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Different Seasons in
the Philippines
Quarter 4-Module 3 - Week 3

Photo from Flood Control Asia


Department of Education. SDO-Ifugao
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division Office-Ifugao
Lagawe, Ifugao

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Mary Joy F. Buyacco


What I Know
How much do you know about the topic? Find it out by answering the activity
below without leaving any item unanswered. Read and understand each statement.
Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not. Write it on a separate
sheet of paper. Take note of the wrong answers because you will be able to answer it
correctly as you go along this module.


1. Philippine’s climate has two distinct seasons: the dry season and the wet
2. Climate has a great influence on the health and livelihood of the people.
3. Different regions in the Philippines experience the same type of climate.
4. The seasons may cause damage to agricultural products.
5. Dry season may be subdivided into two: cool dry season and hot dry
6. The Department of Education is an agency that gives information about
seasons and climate in our country.
7. Occupations of people are the same even in varying climatic conditions.
8. Countries near the equator generally experience very cool weather.
9. Climate is normally dryer and more humid in mountainous and elevated
10. The Philippines lies in the typhoon path and is often visited by
typhoons coming from the Pacific Ocean.

What’s In
In your previous lesson, you have learned that earthquake and volcanic eruptions
are both dangerous. It is unpredictable to tell when they are going to happen, therefore
there were suggested things you can do to protect yourself against their harmful effects.

Direction: Write B on the blank if the precautionary measure should be done before an
earthquake or volcanic eruption, D if it should be done during and A if it should be done

1. After the eruption, do not go back home right away. Wait for instruction
when it is safe to return home.
2. Cover your nose with a mask or damp cloth when volcanic ash or dust is
present in the air.
3. Prepare emergency supplies like flashlights, candles, matches, and first
aid kits.

4. Remove ash from your roofs.
5. Check if your drinking water is clear and if the electrical wirings at home
are intact and safe.
6. Check the structure of your house or building.
7. During earthquake, do not rush to the exit when you are in a crowded
place like classroom, grocery store, theater, mall, etc.
8. Keep calm when you feel the earthquake.
9. Check the safety of your family members. If someone is missing, seek
aid to find them.
10. If you are in a moving car, ask the driver to stop and park the car away
from buildings, electric wires or posts.

What’s New
Do you prefer a sunny day or a rainy day? What activities do you have that are
affected by the season?
Below are lists of some of activities that people usually do on specific season.
Check (√ ) all that apply to each season in each column based from your observation
and experience.

Activities Done During Dry Season Activities Done During Wet Season
drying clothes plowing rice fields and cornfields
planting vegetables like petchay planting rice
drying fish hiking/mountaineering
picnics planting corn
harvesting crops fishing
drying corn and palay mountain biking
using solar panel as source of playing indoor sports activities

What Is It

Philippines has two pronounced weather conditions during the year : the rainy
season (wet season) - from June to November; and the dry season, from December to
May. The dry season may be subdivided further into (a) the cool dry season, from
December to February; and (b) the hot dry season, from March to May.

The country lies near the equator, thus experience tropical climate. The country’s
average temperature is about 26.6° C. September and October are often the typhoon
season in the Philippines. Filipinos think and feel summer only in April and May, since
these are the hottest months in the country. Even though, you should keep in mind that
season do not always follow the standard pattern.

Our country experiences seasonal winds called monsoons. The Northeast

Monsoon brings cold winds from Siberia and blows towards the Philippines between the
months of November and February. This brings rain along the eastern coastal area of
the country. On the other hand, winds coming from Australia are known as Southwest
Monsoon. Southwest monsoon brings much rain throughout the country. It absorbs
much moisture from the surrounding bodies of water such as the Pacific Ocean before it
reaches the country. This climatic condition prevails during the wet season in the

Different places in the Philippines experience different types of climate and

seasonal patterns from year to year. Climate has also a great influence on the health

livelihood of the people. The condition

of our environment is ever-changing. It
does not only affect our comfort but
also determines what activities we can
carry on at certain times.

This may be as simple as

deciding whether to go on picnic on a
bright sunny day or just stay at home
and enjoy reading or story telling with
the rest of the family during stormy or
rainy days. It may also be as critical as
deciding what crops to plant during the
rainy season and during the dry
season. This is a major concern of
farmers, since the Philippines is
principally an agricultural country.

In what ways does climate affect the lives of people? The table below shows how
climate affect the lives of people in the community. Read and understand the table below
to know more about the lesson.


Duration Effects
Effects on Health During on Livelihood
these months, people Many people go
are susceptible to to b
near beaches make souvenir

At the beginning of March until the

Hotdry month May  heat stroke and
season dehydration items like necklaces, key
(lossofbodychains, etc. and sell to tourists. fluids)These handicr

skin diseases becomeprofitableduring these days.

sunburn In other places, vendors sell
sore eyes halo-halo,icecandy,fruit

shakes, milk teas and other

beverages to people to refresh
and relieve their bodies from
the heat.
Cold dry December to Health ailments may In Baguio, for instance, most
season February be triggered or may flowers start to bloom during
worsen during this the cold dry season. The
season. Ailments such flower industry in Baguio is at
as influenza (flu), its peak so local florists earn
colds, cough, and more during this season. This
asthma are some of is also the time that the city
them celebrates “Panagbenga
Festival” that attracts more
tourists to visit the place.
Hence, greater income for all
business establishments in
the city.
WET June to Diseases common During heavy rains, most
SEASON November during this season are crops of farmers are
dengue and susceptible to damage. As a
leptospirosis which are result, prices of agricultural
fatal if not treated products tend to increase and
immediately. Dengue becomes expensive on the
is caused by mosquito part of consumers.
bites while On the other hand, farmers
leptospirosis is caused are busy preparing their fields
by the one’s exposure - from plowing until rice or
to rat’s urine through corn is planted during wet
the flood. season.
It is during wet (rainy) season, when the country experiences most of the storms.
The storms with their strong wind and much rain bring destruction to life and property.
There is flood that covers the land. It carries soil, plants, and properties depending on its
flow. The Cordillera Region is among the top 10 landslide prone areas in the Philippines.
The mountainous nature is contributory to the region’s vulnerability to rain-induced

Photo from Cordillera Disaster Response & Development Services

During the dry season, there is very little rainfall. The sun always shines during
this season, bringing much heat. Flowers bloom and fiestas in the country are
celebrated. Trade winds coming from the east prevail over the country from March to

What’s More
Activity 1
Look at the pictures below. Identify what type of season is shown and describe
how each type of season affects the health and livelihood of people by completing the
table below. Write your answer on your answer sheet.


Photo by: Hashem (2017)

Going to the beach, resort or having picnic in a river.

Type of Season Effect on Health Effect on Livelihood


Assessment 1
Answer the crossword puzzle based from what you have learned from this module.

What I Have Learned

Directions: Read each given situations below and fill in the table with your answers.
In what ways do seasons affect the health and lives of people?
Situation What season is Effects on Health Effects on
being described? Peoples’ Lives
1. The sun shines so
bright and it’s too hot
at noon time for
almost two weeks.
There’s no rain at
2. It rains so hard for
almost three days
due to a typhoon.
The temperature of
the environment is so

What I Can Do
Directions: Look at the pictures below. Identify what season is shown and tell the
importance of doing the activity shown in each picture.

Activities DoneWhat
by People
Why do people do this activity? When do people do this

Photo from

Photo from news.

Photo from

Post Assessment
Directions: Read and understand each statement. Write TRUE if the statement is correct
and FALSE if it is not and underline the word or words that makes it wrong.

MODIFIED TRUE or FALSE. The first one is given.

False 1. Philippine’s climate has three seasons: the dry season and wet season.
2. Climate has a great influence on the health and livelihood of the people.
3. Different regions in the Philippines experience the same type of climate.
4. The seasons may cause damage to agricultural products.
5. Dry season may be subdivided into two: cool dry season and hot dry
6. The Department of Education is an agency that gives information about
seasons and climate in our country.
7. Occupations of people are the same even in varying climatic conditions.
8. Countries near the equator generally experience very cool weather.
9. Climate is normally dryer and more humid in mountainous and elevated
10. The Philippines lies in the typhoon path and is often visited by
typhoons coming from the Pacific Ocean.

Additional Activities
Directions: List down at least two (2) the beneficial effects of wet and dry seasons in the
Beneficial Effect of wet Season Beneficial effect of Dry Season




Agoot, Liza (2019) Baguio afternoon rains just isolated thunderstorm. (PAGASA, Republic
of the Philippines, Philippine News Agency)
Cruz, Juanita M., (2001) Into the future science and health grade 6 textbook, Diwa
scholastic press inc. pp.228-231
Hashem (2017) Different kind of seasons in the Philippines, 3D Universal English Institute,
Viral Press, Lahug, Cebu City, 6000, Philippines.
2017 Cordillera Disaster Response and Development Services
2011 Disaster Situation in the Cordillera Region 2017 Cordillera Disaster Response and
Development Services
Sarte, E., Garcia, E., (2016) Science beyond borders 6, vibal group, inc., Araneta
Avenue, Quezon City




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