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Carolina Camacho Moreno- Edna Avendaño Naranjo

Traditional literacies New literacies Globalization of literacies

1. Work: The mix of skills employees need to complete everyday

tasks at work.
2. Citizenship: Creating cultural, modernity and linguistic
1 Ability to read and write successfully. New set of knowledge and abilities for
3. Everyday life: The rise of the new media.
Basic vocabulary and grammar knowledge. communicating.
4. First languages: Different ways of expressing meaning
What Individualized. Social practices .
5. Starting to write: Writing as one of the most powerful means
is it? of the world.
6. Digital: Means of manufacturing meaning.

1. Communicate with customers, understand different informatio.

2 "The traditional literacy skillset contains the Adapted to the modern-changing world. They
2. Being an effective citizen- Understand systems that impact our
traditional literacies of reading, writing , arise thanks to the technology. 3. It's necessary to be ongoing learners.
Why is it speaking, and listening" (Schrock, K) 4. Variant ways of speaking about the world- Dynamic.
important? 5. It influences the world.
6. Make meaning with new technologies- Allows communication

The use of different technology
Tips for Print based texts. Multimodal materials.
that allows people to understand
language it in a fast and practical way in
teaching. order to be in the same

In short, it is important to know that technology is a new learning and

teaching tool that has been implemented in the 21st century and that
is why as future English teachers and citizens we believe we must
adapt ourselves to the changing new world in which we live. In
addition, we need to convey the current knowledge we have about
literacies in order to keep growing new practices and ways in which it
is possible to create, share and comprehend the world and the new
meanings that are constantly emerging in different disciplines
including ours.

Carolina Camacho Moreno-

Edna Avendaño Naranjo

Schrock, K. (n.d.). Traditional Literacy. Retrieved August 21, 2022, from
Literacies for work video:
Literacies for citizenship video:
Literacies for everyday life:

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