Pitt Sems 2022-2023 Constitution and Bylaws

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SEMS at Pitt

Constitution & Bylaws

Effective June 13, 2022
Last Revision: June 13, 2022

Table of Contents
Article 1: Name and Purpose
Article II: Acceptance and Compliance to Certification Requirements and Limitations
Article III: Limits of Certification and Registration
Article IV: Annual Recertification
Article V: Membership
Article VI: Activites
Article VII: Membership Procedure
Article VIII: Assumption of Risk Policy
Article IX: Hazing Policy
Article X: Voting and Elections
Article XI: Officers
Article XII: Committees, Task Forces, and Initiatives
Article XIII: Meetings
Article XIV: Finances
Article XV: Rules and Regulation
Article XVI: National Collegiate EMS Foundation Conference
Article XVII: Publications Code
Article XVIII: Advisors
Article XIX: External Affiliation
Article XX: Bylaws
Article XXI: Amendments
Article XXII: Certification

SEMS is dedicated to furthering the education of all students interested in pre-hospital
care and emergency medicine through skills labs, lectures from distinguished EMS
providers, and exploration of EMS related facilities in the city of Pittsburgh. Pitt SEMS
strives to cultivate an environment of safety at the University of Pittsburgh by training
members of the community in lifesaving skills and advocating for increased safety
measures on our campus.


A. The name of this organization shall be Student Emergency Medical Services
B. The purpose of this organization is to:
a. Further the education of all students interested in pre-hospital care and
emergency medicine;
b. Provide continuing education credit to ensure licensed EMS providers are
able to maintain their certifications;
c. Educate the Pittsburgh community about acute health emergencies and
provide training in lifesaving skills such as CPR and hemorrhage control;
d. Advocate for increased safety measures on the University of Pittsburgh



The Student Emergency Medical Services and its membership accept and will fully
comply with the requirements and limitations of registration.


A. Student Emergency Medical Services and its membership accept and will fully
comply with the limits of certification.
B. Registered student organizations are student associations and are not official
components of the University. Registration does not permit a student organization
to use or act in the name of the University, to represent the University, engage in
any contractual obligation in the name of the University nor represent the
organization as being an official part of the University. Registered student
organizations are permitted to have approved external affiliations. Registration
expressly permits registered student organizations to only operate on campus.
Off-campus activities of registered student organizations are the sole
responsibility of the organization, officers and members, unless expressly
approved in advance by the University. Membership in a registered student
organization and participation in its activities are voluntary and all risks of
personal injury, property damage or other losses incidental to membership or
participation in activities are assumed solely by the student organization and/or
individual member(s) or participant(s).


Pitt Student EMS (SEMS) will submit its re-registration application once a year during
the defined re-registration process.

A. Eligibility: Membership is open to currently enrolled Pitt students as defined
B. Membership to SEMS shall be open to all students, faculty, and staff of the
University of Pittsburgh.
C. All members must accept and comply with all of the requirements and limitations
of registration as a condition of membership.
D. Membership in Student Emergency Medical Services is voluntary and all risks of
personal injury, property damage or other losses that occur incidental to
membership or participation in activities are assumed solely by the student
organization and/or individual member(s) or non-member participant(s).
Accordingly, the University of Pittsburgh, its officers and agents shall not be
responsible nor liable for any claims or causes of action for damage or loss of
property or personal injury of any kind or nature which may arise out of or are
incidental to the conduct of any organization’s activities or that of any
individual’s participation in any group-related activity. It is further understood
and agreed that it is the responsibility of the officers of the organization to assure
that all of the organization’s members and non-member participants in all
activities sponsored by Student Emergency Medical Services are fully informed
and advised of this ASSUMPTION OF RISK, and in the event any individual
member or participant should express or indicate non-acceptance, the
organization’s officers shall forbid participation and/or membership of such
individual. In regard to the organization member or non-member participant
Assumption of Risk, Student Emergency Medical Services acknowledges that the
University recommends that the organization members and non-member
participants make every effort to arrange for the acquisition of liability insurance
sufficient to protect all participants against those risks being assumed. For sport-
related organizations, the University recommends that each individual have
insurance sufficient to allow for any risks by participation, accident or by
deficiencies in physical health.
E. No illegal discriminatory criteria may be used as criteria for membership
including those listed in the University of Pittsburgh’s non-discrimination policy.
These factors include race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, age,
marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression,
genetic information, disability, or status as a veteran. All groups, except those
exempt by law, must permit male and female membership. Sport clubs involving
physical contact or in which participation is based on competitive skill may limit
participation in competition to one sex; provided that, for any for any such sport
club engaged in a non-contact sport, unless there is a sport club available for
members of the opposite sex, the club must permit try-outs for each sex.
Membership can be limited by factors unrelated to status or beliefs and which are
also not illegal. Membership can be limited by school, college, department, major
and grades, etc. No hazing or illegal discrimination will be used as a condition of
membership in the organization.
F. Annual Dues: There are no financial requirements or obligations for membership.
Members are required to purchase a Pitt SEMS t-shirt if they wish to participate in
SEMS sponsored outings in the surrounding community. Pitt SEMS members
who wish to attend the NCEMSF Conference in affiliation with Pitt SEMS may
be required to purchase a Pitt SEMS uniform, including uniform pants, uniform
shirt, black belt, and black work boots/sneakers, depending on the ability of Pitt
SEMS to fund these expenses.
G. Resignation and Termination: Any member may resign from Pitt SEMS at any
time and for any reason.
H. Associate members may not vote, hold office nor serve in a formal leadership
role. They may participate in organization meetings and activities.
a. Associate members are defined as Pitt faculty, staff, or alumni, as well as
persons unrelated to Pitt but interested in Pitt SEMS and the field of
emergency medicine.
I. General Membership: Any University of Pittsburgh student is eligible to attend
Pitt SEMS meetings, however, voting privileges are limited to active student
members with active membership distinction.
a. Active membership includes attendance of at least one-half (50 percent) of
meetings and events, in addition to completion of required training
modules and membership forms as directed by the executive board.
Attendance of meetings or events that require members to spend their own
money (i.e. social outings) or have restricted attendance (i.e. NCEMSF
Conference, special committees) do not count against the 50 percent
attendance requirement for those who are unable to attend.
b. Only active members at the time of the first offered NCEMSF interview
slot established by the executive board may be eligible to interview to
attend the National Collegiate EMS Conference with SEMS sponsorship.
In the event that SEMS can pay for a limited amount of members to attend
the National Collegiate EMS Conference, those members will be
determined by the board based upon a simple majority vote by board
members after an interview process of interested members. Board
members will have preference for Conference attendance.
c. Only active members may vote run for office.
J. Any member that has been placed on academic probation by the University for
two or more concurrent semesters is not eligible for active membership until the
academic probation is removed by the University


A. Practice scenarios and educational labs to improve the assessment and treatment
of emergency medical or trauma patients.
B. Lectures and presentations by members and non-members to educate on subjects
related to emergency medicine. Continuing education credit may be given at these
lectures depending on lecture content, approval for the credits, and ability of
SEMS to obtain these credits.
C. Educational field trips of EMS related facilities in and around Pittsburgh.
D. Preparation for and attendance of the annual National Collegiate Emergency
Medical Services Conference.
E. Community outreach, community education, and volunteer programs.
F. Free and paid education to the public on subjects related to emergency medicine
including but not limited to CPR and StopTheBleed classes.
G. Advocacy for increased safety measures on the University of Pittsburgh campus.


A. Recruitment will take place during the activities fair and other university
sponsored fairs as well as during every meeting of SEMS. No member will be
turned away who would like to attend meetings, practices, or educational sessions.
B. Selection for limited space events such as community outreach, Conference
attendance, etc. will be determined at the discretion of the executive board and a
majority board vote.
C. Members will lose their active membership status if they fall below the 50 percent
attendance threshold. Members that are not active will not be eligible for
perquisites that are afforded to active members.
D. A member may regain their active membership status if they regain 50 percent
E. Any member can be removed as a member of the organization by at least 70
percent vote of the board.
F. Any member can be put on probationary status for one semester, effectively
removing their active member status by a simple majority of the board. After the
one semester probationary period, the board will vote again to either reinstate the
members active status with a simple majority vote of the board or remove them as
a member of the organization.
G. A probationary period is not required before removal of any member from the
organization by a 70 percent vote of the board.
H. A board member can be placed on probation, removed from his or her board
position, or removed from the organization entirely by a 5/7 (70 percent) vote of
the board.
a. For the placement of a board member on probation or removal of a board
member, a verbal warning must be given by the President. If the behavior
continues, a written warning must be issued. If the board member in
question fails to comply with both warnings, the board may vote to
remove the board member or place them on probation. However, in
circumstances where a board member’s behavior has been deemed illegal,
unethical, or in which his or her actions or inactions reflect poorly on the
organization, a board member can be removed or placed on probation
without verbal or written warning.


A. It is understood and agreed that participation in all activities of registered student
organizations is voluntary and that all risk of personal injury, property damage or
other losses that occur incidental to membership or participation in activities are
assumed solely by the individual member(s) or participant(s).
B. Accordingly, the University of Pittsburgh, its officers and agents shall not be
responsible nor liable for any claims or causes of action for damage or loss of
property or personal injury of any kind or nature which may arise out of or are
incidental to the conduct of any organization’s activities or that of any
individual’s participation in any organization-related activity.
C. It is further understood and agreed that it is the responsibility of the signatory
officers of the organization to assure that all of the organization’s members and
non-member participants, in all activities hosted by the organization, are fully
informed and advised of this Assumption of Risk, and in the event any individual
member or participant should express or indicate non-acceptance, the
organization’s officers shall forbid participation and/or membership of such
D. In regard to organization/participant assumption of risk, the University
recommends that the organization and/or participants make every effort to arrange
for the acquisition of liability insurance sufficient to protect all participants
against those risks being assumed. Similarly, for sport-related organizations the
University recommends that each individual have insurance sufficient to allow for
any risks by participation, accident or by deficiencies in physical health.


A. Hazing at the University of Pittsburgh is considered a violation of the University’s
Anti-Hazing Policy and Student Code of Conduct & Judicial Procedures, and is
absolutely prohibited. Hazing may also be considered a criminal act in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Therefore, any student who causes or
participates in hazing may be subject to appropriate University discipline and/or
may be subject to criminal prosecution.
B. Hazing is defined by the University as follows:
a. Any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers that
mental or physical health or safety of a student or which willfully destroys
or removes public or private property for the purpose of initiation or
admission into or affiliation with, or as a condition for continued
membership in, any organization operating under the sanction of or
recognized as an organization by the University. The term shall include,
but not be limited to, any brutality of a physical nature, such as whipping,
beating, branding, forced calisthenics, exposure to the elements, forced
consumption of any food, liquor, drug or other substance, or any other
forced physical activity which could adversely affect the physical health
and safety of the individual, and shall include any activity which would
subject the individual to extreme mental stress, such as sleep deprivation,
forced exclusion from social contact, forced conduct which could result in
extreme embarrassment, or any other forced activity which could
adversely affect the mental health or dignity of the individual, or any
willful destruction or removal of public or private property. For purposes
of this definition, any activity as described in this definition upon which
the initiation or admission into or affiliation with or continued
membership in an organization is directly or indirectly conditioned shall
be presumed to be ‘forced’ activity, the willingness of an individual to
participate in such activity notwithstanding.


A. Voting privileges in SEMS elections are limited to the following: currently
enrolled Pitt students who have held active member distinction for at least one
previous semester and are active members during the current semester.
B. The following members of the organization do not have voting privileges:
a. Outgoing seniors regardless of active or inactive status
b. Currently enrolled Pitt students who are not currently active members
c. Pitt SEMS students who are not currently enrolled in the university as
undergraduate students (i.e. Professors, Faculty, Graduate Students.)
d. Students who have had their membership withdrawn or are on probation
C. Election Ballot
a. All members who wish to run for a board position must submit their name
to the board no less than 10 days prior to the election.
b. The President will review the ballot and flag any members that are not
eligible to run. The ballot will then be delivered to the election moderator
who will remove anyone from the ballot who is ineligible.
D. Members running for office must be present on the day of the election.
a. If a member who wishes to run is unable to be present at the election and
notifies the moderators less than 24 hours before the election, the
moderators must make a judgment as to that individual’s eligibility to run.
This will only be considered in the event of an extremely special
circumstance (i.e. severe illness, death in the family).
b. In the event that a member who is not present is permitted to run, his or
her speech may be read by the election moderator on his or her behalf.
E. Elections will be moderated by an outgoing board member and an additional
individual both of whom will be chosen by a unanimous vote of the board.
a. The election moderators will be appointed unanimously by the board.
b. The election moderators will ensure that all those who are running for a
position are eligible to run.
c. The election moderator will ensure that all those who are voting in the
election are eligible to vote.
d. The board must submit an election ballot to the election moderators one
week prior to the election to allow time for the moderator to ensure all
those running are eligible.
e. The election moderators are responsible for tallying the results of the
election and announcing the results.
F. The active members of the general membership shall elect officers of the
Executive Board the first meeting in the month of April every year.
G. The active members of the general membership must elect each officer by an
anonymous ballot vote.
a. Nomination will occur via a self nomination method. An anonymous
survey will be sent out by the Secretary in February via Google Survey.
b. Eligibility for all officer positions, with the exception of President and
Chief of Education, solely include: currently being an active member by
attending 50 percent of Pitt SEMS lectures, scenarios, or other events
within the current spring and last fall semesters.
i. An active member may be prohibited from running for office if
they are not in good standing with the University. This includes,
but is not limited to being on academic or disciplinary probation.
ii. If a member is on probation he or she may not run for SEMS
c. The election process will occur using a platform agreed upon by the board
and approved by the election moderators.
d. Elections will occur during the first general body meeting in April and
each active member with voting privileges is permitted to cast a single
e. Positions will be announced by the election moderator after the results are
tallied and the results can be made visible to the general body should they
request to view it. Following the voting meeting an email will announce
the members and an addition to the SEMS web page will be made.
f. Officers shall not hold more than one position. If not enough members are
nominated and run for office it is acceptable for an officer to hold no more
than two total positions. The positions of Chief of Education and President
may not be concurrently held by any one officer.
i. Absentee or proxy ballots may be cast only if the election
moderators is directly informed by the absentee and given a written
vote for officers at least 24 hours prior to the meeting in which
voting occurs.
ii. Voting powers of officers will be retained except for senior
officers. Any graduating member of SEMS may not vote in the
final election.
iii. Any member that wishes to contest the results of the election or
holds any grievances regarding the voting or election process shall
contact the election moderators.
H. In the event of a tie, a runoff election will be held between the candidates that
tied. A runoff election will be held directly after the previous election results have
been tallied.
I. The term of the outgoing board ends on the last day of the Spring term according
to the University of Pittsburgh Academic Calendar. The term of the incoming
board begins the following day.


A. Board size, role and compensation: SEMS shall elect an Executive Board of 7
officers. The board is responsible for running the organization. Board members
will receive no monetary compensation for their service to SEMS.
B. Terms: All board members will serve 1 year terms (Summer semester to spring
semester), but are eligible for reelection until graduation.
C. Meetings and Notice: The board shall meet at least bi-weekly during the Fall and
Spring semesters, at an agreed upon time and place. An official board meeting
requires that each board member have written notice at least one week in advance.
D. Officer Elections: See article X
E. Quorum: A quorum must be attended by at least four out of 7 of the board
members for business to take place and motions to be passed.
F. Officers and Duties: The organization shall have the following officers:
President, Chief of Education, Business Manager, Secretary, Community
Education Chair, Social Chair, and Public Relations Chair.
a. President
i. Must have completed at least 60 credit hours at the University of
Pittsburgh before their term begins.
ii. Oversee all activities of Pitt SEMS
iii. Delegate tasks and responsibilities to the Chief of Education
iv. Liaison to the University of Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh
Police, Pittsburgh EMS, UPMC, Center of Emergency Medicine,
or any other organization with a stake in Pitt SEMS
v. Uphold the public image of Pitt SEMS
b. Chief of Education (formerly Vice President):
i. Must have completed at least 60 credit hours at the University of
Pittsburgh before their term begins
ii. Assist the president in his/her duties
iii. Oversee all business of Pitt SEMS, working in conjunction with all
other board members under their supervision
iv. Make themselves available to assist the president and other board
members carry out their duties effectively and in a timely manner
v. If the president is unable to perform his/her duties the Chief of
Education will stand in for the President.
c. Business Manager
i. Oversee all monetary transactions of Pitt SEMS and approve any
ii. Regularly audit Pitt SEMS finances and make audits available to
the University of Pittsburgh upon request
iii. Liaison with University of Pittsburgh officials to ensure the
financial stability of organization, and request funding as necessary
iv. Maintain the finances and legal/vital documents of the organization
v. When called upon, coordinate purchase of equipment
d. Secretary
i. Assist all Executive Officers with documentation and secretarial
ii. Record the minutes of all general body and board meetings, and to
promptly make those minutes available to all members of the
iii. Send weekly emails to membership regarding upcoming events,
classes, and meetings
e. Community Education Chair (formerly CPR Chair)
i. Coordinate initiatives to educate the Pitt campus and surroundings
Pittsburgh community
ii. Organize and run all public and private CPR classes, so at least one
public CPR class shall be held by SEMS each month
iii. Ensure that the University of Pittsburgh retains its designation as a
HEARTSafe Campus through NCEMSF
f. Social Chair
i. Responsible for general member and board member social
activities, including coordinating educational and social outings for
ii. Recruit new members to SEMS, in conjunction with the Public
Relations Chair
iii. Assist the President and Chief of Education in planning and
selecting members for the NCEMSF Conference
g. Public Relations Chair
i. Recruit new members and cultivate interest in Pitt SEMS
ii. Maintain the organization's social media presence and ensure
public awareness of Pitt SEMS events, classes, and meetings
iii. Responsible for maintaining the website and SEMS publications
iv. Drafting all press releases, having them approved by a simple
majority of the board, and then sent to the appropriate outlets
v. Ensure communications to SEMS by social media and email are
handled in a timely fashion
G. Additional officers or committee chairs may be appointed and may serve on
committees or task forces, but they may not serve on the Executive Board.
H. Vacancies: If a vacancy on the board results, the board has the ability to
restructure the board with a unanimous vote. If a vacancy on the board remains
following the restructuring, an interest form will be sent to the general
membership seeking interested applicants for the vacant position.
I. Resignation, termination and absences:
a. Board members may resign by a written statement explaining their
resignation. Once a board member resigns, they may retain their status as a
general member.
b. If an officer is removed or resigns of their own accord they may not return
to their position, or the executive board for the remainder of the school
year during which they held a board position.


A. Committee formation: Committees shall be formed by the Executive Board when
a dedicated group of individuals is required for a SEMS project.
a. Each committee shall have a chairperson who reports to the executive
board and shall be chosen by a simple majority vote by the executive
board members.
b. Committee members may come from any membership category.
c. The President shall act as an ex-officio member of all committees.
d. Committees may be created ad hoc and dissolved after the completion of
the project.
B. Task Force formation: Task Forces shall be formed by the President and Advisors
when a dedicated group of individuals is required for a SEMS project.
a. Initiatives that are anticipated to extend at least two semesters, and that
require committee members to have in-depth knowledge of the topic and
expertise in a given area, qualify as “Task Forces” rather than
b. The president has the authority to announce new initiatives and reserves
the right to appoint members to roles within the Task Force.


A. It is the responsibility of the President with the assistance and input from the
executive officers to organize and to chair all general and executive meetings.
B. The organization shall meet at least twice a month during the Fall and Spring
a. At least two executive officers must be present for any official business
proceedings. No official conduction or approval of business of SEMS
shall occur without at least two executive officers present.
C. Emergency executive board meetings may be called by any executive officer with
at least one day advance notice to the entire board.
a. Emergency meetings may be called without notice and will preferably be
held in person, but can be held electronically, via email, video chat, or text


A. It is the ultimate responsibility of the Business Manager to ensure the finances are
in order.
B. Pitt SEMS shall fully comply with the University fundraising policies and
procedures for certified student organizations.
C. A balanced budget shall be maintained by the Business Manager and shall be
made available upon request to all general members.
D. All expenditures above 100 dollars must be approved by a 50 percent majority of
the Executive Board.
E. The organization will not maintain an outside bank account if it receives funding
from the student government board.
F. National Collegiate EMS Foundation Fund Securement:
a. The business chair and the social chair are responsible for any paperwork
in securing funds for NCEMSF Conference from the Student Government
Board. This paperwork shall be completed before November 31st of each
academic year.
b. The board reserves the right to decide what members will represent the
organization in front of the Student Government Board.


A. All SEMS members regardless of status must abide by the code of conduct set
forth by the University at all times.
B. Hazing, sexual harassment, or discrimination of any kind by SEMS members will
not be tolerated and will result in immediate dismissal from the organization.
C. SEMS members are to refrain from posting negative content about the
organization on social media and are expected to represent the organization in a
responsible manner at all times.
D. SEMS members are not to leverage relationships with public safety professionals
for personal gain at any time outside of professional or academic enrichment.
E. SEMS members must be mindful of their conduct and behavior while wearing
SEMS apparel. No member under shall consume or be under the influence of
alcohol or drugs while wearing SEMS apparel.
F. SEMS members shall not behave in a manner that seeks to actively exclude other
members from SEMS activities.


A. Any student, regardless of affiliation or membership level, is eligible to attend the
National Collegiate EMS Conference, providing they are willing to pay necessary
B. Any Pitt SEMS active member is eligible to have some/all of their expenses
C. National Collegiate EMS Foundation Conference Organization Sponsored
Participant Selection:
a. Any Pitt Student EMS active members who wish to attend NCEMSF with
Pitt Student EMS Sponsorship must complete the following process:
i. By December 1st, the Pitt SEMS executive board must release an
interview sign-up form to all active members.
ii. Active members will have one week to fill out the signup form if
they wish to be eligible to attend the Conference.
iii. Any active member who wishes to attend the Conference with the
exception of the executive board, must participate in an interview
process with the President, Chief of Education, and Social Chair in
which all participants are asked the same questions.
iv. The President, Chief of Education and Social Chair will come to a
preliminary decision which will be finalized by the entire
executive board by a simple majority vote.
v. Decisions must be given to applicants at the earliest possible
b. Any student who is not picked may still attend the Conference in
affiliation with SEMS but will have to pay full fees where applicable.


A. Pitt SEMS will ensure that any organization publication or material will:
a. Comply with current copyright laws.
b. Be distributed according to policies and procedures.
c. Refrain from expressions that are considered obscene or libelous
according to current statute, advocate or incite the material interference or
physical disruption of the educational process or the peace, order and
decorum of the campus, or that advocate or incite imminent lawless action
or the violent overthrow of the government.
d. Identify the organization as publisher and specify that the group is a
registered student organization at the University of Pittsburgh.


A. The organization shall have at least one Advisor employed by the University of
B. The Advisor(s) will be established by a majority executive board member vote
and may be removed by a 70 percent majority of the board
C. The Advisor’s role is to guide the executive board, present lectures, and is
responsible for advising the group on any and all matters.


A. SEMS shall be affiliated as a student emergency medical services organization as
well as a competition team with the National Collegiate Emergency Medical
a. The organization is responsible for dues associated with this affiliation.
B. SEMS shall be affiliated with EMSI for continuing education purposes.
C. SEMS shall be affiliated with the Coalition For Pre-Health Students for the
purposes of creating a united group of pre-health organizations on Pitt’s Campus.
D. SEMS may procure new affiliations with a unanimous board vote.


SEMS does not currently have a separate set of bylaws. All bylaws that this organization
is to follow have been described in this Constitution. Any future by-laws will be created
through a majority vote of the executive board.


A. This constitution will be revised and reviewed at the start of each new executive
board term. This Constitution will be updated with all University requirements
during the recertification period.
B. All amendments to this Constitution during the school year must be approved by
both a simple majority of the executive board and a 75 percent majority of the
active general membership.
C. All constitution additions, revisions and deletions must be reported to the SORC.


This constitution was approved by an executive board vote of 7:0 on June 13, 2022.

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