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April 28, 2022


Caloocan City

Dear Engr. Alfaro,

its revised quote valid for 60 days upon receipt to provide on-site environmental services for your study
and consideration. In preparing this quote, SEES has assumed that your equipment for testing have one
exhaust stack. If this is not the case, Client agrees that SEES’s quote will be adjusted accordingly to reflect
the additional work involved respectively. SEES’s Scope of Work will be as follows:

Determine the following parameters using the following applicable United States Environmental
Protection Agency (USEPA) at three runs each per parameter as prescribed by our DENR respectively as

Test Method 3 - Gas Analysis for the Determination of Dry Molecular Weight;
Test Method 7 - Determination of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Stationary Sources
Test Method 10 - Determination of Carbon Monoxide Emissions from Stationary Sources

To determine the Nitrogen Dioxide (NOx) and Carbon Monoxide (CO) emissions concentration from
your equipment consisting of Two (2) unit Generator Set ; SEES will collect and analyze a total of nine
(9) NOX and three (3) CO samples per generator set as per requirements by the DENR;

The generator set to be tested must operate steadily and not in a start-stop mode for a continuous period
of about one (1) hour WITH LOAD for SEES to be able to complete its sampling. The Client agrees that
SEES’s work when arriving on-site shall be limited to initially coordinating with the persons in charge
and thereafter conduct its actual samplings.

The facility shall provide SEES’s requirements free of charge as needed or as the need arises as follows:

 On-site continuous supply of 220VAC/60Hz electric power source at least one meter away or the
closest available power source from the actual location of all the stack sampling sites;
 Sampling platforms, other steel structures (i.e. scaffolding) if so required in accordance with the
DENR, DOLE and/or SAFETY and any other government requirements whichever is applicable
for at least two persons working simultaneously;
 Client may be asked to remove the sampling porthole covers;
 Clear the traffic in all work areas for SEES’s free and unhampered workflow and access;
 Provide access to a clean working area free from wind interference within sampling site;
 Allow photo documentation of the site as required by the DENR.

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 Do all coordination, communication, paper works, permits and all other things necessary or
needed like gate passes, clearances, etc. whether within or outside the company or from other
entities including DENR that may be required from SEES during or as a result of its work;
 Adequate lighting in the event of nighttime or early morning sampling; Parking, security and
communication for SEES’s personnel, equipment and vehicles which may either temporarily be
stored in Client’s designated premises for safe keeping or during SEES’s actual work schedule;
As such, Client will be held solely responsible and liable for any untoward incidents on SEES’s
personnel, equipment and vehicles.
 Representative to witness actual tests and assist SEES in its needs;

Should your reputable firm award this work to SEES and prior to any actual testing, if needed be, SEES at
its sole option, may send its technical personnel to check Client’s equipment set-up and recommend
changes necessary for proper sampling; Client agrees that all changes to be made based on SEES’s
recommendation will be for its sole account; These changes have to be completed before SEES’s actual
sampling; Client also agrees to send SEES’s request for any pictures, plans with specifications, details and
dimensions of sampling porthole and stack if so requested by SEES; SEES conducted a site visit and
made recommendations accordingly.

Laboratory analysis and its related subcontracting is also included in SEES’s scope of works. SEES will
perform its testing from Monday to Saturday during normal working hours, after 6 a.m. till 5 p.m., is
committed to complete its work and will do overtime work if necessary. SEES has based this quotation on
the premise that it will be able to completely test the units within one (1) working day under normal
conditions. Otherwise, SEES can adjust its working schedule to meet Client’s requirements but cost
adjustments may have to be made due to this accommodation.

SEES will submit two (2) copies its consolidated Technical Report within a period of thirty (30) working
days or less after the completion of all its tests and upon receipt of all the documentary requirements
requested by SEES from its Client prior hand.

No. Description Amount

1. Two(2) unit Generator Set ₱ 33,000.00

Lot Total (VAT INCLUDED) ₱ 33,000.00



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Terms & Other Contract Conditions:

Terms of payment shall be as follows:

SEES will be requesting 50% down payment, Client will have to issue either its Purchase Order,
Quote/Work Acceptance Letter and/or Remarks approving or accepting SEES’s Offer; Client will also
allow progressive billing after every sampling;

Client shall pay the remaining balances (50%) including all additional charges if any, upon the receipt of
SEES’s Technical Report, Sales Invoice or Billing.

Once your firm has approved and accepted SEES’s Quote, SEES will be requesting all necessary
documents to prepare the Source Specific Test Plan. SEES will be the one to prepare the Endorsement
Letter and Test Plan and will be requested to be signed by the pollution control officer. As per the new
DENR protocols, the client’s pollution control officer (PCO) shall submit the source specific test plan on
the DENR-EMB Online Portal for NCR clients. In some other regions, the pollution control officer shall
submit the Source Specific Test Plan to their respective DENR-EMB regional offices. The source specific
test plan shall be submitted at least more than fifteen (15) working days prior to the actual testing date. In
this regard, the client’s agrees that without any approval letter of the DENR on the submitted Test Plan,
SEES shall not conduct any stack testing.

The DENR at its sole option may send its Technical Representative to oversee the tests being conducted.
As such, SEES recommends that the Client discuss with the DENR any matters it may have before SEES
conducts the actual tests to avoid any future untoward incidents or concerns on its part.

Due to other considerations involved, SEES will charge an additional amount on top of the above quoted
price based on any of the following due to either its remobilization or any other concerns. Client
unconditionally accepts these conditions and promises to pay SEES in addition to the above quoted total
contract price, any of these in the event of:

 Cancellation of either its Purchase Order, Quote/Work Acceptance Letter and/or Remarks
approving or accepting GMSI’s Offer issued for whatever reason;
 Any rescheduling of agreed testing date within fifteen (15) days or less from agreed date;
 And if SEES ‘s Testing Team arrives at site and is delayed for more than two hours aggregate
time or cannot test due to any of Client’s concern (manpower, equipment or etc.);

Client will have to pay thirty-five (35%) percent of the total contract price. However, should the delay or
cannot test be due to SEES’s concern (manpower or equipment), there will be no additional charges.

“SEES recommends that whenever applicable that the facility should operate its emission sources at ninety percent
(90%) for the boilers, furnaces and isokinetic sampling while, at least thirty percent (30%) for the standby generator
sets or greater of their permitted capacity during testing.”

Based on the above, it now becomes the sole responsibility of the Client to determine whether the load of
their equipment to be tested at the time of SEES’s sampling will meet the above set requirements of the
EMB-DENR. In the event that it cannot, SEES advices Client to immediately discuss and justify their
concern with the EMB-DENR prior to the actual tests to be conducted by SEES which is usually on a
fifteen (15) days advanced time frame schedule to avoid any untoward concerns on its part. As such,

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SEES has done its part by informing the Client beforehand of the above EMB-DENR requirement and that
SEES will conduct its samplings based on whatever load the Client has set on its equipment on the
scheduled tests. Client agrees and binds itself that it will not hold SEES responsible, liable, or accountable
in anyway whatsoever for any future untoward incidents on its part due to this account.

Any other works not specifically mentioned in above SEES’s Scope of Works that later may be required
from SEES to do during the course of it undertaking this work will be for a separate account; SEES will
submit a separate quote and seek Client’s approval prior to doing the actual additional work required;

Should there be any delay in Client’s submission to SEES of any of the required documents or
information that will be included SEES’s prepared Technical Report, you and your Client agrees not to
hold SEES responsible or liable in anyway whatsoever for any future untoward incident on its part as a
result of this delayed action

Your firm agrees and binds itself that it will hold in strict confidentiality all of the contents of SEES are
submitted quote. It will also limit access of said information received from SEES to those concerned
parties only within its organization and will not divulge any of SEES’s quote contents to any other third
parties without the written permission of SEES.

Should there be any legal concern regarding this Quote when later approved by your firm, it then
becomes a legal Contract between the Client and SEES; your firm agrees and binds itself that all matters
will be addressed and subject only to the jurisdiction of the Caloocan City Courts. Your firm agrees that
should it not meet any provision of this quote and if SEES has to go to court to address its concerns, your
firm will be held liable and pay for all SEES’s expenses such as cost of suit, legal expenses, attorney’s
fees, damages, income loss, interest, transportation, gasoline, taxes, hotel and accommodations (for out of
town Clients), food and reimburse all other expenses not specifically mentioned but as long as they are
connected with SEES’s concerns at the case at hand including other reliefs as allowed by law.

SEES conducts its business in a WIN-WIN manner wherein both its Client & SEES benefit.

SEES’s goals are to provide our Clients with quality services at a reasonable cost, and a lasting
harmonious working relationship.

Should you have any concern regarding SEES’s cost or on any other matter, please feel free to contact
either Mr. Robert Ledesma or Mr. Oliver Loyd Dacca our Marketing Officers or the undersigned at
telephone nos. (02) 8559-2688, (02) 8330-9568; 09360416111

looking forward to being of service.

Very truly yours, Noted By: CONFORME:


Marketing Officer General Manager AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE

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