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College of Leadership & Good Governance

Department of Governance & Development

Individual Assignment of Article Review of Gender

and Entrepreneurship AGD 5081

By: Tegegn Ayele Nohite

ID No: - ECSU 1800671

Submitted to: Dr. Tesfaye Hirpasa

August, 2021

Addis Ababa
A. Description of the study
 What was the purpose of the research? Why was the research being
conducted? And whyit is significant?

As the researcher was mentioned on the abstract, the purpose of the study was to understand
and define gender problems and mainstreaming gender analysis at the institute of development
studies and to promote gender concerns; on the correlates of low female enrolments in education
and the possible significance for developing countries’ export performance of high levels of
female education; on the relationship between gender analysis and the participatory appraisal
(PRA)approach, and the use of gender analysis in farming systems research ongender
Assumptions and inconsistencies in social welfare policies in East Asia; and on the Selectivity of
treatment of gender issues in current attempts to assess government Expenditure policies in
general and anti-poverty programmers in particular. In discussion of the presentations, some
researchers displayed considerable irritation at what they saw as the reluctance of gender
advocates to acknowledge and welcome the influence they had been having in colonizing the
intellectual agenda of development studies mainstreaming gender analysis at the institute of
development studies.

 Why was the Research Being Conducted?

Because as the researcher presentation in this part of the program reported on research
undertaken was.

To explore policy requirements relating to gender in two sectors of the utmost importance for
economic and human development: trade and education.

Paradoxically, the very precision of the two presentations and the clarity with methods were
displayed, served to highlight their limitations as the basis for gender policy, as understood by
advocates of gender equity.

To investigate a problem which is not clearly defined in gender analysis at the institute of
development studies and to examine the factors of gender in equality to determine the nature
of the problem in gender in equality lays the ground for future research study

 Why it is considered significance?

The significance of this research is to advance gender concerned problems. As the researcher
explained in the content of organizational challenges, organizations are limited the ability to
promote gender concerned on a significant scale. So this study is significant to promote gender
concerned, the study is significant those women’s who are suffered economically, political
and social and not get a chance to participate . By contrast, gender specialists see gender
relations as a fundamental organizing social principle, which colors and mediates all forms of
economic and social activity, is central to the social ideology of difference, and, as a systemic
phenomenon, has an infinite resilience and capability to resist reform

B Literature Evolution

Does the literature seem through and recent within the last 5 years?

According the researcher’s report what he was mentioned in the abstract the literature review
was written proceeding of the 1995 annual report of academic staff of the institute of
development studies, so it is later for above 25 years.The Institute of Development Studies, in
which IDS took stock of its broad-basedefforts in gender analysis. There were presentations on
the strategic dilemmas of state and nongovernmental organizations attempting to promote gender

Does the content of the literature review related directly to the research problem?

The problem of the research and literature review are related, the literature review has attempted
to explain and present the problem of gender inequality in the contents of the research .So it is
direct related with problem of the research Therefore, the research and commentary reported
here is only part of the totality of discrete pieces of work underway on gender issues at the
institute, even apart from the work of the members of the gender group itself. This account is
thus indicative, rather than fully representative of, the efforts of the IDS as an institution to take
account of gender issues across the board. It covers four separate areas of work: organizational
strategy for gender advocates in both public and private (NGO) sectors; gender considerations in
the identification of policy for primary education and trade expansion; gender concerns in field
research and participatory project appraisal methods; and problems in promoting gender equity

C Method of Design

Describe e the study design is it appropriate? How was the research conducted? The
studyprocedures itself and data collection? the researcher used , as the first stage of field base
research in to the causes of low female enrolments in various African countries as the
researcher stated that in the literature Christopher and colclough and his research team wished
to explore what could be learned from published national level data about correlates of low
female enrolment on the gender gap. The data was conducted by a fairly large data base was
assembled from standard sources containing about 60 variables for up to 63 low and middle
income countries from all region of the development world by considerable the literature
addressing the question why the female enrolments are lower than those of males ?

D Analysis

 Ho were the data analyzed?

The data was analyzed by categories of three main causes although these lie largely in the
domino of house hold decision making and evidence in their supported needs to the sought in
that domain it was sought worth searching among the aggregate variables to see if any
bearinterpretation as proxies simple regression analysis were carried out with level of enrolment
as the dependent variable.

 Do the selected statistical tests appear appropriate?

The researcher used the exploratory type of research this type of research develop hypothesis
rather than testing hypothesis, and causes alternative option for solution of a specific
problems, according to the researchers comment in introduction at the last paragraph the
previous research report does not exactly follow the order of presentation at the retreat nor
does it report specifically, on the argument used comment raised in general discussion in
response to the presentations.

E .what were the finding of the study?

Are the result presented in a clear and understandable way? Yes
A strongly positive relationship is in fact found between girls’ enrolments and age at first
marriage. The relationship holds only weakly for males. Therefore, the gender gap in enrolments

is very strongly related to the age of marriage among women. Within the Africa region, in
particular, the relationship between the gender gap in enrolments.

The finding of the study was as the researcher interpreted that the critical what he saw as the
gulf of between the goal of the gender analysis and the mainstream development studies
concerns with poverty alleviation .If gender equity goal had little or no over lap with poverty
alleviation the exploratory research has not appeared a result clearly it interpreted or
indicate where the problem is so the researcher has showed a ground for future research .

How the author interpret the result? Were there any study limitation discussed?

Main The problem is probably, in statistical terms, co linearity between the gender gap and
human resource variables. The gender gap variable is highly correlated (R = 0.7) across countries
with average years of schooling. In other words, obviously enough, a country can only achieve a
high overall level of education if most women are educated. There are few countries which might
act as statistical controls by displaying a reverse gender gap (the Philippines and Chile seem to
be the only candidates). The result is that it is technically impossible to distinguish between the
effects of total human resources and female human resources. the study limitations were
discussed in each contents of the literature the researcher has discussed the limitations of
pervious report of the research in the introduction at the last paragraph it showed that the fact
that no time was allocated in the program to discussion of the nature and causes of gender
subordination may have been mistake , the researcher discussed the limitation of the study in
each literature contents

F Subject matter Significance

What was the implication of this study to practitioners?

It shows the direction for the future research they understand where were the problem and show
the way to overcome the problem. The content and viability of the gender equity agenda is not
questioned in either study. But separately and together the presentations point to the practical and
political difficulties that arise for organizations attempting to pursue gender concerns in the
context of development. Howe’s suggests that if there is no clear, primary gender mandate,
membership organizations are unlikely to be true to their professed aims in this respect, because

internal organizational behavior is permeated by gender biases which ‘adding on’ gender
concerns cannot overcome.

White implies that any organization-even one which, being in the public sector, is in a privileged
position from the point of view of access to the policy process which takes its gender equity
mission seriously, is bound to become alienated from political influence inside the machinery of
government. There is a clear agenda for further comparative research here, to determine whether
these are indeed necessary outcomes.

How does thestudy contribute the body of knowledge?

The discussions touched on issues of passionate political concern and personal interest to gender
specialists. Gender analysts are strongly aware of the contribution that academic research work
can and should make to gender activism. Yet many of the Fellows had, it seemed, embarked on
scholarly research on gender issues without necessarily subscribing to the theoretical wisdom
among gender specialists concerning the nature of social relations of gender and their interaction
with development processes. The researcher has deeply discussed on the problems of the
research by describing the main causes and problems of the research and presenting comments
and showing limitation of the research in each contents and paragraphs when the researcher
go through to the contents of the literature he has got a body of knowledge

Could the study be replicated?

The study is not replicated there is no another research was done on gender development
analysis, this research report proceeding retreat report, this research literatures are classified by
contents, each contents not repeat the idea of the other from begging up to end so there is no
replication .for example the research report as presents in the abstract.

In discussion of the presentations, some researchers displayed considerable irritation at what they
saw as the reluctance of gender advocates to acknowledge and welcome the influence they had
been having in colonizing the intellectual agenda of development studies. Others were concerned
that research in to the gender dimension at the sectorial level failed to address the all-pervasive
and resilient nature of discriminatory gender relations. They felt there was a danger that the true
costs of eliminating

What additional questions does the study raise ?

Research of this kind the additional questions raised in the research was for example in the
introduction at the 8th paragraph the researcher has raised additional questions are

What is the status of academic research not undertaken as part of some form of feminist project?
Is the analytical problematic of such research necessarily wrong?

How are the findings of some piece of gender related research to be interpreted if it is premised
on the ideas that gender concerns amount only to. A special group interest (albeit of the majority
of the population) and as just one among many forms of social differentiation?

What use can gender advocates make of research of this kind?

Is it possible to take what is useful to the feminist project from the findings of a piece of
research, setting aside the policy lessons which the researchers themselves may draw?


Moser, C.O.N., A. Binnendijk, and J. Murphy (1995) 'Evaluating gender impacts', in R.

Picciotto and R.C. Rist (eds.) Evaluation and development: proceedings of 1994 World
Bank Conference, Washington, DC: World Bank.

Office on the Status of Women (OSW) (2000) 'South Africa's National Policy Framework for
women's Empowerment and Gender Equality', Pretoria: Government of South Africa.
Reeves, H. and S. Baden (2000) Gender and development: concepts and definitions,
Bridge Report No 55, Brighton: Institute for Development Studies.

Thomas, A. (2000) 'Poverty and the 'end of development", in T. Allen and A. Thomas (eds.)
Poverty and Development: Into the 21st Century, Oxford: OUP.

United Nations (1996) The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, adopted by the Fourth
World Conference on Women, Beijing 4-15 September 1995, New York, NY: United
Nations. United Nations (1997) Report of the Economic and Second session 18
September 1997, NewYor kNY: United Nations.

World Bank (2001) Engendering Development, New York, Social Council for 1997, General
Assemble fifty.

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