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Alber Kelly O.

Nalugon BSCS 3-2A

The Adam Project

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1. Story Elements (premise; backstory; synopsis; theme; setting; plot; balancing

conflict; shifting focus; suspension of disbelief; realism)
- About Adam Reid from the future, who goes accidentally back in time and team
up with his 12-year-old self for a mission to try and stop time travel from ever
being invented, thus fixing the future.
Back Story
- In the year 2050, fighter pilot Adam Reed steals a time jet and flees across time
on a rescue mission to 2018. However, he crashes-lands in 2022 instead, where
Reed meets his 12-year-old self, who is dealing with the recent loss of his father
Louis in a car accident. Reed unwillingly enlists the assistance of his younger self
in repairing his plane and confesses that he is searching for his wife, Laura, who
was allegedly killed in a crash while on a mission to 2018.
- After accidentally crash-landing in 2022, time-traveling fighter pilot Adam Reed
teams up with his 12-year-old self for a mission to save the future.
- The Adam Project is really about family and premature loss, about fatherhood,
grief and growing up.

- Vancouver, British Columbia
- In the year 2050, fighter pilot Adam Reed steals a time jet and flees across time
on a rescue mission to 2018. However, he crashes-lands in 2022 instead, where
Reed meets his 12-year-old self, who is dealing with the recent loss of his father
Louis in a car accident, is frequently ridiculed, has been suspended from school
for the third time for fighting, and is estranged from his mother. Reed unwillingly
enlists the assistance of his younger self in repairing his plane and confesses
that he is searching for his wife, Laura, who was allegedly killed in a crash while
on a mission to 2018.

The elder Reed is being pursued by Maya Sorian, the dystopian world's leader,
and her henchman Christos, who are attempting to arrest him and transport him
back to 2050. Laura saves the Adams, revealing that she escaped an
assassination attempt on herself and was trapped in the past. Laura had
discovered that Sorian had been back in time and altered the past to gain control
over time travel and the future.

Laura begs the elder Adam to return to 2018 and eliminate time travel. In 2018,
the two Adams try to recruit Louis's assistance, but he declines due to concerns
about the scientific implications on the timestream. The younger Adam confronts
his future self about his bitterness and fury, realizing that it stems from his
lingering grief over his father's death. As the two prepare to launch an attack on
Louis' particle accelerator, which is disguised in the younger Sorian's office
building, Louis changes his mind and agrees to join the operation, instructing
them to recover the hard drive holding the only copy of his program that allows
time travel.

In 2018, the two Adams try to recruit Louis' assistance, but he declines due to
concerns about the scientific implications on the timestream. The younger Adam
confronts his future self about his bitterness and fury, realizing that it stems from
his lingering grief over his father's death. Louis changes his mind as the two
launch an attempt to destroy Louis' particle accelerator, which is hidden in the
younger Sorian's office building. and joins the mission, having them instead
retrieve the hard drive containing the only copy of his algorithm that enables time

A battle breaks out between the Adams, Louis, Sorian, her younger self, Sorian's
warriors, and Christos, causing the particle accelerator to overheat. Sorian
attempts to shoot Louis with an armor-piercing bullet, but the accelerator's
magnetic field diverts the round, causing it to kill the younger Sorian and deleting
the future Sorian from existence as the Reeds leave.

As time travel eliminated and the future restored, Louis chooses not to learn of
his own fate and instead plays catch with both versions of his son before the
Adams are returned to their respective periods. In 2022, Adam, now living in a
future where his suspension never occurred, decides to let go of his rage and
mend his connection with his mother, hugging her before leaving to school.
Years later, a much older and happier Adam sees Laura for the first time in a
circumstance like their initial encounter in the original timeline.

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Balancing Conflict
- There are many scenes where Adam’s repeatedly on the brink of disaster but
also repeatedly manages to escape in this situation, where Maya Sonia
(Antagonist) found out the location of Adam where he fights Maya’s soldiers
nearly to death but able to escape and survived from it.

Shifting focus
- In the scene where Adam is on a mission and planning to make a jump in the
year 2018 to save his wife Laura, he instead jumps in the year 2022 where his
mission is failed but he meets and teams up in his younger self where it new
characters and other objects that lead the player into other unexplored areas.
Suspension of disbelief
- In this movie it allows us to believe that time travel exist even though there
rumors that time travel is possible in the real world but there are no proofs, so we
enjoy this kind of movie and temporarily forget that something in this isn’t true.

- The Adam project is only the latest in a long line of science fiction that imagines
what life may be like in the future, where all the scenarios and
settings are closely possible in the real-world.

2. Characters (hero; shadow; mentor; ally; guardian; trickster; herald; protagonist;

antagonist: transformational, mistaken, exaggerated; supporting characters)

- Adam

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- Maya Sorian
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- Adam’s (Future self)

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- Laura (Wife), louis Reed (Father), Ellie reed (Mother) and Adam (Young Adam)

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- Young Adam, louis Reed (Father), Laura (Wife), and Ellie reed (Mother)
- N/A
- Laura (Wife), louis Reed (Father), Ellie reed (Mother) and Adam (Young Adam

- Adam

- Maya Sorian

- Maya Sorian
- N/A
- N/A

Supporting Character
- Bully Classmates of Adam
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