MIDTERM EXAM - Yupanqui Garcia Anderson

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Yupanqui García, Anderson - N00201730

Saldaña Rodríguez, Deisy Giovanna

Trujillo, Perú

1. What was the author's purpose in writing this? ................................................................. 3

2. What are the main ideas? .................................................................................................... 3
3. What is your opinion of the story? Did you enjoy reading it? Explain. .............................. 3
4. What background knowledge did you have that relates to the text? ................................ 3
5. Find the two most interesting sentences in the story......................................................... 3
6. Explain what part of the story was the most interesting to read and why. ....................... 4
7. Generate a new title for the article. Explain your new title. .............................................. 4
8. Would you recommend this article to a friend? Why or why not? .................................... 4
9. Write a summary including beginning, middle and end. .................................................... 4
References ................................................................................................................................ 4
References .................................................................................................................................... 5
Annexes..................................................................................................................................... 5
1. What was the author's purpose in writing this?

The author wants to hell us that artificial intelligence is a system of the new decade and that
we eliminate the fear that ir generates in certain people. The author repeats many times
that the intelligent system that must be installed in companies must help workers to be
efficient, fast and more intuitive.

The cultural barrier is one of the main setbacks that technological progress suffers. Leaders
should be in charge of breaking down that barrier according to the author.

2. What are the main ideas?

More than 90% of successful companies invested their profits n market analysis thanks to
the adoption of Artificial Intelligence. The cultural barrier is one of the main setbacks that
technological progress suffers. Leaders should be in charge of breaking down that barrier
according to the author.

3. What is your opinion of the story? Did you enjoy reading it? Explain.

More than 90% of successful companies invested their profits n market analysis thanks to
the adoption of Artificial Intelligence. The cultural barrier is one of the main setbacks that
technological progress suffers. Leaders should be in charge of breaking down that barrier
according to the author.

4. What background knowledge did you have that relates to the text?

I am very interested in new technology, the new era, what soon awaits us because we are
headed to create new things to make our lives easier. i realized that we are still at an early
stage and to move forward we must prepare ourselves with new thinking. we cannot have
a poor and old mentality before an advanced cooperation between artificial intelligence and
human skills.

5. Find the two most interesting sentences in the story.

Most AI transformations take 18 to 36 months to complete. To reduce this time, leaders

compare the results of decisions made with and without AI can encourage employees to
use it. (Reference, Pag.10).

When a company is just starting to use AI. Bringer together the most prepared of the
company to supervise and teach the system how the organization works. After a while, the
system is the one that is adapted and standardized, for their part, the prepared
professionals return to their work. (Reference, Pag.7).
6. Explain what part of the story was the most interesting to read and why.

The part that interested me the most was that artificial intelligence will be the one that
manages more than 13 trillion dollars worldwide.

Because it is inferred that it is aimed at managing money globally, since it does so effectively
now with ATMs and digital banks.

7. Generate a new title for the article. Explain your new title.

“The digital age in companies and the mentality”

Because the author tells us that the future of companies is to use artificial intelligence.
However, the mindset of the average worker is not prepared to use it. One of the reasons is
because he thinks he will be replaced by the AI.

8. Would you recommend this article to a friend? Why or why not?

Yes, mainly to my classmates who are studying to start an independent business. Because it
will help them prepare for a possible technological advance that gradually spreads in
successful corporations.

9. Write a summary including beginning, middle and end.

Summary: There is a certain thought that artificial intelligence will have a presence in the
development of technology and services in the next decade but that even now it is not
promoted as it should.
The mentality of the leaders of the companies must always point to the digital vanguard.
And this requires the investment and organization of the entire company. The organizational
hierarchy is set aside, to rely on experiences and recommendations. The combination of
these skills would lead the company to an intelligent system. Having this system will be
efficient, fast and smarter. The application of this must be adjusted and regulated. AI must
learn from mistakes and increase its accuracy for leader-supervised decision making. One of
the ways for this technology to beReferences
established is by explaining to the workers the why. In
this way, fear is reduced, promising greater productivity.
He concludes that if the new technology is not on track, it goes off the rails. In the sense that
it will not be efficient.
Funtaine, MacCarthy. (2019). Building the AI-Powered Organization.


Figure 1 Journalistic news.

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