MMW - Chapter1.1-Drguerrero: TH TH TH TH TH

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School of Arts and Sciences / SY2022-2023 / 1st Semester

Mathematics in the Modern World (SMMW 11)

Activity 1.1 Chapter 1. Mathematics in our World

Name: _MABBUN, KATRINA KATE P.____________
Student No.: _22-1-00418_____________________
Section: _BS RADTECH 1-1__________________
Professor: _MR. RENATO R. GUERRERO, LPT, PH. D__
Date: _AUGUST 25, 2022____________
Score: _____________

Directions: Answer the following exercises:

1. Write a synthesis paper (one page) focusing on one of the following aspects of

A. Mathematics helps to organize patterns and regularities in the world.

B. Mathematics helps to predict the behavior of nature and phenomena in the world.

C. Mathematics helps to control nature and occurrences in the world for our own ends.

2. Write an essay (one page) about why Mathematics is indispensable.

Essay Rubric: Clear Claim with Reasons = 20%, Evidence = 20%, Explanation = 20%,
Conclusion = 10%, Formal Tone and Style = 10%, Organization and Transitions = 10%,
Mechanics (Spelling and Grammar) = 10%; Total 100%

3. Solve the following using Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2 and following the given sequence. Note:
Show your solutions

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, …

A. 11th term B. 12th term C. 13th term D. 14th term E. 15th term

4. How to solve Fibonacci Numbers using Binet’s Formula? (Search for a video and
attach the link here) Solve the following using Binet’s Formula.

A. F20 B. F33 C. F57 D. F82 E. F90 (Note: Use Scientific Calculator)

Using mathematical tools, we can develop models that match what we can measure and see in the real
world. This helps us forecast how nature and phenomena will behave in the world. We consider to be
"laws of nature" models that we can use on a daily basis, models that really operate to observe the world,
and models that can also anticipate the behavior of the counterpart to the model that has not yet been
observed. The framework provided by mathematics allows us to encode our observations of the physical
world. How something occurs repeatedly in nature may be explained mathematically. Since it is simpler
to reckon with these occurrences in numbers than to describe it into words, mathematics can explain
how the sun set, where it went, or why it returned. While trying to convey the unlimited sense one has
when thinking about the natural universe that exists outside of oneself, mathematics is very useful. There
are a lot of things that we can do with math; everything around us has numbers, including maps,
cellphones, laptops, the edges of our houses, the size of our houses, and the measurements of our doors.
Mathematics can also be used to explain everything that is happening in nature, such as cloud seeding or
even the weather, or predict what will happen tomorrow regarding whether it will rain or not.
Mathematics really helps us in our daily lives, but we just cannot see it with our naked eye.

Over the past several days, I've come to learn that mathematics is more complex than the formulas and
exercises contained in textbooks. Through the discovery of patterns and regularities, it is a technique for
analyzing both natural occurrences and abstract phenomena. Although it is almost difficult to predict the
scale, position, and timing of natural hazards, mathematics has enabled us to foresee disasters like
hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wildfires, and landslides, among others.

In the realm of reality, we can measure and see things, therefore we use mathematical tools to build
models that match those observations. Calamities like hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and landslides are
just a few examples. According to my research, this is the area of study known as mathematical modeling.
As an illustration, consider how entirely mathematical the area of physics is—from Newton's Laws of
Motion through Electromagnetic Equations. Researchers study nature and natural occurrences and
attempt to create a mathematical model that fits their observations and makes sense. They essentially
look for a guideline or a way to generalize what they see. These models can then be applied to
simulations that aid in future prediction. Math can't always predict phenomena since models might be
uncertain, as was previously said. It can, however, provide benchmarks or probability. One researcher
said that while it was impossible to forecast when an earthquake would occur, it was possible to provide

It makes it easier for us to see patterns, measure connections, and make future predictions. We utilize the
world to understand math, and math helps us comprehend the world. The entire globe is linked. These
links and opportunities are evident in everyday mathematics. We are more likely to continue to be an
innovative culture and economy the sooner young learners can put these talents into practice.


Our lives are organized and kept orderly by mathematics, a potent instrument for communication and
comprehension on a worldwide scale.

We may develop mental discipline and increase our understanding of the world through mathematics.

Math fosters logical reasoning, critical thinking, creative thinking, abstract or spatial thinking, problem-
solving abilities, and even excellent communication skills.

The foundation of modern ordered life is mathematics. We are unable to settle any problems in our daily
lives without the use of numbers and mathematical proof. We must contend with confusion and turmoil
in the absence of these sports data since there are times, measures, rates, wages, tenders, discounts,
claims, supply, jobs, stocks, contracts, taxes, money exchange, consumption, etc.

Since the beginning of human existence on earth, mathematics has thus evolved into a companion and a
helper for man. Man created math in order to first answer questions like "How many?" In order to make
computations, measurements, analysis, and engineering easier, algebra was later developed.

Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that was developed to help people find high mountains and
stars. When people began to feel the need for mathematics, the knowledge of this article emerged and
evolved. For the long-term planning of life as well as for each individual as well as their daily actions,
mathematics is essential.

Although the value of mathematics cannot be overstated, many students throughout the world have a
general aversion to arithmetic.

Despite this, the majority of individuals nowadays struggle with the computations because they perceive
them to be too difficult. We use math to calculate amounts almost every day in our lives. For instance,
money is a necessary component of life; without it, we are unable to purchase items like food, clothing,
and other essentials. Calculations are required for material compensation because money involves
quantity and numbers.
Solve the following using Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2 and following the given sequence.
Note: Show your solutions
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, …
A. 11th term B. 12th term C. 13th term D. 14th term
E. 15th term

How to solve Fibonacci Numbers

using Binet’s Formula? (Search
for a video and attach the link here)
Solve the following using Binet’s
A. F20 B. F33 C. F57 D. F82 E.


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