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MELCS_HEALTH GRADE 10 Week 2_ Quarter 4

1. Explores the various health career paths selects a particular health career pathway based on personal competence and interest; participates in a health career
orientation program.
HEALTH GRADE Day Learning Objectives Topics Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities
A. Recall the components A. The teacher presents an A. The student answers an activity
Explores the various health I. and steps in planning activity where the students where the students will organize the
career paths selects a health career paths. organize the steps and steps and components in planning
particular health career (Main B. Organize the steps and components in planning health career paths
pathway based on personal Concept) components in health career paths See attached activity sheet: Annex 1.
competence and interest; planning health career Health Career See attached activity sheet: Annex 1
participates in a health paths plan
career orientation program. C. Show self-reliance B. The teacher will explain the
(H10PC-IVc-d-3) when working with relevance of the activity and
the individual activity. link with the new topic.
1. Discuss the various A. The teacher will then give an A. The student reads about the
II. health career paths Planning input on the following topics: following topic:
(Major Detail 2. Write down health Health Career  Various Health Career  Various Health Career paths
of the career pathways that paths paths
Concept) you want to pursue in B. The students may also watch the
the future. B. The teacher presents an video lesson on HapIsabela TV
3. Show appreciation of activity where the students channel.
the lesson by engaging will write down health career
themselves in the pathways that they want to C. The students answer an activity
activities. pursue in the future. where they will write down health
career pathways that they want to
See attached activity sheet: Annex 3 pursue in the future.

See attached activity sheet: Annex 3

1. Identify health career Scrapbook of A. The students will work on an A. The students will work on a group
III. paths that influenced different health activity where they have to activity they have to make a
you in selecting a career make a scrapbook of the scrapbook of the different health
(Synthesis) health career pathway. pathways different health career career pathways.
2. Create a scrapbook of pathways. Refer to Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter
different health career Refer to Alternative Delivery Mode 4 – Module 2: Planning for a Health
pathways. Quarter 4 – Module 2: Planning for Career page 11
3. Show cooperation a Health Career page 11
through accomplishing For Rubrics, refer to Alternative Delivery
For Rubrics, refer to Alternative Mode Quarter 4 – Module 2: Planning for
the tasks given.
Delivery Mode Quarter 4 – Module a Health Career page 11
2: Planning for a Health Career
page 11 B. The students will submit their work
during the retrieval of modules.
B. The teacher will also give
input on the activity.
1. Cite the various health A. The teacher will give a recap A. The students will give a recap on the
IV. career pathways. on the topic discussed topic discussed previously.
2. Explain Various Health previously. Refer to Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter
(Evaluation) comprehensively the Career Refer to Alternative Delivery Mode 4 – Module 2: Planning for a Health
topics discussed. Pathways Quarter 4 – Module 2: Planning for Career page 13
3. Value the importance of a Health Career page 12
the lesson through B. The students will answer the
answering the questions following questions for their post
with 80% correctness. B. The students will answer the assessment of the lesson.
following questions for their Refer to Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter
post assessment of the lesson. 4 – Module 2: Planning for a Health
Career page 12

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