Sci6 - Q4 - M2 - Safety Precautions - Madalla - Mt. Prov. Final

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Safety Precautions

Before, During, and After

an Earthquake and
Volcanic Eruption
Module in Science 6
Fourth Quarter - Week 2


Department of Education. Cordillera Administrative Region

Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region

Published by:
Learning Resource Management and Development System


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Instruction: Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the
best answer.

1. Which of the following places should be avoided during a volcanic

A. indoor
B. high places
C. low lying places
D. far places from the volcano

2. Why do we need to close and lock the cabinet doors before an an

earthquake happens?
A. To add durability to the content of the cabinet.
B. To avoid spilling out of the content of the cabinet.
C. To enhance the flavor of the foods stored in the cabinet.
D. To maintain the freshness of the foods stored in the cabinet.

3. What will happen to the house roof when it is full of ash deposits?
A. the roof will collapse
B. the roof will retain its paint
C. the roof will become tough
D. the roof will become attractive

4. What will you prepare for survival before a calamity will happen?
A. Go bag
B. Ice bag
C. Emery bag
D. Hot water bag

5. What should you do when you are in a building or in your house during an
A. Run, Drop, and Cover
B. Drop , Cover, and Hold
C. Crawl, Cover, and Hold
D. Duck, cover while running

6. Which of the following should NOT be done after an earthquake?
A. check for cracks on the wall
B. report damages to authorities
C. cut electrical wires from broken post
D. stay at home or in the evacuation area

7. What will happen if rainfalls mix with ashes and debris?

A. lava will flow
B. mudflow will occur
C. magma will be form
D. rainbow will be form

8. Why do we need to stay indoor during and after a volcanic eruption if we have
respiratory ailments?
A. to avoid skin allergy
B. to avoid having diarrhea
C. to avoid redness of the eyes
D. to avoid inhaling dust and ashes

9. Which of the following should be done before an earthquake?

A. do not store water and dry food supply
B. display breakable figurines in the shelves
C. arrange the bed near the wide glass window
D. turn off the gas tank to reduce the chance of having fire

10. What will you do if you are caught indoors during volcanic eruption?
A. open the windows and doors
B. close all the windows and doors
C. switch on the electric fan to blow away the dust and ashes
D. try to escape and run outside near the slope of the volcano

Earthquakes are the sudden movement or vibration of the
earth crust. The total amount of energy released by an earthquake is called magnitude. The
degree of destruction caused by an earthquake is the intensity.

Pictures below shows the damaging effect of an earthquake.


Volcano is an opening of the earth crust where lava, pyroclasts, and gases are ejected
onto the surface. Most volcanoes are formed as a result of volcanic activity and caused by the
movement of magma from the mantle. Volcanoes are classified according to their shape,
composition and activity. Volcanic eruptions are harmful to living things. They can change
the physical feature of an area.

Preparedness for calamities such as earthquakes and volcanic eruption includes the
knowing what to do before, during, and after the quake or eruption. The individual person,
community and the government should work for the safety of the people to minimize disaster
during calamities.

We are doing a quarterly simulation activity that aims to prepare you when there are
earthquakes. What is the basic thing that we should do during an earthquake? Complete the
statement in the box

On During
the nextanpage we will learn the safety precautions before, during, and after an
earthquake and volcanic eruption. I am sure that each one of you wanted to be safe when
there is an earthquakes and eruption of volcanoes. For you to be aware of what you will be
doing when the earth is moving, read very well the next part of the module.


1. Familiarize yourself with the following:
- Fire extinguisher - Medical Kit
- Exit route - Evacuation plan/center
2. Move heavy object from high shelves to lower shelves to reduce the
danger of falling objects.
3. Fasten cabinets, shelves, frames, mirrors and heavy objects to the wall.
4. Place heavy and breakable objects away from bed where they can fall on
sleeping people. Beds should not be next to large windows.
5. Cabinet doors should have locks to prevent contents from spilling out.
6. Turn off the gas tank in your home to reduce the chance of having fire.
7. Store water and dry food supplies good for a few days.
8. Store harmful chemicals and flammable materials properly.
9. Prepare your family’s GO BAG containing items needed for survival.
Go bag is one of the things that we should have, to make us ready when
there is an earthquake that will occur. What is in a go bag? CONTENTS OF A GO BAG



1. Stay as calm as possible. Duck under a strong table and hold on to it (Duck,
Cover, and Hold). Stay alert for potential threats.
2. Stay away from glass windows, shelves, heavy objects or any objects that could
fall on you. Stand against the wall near the center of the building.
3. After the shaking stops, exit from the building/house and go to the designated
evacuation area.


Stay away from buildings, trees, electric post and landslide prone area.
If you are in a public place, take cover. Do not rush for the doors and don’t get in an elevator.
If you are inside the car or any vehicle, stop the car. Stay inside the car until the earthquake stops.

Check yourself, your family members, and other people near you for
injuries. Provide first aid to those who need help.
Check your house or building for structural damage. If water and gas lines are damaged, shut off the valves. If
Look for wall cracks and floorboards and door frames that are out of place.
Check for water leaks, especially near electrical outlets or other sources of electricity. If there are any frayed or b
Open the radio. Keep phone lines clear for emergency calls
Stay away from damage buildings. Be careful around broken glasses.
Wear boots to keep your feet safe.
Boil water for drinking or buy bottle water.
Expect aftershocks. Aftershock can weaken structures. Be aware.


1. Learn about the community’s warning system and develop an
emergency communication plan.
2. Prepare disaster supplies or a survival kit.
3. Follow the evacuation plans. Follow authorities’ instructions and leave the area before
the disaster begins. Get to higher grounds away from the eruption.
4. Have a plan in case family members are separated during a volcanic eruption. Asks
help from your relatives or Friends to get in touch with your family.
5. Put all household materials inside your house and bring animals and livestock into
close shelters.


1. Avoid areas near the slopes of the volcano. Lava could flow near the slope.
2. If caught indoors, close all windows, doors, and other openings. Remain indoors
3. If caught outdoors, protect your head from rocks and immediately run indoors.
4. Avoid low-lying areas where lava flow could reach and poisonous gases can
5. Wear long-sleeved shirt and a pair of pants to protect you from volcanic dust. Use a
dust mask to protect your eyes or hold a damp cloth over your face.
6. Never watch an erupting volcano. Stay away from it. A lateral blast of a volcano can
travel many miles away.
7. Avoid mudflows. Mudflows occur when rain falls and mixes with ashes and
debris. Stay away from bridges and stream to avoid mudflow.


1. Listen to radio or television for the latest emergency information.

2. Stay away from volcanic ash fall. When outside, protect your eyes, mouth, and nose
from volcanic ash falls. Wear goggles to protect your eyes and use a damp cloth to
protect your mouth and nose.
3. If you have respiratory ailments, stay indoor to avoid inhaling dust and ash.
Follow local health officials. Seek advice if it is safe to go outside.
4. Clear your house from ash fall or dust. Ash fall can cause roofs to collapse.

ACTIVITY 1. What shall I do?
Instruction: Identify the safety precautions if done BEFORE, DURING, or AFTER an
earthquake and volcanic eruption then on the space provided before each number write your
A. Earthquake
Example: AFTER Boil water for drinking or buy bottle water.

1. Move heavy object from high shelves to lower shelves to reduce the danger
and from falling objects.
2. Stay as calm as possible. Duck under a strong table and hold on to it
(Duck, Cover, and Hold). Stay alert for potential threats.
3. Check yourself, your family members, and other people near you for
injuries. Provide first aid to those who need help.
4. Prepare your family’s GO BAG containing items needed for survival.
5. Check your house or building for structural damage. If water and gas
lines are damaged, shut off the valves. If you smell gas, leave the
building or the house immediately.

B. Volcanic Eruption
Example: BEFORE Prepare disaster supplies or a survival kit.

1. If you have respiratory ailments, stay indoor to avoid inhaling dust and ash.
Follow local health officials. Seek advice if it is safe to go outside.
2. Clear your house from ash fall or dust. Ash fall can cause roofs to
3. Follow the evacuation plans. Follow authorities’ instructions and leave the
area before the disaster begins. Go to higher grounds.
4. If caught outdoors, protect your head from rocks and immediately run
5. Avoid low-lying areas where lava flow could reach and poisonous gases
can collect.

Earthquake and volcanic eruption are natural calamities that
may cause damages and death. These are inevitable circumstances so we need to be prepared
at all times. Following the safety precautions before, during, and after an earthquake and
volcanic eruption will make us safe.


Instruction: Draw 5 items that you will put in a GO BAG when your mother asked you to
prepare one. Below the drawing, explain why you have chosen those items.


Instruction: Read the questions carefully. Underline the letter of the

best answer.

1. Which of the following should NOT be done after an earthquake?

A. stay at home or in the evacuation area
B. cut electrical wires from broken post
C. report damages to authorities
D. check for cracks on the wall

2. What will happen if rainfalls mixes with ashes and debris?

A. rainbow will be form
B. magma will be form
C. mudflow will occur
D. lava will flow

3. Why do we need to stay indoor during and after a volcanic eruption if we have
respiratory ailments?
A. to avoid inhaling dust and ashes
B. to avoid redness of the eyes
C. to avoid having diarrhea
D. to avoid skin allergy

4. Which of the following should be done before an earthquake?

A. turn off the gas tank to reduce the chance of having fire
B. arrange the bed near the wide glass window
C. display breakable figurines in the shelves
D. do not store water and dry food supply

5. What will you do if you are caught indoor during volcanic eruption?
A. try to escape and run outside near the slope of the volcano
B. switch on the electric fan to blow away the dust and ashes
C. close all the windows and doors
D. open the windows and doors

6. Which of the following places should be avoided during a volcanic
A. far places from the volcano
B. low lying places
C. high places
D. indoor

7. Why do we need to close and lock the cabinet doors before an

earthquake happen?
A. To maintain the freshness of the foods stored in the cabinet.
B. To enhance the flavor of the foods stored in the cabinet.
C. To avoid spilling out of the content of the cabinet.
D. To add durability to the content of the cabinet.

8. What will happen to the house roof when it is full of ash deposits?
A. the roof will become attractive
B. the roof will retain its paint
C. the roof will become tough
D. the roof will collapse

9. What will you prepare for survival before a calamity will happen?
A. Hot water bag
B. Emery bag
C. Go bag
D. Ice bag

10. What should you do when you are in a building or in your house during an
A. Duck, cover while running
B. Drop , Cover, and Hold
C. Crawl, Cover, and Hold
D. Run, Drop, and Cover


Instruction: Enumerate 2 things that you should do before, during, and after an earthquake a


Before During After

Volcanic Eruption

Before During After


Padpad, Evelyn.2015.The New Science Link. Quezon City: Rex Printing Company, Inc.
San Pablo, Jovita.2016.Real Life Science 6. Quezon City. Abiva Publishing House, Inc.

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Bontoc, Mountain Provinced

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