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Wood:Structure–Seasoning of timber- Defects in timber
Tiles: Characteristics of good tile – Types of tiles – Testing of tiles.

Other Materials: Properties and uses of iron, glass, ceramics, plastics, steel,
aluminium,gypsum, fiber-reinforced plastics.

1.1)Structure of a tree:
A tree basically consists of three parts, namely, trunk, crown and roots. The function of the trunk
is to support the crown and to supply water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves through
branches and from the leaves back to the roots. The roots are meant to implant the trees in the
soil, to absorb moisture and the mineral substances it contains and to supply them to the trunk.

From the visibility aspect, the structure of a tree can be divided into two categories:

(1) Macrostructure

(2) Microstructure.

(1) Macrostructure:-

The structure of wood visible to the naked eye or at a small magnification is called macro
structure. Figure shows the transverse section of the trunk of an exogenous tree.

Following are its different components:

a) Pith: The innermost central portion or core of the tree is called the pith or medulla. It
varies in size and shape for different types of trees. It consists entirely of cellular tissues
and it nourishes the plant in its young age. When the plant becomes old, the pith dies up
and decays and the sap is then transmitted by the woody fibres deposited round the pith.
The pith of branches is nothing but merely a prolongation of the pith of stem.
b) Heart wood: The inner annual rings surrounding the pith constitute the heart wood. It is
usually dark in colour. As a matter of fact, it indicates dead portion of tree and as such, it
does not take active part in the growth of tree. But it imparts rigidity to the tree and hence
it provides strong and durable timber for various engineering purposes.
c) Sap wood: The outer annual rings between heart wood and cambium layer is known as
the sap wood. It is usually light in colour and weight. It indicates recent growth and it
contains sap. The annual rings of sap wood are less sharply defined than those of heart
wood. It takes active part in the growth of tree and the sap moves in an upward direction
through it. The sap wood is also known as the alburnum.
d) Cambium layer: The thin layer of sap between sap wood and inner bark is known as the
cambium layer. It indicates sap which has yet not been converted into sap wood. If the
bark is removed for any reason, the cambium layer gets exposed and the cells cease to be
active resulting in the death of tree.
e) Inner bark: The inner skin or layer covering the cambium layer is known as the inner
bark. It gives protection to the cambium layer from any injury.
f) Outer bark: The outer skin or cover of the tree is known as the outer bark. It is the
outermost protective layer and it sometimes contains cracks and fissures. It consists of
cells of wood fibre and is also known as the cortex.
g) Medullary rays: The thin radial fibres extending from pith to cambium layer are known
as the medullary rays. The function of these rays is to hold together the annual rings of
heart wood and sap wood. These rays are sometimes broken and in some varieties of
trees, they are not very prominent.
(2) Microstructure:

The structure of wood apparent only at great magnifications is called the microstructure.
When studied under a microscope, it becomes evident that wood consists of living and dead cells
of various sizes and shapes.

A living cell consists of four parts, namely, membrane, protoplasm, sap and The cell membrane
consists mainly of cellular tissue and cellulose. The protoplasm is a granular, transparent, viscous
vegetable protein composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur. The core of cell
differs from protoplasm merely by the presence of phosphorus and it is generally oval.

The cells, according to the functions they perform, are classified into the following three

a) Conductive cells: These cells serve mainly to transmit nutrients from roots to the
branches and leaves.
b) Mechanical cells: These cells are elongated, thick-walled and have tightly
interconnected narrow interior cavities. These cells impart strength to the wood.
c) Storage cells: These cells serve to store and transmit nutrients to the living cells in the
horizontal direction and they are usually located in the medullary rays.
1.2)Seasoning of Timber:
Meaning of seasoning: When a tree is newly felled, it contains about 50 per cent or more of its
own dry weight as water. This water is in the form of sap and moisture. The water is to be
removed before the timber can be used for any engineering purpose. In other words, the timber is
to be dried. This process of drying of timber is known as the seasoning of timber and the
moisture should be extracted during seasoning under controlled conditions as nearly as possible
at a uniform rate from all parts of the timber.

It should also be seen during seasoning that the remaining moisture, which cannot be
extracted, is uniformly distributed throughout the mass. If the drying is Irregular, the shrinkage
of timber will also be irregular and it will set up internal stresses between the fibres. When these
stresses become excessive and are capable of overcoming the cohesion of fibres, the timber
warps and the shakes are formed.

The wood is a hygroscopic material. The capacity of wood to absorb water vapours from
air is called the Hygroscopicity of wood. The dry wood absorbs the moisture from the
surrounding air. Now, the air humidity is not constant and hence the wood moisture content also
varies accordingly. The fluctuations in wood moisture content from zero to the fibre saturation
point cause corresponding volume changes in wood leading to cracking, warping, swelling and
shrinkage of wood.

The wood attains a level of equilibrium moisture content under the given climatic
conditions of temperature and relative humidity. By the process of seasoning, the excess water of
timber is extracted in such a way that the moisture content of seasoned timber corresponds to the
required moisture content in timber for the environments in which it is to be used. The
relationship between the climatic conditions and moisture content in timber has been established
from tests on various types of timber. It is to be noted that the seasoned timber should be
protected from exposure to the rain and excessively high humidity.

Objects of seasoning:

The seasoning of timber is carried out to achieve the following objects:

(i) To allow timber to burn readily, if used as fuel.

(ii) To decrease the weight of timber and thereby to lower the cost of transport and handling

(iii) To impart hardness, stiffness, strength and better electrical resistance to timber.

(iv) To increase the resisting power of timber, as most of the causes of decay of timber are more
or less related to the moisture.

(v) To maintain the shape and size of the components of the timber articles which are expected to
remain unchanged in form.

(vi) To make timber easily workable and to facilitate operations during conversion.

(vii) To make timber fit for receiving treatment of paints, preservatives, varnishes, etc.

(viii) To make timber safe from the attack of fungi and insects.

(ix) To make timber suitable for gluing i.e. effectively joining two members of timber with the
aid of glue.

(x) To reduce the tendency of timber to crack, shrink and warp.

Methods of seasoning:
The methods of seasoning can broadly be divided into the following two categories:

(i) Natural seasoning

(ii) Artificial seasoning.

(i) Natural seasoning: In this method, the seasoning of timber is carried out by natural air and
hence it is also sometimes referred to as air seasoning. Following procedure is adopted in the air

(a) The timber in log form is not usually fit for the process of seasoning. Hence it is cut and sawn
into suitable sections of planks or scantlings.

(b) The timber pieces can either be stacked horizontally or vertically, the former arrangement
being very common. Figure shows a typical horizontal stack for air seasoning.

(c) The ground, where stack is to be constructed, is cleared and it is levelled for good drainage.

(d) The platform of stack is made slightly higher, about 300 mm, than the ground level. For this
purpose, the rows of brick or concrete pillars are constructed. The pillars may also be made of
creosoted wood or wood coated with coal tar. The tops of pillars should be in the same horizontal
plane. The pillars should be durable.

(e) The timber pieces are sorted out according to lengths and thicknesses. They are then arranged
in layers, one above the other. The care should be taken to see that all members in a particular
layer are of the same thickness. If this precaution is not taken, there are chances for timber to
become warped or cracked.

(f) Each layer is separated by spacers of sound dry wood. The usual dimensions of spacers vary
from 35 mm x 25 mm to 50 mm x 35 mm, the larger dimension being the width. The spacers are
to be carefully placed in correct vertical alignment.
(g) The distance between spacers depends on the sizes of timber members to be seasoned. It is
less for thin sections and more for thick sections. It usually varies from 450 mm to 600 mm.

(h) The length of stack is equal to length of timber pieces. The width and height of stack are
restricted to about 1500 mm and 3000 mm respectively. A distance of about 25 mm is kept
between adjacent layers.

(i) The stack is to be protected from fast blowing wind, rain and extreme heat of sun. Hence the
stack should preferably be covered by a roof of suitable material.

(j) Similar stacks may be constructed. The minimum distance between adjacent stacks should be
at least 600 mm.

Advantages: Following are the advantages of the natural seasoning:

 Depending upon the climatic conditions, the moisture content of wood can be brought
down to about 10 to 20 per cent.
 It does not require skilled supervision.
 It is uneconomical to provide artificial seasoning to timber sections thicker than 100 mm,
as such sections dry very slowly. Hence, such thicker timber sections are usually
seasoned by the process of air seasoning.
 This method of seasoning timber is cheap and simple.

Disadvantages: Following are the disadvantages of the natural seasoning:

 As the process depends on the natural air, it sometimes becomes difficult to control it.
 The drying of different surfaces may not be even and uniform.
 If ends of thick sections of timber are not protected by suitable moisture- proof coating,
there are chances for end splitting because the ends of such timbers dry rapidly in
comparison to the central portions.
 If not properly attended, the fungi and insects may attack timber during the process of
seasoning and may thereby damage it.
 The moisture content of wood may not be brought down to the desired level.
 The space required for this process will be more as timber will have to be stacked or
stored for a sufficiently long time.
 The process of seasoning is very slow and it usually takes about 2 to 4 years to make
timber fit for the work of carpenter.
(ii) Artificial seasoning: Following are the reasons for adopting the artificial seasoning to the
natural seasoning:

 The defects such as shrinkage, cracking and warping are minimized.

 The drying is controlled and there are practically no chances for the attack of fungi and
 The drying of different surfaces is even and uniform.
 It considerably reduces the period of seasoning.
 There is better control of circulation of air, humidity and temperature.
 The wood becomes more suitable for painting, gluing, etc.
 The wood with desired moisture content may be obtained by the artificial seasoning.
The various methods of artificial seasoning are as follows:

(a) Boiling

(b) Chemical seasoning

(c) Electrical seasoning

(d) Kiln seasoning

(e) Water seasoning.

Each of the above method of artificial seasoning will be now briefly discussed.

(a) Boiling: In this method of artificial seasoning, the timber is immersed in water and water is
then boiled. This is a very quick method. The timber is thus boiled with water for about three to
four hours. It is then dried very slowly under a shed. The periods of seasoning and shrinkage are
reduced by this method, but it affects the elasticity and strength of wood. In place of boiling
water, the timber may be exposed to the action of hot steam. This method of seasoning proves to
be costly.

(b) Chemical seasoning: This is also known as the salt seasoning. In this method, the timber is
immersed in a solution of suitable salt. It is then taken out and seasoned in the ordinary way. The
interior surface of timber dries in advance of exterior one and chances of formation of external
cracks are reduced.

(c) Electrical seasoning: In this method, the use is made of high frequency alternating currents.
The timber, when it is green, offers less resistance to the flow of electric current. The resistance
increases as the wood dries internally which also results in the production of heat. This is the
most rapid method of seasoning. But the initial and maintenance costs are so high that it becomes
uneconomical to season timber on commercial base by this method.

(d) Kiln seasoning: In this method, the drying of timber is carried out inside an airtight chamber
or oven. The process of seasoning is as follows:

 The timber is arranged inside the chamber such that spaces are left for free circulation of
 The air which is fully saturated with moisture and which is heated to a temperature of
about 35°C to 38°C is then forced inside the chamber by suitable arrangement.
 This forced air is allowed to circulate round the timber pieces. As air is fully saturated
with moisture, the evaporation from the surfaces of timber pieces is prevented. The heat
gradually reaches inside the timber pieces.
 The relative humidity is now gradually reduced.
 The temperature is then raised and maintained till the desired degree of moisture content
is attained.
(e) Water seasoning: In this method, the following procedure is adopted:

 The timber is cut into pieces of suitable sizes.

 These pieces are immersed wholly in water, preferably in running water of a stream. The
care should be taken to see that the timber is not partly immersed.
 The thicker or larger end of timber is kept pointing on the
 The timber is taken out after a period of about 2 to 4 weeks. During this period, the sap
contained in timber is washed away by water.
 The timber is then taken out of water and allowed to dry under a shed having free
circulation of air. The water that has replaced sap from the timber dries out and the
timber is seasoned.
The water seasoning is a quick method and it renders timber which is less liable to shrink or
warp. It also removes organic materials contained in sap of timber. It however weakens the
timber and makes it brittle.

Comparison between natural seasoning and kiln seasoning:

Below shows the relative merits and demerits of the two methods of seasoning, namely,

Natural seasoning or air seasoning and kiln seasoning.

No. Item Natural seasoning Kiln seasoning

1 Moisture content It is difficult to reduce the The moisture content can be
moisture content below
reduced to any desired level.
15 to 18%.
It is expensive and quite
2 Nature It is simple and economical.
The air seasoned timber is The kiln seasoned timber is
3 Quality of timber more liable to the attacks of less liable to the attacks of
insects and fungi. insects and fungi.
It requires more space for It requires less space for
4 Space
stacking stacking
5 Speed It is a slow process. It is a quick process.
It gives a little weaker
6 Strength It gives stronger timber.

1.3)Defects in Timber:

The defects occurring in the timber are grouped into the following five divisions:

(1) Defects due to conversion

(2) Defects due to fungi

(3) Defects due to insects

(4) Defects due to natural forces

(5) Defects due to seasoning.

The various types of defects under each category will now be briefly discussed.

(1) Defects due to conversion: During the process of converting timber to the commercial form,
the following defects may occur:

(i) Chip mark

(ii) Diagonal grain

(iii) Torn grain

(iv) Wane.

(i) Chip mark: This defect is indicated by the marks or signs placed by chips on the finished
surface of timber. They may also be formed by the parts of a planning machine.

(ü) Diagonal grain: This defect is formed due to improper sawing of timber. It is indicated by
diagonal mark on straight grained surface of timber.
(iii) Torn grain: This defect is caused when a small depression is formed on the finished surface
of timber by falling of a tool or so.

(iv) Wane: This defect is denoted by the presence of original rounded surface on the
manufactured piece of timber.

(2) Defects due to fungi: The fungi are minute microscopic plant organisms.

They attack timber only when the following two conditions are satisfied simultaneously:

(i) The moisture content of timber is above 20 per cent.

ii) There is presence of air and warmth for the growth of fungi.

If any of the above condition is absent, the decay of wood due to fungi would not occur.
Hence the dry wood having moisture content less than 20% will remain sound for centuries.
Similarly the wood submerged in water will not be attacked by fungi because of absence of air.
Following defects are caused in the timber by the fungi:

(i) Blue stain

(ii) Brown rot

(iii) Dry rot

(iv) Heart rot

(v) Sap strain

(vi) Wet rot

(vii) White rot.

(3) Defects due to insects: Following are the insects which are usually responsible for the decay
of timber:

(i) Beetles
(ii) Marine borers
(iii) Termites.
(i) Beetles: These are small insects and they cause rapid decay of timber. They form pin-holes of
size about 2 mm diameter in wood. They attack the sap wood of all species of hard woods. The
tunnels are formed in all directions in sap wood by the larvae of these beetles. The timber is
converted into fine flour-like powder. They usually do not disturb the outer shell or cover.
Hence, the timber piece attacked by beetles may look sound till it completely fails.
(i) Marine borers: These are generally found in the salty water. The most of the varieties of
marine borers do not feed on wood. But they make holes or bore tunnels in wood for taking
shelter. The diameter and length of these holes may go as high as 25 mm and 60 mm
respectively. The wood attacked by marine borers loses colour and strength. It may be noted that
no timber is completely immune from the attack of marine borers.

(iii) Termites: These are popularly known as the white ants and they are found in abundance in
tropical and sub-tropical countries. These insects live in a colony and they are very fast in eating
away the wood from core of the cross-section. They make tunnels inside the timber in different
directions and usually do not disturb the outer shell or cover. Hence, the timber piece attacked by
termites may look sound till it completely fails. Very few good timbers such as teak, sal, etc. can
resist the attack of white ants. Such timbers have certain chemicals in their composition and the
smell of these chemicals is not favourable for the termites.

(4) Defects due to natural forces: The main natural forces responsible for causing defects in
timber are two, namely, abnormal growth and rupture of tissues. Following defects are caused by
these forces:

(i) Burls (ii) Callus (iii) Chemical stain (iv) Coarse grain (v) Dead wood (vi) Druxiness

(vii) Foxiness (viii) Knots (ix) Rind galls (x) Shakes (xi) Twisted fibres (xii) Upsets

(xiii) Water stain (xiv) Wind cracks.

(i). Burls: These are also known as the excrescences and they are particularly formed when a
tree has received shock or injury in its young age. Due to such injury, the growth of tree is
completely upset and irregular projections appear on the body of timber.

(ii) Callus: It indicates soft tissue or skin which covers the wound of a tree.

(iii) Chemical stain: The wood is sometimes discoloured by the chemical action caused with it
by some external agency. This is known as the chemical stain.

(iv) Coarse grain: If a tree grows rapidly, the annual rings are widened. It is known as the
coarse grained timber and such timber possesses less strength.

(v) Dead wood: The timber which is obtained from dead standing trees contains dead wood. It is
indicated by light weight and reddish colour.

(vi) Druxiness: This defect is indicated by white decayed spots which are concealed by healthy
wood. They are probably formed for the access of fungi.

(vii) Foxiness: This defect is indicated by red or yellow tinge in wood or reddish brown stains or
spots round the pith of tree discolouring the timber. It is caused either due to poor ventilation
during storage or by commencement of decay due to over-maturity or due to growth of tree in a
marshy soil.

(viii) Knots: These are the bases of branches or limbs which are broken or cut off from the tree.
The portion from which the branch is removed receives nourishment from the stem for a pretty
long time and it ultimately results in the formation of dark hard rings which are known as the
knots. As continuity of wood fibres is broken by knots, they form a source of weakness. Figure
shows a typical knot.

(ix) Rind galls: The rind means bark and gall indicates abnormal growth. Hence peculiar curved
swellings found on the body of a tree are known as the rind galls as shown in figure. They
develop at points from where branches are improperly cut off or removed. They are rarely found
in a tree and the timber in this part is very weak and not durable.

(x) Shakes: These are the cracks which partly or completely separate the fibres of wood.

(xi) Twisted fibres: These are also known as the wandering hearts and they are caused by
twisting of young trees by fast blowing wind. The fibres of wood are twisted in one direction as
shown in figure. The timber with twisted fibres is unsuitable for sawing. It can however be used
for posts and poles in an unsawn condition,

(xii) Upsets: These are also known as the ruptures and they indicate the wood fibres which are
injured by crushing or compression. Figure shows a timber piece with this defect. The upsets are
mainly due to improper felling of tree and exposure of tree in its young age to fast blowing wind.

(xiii) Water stain: The wood is sometimes discoloured when it comes into contact with water.
This is known as the water stain and this defect is usually found in converted timber.
(xiv) Wind cracks: If wood is exposed to atmospheric agencies, its exterior surface shrinks.
Such a shrinkage results into cracks as shown in figure. These are known as the wind cracks.

(5) Defects due to seasoning: Following defects occur in the seasoning process of wood:

(i) Bow (ii) Case-hardening (iii) Check (iv) Collapse (v) Cup (vi) Honey-combing

(vii) Radial shakes (viii) Split (ix) Twist (x) Warp.

(i) Bow: This defect is indicated by the curvature formed in the direction of length of timber as
shown in figure.

(ii) Case-hardening: The exposed surface of timber dries very rapidly. It therefore shrinks and
is under compression. The interior surface which has not completely dried is under tension. This
defect is known as the case-hardening and it usually occurs in timbers which are placed at the
bottom during seasoning.

(iii) Check: A check is a crack which separates fibres of wood. It does not extend from one end
to the other.

(iv) Collapse: Due to uneven shrinkage, the wood sometimes flattens during drying. This is
known as the collapse.

(v) Cup: This defect is indicated by the curvature formed in the transverse direction of timber as
shown in figure.
(vi) Honey-combing: Due to stresses developed during drying, the various radial and circular
cracks develop in the interior portion of timber. The timber thus assumes the honey-comb texture
and the defect so developed is known as the honey-combing.

(vii) Radial shakes: These are radial cracks. They are explained earlier and are shown in figure.

(viii) Split: When a check extends from one end to the other, it is known as a split.

(ix) Twist: When a piece of timber has spirally distorted along its length, it is known a twist. It is
shown in figure.

(x) Warp: When a piece of timber has twisted out of shape, it is said to have warped.
The tiles may be defined as thin slabs of brick which are burnt in kiln. They are thinner than
bricks and hence they should be carefully handled to avoid any damage to them. The tiles can be
classified in the following two groups:
 Common tiles: These tiles have different shapes and sizes. They are mainly used for
paving, flooring and roofing.
 Encaustic tiles: These tiles are used for decorative purposes in floors, walls, ceilings and

2.1)Characteristics of a good tile:

Following are the characteristics of a good tile:
 It should be free from any cracks, flaws or bends.
 It should be regular in shape and size.
 It should be sound, hard and durable.
 It should be well burnt.
 It should give a clear ringing sound when struck with hand or with one another or with
light hammer.
 It should fit in properly, when placed in position.
 It should give an even and compact structure when seen on its broken surface.
 It should possess uniform colour.

2.2)Types of common tiles:

Depending upon the use to which the tiles are put, the following are their different types:
i. Drain tiles
ii. Floor or paving tiles
iii. Roof tiles.

i. Drain tiles: These tiles are prepared in such a way that they retain porous texture after
burning. Hence, when such tiles are laid in the water-logged areas, they allow subsoil
water to pass through their skeleton. These drains may be circular, semi-circular or
segmental. They are also used to convey irrigation water. Such drain tiles are rarely
adopted in modern times.
ii. Floor or paving tiles:
The floor or paving tiles may be square or hexagonal in shape. These are flat tiles and their
thickness varies from 12 mm to 50 mm. The size of square tiles varies from 150 mm to 300 mm.
The floor tiles should be hard and compact so that they can resist wear and tear in a better way.
The floor tiles of thin section can be adopted for ceiling also. To prepare coloured floor tiles, the
colouring substance is added in the clay at the time of its preparation. The floor tiles of
comparatively less strength can be adopted for fixing on walls.
The ceramics floor or paving tiles have the following distinct advantages despite their high cost:
a) They are available in an endless range of colours and designs.
b) They are easier to lay as they are small in size.
c) They are much lighter than either mosaics or marbles.
d) They are scratch, stain and damp-proof as well as anti-slip.
e) They do not require polishing and the floor is ready for use the very next day.

iii. Roof tiles:

These tiles are used to serve as covering for pitched roof. The various types of roof tiles are
available in the market. Their important varieties are as follows:
 Allahabad tiles: These tiles are made from selected clay. The moulding of clay is done
under pressure in machines. The burning of these tiles is done in such a way that they
attain more strength. These tiles are provided with projections so that they interlock with
each other, when placed in position. The tiles of special shapes are made for hip, ridge
and valley portions of the roof. These tiles are extensively used in North-Western India.
 Corrugated tiles: These tiles have corrugations and when they are placed in position, a
side lap of one or two corrugations is formed. The placing of such tiles on a roof gives an
appearance of corrugated galvanized iron sheets. These tiles are handsome in appearance,
but they can easily be blown away by a violent wind.
 Flat tiles: These are ordinary floor tiles. To fix them on battens, two or more holes are
provided on their surface. The suitable laps are provided at sides and edges.
 Flemish tiles: These tiles have got the shape of letter 's' with dimensions as 350 mm x
225 mm x 12 mm and they are prepared with the help of a mould. These tiles do not form
a good covering as the plain tiles and they are used only for sheds.
 Guna tiles: These are hollow tapered burnt clay tiles. They are conical in shape with a
base of 100 mm diameter at the broader end and 75 mm at the narrower end. The
thickness of the annular ring is 6 mm. These tiles can be manufactured on the potter's
wheel and on account of their conical shape; they can be inserted one into another so as
to form a ring of guna tiles. The ring may be made of suitable shape such as circular,
elliptical, parabolic, etc.
 Manglore tiles: These tiles are of flat pattern and they are provided with suitable
projections so that they interlock with each other, when placed in position. These tiles are
red in colour and made of double channelled Basel Mission Manglore pattern. The
special Manglore tiles are available for hip, ridge and valley portions of the roof. It is
found that about fifteen Manglore tiles are required for covering one square meter of roof
 Pan tiles: These tiles are short and heavy. They are less curved in section than pot tiles.
Such tiles are moulded flat first and then they are given the required curvature by
moulding in suitable forms. The drying and burning of tiles are done carefully to get
better quality of tiles. These tiles are of length 330 mm to 380 mm and of width 230 mm
to 280 mm.
 Pot tiles: These are ordinary half round country tiles and they are also known as the
locking tiles. They are prepared on potter's wheel and shape is given to such tiles by a
potter with his wet hands. The polishing of inner and outer surfaces is done either with a
wet cloth or a wetted strip of leather.
3)Other Materials:

Uses of iron:
Following are the important uses of iron:
 For making cisterns, water pipes, gas pipes and sewers, manhole covers and sanitary
 For making ornamental castings such as brackets, gates, lamp posts, spiral staircases, etc.
 For making parts of machinery which are not subject to heavy shocks.
 For manufacturing compression members like columns in buildings, bases of columns,
 For preparing agricultural implements.
 For preparing rail chairs, carriage wheels, etc.

Properties of Iron:
Following are the properties of cast-iron:
 If placed in salt water, it becomes soft.
 It can be hardened by heating and sudden cooling, but it cannot be tempered.
 It cannot be magnetized.
 It does not rust easily.
 It is fusible.
 It is hard, but it is brittle also.
 It is not ductile and hence it cannot be adopted to absorb shocks and impacts.
 Its melting temperature is about 1250°C.
 It shrinks on cooling. This fact is to be considered while making patterns or moulds for
foundry work.
 Its structure is granular and crystalline with whitish or greyish tinge.
 Its specific gravity is 7.5.
 It lacks plasticity and hence it is unsuitable for the forging work.
 It is weak in tension and strong in compression. The tensile and compressive strengths of
cast-iron of average quality are respectively 150 N/mm2 and600 N/mm2.
 The two pieces of cast-iron cannot be connected by the process of welding. They are to
be connected by nuts and bolts which are fixed to the flanges. The holes for bolts, etc. are
either drilled out or cast in the casting.
Uses of Plastics:
There are more than 10000 different kinds of plastics available in the market and their
performance abilities span those of every other known material from soft rubber to steel. The
typical uses of plastics in building are summarized as follows:
 Bath and sink units,  pipes to carry cold water
 jointless flooring  electrical insulators
 cistern ball floats  roof lights
 lighting fixtures  films for water-proofing
 corrugated and plain sheets  safety glass, damp-proofing and
 overhead water tanks concrete curing,
 decorative laminates and moulding  floor tiles,
 paints and varnishes  wall tiles
 electrical conduits  foams for thermal insulation,
 water-resistant adhesives, etc.
The plastic sanitary fittings like taps, showers, basins, float balls, flushing cisterns, gratings,
etc. are now available and various BIS specifications have been formulated for these products.
The user of these products helps in conserving cement, steel and non-ferrous metals. These
products are economical, resistant to corrosion, easy in installation and light in weight.

Properties of Plastics:
To appreciate the importance of plastics as an engineering material, it will be interesting to
study its some of the outstanding general properties. It may however be remembered that each
plastic material has its own peculiar properties to suit its particular uses. The success of plastic as
an engineering material for a particular purpose will depend upon the correct choice of the
variety of plastics.
Following are the properties of plastics:
 Appearance: Some plastics are completely transparent in appearance. With the addition
of suitable pigments, the plastics can be made to have appearance of variety of attractive,
opaque, stable and translucent colours
 Chemical resistance: The plastics offer great resistance to moisture, chemicals and
solvents. The degree of chemical resistance depends on the chemical composition of
plastics. Many plastics are found to possess excellent corrosion resistance. Hence they are
used to convey chemicals.
 Dimensional stability: This property of plastic favours quite satisfactorily with that of
other common engineering materials.
 Ductility: The plastic lacks ductility. Hence its members may fail without warning.
 Durability: The plastics are quite durable, if they possess sufficient surface hardness.
The plastics, especially thermo-plastic varieties, are likely to be attacked by termites and
rodents. But the danger of such an attack is not very serious due to the fact that the
plastics have no nutritional value.
 Electric insulation: The plastics possess excellent electric insulating property. They are
far superior to ordinary electric insulators.
 Finishing: Any surface treatment may be given to the plastics. It is also easy to have
technical control during its manufacture. It results in mass production of plastic articles
with uniformity of surface finish.
 Fire-resistance: The plastics are organic in nature and hence all plastics are combustible.
But, depending upon the structure, the resistance to high temperature and fire varies
considerably among various varieties of plastics. The cellulose acetate plastics burn
slowly. The polyvinyl chloride plastics are non-inflammable. The phenol formaldehyde
and urea formaldehyde resist fire and they are used as fire-proofing materials.
 Humidity: The properties of plastics are governed to some extent by humidity. The
strength of plastics containing water attracting groups such as cellulosic plastics, is
considerably affected by the presence of moisture. On the other hand, the plastics which
do not contain water attracting groups such as polyvinyl chloride plastics, offer great
resistance to the moisture.
 Fixing: The plastics can be easily fixed in position. They can be bolted, camped, drilled,
glued, screw-threaded or simply push-fitted in position.
 Maintenance: It is easy to maintain plastic surfaces. They do not require any protective
coat of paints.
 Melting point: Most of the plastics have low melting point and the melting point of some
plastics is only about 50°C. They cannot therefore be used in positions having high
temperatures or to convey boiling water. In general, it can be said that the coefficient of
thermal expansion of plastics is about ten times than that of steel. The thermo-setting
varieties of plastics are less susceptible to heat than thermo-plastic varieties of plastics.
To improve the resistance of plastics to heat, the glass fibre reinforcement may be added
in the structure of plastics.
 Optical property: Several types of plastics are transparent and translucent.
 Recycling: The most environmentally aware people condemn the use of plastics for the
amount of pollution caused by them in disposal. However this is not a serious problem in
comparison to the waste and pollution generated by a host of other industries. The
plastics used for soft-drink bottles, milk and juice bottles, bread bags, syrup bottles,
coffee cups, plastic utensils, etc. can be conveniently recycled into carpets, detergent
bottles, drainage pipes, fencing, handrails, grocery bags, car battery cases, pencil holders,
benches, picnic tables, roadside posts, etc.
 Sound absorption: The acoustical boards are prepared by impregnating fibre glass with
phenolic resins. This material has absorption coefficient of about 0.67.
 Strength: An ideal section of plastics for structural member has yet not been designed.
The plastics are reasonably strong. The strength of plastics may be increased by
reinforcing with various fibrous materials. The plastic members can be used as tensile
members as their strength to weight ratio in tension very nearly approaches to that of
metals. But the following considerations are responsible to discourage the use of plastics
as the structural material:
a) The plastics are costly.
b) The plastics are subject to creep under constant heavy loads.
c) The behaviour of plastics is very sensitive to the changes in temperature.
d) The stiffness of plastics is very poor.
 Thermal property: The thermal conductivity of plastics is low and it can be compared
with that of wood. The foamed or expanded plastics are among the leading thermal
 Weather resistance: Only limited varieties of plastics can be exposed to weather. The
important group of plastics which can resist weather effects is one prepared from
phenolic resins. The certain plastics are seriously affected by ultraviolet light in the
presence of sunlight. The resistance to sunlight of such plastics can be improved by
incorporating fillers and pigments which absorb or reflect the ultraviolet light at the
surface. Thus the interior of plastics is protected.
 Weight: The plastics, whether thermo-plastic or thermo-setting, have low specific
gravity, the average being 1.30 to 1.40. The light weight of plastics reduces the transport
costs and facilitates fixing.

The glass is a mixture of a number of metallic silicates, one of which is usually that of an alkali
metal. It is amorphous, transparent or translucent. It may also be considered as a solidified super-
cooled solution of various metallic silicates having infinite viscosity.

Uses of Glass:
 Windows and doors
 Facades
 Reinforcement structures
 Tableware (plate, cups, bowls)
 Insulation
 Conservatory
 Jar packaging for food
 Bottles for drinks
 Flacon for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals
 Renewable energy (solar energy glass, Wind turbines)
 Interior design and furniture element like mirrors, balustrades, tables, partitions, etc.
 Applications and electronics element like cook top, oven doors, TV, computer screens,
smart phones, etc.
 Automotive and transport like aircraft, ships, windscreens, backlights, etc.
 Medical technology, optical glass, biotechnology, etc.
 Fibre optic cables to carry information from phones, TV, computer.
 X ray & Gamma-ray – radiation protection
 Nowadays glass is used as a partition in building facades which divides space physically
as well visually connects the inside with outside. i.e., if you have a glass sliding door
towards your garden in home, you can passively participate in the activities of garden
from inside the home. During particular festival, occasions or party, you can open up this
façade and extend your inside space with outside. Thus, your indoor will become outdoor
and vice versa.

Properties of Glass:
The properties of glass are mainly governed by factors such as composition of the
constituents, state of surface, thermal treatment conditions, dimensions of specimen, etc.
Following are the properties of glass which have made the glass popular and useful:
 It absorbs, refracts or transmits light.
 It can take up a high polish and may be used as substitute for very costly gems.
 It has no definite crystalline structure.
 It has no sharp melting point.
 It is affected by alkalies.
 It is an excellent electrical insulator at elevated temperatures due to the fact that glass can
be considered as an ionic liquid. The ions are not easily moved at room temperature
because of the high viscosity. But when the temperature rises, the ions are permitted to
flow and thus they will sustain an electric current.
 It is available in beautiful colours.
 It behaves more as a solid than most solids in the sense that it is elastic. But when the
elastic limit is exceeded, it fractures instead of deforming.
 It is capable of being worked in many ways. It can be blown, drawn of pressed. But it is
strange to note that it is difficult to cast in large pieces.
 It is extremely brittle.
 It is not usually affected by air or water.
 It is not easily attacked by ordinary chemical reagents.
 It is possible to intentionally alter some of its properties such as fusibility, hardness,
refractive power, etc. to suit different purposes.
 It is possible to obtain glasses with diversified properties. The glasses may be clear,
colour less, diffused and stained.
 It is possible to weld pieces of glass by fusion.
 It is transparent and translucent. The transparency is the most used characteristic of glass
and it is due to the absence of free electrons. For the same reason, it also works as a good
 When it is heated, it becomes soft and soft with the rise in temperature. It is ultimately
transformed into a mobile liquid. This liquid, when allowed to cool, passes to all the
degrees of viscosity. This property of glass has made its manufacturing process easy. It
can also be formed into articles of desired shape. Thus the amorphousness of glass
permits it to be blown, drawn from furnaces and continuously worked.
 Due to advancement made in the science of glass production, it is possible to make glass
lighter than cork or softer than cotton or stronger than steel. The strength of glass
however is considerably affected by foreign inclusions, internal defects and cords or
chemically heterogeneous areas.
 The glass panes can be cleaned easily by any one of the following methods:
a) applying methylated spirit;
b) painting the glass panes with lime-wash and leaving it to dry and then washing with clean
c) rubbing damp salt for cleaning paint spots; and
d) rubbing finely powdered chalk.

Uses of Steels:

Depending upon the carbon content, the steel is designated as the mild steel or medium
carbon steel or high carbon steel. The various uses of steel are governed by the amount of carbon
contained in it.

The carbon content of mild steel is about 0.10 to 0.25 per cent. When carbon content is
less than 0.10 per cent, it is known as the dead steel or very low carbon steel.

The carbon content of medium carbon steel is about 0.25 to 0.60 per cent. The high
carbon steel is also known as the hard steel and its carbon content varies from 0.60 to 1.10 per
cent or so.

 Steel is environment-friendly & sustainable. It possesses great durability.

 Compared to other materials, steel requires a low amount of energy to produce
lightweight steel construction. 
 Steel is the world’s most recycled material which can be recycled very easily. Its unique
magnetic properties make it an easy material to recover from stream to be recycled.
 Steel can be designed into various forms. It gives better shape and edge than iron which
is used to make weapons.  
 Engineering steels are used for general engineering and manufacturing sectors.  
 Steel is highly used in the automobile industry. Different types of steels are used in a car
body, doors, engine, suspension, and interior. The average 50% of a car is made of steel. 
 Steel reduces CO2 emissions.
 All types of energy sectors demand steel for infrastructure and resource extraction.  
 Stainless steels are used to produce offshore platforms and pipelines.  
 Steels are used for packaging and protecting goods from water, air and light exposure.  
 Most of the household appliances like fridge, TV, oven, sinks, etc are made of steel.  
 Steels are used for producing industrial goodies like farm vehicles and machines. 
 Stainless steel is used as a cutlery material. 
 Because of its easily welding capability and attractive finishing, steel has become a
prominent feature in modern architecture. 
 Stainless steel gives a hygienic environment. That’s why it is used for surgical implants. 
 Steel has a wider range of temperature which is used to make large sheets.  
 Renewable energy resources like solar, hydro and wind power use the stainless steel
 Mild steel is used for building construction. It is also a highly favored building frame

Properties of Mild Steel:

Following are the properties of mild steel:
 It can be magnetized permanently.
 It can be readily welded.
 It cannot be easily hardened and tempered.
 It has fibrous structure.
 It is malleable and ductile.
 It is not easily attacked by salt water.
 It is tougher and more elastic than wrought-iron.
 It is used for all types of structural work.
 It rusts easily and rapidly.
 Its melting point is about 1400°C.
 Its specific gravity is 7.80.
 Its ultimate compressive strength is about 80 to 120 kN per cm2.
 Its ultimate tensile and shear strengths are about 60 to 80 kN per cm2.

Properties of Hard Steel:

Following are the properties of hard steel:
 It can be easily hardened and tempered.
 It can be magnetized permanently.
 It cannot be readily welded.
 It has granular structure.
 It is not easily attacked by salt water.
 It is tougher and more elastic than mild steel.
 It is used for finest cutlery, edge tools and for parts which are to be subjected to shocks
and vibrations.
 It rusts easily and rapidly.
 Its melting point is about 1300°C.
 Its specific gravity is 7.90.
 Its ultimate compressive strength is about 140 to 200 kN per cm2.
 Its ultimate shear strength is about 110 kN per cm2.
 Its ultimate tensile strength is about 80 to 110 kN per cm2.

The aluminium occurs in abundance on the surface of earth. It is available in various
forms such as oxides, sulphates, silicates, phosphates, etc. But it is commercially produced
mainly from bauxite (Al2O3, 2H2O) which is hydrated oxide of aluminium.

Properties of Aluminium:

Following are the properties of aluminium:

 It is a very good conductor of heat and electricity.

 It is a silvery white metal with bluish tinge and it exhibits bright lustre on a freshly
broken surface.
 It is a non-magnetic substance.
 It is rarely attacked by nitric acid, organic acid or water. It is highly resistant to corrosion.
 It is light in weight, malleable and ductile.
 It is very soft.
 It melts at 660°C and its boiling point is 2056°C.
 It possesses great toughness and tensile strength.
 It readily dissolves in hydrochloric acid.
 Its specific gravity is about 2.70.

Uses of Aluminium:

This metal is chiefly used for making parts of aeroplane, cooking utensils, electric wires,
window frames, glazing bars, corrugated sheets, structural members, foils, posts, panels,
balustrades, bathroom fittings, precision surveying instruments, furniture, etc. Its other uses can
be mentioned as follows:

 It is used as a reducing agent in the manufacture of steel.

 It is used for making aluminium alloys, automobile bodies, engine parts and surgical
 It is used in the casting of steel.
 It is used in the manufacture of electrical conductors.
 It is used in the manufacture of paints in powder form.

Fibre Glass Reinforced Plastic:

The fibre glass reinforced plastic or FRP is formed by using two materials in conjunction with
each other to form a composite material of altogether different properties. It is also sometimes
referred to as the glass fibre reinforced plastic or GRP. In FRP or GRP, the glass fibres provide
stiffness and strength while resin provides a matrix to transfer load to the fibres. The uses of
various additives lend special properties to the FRP.

Properties of FRP:
Following are the properties which have made the FRP the most commercially successful
composite material of construction:
(1) Aesthetic appeal: It is available with superb finish and can be adopted for eye catching
(2) Corrosion resistance: The FRP has excellent resistance to moisture and chemicals over a
large temperature range. It does not rust, rot, corrode or swell The cost of replacing the corroded
equipment has reached the staggering proportions especially with the growth in the chemical and
petrochemical industries. It is estimated that about 40% of the world's steel production is used to
replace other steel which has been destroyed by corrosion. Thus the FRP has found more and
more use in the environment where the corrosion is the main concern.
(3) Dimensional stability: The FRP component holds its form and shape even under severe
mechanical and environmental stresses.
(4) Durability: The performance of FRP under fatigue or creep is known to be superior to that of
metals. It is therefore durable and has a long working life.
(5) Easy to repair: The damaged portion of FRP can be repaired very easily and quickly. It
requires common skill and little or no equipment. The strength imparted to the repaired portion is
the same as that of the parent body.
(6) Effect on health: The fibre glass is itself inorganic in nature and hence the FRP is one of the
safest materials and its products can be used to virtually store anything as they have no ill effects
even after prolonged usage. For instance, the FRP containers, both large and small, are used to
store milk.
(7) Energy saving: It requires far less energy for production. For instance, it requires only two-
third of the energy required to make identical steel part and only one-third of the energy required
to make identical aluminium part.
(8) Freedom of design: As the constituents of FRP have no inherent shape, they can be easily
fabricated in any desired shape with necessary properties. It is thus possible to make use of
efficient structural shapes requiring a minimum of material for maximum strength and stiffness.
(9) Light transmission: In thinner sections, the FRP products transmit a great deal of light. They
can therefore provide a unique combination of a strong enclosure with adequate day lighting.
(10) Light weight: The FRP product weighs roughly half the steel component for bearing the
same load. It results in the reduction of dead lead to ta carried by the supporting members and
(11) Low investments in tooling: The tooling for FRP is inexpensive and fast. It permits quick
styling changes from building to building, or an inexpensive mould for a single highly creative
(12) Maintenance: The FRP products require the least maintenance as they are pigmented and
are unaffected by changing weather conditions.

Uses of FRP:
The FRP is an ideal material for the building industry as seen from its various applications which
may be listed as follows:
(1) Concrete shuttering: The moulds and forms of FRP give the cast concrete shapes of very
high quality. The complicated concrete shapes can be moulded in the FRP eliminating in most
cases, the need for final finishing.
(2) Domes: The domes in enchanting shapes and unique designs with wide dimensions can be
created for eye catching aesthetics. The translucent FRP dome-lights can be used on industrial,
commercial and public utility buildings and as the structure is self-supporting, it requires less
(3) Doors and window frames: The lightweight flush doors and factory made standard window
frames of FRP can be suggested for housing schemes due to their long life, easy maintenance
and overall reduction in cost. The use of FRP doors for bathrooms and toilets eliminates the
problems of rotting and warpage as well as swelling.
(4) Internal partitions and wall panelling: It is possible to adopt fiat, corrugated or fancy FRP
sheets for internal partitions of industrial and commercial buildings. The various designs of FRP
for wall panelling and ceilings can be made in shape, form and colour for a long lasting trouble
free effect.
(5) Roof sheets: The translucent FRP sheets provide a versatile medium of lighting. The sheets
are available in a variety of forms with the corrugated type being very common. The corrugated
sheets are made in a range of profiles which match corrugated steel and asbestos sheets. Thus
they permit an interchange of material to give the desired degree of lighting. If the covered area
of FRP translucent roofing system is about 15%, it eliminates the need for electric lighting inside
the industrial shed during day time.
(6) Structural sections: The available cross-section profiles in steel, aluminium or PVC can also
be made in FRP with advantage of equal strength at low weights. The FRP sections have much
better properties in flexure and tension. They are corrosion-resistant and grant a choice of
colours. They can be machined, bolted, riveted and tapped just like steel sections.
(7) Temporary shelters: The FRP modular systems are ideally suited for temporary shelters at
project sites, watchman cabins, green houses, defense shelters, vehicle parking sheds, etc. They
can be constructed with or without thermal insulation. They may be easily dismantled, carried
and re-erected at the next site with minimum labour cost.
(8) Water storage tanks: The FRP water storage tanks are found to be superior to steel,
concrete or galvanized iron tanks for the following reasons:
The versality of the system allows the tanks to be installed either indoors, outdoors or even
 They are easy to install, maintain and clean.
 They are very light in weight and possess high strength to weight ratio.
 They can be fabricated in a variety of shapes to overcome space constraints.
 They do not corrode even after prolonged exposure to an adverse environment.
 They do not produce any kind of harmful effect on potable water or impart any taste,
colour or odour to the water.
 They do not support bacterial growth of algae and fungi.
 They offer resistance to deposition and sealing.
(9) Miscellaneous: The properties of FRP are multiple and the applications are limitless. For
instance, the FRP chairs and benches can be used for auditoriums, hotels, restaurants, gardens,
parks, lounges, theatres, waiting rooms, etc.

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