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Acta Diurna

OCT 17TH 2021 - ISSUE #4

Non Omnia Possumus Omnes
The children have reached an age when inner skepticism appears. They no longer
feel fulfilled with the pictures from fairy tales and the mythology of previous studies.
With their budding skepticism the children begin to disconnect from their surroundings
and clarify their own positions. They make themselves known as “sprouting”
personalities. Like the Romans they acquire personality characteristics and become more
and more “private people.” Their senses awaken more fully, and their own observations
engage them in new ways.
Now they want to grasp the world from their own starting point. To meet these
needs among children and to find work in which they can try out these new
characteristics, we bring them Roman history. It can appeal to their growing personality.
At the same time, we should keep in mind what happened to the Roman Empire
when it transformed from limited, moral egoism into unlimited, immoral egoism, for they
failed in establishing
peace in the world.
We try to teach a
healthy perspective of
the world where human
beings belong to a larger
unity which allows for
both an independent
outer entity like the
Greek gods and the
Roman-like inner source
of will in each human

Roman Technology Project:

Your student has already started on their essay for the Roman research project due
by Oct 28th. Hopefully you are able to help them find at least two sources for their
research and maybe a shopping trip for any craft/building materials. I will send home a
wood board to use for the base and have lent some books that I obtained from the local
Altadena library.

Getty Villa Field Trip

Tickets have been secured (thanks to Sarvey!) and now we just must figure out
who is driving their own student both ways and who may need help with a ride either
way for their child. If you will be driving anyone else, you must have your insurance
and DL license cleared by Mrs. Forrest this week please. Masks must be worn in the
car (if sharing space). Please let me know directly by email if you need help and are
comfortable with your child travelling either with me or someone else.
Maestra Martinez will be accompanying us, so no need for parents to chaperone.
We will tour for an hour, sketch for half an hour and then eat and leave by 12ish to get
back to school for our music lesson at 1.20! Normal pick-up time at school. A map of
where to meet/drop will be forwarded by email. There are many places – including the
beach, to go and hang out for a couple hours if you are waiting to drive back, thank you!

Halloween Festivities
The students would like to decorate our porch for Halloween – I have a couple of
webs, but please give some extra stuff to be sent in to help them out!
We will also be carving pumpkins with our 2nd grade buddies and having some
warm apple cider at school on Oct 28th (Nate’s birthday!) –
Please send your child to school with a scooped out pumpkin either that morning
Oct 28th or the day before - Oct 27th.

Calendar dates!

Thursday Oct 28th Nate’s Birthday/Pumpkin carving with 2 nd grade

Friday Oct 29th - Getty Villa Trip 10am-12:00pm TBC
Saturday Nov 6th - Class Meeting 9:30am on zoom

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