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F aw stewart — ScrENce Plant Needs Understanding that plants use specialized structures to obtain the materials that they need to grow from sun, air, and water. Developing a model of how energy moves through plants. Developing a model of plant processes that use natural resources to complete life processes. Comparing the structure and function of the transport system in plants with the circulatory system in humans. Arteries Circulatory system Digestive system Dispersal Germinate Glucose Nutrients Phloem Photosynthesis Plant Stem Stomata Survive System Xylem Concept @ Plant Needs El Activity 4 Can You Explain? ») Have you ever planted a seed and watched it grow into a plant? A plant is a living organism, like a human being, that goes through different stages of growth. (2) A plant needs water, air, and light to carry out its vital processes. HAE ga JaLvay pay SLDYIS > BIS oll Aaggall lubes, alll (egsall elgg ell) Jf oball gas ») How do the structures of a plant use water, air, and light to survive? 2) The plant consists of Leaf roots, stems, leaves, and Fruit sometimes flowers or fruits. Flower ~ Plant roots absorb water and nutrients from the soil. - The other structures of the plant help it to our Stem ott gle Nutrients Leaf sluts, Soil Survive survive. Roots still sie Fruit us Science Prim. 5-First Term » 3 Concept @ Plant Needs Gy A ctivity 2 Ask Questions Like a Scientist Tree Needs ») What do humans and plants need to grow and survive? 3) Our bodies need food and ») Plants use natural resources to water every day to be grow and survive. healthy and grow. 2) When we plant a tree, we notice over time that it grows and turns from a seedlings into a large tree. e % a St til lim i Sioa! tlhe ge elally oll YU} glass bee ete « ‘Bal sh Joga guiay nung ” Concept @ Plant Needs Some wrong concepts about plants needs — | Plants, like humans Plants need carbon dioxide gas and animals, need (= 5) and they produce oxygen gas | 0 oxygen gas S through the photosynthesis only. process. OLA Gd uSall Je GSI add Cpa ul GLE J] clay Glysally gLuiyl Ube oball gf paaul aia vygigadll lil dalee JIS paul 52 CLL psig G92 Sl! suuSl Sb 5lé glia All plants need fi ) Many plants need soil to soil to survive. (x) ty grow, while some don't. ~” Qe SELL G2 SSI gf Tsk) SI colilly gail cabiadd 2 AU lias SULUI JS gf LAaull sites 1280 Gaal glia Y Ley sll 27) J} elias edna ls = * The liquid produced from the tree sap is not an A; evidence that plants need sugar. v Saul! J} gles obLall gf Ye hls hay YL AM Bybee gs 2 nD | Both plants and humans need water and air to grow and survive. enmz3 | ») Plants need nutrients and they | | 9} Humans need nutrients and get them from the soil. energy, and they get them from ») Plants make their own food food to survive and grow. through the photosynthesis eooes ALlly A5158I poli! JI elias GLuiyl process in their leaves. sgailly Udall pedal! 2 (gale yj jo Ugle unay tial poll I SI Stl lll ee JS ga Ll guady | 16 © Science Prim. 5 First Term Concept @ Plant Needs grow a healthy pl Aemali=10) e e Basic Plant Needs Not Basic Plant Needs @ Sunlight @ Water @soil @ oxugen gas 3 Carbon dioxide gas e@ Sugar @ Forest ») You may notice that soil wasn’t listed as a basic plant need because some plants don’t need soil to grow, such as: rohe vga 5 J) glad YoGLUI (aes SY auld 25bs olaLaals Wale! ab al G All ol Bass os CC Plants that grow Plants that grow Plants that grow in water only. in air on other plants AUG 58 ELS ») How do the roots, stems, and leaves help the plants to get food? Plant Leaves pant Goots ») Plants make their ») Plant roots own food in their absorb water leaves through and nutrients the photosynthesis process. from the soil, and then they ») Plant food is a kind of sugar, pass from the roots to the this sugar provides it with the leaves through the stem. energy needed for growth. sUill dulec JIS Ge Lyall b Laské SLi aiuas + aqgiguall BUA Losey gill Saul! 2 £53 98 SLill eZ © aga LU * Se ESL polially cll SLY joie Geis Glull ne GLA J] sede! ge Jaa, ay Zl. Science Prim. 5-First Term » 7 Concept @ Plant Needs Activities 1 45 Choose the correct answer: @ All the following structures exist in green plants, except a. stems b. fruits c. blood d. leaves @ Both plants and humans need to survive. a. shelter b. carbon dioxide gas c. soil d.air @ Green plants can absorb nutrients from the a. water b. soil c.air d. food @ In the absence of , plants will die. a.oxygen gas __b. sugar c. soil d. sunlight @ If you are walking in the garden, you can observe all the plant parts, except the ..... a. leaves b. stems c. roots d. flowers @ Green plants can make their own food through the process. a. respiration b. digestion c. photosynthesis d. thinking @ Manufacturing of the plant food take place inside of the plant. a.the leaves b. the roots c. the stem d.all parts @ Green plants and animals are similar in a.size b. structure cc. growing d. moving eo and ........ are from the basic needs of all living organisms. a. Soil and air b. Water and soil cc. Air and water d. Sunlight and shelter @ Animals need all the following things to grow and survive, except a. water b. soil cc. shelter d. food @ Green plants can survive and grow in a. water b. soil c.air d.all the previous @ The of a plant helps in the transmission of nutrients and water to the plant leaves. a.stem b. root c. flower . fruit 18 « Science Prim. 5~ First Term Concept @ Plant Needs @ Put (V) or (x): @ All living organisms need water and air to grow and survive. ( ) @ The plant's roots help the plants to get its food from the soil. ¢ ) @ All different structures of plants help them survive. « ) @ Oxugen gas is from the natural resources that plants need to make their food. « ) @ The digestive system help humans to get the useful nutrients from food. « ) @ The green plant is the only living organism that can manufacture its own food. « ) @ Shelter and water are necessary for plants to grow. (a) @ Without the soil, plants can’t grow even if they obtain water and sunlight. ¢ ) @ Plants can absorb their food from the soil by their roots. Cc) @ There are some plants that can grow easily on other plants. ( ) @® The liquid produced from the tree sap is considered an evidence that plants need sugar. ¢ ) @ The photosynthesis process is a vital process that all living organisms do to grow. ¢ ) Write the scientific term: @ The only living organism that can make its own food ( ) @ A vital process that takes place in green plants to make them survive. ¢ ) @ A part of the plant that absorbs water and nutrients from the soil. (_...) @ A part of the plant that is responsible for manufacturing the food of plants. ( ) Complete the following sentences: @ The green plant consists of _...., _. and sometimes _.. OF @ The plant's roots can absorb __and from _... while the of a plant is responsible for making food for the plant. Science Prim. 5-First Term » 9 Concept @ Plant Necds @ All living organisms need air and water to... and __.__. oe 4 eee NA _. are from the natural resources that the green plant needs. @ Plants need .......... gas and they produce......... gas through the photosynthesis process. @ The plant's roots can grow in... or Cross out the odd word: @ Green plant - Shelter - Water - Sunlight on ) @ Animal - Water - Food - Carbon dioxide gas Com ) @ Photosynthesis - Oxygen gas - Carbon dioxide gas - Leaves ¢ ~~) @ Nutrients - Digestion - Photosynthesis - Human ¢ =) 6 Classify these words in the following tables: @ Soil - Oxygen gas - Carbon dioxide gas - Sugar - Sunlight - Water Basic Plant Needs @ Soil - Water - Air - Shelter - Sunlight Plants Needs Animals Needs Animals and Plants Needs @ Choose from column (A) what suits it in column (B): Vag Column (A) \ Column (B) =y 1 Aplant a.are responsible for making the food of the plant. 2 An animal b. absorb nutrients and water from the soil. 3 Roots c.must move to get its food. 4 Leaves d.can get its food by itself. eo Oo. @ —. _ “10 «Science Prim. 5 - First Term Concept @ Plant Needs 8 Study the following figures, then answer the questions: @ The opposite figure represents a green plant, answer the following questions: (A) Label the following: @ _ 3 4 5 (B) Which part of the plant is responsible for the following: 5 1 Absorption of nutrients: = 2) Manufacturing of food 3 Transmission of nutrients: (©) Mention the most basic needs of the plant. @ The opposite figure represents a green plant, answer the following questions: (A) Plant ¢ ) will grow well and healthy. { (B) Plant (....) needs sunlight to survive. (©) Plant (..... needs sunlight and water [ to survive ~ gd Give reasons for: @ Plant's roots have great functions. @ Unlike humans and animals, plants can get their food by themselves. @ Soil isn’t listed as a basic plant need, while the sunlight is listed as a basic plant need. © What happens i @ A plant isn't exposed to sunlight for a few days. Science Prim. 5-First Term 44 Concept @ Plant Needs ave Investigate Like a Scientist 0) Activity 6 So pionts Need soi? »» In this activity, you will test your ideas about what the plant needs. You will germinate seeds in wet paper towels and other seeds in soil. Then you will compare their growth. Wigdag Allee Lig able B sll 258 hguny Lill doling Le go 15a} odin Lai! Lhe 3 €C Plastic cup (250 mL) - soil - potting - paper towels - seeds or beans plastic zipper bags - water - pen or marker - metric ruler Lagi 5185 a QS Gosh SS (J) Use the water to wet the paper towel. (2) Place three seeds on the top half of the paper towel. Fold the bottom half of the towel up so that it covers the seeds. Place the paper towels inside the plastic zip bag and seal it. (3) Fill the plastic cup with potting soil. Plant the other three seeds in the soil. Water the seeds. @ Label the bag and the cup with your name. Then, place the bag and the cup in a place where they can get sunlight. (5) Check the growth of seeds over the next several days. Dampen the paper towel and water the soil as needed. 42. Science Prim. 5 -First Term Concept @ Plant Needs Table (1): Shows the seeds germinated on wet paper towels: After three After Day days aweek i) Measurement Other Observations Table (2): Shows the seeds germinated in the soil: ae a week Day After three + days Measurement _ im i, Other Observations G Observatio' ») The first stages of growth of the seeds in the paper towel are similar to the first stages of the seeds in the soil. ») The growth of the seeds planted on paper towels is slower than the seeds planted in the soil. AAG agdall LIM! gall Jala go GLASS A ygll GERAIS gyal LS gall Joe €€ AAU g deg 5M pgSall Go gaill G Leg! Ga gl! Atal! 3 deg GI gdall CC Conclusio: 2) Plants can grow without soil for a while if they have water and sunlight, but after that they will need either soil or an alternative that provides a source of minerals and other essential elements. Sf bef gta lg 3 LS) ual egy ell lps SIS 1S] call Go BAILS yas gad of obLul Ser CC 16230 Aula! polially gulaall Hauae sigs Joe JI gl al Science Prim. 5- First Term » 43. Concept @ Plant Necds aye Investigate Like a Scientist wg Activity 7 sinight:a Basic Need »» In this activity, you will test some of your ideas about how plants grow in the light and in the dark. spl! By Guat agi G OLY gay BS Ugo ISG] oie Lal Ie b CC eS Plastic cups (250 mL) - soil - potting - seeds or beans water - pen or black permanent marker (1) Use the permanent marker to write your name on the cups and label the cups A and B. N Add soil to your cups. Place the bean seeds on the soil, one per cup, and cover the seeds with about 2 centimeters of soil. Add the same amount of water to each cup to moisten the soil. (3) Place cup A where it will receive light and place cup 8 in the dark. ) Use the table that follows to record data. Collect information about your plants over a period of 5-10 days, this will help you determine how important the role of sunlight is in the growth of plants. (©) Record the date each time you make observations. Make sure you are consistent about what you are observing. For example, if you are measuring height, do it with both cups, every time. 14 © Science Prim. 5 - First Term Concept @ Plant Needs Day 4 Sey a dala a a Cup (B) - Darkness a = Bi-aea i keon eye — The Plant in Cup (B) = In the light In the dark ] e Its height reaches 6 cm. e Its height reaches 2 cm. e It has more number of leaves. e It has less number of leaves. e The color of the leaves is green. | |e The color of the leaves is not green. ie = sb Qual Se eptll Ul 3 5 ill oLill Ls pw digs caval im AAAI 3 Sgaghl bill Led wel pBdll GL Ge ASI ase el aly ad | | past Gaal Ledels Jal ghosl sue Gal auols ded Conclusion: ») Sunlight is one of the basic needs of plants to survive and grow. School Book Questions 1- What are the basic needs of plants? Plants need light, water, air, and nutrients. Explain the importance of light in the process of plant growth. The plant exposed to light grows well because it has received abundant food, while the plant that has not been exposed to light does not grow well because it has received less food. Science Prim. 5-First Term » 45) Concept @ Plant Needs se Analyze Like a Scientist A ctivity 8 Plant Structure » All living organisms have basic needs that they must meet to survive. 9) Humans, animals and plants need water and air to survive. ») Plants and humans are different in the way of getting food. + What do humans and plants need to grow and survive? == gi ») Plants use sunlight to make 2) Humans get their food from their own food from air and plants and animals a an water. LarlSd plead tyuaitll dad) SLU! yates €C lll elsggll G0 roblpally obLall JIS G2 lll fo glusyl Juans €€ ») The plant has a system that helps it to absorb water and nutrients from the soil and deliver them to all parts of the plant. ASI polially Ul Goliad Je oselay J AS Ye SLU ssi CE obit eal JS Jl Laglannssy AA coe 46 « Science Prim. 5 -First Term Concept @ Plant Needs © Leaves collect sunlight. © The air that the plant needs enters the leaf through the stomata. sagttlly aud GL ML SLs IVE Ge Lull debins gill Lyell pay gual GLA Gas © Stomata: They are tiny openings that the allow air that the plant needs to move into the leaves. lye! sya Qaad GLA G Spice OLA : gill Water and nutrients move up the. plant's stem through tubes called vessels or xylem. Ugale Gls (Zesl) bl pe cUly S81 poliall ered Gas ies) © Xylem (vessels): They are smaller vessels that connect the stem to the leaves. Gla La Lgage Gall JS) Gaull aha desl LAL * Plant's roots absorb water and nutrients from the soil. 02 AIG palially oll SLll ygde Geis djl Science Prim. 5- First Term © 47 Concept @ Plant Needs ee Observe like a Scientist iW A ctivity 9 Parts of a Plant Parts of a Plant 9 Even though all plants look different, they have similar parts. ») The plant consists of roots, stems and leaves in which each part of the plant does a specific function @ Plant’s Roots: ») The roots of the plant perform some very important functions. Plant’s roots functions: @ Roots anchor (fix) the plant in the soil. @ They absorb water and nutrients from the soil, which are needed to make food. syghadl ig Ap gotstl us @ 22h ee a aga Ail pala oll gabadal ga alga @ »} Plant roots have hair-like features called "root hairs”. Roots hairs functions: @ Root hairs increase the amount of water and nutrients the plant can take in. @ Root hairs allow nutrients to pass from the soil to the root. sola! antag (Sl ASI polially ell Aus ga all JL Ge Rall patil 48 « Science Prim. 5 -First Term Concept @ Plant Needs @ Plants Stem: | Functions: ¥ @ They transport nutrients to the rest of the plant through | the tubes called vessels. @ Stems give the plant support. eM and e @ wood Stem @ Upright stem @ Climb stem Tree trunks and Most flowers Vines shrubs ¥ F ayts aU Maat Luly Gla Aude gle -¥ wolpantlly slat g ge Ste aLe3MI oli Js ill Sie e ° @ Tubers (extend underground) © Funners Potato plant Run along the ground and help to form new plants. : Balas Glu 9 (aM ca5 ts Glu) SEs =£ | 35653 weLdy GaN ge ais Gla gulag! Je Bagae ols . Science Prim. 5- First Term » 19) * Concept @ Plant Needs @ Plants Leaves; = Functions: @ All leaves have tubes running through them called "xylem". Xylem helps carry water from the roots to the stem and leaves. @ The most important function of the leaves is to make food through the photosynthesis process and in order to carry out this process, it needs water, carbon dioxide and sunlight. 24a git sok aLuly ale JI ssSel ge lll JB Ge Uphine Leg] ny ball Legh peat Guulil Jo Bl Hl esas @ Bf lias Lyi Saal ly 9985 Sly ull Lill alae JSR Ge ISA ginn ga GL sl ily pal @ syuedll egady S525 dual Ib 5ley oll! NX 4 4 @ some are narrow and look @ Other leaves are flat and like needles (as spine) much wider soighall Gad GLslS wil ats Spiue Ghsl © all Gls GL slS ajc datos Ghosh « 20 « Science Prim. 5 -First Term Concept @ Plant Needs -— It is the process of making food Photosynthesis @ inside plant leaves by using water, ” | sunlight and carbon dioxide gas. SF Green parts id °@ Sunlight ce ® Oxygen gas Water vapour @ Water and % e is e mineral salts Oxyg! a lid Glucose ome vapour Science Prim. 5- First Term » 21» Concept @ Plant Needs How does the photosynthesis process occur? it | ») Leaves contain chlorophyll, which gives them their green color. ») Chlorophyll captures energy from sunlight. ne ») Green leaves use the light energy from the sun to combine the carbon dioxide from the air with water to manufacture nutrients (such as sugars, starches, fats, and proteins) that the plant needs to live. pM ll ganas gill (Uaigy sl) Yo SLi Glos] sins squad)! egate ce MEU Jad gISII Gates Wola Il A515 algll ety cL! a2 54 SII sash 3b 5lé sll 3 GGLbIl db oball gl} psstus cigzaly galls Sstilly Sly Sul) She Bhatt ad Yo Jal toll A set of tubes that transport the food materials downward, from the leaves to Phloem ©@ the other parts of the plant. eNjol S) SLM Ge ASIGN olglt Ja Ge Uyhawe Sul “65M otal slat dicgi 9) What is the importance of the photosynthesis process? For plants For other living organisms ») Producing oxygen that animals and humans need to breathe. ») Producing food for the plant. Important Note: * Life on Earth without plants would be impossible. 22. Science Prim. 5 - First Term Concept @ Plant Needs wi Investigate Like a Scientist 0] A ctivity 10 Up the Stem ») In this activity, you will test some of your ideas about how plants move water. You will investigate what transport vessels in a plant look like and how they work to help a plant stay alive. SLU 3 Jail Legh USB Gye Ghats volsall GLO JS LS go Sal da 7555 ges Lill Ia gO Blood! ad Je eliall Je Lill SucLul Jan Sy Tools * Celery stalk * White carnation flowers (optional) * Plastic cups (250 mL) * Food coloring * Scissors * Hand lens » Water Select a stalk of celery. Examine the stem and any a leaves closely. Record observations about how the stem looks in the “Before” section of the data table. (2) Fill a cup with water. Add food coloring to the cup of water. Snip about two centimeters off the bottom of the stalk and place it in the water. a Leave the stalk in the water cup and set aside where it will not be disturbed until the next day. Observe the stalk. Record your observations. Compare the actual outcome with your prediction. aan Follow step-by-step directions given by the teacher to dissect the stalk. \ Record detailed notes and drawings. Be sure to label the xylem. a Science Prim. 5 -First Term » 23) * Concept @ Plant Needs esult: BE BLN ate aan Comparison ») When a celery stalk is placed in a glass of colored water, the wood color will change to the color of the water in the cup. lh aperall oll Sool SI BSN ga gh pans Cyl 6 Se 98 Gb oud SI Glee gad aie CC Conclusion: ») Xylem helps in carriying water and nutrients up from the soil to the plant's leaf. solall SLal J] Aull G+ Je Bball polially oll! Jay atl Laesl asd € ) Gases enter plants ») Air enters the human body through through the leaves. our mouth and nose and travels to the lungs, where oxygen is absorbed into circulating blood. ilangy GM pill IVE Ge Gash pune J eloall Jo CC hago 3 gall Beg GoLiatal py Sue G45 I (BNI IS G2 SLI J} obLUI US Science Prim. 5-First Term » 29) Concept @ Plant Needs @ Human Circulatory System: —__ Structure: It consists of the heart and blood vessels. Blood vessels: They are tubes that transport nutrients and oxygen to the cells and organs. paliall JB ge Usha ubil ge SpLe sds goal! dae dil GS Ldely pualLLS J) crawl, 25h I) (| Veins Arteries Heart Important Notes: ~ * There are two different types of blood vessels in b the human circulatory system called arteries and veins. Cpal pill chan Gla eagill slg 3 Sageall ae ye Gis Glegs lia . BayHy —___J * Blood moves in only one direction in a human's veins or arteries. -dinal pi gh Glasy! Says] ne uals oles! g pull dpa a » You can see your veins and arteries through your skin on your hands or arms. ealell can Bagel cpul ally Bs SI SE UaadLe lia chs J} plas 13] X 80 « Science Prim. 5 -First Term Arteries They carry blood rich with oxygen and glucose away from the heart to organs, muscles, bones, and cells so that the body can grow and heal. Vv ral pial ce All pall JB pg Lael J) All ge Hany 5Solally Sas (de HLA tly pLaally crLarally Lilly geill Ga ausall Concept @ Plant Needs Veins Veins return the blood that carries carbon dioxide and is low in nutrients and oxygen back to the heart for a recharge. Vv Bays! (gil Jase gill pall 53,811 saa patiall 8 LABS, 6525 eS] ad RN UY cpl Cael 083553 Fea) Science Prim. 5-First Term » 31 * Concept @ Plant Needs @ Plants Transport System: Like the human circulatory system, the plant's transport system transports water reach in nutrients in one direction within the vessels (tubes) between the plant parts. Seta oly alasl g dalgll ASISall_poliall Jab bill § JE! pL ay Lath gall Leal! plbs he scolall ebal ons (QubMl) Leg! eo”? é Oxygen gas °. 2 Water rich in nutrients Food '82.« Science Prim. 5 - First Term Concept @ Plant Needs -— S * They absorb water and nutrients from 2 the soil and send them to the leaf. ict rg! EAN yg Ugly Syl Go ASLAN polbally oll Golesi agi Water rich in nutrients cc > * Transport nutrient-rich water up to § the plant's leaves. Water a nuh ‘ and z sel 63 minerals SUA GLS gel Ul Astsall_palially 20! oll Ja * They start manufacturing glucose when water reaches them. wi 8 Lgl Ul Jgaay she 55S ple! ges Jo GLI Jest 23 sl 4 S ») * Once energy production is complete, § the phloem carries the glucose downward 2 toall plant parts. Food | Qf apT JMS LA! 5] Salae JLAtS se 5S glel Jans pgiy telah sol ill dab! eal Science Prim. 5 -First Term » 88>“ Concept @ Plant Needs Plant Human Poe Transport System Circulatory System Water Veins Picture and Food minerals ames @ They are similar in function, which is to transport nutrients and gases to all body parts. @ They transport nutrients and gases in one direction Similarities only. peopl lied quan Ul steal! LMU obsLilly AGA! patel JE5 ag Zé ssh olesl g obLul a Differences It consists of; It consists of @xylem — @ Phioem @arteries @ Veins Plant Transport System Similarities Human Circulatory System ‘34 « Science Prim. 5 -First Term Concept @ Plant Needs -— oe Analyze Like a Scientist A ctivity 13 Plant tood ») Plants are able to manufacture their own food in photosynthesis process from materials that they obtain from their environment. Necessary factors | Products © @ Sunlight @ Oxygen gas Ww Water vapour , @ Water and oe mineral salts Photosynthesis Process: (1) Plant's roots absorb water and nutrients from the soil. (2) Xylems transport water rich in nutrients up to the leaves. (3) Chlorophyll captures the light energy from the sun. ( In the plant leaves, water combines with carbon dioxide in the presence of sunlight to produce glucose. (5) Phloem moves glucose from the leaves to the other plant parts. hid dolisal LAU Laglarsiy SyAll Ge squeal G2 AS ycll G2UAII GoLite asd 5Solall gUGY Guadll epic sony Gell ge gp SI! ana alt 18S SLU eljat quae J! oubT JMS Solel Jos poi telat Science Prim. 5- First Term » 35> Concept @ Plant Needs | ») During the photosynthesis process, Light is transformed into chemical Ww energy energy es : absorbed from sunlight that is found in glucose Glucose as a source of energy for plants: ») Plant cells use this glucose as a source of energy to live and grow. Products of photosynthesis: ») As the plant cells use glucose, they release oxygen and water in the air. »} These products are considered waste materials for the plant. ») Other living organisms, such as animals and humans depend on the oxygen gas that plants release during this process of food production. Important Notes: Photosynthesis process takes place in the plant’s leaves. Energy can be transformed from one form to another. Oxygen gas is considered a waste material for plants, but itis considered from the basic needs for human and animals. D> a pn town tk Premier 36 « Science Prim. 5 - First Term Concept @ Plant Needs ae Observe Like a Scientist A | A ctivity 15 Flowers and Seeds ») You learned that plants use specific structures that help them get food, grow and survive. ») Flowers of plants have different shape, size, and color. 2) Some plants, such as grasses, have very small flowers that are hardly noticeable. 2) Some flowers are not very colorful. Lgilally Lgalaoly Liisi 3 slat Gas €C (gibiasls Gees lie 8p LajLasf GLeaSI foe GLa Laas ONIN dual coud Laglogl e589) GLa aa Flower Function (Job): ») All flowers have the same main job: to help the plants reproduce. Plant reproduction ® |t is the process of making new plants. Flowers © They are the reproductive parts of many plants. The small dark-colored objects in the center of the flower are seeds. If these seeds receive air, water, and the correct temperature, they can grow into a new plant. iywadill abe 55 hs A gaiy gait ol Se: Bast aay B Aish Bzake yb) dis Raul! 5 Lyall 2p say elyglly oll Lage Lgl ois If arse. Science Prim. 5- First Term » 37 Concept @ Plant Needs se Investigate Like a Scientist i A ctivity 16 seed bispersal ») Seeds shapes and sizes vary from a plant to another. AILS Ge s5ll plead, uissl hss ») The way of seed dispersal is determined by the shape and size of the seed, as in the following examples: HAIGH ANIL LS 8dall paoy JSS Lassoy gill jLASSI day so . The Way of Seed Seed Figure Dispersal Coconut Water because it is hollow from the Seed inside, and floats on the surface. igll ge Soke saul Jo gig «JAI Se Aigo Ug toUll: LESIY) ay to Winds because it has wing-like structures that help it move with the Maple Seed : [ are help of the wind. Ras Usselad clip tl 4.85 S13 lbs Lyi sel I: LASSYI ay po chal Seley Eyal Je Organisms that eat the fruit and Tomato spread the seeds. Apple seeds can Seed also be distributed in this way. pbsLaall 555 cogil pity Spall! USE IN eal) LSS Yay jlo Rig shal 9dgy LE Lal agp 8 Sey It has spines that help it stick to living Burdock organisms, like animal fur and human Seed clothing to spread from one place to ae another. ice ud OUBSIL, GLA Jo Laselas yy 1 LAGIY day bo 228 ISe go RUGS ula Slblyetl gd ihe Wind because of its parachute-like Dandelion structure, which enables it to spread in Seed the presence of wind. clasigil fs gill yl Ll aay ll eS nt ipl ll LAGGY Ay to sch agey Q SLE co 38 « Science Prim. 5 - First Term Concept @ Plant Needs (1) Notice the different types of seeds and Natural Seeds Images then think of ways to help these seeds move from one place to another using a bow! of water, blowing air or a piece of carpet. Record your notes. Draw a model of imaginary seeds, and 2 2 then test your model using one of the Coconut Burdock — Maple an following methods: water, air, or animals. Drawings (4) Record your observations and conclusions. »} The coarse, toothed seed sticks to the carpet (represents the dispersal of seeds by animals). ») The seed that floats on the surface of the water (represents the dispersal of seeds by water). ») Seeds with wings are blown with air (represent the dispersal of seeds by wind). o(Slilggatl dlasulys gall LAG Je) sLoull delay joel Seiad Haw 3,5 KC (eUN Mhasulyy pS) jLBSSI aS) cL alas Yee giles SII 3d CC (Ch! Alauslys agai LEH! Jhs5) elygll A 1 Zade¥I ol5 all CC C The method of seed dispersal depends on the shape, size and characteristics of the seeds. lgactliads ss3all pany JSS Jo poll pL i, b sie tS Science Prim. 5-First Term » 39) Concept @ Plant Needs ee Record Evidence Like a Scientist A ctivity 17 Tree Needs ») Now that you have learned about plant needs, look again at the image of Planting a Tree. You first saw this in Wonder. «2 Question: ») How do plant parts make use of water, air, and light for vital processes? @,, Claim: ») A plant depends on its parts to obtain basic needs, such as water, air, and sunlight. ») Each part of the plant has a function to help it survive. oe Evidence: »} Plant's roots absorb water and nutrients from the soil »} Plant’s stems transport the water from the roots to the leaves. ») Plant's leaves absorb air and sunlight to produce their own food from glucose. ») Sunlight is one of the basic needs of plants. © Scientific Explanation with Reasoning: »» As you find in plant leaves, the light energy emitted by sunlight is converted into chemical energy. »» If the basic needs of the plant are not met, it will not grow and may die. Optional Activities 40 «Science Prim. 5 -First Term Concept @ Plant Needs Activities 114819 Choose the correct answer: @ Plants can get their energy and make their own food through...... process. a. digestion b. respiration c. thinking d. photosynthesis @ The _.. system helps humans and animals to get the energy needed from food. a. nervous b.circulatory —_c. digestive d. skeletal @ Air goes in and out the leaf through the a.xylem b. chlorophyll c. stomata d. phloem @ Oxygen gas is extracted from air inside the of a human. a. nose b. mouth .nose and mouth d. two lungs @ Allof the following are properties of oxygen gas, except that a. it is released from photosynthesis b. it is extracted from lungs in humans is a wasted material for humans is a wasted material for plants @ The human circulatory system includes all the following structures, except the a. heart b.vein c.artery d. lungs @ Blood vessels carry all the following components, except a. water b. oxygen gas c. carbon dioxide gas d. nutrients e carry the blood rich in oxygen from the heart to all the body cells a. Xylems b. Arteries c. Veins d. Nerves © Both of and _. are similar in carrying nutrients. a.arteries - phloem b. veins - xylem c. arteries - xylem d. veins - phloem @ Veins carry the blood rich in... to the heart. a. nutrients b. oxygen gas ¢. carbon dioxide gas d. water ® _.. transport water rich in nutrients upward the plant. a. Stomata b. Veins c. Arteries d. Xylems Science Prim. 5-First Term » 41. Concept @ Plant Necds @ The. .... is/are responsible for the transmission of food from the leaves to all plant parts. a.chlorophyll b. stomata e.xylem d. phloem @® The human circulatory system and the plant transport system are similar in a. structure b. function c. shape d.color ® The _ has a very small flower that can hardly be seen. a. sunflower b. grass c. rose d.vine ® Most of flowers are similar in... a. size b. color c.job d. shape @ Put (/) or (x): @ Air enters the leaf of the plant through the stomata. @ Both humans and plants need energy to grow and survive. @ Air enters the human body through the lungs. @ You can't see the veins and arteries inside your body. @ Blood moves in the human body in one direction. @ Arteries carry the blood rich in oxygen from the heart to all the body cells. ( @ Veins carry the blood rich in carbon dioxide gas to all the body cells. @ Nutrients in the xylem move upward in one direction. @ Glucose is produced in plants by digestion process. @ In photosynthesis, light energy is changed to chemical energy. @ Carbon dioxide gas is a wasted material for all the living organisms. ¢ ) @ Energy can’t be transformed from one form to another. ¢ ) 86 Write the scientific term: @ They carry blood rich with oxygen and glucose away from the heart to the body organs. ¢ ) @ They return the blood that carries carbon dioxide to the heart for a recharge. ¢ ) @ A system inside the human body that helps in getting the energy needed from humans food. ¢ ) 42 Scionco Prim. 5 First Term Concept @ Plant Needs @ Asustem inside the human body that includes the heart and blood vessels. ¢ ) @ It exists inside the leaf and is responsible for absorbing the sunlight from the sun. ¢ ) @ |t carries glucose from the plant's leaf to all the plant parts. ¢ ) @ It carries nutrients from the plant's root to all the plant's leaves. i) @ A part of the plant that is responsible for the reproduction process. ( ) @ Itis the process of making new flowers. ¢ ) @ It is a process of transporting seeds from a place to another. ¢ ) G Complete the following sentences: @ Plants can manufacture their own energy, glucose, through —.. process. @ Airenters the human body through the ........and and travels to the , where oxygen is absorbed into the circulating blood @ As we chew and swallow our food, nutrients are absorbed into the @ They are two different types of blood vessels called ONG cans @ Blood moves in only _.. direction in humans veins or arteries. e carry blood rich with oxygen and glucose away from the heart. Qe _. return the blood that carries carbon dioxide back to the heart for a recharge. 6 transport water rich in nutrients from the top of the plant to the leaves. oe _. starts to manufacture glucose when water reach it. @ The carries the glucose to other parts of the plant. @ As plant cells use glucose, they release and in the air. @ Energy can be _. from one form to another. @® Flowers of plants have different OF... While they have the same @® Some plants, such as .... have very small flowers that are hardly noticeable. Cross out the odd word: @ Photosynthesis - Chemical energy - Thermal energy - Water (.......) @ Xylem - Stomata - Veins - Phloem, (a) @ Flower - Stem - Roots - Leaf - Blood ——) Scionce Prin. 5 Firat Term 48

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