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Ctrl + A = select all or highlight all characters typed.

Ctrl + B = makes the text in Bold.
Ctrl + C = copying a text or graphics.
Ctrl + D = open the font formatting dialog box.
Ctrl + E = aligns the selected text to the center of the page.
Ctrl + F = open the ‘find’ dialog box to help find words in a document.
Ctrl + G = open the ‘find/ replace’ dialog box and helps to go to a particular page, line and
Ctrl + H = open the ‘find/ replace’ dialog box and helps to replace words.
Ctrl + I = makes selected text Italic.
Ctrl + J = justifies the alignment of selected text in a document.
Ctrl + K = help to insert a hyperlink in your document.
Ctrl + L = aligns selected text to LEFT of the document.
Ctrl + N = open a new file on your Ms window.
Ctrl + O = opens the ‘open’ dialog box for file retrieval.
Ctrl + P = opens the ‘print’ dialog box for printing.
Ctrl + R = aligns selected text to the RIGHT of the document.
Ctrl + S = used as “save as _ _ _ “for document saved for the first time / used as “save” to save
changes in a file.
Ctrl + T = used to indicate or put tabs to selected text.
Ctrl + u = used to underline selected text.
Ctrl + V = paste text/ graphics that had earlier been out or copied.
Ctrl + W = closes the file window but preserves the running program or close any running
Ctrl + X = used to ‘CUT’ text or graphics for pasting.
Ctrl + Y = used to ‘REDO’ undone operations.
Ctrl + Z = used to ‘UNDO’ to reverse the operation.
Ctrl + Alt + Del = help to end a task, switch to a new task restart your computer system.
Ctrl + Esc = takes you to the Menu bar.
Alt + F4 = closes any open windows as files, folders and programs/ used to shut down a Pc.
Alt + Tab = switches you between all open windows opened.
Alt + Spacebar = helps to minimize, maximize, restore or close an open window.
Shift + Any Arrow key = select text to the direction of the arrow.
End = it takes the cursor to the end of the line.
Home = it takes the cursor to the beginning of the line.
Page Up = helps to quickly access pages up.
Page down = helps to quickly access pages down.

Esc = quit/go back from the running program.

F1 = help
F2 = edition (Edit)
F3 = paste the name
F4 = repeat the last action/ entering a formula
F5 = go to ……….
F6 = next panel
F7 = spelling and grammar check
F8 = extension of the mode
F9 = re-calculate all workbooks
F10 = new graph
F12 = save as ………. / save ………. dialog box


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