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Once upon a time after an editorial in the New York Times ransacked the gossip re-

garding the replacement of Vice President Cheney by President Bush as the running
mate. A new poll shows that 59 percent of Americans, including 71 percent of Re-
publicans, want Cheney in the position. In fact, the poll indicates that Cheney is even
more popular among Americans than at any time in recent years. Surprisingly, Re-
publican support has been stagnant while Democrats have risen 8 percent, a sign poll-
sters explain as hope that Cheney will stay in the vice presidency...and do damage.
Responsibility on the shoulders of the Republicans?
Actress Whoopi Goldberg, who was denied the opportunity to represent Slim Fast af-
ter bad jokes at a Democratic benefit party about her body part and the President's
name, now blames the Republican Party for the loss of the right to represent Slim
Fast. Goldberg says, "Now that I'm no longer a Slim Fast spokesperson, it saddens
me, but what makes me even more sad is that I'm being punished for being able to
speak my mind as an American."
Addressing Conservatives
More than half of Republicans in the House of Representatives have signed a formal
complaint asking President Bush to give conservatives who are fighting for their lives
at least one prime time slot at the GOP convention. Meanwhile, pro-life group
Democrats for Life of America are pushing John Kerry to add their representative to
the Democratic convention later this month.
Leaving liberals?
A senior Senate member, Democrat Tom Daschle, will not attend the Democratic
convention, while John Kerry accepted the invitation. At the same time, he will be at
home in South Dakota. The Washington Post reports that Daschle appears to some
Democrats to be leaving convention early to avoid being on stage with Carey and the
Massachusetts Senate. Ted Kennedy, the second most prominent representative of the
Liberal Party. Daschle is facing a tough reelection test from Republican congressman
John Toon, who often called the Senate minority leader too liberal to represent South
Dakota. But Daschle's spokesperson denies trying to avoid Carey's appearance and
says he wants to spend another extra day of campaigning.
Maximum on "Motrin"
Last month, we featured a 15-year-old girl who was given capital punishment by the
school board for drug possession (illegal drug possession) after she was caught using
the drug Motrin to relieve menstrual pain. Now, the judge has changed the punish-
ment, calling the punishment of spending 15 days in an alternative school "too seri-
ous and dishonest."

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