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Post-Philosophy Statement Assessmen 1

Post-Philosophy Statement Assessment

Jessica P. Martinez

College of Southern Nevada

EDU 203: Education

Dr. Dale Warby

March 13, 2022

Post-Philosophy Statement Assessment 2

Post-Philosophy Statement Assessment

From looking back at my pre-philosophy statement I still feel the same way due to which

philosophy I believe it. I truly think progressivism is the philosophy I connect with the most,

however, after the field observation, I felt even closer to this philosophy. The teachers really

applied this philosophy in the class by having students work on a lesson differently, it could be

together or individually. The teachers found it important to teach the students the lessons they

will need later in their lives, and because these are functioning life skills they are incredibly

important. For example, I learned how teaching students how to be good people is very

important because sometimes studnets are not sure what it means.

I think that from my pre-philosophy statement, I see a big difference in how I view

progressivism. I thought progressivism was just about group work or being active but now I see

how progressivism is about being attentive and truly believing what you learn. When students

believe what they are learning it all is made very easy. I also realized how progressivism should

not be a sole focus in a class, while the philosophy should be in practice, teachers should also

make an effort to be close with students and understand what they go through. Progressivism to

me is a lot about inclusivity, it is important to make the classroom be very inclusive to all

students. I want to include more posters and assignments where students can see themselves

relating to the work. I also want to make it a big priority to have modifications in my classroom

to students who need them, I want all students to feel welcome and like they are being heard.

After reading the textbook it made me realize how some teachers are not aware of how to deal

with students so I want to be a teacher who does that and also has a progressive philosophical

approach. I ended up learning more about this philosophy and how it works in the classroom, for
Post-Philosophy Statement Assessment 3

example, the teachers model the “do first then you do” technique which is also part of

progressivism and something I did not know before.

The special education teacher carries many roles in their career, besides coming up with

lesson plans they also have to think about how they will teach the lesson to all of their students

and how they can fit the modifications into that lesson. They have to find ways to deliver the

lesson and come up with visual aids since many, if not most, of the students, are visual learners.

The special education teachers also have the role of taking care of the IEP for the students, they

have to do many IEPs for the IEP meetings per year. The special education teachers also have to

see how their students learn in their own classes and also in their general education classes. The

teachers play the role of dealing with students who have various types of disabilities, they also

have to learn how to assist and teach the students to the best of their abilities because it is their


In this course, I learned that students with special needs learn best when they are being

understood like for example their modifications being a focus. Students also learn best in silent

areas and with some modifications surrounding their tasks, such as having less noise with breaks

because sometimes the tasks can be overwhelming. The students with special needs have various

goals that are much different from students who do not have special needs; students who have

special needs have tasks that go at a different pace. Students who do have special needs need

help with being able to read over a passage and analyze it while students without special needs

do it with not much help. Students with special needs have the goal to learn basic skills whether

it be academically or socially, students with special needs have behavioral goals because they

cannot control their emotions, unlike the students who aren’t in special ed.
Post-Philosophy Statement Assessment 4

There are various skills special education teachers should have, and one of those skills is

knowing how to have patience. While it may be difficult to have patience, something I noticed in

my observation is that patience is used the entire day. Future special education teachers need to

remember that the students they teach are at a different pace and need more time to process the

information. Another skill that special education teachers need is knowing how to manage time

because besides lesson planning there is also time to deliver the lesson and fill out IEPs.

I think there are a few skills I need to be able to properly teach students with special

needs, time management is one because the IEP forms are difficult to fill out and the meetings

are extremely important. The second skill I need is to have better listening comprehension, I

often struggle with hearing and I need to be better to have a good understanding of what students

are telling me. The third skill I need would be how to better collaborate because that is

something I will be doing quite a lot with other teachers so we figure out how to teach or create

more effective lesson plans.

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