
NOTE: Review the differences between the flexible subject to disposition by the local
tariff clause and the power of the Local Government government unit levying the tax, fee, charge
Unit. Why do you need to categorize? Because I or other imposition unless otherwise
might ask a question that would ask you to answer specifically provided in the Local
these questions: Government Code that it must be distributed
to several municipalities; and
a. Can the Congress abolish the power to tax of
Local Government Units? - Ang general rule, kung sino man ang LGU na
b. Can the Congress abolish the power of the nangongolekta ay kanya lang yun. Hindi
President to impose custom duties, tariffs, pwedeng Kinolekta ng Pasig tapos ishe-
wharfage dues, tonnages, and excess quotas share niya sa ibang cities/municipalities.
(flexible tariff clause)?

5. Each local government unit shall, as far as

Per Section 5, Article X of the 1987 Constitution, the practicable, evolve a progressive system of
power to tax is no longer vested exclusively on taxation.
Congress; Local Legislative bodies are now given
direct authority to levy taxes, fess, and other - A violation of one principle would result to
charges”. Nevertheless, such authority is subject to the nullity of the tax ordinance.
Si Municipality nag-imposed siya ng certain amount
Rule on Pre-emption of tax based on the weight of the product that will
(Section 133 of the Local Government Code) pass through that municipality.

Unless otherwise provided herein, the exercise of the “Pag nag-daan kayo ng ganitong product, ito ang
taxing powers of provinces, cities, municipalities, tax, .50 per sack/kilo”.
and Barangays shall not extend to the levy the
following: The SC held that the tax imposed is in the nature of
custom duties and under Section 133 of the Local
1. Income tax except when levied on banks Government Code, Local Government Units cannot
and other financial institutions; imposed a tax that is in the nature of custom duties.
In this particular case, the amount collected is not
- This is already being imposed by the Local even for the sole purpose of reimbursing the cost of
Government. the construction of these wharves.
- Rule on pre-emption states that the Local
Government Unit is prohibited from
imposing taxes on subject matter which are 5. The Local Government Units cannot impose
already subject to tax by the National taxes, fees, and charges and other
Government except if the Local Government impositions upon goods carried into or
Code allows the imposition of tax by the out of, or passing through, the LGU.
Local Government Unit on such subject
matter. “Municipalities have the power to tax vehicles using
its roads but cannot tax the goods transported by
Both the National Government and Local vehicles.”
Government may impose a tax on the gross receipts
earned by banks and other financial institutions. “Service fee imposed on vehicles using municipal
roads leading to the wharf is valid.”
2. Documentary Stamp Tax - It is imposed on the use of roads.
- Under the NIRC, the national government - It is not a tax on the goods transported
imposes documentary stamp tax. rather it is a service fee imposed on the
- The one which collect the tax technically is vehicles using the municipal/city roads.
still the National Government Unit, the Local
Government Unit is just a collector. The City of Cebu passed an ordinance imposing a
tax of P5 on every kilo of lechon taken out of the
3. Taxes on estates, inheritance, gifts, City. Is the tax valid?
legacies, and other acquisitions mortis - Section 133 of the Local Government Code
causa, except as otherwise provided herein; clearly proscribes the imposition of a tax by
- The Local Government Unit can only impose local government units concerning all
transfer tax on real properties which is not a articles that are going in or out, or passing
tax on the estate or tax on the transfer of through, the territorial jurisdiction of the
property gratuitously but rather it is more of local government unit. Therefore, this tax is
like the privilege of transferring the property not valid.
within the jurisdiction of the Local
Government Unit. 6. Taxes, fees, or charges on agricultural and
aquatic products when sold by marginal
4. Custom duties, registrations fees on vessels farmers or fishermen.
and wharfage on wharves, tonnage dues,
and all other kinds of customs fees, Marginal farmer – subsistence farming or fishing
charges and dues except wharfage on
wharves constructed and maintained by the 7. Taxes on business enterprises certified to
Local Government Unit concerned; by the Board of Investments (BOI) as pioneer
or non-pioneer for a period of six (6) and four
- Exception covers only reimbursement of the (4) years, respectively from the date of
cost of the construction of these wharves but registration.
outside that the Local Government Unit
cannot impose one that is in the nature of Read: Batangas Power Corporation v. Batangas City
custom duties.
Note: Palma Development Corporation v. G.R. No. 152675 28 April 2004
Municipality of Malangas.
Section 133g, LGC | BOI
 Percentage tax on gross sales of
Section 133G, LGC – Grant of exemption for BOI manufacturers, wholesalers,
registered pioneer enterprises. These enterprises are distributors, dealers, and contractors.
exempt from local tax for a period of 6 years.
These are percentage taxes allowed under
Is the 6 years reckoned from date of registration or the Local Government Code.
start of commercial operations?
PBA v. Court of Appeals
The Supreme Court enumerated the coverage of
Start of date of registration because it is a local amusement taxes under the National Internal
tax. Revenue Code. Ang nangongolekta niyan ay
If it deals with exemption from income tax (i.e. National Government.
national tax), reckon from the date of start of
commercial operations (SCO). Under the National Internal Revenue Code, the
following shall be subject 3% other percentage taxes
Note: This rule is exclusive to BOI corporations. being collected by the National Government:

Note: This is not a case of tax exemption but a tax 1. Cockpits;

holiday because the immunity is only for 6 years or 2. Cabarets;
4 years as the case may be. 6 years for pioneer 3. Night or day clubs;
enterprises. 4 years for non-pioneer enterprises. 4. Boxing exhibition; (18%)
5. Professional Basketball Games;
8. Excise taxes on articles enumerated under 6. Jai-alai; Race tracks; and
the National Internal Revenue Code, as 7. Bowling alleys.
amended, and taxes, fees, or charges on
petroleum products; Yan ang coverage under the National Internal
Revenue Code and these are all subject to
Read: percentage tax being imposed by the National
Petroleum Corporation v. Tiangco, G.R. No.
158881, 16 April 2008 Ang tanong ngayon, subject ba siya sa amusement
- There was a local tax imposed on the tax? The answer is no.
business of Petron. Pwede bang mag-impose
ng local business tax sa business ni Petron? In order for an activity be subject of amusement tax,
Petron is engaged in the sale of petroleum there must be an artistic display of performance.
The gross receipts of PBA shall not be subject to
amusement tax since there is no artistic display of
Province of Bulacan v. Court of Appeals, 27 performance.
November 1998
- Whether or not the Local Government Unit First Philippine Industrial Corporation (FPIC) v.
can impose a tax on the quarrying of earth CA
materials. - The SC held that FPIC should not be subject
- The NIRC provides that quarrying activities to taxes by the Local Government Unit
shall be subject to excise tax. because this subject matter is already being
- The excise tax being imposed by the National subjected to 3% common carriers tax.
Government covers only the quarrying - The pipeline is considered as a common
activities from private land. Therefore, can carrier and this is already subject to 3%
the Local Government Unit impose a tax on other percentage tax or also called as
the quarrying activities of individuals on common carriers tax that is being imposed
public lands? Yes. That is allowed. by the National Government, hence, the
Local Government Unit can no longer impose
9. Percentage Tax or Value Added Tax (VAT) a tax on the gross receipts of FPIC pursuant
on sales, barters, or exchanges on similar to Section 133 of the Local Government
transactions on goods or services except as Code.
otherwise provided under the Local
Government Code; 10. Taxes on the gross receipts of transaction
contractors and persons engaged in the
 Amusement tax – based on the grossed transportation of passengers or freight by
receipts hire and common carriers by air, land, or
water except as provided under the Local 7. Annual fixed tax for delivery trucks, van,
Government Code; manufacturer / producer / wholesaler /
- This is refer to as common carrier tax under dealer / retailer in certain products.
the National Internal Revenue Code.
This can also be imposed by City.

The only exception is:

 Annual fixed taxes on delivery vans of
manufacturers, producers, or dealers
and operation and franchising of
- Allowed to be imposed by the Local
Government Unit

- tax on a real property

11. Taxes, fees, or charges on Philippine
products actually exported, except as
otherwise provided under the Local Gratuitous or onerous it is still subject to
Government Code; transfer tax as long as the transfer involves real
What are allowed?
 Municipalities may impose taxes on
exporters of essential commodities.
 To be an exporter, the taxpayer must be Taxable base = gross selling price or FMV
a business entity engaged in exportation whichever is higher
of goods.

12. Taxes, fees, or charges, of any kind on the

- FMV = higher value between the value
National Government, its agencies and
instrumentalities, and local government prescribed by the CIR or the value
units. prescribed by the assessor.
- Simply put, a Local Government Unit cannot
impose taxes of any kind on the National
Government, its agencies and FRANCHISE TAX
instrumentalities, and local government

Read: MIAA v. CA and Paranaque

MIAA is an instrumentality of the National

Government, hence, cannot be subject to real
property tax or local tax.

What are the taxes that a Local Government Unit In order for a franchise tax to be imposed, the
may impose? franchise must be in the form of a corporate
- It will depend on the Local Government franchise granted by state
 For example: Jollibee will never be
PROVINCES: imposed with franchise tax, while being
a corporate, the franchise was granted
1. Tax on transfer of Real Property Ownership; not by the state.
2. Tax on Business on Printing and
3. Franchise Tax (even if the municipality In talking about legislative franchise – there
granted franchise); has to be a legislative grant to operate a public
4. Tax on sand, gravel , and other quarry utility that is for public use.
5. Professional Tax;  For example: telecommunications
6. Amusement Tax; company, airline company.
 They have been granted corporate Question: Can there be simultaneous imposition
franchise by state. of Franchise tax and local business tax?

 Local business tax is a tax imposed on

the privilege of doing business in the
jurisdiction of the LGU.

 What is being imposed is the privilege of

conducting a business.

 Franchise tax is tax imposed on the

privilege of operating business in a
State and exercising corporate
franchises granted by the State.

 It is not levied to a corporation just by

simply existing as a corporation, but on
the exercise of the rights and privileges
granted to it by the government.
The existence of a corporate franchise granted
by state is material in the imposition of the
franchise tax. CA decision; no SC decision yet.

 NPC is no longer subject to franchise Can there be direct double taxation?

tax imposed by Bataan.
 None. Direct double taxation exists only
when the same type of tax is imposed
Under the Law, Power Generation is no longer on the same subject matter.
considered a public utility operation. And
companies which shall engage in power - Since the subject matter are different, there
generation and supply of electricity are no can be no direct double taxation. The
longer required to secure a National Franchise. simultaneous imposition of both taxes is


Imposed on those entities conducting quarrying

activities from public lands.
- If private: Province Bulacan case – not - In the case of lawyers, they are required to
allowed. Because it violates the rule on pre- pay fees to the IBP.
emption. The tax is in the nature of an Thus, one cannot argue that since he paid prof. fee
excise tax to be imposed by the National before the LGU, he can no longer pay license fee.

In order for the entities to conduct quarrying and If a lawyer paid his professional tax in the LGU,
pay fee, there has to be a payment of local tax first would it be effective only to the particular LGU? (this
and obtain a business permit. is asked because there are lawyers who appear on
more than the particular LGU)
 The TP must pay local business tax.
 What is being paid is the permit fee and Would this mean that they have to pay their
local business tax professional tax first to the LGU?

- NO.
- Once a lawyer pays his professional fee
where he is residing or located, then that
FEE V TAX tax is effective even outside the said
Purpose: particular LGU. So can practice all over the
 Fee is collected for purposes of regulation.
 Tax is collected for purpose of revenue.
Where to pay?
The amount to be collected:
- Shall pay at the place where he mainly
 Fee must be commensurate to the cost of exercises his profession.
 Tax may be way more than that as the
Where a dentist was imposed with local business
purpose is to raise revenue.
tax, would it be valid?
Documents required:
- No because the exercise is one of profession
 In fees, there has to be a submission of
and not of conducting business.
documents in order to pay.
- Therefore, local business tax shall not be
 Taxes on the other hand require none.


- is paid by individuals exercising their

profession within the locality

Professionals who pay professional tax in the LGU

are still required to pay license fee to the National
AMUSEMENT TAX -Sec. 125 provides that amusement tax
can be imposed/levied by the LGU
- Tax imposed on amusement places.
regardless of the amount of gross
- These taxpayers are not liable to pay
Entities subject to amusement taxes TO BE
Night or day club
- Similar places refer to places that are Jai alay
similar to theaters, etc. in compliance with boxing stadium.
the principle of jus dem generis in statutory

Amusement tax under the Local Government

Pelizloy vs. Province Of Benguet Code
- Amusement Taxes may be imposed by the
Pelizloy collects admission fees for who enters Local Government Unit upon the
palm grove. proprietors, lessees, operators of theaters,
cinemas, concert halls, circuses, boxing
Issue: stadia and other places of amusement.
w/n the Province of Benguet can impose
amusement taxes on pelizloy since he collects
admission fees. The Supreme Court held that:
- Imposition of Amusement Taxes on the
admission fees collected by Pelizloy

Pelizloy’s argument: It is a percentage tax.

(NOTE: Sec. 133 of the LGC, LGU cannot

impose percentage tax, unless the percentage
tax is in the nature of an amusement tax)

Province of Benguet argues amusement tax

which is allowed under the LGC.
The phrase “other places of amusement” will not
include the enumeration.

While true that the people who go to these places

are visually engaged, they are not considered
places of amusement.

A place of amusement requires that there has to

be an artistic display of performance on that
Both percentage tax and VAT are in the nature particular place such as theaters, cinemas and the
of Business Tax. like.

There is one type of amusement tax which is in

the nature of a percentage tax that can be - Since no artistic display of performance in
imposed by the national government.
the pools, amusement tax should not be
Places not subject to amusement tax by the LGU

- because it is already subject to amusement

tax collected by the National


- may impose taxes on subject matters not

taxed by the province.
- Can impose local business tax

- may impose taxes which the province and
CIR V. SM PRIME HOLDINGS INC. the municipality may impose.

SC:  If not within the list provided under law for

Since SM prime holding is already subject to Provinces, the Municipality may impose tax
amusement tax imposed by the LGU, it is no
on it.
longer subject to VAT.
 On cities, it cannot be that there will be
Primarily the LGC does not include in the list two taxing authorities on the same subject
cinemas and theaters, so applying the rule of matter.
strict interpretations, since the law does not  So what can municipalities impose? Local
include cinemas and theaters under the business tax, it is not within the list under
coverage of VAT, then VAT cannot be imposed provinces.
on them.

Since they are already subject to amusement


Question: Does it mean that if a TP is subject to 1. Barangay Clearance

amusement tax he can no longer be required to
pay VAT? - Needed in order to gain business permit
Not necessarily. It is only incidental. 2. Service Fee
Take into consideration the main intention of 3. Community Tax
the law. There is still no direct double taxation
since the taxing authorities are different.
Community Tax
collected from:

- What is exempted is the purchase of

 It must be collected on every inhabitant of the
- If there is already a sale or lease of
cinematographic films, it is already
subject to VAT. 1. Who is 18 years of age who has been regularly
employed on a wage or salary basis for at least 30
consecutive working days.
2. Who is engaged in business or occupation

3. Who owns real property with an aggregate value

of Php1,000 or more.

4. Who is required by law to file an income tax


It enters into a contract with these individuals

It can be required from a minor who earns income
(contract is in the Philippines, but the service is
and is required to file an ITR performed outside of the Philippines)
- Even if the ITR is filed by the guardian of
Can the LGU impose a tax on Thermaprime?
the minor

 Community tax must likewise be collected

from every corporation no matter how created
or organized, whether domestic or resident
foreign corporation, engaged in or doing
business in the Philippines.

- This corporation must be in the nature of

domestic or resident foreign corporation
because they are the ones engaged in or
Take note: the basis is consummation, not
doing business in the Philippines perfection of minds. Because the contract is in the
- Non-resident foreign corporation is not Philippines – this is only perfection. Consummation
mandated to pay community tax. as it is would mean rendition of service in order to fulfill the
not engaged in business in the Philippines. obligations in the contract.

BLGF (Bureau of Local Government Finance) – the

Exemptions (exempt from paying or securing ones who gives/issues opinion for local tax.
community taxes) - If it is national internal revenue taxes, the
opinion is issued by the BIR.
1. Diplomatic and consular representatives; and - If it is local taxes, BLGF issues opinion.
2. Transient visitors when their stay in the
LGUs have no authority to impose and collect local
Philippines does not exceed 3 months. business tax on gross receipts realized by specialty
contractor form its overseas construction because
is it falls outside their jurisdiction
Diplomatic and consular representatives are - Since the subject matter of the tax has been
exempt pursuant to the Principle of International consummated outside the territorial
Comity. jurisdiction of the LGU, the LGU has no
authority to impose and collect local
business tax on the gross receipts of the

Michigan Holdings, Inc. vs. City Treasure of

CTA Case
When can LGU impose local business tax
Michigan is a holding company whose principal
office is located in Makati City.
It earned dividend income. Makati Revenue
Code imposes LBT on holding companies.

According to the Treasurer, the basis of the

imposition is the Makati revenue code which
imposes local business tax on holding - RAVI is one of the coconut industry
companies investment fund. It was created for
holding shares of SMB
In order for there to be a correct determination if
RAVI is a financial intermediary, the CTA

Te Deum Resources, Inc. vs. Davao City

CTA Case

CTA held that:

Local Business Taxes may only be imposed if
the holding company is considered a financial Sec. 143 of the LGC, involving LBTs, shall be
intermediary or a non-bank financial imposed on non-bank financial intermediary.
Non-bank Financial Intermediary
When may a holding company be subject to local 1.The person or entity is authorized by the BSP
business tax? to perform quasi-banking functions;

2. The principal functions of said person or

entity include the lending, investing or
placement of funds or evidences of indebtedness
or equity deposited to them, acquired by them,
or otherwise coursed through them, either for
- look into the Articles of Incorporation their own account or for the account of others;

Basic Requirements to be considered as 3. The person or entity must perform any of the
Financial Intermediary: following functions on a regular and recurring,
not on an isolated basis, to wit:
1. Entity is authorized by BSP to perform quasi- a. Receive funds from one (1) group of
banking functions; persons, irrespective of number, through
2. Principal functions include lending, investing, or traditional deposits, or issuance of debt or
placement of funds or evidence of indebtedness equity securities; and make available/lend
coursed through them for their own account or for these funds to another person or entity,
other’s accounts. and in the process acquire debt or equity
3. Entity must perform said functions on a regular securities;
b. Use principally the funds received for
acquiring various types of debt or equity
City of Davao vs. Randy Allied Ventures, Inc. securities;

c. Borrow against, or lend on, or buy or

Supreme Court ruled on the issue related to sell debt or equity securities.
holding companies.

The question is whether RAVI's management of

the dividends from the SMC preferred shares
shall now be considered as an act of a non-bank
financial intermediary.

This management of dividends from the SMC between a mere holding company and financial
preferred shares, including placing the same in intermediaries.
a trust account yielding interest, is not
tantamount to doing business whether as a - what was looked into was what RAVI
bank or other financial institution, i.e., an does, and it is only to hold the shares of
NBFI, but rather an activity that is essential to SMB.
its nature as a CIIF holding company.
- It is an activity essential of being a
holding company.
- The income earned by RAVI shall not be
subject to local business tax because
RAVI does not qualify as a non-bank NOTE: Extent of the power of the Congress in local
financial intermediary, not even a taxation which has been explained in the City
banking institution. Government of Quezon City v. BayanTel (2006).

CTA defined a Holding Company: CASE: City Government of Quezon City v.

A "'holding company' is 'organized' and is
basically conducting its business by investing  This involves the withdrawal of tax
substantially in the equity securities of another exemption of BayanTel and then later on
company for the purpose of controlling their BayanTel was asking for the amendment of
policies (as opposed to directly engaging in its charter so it can continue to enjoy tax
operating activities) and 'holding' them in a exemption. Clearly, the Congress still has
conglomerate or umbrella structure along with
the power to grant tax exemption to local
other subsidiaries. “While holding companies
may partake in investment activities, this does taxes. So while a new slant on the subject of
not per se qualify them as financial taxation now prevails in a sense that the
intermediaries that are actively dealing in the former doctrine that power of taxation is
same. Financial intermediaries are regulated by merely a delegated power which has been
the BSP because they deal with public funds modified under the Constitution, the basic
when they offer quasi-banking functions. On the
doctrine of taxation essentially remains
other hand, a holding company is not similarly
regulated because any investment activities it the same.
conducts are mere incidental operations, since  The power to tax is still vested with the
its main purpose is to hold shares for policy- Congress. While the power of taxation is
controlling purposes. directly conferred to the LGU’s under the
Constitution, the power to grant tax
- For example: Since Jollibee & max are exemption is still within the powers of the
under Double Dragon Corp. the latter is
called a holding company. It is to hold
shares of the former but for policy  HOWEVER, the Congress cannot remove the
controlling purposes. Thus not a power of the LGU’s to impose local taxes.
financial intermediary. It is a holding

While RAVI's stated primary purpose in its AOI CONCEPT OF RESIDUAL POWER
is couched in broad terms as to allow some
functions similar to an NBFI, this does not  This is the power of the LGUs to levy taxes,
necessarily mean it is engaged in the same fees or charges in any subject not specifically
business. Verily, the "power to purchase and enumerated or taxed under the NIRC (Sec.
sell real and personal property, including
186, LGC).
shares," and "to receive dividends thereon," are
common provisions to all corporations,  The tax to be imposed should NOT be
including holding companies like RAVI which unjust, excessive or oppressive, or
undertake investments. The mere fact that a against any of the fundamental
holding company makes investments does not principles.
ipso facto convert it to an NBFI. Otherwise,
there would be absolutely no distinction
 Tapos tandaan niyo na dapat daw laging and clearly cover amusement tax and
may PRIOR PUBLIC HEARING – this is respondent Cebu City must exercise its
always a requirement before any local tax authority to impose amusement tax within
may be imposed. But jive this principle with the limitations and guidelines as set forth in
the RULE OF PRE-EMPTION. said statutory provisions.
 Side Chikka: The City of Cebu cannot argue
NOTE: Pwede i-impose kung wala doon sa Local that such imposition was part of its residual
Government Code basta syempre it will not violate power to tax because of the limitations.
the Section 130 and Section 133 of the LGC.
Power to Adjust Local Tax Rate

 Allows an adjustment in local tax rates not

 Section 133, LGC speaks of Pre-emption.
more than once every five years, AND not
Illustration: exceeding 10%, provided:
o There is a tax ordinance that already
Assuming that the Provincial Government imposes a tax in accordance with the
did not impose tax on a particular subject matter,
this would mean that the municipality may impose
o There is a second ordinance that
a tax thereon and this is part of the residual
made an adjustment on the tax rate
fixed by the first
 So very important yun ha, pare! Dapat
mayroong unang provision na nire-revise.
 Kung under the LGC, province dapat nagi-
 This is NOT APPLICABLE if it is the first time
impose non, hindi dapat yun impose-an ng
that the LGU had imposed such type of tax.
munisipyo. Magiisip si munisipyo ng ibang
 This was discussed in the case of Mindanao
tax or fees para makapaglevy upon the
businesses or persons falling within their
jurisdiction, pare!
CASE: Mindanao Shopping Destination
To sum it up: Corporation, et. al. v. Hon. Rodrigo R. Duterte
 Residual power to tax is the power of the 👊🏻, et. al. (June 2017)
LGU to levy taxes, fees or charges in any  FACTS: Mindanao Shopping and other
subject NA HINDI NAKA-SPECIFY SA LGC. corporations engaged in the retail business
Tinagalog ko, pare, kasi inulit lang yung of selling general merchandise within Davao
definition, pare! City questioning the City Ordinance No. 158-
05 enacted by the City Council of Davao
CASE: Alta Vista
which separated the tax liability of retailers
 FACTS: The City of Cebu enacted an and wholesalers. Under the old Davao City
ordinance for the imposition of an Ordninance No. 230, the two were taxed in
amusement tax. An assessment was issued the same manner at 50% of 1% of the gross
against Alta Vista for the collection of sales/receipts. The new ordinance imposed
amusement tax on its golf course. a tax rate of 1.5% of gross sales in excess of
 ISSUE: Is the imposition of amusement tax P400,000 or a 200% increase from the rate
on the golf course considered as part of the under the old ordinance. The rate was
residual power to tax? reduced in 2006 to 1 ¼% or 0.25% short of
 RULING: According to the SC, an LGU may the maximum tax rate of 1.5% for cities
exercise its residual power to tax when: (a) sanctioned by the LGC. Under the old
there is neither a grant nor a prohibition ordinance, wholesalers and retailers were
by statute; OR (b) such taxes, fees, or grouped as one and thus, the tax base and
charges are not otherwise specifically tax rate imposed upon retailers were the
enumerated in the LGC, NIRC, as same as those imposed upon wholesalers.
amended, or other applicable laws. In the Subsequently, the LGC authorized a
present case, Section 140, in relation to difference in the tax treatment between
Section 131 (c), of the LGC already explicitly wholesale and retail businesses.
 Arguments: NOTE: Gross receipts is the amount collected; while
o Dati nung old Tax Code, wholesalers gross revenue is the amount of sales (or amount
and retailers are taxed as one. Then, whether collected or not).
LGC came into existence which
 So sa GROSS RECEIPTS, para yang pag
provided that PWEDE ANG
local business tax, naka-cash method ka.
SEPARATE TAX sa wholesaler at
Ibig sabihin din niyan, the amount indicated
retailer. So hiniwalay, there was of
in the financial statement would not
course an adjustment.
necessarily mean that said entire amount is
o MINDANAO: This increase or
already subject to tax because of the
adjustment violated Section 191 of
probability that the amount reflected therein
LGC which provides that LGUs shall
is the amount of gross sales WHETHER
have the authority to adjust the tax
rates not oftener than once every five
years, and in no case shall be Illustration:
exceeding 10% of the rates fixed in
the LGC. Nakabenta sila ng P10M, eh P4M lang na-
kolekta lang nila during the taxable year. Yung P6M
 ISSUE: Is the contention of Mindanao
hindi pa collected.
 RULING: There are two requirements  Question: Ano ang taxable base mo, pare?
before Section 191 of the LGC may apply to  Answer: Syempre P4M lang, pare! Eguls tayo
an amendment of tax rates, namely: (1) there pag buong P10M kasi di naman collected
is a tax ordinance that already imposes a tax yunng P6M, pare!
in accordance with the LGC; and (2) there is
a second ordinance that made an Side Chikka: Kasi ganito ang sistema, class, sa
adjustment on the tax rate fixed by the first. LGUs, pag mag-a-apply ka ng business permits at
In this case, the first requirement was not magbabayad ka ng local business tax, hindi nila
met as Davao City Ordinance No. 158-05 titignan kung magkano ang KIKITAIN mo eh. Ang
titignan nila kung magkano ang KINITA mo nung
was actually the first to impose the tax on
nakaraang taon. So GROSS RECEIPTS yan for the
retailers in accordance with the provisions of
preceding year kaya sila humihingi ng financial
the LGC. The second requirement is also
statement. Sa financial statement mo kasi yung
absent as Section 191 contemplates a amount ng gross sales at yung amount ng kinita mo
situation where there is already an existing at hindi mo kinita.
tax as authorized under the LGC and only a
change in the tax rae would effected. The  So kung papansinin mo, pare, iba ang
new ordinance provided not only a tax rate taxable base for VAT, at iba rin ang taxable
but also a tax base that were appropriate for base for Local Business Tax. Wag mong
retailers, following the parameters under the kalilimutan yan, pare!
LGC. While it may appear that there was a  Sa VAT, alam mo nang gross sales or gross
significant adjustment on the tax rate of receipts ang taxable base mo.
retailers which affected petitioners, the
adjustment was not by virtue of a
unilateral increase of the tax rate but With respect to the Local Business Tax on
merely incidental as a result of the CONDOMINIUM DUES, pare, eto ang tandaan mo…
correction of the classification of
CASE: City Treasurer of Makati v. BA Lepanto
wholesalers and retailers and its
Condominium Corporation
corresponding tax rates in accordance with
the LGC.  The Supreme Court held that homeowners
associations or condominium associations
Taxable Base for Local Business Tax are NOT engaged in business. Therefore, the
 The taxable base is the amount of gross condominium dues or association dues
receipts and NOT the amount of gross collected by them cannot be subject to local
revenue. business tax.
 Ibig sabihin only the AMOUNT COLLECTED.
 Under the LGC, local business taxes shall be Situs of Tax For Business
imposed only upon a taxpayer who or that is
(1) Principal Office for the sales
engaged in business.
consummated in the principal office.
 LGC: A taxpayer is engaged in business if he
Hence, sales in principal office must be
is undertaking trade or commercial activity
paid to the LGU which has jurisdiction
regularly engaged in as a means of livelihood
over the said principal office.
or with a view to profit.

 NOTE: It shall pertain ONLY TO

BAR Q: BATAS Law is a general professional
partnership operating in the City of Valenzuela. It (2) Branches for the sales consummated in
regularly pays value-added tax on its services. All its the branches. Hence, the tax shall be
lawyers have individually paid the required paid to the LGU which has jurisdiction
professional tax for the year 2017. However, as a over the said branches.
condition for the renewal of its business permit for
the year 2017, the City Treasurer of Valenzuela (3) Business with factories, project
assessed BATAS Law for the payment of percentage offices, plants and plantations
business tax on its gross receipts for the year 2016  30% of the sales shall be recorded in
in accordance with the Revenue Tax Code of the principal office
Valenzuela. Is BATAS Law liable to pay the  70% of the sales shall be recorded in
assessed percentage business tax? Explain your the factories
answer, pare. (3%)  Pare, natatanong daw ito sa Bar.
ANS: BATAS Law is NOT liable to pay the local
business tax because of the following reasons:
CASE: Municipality of Cainta v. City of Pasig
o First, BATAS Law is not engaged in
(June 28, 2017)
business but rather it is engaged in the
practice of its profession; and  FACTS: Uniwide conducted business in
o Second, The rule of pre-emption building constructed on its parcels of land.
precludes the City Treasurer of The City of Pasig issued building permit
Valenzuela in collecting local business and business permit. Beginning 1997,
taxes because such local business tax Uniwide did not file any application for the
collected from the law firm is in the renewal of its mayor’s permit in Pasig. It
nature of a percentage tax. instead paid taxes to Cainta because
o Side Chikka: You know, when you according to Cainta, the principal business
become lawyers you will pay income tax of Uniwide is located in Cainta; hence, the
and you will likewise pay percentage tax tax shall be paid to it.
OR the 8% option which is already in lieu  RULING: The SC held that Uniwide can rely
of the income tax and the percentage tax. on the location of the property as reflected
Nonetheless, that still covers the in the title. Since the title indicates that the
payment of percentage tax. Since the property is located in the City of Pasig and
subject matter is already covered by a Uniwide had already relied on it when it
National Tax then that subject matter first filed an application for issuance of
can no longer be a subject matter of a Mayor’s permit. So Uniwide must
local tax – RULE ON PRE-EMPTION. continuously pay to Pasig and NOT to
So balik tayo sa conclusion sa ANS, pare…

 Hence, the City Treasurer of Valenzuela NOTE: Kindly remember this case daw,
cannot impose percentage tax on the gross pare, because you will encounter another case
receipts of the BATAS Law. kanu met.

vis-à-vis Sta. Lucia Case

 This case is different daw, pare! The Effect of Late Filing and Late Payment of Taxes
title describes a different metes and
Under the LGC:
bounds. So VP Barlis will discuss this
particular case when we reach real (1) An interest of 2% per month shall be
property taxation. imposed but it shall not exceed a period of
36 months
BAR Q: Napakahaba, pare. Sana wag kang (2) A surcharge of 25% can be likewise
magalit, pare, kung screenshot kinuha ko, pare.

NOTE: This 2% interest per month and

the 25% surcharge must be indicated in
the tax ordinance. If there is no provision imposing
interests and surcharges, the same cannot be
imposed by the LGU.

CASE: NAPOCOR v. City of Cabanatuan

 FACTS: The City of Cabanatuan imposed a

25% surcharge which was computed on an
annual basis.
 RULING: This computation of the surcharge
ANS: is oppressive and unconscionable. The main
intention of the Congress is to impose the
25% ng minsanan at hindi every year.
Further, LGU cannot collect a total interest
on the unpaid tax including surcharge that
is effectively higher than 72%. Here,
respondent applied the 25% cumulative
surcharge for more than three years. Its
computation undoubtedly exceeded the 72%
ceiling imposed under Section 168 of the
 Side Chikka: She loves this case daw, pare.
All this time prior to the promulgation of the
case, she thought daw that the City
Government can impose 2% per month but
not exceeding 36 months. So that is basically
2% multiplied by 36 months, eh di 72, pare!
Kaso here is the catch, pare, the 72% does
NOT only pertain to the 2% interest
because in the abovementioned case, the
72% is ALSO applicable to surcharge. Awit!
(a) This is meritorious because Kalookan City,
which is the principal office, cannot collect the
sales consummated in the branches. The LGU
which has jurisdiction over the branch offices shall
collect the same.

(b) No. A professional tax receipt shall be effective

and applicable ANYWHERE in the Philippines.
Obviously, this contention is not meritorious.
NOTE: And take note, the lien may only be extinguished
upon full payment of the delinquent local taxes,
fees, and charges, including, of course, surcharges
and interests.

 Another remedy of the government is called


- always remember the limit that the

imposition of interest does not exceed 72%

It is governed by Sec. 194, LGC. Under sec 194, the

Remedies of the Government LGU must assess the tax within:
 These are the remedies that the government - 5 years from the date the taxes become due.
may avail of when the taxpayer did not pay So, dapat alam mo kung kailan ang due date
his or her tax liability ng mga taxes. Usually January 1 yan of the
 Local Government’s Lien
 This is the same as the tax lien which Q ano to? Date of accrual or date of payment?
has been discussed under Tax Remedies.
A Date required by law for the taxpayer to pay
 LGC: Local taxes, fees, charges and other
the tax.
revenue constitute a lien, SUPERIOR to
all liens, charges or encumbrances in
favor of any person, enforceable by
There is also a principle called EXTRAORDINARY
appropriate administrative or judicial
PERIOD to assess.
action, not only upon any property or
rights therein which may be subject to - The extraordinary period to assess is 10
the lien but also upon property used in years counted from the date of the discovery
business, occupation, practice of of the fraud or intent to evade the tax.
profession or calling, or exercise of
privilege with respect to which the lien is
imposed. Walang omission to file a return kasi walang returns
 The lien may only be extinguished upon to be filed pagdating sa local taxes kaya hindi
full payment of the delinquent local taxes kasama ang omission of filing of a return. That is
fees and charges including related applicable only with respect to national taxes.
surcharges and interests.

Q ano lang ang hindi covered dito?

Q until when can the government collect?

A Ang hindi covered dito eh yung FAMILY
A the government can collect within a period of
HOME mo kasi hindi mo naman yan ginagamit for 5 years from the date of assessment. So, kung
business or profession, hindi yan part ng local
icocompare natin sa NIRC, 3-3, 10-5-5, pag LGC, 5-
government’s lien. 5, 10-5. (period to assess and period to collect
ordinary and extraordinary)
 COLLECTION may be made through: 2. Administrative Remedies

1. Levy (sec 175)

2. Distraint (sec 176)
3. Judicial action

So, para din ba yang sa NIRC? OO, same concepts.

The period to collect and assess can also be


1. When the treasurer is legally prevented from

making the assessment or collection;
2. When the taxpayer requests for a a. If the taxpayer wants to question the
reinvestigation and executes a waiver in constitutionality or legality of a tax
writing before expiration of the period within ordinance or revenue measures, the
which to assess or collect; and taxpayer must file an appeal with the
sec 187, LGC.
- the difference in the NIRC is that the
suspension be granted. In local
taxation even though not needed to be Take note, this particular procedure will apply only
granted, there is a need to file a when there is a question on the constitutionality or
waiver legality of a tax ordinance.

3. The taxpayer is out of the country or

otherwise cannot be located The appeal must be filed within 30 days from the
effectivity of the ordinance.
- This is also provided under the NIRC.
Only that if you talk about the other
instances, wala dito noh. So, etong b. When the appeal is already filed before the
tatlo lang ang meron. SoJ, the SoJ has a period of 60 days from
the date of the receipt of the appeal to decide
on the appeal.

REMEDIES OF THE TAXPAYER c. If the SoJ issued a decision or in cases of an

action, the TP can file the appropriate action
in court (RTC) within 30 days after the
1. Remember, the No Injunction Rule is NOT receipt of the decision or the lapse of the 60-
applicable under the LGC. day period. Take note that the lapse of 60-
day period is considered an implied denial.
i. This particular remedy will be
- Unlike the NIRC, the LGC does not contain extensively discussed by VP Barlis
any specific provision prohibiting courts because this remedy is applicable to
from enjoining the collection of local taxes. real property taxes as well.

Q Can the taxpayer file a case for injunction in

order to enjoin the collection of a local tax?

A Yes. That is allowed.

3. Protest e. RTC will exercise its original jurisdiction over
the case. Therefore, when the TP is aggrieved
by the decision of the RTC, the TP can elevate
it to the CTA division.
i. mag-CTA en banc ka lang kung ang
RTC ay exercising its appellate
jurisdiction. But, if RTC exercises its
original jurisdiction, then the NEXT
LEVEL is CTA Division.

f. The next is motion for new trial or motion for

- If the TP has already received an assessment reconsideration before the CTA Division
and does not really want to question the
legality of the ordinance, the TP can file a
Protest. g. If denied, then proceed to CTA en banc.

a. Before a TP can file a protest, there has to be h. Supreme Court

a determination on whether the LGU issued
a Notice of Assessment. In order for a
document to be constituted as a NOA, the - TAKE NOTE: In this particular case where
document must indicate: the nature of the the TP will question the constitutionality or
tax/fee.charge, the amount of the deficiency, legality of an ordinance, the TP may file a
the amount of the surcharge, interest and case for declaratory relief which, I will
penalties. repeat, will be discussed under Real Property
i. If the document does not contain this Tax.
material information, then the
document will not be treated as NOA.

b. Upon the receipt of NOA, the TP can now file

a Protest within a period of 60 days from the
receipt of the NOA.
i. Take note, payment under protest is
not necessary with respect to local
taxes. Payment under protest is
mandatory only when it pertains to
erroneous assessment of real
property taxes.

c. Upon the receipt of the protest, the City

Treasurer has a period of 60 days to decide.

d. If the City treasurer did not decide within the TAKE NOTE: This process shall be applicable in
period of 60 days, such action will be cases of PROTEST - meaning there has to be a
considered an implied denial and the TP can disputed assessment.
file the appropriate action before the RTC.
i. This particular appeal before the RTC
is considered as an action that is
incapable of pecuniary estimation SEC. 7 of RA 9282 provides that the CTA Division
kasi ang ina-act dito ay yung denial shall have jurisdiction over:
of protest. So kahit may amount pa
1. Decisions of inaction of the Commissioner of
ng tax sa protest, di mo pwedeng
Internal Revenue involving DROP cases;
sabihin na ang gagamitin ay
1. Decisions, orders, or resolutions of the
jurisdictional amount kasi ang issue
RTC in local tax cases originally decided
dito ay W/N the denial is proper and
or resolved by them in the exercise of
that is incapable of pecuniary
their original or appellate jurisdiction;
estimation kaya RTC yan kaagad.
2. Decisions of the Commissioner of Customs In the case of City Treasurer of Manila vs. Phil
in cases involving liability for custom duties, Beverages Partners (2019), this is the case where
etc; the taxpayer received an assessment and thereafter
the taxpayer filed a protest after which, the
taxpayer paid the tax then the taxpayer received
TAKE NOTE: Dito sa Sec. 7, hindi dinivide kung en
denial of the protest; and since it had received a
banc or division.
denial of the protest the taxpayer an appeal within
the 30 days from the receipt of the protest. So in
the appeal, the taxpayer also claiming for a refund
Just remember: ORIGINAL (RTC) - CTA Division; of the taxes that it had paid.
APPELLATE (RTC) - CTA En Banc (legal basis:
Revised Rules of Procedure of Court of Tax Appeals)

So and sabi hindi daw pwede kasi nag appeal na

daw siya.
4. Refund: What are the remedies of the TP when
TP paid the tax?

The SC held that there are two conditions that

must be satisfied in order to successfully prosecute
a. It is mandatory that the TP files a claim for an action for refund in case the taxpayer had
written claim for refund before the Local
received an assessment. Take note that this
particular quote pertains to refund when the
i. If there is no compliance with this
particular requirement, the judicial taxpayer received an assessment.
claim for refund must be denied. This
requirement is mandatory.
ii. After filing the written claim for One, pay the tax and administratively assail within
refund, the taxpayer can await the 60 days the assessment before the local treasurer
decision. Such waiting period must whether in a letter protest or in a claim of refund.
not exceed 2 years from the date of
payment because both written claim
for refund filed with local treasurer
and judicial claim for refund shall be So ang sinasabi dito, pagkareceive ng assessment,
filed within a period of 2 years from pwede siyang magbayad, and file the necessary
the date of payment protest within 60 days or file a claim for refund.

b. Judicial claim for refund (MTC/RTC)

Second, bring an action in court within 30 days
from the decision or inaction of the local treasurer
Judicial claim may either be filed with MTC or RTC whether such action is denominated as an appeal
(base of jurisdictional amount = applying BP 129) or a claim of refund of illegally collected tax.

● MTC -> RTC -> CTA en banc So dito, anong ginawa ng TP? Since nga na may
● RTC -> CTA division -> CTA en banc protest na nadeny, nag file siya ng appeal sa court.
Pero, nag seek na din siya ng refun nung file siya
ang appeal sa court. Sabi ng Supreme Court pwede
In one of the case, the SC held that the taxpayer
daw yun.
facing an assessment may protest AND
alternatively (1) appeal the assessment in court; or
(2)pay the tax and thereafter, seek a refund.
This is a new case and might as well consider this
seriously. This has not been discussed in the bar
Thus, a taxpayer who had protested and paid an exam.
assessment is not precluded from later on
instituting an action for refund or credit.
CITY of MANILA v. GRECIA Kasi nga for regulation and inspection yan. Walang
tax exemption or tax incentive pagdating sa
FACTS: a complaint for refund was filed in the regulatory fees.
RTC. The RTC granted the application for writ of
preliminary injunction because the LGU was
already collecting the tax. The City of Manila filed a
MR but was denied by the RTC. And by reason of This grant can only apply with respect to taxes. And
the denial of the RTC, the City of Manila filed a when the LGU has granted immunity from local
special action for certiorari with the CA. The CA taxes, then the LGU will issue a tax exemption
dismissed the petition for certiorari holding that it certificate which is non- transferable.
has no jurisdiction over the said petition.

However, in the grant of tax exemption, the IRR of

ISSUE: Does the CTA have jurisdiction over a the Local Government Code provide for several
special civil action for certiorari? exemptions, to wit:

SC: The power of the CTA includes that of

determining whether or not there has been abuse
of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
jurisdiction on the part of the RTC.

So, notwithstanding the fact that RA 9282 does not

include actions dealing with certiorari then it does
not follow that it is not included.

Because SC provides that notwithstanding the fact

that it is not included in the enumeration, it
follows that the CTA, by constitutional mandate, is
vested with jurisdiction to issue writs of certiorari
in these cases.


Of course, in this particular case where the CTA
has jurisdiction over the main case such as in the - a form of property tax
case of local taxes. - is not just confined with real property tax,
although currently what we have right now is
that property taxation is mainly dealing with
TAX EXEMPTION / TAX INCENTIVES real property taxes.

Property taxation is not just confined with real

Grant of tax exemption, tax incentive, or tax relief property.
shall not apply to regulatory fees which are levied
For example:
under the police power of LGU’s.
Tax imposed by reason of the existence of
property, then it is a property tax.

Issuance of a tax exemption certificate shall be Is motor vehicle registration fee a property tax?
non-transferable. - No. because in a motor vehicle registration,
the purpose is not having a motor vehicle but
on the use of the road. The registration fee is
more on a road usage tax not the use of
motor vehicle itself.
For example: But the technical description and plotting
If having a motor vehicle for display, it will not be of the title, it would appear that the
used for traversing roads. Hence not liable for the property is located in the municipality of
motor vehicle registration fee.
- Different if the tax is imposed on having a
Can the city of pasig impose RPT on the
motor vehicle, then it will be a property tax.
property of santa lucia since the title is
registered in such city?
SC Ruling:
In the imposition of RPT, important that
Real property taxation is a system of
the property be unquestionable located in
administration, appraisal, assessment, levy, and
the territorial jurisdiction of the LGU. For
collection of taxes imposed on real property. authority be present, it should not be
As a property tax, the touchstone of liability is doubted that the property be located
having a taxable real property within the within the taxing authority.
jurisdiction of the taxing authority.
The title itself would raise doubts as to the
- The fact that there is a real property gives location of the property. Being registered
rise to a tax liability. under the city of pasig but the technical
- Applying territorial principle, the property
description shows a different location
which is cainta
must be situated in the territorial jurisdiction
of the taxing authority.
There could be no reliance on the title
alone for purposes of imposing RPT. The
better thing to do is allow the taxpayer to
Principle of Territoriality
deposit the amount in escrow such that
- A taxing authority cannot go beyond its
whatever be the turn out of the boundary
territorial jurisdiction. This applies to real
dispute between Pasig and Cainta would
property taxation.
be determinative which LGU would get the
property tax.

Municipality of Cainta vs. Pasig

There is a boundary dispute.

UNIWIDE sales has a business paying local
tax in the city of Pasig.
Sta. Lucia Realty vs Pasig
The title of the property is registered in the
Municipality of Cainta vs. Pasig city of pasig.

- In these two cases, the important question is: Since the boundary dispute between the
Can we rely on a certificate of title for purposes two LGU, cainta was also demanding
of imposing real property tax?
payment from uniwide for local business
Sta. Lucia Realty vs Pasig
UNIWIDE decided to pay LBT in the
municipality of CAINTA.
The city of pasig having a boundary
dispute with the municipality of cainta.
Since UNIWIDE was paying LBT to Cainta,
Santa lucia has a property where the title
UNIWIDE was no longer willing to pay RPT
appears that the property is registered in
in the City of Pasig.
the city of pasig.
implicates in another locality. Such title
cannot be relied on.


- Sec. 198 of the LGC

Very important as they were asked in BAR

questions: identify the fundamental principles.

Thus Pasig is also demanding from (a) FMV is the price for which a seller is not
UNIWIDE. compelled to sell is willing to sell and the price
upon which a buyer is compelled to buy.
UNIWIDE answered the City of pasig that it (b) Classification shall be based on actual use.
had paid the tax in CAINTA. RPT should (c) Offshoot in the requirement of the constitution
not also be paid in the CITY of pasig. on the uniformity of taxes. RULE ON
(d) was asked in BAR, should not be let to any
Can we rely on the certificate of title? private person, a power that must be exercised by
the LGU and cannot be DELEGATED
Supreme Court Ruling: (e) offshoot of the constitutional requirement of
- Yes, we can rely on the Certificate of title taxes to be equitable.
because the certificate is presumed correct
in so far as the items are mentioned
Real properties that are subject to Real
therein. Since there is that presumption, Property Tax:
we can also presume that the property is Section 232, LGC
really located within the LGU of which the Land, building, machinery, and other
improvement not hereinafter specifically

- the LGC does not specifically identify or give

meaning to real properties but provides that
such RPT would be imposed on the items
stated in Sec. 232.

Article 415 Civil Code

- enumerates different real properties
title is registered.
Do we adhere to what is provided in the civil code?
- no doubt that the items in Art. 415 are indeed
Since registered in Pasig, it is property that real property even if for taxation purposes.
Pasig would get the real property tax. - IF NOT IN 415? Do we consider it as real

HOW TO COMPARE? Caltex vs. Central Board Of Assessment

- Opinion: SC is telling us that still we can rely Appeals
on the certificate of title to determine upon
which the property is located, even if there is a Caltex constructing a gas station within a
boundary dispute between adjoining LGUs. leased property.
- Exceptional situation is sited in Sta. Lucia, on Upon expiration of the lease term, the
the face of the title itself there seems to be a items would be removed from the
problem. Where the property is registered in property.
one city but the technical description
Would the removed items be considered as
real property?
- If applying 415, they are not real property
because they are not immobilized by

SC Ruling:
They are considered as real properties for
taxation purposes. Falls within the
enumeration provided by law “land, Provincial Assessor of Agusan Del Sur vs.
building, machinery and other Filipinas Palm Plantation
NDC transferred the parcels of land to CARL
For as long as there is some degree of beneficiaries who formed a cooperative
permanence, even if that degree is quite Filipinas Palm and the Cooperative executed
temporary, or at the very least some a lease agreement
degree of permanence it was maintained
within the property, then it will be Are the parcels of land subjects to real
considered as real property for taxation property tax?
purposes. Are the road equipment and mini haulers
used by Filipinas in transporting the fruits
“Machinery” that it harvested subject to tax?

(focus on the 2nd question)

The characterization of machinery as real

property is governed by the LGC and not the
Should it be attached on the ground to be
civil code.
considered real property?
- No. Even those that are not permanently
What is being discussed are properties
considered as real property for taxation
attached to the property, the machinery
purposes but not real property by civil code
may be considered as real property.
- Take note of the requirement: ADE used to
meet the particular needs of the industry,
Capital Wireless vs. Provincial Treasurer
business or activity. And by the very nature
of Batangas
and purpose designed for.
Are submarine or undersea communication
cables akin to electric transmission lines?
Are submarine or undersea communication
cables considered real property?
As to basis

Real properties may be classified to various

- Sec. 28(3) Article 6: ADE used for religious
 Residential – for habitation
- Sec. 4(3) Art. 14: non-stock, non-profit
 Agricultural – for planting of trees, raising educational institution; ADE in educational
of crops, livestock and poultry, dairying, purposes.
salt making, inland fishing and similar
aqua cultural activities
 Commercial – devoted for profit Exemption from property tax by reason of Local
 Industrial – industrial activity Government Code
 Mineral – minerals, metallic or non-
metallic, exist
- For as long as there is commercial
 Timberland
 Special – hospitals, cultural, or scientific
purposes, and those owned and used by
local water districts, and GOCCs in the
supply and distribution of water and/or
generation and transmission of electric
- Very important as this was asked in bar
Actual use of Real Property as Basis for and used in cases decided by the SC.
Real property shall be classified, valued and (a) If owned by the RP, then exempt. Unless when
assessed on the basis of its actual use regardless used by a taxable person.
of where located, whoever owns it, and whoever (b) Not just statutory but in fact constitutional
uses it. (Sec. 28[3] Art. 6 of the Constitution)
- one of the fundamental principle of RPT as
provided in the LGC.

For example:
A building may be owned by the church but if the
church is not using it for religious purposes, then
it would not be classified as a property used for
religious purposes. The property shall be assessed
based on how it is actually used. REGARDLESS OF
WHO OWNS IT, WHO USES IT OR LOCATED (c) RA 6938: as amended by New Coop code.
- Mere ownership will give rise to an
- If used for a specific purpose, it is the exception.
determinative factor

General rule: If real property, then be subject to


Exception: if the law otherwise provides.

- Who is the one - Use determines
liable for the real exemption.
property tax.
Eg. if a property is
GR: it is the owner owned by the
who will be liable for church, but the
the property tax. church does not
If a government owned corporation will claim - Ownership need the property in
exemption, take a look at the charter of the determines liability the meantime and
corporation. leased it to another
person for
When was the exemption given? commercial
- If charter was prior to the LGC in 1991, purposes. Because
then exemption is withdrawn. the property is used
- If the charter is after the enactment of the for non-exempt
LGC, then the legislative intention was to purposes, then it is
grant exemption to that governmental taxable.
- Who will be liable?
Classifications: Liability is on the
church since it is
the owner applying
Doctrine of

For example: 234 (a)(d). as they are owned by RP

and Cooperatives. What if the owner is exempt from real property
tax? But the property is a taxable property?
- Concept of beneficial use.


- Whoever is the beneficial user shall be the
one liable for the property tax.

- dealing with the character of the real Estate of Concordia Lim vs. City of
property itself. Manila
- 234 (c); 234(e)
Concordia lim owning property in the city of
Concordia lim is leasing the property to
various tenants.
Obtained a loan from GSIS and mortgaged
the property.
For failure to pay the obligation, GSIS
foreclosed the mortgage.
GSIS was declared as the winning bidder in
the foreclosure sale, GSIS was able to
DOCTRINE OF OWNERSHIP vs. DOCTRINE OF consolidate ownership.
USAGE GSIS is a tax exempt entity. (including RPT)
- The ownership of a - In usage GSIS did not pay RPT.
property is mainly exemption, it is the Concordia lim decided to repurchase the
determinative of use that is properties from GSIS.
the liability. determinative of CITY of manila discovered that during the
exemption. years when GSIS was the owner, there was
no payment of RPT. But the property was a purposes but also for scientific, educational
taxable property. and similar purposes.
Now manila wants to claim the RPT. Also includes that UP shall be the one liable
Concordia lim: during the years in question, for the RPT , if any, on the land.
she was neither the owner or used the For improvements, AYALA should be
property during that time. Thus no liability. responsible for the RPT on the
City of Manila: real property tax attaches on improvements as they will be the one who
the property itself. Whoever the owner. Thus will construct the improvement.
the current owner Concordia lim should be QC claims RPT for the land and the
liable. improvements constructed.
The charter of UP, UP shall be exempt from
SC Ruling: all forms of taxes.
No. Concordia lim should not be liable. The Improvements: there is liability for RPT on
liability on the tax rests upon the owner. the improvements and the liability rests on
During that time it was GSIS as the owner. AYALA land.
Since GSIS is exempt, City of Manila cannot
run after GSIS. As for the land on which the techno hub is
Who is liable for property tax?
- It should have been the beneficial SC:
users. The lesees who will be liable Relying on the charter of the UP, UP is not
for the RPT. But in the end not liable. liable for RPT although by contract, UP shall
be liable for RPT, “if any”. Thus there is no
Why? liability on that particular land considering
- They were not made liable because the nature of the exemption of the charter of
they were not impleaded as parties in UP.
the case.
NOTE: the beneficial user is the on liable. Would AYALA land be liable for the land?

GSIS vs. Manila City Treasurer not also. SC traced back the reason for the
construction of the techno hub. Because the
techno hub will be used in furtherance of
GSIS, GOV CORPORATION, charter provides educationally related purposes of UP, then
for tax exemption. the techno hub shall be free from property
GSIS owns properties in the city of manila. tax.
One included is where manila hotel stands. UP nor AYALA land should be responsible
It is a situation where the property is taxable for real property tax on the land itself.
but the owner is exempt.

Who is liable for RPT?

SC – the beneficial user should be the one
liable for the tax.
- MIAA being the operator of NAIA is being
UP V. TREASURER OF QUEZON CITY subjected to RPT by the City of Paranaque.
(2019) (MUST READ) - MIAA argued of being a government
instrumentality, thus not liable for RPT
UP owns a property in Diliman QC. contending that RP is the owner of the
UP entered into an agreement with AYALA airport. MIAA is just administrator in behalf
land for purposes of constructing a techno of the RP.
hub. - Certain parts are being leased to tenants or
The agreement provides that techno hub concessionaires.
would be used not only for commercial
Should MIAA be liable for RPT?
HELD: - This case goes in tandem with MIAA case.
- Earlier case of Mactan V. Marcos: the - If the PFDA will not be able to pay the
airport aurhtority is not an instrumentality property tax, the LGU will find other ways it
of the government thus subject to tax. can enforce the tax liability without having
- In this case, the SC: did not adopt mactan to sell the fish port at public auction.
case. - The fish port cannot be the subject of
execution or tax sales it being a property of
- MIAA is considered as an instrumentality of the government.
the government. It is in the extent - A government instrumentality again, not
performing regulatory function, though not the beneficial user, is being subjected to
a government corporation. Because it can tax.
neither be treated as a stock or non-stock
corporation, thusnot a government
corporation. CITY OF PASIG vs. RP
- A property was given back to the
- It is an instrumentality thus not subject to government by a marcos crony after the
RPT. Any assessment made by the City of ousting of Pres. Marcos.
Paranaque should be cancelled. - The property is a commercial property being
leased to tenants.
- As to the portion leased to concessionaires: - As it was returned to the ownership of the
to areas which are being leased to private RP, the City of Pasig wanted to levy RPT.
entities, the tax exemption ceases. Because - The RP did not want to pay the tax relying
referring to Sec. 234 (a) of the LGC, on sec. 234 (a)
properties are exempt if they are owned by
the RP, etc. except if the beneficial use is HELD:
granted to a taxable person. - the property is taxable as it is used for non-
- If the beneficial use had been granted to a exempt purposes. But the one liable will be
taxable person, the exemption no longer the RP invoking the exception in 234 (a) of
operates. the LGC. The tax exemption ceases since
the property was being leased to tenants.
Who will become taxable? - Why RP? The SC went to use the trend in
MIAA, PDFA. Even the government is being
- SC: upheld the assessment against MIAA. taxed instead of the application of the
- Even the government may be subjected to Beneficial User.
tax once the beneficial use had been
granted to a taxable person. Opinion: the better ruling is in the decisions of
- (in this case, it goes against the principle Concorida lim, UP case etc.
that the beneficial user will be the one to
pay the tax)
How to resolve
- Suggestion by sir: STILL APPLY THE
- There is a fishport, owned by the - Why? because it is the correct application
government (PFDA). of our law, it contains a better reasoning.
- Iloilo wants to impose RPT on the fish port. More wisdom in context. Following the
cases of MIAA, PFDA and PASIG more
Is the fish port subject to property tax? problematic.
- Can still use those decisions as it remains
HELD: to be valid jurisprudence.
- SC: the fish port itself is not subject to RPT. - But make sure that the line of reasoning is
However, for those portions of the fish port that of the SC.
where the beneficial use is granted to - Local taxation: a LGU cannot assert
private or taxable entities, then there will be authority over the national government.
liability for property tax.

- LRTA operates the LRT system in manila.
- LRTA has a charter prior to the enactment
of the LGC.
- There was tax exemption. Because of the
blanket revocation of RPT. LGU wanted to
collect RPT from LRTA. - Survey of the cases in connection with the
- LRTA countered no liability because of the exemption would reveal the
charter and that it is providing mass abovementioned entities.
transportation. Thus free from tax. Its - The list is not exclusive as there are others.
carriage ways are also akin to roads. Roads FAMILIARIZE
are not subject to RPT.


- the charter was enacted prior to enactment - Mactan v marcos does not already apply.
of LGC. Any exemption was already
revoked. The fact that the LRTA is providing SC: MCIAA is already a government
mass transportation is in the nature of a instrumentality thus not subject to RPT.
proprietary venture thus taxable also. there
is no automatic exemption simply because
LRTAs property is used for the benefit of the Bar Questions:
public. The LRT carriage ways are not like
roads. They are above the road.
- The carriage ways are used for the exclusive
use of the LRT system. Not like roads which
are open to the public and can be traversed
by anybody.
- LRTA is subject to RPT.



- the question is similar to LRTA case.

- Government corporation being subjected to
- SC in LRTA: there is liability.
- Going back to the listing of
instrumentalities. PNR is one of the
instrumentalities exempt from property tax.
- PNR is not subject to tax being an
instrumentality of the government.
- Lung center being a government hospital
a.) reclaimed properties, the PH reclamation created as a charitable hospital.
authority is among the instrumentalities of the - Portions of the lung center is being leased
government. to an orchidarium
- Other portions used by lung center.
Reclaimed properties are considered properties of - The lung center had some issues because
the RP, as such, they will not be subject to tax. some of it are being leased to doctors using
portions of the bldg. as clinics. Accepting
b.) not be the same. In this case, the properties patients who are not patients of lung
owned by the RP, the beneficial use is granted to center.
a taxable person. Therefore there will be liability - Hospital is accepting paying and charity
for property tax. patients.
- The payments are reverted to the operation
The ones to be liable will be the RP in the of the hospital.
application of jurisprudence like MIAA, PFDA etc.
Is lung center liable for RPT?
But if you are to apply the Rule on Beneficial
owner, the one liable for said tax will be the - Only with respect with certain portions
tenants or lessees. such as those leased to the orchidarium. It
is not ADE used for exempt purpose.
- The portions used as clinics are also
subject to RPT because for a property to be
ADE used for an exempt person, exclusively
would mean solely. While being used as
clinic, the patients are not always patients
of LUNG center, thus the portion leased to
doctors are not solely for the operation of
Lung Center.
- The hospital, portion used by charity is
- because the property is now being used by exempt. The portion used by paying
a taxable person. There is liability for patients are also exempt. Because the mere
property tax. it is but proper be subjected acceptance of a paying patients does not
to real property tax assessment. negate the charitable nature of the hospital.
- The liability rests on the beneficial user or for as long as whatever amounts generated
the City R. from the paying patient are used for the
finance of the hospital operations. It
remains to be a charitable hospital.
- Opinion: the leasing of the other portion to
concessionaires (canteen) can be considered
as taxable.

- The third building for dormitory purposes:

Opinion ni sir: not subject to tax as it is
still an educational function of the school.
The dormitories are for student athletes in
furtherance of the educational purpose for
which San Juan is established. Thus, still
exempt from tax.

b. Being a NSNP, for as long as the income can be

proven to be ADE used for educational purposes,
regardless of the source, the income will be
exempt from income tax.
a. The ½ portion leased to the mall is subject to
RPT. It is not used for an exempt purpose.
ADE used by local water districts
Opinion: As for the hospital, it is subject to
property tax. there is no evidence that the hospital
is being operated as a charitable hospital.
accepting charitable or paying patients. It did not
disclose the use of the payments. Did not disclose
the nature of the hospital. LUNG CENTER factual
basis does not exist here.

The portion used for the school is exempt

The church with cemetery is exempt. Consistent
- NAPOCOR is being imposed with RPT.
with exempt uses.
- It entered into a contract with MIRANT.
b. Even if an entity is a tax exempt entity under - In the agreement, MIRANT will construct a
sec. 30 of the NIRC, the income is subject to tax if power facility under a BOT scheme.
the income is derived from an activity conducted - NAPOCOR agreed to shoulder the
for profit or from the use of the property it is responsibility for RPT.
taxable irrespective how the income is used. - The LGU wanted to collect the RPT on the
machineries/ power facility.
- MIRANT is resisiting because of the agreement
- NAPOCOR is questioning the assessment
as it is claiming exemption under 234(c)

SC Ruling:
- 234 (c) is not available because the
a. Two of the buildings are devoted to classrooms, machineries and equipment should be ADE
bookstore, etc. thus not subject to property tax. used by the Government Corporation. It
the school buildings are used for educational should be NAPOCOR who is using it but
purposes. rather it was MIRANT.
- Even if eventually the ownership would
pass to NAPOCOR under the BOT scheme,
in the meantime, the use of the machinery
is on MIRANT.
- Thus the machineries are subject to RPT.


Is Section 234(e) applicable?

- 234 (d) provides for ownership type of

- Being owned by a cooperative, it would
already be exempt.
- As to the question: resolved under AGUSAN
- Section 234(e) provides for exemption based on
USE. It is the actual use which is
determinative of exemption. It is not the
potential use neither is it the intended use of
the property.

- In order to enjoy exemption, the property be


- The structure became non-operational in

1993, no longer actually used for pollution
- There will be no liability for RPT by the
Cooperative itself and the lessee as well. - 234 (e) concerns machinery or equipment used
- Why not similar to lands owned by the RP? for pollution control and environmental
There is a difference between 234 a and 234 protection.
(d) - The problem deals with structure. 234 (e) does
- 234 (a) provides “except when the beneficial not cover structures.
use is given to taxable person” - Thus there is liability for property tax.
- 234 (d) has no such provision. For as long as
owned by a cooperative, then exempt from
taxes for both coop and lessee.

Structure intended for pollution control and

environmental protection.

Section 234(e)
Machinery and equipment used for pollution
control and environmental protection Situation that is exempting property owners
from idle land tax only
- If the owner does not declare his property
for taxation purposes, the administrator of
that property is the one who will declare the
property for taxation purposes.

- If the owner and the administrator will not

declare the property voluntarily – the
assessor has the power to declare the
property for taxation purposes.
- Consequence: The assessor can make an
REAL PROPERTY TAX ADMINISTRATION assessment for a back tax for a period of 10
Who are authorized to levy real property taxes?
Real property taxation is a system of imposing  Obligation of the assessors and registers of
taxes upon real properties; System of deeds to monitor the property and declare it
administering tax of real properties. for taxation purposes.

Levying of real property tax can be done only by If in the process of their performance of their
Provinces and Cities, and Municipalities within functions, they encounter upon real properties
Metro Manila area, which are authorized to levy within the locality, there is a corresponding
real property tax. obligation that the property must be monitored and
declared for taxation purposes.
Take note:
- Municipalities are not authorized to levy
real property taxes. For instance:
Registers of deeds are required to compare the list
- The power to levy, being a power of of registry of properties versus that of the
taxation, must be exercised by the assessment rolls of the assessor.
lawmaking of the government. In this case, The purpose of which is to see whether there are
the lawmaking body of the local government properties that are in the registry that may not be
– therefore, it’s the Local Sanggunian that in the assessment rolls, and therefore a
must enact an ordinance that will levy real reconciliation will give rise to the possibility of
property tax. declaring a property for taxation purposes.

- Local Chief Executive cannot levy real

property tax. It must be the Local  Obligation of the geodetic engineers to
Legislative Body. declare properties that they survey, giving
copy of that and declare the same to the
assessor’s office for purposes of monitoring.
How will a real property fall within the ambit of
the real property tax system?
Tax declaration in itself is not an evidence of
There are certain obligations imposed by law, ownership of a property.
particularly the Local Government Code, on some - Its evidentiary value is limited only to the
persons for purposes of real property taxation. fact that a person declares a property for
taxation purposes.
 Obligation of the owner to declare his - If a property is an unregistered land, and is
property for taxation purposes. actually possessed by a person in an open,
continuous, exclusive and notorious
- Tax declaration manner, coupled with the fact that he is
- the owner goes to the assessor’s office, files declaring the property for taxation purposes
a sworn declaration of real property and paying taxes thereon – may give a
ownership – this will commence the process collective evidence that the person is the
by which that real property will fall within owner of the property
the ambit of the real property tax system.
Procedure in the adoption of a real property tax The Local Government Code merely states that
system there can be no increase more than once every 3
In order to have a real property tax system – this is If the purpose is to decrease, there can be no
a function of the Local Sanggunian in enacting an prohibition regarding that.
ordinance concerning the real property tax system
/ ordinance. Question: The City of Baguio revised its schedule of
- The function is not necessarily just fair market values. There were certain irregularities
executed solely by the Sangguinan that have been committed. There were principles
that were not followed. Can the City enact another
Procedure in the adoption of a real property tax ordinance within 3 years?
system: 2 ASPECTS Yes, even if it is within 3 years, if the purpose is to
downgrade the schedule of the fair market value.
1. The preparation of Schedule of Fair Market But if the purpose is to increase, then it could not
Values be done more than once every 3 years.
- Main function of the assessor’s office –
taking into consideration the valuation of
properties in a particular local government Real property shall be classified, valued and
unit. assessed on the basis of its actual use
- Sanggunian comes into play when the Another principle under Section 198
ordinance is being enacted.
It is the actual use of the property that will be
2. The enactment of Ordinances: determinative of the classification and assessment.
- In the enactment of an ordinance, the
following must be done by the Local City Assessor of Cebu vs. Association of
Sanggunian. Benevola de Cebu

 Levying an annual ad valorem tax on real The hospital constructed a medical arts
property center. The purpose is to house its doctors
 Fixing the assessment levels and medical personnel.
 Appropriation to defray expenses incident The hospital itself is considered, for
to general revision of real property taxation purposes, as belonging to a special
assessments; and category.
The assessment is a special classification.
- Assessors are supposed to revalue
properties within a local government not What about the medical arts center?
oftener than once every 3 years.

 Adopting the Schedule of Fair Market

Values prepared by the assessors

Real property shall be appraised at current and - The City Assessor insists that it is
fair market value commercial in nature – to have a
One of the fundamental principles under Section higher assessment rate.
198, LGC - If it is commercial, it allows the City
to assess it up to 35% rate.
 Appraisal and assessment shall be made by - If it is special, it is 10%.
the assessor

 Assessment should not increase more than

once every 3 years

Question: Can it decrease?

2016 Bar

Supreme Court Ruling:

- Case of Benevola de Cebu

Procedure in Real Property Tax

- The medical arts center (MAC) is How would you know how much real property tax is
being used only by the accredited due with the local government?
doctors of the hospital How would you know your real property tax
- Because of this, it cannot be obligation?
classified as a separate commercial
entity because it is incidental to First, determine the fair market value of the
the operation of the hospital. property to be taxed
- A hospital is required to have a pool
of physicians, therefore it is but Who determines the FMV of the property to be
incidental for the hospital to come taxed?
up with a center where these  initially, it is the owner who declares the
accredited physicians would be able value – Sworn Declaration Of Real Property
to diagnose patients and treat Ownership where the owner declares his
patients. property and he also declares the valuation
- Therefore, since it is incidental, it is of the property.
not classified as commercial, but - Any declaration made by the owner will not
remains to be special in nature. be immediately believed as true because
this will still be validated by the assessors.
“incidental to the operation” – this concept  The assessors necessarily would have to
should not be applied when it comes to determine how much really is the FMV of
EXEMPTION from property tax. the property.

Incidental exemption is no longer recognized

by reason of the fact that the requirement is Second, determine the applicable assessment level
actual, direct, exclusive use for religious, of the property, taking into consideration of its
educational and charitable purposes. actual use
- Classification of uses of lands – Residential,
[current discussion] is dealing with agricultural, commercial, industrial,
CLASSIFICATION on the basis of ACTUAL USE mineral, timberland or special – these will
 The court allowed incidental use as the be determinative of the assessment level
basis of classifying the medical arts center
as Special and not Commercial. For example:
Real Property worth 1M – used for residential
The City of Baguio says that “for properties that
are used for residential purposes, we will assess it
at a 10% level” Are there other impositions?
The 1M FMV is NOT YET the basis of the tax.
It will still be multiplied by that assessment level Taxes in addition to the basis real property tax
for residential – 10%
X 10%
- This is the assessed value

Third, the fair market value shall be multiplied

with the applicable assessment level to determine
the assessed value – taxable value of the property
- Unless there are other adjustments that are - Take note this are possible impositions,
made by the Local Government, the depends on the LGU to impose it.
assessed value will be the taxable value of
the property. How to know if the land is idle?
- A land is idle if it is an agricultural land,
capable of being used as such, at least 1
Fourth, multiply the assessed value with the hectare in area, and at least 50% is
applicable real property tax rate based on the real unutilized. It will be considered idle thus
property tax ordinance of the province, city, or the imposition of IDLE LAND TAX.
municipality within Metro Manila.
- If nonagricultural land, at least 1k sq meters
in area, and 50% is unutilized, then
considered idle.

For example:
In Special assessment. There is a highway, there
are inner properties not in access to the highway.
If there is a road constructed in order to link the
inner properties to the highway, the owners of the
inner properties would benefit from it. However
the construction is funded by the LGU.

How much is the real property tax rate that is What can be done?
allowable? LGC provides that the LGU can recover part of
For Provinces: up to 1% the construction of the project by making a
For Cities and Municipalities (within metro special assessment.
manila): 2%

In the example (Real Property – Baguio City 1M)

Assessment level imposed by Baguio City for How done?
residential lot is: 10% The enactment of an ordinance levying special
The City of Baguio adopts 2% tax rate for cities. assessment. The ordinance should fix how much
would be the recovery. The LGC provides for a
1M (market value) ceiling of up to 60% of the actual cost of the
X 10% (assessment level) project.
100,000 (assessed value)
X 2% (rate of tax) - It is not a onetime imposition as there will
2,000 (Real Property Tax) be a period for recovery.
- The period should not be less than 5 but
 real property tax – annual obligation not more than 10 years.
- The RPT is known as the BASIC REAL PROPERTY TAX.
NOTE: under the LGC, if a property is exempt Notice of assessment
from property tax (like exempt by reason of Must contain:
usage), then they will not also be exposed to
Special Assessment

What if the taxpayer did not pay the tax?

- If one of the essential element is lacking,
What if the government wants to recover more than what then the assessment is not a notice of
is due? assessment.

MERALCO V. BARLIS (2001)(2002)(2004)

- Meralco received a notice form the LG of
- The Notice: “ginoo/ginang Meralco,
ipinababatid po naming na ayon sa aming
talaan mayroon kaung kaukulan buwis na
hindi nababayaran sa halagang Pxxxxxx.xx”
“marapat lang po na bayaran ang buwis sa
- Remedies in RPT may be remedies available loob ng (period)” “kung nagbayad na
to government and TP. maaring ipagpaliban ang patalastas na ito”
- Either government or TP, the remedy can
either be Administrative and Judicial IS IT A VALID NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT?

Remember: Ruling:
If the government is the one asserting itself of - NO, as it did not contain the proper
remedy, it need not comply with the DEAR. The contents of a notice of assessment. The
Government can assert itself of whatever remedy notice received by meralco is a mere
available for as long as it WILL NOT collection notice. It is not a NOA
- Why important to have a valid NoA? Upon
- If the taxpayer avails of the remedy: arriving at the TP’s remedies, you will see
GR: the TP must comply with DEAR. that once an assessment is issued, then the
TP can exercise the remedy of protesting
the assessment. If no assessment, then
REMEDIES OF THE GOVERNMENT there is nothing to protest. Thus relevant to
 Assessment find out if a NoA is issued.
 Collection

ASSESSMENT Who is entitled to Notice of Assessment?

- Remember: including the discovery, listing,

classification and appraisal of properties.

- If not registering the sale as the buyer, and

it turned out that there was tax
delinquency, it would still be the registered
owner who will be issued the notice. The b. Judicial action
buyer may not know that the property was
subjected to a tax sale as he/she is not the - 257 of the LGC provides that the
registered owner. administrative remedy of the government is
through levy. It is specific.

Who issues notice of assessment? Can the LGU administer other remedies? Like
distraint? Garnishment?
- There was no ruling or issuance of the LG
of Finance on the matter yet.

- OPINION NI SIR: since the LGC is very

explicit that the administrative action is
thru levy, then it precludes other
administrative act like distraint or levy.
Why? looking at the provision of PD 464
- last action of the assessor? Why?how? (Old RPT Code), it provides that a LG can
For example:
The TP believes the property is used for residential - administratively RPT thru levy, distraint,
purposes. The assessor is claiming that you are garnishment. There are even procedures
using it for commercial purposes. TP declare the identified by the old RPT code on how to
property for 1M. The assessor thinks 10M. exercise distraint or garnishment. All those
were not carried in the enactment of the
Can the TP go to the assessor and ask for LGC. So the basis is on the legislative
reconsideration? No. (Calianta v. Ombudsman) intention. PD 464 was repealed by the LGC.
Since the provision did not contain the old
provision on distraint or garnishment,
CALIANTA V. OMBUDSMAN legislative intention under statutory
SC emphasis: construction, it is to do away with such
The NoA by the assessor is the last action of the provision. Thus the thinking is
assessor. The Assessor cannot entertain motion for administrative remedy is only thru levy. If
reconsideration to lower the assessment. administrative remedy cannot be done, then
- There is a remedy which is to appeal to the judicial remedy can be an alternative.
LBAA. But the remedy as a TP is not to ask
for a reconsideration form the assessor.
 All assessments or reassessments made 1. ACCRUAL OF TAX V. DUE DATE OF
after the 1st day of January of any year PAYMENT
shall take effect on the 1st day of January of
the succeeding year. Accrual of tax is not the same with due date of
 Real property declared for the first time payment
shall be assessed for taxes for the period - RPT accrue on the first day of January. By
during which it would have been liable but accrual, the LGU would have the right to
in no case of more than 10 years prior to demand for RPT. The LGU right over the
the date of initial assessment tax already arises at the time. It is not the
 Back tax should only be limited to a 10 year fact that the TP must pay right away, it
period. simply means that the right already arises.
And that right will be enforced until the
time the due date arises.
COLLECTION - If the TP did not pay on or before the due
date. Then certain penalties can be
The collection mechanism can be imposed.
a. Administrative action thru levy
- Accrual is on Jan.1 . Due date is dependent - important because if we consider it as an
on the ordinance. ordinary civil action, appeal is to the CA.
certiorari is to the CA.
2. RPT PAYMENT CAN BE IN INSTALLMENT - If a tax case, then to the CTA.
- Not necessary that the TP pay the RPT on a
one time big time bases.
- Can be done in quarterly or installment CE Casecnan Water and Energy Co. v. Province
basis without incurring penalties. of Nueva Ecija

Is it a local tax case?

- But for TPs who pay promptly, they are In praying to restrain the collection of real property
entitled to tax discounts for advance tax, the TP also implicitly questions the propriety
payment depending on the tax ordinance. of the assessment of such tax. This is because in
- The tax ordinance would depend on the ruling as to whether to restrain the collection, the
LGU but the LGC authorizes the grant up RTC must first necessarily rule on the propriety of
to 20% of the RPT. the assessment. In other words, in filing an action
for injunction to restrain collection, the TP was in
effect also challenging the validity of the real
PERIOD OF COLLECTION property tax assessment.
- 5 from due date
- 10 years from the discovery in case of It is therefore a local tax case and nay appeal or
fraud. petition for certiorari to question the RTC’s Orders
should be brought before the CTA and not the CA.


- Interest of 2% per month up to a maximum
of 36 months.



This case is a building permit case, but borrowed

for illustration on RPT situations.

May RTC courts issue writs of injunctions against

the LGU collecting a real property tax?

A: Yes, unlike in national taxation where there is

an express prohibition regarding issuance of
injunctive writs against the government collecting
national taxes, there is no similar prohibition
under the LGC. Thus, for as long as the requisites
of an injunctive writ under the Rules of Court will
be complied with, RTCs may issue such writ.


TP files a case for injunction to enjoin a Province
from collecting a real property tax assessment. Is
the case for injunction an ordinary civil action;
hence appeals or petitions for certiorari should be
before the CA and not the CTA?

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