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University of Ottawa Faculty of Law (Civil Law Section)

From the SelectedWorks of Hon. Gerald Lebovits

January, 2018

Legal-Writing Exercises: Part VI—Punctuation

Gerald Lebovits

Available at: https://works.bepress.com/gerald_lebovits/317/

January 2018

Vol. 90 | No. 1

The Rule of Law

A Special Issue
Edited By Lesley Rosenthal
The Legal Writer
By Gerald Lebovits

Legal-Writing Exercises: Part

VI — Punctuation (Continued)

n the last issue of the Journal, you similarly, therefore, and thus. Transitional 9. The defendant gave up, he
practiced your legal-writing and phrases include after all, in fact, for pleaded guilty to all charges.
punctuation skills by complet- example, and in conclusion. 10. I don’t think the witness is an
ing exercises on quotations, hyphens, A semicolon also goes between expert, for example, his testi-
commas, question marks, exclamation items in a series containing internal mony wasn’t relevant to any fact
points, and periods. This issue, in punctuation. Inserting semicolons in dispute.
which the Legal Writer will discuss between each series makes it easier
semicolons, colons, parentheses, and for readers to distinguish between the Parentheses
apostrophes, continues from the last major groupings in the sentence. Parentheses are used to clarify, com-
issue. At the end of each section, you’ll Semicolons go outside quotation ment on, illustrate, or supplement
be tested on the concepts discussed marks. other information in a sentence. The
and tasked with editing the sentenc- information within parentheses is usu-
es. You may change words, rearrange Exercises: Semicolons ally minor or of secondary importance.
words, and add or delete words. After Rewrite the following sentences by Numbers, letters, abbreviations, and
you’ve edited the sentences, go to the replacing commas and periods with acronyms are placed within parenthe-
answers at the end of the article to see semicolons. ses, as are citations according to some
whether you’ve edited your sentences 1. The court clerks instructed the citation guides and publication infor-
correctly. jury not to speak about the case mation. If a parenthesis appears at the
This is the last column in our six-part outside the courtroom, the clerks end of a sentence, all punctuation is
legal-writing-exercises series. In the want to protect jury integrity. placed outside the closing parenthesis.
next issue of the Journal, the Legal Writer 2. The judge has traveled to Otta- If the parentheses contain an indepen-
will begin a multipart series called the wa, Canada, Tokyo, Japan, and dent clause, then the punctuation is
Worst Mistakes in Legal Writing. Bucharest, Romania. placed inside the closing parenthesis.
3. Many defendants choose Mr. Parentheses interrupt the text. Use
Semicolons Amato as their attorney in fact, them only when necessary.
Semicolons connect major sentence he was the lawyer for every case
elements with equal grammatical we had in court today. Exercises: Parentheses
rank. They go between independent 4. Some parents deserve full custo- 1. The judge called for a 15-minute
clauses and, in the writer’s discretion, dy of their children others don’t. recess when he realized that the
closely related clauses. The clause after 5. The judge’s ruling didn’t sur- defendant’s lawyer – a boister-
the semicolon either restates the idea prise Margaret, the defendant’s ous lout – overwhelmed the wit-
expressed in the first clause or expands lawyer provided beneficial evi- ness.
on, or presents a contrast to, the first dence for his client’s case. 2. The Rodriguez family is suing
clause. 6. The witness was very profession- the New York City Police
To avoid a run-on comma splice, al however his story didn’t match Department, NYPD.
connect two independent clauses with those of the other witnesses. 3. Investigators found the remains
a semicolon, not a comma. Semico- 7. The victim is waiting for her of Jane Doe (17), who was last
lons join independent clauses linked brother, from Florida, her sister, seen with her boyfriend on June
with transitional expressions. Tran- from Ohio, and her uncle, from 14.
sitional expressions include conjunc- Denver. 4. The dean spoke at three law
tive adverbs and transitional phrases. 8. Most court visits take all day, schools: 1. University at Buffalo
Conjunctive adverbs include accord- therefore, you should take off School of Law, 2. Albany Law
ingly, finally, hence, however, moreover, from work for the day. Continued on Page 58

64 | January 2018 | NYSBA Journal

The Legal Writer
6. The new court attorney has 6. The court officer shouldn’t allow
Continued from Page 64
many important qualities; orga- the attorneys near the bench.
School, and 3. Syracuse Univer- nized, responsible, and patient. 7. The law firm held it’s annual
sity College of Law. 7. According to the witness, the company meeting last week.
5. The witness, a nurse, said she victim said only one thing, 8. Its the first day of trial.
recorded the plaintiff’s vital “HELP!” 9. The defendant was born in the
signs, temperature, pulse, and 8. Mary Shelley is the author of 1960’s.
blood pressure, as soon as the Frankenstein, The Modern Pro- 10. Apostrophe’s are confusing.
plaintiff arrived at the hospital. metheus. Now that you’ve completed the
6. All who enter the courthouse 9. The plaintiff had two choices; exercises (we hope you didn’t peek at
must go through a magnetom- fight or flee. the answers!), study the given answers
eter for security reasons. 10. Never forget this point, think to see whether you edited the sen-
7. All electronics, cellphones, cam- before you speak. tences correctly. The Legal Writer also
eras, iPads, etc., must be turned suggests rereading your writing to
off while in the courtroom. Apostrophes practice your skills.
8. Parentheses are usually too Apostrophes show ownership or pos-
informal for legal writing. session. An apostrophe and an s (’s) is Answers: Semicolons
9. Criminal Court theft cases are added to all singular nouns to show 1. The two sentences are inde-
difficult to try. possession, even if the nouns end in pendent clauses that should be
10. Fordham University School of s, k, x, or z. If a plural word ends in joined by a semicolon (or a peri-
Law encourages its students and s, add only an apostrophe (’) to show od). Corrected Version: The court
alumni to contribute their time possession. If a plural word doesn’t clerks instructed the jury not to
and skill in the service of others. end in s, add an apostrophe and an s speak about the case outside the
(’s) to show possession. It’s common courtroom; they want to assure
Colons to use an apostrophe alone with a jury integrity.
A colon calls attention to the words singular word ending in s to show pos- 2. Because this series contains
that follow it. It introduces explana- session (Justice Thomas’ opinion). This internal punctuation, use a semi-
tions, definitions, examples, series, practice is not grammatically incorrect, colon to separate them. Corrected
lists, and quotations. A colon gener- but the Legal Writer suggests using an Version: The judge has traveled
ates excitement. A colon also separates apostrophe and an s (’s) after singular to Ottawa, Canada; Tokyo,
elements such as salutations in formal words that end in s; this form is always Japan; and Bucharest, Romania.
letters; hours, minutes, and seconds; correct. 3. Semicolons are used between
and ratios. Capitalize the first letter in Apostrophes are also used to omit independent clauses linked with
an independent clause if preceded by a letter (or letters) in a contraction a transitional expression. “In
a colon. If a dependent clause follows (although contractions are rarely used fact” (itself a trite and mostly
the colon, then don’t capitalize the in legal writing; they’re considered unnecessary expression) is a
first letter of the word. Colons always informal). One common error is it’s. It’s transitional expression. Corrected
go outside quotation marks. Use one should only be used when you want to Version: Many defendants choose
space after a colon. write it is or it has. To show possession, Mr. Amato as their attorney; in
meaning “belonging to ‘it,’” use its. fact, he was the lawyer for every
Exercises: Colons Don’t confuse contractions with pos- case we had in court today.
1. The defendant has two charges; sessive pronouns. Apostrophes aren’t 4. The second clause presents a
possession of a firearm and rob- used with possessive pronouns such contrast to the first clause; a
bery. as yours, hers, his, theirs, ours, whose, semicolon should be present.
2. The defendant is remaining pro and its. Corrected Version: Some parents
se due to the United States law, deserve full custody of their chil-
“Innocent until proven guilty.” Exercises: Apostrophes dren; others don’t.
3. The plaintiff is pro se, “on one’s 1. The plaintiff sued. The plaintiffs’ 5. The second clause expands on
own behalf.” witness testified for three hours. the idea presented in the first
4. The case is scheduled to start at 2. Charles’ attorney was late for the clause. Put a semicolon between
230 p.m. trial. them. Corrected Version: The
5. There was a 2 to 1 ratio of 3. The judges’s interns were at the judge’s ruling didn’t surprise
females to males in the interning trial. Margaret; the defendant’s lawyer
class of summer 2018. 4. The mens suits were all black. provided beneficial evidence for
5. Judge Rodriguez’ ruling his client’s case.
remained unquestioned.

58 | January 2018 | NYSBA Journal

6. A semicolon should link inde- 2. Acronyms must be placed which, in turn, emphasizes the
pendent clauses joined by within parentheses. Corrected students. Corrected Version: Ford-
adverbs like therefore, however, Version: The Rodriguez family is ham University School of Law
and indeed. Place a semicolon suing the New York City Police encourages its students (and
before however. Corrected Version: Department (NYPD). alumni) to contribute their time
The witness was very profes- 3. The parentheses obscure Doe’s and skill in the service of others.
sional; however, his story didn’t age. Corrected Version: Investiga-
match those of the other wit- tors found the remains of Jane Answers: Colons
nesses. Or begin a new sentence Doe, age 17, who was last seen 1. A colon is necessary to introduce
with however; or change however with her boyfriend on June 14. the charges. Corrected Version: The
to but. 4. Numerals should be placed defendant has two charges: pos-
7. A semicolon is necessary in a within parentheses. Corrected session of a firearm and robbery.
series containing internal punc- Version: The dean spoke at three 2. Use a colon to introduce the law.
tuation. Corrected Version: The law schools: (1) University at Corrected Version: The defendant
victim is waiting for her brother, Buffalo School of Law, (2) Alba- is remaining pro se due to the
from Florida; her sister, from ny Law School, and (3) Syracuse United States law: “Innocent
Ohio; and her uncle, from Den- University College of Law. until proven guilty.”
ver. 5. Vital signs are clarified as 3. Use a colon to introduce the
8. Semicolons are used between “temperature, pulse, and blood definition of “pro se.” Corrected
independent clauses linked with pressure.” That clause should Version: The plaintiff is pro se:
an adverb. Therefore is an adverb. be placed within parentheses. “on one’s own behalf.”
Corrected Version: Most court Corrected Version: The witness, 4. Use a colon in time to separate
visits take all day; therefore, you a nurse, said she recorded the the hour and minutes. Corrected
should take off from work for plaintiff’s vital signs (tempera- Version: The case is scheduled to
the day. Or start a new sentence ture, pulse, and blood pressure) start at 2:30 p.m.
with therefore. as soon as the plaintiff arrived at 5. Ratios should consist of a colon.
9. The second clause expands the hospital. Corrected Version: There’s a 2:1
on the idea presented in the 6. “For security reasons” comments ratio of females to males in the
first clause. Place a semicolon on what precedes it. Place the interning class of summer 2018.
between them. Corrected Ver- clause within parentheses. Cor- 6. A colon should introduce the
sion: The defendant gave up; he rected Version: All who enter the important qualities. Corrected
pleaded guilty to all charges. Or courthouse must go through a Version: The new court attorney
start a new sentence with “He.” magnetometer (for security rea- has many important qualities:
10. Semicolons go between indepen- sons). organized, responsible, and
dent clauses linked with transi- 7. The types of electronics should patient.
tional expressions. Transitional be placed within parentheses 7. A colon after an independent
phrases include after all, in fact, because they clarify the sentence. clause must introduce a quota-
for example, and in conclusion. Corrected Version: All electronics tion. Corrected Version: According
Corrected Version: I don’t think (cell phones, cameras, iPads, etc.) to the witness, the victim said
the witness is an expert; for must be turned off while in the only one thing: “HELP!”
example, his testimony wasn’t courtroom. 8. Use colons to separate book titles
relevant to any fact in dispute. 8. In the author’s discretion, usually from subtitles. Corrected Version:
may be placed within paren- Mary Shelley is the author of
Answers: Parentheses theses because it comments on Frankenstein: The Modern Pro-
1. Corrected Version: The judge the statement. Corrected Version: metheus.
called for a recess (of 15 minutes) Parentheses are (usually) too 9. One space divides a colon from
when he realized that the defen- informal for legal writing. what follows it. Corrected Version:
dant’s lawyer overwhelmed 9. Theft, in the writer’s discretion, The plaintiff had two choices:
the witness (if you want to may be put inside parentheses fight or flee.
deemphasize “of 15 minutes”). because it describes what kind 10. Capitalize the first letter in the
Or put “boisterous lout” inside of criminal act is difficult to try. independent clause if it follows
commas, or inside a parentheti- Corrected Version: Criminal court a colon. Corrected Version: Never
cal, if you want to deemphasize (theft) cases are difficult to try. forget this point: Think before
those words less than they’d be 10. In the author’s discretion, alumni you speak.
emphasized inside an em dash. may be placed within parenthe-
ses to deemphasize this group, Continued on Page 60

NYSBA Journal | January 2018 | 59

Becoming a Lawyer
By Lukas M. Horowitz
Lukas M. Horowitz, Albany Law School Class of 2019, graduated from Hobart William Smith in
2014 with a B.A. in history and a minor in political science and Russian area studies. Following
graduation, he worked for two years as a legal assistant at Gibson, McAskill & Crosby, LLP, in
Buffalo, New York, and with the New York Academy of Trial Lawyers hosting CLE programs.
Lukas can be reached at Lukas.horowitz@gmail.com.

Halfway Home

What did I just write? What lan- NYSBA Journal deadline looms. So this offered (and accepted) a field place-
guage were those questions written month I offer just a few, scattered ment for the spring semester at the
in? Did I just black out? Where am I? thoughts on law school life, with the New York State Department of Envi-
These are the natural questions that go promise of full details, and greater ronmental Conservation, working in
through a law school student’s head reflection, in February’s column. the Office of Hearings and Mediation
after every exam, myself included. For- The bad news is that time flies. The Services. More on this in the months
tunately, I have figured out that I am good news is that I’m the pilot. Hand- to come.
sitting at my dining room table, look- ing in my last final exam today marked So, as luck would have it, I am
ing at my computer. How exactly did I a successful landing for the first half of still flying. I’ve got enough gas to
wind up here? Well, I am not quite sure law school. Three semesters up, three make it another three semesters, and
about that. Another 16 credits toward semesters down. in the event I have miscalculated, I can
the degree are on the books. As sick and twisted as this may always make an emergency landing
My last exam is done. I am exhaust- sound, I am already looking forward to and pursue my career as an expressive
ed and slightly delirious, yet the the start of next semester. I have been dancer.  n

The Legal Writer

The judges’ interns were at the to it, use its. Corrected Version:
Continued from Page 59
trial. The law firm held its annual
Answers: Apostrophes 4. If a plural word doesn’t end in company meeting last week.
1. Only one plaintiff sued. The wit- s, add an apostrophe and an s 8. Contractions are used to write it
ness belongs to the plaintiff. An (’s) to show possession. Corrected is or it has. Corrected Version: It’s
apostrophe and an s (’s) should Version: The men’s suits were all the first day of trial.
be placed to show possession. black. 9. Don’t use an apostrophe in words
Corrected Version: The plaintiff’s 5. An apostrophe and an s (’s) are that are plural but not possessive.
witness testified for three hours. added to all singular nouns to Corrected Version: The defendant
2. The attorney belongs to Charles. show possession, even if the was born in the 1960s.
An apostrophe and an s (’s) nouns end in s. Corrected Ver- 10. Don’t use an apostrophe and
should be placed to show pos- sion: Judge Rodriguez’s ruling an s (’s) to make a regular noun
session, even though Charles remained unquestioned. plural. Just add an s. Corrected
ends in s. It’s common to use an 6. Apostrophes are used to omit Version: Apostrophes are
apostrophe alone with a singular a letter or letters in a contrac- confusing. n
word ending in s to show pos- tion. But contractions are rarely
session (Justice Thomas’ opin- used in legal writing; although
ion). But the Legal Writer sug- perfect in emails and Legal Writer
gests using an apostrophe and columns, they’re considered too Gerald Lebovits (GLebovits@aol.com), an act-
s after singular words that end informal in most other forms ing Supreme Court justice in New York County,
in s. Doing so is always correct. of legal writing. Corrected Ver- is an adjunct at Columbia, Fordham, and NYU
Corrected Version: Charles’s attor- sion: The court officer should law schools. He thanks judicial interns Alexandra
ney was late for the trial. not allow the attorneys near the Dardac (Fordham University) and Rosemarie
3. The interns belong to the judge. bench. Ferraro (University of Richmond) for their
Possession needs to be evident in 7. It’s means it is or it has. To show research.
this sentence. Corrected Version: possession, meaning belonging

60 | January 2018 | NYSBA Journal

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