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Understanding Culture, Society

and Politics – Grade 11

Quarter 2 – Module 2: Education:
Function of Society
What I Need to Know

Examine the functions and importance of education in the

At the end of the module, you should be able to:

1. Identify the difference between formal and informal

2. Classify formal and non-formal education by completing a
3. Evaluate the effect of education in one’s and society’s
growth and development.

“Education is a right for developed countries and a privilege for developing countries.”

1. Why is education a right?

2. What makes education important?

Education is a fundamental human need by which human existence of striving and

developing depends on.

• Education is a fundamental right.

• Education is a process of learning.

If put together, the equation would be: Education + Right = A right to an education.

When put into effect, education helps people acquire knowledge,skills, values, beliefs,
and habits to communicate better with himself or herself, society, and the world.
What is it?
Formal education happens inside a classroom and facilitated by a professional teacher. It is a
classroom-based, structured, and sequentially graded system. It includes primary, secondary,
undergraduate, and graduate schools.

Non-formal education is any learning experience or training outside the organized formal system. This
type of teaching may include attending seminars, workshops, and communitybased sports program.
Unlike formal education which is based on concrete structure or curriculum, non-formal education
follows less structured guidelines.

Functions of Education in Society

Education does not only serve an individual, but also the society where one belongs. Formal or
non-formal, it is an avenue where people acquire the knowledge needed in dealing with the demands
of daily living.
Here, people learn religion, philosophy, law, grammar, history, literature, arithmetic, music, arts,
and sciences. Through education, learners learn values desired to survive and face challenges which
happen on a regular basis.
Skills are also taught in school. Students are exposed to activities like singing, dancing,
encoding, selling, and other life skills. When all these are applied, people are led to community-building.

Effects of Education in Society

Education contributes to the economic progress and social environment in a community or
Lifelong learning or education may lead a learner in attaining self-actualization.
Selfactualization, in Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, is considered as the highest level of human
need. It is becoming everything that one is capable of. Self-actualization is manifested when individuals
experience real and passionate joy and wonder. Following these experiences of joy and wonder is
people becoming exposed to inspiration, power, or transformation.

Productive Citizenry
Education helps society produce informed, responsible, and capable citizens. Productive
citizens are those who work and maximize their potentials and skills. They are those who contribute to
the realization of individuals and collective success.
The right to education is a universal prerogative to education. Everyone has the right to
education. Regardless of your race, age, gender, ethnicity, disability or status, you are entitled to enjoy
this fundamental human right.
Activity 1.
I. Below are the different forms of education. Classify each type if it is Formal or Nonformal
education. Write your answer in your notebook.

Elementary Education Secondary Education

TESDA Trainings Alternative Learning System

Tertiary Education Special Education Vocational Education

Formal Education Non-formal Education

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Post Test
I. Multiple Choice: Choose only the letter of your choice. Write your answer in your notebook.

1. What is a classroom-based, structured, and sequentially graded sytem of education?

A. Non-formal education C. Special education
B. Formal education D. None of the choices

2. What refers to any educational activity which is not structured and takes place outside the formal
A. Non-formal education C. Special education
B. Formal education D. None of the choices

3. What is the process of facilitating learning?

A. Language C. Listening
B. Reading D. Education

4. Mary is in her seventh grade, attends classes daily, and works hard to get good grades in her
eight subjects. What type of education is evident?
A. Non-formal education C. Special education
B. Formal education D. None of the choices

5. Ryan will attend a seminar about the effects of World War II in the Philippines next month.
What type of education is apparent?
A. Non-formal education C. Special education
B. Formal education D. None of the choices

II. Short Essay.

1. After graduating in Senior High School, do you plan to proceed college? Why
or Why not?
2. What course would you take? And why?

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