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According to Kerlinger (1986) as mentioned by Fonollera (1993), Research is a systematic, controlled,

and critical investigation of natural phenomena guided by theory and hypotheses about the presumed
relations among phenomena.

 So when it comes to the research, you try to investigate things that are considered to be
unclear. You have to investigate things that you wanted to find answers to. You have the
research for things that will make things better or make things clear to your perspective. So
research is present so that those particular results will be achieved.

Importance of Research

1. Improves quality of life

 Certain people or certain researchers had been able to come up with better processes, better
products, better services, better way of living, because they have proven that those particular
results of their studies going to improve the way we live, the processes that we follow.

2. Improves instruction

 It also improves instruction when it comes to teaching, when it comes to giving information to
other people, it should also be based from other information. So the information that you will
be relaying to other people had been changed or had been improved because it has also been
affected by research. So let's say for example, I will be giving you a feedback regarding your
specialization. Let's say for example, marketing management, financial management, operations
management, human resource management those new information were part of our research
that had been proven that will make the instruction or studying better

3. Improves students’ achievement

 it improves the students achievement as early as now, if you try to appreciate research, you will
be able to be honed, you will be able to be practiced the moment that you're going to work.
Because in the field, if ever you're going to be working in a particular field that entails research,
you will no longer start from scratch. You will be having certain knowledge and how to conduct

4. Satisfies man’s needs

 it is going to satisfy demands, needs. Especially nowadays people are very demanding on how
they can be better, how can they live better. And as time goes by, consumers try to realize that
there are certain needs that aren't been satisfied with present processes or products. So here is
research to conduct certain studies so that it can close the gap between what is present and
what is needed.
5. Reduces the burden of work

 It can reduce the burden of work. When you conduct research, when you conduct research here
in number five, you will be able to have a result of your study that might let you create a new
technology, that might let you create a new process, that might let you create a new way of
instruction. So it reduces the burden of work, making your work more efficient and more
effective in a particular nature. Let's say, for example, the way we live now we have several
technologies that we are making use of that makes time of working lesser or maximizes the time
that we are working. Just like for this period, we are having already this virtual way of education.
But before we cannot do this one because they haven't researched it yet. But now there are
several studies that had resulted to the creation of this type of technology.

6. Has deep-seated psychological aspects

 So research is not all about coming up with tangible item or tangible products. It is also studying
certain behaviors that can affect how we live. So we can also study why people behave like at
this date. Why do they behave in such a way that it can harm other people? Especially for
consumers that we are trying to target or for consumers that we are trying to serve, we need to
study what will push them to prefer our products or prefer our business than other competitors
that are present in the market. So it is something that is related to psychological issues.

7. Improves the exportation of food products

 When we want to expand abroad, we wanted to start another branch abroad. It is also
necessary to conduct research so that our way of doing business abroad can go with the culture
that we're going to enter, the preferences, the laws and regulations.

(Calmorin & Calmorin, 1995;5-8)

7 Characteristics of RESEARCH (Calmorin and Calmorin, 2012)








►Based on direct experience or observation by researcher

►Practical experience without due regard to scientific knowledge or theory

 So your research should be based on direct experience or observation. You should be having a
basis. Why do you conduct this research? Because you experienced it yourself that you wanted
to find solutions to. Why do you want to study this particular topic? Because you have observed
that this phenomenon has not been solved yet or has not been open for answers. So there is a
need for the research to be empirical. So practical experience, without due regard to scientific
knowledge or theory can be considered as a basis of research.


 So when research are going to be conducted, it should be based on valid procedures and then
principles. There should be a manner of conducting the research. Let's say, for example, in your
future research or in the research requirement for this subject, how are you going to conduct
your research? How are you going to be able to get information or how are you going to retrieve
data? There should be an orderly manner. There should be a method that you're going to make
use of. Okay, and later on I will be discussing several methods that you can consider for
conducting your research. And one example of a method of gathering data is by having a
questionnaire, you can also consider gathering data using interview.

► Based on valid procedures and principles

► Scientific study is done in an orderly manner

► Systematic examination of procedures to draw valid conclusion

Ex. “Weight-Length Relationship of Prawn Cultured in Fishpond using Pellets and Bread Meal as

- If found out to have Very High Relationship then a valid conclusion can be drawn as the heavier the
weight of the prawn, the longer is the length or as the weight increases, the length also increases.


 Next one is we have cyclical it starts with a problem, ends with a problem. So in creating a
research the research that you have created should open doors to other researches that can be
conducted by other researchers. Okay. A good research is a research that has the possibility of
bringing out new problems, bringing out new results to the public, and be able to have a
continuous learning on how things should be better. Okay, so our researcher completes his
studies, states his findings, draws conclusions and recommendations. In his recommendation,
several studies may be conducted. Hence, research is cyclical as much as possible. The research
topic that you had started should not be stopping from being expanded to other researches.

► Starts with a problem ends with a problem

► A researcher completes his study, states his findings, draws conclusion and recommendation. In his
recommendations, several studies may be conducted hence, research is cyclical.

Ex. “Luncheon Meat from Bone Meal of Milkfish and Goatfish as Offal of Boneless Milkfish and
Goatfish Tapa”


-utilization of bone from siganid and sardines..

-nutritive values of luncheon meat…


Research utilizes proven analytical procedures in gathering data, whether historical, descriptive,
experimental and then case study. What do you mean by analytical? The data that you have been
gathering to prove your research should have a basis. This are the Basis of your data. You can base it
from the historical past….

► Utilizes proven, analytical procedure in gathering data, whether HISTORICAL, DESCRIPTIVE,


► Data gathered focus on the ff:

▪ Historical-past

- You might be getting information from past researchers that had been considered similar or The
same as your research So you might be getting information there that can help you finalize your

▪ Descriptive-present

- How are you going to gather data? You have to gather data in your present resources. Who or
what are your present resources? Your present research present resources. You might consider
respondents. So how are you going to get information from them? You might want to give them
questionnaire. You might want to interview them so that you can get an information which Is
based on present. And you also can get literature from what is being created nowadays or being
published nowadays and make use of it As your basis of your research.

▪ Experimental- future

- When you talk about experimental, you're going To conduct first an experiment, as the term
implies You're going to contact for certain experimental methods and then going to wait for
Several days, several weeks, several months, and Then in the future, whereby the result Is
already present, you're going to make Use of it as a basis of your research

▪ Case Study- past, present and future

- The case study considers the past, present And then future case studies are already completed
research And like for historical past, you're just Going to consider certain data that can help your
study But it's not actually a finished research Okay, for a case study, it is Already a finished
research that you can Consider from start to finish.


►Careful and precise judgment

▪ Precise interpretation based on the results

We also have critical, careful and precise judgment Precise in the interpretation of based in the results.
Later on you're going to interpret the Data that you have Taken from the questionnaire So when it
comes to treating the Data, there is a need for you To make use of mathematical methods or statistical
methods, with mathematical methods, I should say. So therefore, when it comes to that Type of
interpretation, there is a need for you to Make use of it Effectively so that you can create precise
Judgment or you can provide exact results.


 The next characteristic of our research is we have methodical using systematic methods and
then procedure. In making a research, there is a step by step basis of completing a research. So
for each stage of creating a research, there are certain procedures that you have to consider,
okay? So that you will be avoiding bias in creating your research. So there is a system of
methods and then procedures. So for chapter one, for example, you have to present
background of the study. You have to present the literature review. You have to present the
statement of the problem, the paradigm, and then the methodology that you have to make use
of. So all of those methods will lay out all the things that you have to do for a research. So it's
considered to be systematic, okay? And as much as possible, when conducting a research,
everything should be cited. Let's say, for example, we have certain parts. There is a certain
literature that you wanted to place in your research. As much as possible, you have to cite it in
your research. You have to say that you have taken this from this author. You have to cite that it
has been taken from a certain resource. Or appropriate test should be used for certain data.
Later I will be presenting certain PowerPoint presentation that will be enlightening you of the
appropriate tests that you might be using in conducting your research

►Using systematic methods and procedure

►Without bias

►Appropriate test should be used


 Replicability sometimes is being interchanged with cyclical. How is replicability different from
cyclical? Replicability happens when you're going to conduct the same research in a different
time, in using different respondents. Or probably you might consider a different area of concern
in your study. Let's say, for example, we have here grade seven in Macarthis Science to grade
seven in Manila Science. So what had been changed? The research will be the same, but the
only difference will be the respondents because in the first study was the grade seven in Makati
Science. But during the second research, the respondents are the Manila Science students. So
replicability differentiated from cyclical is that if you're going to repeat the same study, will it
provide you valid results concerning the same instrument, the same methods, the same
procedure? It's just that you just have to differ certain aspects in your research,

► Repeated to enable the researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive results

► More replications, more valid results

► Replicability of the study-using the same:

▪ Instrument; Methods; Procedure

- But to different subjects and venue

Ex. Grade 7 in Makati Science to Grade 7 in Manila Science


1. Intellectual Curiosity

2. Prudence

3. Healthy Criticism

4. Intellectual Honesty

5. Intellectual Creativity

Intellectual Curiosity

► Deep thinking

► Keen to get information

► Raises questions

► Continues to read related literature and studies Ex. Due to intellectual curiosity, the researcher utilize

fishbone meal as offal of boneless milkfish (waste) into value added product-burger

 As a researcher, you are a deep thinker. As much as possible, you have an explorative mind,
okay? You try to question things that are happening in your environment. You are going to find
solutions to certain problems in your area or in your community or in your field. Being
intellectually curious is very keen to get information being an investigator, being investigative is
also synonymous. Being intellectually curious. Okay. You raise questions to things that are
considered to be unclear. You are not satisfied with what you just hear. You try to find yourself
the answers to the questions that you have. Continues to read related literatures and then
studies. You love to read. Okay, now I'm going to tell you when you're going to be in research.
Reading is considered to be to be a part of it. Reading is going to be a part of it. You cannot
remove the activity of reading when you conduct research. So if you not like to read, there will
be a problem finishing research. So as much as possible, you should be into reading. You know
how to read. I'm not telling you that you don't know how to read. You know what resources to
read and you know to understand the resources that you have to read


► Careful to conduct research study

 How are you going to be careful? You have to be careful in making use of the seven M. We have
the manpower, money, materials, method, machinery, moment of time, and then marketing.
You should maximize your seven M. Let's say for example, we have manpower in your output,
which is a research. It will be done by group. So if it's going to be done by group, every member
should have an output for the research. It's not going to be effective if only one will be working.
And then the other members will just supply money, materials, and then other resources as
much as possible. Efforts from each member of the group will be necessary so that you can
maximize the use of your resources as well as money and then materials Here what is very
important when it comes to your research. The maximization of time. You only have one SEM to
finish a proposal research. Okay, what you're going to do this semester is a proposal research.
And I think if you're going to maximize the time, if you're going to budget your time, there will
be no problem of passing your researches on time. Okay. Another one is money, materials and
machinery. The following you might find it short or you might having problems getting it
because you might be spending a lot without knowing if it's really the best time to spend or it is
the right time to spend for your research. So as much as possible, know the right thing at the
right time and then at the right place when to use the following resources.

► Does the right thing at the right time, at right place

► Conduct research efficiently and economically

► Uses 7 Ms

▪ Manpower, Money, materials, Method, Machinery, Moment of Time and Marketing

Healthy Criticism

 You should be able to be open to criticism here. You should be able to be open to criticism
because not everything is known by you. Not everything can be done by you. So there might be
other people who can help you create a better research, who can help you have more resources
to finish your research. So it's necessary that when you're going to have groupmates, you try to
include all of their ideas in your research. You're not going to dominate the research and then
just put your own idea when it comes to the research topic that you have proposed

►Always doubtful as to the truthfulness of the results

►Doubts the authenticity or validity

►Open to criticism

 When it comes to this characteristic, always doubtful as to the truthfulness of the result, doubts
the authenticity of the validity. What do you mean by this one? In a good way. If you're going to
doubt the truthfulness of the result, it means that you are finding more basis of your research.
You're not only going to consider one basis, but as much as possible you're going to have several
basis. So that when you say the reliability of your research is considered to be authentic or it is
considered to be at a higher level

Intellectual Honesty

►Honest to collect or gather data or facts to arrive at honest results

 Honesty to collect or gather data, honest results are supposed to be achieved. We have to
follow honesty is the best policy. It's very easy to manipulate results. It's very easy to manipulate
the data that you will be gathering. It's very easy to manipulate the tallying That you will be
having later on. But if you're just going to do that, you are cheating yourself. Because you are
just wasting time and effort. Because the result of your study is not the real result that should
have, that should be stated in your research. So as much as possible, be honest. So conducting
our research is not going to be easy. So if you're just going to find the easy way out just to finish
our research, then you're just joking yourself. You are just cheating yourself in conducting a
research as much as possible. Whatever hardship that you will be having in conducting the
research, you accept it because it's part of completing a research.

►“Honesty is the best Policy”

►Success or failures lies on the researcher’s hand

Intellectual Creativity

You should also be intellectually creative. You should be finding ways on how to gather data. You should
be looking with new ways on how to create new researches. And as much as possible, you're not just
going to rely in one mode of basis. Meaning you're not just going to rely on the internet to get your data
as much as possible. You have to look for other ways on how you can gather data for your researches,
okay? So you enjoy inventing unique, novel and original researches and consider research as happy. So
you try to find the goodness in the research. This is very important. You try to find the goodness in the
research because if you cannot, you are just doing, just going to do the research for completing the
subject. You're going to find a hard time finishing it because you do not like what you're doing. So the
best thing that you can do is find the goodness in the research. It might not be your profession later on,
but it might help if you're going to like what you're going to do for the rest of the same, it will really help
that you love what you are doing.

► Productive and resourceful

► Always create new researches

► Enjoys inventing unique, novel and original researches

► Considers research as hobby

Ex. Bulk of Fish waste- burger, luncheon meat, fish balls, kikiam, etc.

Types of Research

Exploratory Research:

• undertaken with the aim of clarifying ambiguous problems

• general problems usually known but not sufficiently understood

the purpose is to get more information, not to uncover specific courses of action (subsequent research)

Determining a specific course of action to follow is not a purpose of exploratory research!

Example: Child-Care support programme for employees

 We have exploratory research undertaken with the aim of clarifying ambiguous problems that is
happening in your area or in your field. General problems, usually known but not sufficiently
understood. It is known by everyone. But unfortunately in your case you like to prove something
that there is more to it. Okay? The purpose is to get more information, not to uncover specific
courses of action. You are just conducting a research to get an information. But the solution to
the problem will not be part of exploratory research

Descriptive Research

• undertaken with the aim of determining the characteristics of a population or phenomenon

 In descriptive research, you wanted to understand a particular population, you wanted to

understand a particular situation. You wanted to understand a particular phenomenon that is
happening in your area, in your field. You wanted to get answers to those particular questions.

• Previous knowledge of problem exists

 there had been previous knowledge of problem that it exists. So you just wanted to continue or
you wanted to create a cycle out of it.

• High degree of precision or accuracy required

 High degree of precision or accuracy is required because there is statistical data that will be


Who are the main consumers of organic foods?

How many students read the prescribed course literature? Where do most holiday-makers travelling
overseas go?

When do petrol stations tend to raise their prices?

Causal Research

 It is undertaken with the aim of identifying costs and effect. Relationship amongst variables are
normally preceded by exploratory and descriptive research studies. But there are certain issues
when it comes to cost and research often difficult to determine because of the influence of
other variables. Or there are other uncontrollable factors that can affect the validity of your
research. So you will be looking into the cost and then the effect of your research.

• undertaken with the aim of identifying cause and effect relationships amongst variables

• are normally preceeded by exploratory and descriptive research studies

• Often difficult to determine because of the influence of other variables (concommitant Variation
and the presence of other hidden variables)

Example: Higher ice-cream consumption causes more people to drown (indicative of a causal
relationship (?))

Stages in the Research Process

 Defining a problem. You should have a problem first. Okay, so here the problem is not
something that you will be going away with, it's something that you should find, it's something
that you should face. So you should look for a problem that you wanted to solve. And then you
have to plan a research, planning a sample, looking for, looking for respondents, gathering data,
processing and analyzing the data, and then conclusions and then recommendation. It might
seem a short process if you're going to do the actual research. There are several details that are
present in different stages or in different phases of the research
Flowcharting the Research Process (1)

Flowcharting the Research Process (2)

Ethical Interfaces in Research

Basic Steps in Research

1. Select a topic
2. Review existing research and theory that are relevant
3. Develop a hypothesis or research question/s
4. Determine the appropriate methodology/research design
5. Collect relevant data
6. Analyze and interpret the results
7. Present the results in an appropriate form

Next week I'll be asking for the topic that you're going to consider as the basis of your research and
review existing research and theory that are relevant. Again, the following will be used for submission
next week. Okay, so I need you to provide the theories that will be used for the creation of your
research. So there is a topic which is your title and then the theory behind it. Anyway, I will be discussing
it further. And then we have development of hypothesis or research questions. Determine the
appropriate methodology, research design. Number five, after you have already created the methods on
how to contact your research, you're going to collect relevant data. How? Questionnaire interview.
Number six, analyze and interpret the results. This is going to be the time that you're going to make use
of statistical data. And then from the result of the statistical data that you have conducted, there should
be the presentation of results in appropriate form for man management. Four, we will only be
conducting number one, number two, number three and number four. It might be a short process, as I
mentioned a while ago, but there are several details that you should take in one to four as well as the
basis for your or the methods that you have to consider.

Research is basically scientific.

Purpose: to provide an objective, unbiased evaluation of data.

So in research, research is basically scientific. It is to provide an objective and bias evaluation of a

particular data. So researches that you're going to make should be based in your field. So as much as
possible, you have to choose a topic based on your major. So if you're measuring in Financial
Management as much as possible, the topic should be according to financial management. The same is
true with other measures. Marketing, Management, Operations Management, human Resources. So
those are considered to be things that you have to consider. So as much as possible as also, the group
members that you will be having will be or are currently in the same field as you. It might help. Anyway,
the details of it will be viewed in the next videos. So that ends our introduction. For resources Search.

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