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of Conductor Conductor Size Impedance per Kilometer

Phase Type Value Unit Strands Z1
3 ACSR 336 400 AWG 26/7 3ACSR336 400AWG 0.1902+0.39934i 0.1902 0.39934
3 ACSR 4/0 AWG 6/1 3ACSR4/0AWG 0.36795+0.50339i 0.36795 0.50339
3 ACSR 3/0 AWG 6/1 3ACSR3/0AWG 0.44937+0.50513i 0.44937 0.50513
3 ACSR 2/0 AWG 6/1 3ACSR2/0AWG 0.55626+0.51739i 0.55626 0.51739
3 ACSR 1/0 AWG 6/1 3ACSR1/0AWG 0.6961+0.52751i 0.6961 0.52751
3 ACSR 2 AWG 6/1 3ACSR2AWG 1.05036+0.53241i 1.05036 0.53241
1 ACSR 2/0 AWG 6/1 1ACSR2/0AWG 0.68081+0.79557i 0.68081 0.79557
1 ACSR 1/0 AWG 6/1 1ACSR1/0AWG 0.83275+0.82587i 0.83275 0.82587
1 ACSR 2 AWG 6/1 1ACSR2AWG 1.20161+0.87478i 1.20161 0.87478

Base Power 100 100 MVA

Base Voltage 69 13.2 kV
Base Current 836.74 4373.87 Amps
Base Impedance 47.61 1.7424 Ohm

From To No. of Conductor Conductor Size Length Imp per km

Bus Bus Phase Type Value Unit (kms) Z1

1 2 12 3 ACSR 4/0 AWG 1.000 3ACSR4/0AWG 0.36795+0.50339i

2 3 23 3 ACSR 4/0 AWG 0.500 3ACSR4/0AWG 0.36795+0.50339i
1 3 13 3 ACSR 4/0 AWG 0.500 3ACSR4/0AWG 0.36795+0.50339i

4 5 45 3 ACSR 4/0 AWG 0.500 3ACSR4/0AWG 0.36795+0.50339i

Actual Imp PU Imp PU Admittance Branch Admittance, ypq
Z1 Z1 ypq Real

0.36795+0.50339i 1-2 0.21117+0.28891i 1.64897003560556-2.256 1.6489700356056

0.18398+0.2517i 2-3 0.10559+0.14446i 3.2978386801072-4.5118 3.2978386801072
0.18398+0.2517i 1-3 0.10559+0.14446i 3.2978386801072-4.5118 3.2978386801072

0.18398+0.2517i 4-5 0.10559+0.14446i


-2.2560208977923 0.08+0.24i
-4.5118455888653 0.06+0.18i
Bus Bus Admittance Voltage Generation/Load
Number Type YPP V (p.u.) Angle Complex P Q
1 Swing 4.94680871571276- 1 0 1
2 Gen 4.94680871571276- 1 0 1 0.2
3 Load 6.5956773602144-9 1 0 1 -0.6 -0.25

-60 -25

-0.6 -0.25

From To From
Bus Bus Bus
1 2 1 1-2 2-1
2 3 2 2-3 3-2
1 3 1 1-3 3-1
Admittance From p
YPQ real imag
-1.64897003560556+2.2560208977923i 4.94680871571 -6.76786648666
-3.2978386801072+4.51184558886529i 3.29783868011 -4.51184558887
-3.2978386801072+4.51184558886529i 0.00000000000 0.00000000000

From q
real imag
0.00000000000 0.00000000000 Swing
1.64897003561 -2.25602089779 Gen
6.59567736021 -9.02369117773 Load

Updated Voltage Computation

Currents Gen Bus Q Computation 1/Ypp
Bus [p] Voltage At Bus P-jQ Q
1 1
2 1 4.9468087157120 0 0.0703922221888003
3 1 6.595677360214 0.0527950000000001
tage Computation
Injected I Branch I Updated Voltage Gen Bus
Complex Rad Voltage
1 0.0000
0.2 -4.94680871571271.01407844443776+0.0 0.0190 0.999819668295931+0.01899
-0.6+0.25i -6.72900895801820.95730472221888-0.0 0.0000 0

1.014261347915 1
1.08812853710401 1.08812853710401

-1.2272810195745 0.322493346522675-0.901582486064968

0.0190 0.999819668295931+0.018990284058265
Bus Type Gen
At Bus 2
0.0473655 Branch Currents.76786648665759i -4.947 6.7679
Remarks Check From To
Bus Type Voltage Bus Bus Complex I real I imag
Swing 1 2 2.2560208977923i -1.649 2.256
Gen 0.0239 2 3 .51184558886529i -3.298 4.5118
Load 0.0474 1 3 0 0 0


-6.72900895801 -6.729 9.0237

Complex I real I imag

0 0 0
-3.43117027791 -3.431 4.5118
-3.29783868010 -3.298 4.5118

Updated Voltage Computation

Currents Gen Bus Q Computation 1/Ypp
Bus [p] Voltage At Bus P-jQ Q
1 1
2 0.9998196 5.0744403563170.36033410890.03668783430.0703922221888003
3 0.957304726.129008958018 0.0527950000000001

1 0.360334109

tage Computation V(k+1)
Injected I Branch I Updated Voltage
Complex Rad
1 0.0000
0.200660646055391--4.71347451461460.988828659564678+0. 0.0034
-0.620880008443561-6.57389514945270.941811358911475-0. 0.0000

0.2-0.0366878343718608i 0.988834292508825
0.200660646055391-0.03288316158051 0.193394357679983


Update first voltages at Gen Buses
Then update voltages at Load Buses
Bus Type
At Bus
0.0191261 Branch Currents
Gen Bus Remarks Check From To
Voltage Bus Type Voltage Bus Bus
0 Swing 1 2
0.999994303449841+0.00337 Gen 0.0191 2 3
0 Load 0.0175 1 3




Gen Buses
Load Buses
Gen Load
2 3
-4.7134745146146-4.713 6.6429 -6.57389514945-6.574 8.9623

Complex I real I imag Complex I real I imag

-1.6489700356055-1.649 2.256 0 0 0
-3.0645044790091-3.065 4.3868 -3.27605646934-3.276 4.4504
0 0 0 -3.29783868010-3.298 4.5118

Updated Voltage Computation

Currents Gen Bus Q Computation 1/Ypp
Bus [p] Voltage At Bus P-jQ Q
1 1
2 0.9999943 4.9696245345630.34363463010.15235577650.0703922221888003
3 0.941811355.953015141009 0.0527950000000001

1 0.34363463

tage Computation V(k+1)
Injected I Branch I Updated Voltage
Complex Rad
1 0.0000
0.200513116571537--4.62547760611010.989930290999269-0. -0.0106
-0.628401698128759-6.51513305802090.941232950073994-0. 0.0000

0.2-0.152355776591912i 0.989985885052161
0.200513116571537-0.15167983631219 -0.607210578917428


Update first voltages at Gen Buses
Then update voltages at Load Buses
Bus Type
At Bus
0.017134 Branch Currents
Gen Bus Remarks Check From To
Voltage Bus Type Voltage Bus Bus
0 Swing 1 2
0.999943843590367-0.010597 Gen 0.0171 2 3
0 Load 0.0069 1 3




Gen Buses
Load Buses
Gen Load
2 3
-4.6254776061101-4.625 6.5999 -6.51513305802-6.515 9.0129

Complex I real I imag Complex I real I imag

-1.6489700356055-1.649 2.256 0 0 0
-2.9765075705046-2.977 4.3439 -3.21729437791-3.217 4.501
0 0 0 -3.29783868010-3.298 4.5118

Updated Voltage Computation

Currents Gen Bus Q Computation 1/Ypp
Bus [p] Voltage At Bus P-jQ Q
1 1
2 0.999943844.8748076064000.28457295450.19675002820.0703922221888003
3 0.941232955.886731359892 0.0527950000000001
tage Computation V(k+1)
Injected I Branch I Updated Voltage
Complex Rad
1 0.0000
0.19790368560644-0-4.59233571555160.993904583676008-0. -0.0188
-0.626515950755664-6.49129924482830.942978337049694-0. 0.0000

Bus Type
At Bus
0.0101 Branch Currents
Gen Bus Remarks Check From To
Voltage Bus Type Voltage Bus Bus
0 Swing 1 2
0.999823449378913-0.018790 Gen 0.0101 2 3
0 Load 0.0041 1 3
Gen Load
2 3
-4.5923357155516-4.592 6.6202 -6.49129924482-6.491 9.0578

Complex I real I imag Complex I real I imag

-1.6489700356055-1.649 2.256 0 0 0
-2.9433656799460-2.943 4.3641 -3.19346056472-3.193 4.5459
0 0 0 -3.29783868010-3.298 4.5118

Updated Voltage Computation

Currents Gen Bus Q Computation 1/Ypp
Bus [p] Voltage At Bus P-jQ Q
1 1
2 0.999823444.8187660667610.24148434470.21486388020.0703922221888003
3 0.942978335.864783294072 0.0527950000000001
tage Computation V(k+1)
Injected I Branch I Updated Voltage
Complex Rad
1 0.0000
0.195927363420173--4.58136168264180.99682871978898-0.0 -0.0228
-0.624142396311837-6.48266584087070.9444335973064-0.04 0.0000

Bus Type
At Bus
0.0049 Branch Currents
Gen Bus Remarks Check From To
Voltage Bus Type Voltage Bus Bus
0 Swing 1 2
0.999740134186489-0.022796 Gen 0.0049 2 3
0 Load 0.0023 1 3

Gen Load
2 3
-4.5813616826418-4.581 6.6403 -6.48266584087-6.483 9.0843

Complex I real I imag Complex I real I imag

-1.6489700356055-1.649 2.256 0 0 0
-2.9323916470363-2.932 4.3842 -3.18482716076-3.185 4.5725
0 0 0 -3.29783868010-3.298 4.5118

Updated Voltage Computation

Currents Gen Bus Q Computation 1/Ypp
Bus [p] Voltage At Bus P-jQ Q
1 1
2 0.999740134.7912419627800.21811258950.22134028840.0703922221888003
3 0.944433595.858523444558 0.0527950000000001
tage Computation V(k+1)
Injected I Branch I Updated Voltage
Complex Rad
1 0.0000
0.194902322158724--4.57823175788500.998425715790497-0. -0.0245
-0.622610805613341-6.47989592604660.945266282187277-0. 0.0000

Bus Type
At Bus
0.0022 Branch Currents
Gen Bus Remarks Check From To
Voltage Bus Type Voltage Bus Bus
0 Swing 1 2
0.99969879433931-0.0245422 Gen 0.0022 2 3
0 Load 0.0011 1 3

Gen Load
2 3
-4.5782317578850-4.578 6.6526 -6.47989592604-6.48 9.0974

Complex I real I imag Complex I real I imag

-1.6489700356055-1.649 2.256 0 0 0
-2.9292617222794-2.929 4.3966 -3.18205724593-3.182 4.5856
0 0 0 -3.29783868010-3.298 4.5118

Updated Voltage Computation

Currents Gen Bus Q Computation 1/Ypp
Bus [p] Voltage At Bus P-jQ Q
1 1
2 0.999698794.7792202359900.20715225840.22337925170.0703922221888003
3 0.945266285.857285120433 0.0527950000000001
tage Computation V(k+1)
Injected I Branch I Updated Voltage
Complex Rad
1 0.0000
0.194457535974217--4.57761259582220.999178577879898-0. -0.0252
-0.621823290351716-6.47918664804220.945669887881931-0. 0.0000

Bus Type
At Bus
0.0009 Branch Currents
Gen Bus Remarks Check From To
Voltage Bus Type Voltage Bus Bus
0 Swing 1 2
0.999681643700146-0.025231 Gen 0.0009 2 3
0 Load 0.0005 1 3

Gen Load
2 3
-4.5776125958222-4.578 6.6588 -6.47918664804-6.479 9.1032

Complex I real I imag Complex I real I imag

-1.6489700356055-1.649 2.256 0 0 0
-2.9286425602166-2.929 4.4028 -3.18134796793-3.181 4.5913
0 0 0 -3.29783868010-3.298 4.5118

Updated Voltage Computation

Currents Gen Bus Q Computation 1/Ypp
Bus [p] Voltage At Bus P-jQ Q
1 1
2 0.999681644.7744727707520.20253437910.22388370330.0703922221888003
3 0.945669885.857363357690 0.0527950000000001
tage Computation V(k+1)
Injected I Branch I Updated Voltage
Complex Rad
1 0.0000
0.194287484025224--4.57765171445080.999497141628404-0. -0.0255
-0.621467361201457-6.47909936488940.945844507470292-0. 0.0000

Bus Type
At Bus
0.0003 Branch Currents
Gen Bus Remarks Check From To
Voltage Bus Type Voltage Bus Bus
0 Swing 1 2
0.999675454524961-0.025475 Gen 0.0003 2 3
0 Load 0.0002 1 3

Gen Load
2 3
-4.5776517144508-4.578 6.6616 -6.47909936488-6.479 9.1054

Complex I real I imag Complex I real I imag

-1.6489700356055-1.649 2.256 0 0 0
-2.9286816788452-2.929 4.4056 -3.18126068478-3.181 4.5936
0 0 0 -3.29783868010-3.298 4.5118

Updated Voltage Computation

Currents Gen Bus Q Computation 1/Ypp
Bus [p] Voltage At Bus P-jQ Q
1 1
2 0.999675454.7727905248730.20077444230.22393525080.0703922221888003
3 0.945844505.857632003687 0.0527950000000001
tage Computation V(k+1)
Injected I Branch I Updated Voltage
Complex Rad
1 0.0000
0.194230296457198--4.57778603744950.999619057483404-0. -0.0256
-0.621322236981427-6.47915078947210.945912844776091-0. 0.0000

Bus Type
At Bus
0.0001 Branch Currents
Gen Bus Remarks Check From To
Voltage Bus Type Voltage Bus Bus
0 Swing 1 2
0.999673551621641-0.025549 Gen 0.0001 2 3
0 Load 0.0001 1 3

Gen Load
2 3
-4.5777860374495-4.578 6.6627 -6.47915078947-6.479 9.1062

Complex I real I imag Complex I real I imag

-1.6489700356055-1.649 2.256 0 0 0
-2.9288160018439-2.929 4.4067 -3.18131210936-3.181 4.5944
0 0 0 -3.29783868010-3.298 4.5118

Updated Voltage Computation

Currents Gen Bus Q Computation 1/Ypp
Bus [p] Voltage At Bus P-jQ Q
1 1
2 0.999673554.7722764799250.20017786880.22389068230.0703922221888003
3 0.945912845.857828552490 0.0527950000000001
tage Computation V(k+1)
Injected I Branch I Updated Voltage
Complex Rad
1 0.0000
0.194214357334551--4.57788431185090.999660597467454-0. -0.0256
-0.621268875336274-6.47920567944410.945936791594888-0. 0.0000

Bus Type
At Bus
0.0000 Branch Currents
Gen Bus Remarks Check From To
Voltage Bus Type Voltage Bus Bus
0 Swing 1 2
0.999673113808402-0.025566 Gen 0.0000 2 3
0 Load 0.0000 1 3

Gen Load
2 3
-4.5778843118509-4.578 6.6631 -6.47920567944-6.479 9.1065

Complex I real I imag Complex I real I imag

-1.6489700356055-1.649 2.256 0 0 0
-2.9289142762453-2.929 4.4071 -3.18136699933-3.181 4.5946
0 0 0 -3.29783868010-3.298 4.5118
Base Power 100000 kVA 2215.25

Per Unit Bus Bus

Bus P (Load) Q (Load) Q (Cap) P Q Complex No. Phase
3 102.50 33.69 0.00103 0.00034 0.00103+0.00034i 3 3
4 28.50 9.37 0.00029 0.00009 0.00029+0.00009i 4 3
5 27.50 9.04 0.00028 0.00009 0.00028+0.00009i 5 3
6 35.00 11.50 0.00035 0.00012 0.00035+0.00012i 6 3
7 17.50 5.75 0.00018 0.00006 0.00018+0.00006i 7 3
8 97.25 31.96 0.00097 0.00032 0.00097+0.00032i 8 3
9 35.25 11.59 0.00035 0.00012 0.00035+0.00012i 9 3
10 66.63 21.90 0.00067 0.00022 0.00067+0.00022i 10 3
11 87.00 28.60 0.00087 0.00029 0.00087+0.00029i 11 3
12 44.25 14.54 0.00044 0.00015 0.00044+0.00015i 12 3
13 72.00 23.67 0.00072 0.00024 0.00072+0.00024i 13 3
14 47.00 15.45 0.00047 0.00015 0.00047+0.00015i 14 3
15 192.00 63.11 0.00192 0.00063 0.00192+0.00063i 15 3
16 55.50 18.24 0.00056 0.00018 0.00056+0.00018i 16 3
17 84.00 27.61 0.00084 0.00028 0.00084+0.00028i 17 3
18 114.00 37.47 0.00114 0.00037 0.00114+0.00037i 18 3
19 30.00 9.86 0.00030 0.00010 0.0003+0.0001i 19 3
20 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00000 0 20 3
21 101.50 33.36 0.00102 0.00033 0.00102+0.00033i 21 3
22 37.50 12.33 0.00038 0.00012 0.00038+0.00012i 22 3
23 44.00 14.46 0.00044 0.00014 0.00044+0.00014i 23 3
24 55.50 18.24 0.00056 0.00018 0.00056+0.00018i 24 3
25 24.00 7.89 0.00024 0.00008 0.00024+0.00008i 25 3
26 30.00 9.86 0.00030 0.00010 0.0003+0.0001i 26 3
27 77.00 25.31 0.00077 0.00025 0.00077+0.00025i 27 3
28 41.75 13.72 0.00042 0.00014 0.00042+0.00014i 28 3
29 253.75 83.40 0.00254 0.00083 0.00254+0.00083i 29 3
30 414.38 136.20 0.00414 0.00136 0.00414+0.00136i 30 3
Actual Load Capacitor

102.50 0.95 102.50 33.69 0.00 0.1025 0.0336901

28.50 0.95 28.50 9.37 0.00 0.0285 0.0093675
27.50 0.95 27.50 9.04 0.00 0.0275 0.0090388
35.00 0.95 35.00 11.50 0.00 0.035 0.0115039
17.50 0.95 17.50 5.75 0.00 0.0175 0.005752
97.25 0.95 97.25 31.96 0.00 0.09725 0.0319645
35.25 0.95 35.25 11.59 0.00 0.03525 0.0115861
66.63 0.95 66.63 21.90 0.00 0.066625 0.0218986
87.00 0.95 87.00 28.60 0.00 0.087 0.0285955
44.25 0.95 44.25 14.54 0.00 0.04425 0.0145443
72.00 0.95 72.00 23.67 0.00 0.072 0.0236653
47.00 0.95 47.00 15.45 0.00 0.047 0.0154482
192.00 0.95 192.00 63.11 0.00 0.192 0.0631073
55.50 0.95 55.50 18.24 0.00 0.0555 0.018242
84.00 0.95 84.00 27.61 0.00 0.084 0.0276095
114.00 0.95 114.00 37.47 0.00 0.114 0.03747
30.00 0.95 30.00 9.86 0.00 0.03 0.0098605
0.00 0.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
101.50 0.95 101.50 33.36 0.00 0.1015 0.0333614
37.50 0.95 37.50 12.33 0.00 0.0375 0.0123257
44.00 0.95 44.00 14.46 0.00 0.044 0.0144621
55.50 0.95 55.50 18.24 0.00 0.0555 0.018242
24.00 0.95 24.00 7.89 0.00 0.024 0.0078884
30.00 0.95 30.00 9.86 0.00 0.03 0.0098605
77.00 0.95 77.00 25.31 0.00 0.077 0.0253087
41.75 0.95 41.75 13.72 0.00 0.04175 0.0137226
253.75 0.95 253.75 83.40 0.00 0.25375 0.0834036
414.38 0.95 414.38 136.20 0.00 0.414375 0.1361985

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