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Integrated Analysis and Optimization for Progressing Cavity Pump Systems

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in Greater Burgan Field

A. A. Najaf, A. Ramchandra, and M. Al-Yetama, Kuwait Oil Company; F. Ledesma, A. Al-Salman, and N. Suleiman,
Weatherford International

Copyright 2018, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference held in Abu Dhabi, UAE, 12-15 November 2018.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents
of the paper have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect
any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written
consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may
not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.

Progressing cavity pump (PCP) systems are widely used in the oil and gas industry. Continuously evaluating
PCP performance helps to maximize and sustain fluid production and increase pump run-life. This paper
focuses on integrating a real-time platform and advanced software to model, troubleshoot, and optimize
PCP systems and their operation.
More than 50% of installed PCP systems located in Great Burgan Field in southeast Kuwait are connected
to a real-time SCADA platform. These connected systems are monitored to support daily operations and
to identify underperforming wells for troubleshooting. Special attention is given to wells exhibiting critical
behaviors or wells with optimization opportunities. Before implementing any actions on these wells, real-
time data history is used along with nodal analysis to predict the outcomes. This paper presents an intensive
optimization analysis through the following field case studies:

• Preventing sucker rod string failure

• Evaluating pump submergence

• Optimizing fluid production

• Identifying optimum operating conditions

Software is used to perform simulations of flow under different operating conditions and to generate a full
analysis report based on PCP equipment configured in the well model. The sharp-edge results are not limited
to the production rate. They also extend to pump performance and other surface and downhole parameters
such as pump torque, intake pressure, and discharge pressure. The outcome of these results assists with
making well-informed decisions with the following benefits:

• Operating conditions have been improved by estimating the production rate at different speeds.

• Pump life has been improved by evaluating rod load, lift load, and efficiency.

• Down-time has been reduced by preventing pump-off conditions.

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The procedure serves as a proven guide for analysis and optimization of PCP systems. Improving pump
efficiency, achieving the target production rate, identifying problems, and preventing potential failures all
help to optimize PCP system performance.
The innovative integration of PCP analysis and optimization provides a means to increase production
and reduce the load percentage of surface and subsurface equipment parameters. A real-time SCADA
platform combined with the optimization software created an ideal solution to keep wells operating at peak

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performance levels.

Greater Burgan field, the largest sandstone oil field in the world, is located in southeast of the State of Kuwait
(Fig.1). The field is divided into three areas: Burgan, Ahmadi and Magwa, and has an average oil gravity of
32°API (Kabir 1997, Kaufman 2002). Greater Burgan began to produce commercially in 1946, and wells
in the three areas are known to flow naturally for long periods due to high well potential (Pederson 1998).

Figure 1—Schematic map representing the location of Greater Burgan Field with its three areas
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As the well potential for some wells decreases over time, various artificial lift systems are being installed.
The field currently has a significant number of wells flowing on progressing cavity pump systems. These
PCP systems were installed to enhance recovery on one hand, and to optimize production on the other hand
to improve well deliverability.
PCP systems are one of the most effective and reliable solutions, and are widely installed. A PCP can be
designed to address specific well conditions in challenging environments while providing solid outcomes

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upon effective control. Currently, PCP operations are controlled via variable frequency drives (VFD) to
operate the pump efficiently where downhole sensors and surface instruments are connected to a supervisory
control and data acquisition (SCADA) platform that provides automated control over the wells connected
into it (Gasparri 2013, Woolsey 2012).
Real-time data is being recorded 24/7 and transmitted to servers through the SCADA platform. The
data is monitored to support daily operations and identify the underperforming wells which may require
troubleshooting. Furthermore, care and attention are paid to wells that exhibit critical behavior and wells
with optimization opportunities based on this real-time data. An optimization plan is set for every well
according to its condition, where well potential with regards to oil production, water-cut percentages and
gas-oil ratios are always under observation.
Over the last few decades worldwide, analyzing and optimizing PCP systems have been developed
significantly and a new generation of artificial intelligence now exists with regards to implementation of
the latest technologies. The advanced software applications are the focal point of smart fields (Gonzalez
2015). For engineers in the office, software technologies are serving as their supportive arm in the field.
The objective behind this paper is to present a systematic analysis carried for optimization that focuses on
maximizing production, reducing downtime and improving pump life in Greater Burgan field.

Optimization Value
Various well conditions affect the performance of PCP systems. Pump speed (rpm), rod stress (psi), lift load
(%) and other factors could severely damage PCP systems. Thus, it is extremely important to operate PCP
systems at optimum performance to ensure continuous reservoir inflow and well outflow. Well-planned
optimization is a mandatory requirement to effectively analyze and control PCP systems.
A solid optimization provides a smooth operation of PCP systems at peak performance levels with
maximum production benefits and lowest operational costs as much as possible. It also provides protection
against pump stator burnout, explosive decompression, delamination, debonding, etc., which results from
flow loss conditions. Consequently, the actual run-life of the pump exceeds the target run-life while meeting
production objectives (Denney 2003).

Optimization Procedure
The innovative integration of PCP analysis and optimization combines both traditional and modern
techniques to provide accurate consulting services. It has been developed carefully to handle a wide range of
surface and subsurface equipment operating parameters. In addition, it is suitable for application on various
pump models and different pump configurations (e.g. flex-insert pumps, insert pumps and tubing pumps). A
comprehensive flowchart has been constructed for a quick evaluation of a well with a PCP system (Fig. 2).
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Figure 2—Detailed flowchart for powerful optimization of a well with a PCP system
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Monitoring and Reviewing

Monitoring well activity and reservoir changes are primary keys for a successful optimization. The real-
time data captured by VFD and transmitted from field to office through the SCADA platform is useful in
tracking each and every change instantaneously. The intelligent software allows you to easily identify any
changes in parameters such as casing-head pressure (psi), flowline pressure (psi), pump discharge pressure
(psi), pump intake pressure (psi), pump intake temperature (°C), frequency (Hz), current (A), power (W),

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speed (rpm), torque (lbs-ft) and voltage (V) (Fig. 3).

Figure 3—Main screen of real-time software showing well running conditions and operating parameters

In addition to keeping a close eye on the real-time data, it is important to review the historical data to
establish a solid background regarding the overall behavior of a well. The data storage capabilities in the
software are not limited to retrieving databases for a specific period of time in the form of tables only, but
also visualizing this data as trends of operating parameters which provide a complete image of production
and performance. The software offers various features for data visualization such as the ability to specify
which parameters are plotted and specifying short or long period of time, depending on user needs (Fig. 4).
In fact, it is possible to plot the trends of operating parameters for the whole run-life of the pump.

Figure 4—Example of the visualized data in form of trends of operating parameters

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The software has the feature of setting limits for each and all operating parameters and it is smart enough
to understand these limits as defined by the optimization engineer. Alerts and alarms are automatically raised
based on these limits to highlight severe changes in operating parameters. This state-of-the-art feature leads
to an early prediction and rapid identification of sudden changes in operating parameters which assists in:

• Minimizing equipment failures

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• Reducing system downtime

• Planning maintenance jobs

• Avoiding production losses

• Preventing rod failures

Modeling and Simulation

Both real-time data and historical data can be used to initially estimate pump performance and well potential;
however, the best practices for most accurate results are accomplished by implementing field-proven
software applications. A model which reflects the current behavior of the well has been created for each
well with an installed PCP system. The model is designed to analyze the behavior of fluids in terms of their
pressure and temperature as a function of flow rate and fluid properties (Fig. 5).

Figure 5—Dashboard screen displaying main configuration parameters for a well

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The software performs calculations based on reservoir characteristics, well completion, surface
equipment and fluid properties data. Well deliverability requires a specific form of nodal analysis to
determine the operating point. This analysis includes several sensitivity variables (i.e. variable pump speeds
and variable flow rates). The software performs two methods of analysis: analysis based on rates and analysis
based on speeds. Analysis based on rates is performed according to a range of flow rates that varies between
the minimum and maximum rates at a certain pump speed. A summarized report regarding the different

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scenarios of well production and pump performance at each pump speed is generated (Fig. 6). This report
facilitates the process of understanding system performance against different factors (pump differential
pressure, effective rod stress, overall system efficiency, etc.) which may be affected in the short term as
well as the long term.

Figure 6—Full analysis report summarizing well production and pump

performance according to PCP equipment configured in the well model

Simulations are primarily used to estimate the forecasted production increase and pump submergence
decrease. Other advantages of simulations are expanded to reach critical situations which, require analyzing
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or deep studying in order to proceed with preventive actions or take strategic decisions. In other words, the
software aids in troubleshooting the performance of PCP systems.

Controlling and Analyzing

The main aim behind efficiently controlling artificially lifted wells is achieved by operating them
continuously at their proper speeds. In spite of the fact that this concept may seem soft, the tasks required

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to accomplish it can be tough. This requires that each and every component in the PCP system should be
operating within specific limits.
It is the responsibility of the optimization engineer to carefully analyze collected data through the previous
stages of the optimization procedure (real-time data, historical data and simulation results). Accurate data
and decisions will definitely result in strong outcomes and vice versa. Recommendations depend on viewing
the status of well as a whole image and paying attention to tiny details. Single or multiple actions including
adjustment of one or more operating parameters are determined during this stage. In a field, a wide variety
of activities may be requested with the purpose of enhancing fluid production, preventing rod overstressing,
ensuring pump submergence or identifying best operating conditions.

Case Studies
Four case studies are presented in this paper where PCP systems have been analyzed according to the
methodology mentioned above. Each case study consists of an example of a real condition along with its
challenges and solutions.

Case 1: Preventing Sucker Rod Failure

While monitoring the real-time data for a well with an installed PCP system located in Ahmadi area, it was
observed that torque parameter fluctuated with an average variation of 140 lbs-ft within a short period of
time. This was the first alert that a problem was occurring and needed to be investigated due to the fact that
it may lead to severe damage to the pump and rod.
The investigation started by reviewing the historical data and attention was paid to each and all operating
parameters. It has been noticed that all parameters other than torque are smooth and steady. However, there
was a correlation between torque and speed. Torque fluctuation was extremely high at a pump speed of 100
rpm compared to lower pump speeds of 80 rpm and 60 rpm.
Regarding well configuration, this well has a flex insert pump, which is installed over an old tubing pump.
New punches were created in the tubing at a location above the old pump and fluid is not passing through the
old pump and it is flowing only through these punches. For these reasons, fluid flow in the system is limited.
The investigation extended to well test and dynamic fluid levels in order to evaluate gas presence and
pump submergence, respectively. It has been found that the gas-oil-ratio is relatively high for this well. As
the pump speed increases, the dynamic fluid level in the annulus decreases. Consequently, gas in annulus is
aggregating near punches and approaching the pump. While at lower pump speeds, the dynamic fluid level
is higher and there is more room for fluid where gas presence near punches is less.
The continuous presence of high amounts of gas in the system affects torque, causing the rotor to become
stuck and loose. Taking into consideration all of the above issues, the decision was made to decrease pump
speed in order to prevent any damage to the sucker rod in specific and the system in general. Figure 7
presents torque and flowline against pump speed where the fluctuation of torque was extremely high at 100
rpm, and more stable at 60 rpm and 80 rpm. The reason behind keeping the pump operating at a speed of
80 rpm is due to the fact that the flowline pressure was higher.
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Figure 7—Trend of torque and flowline at different speed over a period of four months

Case 2: Evaluating Pump Submergence

The fluid production rate for a well with an installed PCP system located in the Burgan area was 40%
less than the targeted production rate. For this reason, an optimization analysis was carried out to consider
the possibility of increasing the production rate without risking the system due to its long run-life, which
exceeded five years.
For this purpose, both real-time data and historical data have been reviewed along with the records of all
actions and jobs performed on the well over the last five years. The well was running smooth and no major
issues were recorded regarding well performance or pump performance.
Simulations were performed to estimate the forecasted production increase and pump submergence
decrease. This was necessary to determine whether to change the pump speed or keep it operating at its
current speed. According to the analysis based on rates performed by the optimization software, it has been
found that increasing the speed may lead to a pump-off condition. According to simulations, the pump
intake pressure of 450 psi was estimated to decrease dramatically once the pump speed is increased. On one
hand, the amount of decrease was relatively high and could severely affect the dynamic fluid level. On the
other hand, the estimated increase in production was less than 4% of current production.
Accordingly, the decision was to keep the well running at current conditions and reject the proposal of
increasing pump speed due to the fact that it may lead the pump to burnout due to insufficient amounts of
fluid downhole.

Case 3: Optimizing Fluid Production

While reviewing the historical data for wells located in Ahmadi area, an optimization opportunity was
identified for a well with an installed PCP system. This well had a high potential and an excellent pump
submergence. The calculated lift load and rod load were 24% and 15%, respectively. These loads reflected
the fact that there is a room in the pump for more fluid to be lifted.
It is worth mentioning that the run-life of the pump was almost four years and the pump efficiency
was around 62%. Extra caution is always paid in these situations in order to prevent possible damage to
systems under such conditions. As a precaution, software simulations were performed to help in estimating
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pump efficiency after implementing the action and predicting the important operating parameters as well
as assuring that they are within the acceptable ranges.
On a related context, it is essential to estimate the forecasted production rate and dynamic fluid level
before increasing speed. The results revealed an increase of 10% in the production rate as well as a steady
pump intake pressure.
The pump speed was increased and the well was under observation for two weeks. Well test data reflected

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an increase of 12% in the production rate while the dynamic fluid level reflected an excellent pump

Case 4: Identifying Optimum Operating Conditions

An installed PCP system for a well located in Burgan area was producing only 48% of its targeted production
rate. For this reason, an optimization plan was needed to boost the production rate and achieve the target.
The well has undergone different changes of pump speed. Both pump performance and well potential
were studied at different pump speeds. It was found that the well had a high potential in general; however,
the well was losing its potential at specific pump speeds. Table 1 shows how the production rate varies at
different pump speeds according to well test results. It is clearly observed that the production rate at a pump
speed of 80 rpm is the highest compared to other pump speeds.

Table 1—Well test results at multiple pump speeds

Based on the above data, it was logical to keep the well running at a pump speed of 80 rpm, where the
target production rate was not only achieved, but exceeded by 22% above target. Furthermore, keeping the
pump running at this most favorable speed prevented the pump from being overstressed where the torque
became more stable.

Realized Gains
The procedure described in this paper was followed wisely while optimizing wells with installed PCP
systems in the Greater Burgan Field. Multiple actions were successfully implemented on eight wells and
the oil gain for these wells is represented in Figure 8. The estimated increase in barrels of net oil was 25,000
barrels which is equivalent to $1,725,000.00, based on an OPEC average oil price of $69.00 in U.S. dollars
per barrel for 2018 up to August (Statistica 2018). A comparison between the cumulative oil production
with and without optimization has been established to highlight the influence of PCP optimization and how
it enhanced the oil production for wells located in different areas (Fig. 9).
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Figure 8—Cumulative oil gain of eight wells with PCP systems

Figure 9—Optimization results on the cumulative oil production

Following a well-constructed procedure for optimization leads to building a steady base for comprehensive
analytical thinking and interpretation of data. In this paper, a conjunction between conventional systems and
technology along with precise analysis by engineers has been discussed. The outcome of implementing this
integrated procedure resulted in highlighting issues and solving problems on one hand, as well as identifying
opportunities and improving performance on the other hand.
Four different subjects related to PCP optimization were presented in this paper. The purpose for each
case was identified first and analysis was carried out afterward through following the procedure step-by-
step until recommending and taking the final decision. These recommendations had a direct influence of
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well behavior and their positive consequences were reflected on oil production enhancement and system
protection against failures, which led to reducing down-time even for pumps exceeding their target run-life.
It worth mentioning that the estimated increase in net oil was 25,000 barrels. As a side note, this gain
was achieved by engineers in the office through analyzing data remotely without the necessity of physically
visiting the field. The smart field is the future of oil and gas industry and shall increase productivity as well
as overall safety.

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The authors would like to thank Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) for the permission to publish this paper.
Particular appreciation is expressed to all our colleagues in KOC and Weatherford for their encouragement
and technical support.

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Statistica, The Statistics Portal. (2018). Average annual OPEC crude oil price from 1960 to 2018 (in U.S. dollars per
Woolsey, K. A. (2012, January 1). Improving Progressing-Cavity-Pump Performance Through Automation and
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