Call Flow

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RESTATE (Restate the concern correctly) - DEFINITION: *Statements that

show agent is listening which helps customers feel understood *Calm and confident tone can help de-
escalate a frustrated customer *For BM/BRS Collections OB, Restate will have to be after the customer
confirmed what kind of payment arrangement he is doing or his payment commitment - YES: Yes - Agent
personalized the restatement of the concern correctly, as said by the customer, in a clear and confident
manner; showing complete understanding of the concern. (If restate happened not too long after the
cust stated his concern, we score Yes, as long as it was done properly. During coaching, we teach our
agent to restate right after the issue was mentioned to respond appropriately to customer) - NO: No -
Incorrect restatement: Agent wasn't able to restate the issue accurately. failed to understand reason for
the call. No - Incomplete restatement: Agent's restatement didn't show complete & accurate
understanding of the concern. No - No restatement: Agent didn't rephrase and just jump straight to
probing - SAMPLE SPIELS: Just to make sure I understand correctly, you are calling regarding your recent
bill related to roaming charges… If I captured that, you stated you were having issues with your data…
I’m sorry that you are experiencing issues with your TV's programming… If I got that correctly, you
wanted to transfer your mobile account… 2. ASSURE (Assure the issue will be addressed) - DEFINITION:
*Ask and respond confidently which promotes trust and shows that you are in control of the situation
*Assurance is best expressed by showing ownership of the call instead of blaming others of the
customer's problem. - YES: Yes - Agent provided reassurance statements and/or words that helped
customer feel confident that his issue can be addressed. Assurance that the customer reached the right
team/ person to resolve his concern. (No need to restate the concern of the customer bec it is expected
to be covered in the RESTATE section) - NO: No - No assurance statement provided; went straight to
discussing the concern No - Generic assurance statement provided e.g. Let me check your account -
SAMPLE SPIELS: Thank you for alerting us to this. Let me look into this and find a resolution I’m sorry
that you are having these problems, I will get this resolved for you as quickly as possible You’ve reached
(agent name) and I am going to take care of this for you I know how to help you on that. We’ll get your
account corrected right away. 3. RECAP (Recap the correct and clearly stated resolution) - DEFINITION:
*Provide a clear and brief summary of actions done / explanation provided on the account to resolve
customer's concern to ensure understanding. *Confirm understanding - YES: IF ISSUE IS RESOLVED: Yes -
Agent clearly summarized actions done/ explanation that helped resolve the concern AND confirmed
customer's understanding Yes - Agent ensured customer's understanding by asking if the recap was clear
to the customer and the customer should confirm. If not, agent has to recap again. IF ISSUE IS NOT
RESOLVED: Yes - Clearly explain in the recap the actions done to resolve the issue and the reason why it
cannot be resolved still. Confirm understanding by asking. - NO: No - no recap done; proceeded to
closing spiel. No - resolution provided was incorrect even if recap was provided. No - correct recap but
unclear explanation with use of jargons that confused the customer even more. Customer didn't
understand the recap. No - didn’t confirm if the customer understood the recap done. (After recap,
closing spiel was done and ended call) No - issue was not resolved and the agent recapped the actions
done but the explanation showed the blame is on Bell. - SAMPLE SPIELS: I have removed the movie
package for you, and adjusted the $20 charge on the last bill, you can always refer back to the email
confirmation I’ve sent so that you can see what changes we have made. Does that resolve your concern?
I have reversed the $5.50 charge for the collect call your sister accepted, and as you requested a block
has been placed on that type of call so it cannot happen again, do you have any other concerns I can
address? We have removed your son’s name as a co-user, and updated your new pin #, so that only you
will have access to the account. This will give you peace of mind, are you happy with what we have
done? 4. ANTICIPATE (Anticipate what the customer would need next) - DEFINITION: ANTICIPATE
BEHAVIOR IS MEASURED *Listen carefully and avoid assumptions. *Check previous BPI flow used and
any relevant notes on account to provide more clarity on concern *Anticipate any needs and provide
right education to customer - YES: IF NO NEW FUTURE NEED IDENTIFIED: Yes - Agent provided self
care/help related to the issue that was just resolved, with specific steps or brief walkthrough in the
website or other tools/ channel of support, as necessary, IN ORDER TO AVOID THE SAME ISSUE FROM
identify any future concerns that the customer may have and addressed them right away in the call. Yes
- captured verbal cues that indicate further probing may be necessary to address a potential problem. -
NO: No - no anticipate statements done; went straight to closing spiel. No - Agent didn't anticipate other
customer's need, even though there was an opportunity presented by the customer. Didn't probe to
that opportunity. No - Agent didn't assist with other possible needs that customer might call back for. -
SAMPLE SPIELS: You mentioned that you noticed the signal in your study was not great, for an additional
$10 I can add wifi pods onto your account and that should help boost your signal. You’ve called today to
get the Leafs game and we added TSN channel for $4,. In the future you can sign into mybell and under
the programming tab you can add or remove any programming yourself and have the change take
effective when you want. Let me show you. As we are speaking, I’ve noticed that you are at 80% of your
usage. Let’s take a few more moments to go over different options so we can avoid over usage charges.
---------- RAPPORT (Use Rapport statements) | ACKNOWLEDGE & EMPATHIZE (Acknowledge & Empathize
with the customer) | AFFIRMATION (Use Affirmation statements) - DEFINITION: FOLLOW UP: BUILD AND
MAINTAIN RAPPORT - YES: Yes - Agent used personal information to build good connection with the
customer. | Yes - Agent acknowledge customer's feelings. Yes - Agent used statements showing that
they care for the customer with appropriate tone of voice and delivery. | Yes - Agent used statements to
affirm what the customer said. - NO: No - Agent didn't use personal information to build connection with
the customer. | No - Agent failed to acknowledge the customer's feelings. | No - Agent didn't use any
statement to affirm what the customer said

Call flow
CALL FLOW FOR YOUR REFERENCE *OPENING THE CALL - Greet the customer with a positive tone. Make
them feel that you are willing to help *AER - Once the customer informed you about their issue,
acknowledge it by saying "Thank you for raising this concern to us, I know how important it is for this
issue to be resolved. And since you got me on the line, I can definitely help you with that". or deliver it in
your own words, apologize when necessary. *PROBE - Ask the customer with questions that will help
you narrow down the situation. *OPEN BPI - Upon asking few probing questions, open the BPI and
follow diligently. *PLANT A SEED - While going through out the BPI steps, open the ORDERMAX and
check the upgrade opportunities for the customer. Upon checking the available options for the
customer, tell them that you have a great news for them and it will be discussed once you have resolved
the issue. *BUILD A CONNECTION - While you are resolving the issue of tthe customer, ask them
questions like "How are you doing?" or better yet, ask them how's our services. You can also update
them of what you are doing. In this way, we can avoid dead airs. *RESOLUTION - After all the
troubleshooting, deliver the resolution to the customer with affirmation *TIE IT BACK - Once the issue of
the customer is resolved, now is tthe perfect time to transition to sales. "Remember the good news that
I mentioned earlier?" Make sure that you are clear in delivering the upgrade opportunity to the
customer and answer all the questions the have. *POWERFUL CLOSING - Upon answering all the
questions of the customer, ask them if there's anything else you can be of help. If none, close it by
having a RECAP of what you did and position the MYBELL application. Don't forget to state your Name.

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