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MUP t Force re Pe paulo ee tie sly 33U8) te) BN su ees neem We ew CaN ALUM el Ag comet Pea Ne aoe INWITIV KEDEEO SONI © 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979 Replice in Seal ¢ 3ou0d lV This shot of sh Gpitomizes the Thunderbird opto F-4s completing 2 000 in the line abrast formation 1 power, grace snd precision. USA? UNITED STATES AIR FORCE THUNDERBIRDS ACAPSULE HISTORY BY LARRY DAVIS AND CAPT “MATT” MATTINGLEY Thunderbird Executive Officer We would like to thank the following for thet contributions to this atc the USAF Thunderbirds, Charles Mayer, Dave Menard, ay Miller, Capt. Steven Miller Bob Pickett and Frank Sted. {As anyone in busines knows, if you have a good product, you show ito. ou show it at its bert and by the best operators thet you have. So twas, In May 1953, that the USAF took Is box pilot and fist line jt hte, fd erestad a demonstration teary to show the public what {Ws in Jet ‘Sheree were and how routinely’ aimed men of the USAF could fly hem, ‘The 2600%h Air Demonstration Tax wes declared operational on June 1, 1953, although she team tant had bean together end precting for about woos prior At thie tm the Yaar Rad no name. There already wore he ‘Sly Blazer’ ‘Blue Angele, “Aerojet and now the 360% Air Domonetrs tion Tear’? This just wouldn't do. During June 1953, a contest was held ft Luke AFB, home of the 3600th, 0 pick a name forthe new teem. The ‘ame encean ae Thunderbird “The selection of the name "Thuinderbirds’ ws influenced in part, by the strong, regional Indian cultire and folklore of the southwresern United States’ where Luke, APE. located. The Thunderbid i wigely mentioned in Indian folklore, from Mexico to at far north as Alaska, The Algonaun, Sloux, Cheyenne, Commenche, Kiowa, ard Arapaho, all know of the ‘Thunderbird, Indian legend hes it that thunder ana Hhtning were caused by these gren birds thunder by the Mapping of thelr cant wings nd ih ring by the opening andelosingof the birds eyes. Thunderstorms were said Tobe bottles between grestbircrand predatory monsters. Thus in te Indian Inind wot developed the idea thot this"good’ ciety wes betling ail or the ‘Tauiionel confi of tight ver dorknate “The appesrance of the bird is somewhat hazy end usualy different frm ach ibe. But most listations of show ie tobe either a huge Hawk oF sola Further research wil generally ‘shite, and blue alors Sound familie? Most Indian tions credited the Thue with ‘the power to grant nuceaesinwor,and with long, Renorable ite Sil more ‘easone for the name Thunderbirds, ‘Amore appropriate name could’ have been applied ro the man-made birds, soaring, ving, rolling over tha sarthbound inhabitants below. Sun flashing off wings, Cningar rosring over the horizon fr lching rm thelr tne fog» ite ral thr the blue shy, represent cf the neserg ‘ower of the word's mightiast nation, sworn to protect the free peoples ol fhe world against all enemias-"he triumph of good over evi "Thunder- birar it hat proven to be an extremely foresttous decision forthe team, for the name f ditinely and undeniable Amoriean influenced to:no small degree, by the very paint job the tam applied to he F-O4G Thunceriet. The red, white, ond Bue scallops ssamingly were born fram the name. Actually, the converse 's tue. The F84Gs were painted in the Thunderbird seheme long befor the name was chosen. [One wonders i te fac that they ware fying the ‘Thundorjes hed anything to\do with the name selection? find who Were the Strautter? Editor! The original Thunderbird aiveraft ware used, four for the show end one spare They a6 ed, white and blue wellope on the nose and winato tanks Vertical and horizontal stabilizes letabs! were painted white wih rel sea ‘snd be stars, 13 stars of varying sizes on the vertical surlgce and 9 sats of varying size onthe horizontal The Air Training Command ember, With tne word LUKE scence above It was cared on DoD der Of 6 Tselage, beneath the canopy. The airersft cord ll stantord USAF regu lation ‘size national insignia, stneling nd lettering. Al eterna being io Diack and the antglore pare! in ove dea The F84Gs were vitualy ‘oft the ramp” irc, with only the removal of the guns and insertion of nore gun dec bast ta shift the contor of ari 'y. Gun ports were normally left unalugoed although there are photos ‘which definitely show them to be plugged. During the fret yeor ao, the ‘main gear whet! hub centers were painted white with a bive str All si raft carted th inboard, external store pylons “The frse Thunderbirs team woe handpicked from the esdre at Luke AFB, home of the fr Farce: Advanced Fight Training Schaal, the jet ghey school. Major Dick Catleage wos chosen ay the team leade, Capt Elland Buck atl, wins, would fy Laltand ight Wing, respectively. They were ideal choices es both had been withthe SkyBlarers, a USAP/Eurepe de monsiation torn. The Slotman would be Capt Bab Kanaga, an instructor a1 Luke. ‘The Spare and Sofa pilot unen It was aed foer, Re mula be Lt Bod “Mae” McCormick, wo ned fawn with the ‘Sobre Boner hhad 100 missions to hie erit evar Korea. Lt AD Srown would rv Imaintanonce officer forthe team. The fiat Thunderbird Line Chie! wos MESt Eor’ "Young. Aircraft meintenance is of the utmost por “Thunderbirds have never aborted show due to amainterance problem. It \yas also this frst team of Thuncerbieas that designed the teem ems, All these things were done within a ow months after inception. The frst shon was put on one month after the beginning of training on suine 8, 1953 st Luke AFB. The fourth offical show mat put on fOr the ing clos of pilots and the last official act of General Hoyt Vander em Air Force Chief of Sta. The debut at 4 chil affair wae during ter Days ot Cheyenne, Wyorning By August, 1983, lots than 90 day inception, the team had flown 26 shows. Th trst show before rox ly big audtenco was Sept 6:7, 1953, a¢ the Dayton Aircraft Show, where 400,000 peopie ware in the audience, By the end ofthat savon, he ‘Thunderbirds had flown $0 shows. ‘The orginal demonstration zeqvence, at conceived and implemented by the 1963.54 team, consisted of 3 series of prevsion formation serobatt ‘mancuvers lasting 15 minutes. The fakeoffcomprisad a three ship Might of the' Leader and the two Wing area, Followed conn the runway at int ‘mum interval by the Slot plot who gulekly joined with them to form te slamond. Originally the ‘spare’ took ott few minutes in advence oF the ‘iamond to run a weather check, advise of any encroaching trafic and ret terate the location of any obstructions. The tole purpose af the spare as {0 fill in for aborted aierafe In the clamond, with no thought of 2 2010 Stquence. As the season progrersed, it became cbviovs thatthe likelihood ‘tan abort was remota due tothe outstanding maintenance performed on ‘Opportunity to vtize te spare es pot of the airshow nes sezed upon, The spare now took off after the dlamond and wafed up THe {Gomd with a preliminary serie. of solo manauvers lasting 6-3 minutos uring this tine the diamond was out of sight ofthe crowd, burning oft fuel: Tt was stancard practice to useup veveral unded pound of fuel om the oss tank oF tha ateratt would be noveheary, be for aerobatics. The lesdercareully timed his anty into the area withthe ext of We slo lon With ‘atention of the crowd on the departing solo, the four averatt of Me ‘lamond reared low over the ecove, from bahind, in the tril formation, NNaoales to say, this enty wan attention getar They then pulled Into's foap, changing from wal to aiamand on the way up, and doing ax Cuban 8 loverteat tin) Gown the backride to come cut paralleling the crowd ‘Gre the formation formed the dion, the ret ofthe show was town this way. The entire sequence was flown in front of the crowd, he aicraft hover leaving the demonstration ren The repertoire consisted of Tals, Toop, cloverteat wns, formation spit, a continuous 4G, 360 degres vertically banked formation turn, and ofcourse, the mort famous meneuvet "steocinted with the team, the bomb burat with ie beequent crossover end Tejon. Tho manauvers were flown ona right aftr the othe, without ite ‘al, forming what was, affect, one giant 18 minute maneuver Constant Beck preture‘on the sick wes maintained thaughout te entre show, wth ‘no negative Gs and only momentary lal flight. The constant sai, Coup. toa with limited slovator up trim and 2 lack of boosted control uncer. Standably resulted in lot of sore right arms Physi fitness woe Bre Feuisite ond. particulary forthelightnsignts working ut mith weighs 1 $Hranathen the right arm became a way of ie ‘The 1954 team, Mal Cotledge/Leader, Capt Bill Crech/Right Wing, Capt Bert Spaiding/Left Wing. ‘Mac McCormick inthe Slot. and 1Lt AD drown flying Solo, began Its sacond year with an eleven nation tour ot South Amorica In Jan/Feb af 1054. It war after this tur that the Ai Training Command iblem ive raved trom both sides ofthe fuselage Ine pace fon the ef: fuselage appeared the flags of the 11 nations visited on the tour ‘The US ag wes edded for symmetry. The right fuselage Bore the neve ‘Thunderbird emblem with the word LUKE stencied above it.The Magy wore originally painted ciraety onto the metal finish, but by 1968, thoy Fea bon slacedin'a white pan, later outlinad in Ble. The icra were inatvidually numbered at vis tone with 2 small white igi on the sll {forward nose gear door. “The tour of the South American countries wat dhe highlight of 1954 with huge crowds at every shew-300,000 at she Manica City Alport with 1,200,000 on the surtounding rll 250,000 at Santiage, Cle; 260,000 8t Niontevideo, Uruguay; and 500,000 a, would you belive, Havena, Cubs “The Trail Opaner trom behind the crowd. Every avslible oat is taken at {hs Uemonstation Tow by ‘he 1855/8 sdition oF tne Thunderbirds Ty eta ng 98 hundred martin. Thi hot of 1.16719 wae Tiss" earch ree 1778 Ferd eal Ooi tay eh eters once aE EEL vont Rail Segoe tga pened alee BrStee ES Sed nel ahh Gen ols OCS ase UNITED STATES AIR FORCE [Air Training Command insignis—both sides (1953 season only! UKE All standard Air Foros stenciling wes applied Original crew black on part eanopy rail ‘Name block-Dlack letters on white rectangle mot — CAPT. a PATTILUO By 1954 each alroratt erred its own number c= S6T. TH. MELLIST inwhite on the aval, forward facing nose gear door (952.1988) = F-84G SERIAL NUMBERS ete are the aircraft that usually comprised F-846-26.E (61-16720) November 198 Cant CA. Patilo/Right Wing Ste723 Toeegrucinzaesearnn™ yuwe — sta ‘Blue bird, red ezele with wie star, Yellow beak, blue aera A a Aram ee Pat Suet Sen MH comport ie eet on Cie = eoanen =< 14 Natural meta lve extemal stores stations retained patczene (51-6700 Name block—white with bive border, bu lettering ot the nite with blue border, bive Bt al Broushton/Lender ~ Jack Broughton 1954 ew blocks plot on left et 1964—tlap panel es outlines blue Verticals of sot areratt kept clean, Red turbine warning stripe Serial number in steel fxm Solid gothic sve eterng (stencil form use tl Oct. 1959) ‘The Thundorbiede returned home and got ready forthe Armad Forces Day show at Bolling Field in the nations ctitel. They made ther entrance over the crowd of 300,000 "on the deck’ et sbout 600 moh. To say the crond was stunned isan Understeeent. Everyone “it the it Highlights of the 1954 seston included. the USAF Worldwide Gunnery Meet, cedication of Sen Francisco Inernational Airport, te National Craft Show at Dayton, and the Air Fovee Aesociation convention, where ‘the Thurerbieds were presented the ‘Citation of Honor for public servien, (October, 1854, saw anew team leader come tothe Thunderbirds—Capt Jock Broughton. He would lata tly more than 100 missions over Norch Vietnam nan F-105 Thunderehet and write 2 boOK entitied "Thud Ridge’, Tea: Ing Up with Cept Broushton was Capt Bill Creech on Left Wing, 1Lt Bly Ells ighe Wing, Capt Ee "Lucky" Palmgren in the Slot. and Capt Bo MeGutchen Tiving Salo. Thi team flew 20 performances in the winter of 1964 including a trip to Censral Aeneria. On Februsry 7, 1088, at Wadd AFS, Texas, the last of 192 offies shove in the F846 was performed, The ‘sept wing era wae about to ben, During this time span, 1053-55, the Thunderbirds sequired some support sireraft, 9 Lockheed T3GA lin 1954) anda poir of Farchid C1ISE Fiving Boncars lin. 1958). The T-S3A played « very important ane valuable role withthe team. Accompanying the tear around, the country, th 3 vat Sted #0 'ViPs ana press people on orientation flights. I war very effec: tive public elations tact ane the Air Force wherever it wens, ‘man the team wes Tiying the F-84Gs, the T-33 was painted almost ident 1984, 2 ‘comet tal” as added under the script, preceded by 4 fall, sihovetie diamond of F24Gr ine white star, Markings on ove 7.23 ‘hanged with te markings on the show aerate Thunderbirds acquit first one and then a second Fairchild F-118F base aicerafe C-119F 81.8146 was the only one of the C-110s tobe palned pin the Thunderird style, The other CT1DF wes left im natural metal frkings. 51-2186 went through many (ever of 1230, ‘op of the ming ending in 8 point on top ofthe Doom aft oF the wing Val ing edge SSove oun bodys, OSAP HieRie All standard information steneiling wos applied. (1985-1956) = F-84F SERIAL NUMBERS Fed, whi 52.732 The Thunderbirds st onetime had F-84Fs and 82735 F84Gasimaltongously Yor a perioa in late 54 52751 early $5. These F4rs, although n Thunder 52-720 bird colors, mere never flown in an official S247) Gamoneration. The arcratt here were picked 52.779 patina factory and ware the only F8AFs to gives ceata tat 52083 fly antics arznow, Sori numbers of tose 7 original sireraft are not known. Gun ports wore pluses, d Balmgeen Slusbordered white panel with Blue lettering, ed los aera mbes em ope White Blue une . SX. Potgned taser! mets! / lotion of US. fag and reduction insite of the white area ofthe fag box, plus some rereanging and redesigning of fog Thunderaird insignia 1955 Note sightly rounded shoulders on ‘Bie Fed turbine warning stipe Inboord external stores stations carce, Rad no sep walk way ares on Maps. 2 ‘Blue White Red Wilkauay on winge was unpainted, Fed guide tina” on loaders aiveratt (6771) only F-84F-45.A6 (56.779) February 1950" (Capt Ed Palmaren/ Slot x Vertiel stabilizer of sot sirerft kept clean Smoke prob Buz" number added 10 rea fuselage ‘hare sno photographie evidence to Indicate that's crs bloce mas Srieg the right Tussage ra with mort of the support acrtt used bythe tam, ive of these on the Gamonsiation aera THe sh ai et nan ort tyes ng a ceca Biles cemet war naded tier the sp ono Fey name bask 8 ‘eberdored white rectangle wth blck frtm, “US, RIN FORCE” a eared on the starbostd sds of the fusisge Balogh via Menard “There are several changes. to the designs on this T-93 (61-4076) particular- ‘ailops,plscamnent of Buzz" numbar ar Baek tte rate markings wien the tam was ving the F4F. but 1g flay nel wos Sariad A rebordered T-brd was on night side. Shop shang 10 th F-1000, the sot syle age, carne 10 "SYAIR FORGE” on the sight. The Thane’ aids rd the lg pane outings re wae tal of the domonstation aeraft vw . . ] u 1989 THUNDERBIRDS” With the vertical empennage and entre horzontal stabilizer done in he familar ‘stardust moti of red scellope over white with blue ss, He C-TIQF mae inead, pretty bird. Tho prop blades were silver with red, ‘wiite, and blue tps. twouldbe good tonote here hat all paints wre gen Special federal standard numbers ad wore referred to as Thunderbird Red, White, or Bive Early in 1955, the Thunderbirds decided to switch fom thee wusty F-64Gs tg a more modern, frst ine aera. This was i keeping with offical Alt Force policy to demonstrate the espabives of our front ine fighters to the public and the marl. After consulting with Air Force offeis, was ‘ecided to go to the swept wing Republic F84F Thunderstredk, ‘iting no time, The Ait Force allocated 6 brand new F-B4Fs from Repub- Ties Formingdele, N.Y, fetory. In Apri, 1085, the Thunderoirs inepocted their newly painted aircraft atthe factory. One weak later, they few their first show inthe F4F. at Luke AFS, Avizona. These ware not the first F.8aF own by the Thunderbirds. In late 'sd/early "55, © batch of FeBAPs wore asigned to ther, but never Fw a demonstration. F-84F markings were quite similar to those on the F-B4Gs, The several dit- ferences between them included a nan fag panel, block style leering movement of the sri number onto the af fuseage, Having mo Up tank the winatios were striped ree, white, and blue. Small numbers, 1 the 6, there edded to te smal foward facing nose door and the gun ports were ‘iggod, Again, al standard steneling wasearried andthe sireratt had alive Bab anvcaare panies The Thunderoirdinrgnia was caried on the star ‘Soar fusaloge with LUKE” abova ie The FS4F was the fst alert to use the ed, wh 9, chute. All Thunderbird demonevation a crate have used It except the FAG and TB, “Thunderbird F-84F sltcraft remained fairy stock. Modifications included Conversion of the quid oxygen system, vertical stab antenna moved co the Underside of the fuselage, moufed spoles to improve rll characteristics, land the F-24F wer the rat to use a amoke syetom, The smoke i caused By Injecting very light ol into the exhaust The oll vaporized, net Buren the 1500 degree Hest causieg the white smoke, Agein, os on the F-84G, he F'S4E retaines thelr inboard weapon pylons With the F-4F, the show was expanded to about 18 minutes The increose tm power and tie faster roll ret of the F-84P retlted in he diamond for- ‘mation being ‘broken’ for the first time, Some maneuvers wore now flown {nthe wall formation. The end 1 takaott boing replace with the-Tingat four’ with the Siot-on the fer right and moving into the slot immediatly tfter the takeott, There are faar pietures of tia mave being don SUI having one whee! on the runway. Inthe fighter pilor’s vernacular, this isan apgrssive” plot 1 was ip this period that the Thunderbirds picked up one more backup ‘ale The navretor would fly the T-33. The greote: tuning redus of the F.S4e resulted in 40 second tumaround timer between maneuvers To fil ese deed spots in the show, the Solo pote maneuvers ware now [ely Werspersed into the diamond routine. A Thunderbird sould always be in ont of the crowd. ‘Atypical F24F show opened with 2 Solo Cuben & followed by the tract fiona behind the crowd pers. The ola routine now included 4 point and & point rolls verted passes, and vertical lls The amend added the tril Foil clovaioat turns, ana the changeover roll (ral to giemond. The wad tional pitehup and landing terminated the performance. OF course, the Domb burst was te most spectoculer all 4 alfratt closing on sach other at 1250 mph. Thunderbird support sireratt changed with the times. The 7-33 markings hanged to conform with those of the F-E4Fs. Tho saral number wat re- ‘moved from the vertical stab ond acded, “buzz number style’, to the rear {selage, The “Thunderbirds logo ontheport fuselage wos chenged to block ftyle legend, in quotes. A redbordered Thunderbird emblem was on the Edrboard Wsalape, No flag panel vat on the port fuselage. Tall ealops Were reduced in size and wingtip szallops simplified. ‘These changos are ‘nly on the 7-23 ar flown in 1056 ssn 7066 all wes reverted back except hat she fan panel and "Thunderbird emblem were on reverse sides of he {slag lags on starboard ~ Bird emblem on port ‘The C-119F markings ware alo changed at this time. The top half of the Esha wey Pan ite with havo be het Tis extend bk over the wing filets onto the cargo doors. It was In 1950 thatthe re, ‘site, and bive scallops were sdced to the nose. The fuselage bottom wos Daintad bive and prop spinners striped, ved, white, end blue. Ventral fins ‘ore added t0 the airratt on the underside OF the Booms and they ware Painted in the storduster moti ‘The Armed Forces Day show af Selling Field, 0.C.,on 19 May 1958, wat the Btatend ast show dane in F-847. The transition to the F-100c opened fnew acon the airshow business; The Worlds First Supersonic Air Dem tioning into the F100 meant many new things ‘new maneuvers, and a move to Nelle AFB, Nevada ‘The move to Nollie wat made to simpli loistes an maintenanc supoort ‘Tne original F-100Cs asgned to the Thunderbirds hed many changes be- {wean them and combatready F100 The autopilot function of the eute- mati Hight cont’ol system was inactivated, but she pitch and yar dampers sined Sit aireraft had stad antennae moved to heunderside ofthe nose Sha the stab leading eige was replaced with one In salnless stl. A VHF asia tystern wat ded, The sriament system was mocifiesthly; Ast ‘Gunsighe removed, rade anging syst removed and nora radome cared ‘with a atel plate ond the gun camera vemaved, The aft fuselage fue tank ‘Mould carry the smoke oll at shows or esry fuel on lang hops. The sake F-100C in South Ameria, Prablome with contanimatad fuel were solved bby amply groundeetucing trom KC'O7s. Now the F-t0OF in C paint hemeat rane USAF This shot of an F:100C, taken in 1959, shows the original undersurface Thunderbisd motif mayoral metal vather sian white outline, No retus Ing boom at ths time FT: Guthrie oil was compeebie with JP ‘The F-1006 paint scheme was very similar to the previous F8A4F style {chem Hed, white and bive scallops on the nose. strioed wing tis, end ‘Sor ductor ott cn vere ena horizontal tll irfaces. The seal hum ‘Sr wee lecotcs ‘buts number syle on the fear fuselage. The gun bors were fated over end the pit boom painted fed ith single white band ‘bout midray tru is length. The Thunderbird insignia wes on the star. Boerd fuselage with NELLIS, not LUKE, stnclled sbove i. The wore NECLIS war nom includes in the embiom insted of being seperate from ‘The isp panel wet tho tame at on the F-S4F and caring on te port se Ing. under th canopy. ‘The superionic Thunderbirds of 1956 were as follows; Mel, Jock Broush Ton/Lead, Lt Bob Anderson{Left Wing, L¢ Bll Elisight Wing, Capt Ed ‘Pocky almarenisiot, Li il Pogue/Solo, and Cape Peul Foss Solo Spare ‘Tis tam changed ths entire show to aut the capobiites atthe F-100Cs, The eftact on the demonstration sequence self was dramatic. Gone now was the gracsfl Cuben 8 opener, replced by the sectacular ‘aximum performance takeot ond high speed Sole ess. The past would in {ude cutting and ut of the afterburner. a practice originating efter the Sole di same to clear flock ot bie rom the show line, A great crowd ples, i¢s00n became 3 regular prt of the show. Inetably the nex step (tar te supersonic pose Although never a routine part of the ThungerbiG how the Solo woute go supersonic the shew sponsor so deied. Even tunity the Feder Avietion Authority benned all supersonic Might stair how and fodoys sequence entirely subsonic “The traditional behind-the-crowd entry was now made in diamond forma: tion, rather than in tal, immediately efter the Solo pass. A toueh of tho "Sarna over the crowd insured thet full tention, The ew shew also fea tured an Inverted diamond pats and closed witha formation victory rl Ene maneuver, te 360 turn, wo performed ata constant SCs, [An imeesting markings oddity occurred during ths time period, During 8 ‘Ssployment 20 Eahn APS, Florida, the Hist week in October, 1956, the Fe tered wrtekdonn ot wouldnt you know, Pensacola Neval Ar St tion, home of the blue Ange The Blues graciously offered thelr hanger (0 oe'735 and emtusiosticaly pitched in to hap the Thunderbird mainten- nce cron, which had arrived inthe C19, repair the alterat. After comple. {lon of repairs, toe T-35 was towed from the hanger with greet fanfare ond ‘bvicus dahon the pert of te Blues, by @ 110 Hupmobile. Adorning {he fuselage sides of both the T-30 and the C-119 was the embier of the Bive Anocs, A lng emblem war applied fo beth sides of the fuselage un {lorie windseee ands smaller one on both sides above the Thunderbid ‘emblem and flag pane! on the T-33. The ler wat loeted on fhe C1110 midway Between the Thunderbird insignia andthe flag panel on ‘oth fuselage tides The emblem wer alowed to remain on the aera for several months, tut had been ramaved by the end ofthe saan, In 1987, the teom - Maj Robby Fobinson/ Leader, Capt Bll Bartley and Doug Brenner on the wings, Le Bill PoguelS {3nd Capt Som Johnson/Solo, visited Bermua ‘These two countries sated four ron of apr whleh wes compl Wwitn the roinstatement of the US fla and addition of Puerta Fico. 1987 {au the implementation af the low show bomb burst, flown when weather Draciuded the normal vertical bomb furat The solo routine nom include behind the eroma pass, known lear a5 the “Sneaky Pete Pass The tom for 1958. — Maj Robinson, Cepts. Bob Melntosh and Homer Whitlow on Wing, Capt Som aohnson/Slot, and Capt C.D. Fish” Salmont Solo, would acd two significant markings fo theaireratt Fis, the team was [teat the Air Force Outstanding Unit Aware [OUA) and tie ridbon wae Placed on the starboard side directly under the Thunderbird emblem, And cond, late in the Year, the now famous stylized Thunderbird was added {o the underside of the steraft Originally outlined In neturs mets ony, In 1960 Te was outlined in white. Capt Gayle Willams, fiying Wing mes ‘ded later Inthe Yaar Also in 1958. the team tured In ther venerable old C-119F and acquired 2 Foirenla C:1238 Provigers. Thltcrginel paint scheme was everall nat Fal moral with the red, white, and blua nose scallop. The appropriate Mag panel wes carried on the port sveelane, above the fet main eain windom, ‘The Thunderbird emblem was onthe starboard fuselape, but forwerd af the \Mindow snd without the home base, NELLIS, stenclied above, The lone "Thunderbirds woe curvad on the rear fuselage, bath sides, in sri orn, ala the 1.33. Tho standard Starter ott coved the empennage, the red {callop descanding svaight to the Tusalage and Following the dors stk Engine cows and wing tank slso were salloped, Wingtipe nd prop Ps were ssid red white, aed blue Im 1959, the teem » Maj Bob Fitzcerald vat now the lasder, Capt Gayle Willom/Uste Wing, Copt Chuck Maultsoy/Right Wing, Capt Neil Eddie! Slot, and Capt Hermon GrifiniSolo - made its first deployment tothe Far East. As the teams F-100Cs gid not posses inflight refueling capable the team was ailfted to Okinawa by C37 - minus aerate An acvanced party hae propared some F-100De that wore aerignad to the 18th TW, ‘The Diamond as flown in tha F-100C before the application of the “Bird Imotift Nowe how alternating afterburner eelids are polished, ‘These acre were parvally moditied to Thunderbird spacs and painted much the sane as the teams C mooas. The anlyafferences Belg that the large drop tanks vet paint all white withthe srt Thunderbirds tage curved on te nose of he tanks, anda aight unconformity ofthe twa a ‘The Far Eas tour inchided Okinawa, the Philipines, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and Hawt. In each coun'zy, an appropriate ceremony vas held to pl ‘that eauntry’ fag on the sera. Rather than begin Tift row of four, ‘ortical columns were added. These sireraft had the early F-T00 straight fooling boom whieh nas let unpeinted. Capt. Robt Jance was added to the torn lator in 1989. Fr sever! yoars, beginning in 1969, the Thunderbirds utilized » Douglor (C84 Skymaster es public eltions instrument by providing orientation fights for loeal dignitaries he press ond ar show spactators. It had an a= atural motal ith rd, ah ‘The bostom of th fusslage we grey. Tho fuselage top iu “chest line, narrowing Gown to the tail, The flag panel was on the Bort fuselage between the scallops and the fist window, tha Thunderbird Insignia wits OUR riobon inthe position onthe starboard sie. The Th orbirs loo, in seri, war carried vor the wing, on the wnt ares of 0p ‘uselage The’ emaeanags wt done in the Storcutter mosit Wing tips end Drop tips were striped re, white, and blue. The C-S4D wes christened ‘City of Les Vegar served until Ani, 1963, when she wa ralagted to base S19” ‘The tm forthe 1960 season was Maj Fitzarald, Capt danca, Capt Eddins, Gaps Guin, and moving in on Rlght Wing = Capt Rabt Cass. Th teamé Overwater fight of FAQ0Ge with, nawiral mal wing Tani —right ona emt hava'a ted tin, “NELLIS” has bean changed to “USA on the Detch, red and white stiped refusing probe and whi tecutlined "Bird mo {i atypia of the late scheme, probably 1962, Note that cve brake Gut so the C54 ls photo plane) ean keep up. USAP F.100D (FAR EAST) SERIAL NUMBERS sgBLLyg, Thunderbird insignia on right with "NELLIS" ove 56-2281 Those were F-100D-15.NA steraft fam the 'AP, Outstanding Unit Award dd in 1958 to ah side 542205 BTW used on the Far Ean deployment in ia Cinder Thundebie 542287 1950. Serial numbers ofthe rmainng fi a 34-2292. airerat F 1990-15-VA (54-2281) “ Far East deployment, mid 1959, _ 542209 Known. opt. Homer Whvion/Sior 1959 F-1006 1959 Straight refueling booms mere unstbed Note uneontarmity of lower salon, “-puze* number seria 1S white raw blocks with blue Otd English lettering: pilot fon ett crew chit on ah 1961 flag pane! added to bottom of sireraft in ate 1988; originally ‘hence Potines Natural moist 6 4/%; 0 whan ‘* ape oti Ox changed ea OP Pe a8 fo rat 1967 fap panel . 18 fee Xe et ov! 1959 fag panel NOS yak (996.1963) 16 foe > 22 foes SK 2 tage ‘arly 1962 flag panel— 32 tags (blue border deletes) 1963 flag panel 31 Mage SERIAL NUMBERS sie seams. Shino $8972) 5 84-1860 55.2728- Capt. Bob Gardiner 54-1882 55-2729 These are the original 541089 86-2730 “cts 86.2728, 1959 F-100F nome block Weponet Geant? Segva2 Sx seal 65:2724 ane Eoor3. feaaa wepe,tato Alternat afterburner eyelid poli Sora. segre. 3 F-100Cs modified fr air afualine during their 1959 Far East deployment lin Ds). Stright red and wiitariped booms dition of red, white and bivesollone lat each end. Lettering changed to a thick and thin Roman style WA v0; t0cry Paimgren Fired over un ports Fed inside intake 12 ee ae A QF ct tamcootman B72 Ne ene commen rest sea Fin to backen down ro fin/fuslege juncture. F-100F F-100F-15.NA (56-3928) 7 (Capt. Russ Goodman) 4960-1968) SERIAL NUMBERS 56-875 seas24 863027 Fed pitot boom with one white stripe __Lengthened nose sallonr—otherwite markings reflect those ofthe demonstration eeraft Block svi lettering x reloo senias Soe essen Sees 88.3562 §53779- We £1000.Na 1s1x1 1967 (Capt. Tony MePeak/ Solo 1006s had undergone IRAN (Inspect and Repsir As Necessary) and were ‘madifies for inflight reueling A straight boom, striped red and white, we Sided to the starboard wing leading edge. The fag panel war re-arrangea {histime int 3 rows of tit and 1 of four In July, 1960, te eam deployed to Alaska for te frst time, this lag being side fo the ow of four By now, it had Become common practice tow the vertical stabiize ofthe Slotairerat to blacken fromthe leaders exhautt, “The fusslage wat cartully claaned up tothe fin/turlage juncture Sr owe Widespread balet thatthe fin wos painted Bleck, it sever ex [A marking oddity occurs in some 1960 photos of the Slot aircraft, The fname ‘Old Sabre, In Old Engin Script, appears on the port fusslage, un the windseraon.It is unoxpleined, Ia late 1960, another Latin Amer Columbia’ and El Salvador. 1960 also saw a change in the C-123 markings. The Ale Force lopo being moved forward on the fuselage, partially overlapping the note salon, the ‘overlapping leters being in white, The ed sallop on the vertical stab Pow fncompatsed the enti doreal ssi, The T-23A wor traded inon on F100", {ovo sat Super Sbre. The F-100Fs were ail marked Klentce to the oer F400 show ater. “The 1961 taom; Maj ‘Hoot’ Gibson/Laoder, Cont Win Hosmer/Lefe Wing, Capt Robt BeliSiot, and Cant Gerald Larton/Sole, jana Tettover Capt Fiobt Cast/Right Wing forthe naw saaton, Another’South American tout hetted 6 naw flaps to the panel woh ended 106% with 4 rows OF flags “The arrowhead formation was added tothe show which now Iaetd 23 min tutes. The entry for the arrowhead loop, combined withthe Solos” axit fram ‘the revere % Cuban 8, producod wnt romans today as the iagert Sten {Gettr trom the crowd viewpoint: the Callajon Effect The Solor ted tion ly tha high performance shoviman, now Gemonstatad low speed chat. {eristics withthe ‘wingewalkc ane volt” 106% avo saw th end of one of he ‘tom's most famous aerobatic manmivers, the vert! bank ° 360 do tum, The FAA banned sny aerobatic manguver that pointed the nose of ‘he sireratt at he ero. 41961 wes the year that che C-128 paint scherne was significantly altere. ‘The fUselage ton was painted white with tw blue ‘chee line” The white covered the entire wing fillet, top sed Bottom, unliea tha C-110 scheme, a Cees Nowe scalloping was altered, completely coverio the last veries of the an {glace pana. and curving gadvally back tothe Bottom of the fuselage Un. {er the wing. The Thunderbird emblem on the starboard sie of the nose ‘wasmeved over the frteabin wincow, metching te leg panel on the port Side, The serial number was moved down onto the rea tseage in Ouez ‘The engine Camis now had natural meal leading edges a the outer wing in'the area of the sovpe, and the Ripe Gis not cover the ailerons Wing {Erk tealops now covered only she nore ofthe tanks A bit Mout wat add {0 to the endorse of the fssage A white line seperated the oid From fhe now callops The bird war ai be, outlines in white. The bits ta {eaters extended up the argo amp door. The wing ofthe bird come out {tom the wnite wing Milot, eons the nacelle, then angled beck to the swing trating edge lust short ofthe alerone 1961 we the lst season for The lertul "1200 in 1062, ait rexporables were apumed by MATS E°450x None of the C-190s were ever peinted up in the manner of the E:118)0-198s; however, on one cecssion, the Thunderbirds reqvested the feassignment of s craw with which they had a apecial rapport The areraft ‘vas markea with the Thunderbir emblem ane the number 14, These mark ings wore reportedly removed es soon ab whe crew ond aierft rejoined their unit, The G54 ska contributed t “ari in 1962, but mas ens in 1068, 5902 wil sinays be regarded azone ofthe landmack milestone inde team’s story, 1962 hod Ui€ol W, Alden es the Thunderbird commander, Mo) ‘Hoot Gibsor/Leeder, with Capes tosmer Bel, an Larson remaining fom 1961: New members included Cape Ralph Brooks on ight Wg, end Capt Robt Moore st the second Solo pilot Dual Solos The Dual Soo concept Brovided the most spectacular and exciting show the publ hed yet sen “he cection to go to dul solos come about in July, 1951, and te new pilot and srraft were ssigned by November 198% Faiioning the cnenond aot th a! 08 19k ot ine abraet ac ‘once te gtar war up, st miniium altitude end wingtip t0 wingtip, ey ‘lied smuitencously in opposite sections. They Tellewed this with an xing afterburner pass fllowed immediatly by the dlemons entry over ‘hecromd Anattantion getter ike you wouldn't believe! Other new mane: ‘ers included the opposing sow rol epposing s Cuben 8s, opposing loops, ppeting aleron rll. It was anew hagh® airshow spectacle. 1863 {he flop panel grew from 26 10.32 Nope ond contained for tre fret and ony U.S. AIR FORCE ‘As the 7-23 markings had changed withthe dernonstration alrraft mark ‘nosso did the F-1GOF maxing. The main cftsrance wes Ue the Nose allope were more drawn ur. Compare this photo.of GSU withthe One Elon: The vere! stblier pir me main lentlying diferentes Te carries highly polished natural metal drap tanks with “Thunder In"scibt single name bloek on each sie, single ca loot on Ouaseanaiag Unit Award ribbon, and “Buzz” number syle sera. F-100F_ 56.9927 carries, instead of saril or “buzz” number, the ident Ealion “EIGHT” on tedr Muslogs Vertical sablizer tip fed ates f nik than 83824 Inaieation the tam i ving the F-10009, Oxher miniscule de Tails Show shat there are wo oak lenveron the OUA rinbon, Nay ‘ime, the tag of the United Nations. The blue border around the flog was Femoved in 1962. 1963 saw an almost entirely new team, only LxGol Alden/Commance, nd Capt eb Moore/Solowera 1082 holdovers, 1963 marke the return of the 1955.56 Slotman Ed ‘Lucky’ Pelmgran, this time ae 3 Major and Leader of the Thunderbirds, Capts erry Shockley and Bll Higgenbotham flew Laft nd Right Wieg, Major Poul KauttfSiot and Capt lon Catton asthe second Sova, May of 1963 sav the teams frst European deployment. It was ‘Operation ‘Libya, Frane, En (Grand Play” and 9 new countries ware visited, Portus bland, Luxembourg, Germany, lay Spain, ard Sur Rowe and whys of the ‘Words Beri Aerobatic Tea fetueling wat ‘Gad in tha ropid moverente fom county to country, show (On 17 December 1963, the 690th and itt F-100C show was performed, $054 would bring traneition into te F-1058 ThunderChietAieraft marke ing changes for the your 1069 included the NELLIS" on the Thunderoird Insignia changed to "USAF" pilot and erew ehiel name panels now hod fe white and blue scallops on'each end. By late 1963, a nev 40 flay pane! ‘Sorned the F-i00cs along with an Oak Leaf Cluster to their Outstanding Unit Award ribbon 1964 brought a new ream along with anew aieraft. The mew team was Me Jor Paul Kautty/Lasder/Commander, Cape Bill Niggenbotham/ight Wing, je Hamen/Left Wing, Capt Jerry Shockley in the STot, and Capt and Clarence Langerud fying Solo This teams’ ansition into OsBs went off smooth as gaze Firet the airrate, Rapublic F-105B.15-REz, had to be modified to the de ‘onstration rol All the modifications needed to do tis elected the com Dlexity of the icra. The M-O% Gatling gun ane Doppler navigation eauto- iment wore removes sr replaced with alas. The flap system was modified {orawe the Thunderord aircraft maneuvering lay capability, Norm Porbse contained 2 safety feature which allowed seroaynami forces 10 fetract the flaps when sppcaximotely 280 KIAS wes exceaded to prevent {lag and airframe damage, This was modified to allow flap operation at uP 10800 KIAS, with 2 limiter installed to restrict flap defection to 8 max mum of degree. ‘The main laning gear was modified to F-105D spect. A show syst’ con {wol pare! wos Installed on the instrument panel to group eonvols and ca tion lights pecullar tothe demonstration rote: The racer system wat mo" ‘iting to alow the pilot to cosa ful rudder auority for the knife edge Dats. The stick grip and throttle controlled al the mote controls, Two 80 Eallon smoke ol! tenks ware intalled with 2 smoke praber. Tht allowed Giferent colored smoke to be used, red snd blue, “Past turnaround! cope bites were entianced ty carrying spare drag chute in the gun compart- ment. Two Siot sreraft had te unval vorieal fin mods snd s VHF radio fystem wat added. ‘The Tuel system was modified for extended inverted {ight A'VOR radia recover was ietaliad and the TACAN antenna mod fied. Stovage provision for limited plot boone ws made and 9 2ckpit entry Inder insted, Serials ware ason the F100, Vertis! and horizontal Inthe tracitonal sterdveter motif but en newral metal Teasing edges, Wingtins were striped red, white, and blue, egain with natural metal leading fedgas. Tha blue Thunderbird on the undersise of the useage terminated {nthe ventral fin Just forward of the talhook. The nose scallops were r- ther short, the rearmost blue scallop running ina continous curve from i {ront of the winsereen, dipping below the mie fuseage line, and sweeping ‘boc up to join the white outing of the bird et the cantor ofthe Total, ‘This dip" of the sallop woe eliminated before the show teaton Dogan, now {going back to the bottom of the intake in a svalght line Arathor rare phoxograph of tha 1000s Borrowed by the team when hey Far Eon To99. Tha, C moans were no equiped ey Fy chery rapa tm agree vere i ero SUSregnainala bakin goatee supe mnemsome ies ops tats mtn gusty ants ee mana aaa the See a Stl eee So ere fe ots Pate Thelen the wa ed re thn er: Te Pk aren ets atte alpeee at fotigneet tay en hates fan hee ei WSR gh ONG Stare eR Rs Fg He, {hater tc eg’ Be mre 8 para ro SOs Sie aaced ar eters aa tee Saran ee os aaa Ss et i 8 bo ahs haa be eben me We 8b foreman Ie Naseer arn eu ae 655 Sate coffe athe wae ton nh #105 befrean nerunta Set a nee i ea tS enter es Ane es ee Tana ct ene Saat en Sr cen a a eA t's SER ne iy ena et SEPT es ee Sena tse Si Rear nly Cte ci Oe Toss Te Thun rarina 9h 1000 in he Sia of 1984, ea ate St Bec i Panes" ssl iol ph one tna Feral iS oe i ey sr hk SESE SCOR ign a 100 ee Nt Pe are ee es PRR aR aay tate nies seems a ee aearannil mera why ag atieinn eins Sara ial (1964) = SERIAL NUMBERS: 875782 875793 57580 575737 576707 §76802 875700 575798 575814 “These were the only F-1058s assigned to the team F.1058-15.RE (57-5814) 1964 No Pou Kast Leacer gy This is the final F-105 scheme bofore the application ofthe flag end name panels, Republic Relatively rave shot of F-105Bs in a six ship formation. Nove the blackened tall of the slot aieran. USAF "No fag pane! insignis or name blocks “Ont lata in training season, Tol = E | —-—— BESS AX Maj Paul Kauttu Jf Sealops \y, The aircraft all had undergone Project High Wire, an extensive retur ‘hing of selected F-100C, 0, and F modesto updste and sandordie he [At first lance, the paint scheme was identical 0 the F-100C. A closer look fevecled several sinficant changes, The charaterisic ‘ranked ruling ‘boom othe D being netics rignt anay. At fret the Outstanding Unit A ‘ard ribbon war omitted but reinstated later inthe Yer. Ingisualsrratt ‘numbers wore added to the nose wheel doors. Alternate ‘eyeice’ of the af {erburner wore polished to give sistnetive ‘candy stipe effect. This had ‘Been done inthe past but not on any regular bess, now It mos standard “The tallr tal of the D model was cbvious by the areater depth of the red scallop atthe tip. The difference that escaped most observers, however, ‘that the stars On the tal surfaces were all naw Identical insite and 13 on ‘ach surface. The eannon ports were plugged but not faired ever. One other ‘Significant markings change war tot tha foathereof the underiie bid verted back to the original style although stil cutlined in whit. “The 1965 team was composed of LtCol Raloh Magione Commander/Lead ‘Capt Hamm on Left Wing and newcomer Capt Buster McGee on Right Wing, Capt Honk Cantertury took over the Slot, wity €apt Rebt Morgan jeiing Capt Langerud 9 Solo pilots. 1968 sew the team tour the Caribean, ‘isting Barbados and the Netherlands Anti for te first time. These ountrie’fage wore not added to the flag panel t this time, Later inthe Year, Operation Big Wing took the Thunderbirds to Europe for the scone time, 22 cemenstretions and 27 cays inter, te team nad added Turkey, “hat hod now sean the orcs Great ie Team’. Operation Esty Fload took the team back to Latin ‘America for an easy" 16 dey deployment. Altogether, 22 countries were visited during the 121 show schedule. Over 7 milion pzople chested the ‘on, The teams 10000 demonstration war flown at Waukepen, inal it 1968, hanged over to the inciidual arraft sursbers in word form. Le, ONE. TWO, THREE, ec, For the 1966 seacon, tho team adled Copt Chvs Patterakis on Left Wing and Capt Bob Beckelas one ofthe Solo pilots, The rest of te team remain ' unchanged. The new 45 ap panel was Insttuted By adding a ninth cl Luma. A sacond Oak Leaf Cluster wat added to the Outstanding Unit Anard ribbon ‘The 1967 team sow another Thunderbird letterman’ return. Neil Edin, ‘Row 2 Major, became the new Commander/Leader. Capt Paterakis return ‘oat Left Wing and Gapr Beckel 3¢ Solo, New facer were Mayor Ston Musee ‘on lige Wing, Capt Jack Dickey inthe Slot, and Majors Mike Miler and ‘Tony NcPeak few Solo. ‘Operation Big Wing il" was the teams third wip tO the European continent, whare they portormed 15 shows in 5 diffrent countries. To meet a show deadline at the Air Force Academy, the team {iow romstop irom Pars to Cotorado Sorina, trip of serve 7,000 rns. Ietook 13 hours, 40 minutes, and? efuelings to do 1968 saw Major Eddins’ eam change at only one pesition, Major Mack ‘Angel now flew Left Wing. This year the team flew tothe Bahamas, Alas, ‘and Hawaii nth the lagot the Bahamas being aed to the 1965 fg pane ‘This vat "the Year of travel” ae the tam covered an seimated 175,000 sit ‘On the 0m of November, 1968, at Nels APE for the annual Boy Scout Day, the team flew the 1:11 1th and last show in the F-100 Super Sabre (686 shows nthe, 471 In the "D'), 1969 would sap a site fo the monstrous MeDonell Douat Fae Phantom I ‘The team started the 1969 training season still in the F-100Ds but soon Suitched over to the F-tr. Also at his time an unfortunate aceident caused {e loss of 2 Solo pil ang rather than tain 2 new solo pilots while con orting to.a new atrerat, Air Forc officials desided fo dnote the sacond ‘Solo Yer 1969, It was to be reinstated In 1970, bat economics and the wor inSouth East Asi, ond later the eneray criss, Combined to prevent this In the Spring of 1969, the Trundorbirds racaived 8 new McDonnell Douglas F-42 Phantom Ils The F-4Es hed to be mostied even more than the F103 hhad been. Some of the fe contol radars were removed along with the ‘weopons releaue computer” The computing gun sight MSTA Gating ‘Gin, ana ammo sum iss aft A negative G Tap belt vas axed to both cockpits, Smoke oll was housad in the aummy mises, with the entire ey=- {wm pressurized to insure reliability in all iverted or negative situations. ‘The old relisole VHF rodios mere install. Baast wos added to the nore 1 compensate for equipment tat mat removed. The wigger swt on the Sick became the UNF/VHF radio button, Instrument paral wore fesrrang- {2 wlth some of eve combat systems removed ana Thunaerbitd squipment ‘controls added Slot arerafe hod tat iborlos Fin cops replaced with see! Perhaps the most significant mosification was 8 system allowing afterbu Tapia ls fine are fer Showing ‘spp (oie site rng in poethat USA F-1000 number SEVEN an the pilot ame panel [Soptod in 1987. Taylor The fiat FE takes off for Noli Note the absence of underwing to stio- Ing, and crow frame Blocks Notice aso the lector) soplicd nose aloes sich were quickly altered to ge a more rakish,sreumlined appearence ‘toxin 1971 markings, fr selection at the 89% power point. Normally, the throttles must be od- ‘enced through full military power before engoging the turner The mo Gifiation system allowed tho pilet to select afterburner by smiy moving the outboard throttle outboard, without going to mll power frst Fis se ple movement activated both ‘burners and wax the key to Thunderbird F-4Es" outstanding throttle response. In adsiton, the ING and NAV ponels ‘were moved tothe front cockpit and the at control sick was removed, 1960s tear was a follows: L1Col Joe Moore-Commandar /Leader, Majors Angel and Doyle Ruff on he Wings, Capt Tom Globe moved into the Slot, ‘th Capt Jsek Thurman and Majer Mike Kiroy flying Solo, The team be: gan wining in the F-100Ds then Vensistionad ima standard Fae “Liars £0 called because of thelr eamouliage int jobs. The “Lizard cored ng Yidualsircraft numbers in lack on white cles on both intakes, an Nad the fin ‘ips scalloped ed, white and bive, These “Lizard” wore vtliced i each traning season as the demonstration aferaft went through IRAN. ‘The F-4E paint scheme mas totaly eiferent fram any other Thunderbird aerate, Due to the afferent types of metal used inthe F-4€, anatursl me {a finish was ruled out, I youve ever seen the F'19 ‘Streak Eagle you'll know why. there are no “ver” panels anywhere. For thi reason, te a aft were avn a pure white’ polyurethane pain joo, Two ote tet in ‘markings came withthe new write scheme ll standard jtormation sane Ing was deleted reve information and all Nothing wssappied thot would ‘mar or detract trom the finish. Aasitionsly, no national insipia 0: USA, |R2t applied to the ing surfaces, “The actual paint sehame was similar to the natural metal Thunderbird: sca leped nose and vertical stabilizer in ved, white, and blue, The upper wing, ss were the outerhaves of ators. The 13’stas wore now applied In's cele on ‘he vertical stab wth the alreratt number In te canter in Gothie vie et tering. A small aircraft umber, in white, was ear on the front Of the gun fairing "The "bir" was applied to the eicrat's bottom, ogsin in bes But now with 3 red border tothe bird's wings. The Thunder’ lnsgns ‘eae applied to the right intake with the O.Uca,ritoon below it. The Na Penel was applied 10 the Tat intake, stl with 4 lage tt re-rsnged ints ows of 8. The wings nd stabllato leading edge were natal metal 9s wos the exhaust ara, The F-4E airshow with only one solo, resulta In some changes inthe show quence. Six ship wadge manauvers Brcame ship maneuvers The Toll Bock to arrowhese’ usualy Permanent fixture. Some other lew how" maneuvers ware acéed tothe replar show sequence due fo crowed populecty like the ral back: and Salo wing wait {nd rall. The hilo orertake of he landing diamond by the Solo became ‘ne of the taim's most popular maneuvers Perhaps mace than any other ‘monaiver, the "misting man formation will aways be sarocated with tho F-4"This was lawn In honor ofthe Vietnam POW/MIA ‘The F-4E willbe remembered 9s the team's most impressive aircraft. The F-4 was immense compared with its predecessors. It was big. tw heavy I was powerful And it wos Ameria‘ first line fighter. It personified brute strength, yet exemplified grace and beauty In the preeition monauvars of the air demonstration. “Tho earth shaking var of those @ 4-79 has to be heard to be believed Surely no demonstration tvrett accomplished the ‘Thunderbird mission of representing American tiraower more impressively than the Phantom (On June 1, 1969, the first F-4E exhibition was flwn for the graduating seniors at the Air Foree Academy. Among the guests were the Secrotary of the Air Force, the Air Fores Gal of Saf) and newly inaugurated Presi of tha United Stater- Richard Nixon, ABC Televi alga sent thee tire ‘show out to milions of TV viewore seress the nation, The ‘Amboss {ors In Blue iso appeared on ‘The Ed Sullivan Show” and a Frank Sina’, ‘i. Special In 1968, This meant that about 30 milion people viewed the ‘Thunderbics at each of these three TV shows. But the other ens of the scale was also resched in ‘1969 ae the team performed bolore ts enallest ‘row evr, 30 people saw the show at to diferent, remote sites Alar ‘a Totanens AFS, and Clear AFS. ‘A ner team was inttoduces in 1970 a LiCol Tom Swalm took over 9¢ Gommander/Uacer, Majors Bob “ackson and Doyle Puff fw Left and Fight Wing respectialy, Cont Tom Gibbs inthe Sot, and Maj Mike Kitoy ‘5 Solo, The team deployed sosin to South America, Canaca, and the Cay ibe wth 1 £00,000 jamming Francisco de Maranda ir Field Yor 2 day show. 1970 Was the Year thatthe ising man formation’ was added ts the show 1971 saw Major Jos Howard take over the Right Wing and Capt SteveDwelle Fae aon, 12345678 SU=== io SS ol aft til blackened 2345678 ae

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