Real Economy: Yearbook

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r n
Automotive5 Construction6
The weak macroeconomic conditions battering South Africa’s construction industry is under
the South African economy have slowed demand severe strain. The slow pace of new contract
for new vehicles, as consumers’ disposable awards has placed greater pressure on margins
income is under pressure and business and resulted in more lossmaking contracts and a
confidence has fallen to worrying lows. number of companies entering business rescue.

Energy8 Road & Rail 10

South Africa’s electricity industry is in dire straits. South Africa’s transport sector is in need of
The organisation is operationally weak, financially billions of rands of investment to ensure that
broke and despite being overstaffed, lacks people there is adequate infrastructure in place to meet
with critical skills the country’s needs and help grow the economy
through the efficient movement of goods and

Steel12 Water16
The South African steelmaking industry has been Based on its extensive coverage of South Africa’s
in decline since 2014, owing to weak demand water sector, a countrywide water shortage is but
and a surge in cheap imports, mostly from China, ten years away unless decisive action is taken to
aged plants and high electricity tariffs, besides rehabilitate and preserve the country’s rivers and
other factors. catchment areas, repair and maintain existing
infrastructure, and implement water reuse.

Manufacturing18 Pumps22
Manufacturing is one of the key sectors of the Demand for industrial pumps is on the increase
South African economy, but the industry has owing to their wide variety of applications such
been under severe strain in recent years. The as water and wastewater, power construction,
contribution made by the sector to the economy chemicals, and oil and gas. This, in turn, has
has declined to only 14% of gross domestic led to increased spending by industrial pumps
product in 2018, from about 25% in 1981. manufacturers to provide value-added benefits
to consumers.

Coal25 Gold28
The high prices of coking coal is expected to The gold industry is facing challenges such as
prompt significant production capacity expansion, deeper-level mining, decreased productivity, ever-
boosting output as consumption slows. increasing costs, labour disruptions, community
protests and illegal mining.

Iron-Ore30 Platinum32
The South African iron-ore sector is facing The viability of South Africa’s platinum sector
severe challenges, including policy, regulatory is under threat, with the sector facing many
and operational uncertainty, which have inhibited challenges, including an oversupplied global
investment and exploration for new orebodies. market, weak demand, industrial action, lower
productivity and rising costs.


No time to give up
REAL ECONOMY It has been a difficult time to be a South African over the past few years and doubly so if you
happen to be a South African businessperson.
YEARBOOK Social cohesion has weakened, government has underperformed across all three spheres,

unemployment and poverty remain at extreme levels, crime and violence are constant threats,
the nation’s finances have become increasingly fragile, business confidence has all but flatlined
and load-shedding has remained a real and present danger.
Contact Details: The labour climate often turns hostile, several large State-owned companies are on the
Tel: +27 11 622 3744 brink of bankruptcy, serious corporate fraud and malfeasance have led to some high-profile
Fax: +27 11 622 9350
Postal address: PO Box 75316, Garden View, failures, while the prosecution of politicians and politically connected individuals have not
2047, South Africa occurred, despite mounting evidence of serious fraud and corruption.
Email: The ongoing civil war within the governing African National Congress has continued and
ISDN: +27 11 622 3300 even our national sports teams seem to have lost some of their previous winning momentum.
Disclaimer: What has worried business people the most, however, has been the poor performance of the
Creamer Media (Pty) Ltd makes every economy, which, at best, has put a squeeze on profits and, at worst, resulted in confidence-
effort to ensure the accuracy of the contents sapping business failures. This weakness was epitomised by South Africa’s alarming 3.2%
of its publications, but no warranty is made
as to such accuracy, and no responsibility economic contraction in the first quarter and is also reflected in this year’s edition of the Real
will be borne by the publisher for the Economy Yearbook.
con­sequences of any actions based on
infor­mation so published. Further, opinions Amid this backdrop, it is unsurprising that business remains reticent to invest and that South
expressed are not necessarily shared by Africa is losing vital talent to other countries.
Creamer Media (Pty) Ltd.
Nevertheless, there are a few weak signals that reforms are under way, which, if strengthened,
Units of measurement: could improve the outlook materially and lift the mood.
The distinction between tonne (1 000 kg) and
ton (1 016.047 kg) is main­tained in this report Firstly, there is little question that reform is on the agenda of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s
according to the infor­mation that is reported new administration. Although many of the usual suspects will again serve in Cabinet, investment
in the public domain by each company.
and growth have been set as the North Star. In other words, the unequivocal message is to
Cover picture by: either help the cause, or step aside, which is, naturally, easier said than done.
Creamer Media Chief Photographer Dylan Secondly, the weak fiscal position of government means that collaboration with the private
© Copyright Creamer Media (Pty) Ltd
sector is no longer a choice, but a necessity. That should translate into ideology making way
for pragmatism.
Layout by:
Louise Oosthuizen Thirdly, institutional resilience, which was so critical in stabilising the country during the
disastrous State capture years, is now being nurtured rather than eroded.
Compiled by:
South Africa is on the cusp of a positive new era. Such an era will only be realised, however,
if we as citizens, especially corporate citizens, resist the temptation to give up!


Road & Rail
Source: Creamer Media Source: Chief Photographer Dylan Slater
Industrial Contents

Source: Creamer Media Source: Creamer Media



Source: Creamer Media Source: Creamer Media
MARIAAN WEBB Manufacturers CEO Thomas Schaefer, manufacturing under the newly approved
AND DEPUTY EDITOR ONLINE who is also the CEO of Volkswagen South a nd revised A PDP, wh ich provides
Africa (VWSA). guidance and stability for the industry
The weak macroeconomic conditions up to 2035.
battering the South African economy Manufacturing and The APDP consists of interrelated
have slowed demand for new vehicles, as Components m e c h a n i s m s t o i n c e n t iv i s e l o c a l
consumers’ disposable income is under manufacture, including the Automotive
pressure and business confidence has fallen South Africa manufactured an estimated Investment Scheme, which is a cash
to worrying lows. 610 854 units in 2018. This is forecast to grant for qualifying capital investment
With the exception of 2017, new-vehicle increase by 6.18% to 648 650 vehicles in in plant and equipment. The APDP was
sales have been on a downward slope 2019. The country contributed 0.64% of intended to come to an end in 2020, but
for the past five years and declined to global new-vehicle production in 2018 Cabinet has approved its extension from
552 190 units in 2018 (2017: 557 703). and was ranked fifteenth in the world 2021 to 2035. The extension includes
Sales continued to fall in each of the first with regard to light commercial vehicle amendments to support the South African
three months of 2019, with January sales production – largely bakkies – with a Automotive Masterplan (SAAM).
decreasing by 7.40%, February sales by market share of 1.24%. The SAAM is the newly developed
6.50% and March sales by 3.10%. The Government has an aspirational target s t r a t e g i c p l a n f o r t h e l o n g- t e r m
declining trend came to a halt in April, of capturing 1% of global output, resulting development of the automotive industry
when the market surprised on the upside, in production of between 1.30-million and and the APDP will now operate within
aided by exceptional growth in the export 1.50-million units by 2035. the framework of this masterplan.
market. Seven original-equipment manufacturers The SAAM aims to double employment
Domestic sales increased by 0.70% (OEMs) – BMW Group South Africa, in the sector to 224 000 jobs by 2035,
year-on-year to 36 794 units in April, Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa from 112 000 currently, and position
while export sales numbers gained by a (FMCSA), Isuzu Motors South Africa,
South Africa to account for 1% of global
significant 53.80% to 33 090 vehicles. Mercedes-Benz South Africa (MBSA),
vehicle production by that date. To achieve
Last year, 351 139 South African-made Nissan South Afr ica, Toyota South
the 2035 target, the domestic market will
left- and right-hand-drive vehicles were Africa Motors (TSAM) and VWSA – have
have to increase at a compound annual
shipped worldwide, an improvement of light-vehicle assembly plants in South
growth rate of at least 4.50% for passenger
13 058, or a gain of 3.86%. Africa.
vehicles, 3.50% for light-commercial
South Africa-based automakers have The major local vehicle manufacturers
vehicles and 3% for medium- and heavy-
now set their sights on export sales of invested a record R8.17-billion in the
commercial vehicles.
384 150 units in 2019 and 400 200 units sector in 2017, and followed this up
The new industry framework has a
in 2020. with a R7.24-billion investment in 2018.
These figures ref lect projects by the strong focus on local content, with a target
Europe is the dominant region for
South African vehicle exports, accounting major vehicle manufacturers in terms of raising local content from less than
for two-thirds of all exported vehicles, of t he Automot ive P roduct ion a nd 40% currently to 60% by 2035. Currently,
fol lowe d by A sia a nd t he A f r ica n Development Programme (APDP) and VWSA has the highest local content of
market. In 2018, export sales to Africa projected higher levels of production for all vehicle ma nufacturers in South
increased by 9.79% to 23 988, which export markets. Africa, at about 45%. Without high-
the National Association of Automobile The CEOs of the seven automotive value-added-type component projects,
Manufacturers of South Africa (Naamsa) OEMs pledged in October 2018 to invest however, such as engine production, it is
says suggests that demand from the rest a combined R40-billion over the coming unlikely that OEMs will reach the 60%
of Africa has stabilised and is starting to five years, as part of President Cyril target. The APDP allows automakers
recover. Ramaphosa’s $100-billion investment to build extra parts and export them
Africa is considered vital to the South drive. to earn additional benefits; therefore,
A f r ica n indust r y’s a im of growing Some of the recent major investment manufacturers do not need to use all
production volumes. Naamsa expects the announcements include R3-billion by the parts in their vehicles. South Africa-
African market to expand from the current Japanese vehicle manufacturer Nissan based manufacturers can create suppliers
1.20-million new cars and commercial to prepare its Rosslyn plant, in Pretoria, to produce large numbers of parts for
vehicles to two-million vehicles in five for production of the Navara pick-up. their parent companies abroad, which
to ten years. Last year, MBSA announced that it will benefit the country’s component
“If we do not get Africa right as a would invest €600-million, or about suppl ier i ndust r y. Sout h A f r ica is
combined market, we can say goodbye R10-billion, to expand its manufacturing already a strategic supplier of catalytic
t o t h e Sout h A f r ic a n [aut omot ive plant, in East London. converters to the world and, by value,
assembly] industry in the next ten years,” The large South African OEMs – all this component category is the dominant
says African Association of Automotive subsidiaries of global automakers – are component export each year.
CHANEL DE BRUYN Basil Read’s management sta r ted construction industry, Group Five decided
SENIOR DEPUTY EDITOR ONLINE efforts to restructure the group in 2015, during the financial year to become an
but the company still incurred losses infrastructure solutions company and
South Africa’s construction industry is for the 2016 and 2017 financial years. move away from the construction and
under severe strain and a number of the Cash f low constraints, pa r ticula rly engineering, procurement and construction
country’s largest construction companies within the construction division, and the (EPC) businesses.
have been unable to continue operating in group’s inability to raise further bridging The Kpone oil- and gas-fired combined-
a constrained environment characterised financing, forced the group to file for cycle power project, in Ghana, for which
by the slow roll-out of contracts by the voluntary business rescue in June 2018. it was the EPC contractor, was also
public sector. T he appointed business rescue particularly problematic, with the group
Market intelligence firm Industry practitioners (BRPs) Siviwe Dongwana having incurred a R1.30-billion loss on
Insight has reported that tender activity and John Lightfoot presented a business the project during the 2018 financial
in the construction industry decreased by rescue plan, which focused on completing year. The project was meant to have
20% year-on-year in the fourth quarter of construction projects that had been in been completed in 2017, but had been
2018, while tender award postponements progress, and selling certain assets, to delayed several times. While the project
increased by 24% year-on-year. creditors in September 2018. Creditors was near completion in November 2018,
Meanwhile, as a result of government’s approved the plan, which set out targets to fuel contamination problems led to a
efforts in recent years to transform the sell the assets between January 2019 and dispute between Group Five and Kpone’s
construction industry, more small and February 2020, but the BRPs reported in owner Cenpower Generation.
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have February 2019 that, although there had Cenpower had, by late 2018, instituted
entered the industry. SMEs are estimated to been some interest from buyers, there had a claim of $62.70-million against Group
have increased their market share from 16% been few committed buyers. Five for earlier project delays and, in
in 2012 to about 40% by mid-2018, while Eventually, one asset was sold − Basil December 2018, moved to terminate the
the market share of the country’s largest Read Mining Botswana’s 28% interest contract with Group Five as a result of the
construction companies has decreased in the Majwe Joint Venture for R110.50- latest delay in the completion of the project.
from about 60% in 2012 to about 45%. million. Efforts continue to complete Group Five, meanwhile, said the termination
This has, along with the slow pace profitable contracts, cancel onerous of the contract was wrongful, claiming that
of new contract awards, placed greater contracts, sell noncore assets and reduce the contaminated fuel that had contributed
pressure on margins and resulted in more costs as part of the business plan. to the latest project delay had been provided
lossmaking contracts. Smaller contractors Esor, meanwhile, filed for business by Cenpower and that Group Five was,
are, however, also feeling the pinch of rescue of its construction division in therefore, not responsible for the delay.
the slow contract roll-out, with fewer August 2018. The company has, in recent Cenpower also instituted a further claim
subcontracting opportunities available as years, shifted its focus away from civil- of $60.50-million against Group Five to
a result of the struggles facing the large a nd bu i ld i ng-relat e d const r uct ion cover the costs of completing the project.
construction companies. This is also towards the water infrastructure market Group Five, however, did not believe it was
having a knock-on effect on construction and, although there is great need for liable for the claim.
materials providers. more water-related infrastructure in Meanwhile, the BRPs appointed to
With all segments of the industry under South Africa, delays in the awarding of oversee the business rescue of Group
pressure, many large and small companies contracts by the national, provincial and Five estimated in May 2019 that more
have had to retrench employees as they municipal governments took their toll on than R700-million in proceeds could be
restructure their operations. the business, resulting in a lower order raised from the sale of the plant, assets
Further exacerbating the challenges is book and contributing to lower revenues and property as part of the business
the emergence of a “construction mafia”, and higher financial losses. The BRPs rescue. While a business rescue plan was
which involves certain business interest appointed to oversee the business rescue still being finalised ahead of its expected
groups using threats of violence and of Esor’s construction division said in release in late June 2019, the BRPs said
intimidation to try to force contractors February 2019 that there was potential to they had concluded agreements for the
into awarding them subcontracts without implement a business rescue plan. sale of Group Five’s 40.10% interest in
participating in a tender process. Group Five was forced into business Intertoll Capital Partners, its 50% interest
rescue in March 2019 after experiencing in Barnes Reinforcing Industries and its
Company Performance difficulties with a nearly complete energy 28.90% interest in Jozi Power.
project in Ghana. Among the other big construction
Among the eight largest construction The group reported a R1.43-billion companies, Aveng has also, in recent years,
companies operating in South Africa, operating loss for the 2018 financial year, restructured its business, including the
three − Basil Read, Esor and Group Five compared with a loss of R718-million in sale of certain assets and businesses. The
− have entered into business rescue in the prior financial year. As a result of company has decided to retain its focus
recent months. t he mut e d g row t h i n t he domest ic on its Australian subsidiary McConnell



Dowell and its contract mining business merger. The merger plans were, however, the underestimation of the physical work
Moolmans. During 2018 and early 2019, it scuppered by ATON’s acquisition of this required to meet those specifications.
sold several noncore assets and businesses, interest, forcing M&R to withdraw its
including its rail business, its Aveng Water buyout offer to Aveng. Outlook
and Aveng Namibia Water businesses and Also among the countr y’s la rgest
its Aveng Infraset businesses. constr uction companies is Raubex. T he continuing wea k ness in South
It has also resolved not to sell its As a result of a low volume of work Africa’s economy is expected to continue
Gr ina ker-LTA business as a single in the road construction sector in the weighing on business confidence and
going concern, but will instead follow first half of Raubex’s 2019 financial investment sentiment, with few of the
a piecemeal sales process. The group year, the company had to rightsize its large construction firms expecting a
plans to sell all its noncore businesses asphalt and bitumen supply operations, significant turnaround in the industry
by the end of June 2019. resulting in the retrenchment of 280 anytime soon.
Mu r r ay & Ro b e r t s ( M & R) h a s , employees. Raubex’s road construction Raubex said in May 2019 that the
meanwhile, successfully restructured and earthworks subdivision was also domestic construction industry faced an
into a multinational engineering and negatively impacted on by the low volume uncertain future, owing to the slow pace
construction group with three business of work in the road construction sector, at which tenders were being awarded,
platforms – oil and gas, metals and but the company’s infrastructure division especially in the public sector, and the
minerals, and power and water. During was able to expand its affordable housing disruption of various large-scale projects
2018, there was a noticeable decline and commercial building operations, as by the so-called “construction mafia”.
in large project opportunities in the well as take advantage of new opportunities Industry Insight has, meanwhile, warned
Australian liquefied natural gas market, in the renewable-energy sector. that South Africa’s struggling State-owned
impacting negatively on the group’s oil For the full financial year, ended enterprises (SOEs) pose a major risk to the
and gas platform. To offset that, the February 28, 2019, the group reported construction industry’s future. Some of
group sought new opportunities in the continued pressure on its roads and the country’s largest SOEs, including
Australian metals and minerals and earthworks division, with the materials power utility Eskom, are facing severe
infrastr ucture markets and secured business having been the main contributor financial challenges while having to
contracts from some of the world’s biggest to its operating profit for the year. deal with the aftermath of years of State
mining companies, including BHP, Alcoa Stefanutti Stocks also warned in May capture, which has not only impacted
and Rio Tinto. 2019 that it was experiencing short-term negatively on the finances of the SOEs
With the Medupi and Kusile coal-fired liquidity pressures amid a difficult trading but also undermined the public’s and
power station projects in South Africa environment and delayed payments from investors’ trust in those entities.
nearing completion, M&R’s power and clients. As a result, it was considering raising While some of the smaller emerging
water segment has also been seeking new funding through a combination of ring-fenced firms in the industry have benefited from
opportunities for growth. This prompted project financing, a number of alternative government’s efforts to transform the
it to acquire South African company funding solutions and possibly also a fresh construction industry, the difficulties facing
Optipower in early 2019, subsequently issue of shares. The company said it expected the country’s largest contractors are also
providing M&R with access to the the contraction in construction activity to having a negative effect on subcontractors,
transmission, distribution and substation continue putting pressure on its turnover and which are finding it difficult to secure work
sectors of the energy industry. operating profit margins. from main contractors.
M&R became a takeover target in 2018, Wilson Bayly Holmes-Ovcon (WBHO), Amid the slowdown in construction
when one of its biggest shareholders, ATON, meanwhile, is optimistic about growth work in South Africa, constr uction
making an offer to shareholders to acquire opportunities outside South Africa, firms continue to seek opportunities for
their shares in M&R at R15 apiece. While particularly in Australia, but one contract growth abroad, but these too can result in
M&R had encouraged shareholders not to nearly had a devastating impact on the difficulties and financial losses.
accept the offer, or a revised offer of R17 group dur ing the six months ended On a more positive note, there is some
a share, stating that it undervalued the December 31, 2018. Engineering News optimism that the infrastructure fund,
company, ATON eventually succeeded in repor ted in Febr ua r y 2019 that the launched by President Cyril Ramaphosa
acquiring a 44% interest in M&R, triggering Western Roads Upgrade road design and in September 2018, could provide some
a mandatory offer to shareholders who build project in Melbourne, Australia, support for the construction sector. The
had not accepted its offer. The takeover had resulted in the group’s operating infrastructure fund is being led by an
by ATON, however, remains subject to profit for the six months decreasing executive team within The Presidency
approval by South African and Canadian to R2.72-million, from the R509.60- that will coordinate infrastr ucture
competition authorities. million in the first half of the prior initiatives across all spheres of government.
During its battle to acquire M&R, ATON financial year. This was as a result of the Government expects the fund to invest
also acquired a 25.40% interest in Aveng, incorrect interpretation of the project’s R400-billion in public infrastructure over
with which M&R had been planning a technical specifications, which led to a three-year period.
MARIAAN WEBB remain for the next six to 12 months, R252-billion in 2020/21 and R291-billion
AND DEPUTY EDITOR ONLINE during which a nine-point recovery plan in 2021/22, which, if granted, would
to improve the energy availability factor have translated to increases of 17.10% for
South Africa’s electricity industry is in dire of its underperforming coal fleet will be 2019/20, 15.40% for 2020/21 and 15.50%
straits. The country, at the start of 2019, implemented. for 2021/22. Together with the 4.41% RCA
suffered one of its worst series of power Eskom intends to avoid load-shedding increase, the increase for 2019/20 would
cuts in a decade, conjuring up memories during the colder winter months and have been 21.50% had Nersa acceded to
of the 2008 crisis when the grid nearly should cuts be required, it has said that the full request.
collapsed. they will be limited to between 1 000 MW Eskom hiked tariffs for direct clients
State-owned power utility Eskom is and 2 000 MW. by 13.82% on April 1, while increases for
operationally weak, financially broke and Despite Eskom’s pricey investment municipal clients will follow on July 1.
despite being overstaffed, lacks people with in new, mega coal-fired power stations, However, neither the recent tariff
critical skills. Its eleventh CEO in a decade weak operational performance continues. increase nor the R23-billion-a-year
– Phakamani Hadebe – has recently A decade after construction started, commitment by government is enough
resigned and will vacate the job in July. the 4 764 MW Medupi power station, to ease Eskom’s financial woes. The
President Cyril Ramaphosa has made in Limpopo, and the 4 800 MW Kusile organisation faces a R250-billion hole
Eskom a top priority, declaring that the power station, in Mpumalanga, a re in its finances, as it is not generating
organisation, which “holds the fortunes of still unfinished and the units that are enough cash to cover its operational
the country in its hands”, is “too big, and operational are fraught with design expenses and meet its debt-servicing
too important to fail”. National Treasury is flaws and are not performing to design obligations. Eskom’s precarious financial
propping up the cash-strapped Eskom with specifications. However, Eskom has position was highlighted by the early
a R69-billion-a-year bail-out over the next reported encouraging signs for the next cash injection of R5-billion that Finance
three years and plans have been tabled to boilers coming on line. A new unit at Minister Tito Mboweni authorised in
split it into three units, despite opposition Kusile – Unit 3 – was synchronised to the April. The first tranche of Eskom’s bail-out
from labour unions. grid on April 14. was reportedly expected only for August
The cost of the new power station or October this year.
Operational and projects has risen sharply to more than Eskom sought to draw down R7-billion
Financial Difficulties R300-billion and fixing the defects of a R35-billion facility in April that it
will add an estimated R2-billion. The has with the China Development Bank
Eskom is also marked by deteriorating cost overruns and delays in completing (CBD), but the funds were not released,
plant performance propelled by a lack Medupi and Kusile have left Eskom with leading to speculation that the delay may
of ma intena nce a nd old generation ballooning debt, putting the utility under have been because of concern from the
infrastructure. severe financial strain. Chinese about whether Kusile will, indeed,
E le c t r ic it y sup ply wa s s eve r ely The organisation has amassed debt of be completed. The CBD loan agreement
compromised in March this year, when about R450-billion and this could rise to stipulates that it can be used only for
the power supplier was forced to shed more than R600-billion, while its sales capital expenditure and not operational
594 GWh of load over ten consecutive have flatlined, owing to a combination expenses. Eskom has emphasised that the
days. At the time, unplanned breakdowns of weak economic conditions and price CBD loan facility remains binding and
increased to more than 12 000 MW, while elasticity of demand amid a sixfold tariff that the delay was the result of Chinese
Cyclone Idai destroyed transmission increase in the past 12 years. exchange control requirements.
infrastructure carrying electricity from The most recent tariff increase was Under the current scenario, the utility
Mozambique to South Africa, and Eskom approved in March, creating revenue for appears to be trapped in a permanent
ran short of diesel and water reserves at its Eskom of R206.38-billion, R221.84-billion lossmaking position. Eskom is forecasting
open-cycle gas turbines and its pumped- and R233.08-billion for the years 2019/20, a loss of R20-billion for 2018/19 and
hydro schemes respectively. At the height 2020/21 and 2021/22. This translates to about R19.70-billion the following year.
of the March crisis, Stage 4 load-shedding increases of 9.41%, 8.10% and 5.22% for The Eskom Sustainability Task Team
was instituted, resulting in nationwide the respective three years. The increase is expects the 2018/19 loss to be a record of
cuts of between 4 000 MW and 5 000 MW. in addition to the 4.41% already sanctioned R25-billion and is warning that capital
To m it ig a t e lo a d - s h e d d i n g, t h e during the 2018 regulatory clearing account and interest payments for new debt will
organisation has been burning diesel at a (RCA) recovery for 2014/15 to 2016/17. overwhelm cash from operations.
great cost and, at times, fuel consumption On the RCA application for 2017/18, the Eskom’s debt has become expensive,
amounted to R100-million a day. National Energy Regulator of South Africa following credit rating agency downgrades
Eskom has since repor ted a n (Nersa) in March approved an amount of of ten notches over the past decade. The
improvement in its plant performance, R3.87-billion. organisation previously had an investment-
but COO Jan Oberholzer has warned Eskom had requested allowable revenue grade credit rating above the sovereign, but
that the risk of rotational power cuts of R219-billion for 2019/20, rising to is currently deep in junk territory.



Eskom Interventions some climate-related money into Eskom. “If we energy projects, while 135 MW a year could
are committed to even a modest acceleration of be added from projects wheeling electricity
R a m a p ho s a a p p oi nt e d t h e E skom carbon reduction below what we have already from remote wind energy sites. The study also
Sustainability Task Team, comprising promised, there could be, in exchange, the estimates the job creation potential for wind
Anton Eberhard, Tsakani Mthombeni, opportunity for concessionary climate-related energy SSEG projects at 207 jobs during one
Grové Steyn, Frans Baleni, Mick Davis money, blended with development finance and year of construction and 127 permanent jobs
and Busisiwe Vilakazi, in December last even some institutional money.” during operations, for wind projects with a
year to advise government on actions The task team has modelled a possible combined capacity of 50 MW.
to resolve the organisation’s challenges. injection of R150-billion from a blended South Africa allows private generators
The task team’s report helped to inform finance facility, which would be the largest to produce electricity and sell that to
the announcement in the February State deal of its type in the world. Together with Eskom through the REIPPPP, which was
of the Nation address that Eskom will be an upward revision to the Nersa-approved introduced in 2011. Under the programme,
separated into three independent companies: tariffs for 2020/21 and 2021/22, and financial 6 422 MW of electricity has been procured
generation, transmission and distribution. restructuring to deal with Eskom’s debt burden, from 112 renewable-energy independent
Trade unions are opposing the plan, the task team believes the utility’s financial power producers (IPPs) in several bid
which they perceive as a precursor to ratios could be turned around and placed on a rounds. By the end of last year, 3 876 MW
retrenchments and privatisation, but more sustainable trajectory. of electricity generation capacity from
government insists that it is necessary 63 IPP projects had been connected
to st abi l ise E skom’s f i na nc es a nd Accelerating Private Generation to the national grid and more than 32 700 GWh
operations. Government says the unbundling of energy has been generated under the
will also position the electricity sector to With Eskom’s balance sheet no longer REIPPPP.
embrace clean technology, diversify the mix able to fund new power-generation After a period of rapid growth, renewable-
across a multitude of power producers and projects, plans are afoot to enable South energy additions stalled when Eskom blocked
provide a platform for contracting least- Africans to contribute towards keeping the
Round 4 of the REIPPPP for three years. Round
cost and secure power. lights on by freeing up the market for self-
5 was expected to have been launched in 2018,
The first step in the separation process generation and distributed energy resources.
but this will progress only once the updated
will be to transfer a portion of Eskom’s In a significant development, former
IRP has been promulgated. Radebe said in
assets to a new transmission company, Energy Minister Jeff Radebe opened
May that government was still engaging with
which will invite the participation of the way for businesses to generate their
its social partners at the National Economic
strategic equity partners that will provide own electricity and feed this into the
Development and Labour Council, but
capital for the business and strengthen grid in May this year, unblocking the stalled
emphasised that Cabinet approval of the IRP
oversight. Government insists that the licensing process for small-scale embedded
update was imminent. The draft IRP 2018
inclusion of a strategic equity partner generation (SSEG). Nersa has been given
approval to proceed with licensing 500 MW states that the lowest-cost, new-generation
in the national grid company does not amount
to privatisation. of SSEG projects of between 1 MW and 10 scenario for South Africa is one based on solar
An independent boa rd will be MW, without the developer having to seek photovoltaic, wind and gas, or other flexible
appointed by midyear and the company will permission from the Minister for a deviation generation technologies.
remain a subsidiary of Eskom Holdings. A yet- from the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). Renewable energy has played a key role in
to-be-appointed chief reorganisation officer The announcement has been widely mitigating load-shedding during the tight supply
will work with the board and management praised, as SSEG plants are seen as periods. Analysis by the Council for Scientific
to implement the Eskom Sustainability Task the quickest and cheapest way for the and Industrial Research shows that the fleet of
Team recommendations. country to address its electricity supply utility-scale variable renewable-energy (VRE)
Following the acceptance of its proposal deficit. The South African Photovoltaic plants has contributed to limiting the extent of
to unbundle the utility, the task team is now Association reports that an estimated load-shedding by 46% in the first quarter of
working on an updated report for Ramaphosa, 500 projects are in the pipeline and that it the year. Without the 2.30 GW contributions
which will include a financial recovery plan for could bring 1 000 MW onto the grid in the from the VRE fleet during periods when
the State-owned entity. next 12 months. rotational cuts were made, Eskom would
Eberhard has revealed that a suite of The South African Wind Energy Association have been forced to raise the level of load-
interventions is under consideration, which will (SAWEA) contends that the SSEG market has shedding instituted from Stage 4 to Stage 5,
carry “a degree of pain” for all stakeholders, the potential to support the industrialisation or even Stage 6. The utility-scale VRE fleet
including users and taxpayers. In addition to efforts stimulated by the Renewable Energy contributed 2 975 GWh, or 5.30% of the power
tariff support and a substantial intervention Independent Power Producer Procurement system, during the first quarter.
around debt relief, financial modelling Programme (REIPPPP) and contribute to Nevertheless, private producers have become
undertaken by the task team shows that it is job creation. A SAWEA study estimates that a big political issue, with some stakeholders
important to also reduce the cost of Eskom’s between 40 MW and 75 MW a year could be singling out the REIPPPP as a major financial
debt. He says there is an opportunity to bring added from behind-the-meter grid-tied wind risk to Eskom.
Road & Rail
CHANEL DE BRUYN To improve vehicle safety, the Department The entity also continues to progress its
SENIOR DEPUTY EDITOR ONLINE of Transport launched a programme in 2006 R173-million modernisation programme,
to incentivise about 135 000 taxi owners to which includes a rolling stock fleet-renewal
South Africa’s transport sector is in need have their unroadworthy vehicles scrapped programme, perway improvements and a
of billions of rands of investment to ensure and buy new vehicles. Only about half of signalling programme, as well as depot and
that there is adequate infrastructure in the targeted vehicles had been scrapped by station modernisation projects. As part of
place to meet the country’s needs and help 2017 and government has now launched a the rolling stock fleet-renewal programme,
grow the economy through the efficient Revised Taxi Recapitalisation Programme Gibela Rail Transport Consortium is
movement of goods and people. to ensure that the remainder of the targeted delivering 600 new X’trapolis Mega
The South African National Roads vehicles are scrapped and to help transform trains manufactured at a purpose-built
Agency Limited (Sanral) is responsible the industry. Under the revised programme, factory in Dunnotar, Gauteng, to PRASA
for improving, maintaining and managing the scrapping allowance has been increased for use in the Metrorail business over a
94% of the country’s 22 214 km national to R124 000, compared with the previous 15-year period.
road network and plans are for the network allowance of R91 100 per vehicle. In Gauteng, the Gautrain Management
under its management to eventually The revised programme will also be Agency (GMA), which manages the
increase to 35 000 km. The agency has, used to change the way in which the Gautrain, is working with the Gauteng
however, warned that available public- taxi industry operates. Minibus taxis are provincial government on the proposed
sector funding for the development and individually owned and routes are managed expansion of the rail service, but ridership
maintenance of roads is insufficient to through taxi association and councils, figures are not meeting expectations.
keep pace with the growth of the national but government believes this contributes Ridership figures, however, affect the
road network. to violence a mong compet i ng t a x i patronage guarantee, or grant, payable
Currently, allocations from the National industry members. Government is instead by the provincial government to the GMA
Treasury are used to fund the development, advocating for a collaborative ownership for operating the system, as it is used to
upgrade, repair and maintenance of about operating model through cooperatives and cover the remaining operating costs of
87% of the national road network, with the corporatisation of the industry, which the system that could not be funded from
the remainder funded from toll revenues. it hopes will eliminate competition among passenger fees.
The National Treasury has allocated taxi drivers and owners and, thus, also The GMA is seeking ways of increasing
R 36.50 -bi l l ion for t he upg r a de, improve commuter safety. its ridership numbers, including increasing
strengthening and maintenance of the The Passenger Rail Agency of South the frequency of trains and the length
nontolled national road network over the Africa (PRASA), meanwhile, is responsible of t r a i n s et s du r i ng p e a k p e r io d s ,
three years to 2021/22. for providing commuter rail services across reconfiguring the seating in train carriages
While funding for the nontolled national the country, but years of underinvestment to provide more room for sta nding
road network is already under pressure, the has contributed to unreliable service passengers, promoting off-peak use and
nonpayment of toll fees by many users of delivery, higher operating costs and a weak extending the Gautrain’s operating hours.
roads upgraded as part of Phase 1 of the operating model. Its operating costs are T he GM A has, however, decided
Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project said to be increasing at a faster rate than not to reissue a previous tender for the
is further exacerbating the problem. its income, which includes the revenue it procurement of 12 new four-car trains for
During the 2017/18 financial year, Sanral generates and the subsidies it receives from the Gautrain system. A previous tender
had, for the first time in its history, government. The State-owned company for the procurement of the trains failed
been forced to transfer R1.67-billion expects to have a cash shortfall of R6.70- to attract a compliant bid. The GMA and
from its nontoll to its toll portfolio. This billion by the end of 2019/20 and that this system operator, Bombela, are preparing a
was followed by the transfer of another will increase to about R12.80-billion by business case to acquire a smaller number
R5.70-billion from the nontoll to the the end of 2021/22. of train sets, while the larger procurement
toll portfolio in March 2019 to ensure PRASA has embarked on a rescue plan is deferred to 2026, when there is an
that the roads agency did not default to improve its operational and financial opportunity to combine this with a larger
o n d e b t r e p ay m e nt s t o i nve s t o r s . performance. As part of this, it expects it recapitalising of the system.
will need to invest about R6.60-billion to A proposed expansion of the Gautrain
Public Transport improve the reliability and availability of system by a further 150 km is also expected
rolling stock and other infrastructure over a to result in greater integration with existing
Many commuters in South Africa use five-year period. The rescue plan is aimed public transport services in the province,
minibus taxis as their main form of at improving its subsidiary Metrorail’s particularly with PRASA’s Metrorail.
transport, owing to its affordability; service levels, which are currently below The Gauteng provincial government has
however, concerns remain about the 50% of that achieved in 2008/9, to 65% of approved legislation for the establishment
roadworthiness of some of the vehicles, that achieved in 2008/9 during 2019/20, of the Gauteng Transport Authority, which
and safety, as a result of violence between and to 80% of service levels achieved in will be responsible for the planning,
rival taxi organisations. 2008/9 by 2021/22. integration and enforcement of public


Road & Rail

transport operations across the province,

including the Metrorail system, the
Gautrain, bus-rapid transit systems and
taxi operations. A decision on the proposed
Gautrain expansion is expected to be made
in the second half of 2019, subject to the
approval of the National Treasury.

Freight Transport

The majority of freight in South Africa

is transported by road rather than rail,
and government is promoting the shift to
transfer more rail-friendly cargo off the
country’s roads. It states in its draft Roads
Policy, published for public comment in
March 2018, that there needs to be a better
balance between road and rail freight transport
to improve freight efficiencies, and reduce
damage to the country’s road infrastructure.
Government plans to strengthen logistics
corridors to promote intermodalism.
Transnet, whose Transnet Freight Rail
(TFR) subsidiary operates the country’s
long-distance freight rail network, has,
through its Market Demand Strategy,
aimed to support government’s efforts to
transfer more rail-friendly cargo back onto
the rail system.
One of the biggest investments for TFR
in recent years has been the procurement
of 1 064 new locomotives for its general
f r e ig ht b u si n e s s (G F B). T F R h a d
awarded contracts to original-equipment
manufacturers (OEMs) GE, China North
Rail, China South Rail and Bombardier
Transportation for the supply of 599
electric and 465 diesel locomotives for the
GFB, but allegations of tender regularities
have emerged.
As a result of the allegations, Transnet
is reviewing its contracts with three of the
four OEMs (GE has already delivered all
233 diesel locomotives it had been contracted
to deliver) and is seeking to reduce the
number of locomotives to be procured to 953
by 2025, instead of the initially planned 1
064. Transnet had planned to meet with the
three OEMs in April and May to negotiate
Source: Creamer Media

potential settlement agreements. At this

stage, it is unclear what the outcome of
such a process may have been.
MARTIN ZHUWAKINYU Union (EU) posted increases. Asian demand from the local construction sector
production totalled 1.27-billion tonnes, ahead of the 2020 Olympics, which the
Despite plant closures and limited capacity representing a 5.60% increase on 2017. country will host. South Korea produced
growth in recent years, the installed T he cont r ibut ion f rom C h i na , t he 72.50-million tonnes in 2018, a 2% increase
capacity in the $900-billion-a-year global world’s largest producer of the alloy, was on 2017.
steelmaking industry – which totalled 928.30-million tonnes. The Australian North American production totalled
2.23-billion tonnes in 2018 – continues to government’s Department of Industry, 120.50-million tonnes in 2018 – 4.10%
be significantly above demand, putting Innovation and Science (DIIS) believes higher than in 2017 – with the US’s
that Chinese production has peaked, c ont r ibut ion i nc r e a si ng by 6.2 0%
ma ny producers of the a lloy under
forecasting declines to 861-million year-on-year to 86.70-million tonnes.
tonnes and 842-million tonnes in 2019 South American countries produced
Worryingly, steel demand, estimated
and 2020 respectively as the country’s 44.30-million tonnes, 1.30% higher than
by t he O rga n isat ion for E conom ic
government enforces stricter environmental in 2017, with Brazil, the region’s largest
Cooperation and Development (OECD)
regulations and supply-side reforms producer, accounting for 34.70-million
to have reached 1.66-billion tonnes in
reduce some lossmaking capacity. The tonnes.
2018, is set to remain subdued, with the
implementation of measures to cut debt is Production in the Commonwealth of
World Steel Association (worldsteel)
also expected to contribute to the decline. Independent States increased marginally
forecasting average yearly growth of
However, BHP, the world’s third-largest – by 0.30%. The Russian Federation’s
1.10% from 2017 to 2035. A compounding
supplier of iron-ore, a key ingredient in contribution of 71.70-million tonnes
factor, according to the Global Forum on
the steelmaking process, disagrees with represented a year-on-year decline of
Steel Excess Capacity (GFSEC), is the
the DIIS’s forecast, insisting that Chinese 0.30%. Ukraine produced 21.10-million
decline in steel intensity – the amount
steel production will trend upwards until tonnes, 1.10% lower than in 2017.
of steel required to generate one unit of
the middle of the next decade. Middle Eastern countries produced
gross domestic product (GDP) – which In India, steel output increased by 38.50-million tonnes in 2018, up 11.70%
is expected to continue, owing to trends 4.90% year-on-year to 106.50-million yea r-on-yea r, while steelma kers in
such as the move towards more efficient tonnes in 2018, resulting in the country Africa increased their output by 7.20%
use of materials. displacing Japan as the number two year-on-year to 16.10-million tonnes.
The GFSEC, whose 33 member countries producer. Responding to growing demand Sout h A f r ica’s sha re i ncrease d by
account for about 90% of steel production, from the constr uction, automotive, 0.40% to 6.33-million tonnes, while
forecasts that the world’s ageing population consumer durables and capital goods Egypt contributed 7.80-million tonnes,
and the increasing degree of digitalisation sectors, the Indian steelmaking industry compared with 6.90-million tonnes
will also weigh on steel demand, although has invested heavily in expansion and in 2017.
there will be regional variations. new projects over the past few years T he EU, t he on ly reg ion to have
While China, the largest steel producer, and continues to do so. The industry posted a decline in 2018, contributed
reduced its steel production capacity by has been boosted by t he I nd ia n 168.10-million tonnes to the world’s
120-million tonnes from 2014 to 2017 government’s National Steel Policy of cr ude steel production, wh ich was
and by 30-million tonnes in 2018, with 2017, in terms of which preference is 0.30% lower than the bloc’s 2017 volumes.
other countries also eliminating part of given to locally manufactured steel and The main contributor to the decline
their capacity, this was somewhat offset iron products for government projects, was Germany, whose 42.20-million-
by capacity increases in some countries. while importers of intermediate steel tonne output was 2% lower tha n in
During the three years to 2017, South products or raw materials can claim 2017. France’s 15.40-million tonnes and
Africa, the second-largest producer benefits from government if they add Spain’s 14.30-million tonnes represented
in A f r ica , a f ter Eg y pt, el i m inated 15% value to the imported product. The declines of 0.70% and 0.10% respectively.
700 000 t – or 6.80% – of its capacity. Indian government projects that, owing Italy, however, increased its output by
Should planned steel plants be built, to this policy, steelmaking capacity in 1.70% to 24.50-million tonnes.
global steelmaking capacity could increase the country will increase to 150-million Of the other European steel-producing
by 4% to 5% from 2019 to 2021, unless tonnes a year by 2020 and 300-million countr ies, Turkey posted an output
some of the existing capacity is eliminated, tonnes a year by 2030. decline – of 0.60% – to 37.30-million
according to the OECD. Elsewhere in Asia, Japan produced tonnes. The decline could have been
104.30-million tonnes in 2018, 0.30% deliberate, according to worldsteel, which
Global Production lower year-on-year and the lowest in nine believes that the country could have
years. The decline was attributed to natural calculated that this level of production
The 64 countries that report to worldsteel disasters and technical challenges at was ideal, given the political challenges
and account for 99% of global steel steel mills. However, the Japan Iron and in the region, while the tariffs imposed
output produced 1.81-billion tonnes in Steel Federation expects 2019 production on the country by the US could also have
2018 as all regions except the European to be higher, buoyed partly by strong played a role.



Global Consumption

Global steel demand totalled 1.71-billion

tonnes in 2018. The largest contributor to
this figure was China, which consumed
835-million tonnes, followed by the
US (10 0.20 -m i l l ion ton nes), I nd ia
(96-million tonnes), Japan (65.40-million
tonnes), South Korea (53.60-million
tonnes), Russia (41.20-million tonnes),
G e r m a ny (4 0.8 0 -m i l l io n t o n n e s),
Turkey (30.60-million tonnes) Italy
(26.40 -m illion tonnes) and Mexico
(25.40-million tonnes). Four of these top
ten steel-producing countries – South
Korea, Germany, Turkey and Mexico
– posted declines. Of the remaining
countries, India posted the largest year-
on-year growth of 8.30%.
The Indian steel-consuming sector
has become one of the few bright spots
for the world steel industry in what
is forecast to be a lower growth era.
Per capita steel use in the country has
grown in recent years to about 66.20 kg.
Although this is significantly above
its historical level, it is about one-third
of the world average of 212.30 kg.
T h e I n d i a n g ov e r n m e n t h a s i n
recent years spurred on steel demand
through measures such as reforms to
clear institutional bottlenecks and an
infrastructure programme that include
the ongoing $100-billion, 1 500 km-long
Del h i-Mumba i I ndust r ia l Cor r idor
(DMIC) project.
Other factors behind India’s accelerated
steel demand growth include the continued
growth of the construction sector on the
back of strong housing demand; initiatives
to connect states through waterways to
reduce logistics and transport costs; the
Made in India scheme, which aims to
transform India into a global design and
manufacturing hub; and the drive by
some of the country’s states to develop
small-vehicle manufacturing industries
targeting the export market.
Owing to the surging steel demand in
the country, the Indian Steel Association
forecasts that consumption will increase
by 7.10% to 10 0 -m i l l ion ton nes i n
2019, thereby displacing the US as the
Source: Creamer Media

second-largest steel consumer. The

association forecasts further demand
growth of 7.20% in 2020.

US Steel and Aluminium countries’ steel exports to the regional produced 6.30-million tonnes in 2018.
Import Tariffs bloc at historical trade volumes, above The country’s largest primary steel
which a 25% tariff would apply from producer, AMSA, which posted its first
US President Donald Trump imposed February 2019 to July 2021. full-year profit in seven years in 2018,
import duties of 25% on steel products and wa r ned in Febr ua r y 2019 that high
10% on aluminium products respectively South African Steel Market electricity prices posed a risk to its nascent
in March 2018 to protect US jobs as he recovery and long-term competitiveness.
pursued his America First policy. The Steelma k ing is funda mental to the The company has announced it intends
move was widely condemned and prompted South African economy, where the top petitioning the National Energy Regular
retaliatory measures by some countries, consumers of the alloy – construction, of South Africa (Nersa) for tariff relief
as well as complaints to the World Trade automotive and cable and structural steel for its operations in Gauteng, KwaZulu-
Organisation and the North American Free manufacture – account for R600-billion Natal and the Western Cape. Nersa granted
Trade dispute resolution panels. of GDP and employ eight-million people State-owned electricity utility Eskom
H owe ve r, i n M ay 2 019, t h e US directly and indirectly. The primary steel permission to increase tariffs by 13.82%
announced that Canada and Mexico – both industry is also a major user of electricity from April 2019.
of which had imposed retaliatory tariffs and logistics services. AMSA’s full-year profit of R968-million
on US agricultural and other products – Over the past 15 years, South Africa’s in 2018 – when its revenue increased by
would be exempted from the steel and primary steel industry has comprised 16% year-on-year – came on the back of a
aluminium tariffs. The decision was ArcelorMittal South Africa (AMSA), 12% increase in average realised prices and
viewed by commentators as paving the Evraz Highveld Steel and Vanadium, Cape a 5% increase in sales volumes, supported
way for the approval of US-Mexico-Canada Gate, Columbus Stainless and Scaw Metals by a 21% increase in exports.
Agreement trade deal, which was signed Group, with mini mills Agni Steel, Fortune In 2018, AMSA’s flat steel division
in 2018 to replace the North American Steel, SA Steel Mills, Cape Town Iron and produced 3.56-million tonnes of liquid
Free Trade Agreement but has yet to be Steel Works and Veer Steel Mills starting steel and the long steel products division
ratified by the legislatures of the three operations in recent years. 1.53-million tonnes. The reopening, in
countries. The industry has been in decline since January 2019, of an electric arc furnace
Mea nwh ile, concer ned t hat steel 2004, when it produced 9.40-million tonnes at its Vereeniging mill, in Gauteng, which
volumes diverted from the US would of liquid steel, owing to weak demand and had not been operational since 2015, is set
flood the European market, the European a surge in cheap imports, mostly from to increase long steel production volumes.
Commission, the governing body of China, aged plants and high electricity AMSA has announced that it does not
the EU, decided in January 2019 to cap tariffs, besides other factors. The country intend reopening the electric arc furnace
facilities at its Vanderbijlpark works, also
in Gauteng, which were closed for cost,
logistics and environmental reasons.
Instead, it has initiated a feasibility study
into a new electric arc furnace that will
increase the mill’s nameplate capacity
from 3.20-million tonnes a year to more
than four-million tonnes. The new furnace,
expected to come on line in three to four
years, will give AMSA the flexibility to
use iron-ore or scrap.
South Africa’s second-largest steel
producer, Evraz Highveld Steel and
Va n a d iu m , wa s fo r c e d t o go i nt o
business rescue in 2015 by the prolonged
downturn in the domestic steel industry.
However, the str uctural m ill at the
complex, in Mpumalanga, was relaunched
in June 2017, after AMSA had signed an
agreement to supply blooms and slabs
that the mill would process into heavy
structural steel. The contract was for
an initial two years, with an option for
renewal or to acquire the mill.
Source: Creamer Media

The other business strategies for Evraz

Highveld Steel and Vanadium involved
converting the complex into a lettable



industrial park and selling the two iron immune from the steel dumping that posting its first full-year profit in seven
plants and plate mill at the site. The has taken place in many countries as years. However, some role-players in
business rescue practitioners reported in global overcapacity persists. In response the downstream industry have expressed
February 2019 that they were reviewing to local manufacturers’ concerns about concer n about t he l i m ited pr ice
several proposals for the plate mill and i ncreasi ng volu mes of cheap ste el protection they are accorded.
Iron Plant 2, and that the scrapping of imports amid dec l i n i n g d o m e s t i c In an article published in the July–
redundant portions of Iron Plant 1 had dem a nd , gover n ment , t h roug h t he December 2018 edition of The Export
started, with the process expected to be International Trade Administration D i re ctor y: A f r ica n Ma rket s, st e el
completed in six months. Commission of South Africa (Itac), supplier and processor Allied Steelrode
Also on the corporate activity front, in has imposed impor t protection exe cut ive d i re ctor War ne R ippon
February 2018, South African competition against a range of upstream also stated that steel pricing in South
authorities approved the acquisition and downstream steel products since Africa was extremely volatile. In such
by black-owned investment holding September 2015. a n env i r on m ent , h e a d d e d , it wa s
company Barnes Southern Palace of the This included 10% import duties on difficult to accurately quote customers
wire rod and rolled-products division of galvanised/coated and painted steel, as in advance.
Scaw Metals Group from the Industrial well as a range of products, including wire Rippon cautioned that, if steel pricing
Development Cor porat ion, wh ich, rod, reinforcing bar, semifinished steel, in South Africa was not addressed,
until that time, held 74% of Scaw. A steel plates, cold- and hot-rolled steel, A llied Steel rode, a long with other
month later, permission was granted for steel sections, structural steel and other companies in the downstream industry,
US-based company Amsted Rail to bars, rods and forges. In August 2017, would be forced to increasingly turn to
acquire Scaw’s cast products division Itac introduced a 12% safeguard duty on imports.
and, in May 2018, Chilean company hot-rolled steel. The rate decreased to
M a got t e a u a n nou nc e d t h a t it wa s 10% in August 2018 and is set to decrease Outlook
engaged in negotiations to become a further to 8% in August 2019, before being
strategic equity partner for Scaw’s grinding scrapped 12 months later. wo r l d s t e e l e x p e c t s g l o b a l s t e e l
media division. O w i ng t o t h e i m p o r t p r ot e ct ion demand to increase by 1.30% year-on-
Meanwhile, while initial efforts to measures, f lat steel product imports year to 1.74-billion tonnes in 2019 and by a
secure exemptions from the import tariffs declined from 316 255 t between April further 1% to 1.75-billion tonnes in
of 25% and 10% imposed by the US 2016 a nd Ma rch 2017 to 155 146 t 2020. However, in its latest Short Range
administration in March 2018 on steel between April 2017 and March 2018, Outlook (SRO), released in April 2019,
and aluminium products respectively were It ac ch ief com m issioner Melu lek i the association states that uncertainty
unsuccessful, 161 aluminium products Nzimande told the National Assembly’s about the global trade environment and
and 36 steel products were exempted in Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry volatility in financial markets could
October 2018. in September 2018. Imports of long pose downward risk to this forecast.
This was partly due to lobbying by some steel products also declined during the Demand in China, the largest steel-
US senators, who were concerned that South same period – from 39 263 t to 27 844 t. consuming nation, has been decelerating
Africa could impose reciprocal tariffs on US However, imports of some coated steel as a result of rebalancing and trade
chicken imports. When the steel and aluminium products continued to increase, raising tensions between the Asian country and
import tariffs were imposed, the Steel and speculation that duty circumvention could the US, but this trend was cushioned
Engineering Industries Federation of Southern be taking place. in 2018 by a mild economic stimulus
Africa (Seifsa) calculated that the measures The import protection measures have programme. Demand in the country is
wo u l d c o s t l o c a l s t e e l ex p o r t e r s not been universally supported, however. expected to be further boosted in 2019
about R3-billion in lost revenue and aluminium Critics contend that the protection granted as the Chinese government heightens
exporters about R474-million each year. to AMSA – a monopoly whose products the level of the stimulus. However,
The South African government has they deem to be of a poor quality and worldsteel st ates i n its SRO t hat a
encouraged domestic steel producers to whose on-time-delivery record they say minor contraction will likely occur
continue engaging with US buyers of their is lamentable – is having a detrimental in 2020 as the effects of the stimulus
products to consider requesting the US effect on the downstream industry. programme begin to wane.
administration to exempt all South African Elsewhere in the world, worldsteel
steel and aluminium products from tariffs. Steel Prices forecasts contract ions in demand in
In 2017, South Africa exported 330 000 t develop e d cou nt r ies of 0.30% a nd
of steel products to the US, representing Owing to high global steel prices for 0.70% in 2019 and 2020 respectively,
less than 1% of the latter’s total imports, much of 2018, AMSA achieved a 12% ref lecting a deter iorating trade
while aluminium product imports were increase in avera ge net realised steel envi ron ment. It expects g row t h of
equivalent to about 1.60% of the US’s prices from R8 338/t in 2017 to R9 301/t 2.90% in developing countries, excluding
aluminium imports. in 2018, with the higher prices being China, during 2019, with further growth
Meanwhile, South Africa has not been partially responsible for the steelmaker of 4.60% likely in 2020.
SHEILA BARRADAS and economic growth. To remedy the how to strengthen municipal water
COORDINATOR AND SENIOR DEPUTY situation, the DWS says that increases management and enable PPPs to unlock
EDITOR RESEARCH CHANNEL AFRICA above existing inf lationa r y ta rgets water investment.
will be required to address the historic It proposes what it describes as a
While the much-feared ‘Day Zero’ in undervaluation of water and sanitation “virtuous cycle” to help municipalities
South Africa’s Western Cape province services. deal with the litany of problems they are
has been averted for the time being, Investment in the water sector comprises facing, starting with targeted subsidies
owing to the public’s abiding by water capital for infrastructure development, for the poor, combined with cost-effective
restrictions, among other efforts, the operation and maintenance along the tariffs for other users. More accurate
province and the country are not out of water supply chain, and funding for the billing combined with increased tariffs
the woods. governance and effective management will raise revenues. It suggests this will
In February this year, news agency o f wa t e r a n d s a n it a t i o n s e r v i c e s filter through to better staffing, which
GroundUp reported that, based on its deliver y. T he N W&SMP avers that will improve customer service levels.
extensive coverage of the water sector, a the capital requirement of the sector Increased revenues will also allow for
countrywide water shortage was but ten totals an estimated R90-billion a year, investment to improve infrastructure
years away unless decisive action was encompassing about R70-billion for development and maintenance.
taken to rehabilitate and preserve the water supply infrastructure from source The NBI says that the main opportunities
country’s rivers and catchment areas, repair to end-user, and about R20-billion for available to PPPs are involvement in the
and maintain existing infrastructure, and sanitation and wastewater collection and water value chain through desalination,
implement water reuse. treatment. groundwater extraction and wastewater
This was reiterated by the Department However, a funding gap of R33.30- treatment, and any form of water reuse.
of Water a nd Sa n it at ion ( DWS) i n billion a year exists, which must be A t u r na rou nd towa rd s f i na ncia l
a Ministerial interactive session on reduced through focused interventions sustainability, however, will not succeed
February 15. The department has said such a s p ol icy r ev iews, en h a nc e d if another of the major challenges facing
that if demand continues to escalate at regulation, implementation of cost South Africa’s water sector – nonrevenue
current levels, the deficit between water eff iciency measures a nd proper water (NRW) – is not dealt with. NRW is
supply and demand could be between management of user expectation and costing municipalities about R9.90-billion
2.70-billion and 3.80-billion cubic litres a demand. of potential revenue a year.
year by 2030 – a 17% water deficit. Through these measures, among others, NRW, which includes all water supplied
The DWS, in its National Water and the DWS believes that the current poor that is not paid for, including physical
Sanitation Master Plan (NW&SMP) levels of maintenance and refurbishment wa t e r loss e s t h r oug h le a k s i n t h e
released in October 2018, says that in the sector, which are furthering the distribution system, illegal connections,
South Africa requires a “new normal”, a decline in the reliability of services and unbilled consumption and billed, but
“significant paradigm shift” to achieve infrastructure, can be improved. unpaid for, water use, is currently estimated
water security. This shift, it says, will Voluntary coalition of South African at 41%.
recog n ise t he l i m it at ions of water a n d mu lt i n a t io n a l c o m p a n ie s t h e The high volume of water being lost
availability, ensure equitable access to Nationa l Business Initiative (N BI) by municipalities in the form of NRW,
limited water resources, deliver reliable believes that a series of public–private estimated at 1.66-billion cubic metres
water and sanitation services to all, partnerships (PPP) with municipalities a year, is attributable to the state of the
focus on demand management and other c ou ld help a i l i ng lo ca l wat e r a nd country’s water infrastructure.
sources of water and consider the impacts sanitation departments, many of which
of climate change, as well as address are tackling challenges ranging from Water Infrastructure
deteriorating raw-water quality and the deteriorating infrastructure to declining
real value of water. water quality and poor governance. The NW&SMP estimated the capital
According to NBI climate and water replacement value of South Africa’s
The Real Value of Water programme manager Alex McNamara, water and sanitation infrastructure at
many municipalities are not running R1.36-trillion in 2017. However, the
C u r r ent ly, t he wat er se ctor is not f i na ncia l ly f it busi nesses, a nd a re existing assets are also depreciating,
financially viable. charging a quarter of what it costs to resulting in a current book value of the
This is owing to low tariffs, inadequate provide water. infrastructure totalling an estimated
cost recovery, overconsumption, inefficient The NBI contends that almost half R584-billion. This is because existing
water use, wast age, lea kage, inapt of t h e lo c a l wa t e r a n d s a n it a t io n infrastructure has been extended beyond
infrastructure choices – for example, departments are in a “critical state” and its life, owing to sign if ica nt
water borne sanitation in a water-scarce need assistance from the private sector. u nder i nvest ment i n i n f rast r uct u re
countr y – inadequate planning and The organisation has devised a project maintenance, and delays in the renewal of
implementation, as well as population called Kopano ya Metsi, which examines aged infrastructure. This has resulted in



an accumulated backlog in refurbishment • the raising of Tzaneen dam; empha sise d t hat , to ach ieve water
of about R59-billion. • the Mdloti river development project; and security, all water users in all sectors will
Ac cord i ng to t he Sout h A f r ica n • the raising of Hazelmere dam. have to use water more efficiently, and
government’s 2019 ‘Budget: Estimates The entity will also subsidise the water use must be addressed in the plans
of National Expenditure’ report, which capital requirements, operations and of the municipal, energy, agriculture,
details its expenditure plans for the maintenance of infrastructure for water forestry, mining and industrial sectors.
three-year medium-term expenditure resources. As a result, transfers to the
framework (MTEF) from 2019/20 to entity are expected to increase at an Outlook
2021/22, 81.10%, or R42-billion, of the average rate of 4% a year, from R2.10-
DWS’s spending over the medium term billion in 2018/19 to R2.30-billion in Climate change impacts on South Africa
is earmarked for water infrastructure. 2021/22. will likely be felt primarily through
Investment in bulk and reticulation impacts on water resources.
infrastructure for water and sanitation Water Supply and Demand According to the Council for Scientific
as pa r t of the Water Infrastr ucture and Industrial Research, these will
Development programme, which is the To balance demand and supply, South include longer droughts in the western
largest spending area in the budget, Africa will need to reduce water demand, parts of the country, and the arid interior
is expected to lead to an increase in as well as increase supply for a growing and rainfall becoming more intense in the
expenditure on transfers to municipalities population and economy. north and the eastern interior, resulting in
at an average rate of 4.30% a year, from Average domestic water use in South flooding.
R5.70-billion in 2018/19 to R6.50-billion Africa is about 237 ℓ/d per person – 64 ℓ/d Many observers have forecast that the
in 2021/22. per person more than the world average country will run out of water by 2030.
Through the regional bulk infrastructure of 173 ℓ/d per person. Such a prediction will not eventuate,
grant and the water services infrastructure T he N W&SM P recom mends t hat however, if there is a mindset change
grant, four mega, 34 large and 295 small average domestic consumption must be among consumers about the true value
regional bulk water and sanitation projects reduced to 175 ℓ/d per person by 2025. of water. A total of R899‑billion is
are expected to be completed over the South Africa needs to progress from expected to be invested over the next
MTEF period. a water supply strongly dominated by decade to build new infrastr ucture
An estimated R6.60-billion over the surface water to one that includes reuse and rehabilitate and upgrade existing
period will be made available to local of effluent from wastewater treatment facilities. This level of investment –
governments through the regional bulk plants, water reclamation, as well as about R89.90‑billion a year – is about
infrastructure grant and R11.80-billion to desalination and treated acid m ine R33‑billion more than what has been
municipalities through the water services drainage. invested every year, which leaves a 37%
infrastructure grant. A further R11.90- The NW&SMP contends that, by 2040, funding gap.
billion will be made available over the treated AMD and desalinated seawater The NW&SMP states that the mindset
MTEF through these grants for payments will contr ibute significantly to the shift that must accompany an increase
for capital assets. country’s water mix. in water and sanitation infrastructure
Over the medium term, transfers to Groundwater is also expected to feature investment should occur not only among
the Water Trading Entity, whose main more prominently. The total volume of consumers but a lso at a ll levels of
functions include the development, groundwater that is potentially accessible government, in the business sector and
operation and maintenance of specific is about 4.50-billion cubic metres a year, civil society.
wat er resou rce i n f ra st r uct u re a nd of which only two-billion cubic metres Without demand management, currently
managing water resources in specific to three-billion cubic metres are being used. planned infrastructure development and
water management areas, are expected to In terms of demand, agriculture is the broadening of the water mix will
fund short- and long-term interventions in: the biggest water-consuming sector not be sufficient to balance supply and
• acid mine drainage (AMD) – mine water in South Africa, accounting for 61% of demand.
that is purified and used to augment total withdrawals, according to the DWS, The NW&SMP contends that if the
the yield of the Vaal River system, in yet the sector pays the lowest tariffs. This targets for reducing physical losses in
Gauteng, to ensure water security and places increased responsibility on not municipal systems are reached, and
environmental sustainability; only the fiscus but also other water consumers. there is a reduction in the per capita
• t he Olifants river water resources The second-biggest user is the municipal consumption of water to the global
development project (Phase 2D); se ctor, wh ich suppl ies i ndust r ia l, average of 173 ℓ/d, as well as a shift in
• the Mokolo and Crocodile river water commercial and domestic consumers, the mix between the water-use types –
augmentation project (Phase 2A); while the mining and bulk industrial surface water, groundwater supplies,
• the raising of Clanwilliam dam; sectors are the third-biggest users. desalination, reuse and treated AMD –
• t h e G r o o t L e t a b a r i v e r w a t e r Regardless of the volume of withdrawals there will be a slight surplus available in
development project; by t he se ctor s, t he N W&SM P h a s 2030.
MARIAAN WEBB While other emerging markets have highest yearly growth rate in five years,
AND DEPUTY EDITOR ONLINE managed an accelerated recovery of their albeit from a low base. The rebound was
manufacturing sectors, South Africa has aided by increased export demand and a
Manufacturing is one of the key sectors underperformed among its peers. relatively competitive exchange rate.
that keep the economic engine of South The reasons for the country’s lacklustre Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) figures
Africa running, but the industry has performance in the post-2008-financial show that manufacturing production
been under severe strain in recent years. c r isis er a have b e en a sc r ib e d to a increased by 1.20% in 2018, following a
The contribution made by the sector to combination of external and internal 0.50% contraction in 2017 and a rise of
the economy has declined to only 14% factors. Policy missteps have made it 0.70% in 2016.
of gross domestic product (GDP) in m o r e d i f f ic u lt fo r S o u t h A f r ic a n The food and beverages, and automotive
2018, from an all-time high of about 25% manufacturing companies to navigate divisions were the major drivers behind
in 1981. global headwinds. When President Cyril 2018’s rise, while manufacturers in
Ma nufact ur ing not only plays a n Ramaphosa ascended to power at the communication equipment, electrical
important role in the national economy beginning of 2018, he promised to revive machinery and clothing were the sectors
but is a lso a n i mpor t a nt sou rce of the manufacturing industry through that lagged.
employment, providing work for one in incentive programmes, targeting the I n t he f i r st t wo mont hs of 2019,
every ten individuals in South Africa’s automotive, agroprocessing, and clothing manufacturing output barely grew, with
workforce, employing about 1.78-million and textiles sectors. Incentives include tax an expansion of 0.80% in January and
people. benefits, infrastructure and support for 0.50% in February.
In the past decade, the industry has companies investing in special economic Manufacturing production increased
faced the global financial crisis, the end zones. by 1.20% year-on-year in March, beating
of the commodity supercycle, a collapse The manufacturing industry staged a market expectations of a 1.10% contraction.
of mining procurement and a global steel glut. modest turnaround in 2018, recording its The largest positive contributions were

Source: Creamer Media



made by energy-intensive industries, Amid weak domestic demand, the local preceding quarter, at 1.78-million people.
which commentators say is surprising, factories have significant spare capacity. On a year-on-year comparison, employment
given t he extensive load-shedd i ng Large manufacturers – those with a in the manufacturing sector decreased by
experienced during the month. South turnover of more than R100-million a 3.73% in the first quarter of the year.
Africa was subjected to load-shedding year – reported capacity utilisation of
in March at a scale and intensity similar 83.10% in November 2018, decreasing Manufacturing Exports
to that of the 2008 electricity crisis. The to 80.30% in February 2019. The main
economy was subjected to about two reasons given for the underutilisation are Overall manufacturing exports expanded
days of Stage 2 and seven days of Stage 4 insufficient demand (63%), shortage of by 5.70% in nominal terms to R713.8-
load-shedding. raw materials (10%), shortage of labour billion in 2018. The main contributors
The largest positive contributions to (6.20%) and other reasons (20.80%). to the increase were motor vehicles,
the March expansion were made by The brakes that the limping South parts and accessories, nonelectrical
petroleum, chemicals, rubber and plastic Africa economy is putting on demand for machinery and equipment, nonferrous
products (7% and contributing 1.50 goods have dented business confidence metal products, basic chemicals, and basic
percentage points to the total percentage among manufacturers. According to iron and steel.
change); basic iron and steel, nonferrous the Rand Merchant Bank/Bureau for The composition of the manufacturing
metal products and machinery (3.20% Economic Research business confidence export basket has changed over the years,
and contributing 0.70 of a percentage i ndex ( BCI ), con f idence a mong with a substantial rise in the relative
point); and food and beverages (1% and manufacturers hovered well below the share claimed by the motor vehicles
contributing 0.30 of a percentage point). neutral 50-point mark at about 34 index subsector. The export of motor vehicles,
O n a q u a r t e r- o n - q u a r t e r b a s i s , points in the first half of 2018 and then pa r ts and accessories is the la rgest
ma nufact u r ing out put sh r un k by a slumped to 26 points in the third quarter, manufacturing export category, with an
seasonally adjusted 2.40% in the first before recovering to 30 in the fourth increase of 9.30% in value terms last year,
three months of the year. quarter. Business confidence relapsed representing 23.50% of total manufacturing
T he mont h ly cha nges i n fa ctor y to 25 index points in the first quarter of exports.
output measured by Stats SA tend to 2019, as an abrupt drop in export sales The increase in the automotive industry’s
be foreshadowed by financial services hit manufacturers on top of a faster exports is an indication that parts of the
provider Absa-sponsored purchasing deterioration in domestic sales. manufacturing sector are internationally
managers index (PMI). The PMI is usually Overall, the country’s BCI fell 28 points competitive, former Trade and Industry
an indicator of where the production in the first quarter of 2019 – the lowest Minister Rob Davies has said. The
numbers will head in two months. A level since the 27 index points recorded in automotive sector contributes 33% of
figure above 50 indicates expansion in the second quarter of 2017 and the deep the GDP of the manufacturing sector
the sector and below a contraction. In recession of 2009. and produces about 600 000 vehicles a
the first few months of this year, the Factories sold R2.32-trillion worth of year.
seasonally adjusted Absa PMI lingered goods in 2018, up from R2.18-trillion in On an individual country level, the US
below the 50-neutral level. The PMI 2017. In the first three months of 2019, and Germany are the main markets for
slipped from 50.70 points in December sales amounted to R562.80-billion. South African-manufactured goods, but
2018, to 49.90 points in January, 46.20 January’s sales of R171.71-billion as a whole, the African continent is the
points in February and 45 points in i nc r e a s e d by 9.6 0% ye a r- on-ye a r, biggest export market. The key markets
March, before rising to 47.20 index points Febr ua r y’s sales of R181.18-billion are Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and
in April. increased by 7.80% year-on-year and Zimbabwe, which are all members of
The absence of load-shedding during March’s sales of R203.91-billion increased the Southern African Customs Union
April may have supported the slight by 8.10% year-on-year. (SACU).
i mprovement i n PM I respondents’ A lt houg h m a nu fa ct u r i ng out put The Industrial Development Corporation
sentiment. recovered in 2018, formal employment (IDC) reports that the potential outside
The Steel and Engineering Industries losses were recorded in eight out of its SACU countries remains largely untapped.
Federation of Southern Africa (Seifsa) ten broad subsectors. In the first three Several sub-Saharan African countries
has expressed its concern about the quarters of 2018, formal employment in that are not members of SACU present
rate of contraction of the PMI, noting the manufacturing sector declined by relatively sizeable overa ll impor ts
t h a t f a c t o r i e s a r e u n d e r ex t r e m e 1.20%, or 14 139 people. markets, including Nigeria, Kenya,
stress, owing to slack ing economic The downward trend continued in the Ethiopia, Ghana, Tanzania, Côte d’Ivoire,
activity and poor inventory turnover. fourth quarter, with employment down Senegal and the Republic of Congo, yet
Increasing fuel prices and rising energy 1.40% year-on-year to 1.77-million people. these countries’ imports from South Africa
costs are pushing up input costs, while Employment levels remained largely are negligible.
irregular electricity supply is compounding unchanged in the January to March Improving economic prospects for
the problem. 2019 quarter, when compared with the m a ny of t hese A f r ica n e conom ies



could provide a solid basis for a stronger State-owned electricity firm Eskom’s companies in the electricity-intensive
export performance and the enhancement price increases have outpaced inflation subsectors could close down.
of S o u t h A f r ic a’s m a nu fa c t u r i ng over the past decade and tariffs are In the metals and engineering (M&E)
capacity. The average yearly growth for continuing to rise sharply. The National sector, electricity costs represent 3.08%
sub-Saharan Africa, excluding South Energy Regulator of South Africa has of total input costs, but about 6% of
Africa and Nigeria, is forecast at about sanctioned increases of 9.41% for 2020, t he elect r icit y-i ntensive subsector
5% until 2024. 8.10% for 2021 and 5.20% for 2022. These components of the M&E sector. The
S o u t h A f r i c a’s t r a d e d e f i c i t i n increases are in addition to the approved electricity cost component adds up to
ma nufact u red goods widened to 4.41% hike for the next three years, about R9.36-billion to the basic iron and
R310-billion in 2018, as the value of following Eskom’s regulatory clearing steel products subsector and R2.23-billion
manufactured imports rose to R1.02- account application. in the basic nonferrous metals production
trillion. Businesses have warned that substantial industry.
tariff increases will have a major impact The cost of electricity blackouts are also
Manufacturing and Electricity on cost structures while Seifsa economist significant to the manufacturing industry
Marique Kruger has sa id that the and the larger economy.
Uninterrupted and competitively priced sharp increases will make it difficult Manufacturers report that two hours
electricity is an imperative to successful for manufacturing companies to plan of load-shedding can translate into about
manufacturing. production processes and that more five hours of downtime, as machines

Source: Creamer Media



have to be reheated, while sudden power Gover n ment’s in itia l goa l was to offerings with the new capabilities of a
losses cause mechanical and electrical financially assist 100 black industrialists tech-centric ecosystem.
damage to machines. Workers also have and, with that goal having been surpassed, Management consulting and professional
to be compensated when they work the DTI has set its sights on assisting services firm Accenture states that the
overtime to make up for lost production. another 100 black entrepreneurs over the value-add of digital initiatives, such as
A l l t h e s e i s su e s r a i s e t h e c o st of next two years. blockchain, the Internet of Things (IoT)
manufacturing products in South Africa The BIS regards a black industrialist as and artificial intelligence (AI) to industry
and lessen the industry’s competitiveness. a business that is more than 50% black- could be as much as R2.50-trillion and
Ongoing uncertainty about electricity owned, or somebody who controls the could be unlocked by 2026. The highest
supply is expected to have a dampening business, takes personal risks with his/ potential for gains are in agriculture,
impact on fixed investment activity in her participation and does business in the manufacturing and financial services, with
2019, indicating that the manufacturing manufacturing sector. IoT likely to play the most important role.
sector is likely to remain under pressure. Besides the BIS, the DTI also provides In manufacturing, the implementation of
incentive packages to support local and technologies, such as IoT and connected
Policy Developments foreign investments. The first major devices, as well as AI throughout the
initiative was the 2012 launch of the value chain, has the potential to improve
To tackle the decline in South Africa’s Manufacturing Competitive Enhancement responsiveness to demand and allow for
industrial and manufacturing capacity, P r og r a m m e, t h r o ug h wh ich lo c a l the introduction of many value-adding
the Department of Trade and Industry manufacturers were able to discard services, effectively turning production
(DTI) developed an Industrial Policy obsolete and antiquated machinery and companies into service companies.
Action Plan (Ipap) and launched the equipment for new investments valued Positioning the South African economy
first iteration in 2008. at R30-billion. This was followed by for the digital industrial revolution, also
In its first ten years, the Ipap managed the sector-specific incentives – the known as 4IR or Industry 4.0, requires
to successfully ramp up production in the Automotive I ncentive Scheme, t he buy-in from the private and public sectors.
automotive sector, resuscitated the ailing Aquaculture Development Enhancement Currently, South Africa is not well placed
tooling industry and boosted the clothing, Programme and the Business Process for the 4IR and, according to the DTI,
textiles, leather and footwear industries. Services Incentive. The Ipap is also using the nation ranks between forty-sixth and
Automotive exports have doubled public procurement as a key lever for seventy-fifth globally on a variety of
over the past ten years, with the sector industrialisation and reindustrialisation metrics assessing readiness for 4IR.
producing 600 000 vehicles a year and by designating certain sectors or products The DTI argues that the key components
supporting 113 000 jobs. The clothing for local procurement. To date, 23 sectors of the digital revolution – IoT, Big Data,
and textile sector, which was on its and/or products have been designated for AI, automation, robotics, new processes
k nees ten yea rs ago, has a lso been local procurement, with varying minimum and materials, additive manufacturing,
revived. The clothing and textile sector local content thresholds. Between 2015 logistics, marketing techniques and sales
currently employs 95 000 people, while and July 2017, about R60-billion was channels – will put pressure on areas
22 new factories have been opened in the reported to the DTI as value for local where South Africa is already lagging
leather sector, supporting 2 200 jobs. content in procurement. This includes the or weak, such as education and skills, as
The DTI is also pleased about its rail rolling stock fleet procurement of about well as enabling infrastructure such as
steps to rebuild the tooling industry. R49.50-billion. However, the challenge broadband and communications.
Through its National Tooling Initiative, remains the verification of the real achieved However, as the continent’s strongest
many foundries, as well as tool, die and value, and the South Africa Bureau of pro duct ion c ent re, Sout h A f r ica’s
mouldmaking companies, have been Standards has been given a mandate to manufacturing industry has potential.
assisted through various DTI programmes, conduct accurate content verifications. The World Economic Forum lists South
while 1 800 students have been trained. Africa’s ability to innovate as one of the
One of the flagships programmes within Changing Landscape country’s greatest strengths. The strong
the Ipap is the Black Industrialist Scheme innovation culture and entrepreneurial
(BIS), which was launched in November As the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) activity is supported by a strong financial
2015. The programme benefits from gathers momentum, manufacturers are sector. Human capital, with a shortage
specifically targeted funding earmarked by under intense pressure to innovate. The of engineers, scientists and digital skills,
the IDC and the National Empowerment sector faces a multitude of ever-changing remain the most pressing challenge for
Fund. By ea rly 2019, a total of 131 disruptive digital technologies – predictive growing the country’s manufacturing
projects had been approved, with black analytics, additive manufacturing and the capabilities.
entrepreneurs having leveraged about Industrial Internet of Things, to name It is also critical for South Africa to
R13.20-billion of private-sector investment. a few. Amid the changing landscape, improve its institutional framework to
The 131 projects have created about countries have to rethink their strategies effectively respond to change, offer a
9 500 new jobs and retained 8 900 in a and businesses have to adapt to the digital stable policy environment and direct
wide range of manufacturing subsectors. landscape, and align their operations and innovation.

The global industrial pumps market is

expected to reach $88.40-billion by 2025,
according to a new report by Grand View
Research, expanding at a compound annual
growth rate (CAGR) of 5.90% over the
forecast period.
Demand for industrial pumps is on
the increase owing to their use in a wide
variety of applications such as water and
wastewater, power construction, chemicals,
and oil and gas. This, in turn, has led to
increased spending by industrial pumps
manufacturers to provide value-added
benefits to consumers.
T h e i ndu st r ia l pu m p s m a rket is
categorised according to product type,
which includes centrifugal, reciprocating,
rotary and diaphragm pumps; and end-user,
which includes the oil and gas, water and
wastewater, chemicals and petrochemicals,
pharmaceuticals, and food and beverages
sectors, among others.
Centrifugal pumps held a major share
of the global industrial pumps market
at $43.50-billion in 2018, owing to their

Source: Creamer Media

capability of handling varied pressure and
their good load handling abilities at rather
low maintenance costs and on account of
their predominant use in utilities and shop
floors of manufacturing units. the term intelligent pump is transforming is also providing pumps manufacturers
Posit ive d isplacement pu mps, to refer also to embedded or attached with the capability to innovate and
meanwhile, are reported to have held sensors that collect data and transmit provide for all pump solutions for end-
a ma rket sha re of 13% in 2018 a nd pu mp per for ma nce a nd /or process users, instead of only a few components.
are projected to generate a revenue of i n fo r m a t i o n fo r p r e d i c t ive a s s e t Pumps manufacturers who succeed in
$10.71-billion by 2026, at a growth rate management purposes. With the advent providing IIoT capabilities will be better
of 5.30% a year, according to market of intelligent pumps, remote condition positioned to take advantage of these
research and consulting firm Reports and monitoring, energy management as well trends.
Data. The firm estimates that the industrial as remote systems control become realistic IIoT offers pumps manufactured by
pumps market will reach $89.21-billion prospects. an original equipment manufacturer
by 2026. T h e I nt e r n e t of T h i ng s a n d t h e the capability to connect to the cloud,
Pumps, however, are outgrowing their Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) – or potentially help end-users troubleshoot
conventional role as humble mechanical the extension of Internet connectivity and diagnose problems in the field
labourers, with the advent of digital into anything from the machines in a without having to send a service technician
technology and intelligent or “smart” factory to the engines inside an aeroplane on-site, among other advantages.
pumps. – can collect, analyse and exchange data. With intelligent devices like sensors
An intelligent pump is a pump that The capacity to drive energy efficiency, and VFDs connected to a network, the
has the ability to regulate and control remotely monitor and control pumping data can be analysed and used to better
flow or pressure. It can be defined as the applications, and foresee issues before understand how pumps are being used
combination of a pump and a variable they cause system failures or impact and when or why they operate outside
frequency drive (VFD) with digital operations is driving the adoption of required parameters. Pumps manufacturers
control ability. However, the meaning of IIoT technologies in pumping systems. It could use this data to understand trends,



m a nu fa ct u re more rel iable pu mps Aftermarket Service equipment and system optimisations. All
and predict market needs before they aftermarket services globally will fall
happen. The use of connected pumps allows the under the new KSB SupremeServ banner,
According to pump-users publication transmission of important data, enabling which encompasses existing and new
Pump & Systems (P&S), IIoT could also a range of IIoT applications, however, for maintenance, logistics and engineering
help pumps suppliers capture incremental pumps manufacturers, to differentiate infrastructure and is entirely focused
revenue through aftermarket sales. For themselves in an industry where most on elevating customer assistance to new
instance, if a pumps supplier sells a suppliers are offering similar equipment heights in the pumps industry.
connected VFD installed on a pumping or technologies, the real differentiating This includes maintenance of third-party
system, the VFD can collect data on the factor in future will be the service, peripheral equipment to ensure its clients’
physical condition of the system and, innovation and support that are offered systems perform optimally at all times.
through analytics, calculate whether the with regard to the products companies The company says that its aftermarket
pump is on the verge of seal failure. An supply. engineering teams can also remanufacture
automated notification can be sent to the Engineering solutions provider Weir or reverse engineer equipment that is no
end-user cautioning that seal failure is Minerals Africa, for example, launched longer available but necessary to meet
imminent, and an order for replacement its e-commerce platform to the market in clients’ requirements.
parts can be automatically placed. This 2016. The site provides a rapid response The company’s service offering includes
would result in increased uptime and buyi ng cha n nel for t he compa ny’s a faster supply chain with a shift towards
increased revenue through aftermarket products and was initially developed fully automated logistics functions for
sales for the distributor. to serve smaller customers or the cash- faster spare parts turnarounds, upgraded
For the service providers, connected based customer segment. However, this high-tech service centres at all KSB
pumps will make it easier to proactively has evolved significantly over the past branches, specialised repair services on
fix end-user problems, possibly even before two years and today the company has all makes of pumps and related equipment,
the users know there is a problem and about 2 900 wear parts listed on it, specialised welding, as well as installations,
create a greater awareness of what may compared with the 72 parts when it was commissioning, performance testing on site,
need to be fixed. first established. decommissioning and other advanced field
“This will strengthen the value for The platform was expanded in late service and engineering services.
ser vice providers a l ready offer ing 2018 to incorporate a full credit-based Also, in an unprecedented move in the
maintenance contracts and open the facility that facilitates a faster buying local pumps industry, pumps distributor
door for those who do not yet offer them,” experience for the customer. Integrated Pump Technology (IPT)
P&S says. Customers also have access to the announced in 2018 an extension of the
Labour is the leading driver of costs customer care line and can speak to a warranty on Grindex submersible pumps
for pump system integrators and service sales administrator who will assist, from 18 months to 30. Traditionally, pumps
p r ov id er s. P u mp syst em s t h at a r e providing customers with the same level companies offer a warranty period of just
powered by connected devices speed of service they would have received in person. 12 months.
up installation, commissioning and As a va lue-add, t he e- com merce IPT, and its sister company Integrated
troubleshooting of the system. This platfor m suggests ot her items t hat Pump Rental, also offer an integrated
increases labour efficiency, with less should be included in the purchase, pump solutions approach, where they
time being spent at each job, which improving the process for the customer. offer sales as well as rental options. IPT
enables the service provider to complete Weir also plans to improve on linking maintains that, while the companies’
more jobs in a day, ultimately resulting in recommendations. This entails informing ma rket of fer i ngs d i f fer, it is t hei r
an increase in profits. As P&S explains: customers that there is a newer, more philosophy of providing single-source
“Whether through intelligent sensors improved and compatible version of pump solutions to customers in the
autotuning themselves to match the the item available. This will ensure that m ining industr y that has led to the
specific demands of the pumping system customers will always buy the latest significant growth of both in the past
or connected technical support that components the company has to offer in four years. Both companies’ extend a full
offers step-by-step guidance through South Africa. service offering that includes not just the
startup, maximising labour savings leads Another company that is intensifying supply of a pump, but also installation
to better, faster service for the end-user its focus on aftermarket services that of the pump and associated accessories,
and increased revenue and margins for add value to customer operations is local including hosing, flotation devices and
the service provider.” pumps manufacturer KSB Pumps and control panels. Both companies also
End-users also stand to benefit from Valves, which under the umbrella of provide support including maintenance
connected devices through increased the SupremeServ division will extend contracts with skilled artisans performing
customer service, better quality products its services and engineering expertise this work. This, the company says,
and better situational awareness of their to include maintenance of its entire ensures optimum performance of a pump
operations. systems, reverse engineering of rotating installation.


Mining Contents

Source: Creamer Media

Source: Creamer Media

25Coal 28Gold

Source: Creamer Media

30Iron-Ore 32Platinum
MARTIN ZHUWAKINYU significant demand growth is predicted existing generation capacity in China
in Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, alone reportedly meeting the criteria for
While thermal coal’s share of the global Ma laysia a nd Pa k ist a n. T he I EA’s CCUS retrofit.
energy mix is forecast to decline from 27% projection for China, which accounts However, the ther mal coal sector
in 2017 to 25% in 2023 as more stringent for nearly 50% of thermal coal global suffered a blow in March 2019, when the
air-quality policies are introduced, coal consumption, is for a 3% demand decline in Japanese government announced that it
divestment campaigns gather momentum the five years to 2023 as clean-air measures would no longer approve any new coal-
and renewables costs continue to fall, are implemented. fired power stations. This coincided with
the International Energy Agency (IEA) The World Coal Association (WCA) is major Japanese companies announcing
expects power station demand for the fossil also upbeat about thermal coal’s prospects, their intention to move away from coal, and
fuel to remain stable over the outlook pointing out in March 2019 that the world’s South Korea increasing taxes on thermal
period. current coal-fired electricity generation coal by 27%.
T h is upbeat forecast is based on capacity of 2 000 GW – which requires six- W h ile t he t her ma l coa l sector is
t he expect ation t hat t he envisaged billion tonnes of coal a year – represents under pressure, largely because of the
environment-related demand reduction, an increase of 62% since 2010, and that commodity’s environmental impact, the
projected to be most pronounced in Europe more than 300 GW is under construction coking coal market is booming, buoyed by
and North America, will be more than in Asia alone. strong demand and barely growing supply,
offset by strong growth in Asia, the agency Given the availability of technology which have resulted in prices doubling to
states in its ‘Coal 2018’ report. that reduces harmful-gas emissions more than $210/t since 2010. Consultancy
India is expected to post the greatest from coal-fired power stations, the WCA Wood Mackenzie expects the 2019 average
demand increase in Asia, but a deceleration believes coal will continue to have a role price to be upwards of $180/t, while its
in the growth rate is predicted, owing to in a carbon-constrained world. One such counterpart, Fitch Solutions, has forecast
a large-scale expansion of the country’s technology is carbon capture, use and $195/t and financial services firm Credit
renewables sector and increased use of storage (CCUS), which the association Suisse $203/t.
supercritical technology in new power says could be retrofitted to some power There are concerns, however, that the
stations. Elsewhere on the continent, stations, with more than 300 GW of the high prices of coking coal may prompt

Source: Exxaro



significant production capacity expansion, according to industry body Minerals sector in recent years, following Eskom’s
boosting output as consumption slows, thus Council South Africa. implementation of a procurement policy
exerting downward pressure on prices. The coal mining sector faces several that favours suppliers with a black
Mea nwh ile, owing to slacken ing challenges, including poor policy cohesion, ownership of 50% plus one share.
demand in key markets, economic analysts exemplified by State-owned electricity Of the 252.60-million tonnes produced
FocusEconomics expects thermal coal utility Eskom’s insistence on procuring in South Africa in 2018, 73.47-million
prices to average $93.80/t in 2019 – 1.50% the fossil fuel from suppliers with a 51% broad- tonnes – 4.10% less than in 2017 – was
lower than the economics firm’s previous based black economic-empowerment level, exported, with the balance sold on the
forecast for the year – and to decline while the Mining Charter stipulates 30%. domestic market, where Eskom is the
further to $87.20/t in 2020. National Coal miners also have to contend with biggest consumer, accounting for 53%
Australia Bank has also revised its 2019 cumbersome application processes for of demand. The main export destination
price forecast downwards – from $95/t to environmental, prospecting and mining in 2018 was I nd ia , wh ich received
$88/t. Credit Suisse forecasts $85/t in 2019 right licences; constraints on the coal 35.29-million tonnes, followed by Pakistan
and $80/t in each of the next two years. export channel, which extends from the (9.37-million tonnes) and South Korea
Waterberg to the Richards Bay Coal (6.73-million tonnes). The Netherlands
South African Coal Market Terminal (RBCT), on the KwaZulu-Natal received 3.14-million tonnes and Spain
coast; near-mine communities demanding 1.38-million tonnes, while Egypt was
South Africa’s estimated coal endowment jobs and tenders; and challenges in the top destination in Africa, receiving
of 30-billion tonnes, valued at R6-trillion, municipalities where mining operations 1.33-million tonnes.
equates to 3.50% of the global total. Coal are located. The RBCT expects to ship 77-million
mining in the country primarily takes Also of concern is the Carbon Tax tonnes in 2019, higher than 2017’s all-time
place in the fast-depleting Mpumalanga Act, which took effect on June 1, 2019, high of 76.47-million tonnes. However,
coalfields – which account for 83% of and aims to increase the cost of carbon- Minerals Council South Africa calculates
total production – with smaller quantities intensive goods and services through that, if gross fixed capital formation in the
mined in the burgeoning Waterberg region the appropriate pricing of carbon, thus sector – which totalled R18-billion in 2017
of Limpopo, as well as in KwaZulu-Natal promoting noncarbon alternatives. – increased by 10% a year, coal exports
and the Free State. Meanwhile, South African coal mines could grow to about 110-million tonnes a
Sout h A f r ica’s coa l deposits a re produced 252.60-million tonnes in 2018, year, creating an additional 11 600 jobs.
generally shallow, largely unfaulted and marginally higher year-on-year. Until the
slightly inclined, which lends them to disposal in 2018 of its Eskom-tied mines Corporate Activity
opencast and shallow underground mining, and its 73% interest in Anglo American
with a high degree of mechanisation. Inyosi – owner of the Mpumalanga-based A nglo A mer ica n ha s not b e en t he
Coal is the largest revenue generator New Largo thermal coal product and only mining major to have divested, or
in the South African mining industry, disused Old New Largo colliery – Anglo announced plans to divest, from some
earning R139.40-billion in sales in 2018, American Coal South Africa (AACSA) of its coal assets in South Africa in the
up 7% on the previous year. Forty-nine was the largest coal producer in the past two years.
per cent of this figure comprised export country. AACSA and Seriti Resources, South32’s South African Energy Coal
receipts. the startup that acquired its former coal (SAEC), which produces 28-million
The sector, which employed 86 919 assets, together with Exxaro, South32, tonnes a year – half of which it delivers
people in 2018 – 5.30% more than in 2017 Glencore and Sasol Mining, produce to Eskom – has been up for sale since
– also contributed R168-billion to the 80% of the country’s coal, with the 2018. While details are sparse about
fiscus in the form of royalties and paid balance accounted for by 50 to 60 junior progress on the sale, CEO Graham
R24.70-billion in wages and salaries, miners, some of which have entered the Kerr told an interviewer in March 2019
that a shortlist was being prepared from
South African coal production and employment: 2008 to 2018 more than 50 bidders. Mining news
website miningmx reported during the
same month that the winning bidder
would have to be anchored by a black-
Coal produced (‘000 t)

owned company with a balance sheet

that is capable of funding the cost of
resource renewal and production growth,
as well as rehabilitation charges. SAEC
boasts 4.50-million tonnes of in situ
resources and a 21% entitlement at the
Coal produced Number of employees
Source: Minerals Council South Africa
Ser it i is repor te d ly one of t he



entities interested in acquiring SAEC,

said to be worth about $800-million,
along with Phembani Group, owned
by telecommunications giant MTN’s
former chairperson and CEO, Phuthuma
Nhleko, and nonprofit group Mining
Forum of South Africa. Exxaro executives
would neither deny nor confirm the
company’s interest in SAEC when they
presented 2018 financial-year results in
March 2019.
However, they confirmed that Exxaro
had decided against preparing a bid for
another coal miner that is up for sale –
Optimum Colliery Holdings – explaining
that, as the transaction was designed
as a package deal, it would be value
destructive for the company.
Seriti has, however, stated that it is
interested in acquiring Optimum Colliery

Source: Creamer Media

Holdings, owned by the controversial
Gupta family’s Tegeta Exploration &
Resources, which is in business rescue
a nd whose O pt i mu m coa l m i ne is
The utility procures more than half its insisting that suppliers be majority
contracted to supply Eskom’s Hendrina
coal under a model whereby it provides owned by black shareholders.
power station, in Mpumalanga. Should
mine owners with capital to develop He explained that more than 70% of
it be selected to buy Optimum, Seriti and expand their mines, with the output the contracts that had been concluded by
would be entitled to the company’s 7.50% supplied to the utility at cost plus a that time were signed with companies
stake in the RBCT, which, based on the small margin. However, it has failed to whose black shareholding was below
terminal’s yearly capacity of 81-million commit sufficient capital for this purpose 50%.
tonnes, equates to just over six-million over the past few years and announced in In the longer term, Eskom intends to
tonnes a year. 2015 that it intended to withdraw from boost its coal supply by extending cost-
In January 2019, a consortium that the cost-plus mines, a decision that was
includes State-owned African Exploration plus contracts, investing in cost-plus mines,
reversed in May 2018 by CEO Phakamani extending existing fixed-price contracts
& Mining Fina nce Cor poration Hadebe, who has announced that he
(AEMFC) announced that it was also and conducting open tenders to source
will be leaving the parastatal at the end uncontracted coal for the life of power stations.
vying for the Optimum m ine, with of July 2019.
the entity stating that it envisaged a While coal deliveries to Eskom power
The lack of sufficient investment in
publ ic – pr ivat e pa r t ner sh ip mo del stations totalled 115.49-million tonnes in
new capacity at the cost-plus mines,
where it would own the mine and an 2018, the latest draft of the Department
coupled with factors that include a decline
established privately owned mining of Energy’s Integrated Resource Plan
in supplies from Tegeta, has resulted in
company operating it. AEMFC, which envisages an increase to 139-million
a precipitous decline in coal stockpiles
ow n s t he V la k font ei n col l ier y, i n tonnes a year by 2023, followed by a
at Eskom’s power stations since October
Mpumalanga, stated that it had the 2017, when available supplies were above decline to current levels ten years later,
financial wherewithal to bid for the 40 days. before contracting further to 90-million
Optimum mine, which would include To help remedy the situation, Hadebe tonnes a year by 2020. The Minerals
providing a R250-million guarantee. told Engineering News in November Council calculates that the expected
2018 that 27 new coal supply contracts increase in demand from Eskom in the
Electricity Generation had been concluded since January 2018 coming years will require a R1.30-billion
and that more contracts were due to be investment in new mines, which will
Eskom consumes more than half the signed shortly. result in the creation of an estimated
coal mined in South Africa. During the The new contracts, he added, were in 6 500 additional jobs. As some of the
2017/18 financial year, its 16 coal-fired line with the provisions of the Preferential existing coal mines are nearly depleted,
power stations burned 115.49-million Procurement Policy Framework Act and several new operations will need to be
tonnes of the fossil fuel, compa red the Public Finance Management Act, developed, at a cost of about R20-billion,
with 113.74-million tonnes in the previous year. which meant that the utility was not to meet Eskom’s demand.
MARIAAN WEBB Gold companies ranked by 2018 gold production (million ounces)

Far-reaching changes have swept through

the global gold mining industry in the
past year, with takeovers of Randgold
Resources by Barrick Gold and Goldcorp
by Newmont Mining creating two new
gold Goliaths, leaving South African
gold mining companies quite some way
behind. Source: Barrick Gold

Newmont Goldcorp is now the world’s

sustaining cost (AISC) of South African energy for their operations will take
largest producer, with a 2018 output of
mines by 10% and 12% respectively to companies down the cost curve and provide
7.40-million ounces, followed by Barrick
“near subeconomic values”. Gold Fields’ crucial energy security. Prospects for
at 5.70-million ounces. South Africa’s
South Deep mine operated at an AISC self-generation received a major boost
AngloGold Ashanti remains in third
position, but at a more distant 3.40-million of $1 903 oz last year, compared with a when the National Energy Regulator of
ounces, while fellow Johannesburg- world average of $897/oz. Sibanye, which South Africa was given Ministerial approval
headquartered Gold Fields is in seventh suffered a bruising five-month strike at in May to licence projects that have a
place at two-million ounces. its gold mines, operated at an AISC of combined capacity of 500 MW.
AngloGold Ashanti and Gold Fields R914 590/kg, or $2 030/oz, in the March Allowing the private sector to arrange
have turned their gaze internationally 2019 quarter – almost double what the its own sources of lower-cost power could
and derive most of their revenue from company received for the gold it sold. strengthen the South African mining
operations outside the country. Each Following the strike called by the industry’s investment case. However, to take
have only one mine left in South Africa, Association of Mineworkers Union, mining companies completely off the grid
leaving the local gold industry anchored Sibanye has said that it will restructure will require substantial investments that will
by Sibanye-Stillwater, Harmony Gold, its unprofitable gold mining operations take several decades to come to fruition,
DRDGold and Pan African Resources. and that it could lead to more than 6 000 and it will severely hurt Eskom’s revenue,
G old m i n i ng i n Sout h A f r ic a is job losses. accelerating the utility’s death spiral.
considered to be a sunset industry, with South Africa’s gold mines last year
production in terminal decline. employed 101 000 direct employees, who Going Offshore
Once the world’s largest gold producer, earned R26.50-billion.
South Africa is producing at only a fraction While the much-talked about global
of what it produced in its heyday in 1970, Power Shortages consolidation of the gold industry has
when output peaked at 1 000 t/y. Statistics not spilled over to South Africa (other
South Africa reports that, in the past Production costs will continue to increase than a rumoured, but-denied, merger
20 years, gold miners have had only two as the cash-strapped Eskom looks towards of AngloGold and Gold Fields), the spotlight
years of positive yearly growth – in 2002 electricity users to help keep it afloat. The has fallen on the strategy that number-three
and 2013. Last year, production fell by 14% mismanaged State-owned utility increased producer AngloGold will pursue.
to 132.20 t, according to figures provided tariffs by an average of 15.50% a year from AngloGold has announced that it
by Minerals Council South Africa. 2006 to 2017, reducing fixed investment has embarked on a process to review
The industry is facing challenges in gold mines by R16.06-billion. This divestment options for its South Africa
such as deeper-level mining, decreased year, tariffs rose by another 13.82%, with operations, including the Gauteng-based
productivity, ever-increasing costs, labour increases of at least 8.10% and 5.22% to Mponeng mine, which will require a
disruptions, community protests and illegal follow in the next two years. substantial investment to extend its life,
mining. Further, no new deep-level gold The industry has warned that it cannot the surface rock dump processing business
mines have been built since 2003. absorb any more electricity increases, as and mine waste retreatment operations,
According to the GFMS Gold Survey the majority of the county’s gold mining which includes Mine Waste Solutions.
2019, published by global market data operations are marginal. In 2018, 71% of CEO Kelvin Dushnisky has emphasised
provider Refinitiv, the rate at which South gold mining operations, representing 60% that Mponeng is a well-capitalised and
Africa’s production costs are rising rank of gold production, were either marginal -run operation with an excellent orebody,
among the fastest. Multiple operational or lossmaking. but that the group has competitive, higher-
disruptions, owing to power cuts, seismic Mining companies are studying self- return options available in its portfolio,
da mage a nd labou r un rest, pushed generation alternatives to reduce their which makes an investment by AngloGold
up the 2018 total cash cost and all-in reliance on Eskom. Generating renewable in deepening the mine unlikely.



the European Union, the US-China trade

wars, US real interest rates, the dollar
price and the likely impact of geopolitical
factors will have on the gold price. The
London Bullion Market Association’s
2019 Precious Metals Forecast Survey
came up with a divided opinion for
gold pr ices, wit h a fore ca st r a nge
of $1 150/oz to $1 475/oz: “A trading
spread of $325 (25% of the forecast
average price) suggests that the gold
price could be in for an interesting
journey in 2019”.
European precious metals consultancy
Metals Focus expects global gold demand

Source: Creamer Media

to rise to the highest level in four years,
as higher consumption by jewellers
offsets a fall in central bank buying.
The world will consume 4 370 t of gold
AngloGold concluded the gross R3.58- exit strategy from South Africa and that this year, the most since 2015 and up
billion sale of its Moab Khotsong gold it will stay domiciled in the country. slightly from 4 364 t in 2018.
mine, in the North West, and related assets Sibanye’s growth options in South Metals Focus’ ‘Gold Focus 2019’ report,
and liabilities to gold mining company Africa’s gold mines have largely been published in Ma rch, is forecasting
Harmony last year. It also concluded exhausted, with an extension for the accelerated growth in jewellery fabrication,
the separate sale of the Kopanang gold Driefontein mine, in Gauteng, said to with a 3% rise to a four-year high of 2 351 t.
mine, in Gauteng, and related assets and require R1-billion, which may be a tough The largest increase comes from India.
liabilities to Chinese-backed investment sell to investors in the country’s current Industrial offtake is expected to result
company Heaven-Sent SA Sunshine. gold mining environment. in a further slight rise in 2019, while
Names of companies that have been Gold Fields has invested heavily in its physical investment is forecast to remain
circulating as interested parties in the offshore assets in the past two years to offset flat at 1 082 t. Central bank buying is
assets that AngloGold plans to sell include the underperforming South Deep mine. likely to remain elevated at 600 t this
Sibanye, Harmony and Heaven-Sent SA year, but the consultancy does not expect
Sunshine Investment. Brighter Days Ahead the official sector purchases to match
Sibanye CEO Neal Froneman has told 2018’s levels. Purchases by the official
Bloomberg News that the Mponeng mine Following what proved to be a challenging sector surged almost 75% in 2018, as
and Gold Fields troubled South Deep year for the gold price, 2019 looks set to central banks added gold to diversify their
m ine would f it into the compa ny’s be a good year for South African gold reserves.
portfolio. producers, as ever-increasing geopolitical Gold supply will increase by 1% to
The completion of its gradual withdrawal r isks a re strengthening the metal’s 4 707 t, the report predicts.
f rom Sout h A f r ica cou ld resu lt i n fundamentals, combined with rand Overall, Metals Focus is forecasting
AngloGold’s moving its primary listing weakness. A stronger rand reduces the rand that macroeconomic conditions will
to an international exchange, such as revenue that South African producers earn rema in genera l ly positive for gold
London or Toronto, although Dushniksy for gold they sell at a price determined in t h is yea r, wh ich should encou rage
has told Mining Weekly that the company US dollars on global markets. p r o fe s s i o n a l i nve s t o r s t o r e m a i n
will always have a JSE listing as well. Gold, which is traditionally seen as n e t b uye r s , s up p o r t i ng t h e p r ic e.
Sibanye has also indicated that it is a safe investment during periods of Metals Focus is forecasting
considering moving its primary listing uncertainty, reached a trough of $1 160 oz that gold prices will average at $1 310 oz
offshore to ensure that it can compete in August last year, but conditions started this year, up from $1 268/oz last year.
for international assets, removing the to improve thereafter, and this has The World Bank is also predicting
perceived “South Afr ica discount ” continued into 2019. Prices have been a price increase of about 3% for 2019,
associated with being listed on the supported by strong demand and a fall in setting its forecast at $1 300/oz on robust
JSE. The company is currently listed long-term real interest rates. demand and a prolonged pause in interest
in Johannesburg and has American While there is consensus about the rate hikes by the US Federal Reserve.
Depositary Receipts that trade in New direction of the price of gold this year, The GFMS Gold Survey for the fourth
York. Froneman has emphasised that analysts seem somewhat divided over quarter of 2018, published in January,
moving its primary listing is not an the exact impact that Britain’s exit from forecasts gold at $1 292/oz in 2019.



Production cuts in Brazil in the wake of

a tailings dam collapse in January 2019
that left about 300 people dead or missing,
coupled with weather-related disruptions
in Australia, will have major implications
for the seaborne iron-ore market in the
near term.
The failure of the ‘upstream’ tailings
dam, at Vale’s Córrego do Feijão mine,
in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais,
prompted the number one i ron-ore
producer to decommission similarly
constructed dams over the next three years
at a cost of $1.30-billion. The resultant
production loss is estimated at 40-million
tonnes a year, equivalent to about one tenth
of the miner’s output.
Vale suffered further setbacks when
Brazilian author ities cancelled the
licences for a tailings dam servicing the
30-million-tonne-a-year Brucutu iron-
ore mine, the largest in Minas Gerais
state, in February 2019, and for 13 other
tailings dams a month later. While Vale
successfully challenged the suspension
of operations at Brucutu and was allowed
to reopen the mine in April 2019, the
reprieve was short-lived, as a higher
court upheld the suspension in a judgment
delivered in May 2019.
In Australia, which, together with
Brazil, produces more than 70% of the
world’s iron-ore, a tropical cyclone in the
Pilbara region in March 2019 resulted
in significant production disruptions
at all the major miners, including Rio
Tinto, BHP and Fortescue Metals Group,
causing them to lower their shipment
Source: Assmang
forecasts for 2019 from previously
announced volumes.
According to some commentators,
m i n e s i n C h i n a , t h e l a rge st i r o n - of mill profitability. According to the China $100/t in May 2019, the highest in five
ore consumer a nd a sign if ica nt Iron and Steel Association, production in the years.
producer of t he fer rous met a l, first two months of 2019 increased by 9.20% The high iron-ore prices represent
have lim ited capacity to plug year-on-year to 12.60-million tonnes, while a boon for miners of the ferrous ore,
t he r esu lt a nt supply gap, ow i ng Fortescue Metals Group CEO Elizabeth which are generating huge cash margins.
to environmental constrains and high Gaines told US television channel CNBC in Fortescue Metals Group, for example,
costs. May 2019 that she forecast a 3% to 4% paid out a surprise out-of-cycle 60c-per-
A m id t h e p r o d u c t io n c u t b a ck s , steel production increase for the whole year. share dividend to its shareholders in
iron-ore demand from Chinese steel Owi ng to t he supply d isr upt ions May 2019, while Rio Tinto has generated
mills – which account for about 65% and increasing demand from Chinese an extra $2-billion in free cash flow for
of global demand – has been on an steelmakers, iron-ore prices have surged, every $10/t increase in the iron-ore price.
upward trend, driven partly by high levels with the benchmark spot price surpassing In a trading statement released in May

2019, Kumba Iron Ore, the dominant Ku mba’s 2018 sa les, compr isi ng a decline from 9.12-million tonnes for
producer in South Africa, reported that 3.29-million tonnes delivered to local the period from July to December 2017.
it expected to post a stronger financial steelmaker ArcelorMittal South Africa
p e r fo r m a n c e fo r t h e h a l f-ye a r t o and 39.97-million tonnes shipped to Outlook
June 30, 2019, under pin ned by t he overseas customers, represented a decline
higher ore prices and a weaker average from 44.89-million tonnes in 2017, which In light of the supply disruptions at the
rand:dollar exchange rate. Kumba is due resulted in a 1% year-on-year revenue Big Four iron-ore producers – Vale, Rio
to announce its results for the period in decline to R45.73-million tonnes. Headline Tinto, BHP and Fortescue – coupled
July 2019. earnings of about R6.68-billion were about with robust Chinese steel demand and
the same as in 2017. improved profitability levels at steel mills
Large South African Producers South Africa’s second-largest iron- in the Asian country, many commentators
ore producer, Assmang, is a 50:50 joint believe that the benchmark price for
South African iron-ore miners produced venture between Assore and African 62%-iron-content ore, which breached
74.60-million tonnes in 2018, an increase R a i n b ow M i n e r a l s t h a t ow n s t h e $10 0/t in May 2019, will rema in at
of about 0.20% on 2017 output, according Khumani mine, adjacent to the Sishen elevated levels for the rest of 2019.
to industry body Minerals Council South mine, and the Beeshoek mine, near the Fina ncia l ser vices f i r m Citiba n k
Africa’s ‘Facts and Figures 2018’ booklet. The Northern Cape town of Postmasburg. forecasts that the price will average
sector’s revenue for the year totalled R45.50- Assmang produced 18.58-million tonnes $86/t in 2019 before easing to $70/t
billion, down 7.80% on the 2017 figure. of iron-ore during the year ended June 30, in 2020. Broking firm Credit Suisse
According to the Minerals Council, the 2018 – about 5% up on the preceding year – projects a peak of $110/t in the September
South African iron-ore sector is facing with Khumani contributing 14.70-million quarter, when China’s port inventory is
severe challenges, including policy, tonnes and Beeshoek 3.88-million tonnes. expected to be at its lowest.
regulatory and operational uncertainty, Commensu r a t e w it h t h e i n c r e a s e d In the medium term, Australia’s Office
which have inhibited investment and production in 2017/18, iron-ore sales of the Chief Economist believes that the
exploration for new orebodies. Without were 600 000 t, or 4%, higher year- iron-ore price – in 2019 dollar terms –
f u r t her exploration a nd add itiona l o n -ye a r h i g h e r, a t 17.9 0 - m i l l i o n will increase from an average of $55/t
discoveries, it is projected that known tonnes. in 2021 to $58/t in 2024 as supply
iron-ore reserves will be exhausted During the six months to December growth decelerates and demand growth
in the next 20 years. Other challenges 2 018 , t h e c o m p a n y p r o d u c e d continues to increase. This forecast is
include inadequate rail capacity and 8.74-m illion tonnes, 4% lower than underpinned by the assumption that the
the reliability of the dedicated railway production in the corresponding period price will tend towards the breakeven
line from the Northern Cape iron-ore of 2017/18. Lower year-on-year sales for level by producers of the last tonnages
mining hub to the Port of Saldanha, on the period, at 8.75-million tonnes, were needed to meet demand and that about
South Africa’s West Coast, double-digit attributable to challenges on the Sishen– 5% of producers, mostly in China, will be
increases in administered prices and Saldanha railway line and represented lossmaking.
challenges in municipalities where the
mining companies operate.
The South African iron-ore mining
sector is dominated by Kumba Iron Ore,
which owns the Sishen and Kolomela
mines, both located in the Northern Cape.
The miner produced 43.11-million tonnes
in 2018, compared with the previous
year’s 44.98-million tonnes. Sishen’s
contribution, at 29.25-million tonnes, was
6% lower than in 2017, while production at
Kolomela remained relatively unchanged,
at 13.86 -m i l l ion ton nes. Ku mba’s
reduced production, however, was in line
with guidance of 43-million tonnes to
44-million tonnes.
Production in 2019 is expected to range
from 43-million tonnes to 44-million
Source: Creamer Media

tonnes, comprising 30-million tonnes

from Sishen and 13-million tonnes from



The global platinum market ended 2018

with a 645 000 oz surplus, according to
data published by the World Platinum
Investment Council (WPIC). Global
demand decreased by 5% year-on-year
to 7.37-million ounces in 2018 on the
back of lower demand in the automotive,
jewellery and investment segments.
Plat i nu m sup ply a lso d e c r e a se d
ma rgina lly to 8.01-m ill ion ounces
because of lower mine supply, while
refined platinum output decreased by
1% year-on-year to 6.09-million ounces,

Source: Creamer Media

as a result of lower output in Zimbabwe,
Russia and North America. South Africa,
however, marginally increased its supply
for the year, after output in 2017 had been
impacted on by community disruptions Platinum producers Refining Services operations. It achieved
and safety-related stoppages. a gross profit of R1.60-billion, compared
Sout h A f r ica’s ref i ne d plat i nu m Anglo American Platinum (Amplats), with a loss of R539-million in the 2017
production increased by 1% year-on-year Impala Platinum (Implats), Lonmin and financial year, but its earnings were
to 4.41-million ounces in 2018, compared Sibanye-Stillwater are the four biggest negatively impacted on by R13.60-billion
with the 4.38-million ounces produced in platinum producers in South Africa. There in impairments.
2017. The sector, which is one of the largest are also a handful of smaller platinum Another significant platinum miner,
employers and a significant export revenue producers, as well as development Lonmin, has long been struggling with
earner, produced about 259 t of platinum in companies, operating in the country. financial constraints amid challenging
2018, earning about R96-billion in revenue Improved operational efficiencies business fundamentals, including volatility
and paying about R48-billion in employee and higher productivity levels across its in PGM prices and the exchange rate,
salaries and R900-million in royalties. portfolio resulted in a 4% year-on-year as well as inflationary cost pressures.
T he sector, however, faces ma ny increase in Amplats’ PGMs production During its 2018 financial year, ended
challenges, including an oversupplied for 2018 to 5.19-million ounces (2017: September 30, it continued to cut costs
global market, weak demand, industrial 5.01-m i l l ion ou nces). Its plat i nu m and drive efficiencies to ensure that it
action, lower productivity and rising output was also up 4% year-on-year, at ended the year in a net cash position.
costs. The Minerals Council stated in 2.45-million ounces (2017: 2.40-million Nevertheless, it warned in October 2018
February 2019 that more than 60% of the ounces). The company’s strategy of that it was unable to fund the investment
South African platinum mining sector was repositioning its portfolio, removing needed to sustain the business. At the
lossmaking or marginal. lossma k i ng ounces a nd i mprovi ng time, it also entered into a $200-million
The council states in its National Platinum operat iona l eff iciencies st a r ted to forward metal sale agreement with Pangaea
Strategy for South Africa document, deliver benefits for Amplats during 2018, Investments Management. The funds
published in February 2019, that the with its headline earnings a share up were expected to provide Lonmin with
viability of the platinum mining industry 95% year-on-year to R7.60-billion (2017: improved liquidity had a proposed merger
is under threat, with various financial R3.90-billion). with fellow miner Sibanye-Stillwater not
indicators, including return on assets, return Amplats expects to produce between been completed.
on investment and gearing, besides others, two-million and 2.10-million ounces of Further, as a result of higher PGM
having deteriorated, partially because platinum metal in concentrate for 2019 basket prices and a weaker rand:dollar
of lower PGM prices on global markets and between 2.20-million and 2.30-million excha nge rate, Lonm in delivered a
in recent years. The lower PGM prices ounces of refined platinum. $70-million operating profit for the six
have been driven by structural changes to I m p l a t s , m e a nw h i l e , p r o d u c e d months ended March 31, 2019, compared
supply and demand, with an increase in the 1.57-m illion ounces of platinum in with the $32-million loss it recorded
recycling of the precious metal, while mine concentrate in its 2018 financial year in the prior interim period. This, along
supply has remained flat. Simultaneously, (FY2017: 1.56-million ounces), as a with the $200-million previously raised,
platinum is being replaced by palladium in result of improved performances at its resulted in an improved performance in
catalytic converters fitted to gasoline cars. Impala, Marula, Mimosa and Impala Lonmin’s profitability for the short term.



The miner, however, warned in May Outlook supply for 2019 by 5% year-on-year to
2019 that it would not be a solution to the 4.69-million ounces, mainly as a result of
long-term capital structure challenges The WPIC has lowered its forecast for the increase in the processing of pipeline
facing the company. a platinum supply surplus to 375 000 oz material. Science and chemicals company
Meanwhile, the strategy of Sibanye- for 2019, compared with the previously Johnson Matthey, however, has warned
Stillwater, which owns PGMs and gold anticipated 680 000 oz, as a result of a that production in South Africa could
mining operations in South Africa, and a significant increase in investment demand be impacted on by the electricity supply
PGM operation in the US, to diversify into that is likely to offset lower automotive, challenges of power utility Eskom, as
PGMs and into the US has paid dividends, jewellery and industrial demand. well as possible labour disruptions when
as its PGMs operations contributed steady Sout h A f r ica’s plat i nu m m i n i ng wage negotiations get under way later this
performances in the 2018 financial year. sector is expected to increase its mine year.
The US PGM operation accounted for
about 50% of the group’s adjusted earnings
before interest, taxes, depreciation and
amortisation for the financial year.


Sibanye agreed in December 2017 to

acquire Lonmin in a deal that would value
the embattled Lonmin at R5.15-billion.
Sibanye believes that the acquisition will
further advance its PGM strategy, while
Lonmin expects the merger to result in
the creation of a larger, more diversified
and resilient company.
The transaction had been approved by
the UK and South African competition
authorities. Although labour union,
the Association of Mineworkers and
Construction Union, had tried to halt
the transaction, the Competition Appeal
Court of South Africa, in May 2019, upheld
the Competition Tribunal’s November 2018
decision to approve the deal.
Lonmin and Sibanye shareholders voted
in favour of the transaction in May 2019,
despite earlier concerns that the deal
may not receive the required votes from
Lonmin’s shareholders.
News service Bloomberg had reported
earlier in the month that Standard Bank
had called on shareholders not to vote in
favour of the deal, stating that the offer
undervalued Lonmin’s assets by up to
R6.64-billion. The bank believed that
Lonmin’s shares were worth about R35
apiece, while Sibanye was offering R11.60
a share. Sibanye had increased the share
ratio it was offering Lonmin investors in
April 2019, but the transaction value was
reportedly still lower than its initial offer.
Bloomberg further reported that, following
Source: Impala Platinum

the transaction, Sibanye will be the world’s

biggest platinum producer and the world’s
second-largest palladium producer.


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