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Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 27 (2017) 2528–2535

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Photo-controlled release of fipronil from a coumarin triggered precursor

Zhenhong Gao a, Pengtao Yuan a, Donghui Wang b, Zhiping Xu a, Zhong Li a, Xusheng Shao a,⇑
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Chemical Biology, School of Pharmacy, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China
College of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Developing efficient controlled release system of insecticide can facilitate the better use of insecticide.
Received 4 March 2017 We described here a first example of photo-controlled release of an insecticide by linking fipronil with
Revised 29 March 2017 photoresponsive coumarin covalently. The generated coumarin-fipronil (CF) precursor could undergo
Accepted 30 March 2017
cleavage to release free fipronil in the presence of blue light (420 nm) or sunlight. Photophysical studies
Available online 1 April 2017
of CF showed that it exhibited strong fluorescence properties. The CF had no obvious activity against mos-
quito larvae under dark, but it can be activated by light inside the mosquito larvae. The released Fip from
CF by blue light irradiation in vitro retained its activity to armyworm (Mythimna separate) with LC50 value
of 24.64 lmol L 1. This photocaged molecule provided an alternative delivery method for fipronil.
Coumarin Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Direct delivery of pesticide has many uncontrolled adverse toresponsive system has blocked function in the caged state and
effects such as high toxicity, large application amount and decom- can be irreversibly activated upon irradiation to release the func-
position of active ingredients.1 To address these issues, methods tional ingredients. Due to the encouraging advances, this technol-
for conditionally controlling release are needed, since controlled ogy thus far has been well applied for the photo-regulated
release of pesticides has substantial advantages including release of bioactive molecules, such as neurotransmitters, enzyme
enhanced bioavailability, prolonged length of activity, improved substrates, pheromones, lipids, and second messengers.10,21,22
physiochemical properties, reduced phytotoxicity and lowering of Turning attention back to agrochemical science, the combina-
the environment secondary effects.1 The previously-developed tion of PPG with pesticide provided a promising release method
pesticide-release systems took advantage of nanotechnology,1,6,7 with pioneering work done by N. D. Pradeep Singh et al. Example
microencapsulation2–4,8 and polymer science.5,9 These methodolo- applications included photo-controlled release of 2,4-D herbi-
gies provided slow release of active ingredients, but the release cide,23–25 plant growth regulators,26 sex pheromone27 and plant
process cannot be easily regulated at spatial and temporal resolu- hormone salicylic acid.28 However, photo-controlled release of an
tion. In this context, a more precise controlled technology is insecticide molecule has not yet been described.
desired to the spatiotemporal control over the pesticide release. Fipronil (Fip) is a phenylpyrazole insecticide widely used for
The recent fast-developing photo-triggered technology provides seed-treatment, sanitary pest control and animal health, but its
possibilities for controlled release which promises better remote, application was strictly restricted in some districts due to high tox-
temporal and spatial control than conventional methods.10,11 To icity to non-target wildlife.29–32 Fipronil is stable at dark in mildly
realize such a photochemical process, a photo-labile protecting acidic to neutral water, but is prone to undergo photolysis or bio-
(photocaging) group (PPG) is usually used to covalently couple logical oxidation or reduction in vivo to form desulfinyl, sulfone,
with the molecule being released, generating a caged precursor sulfide or amide metabolites.29,33 Its half-life time of photodegra-
that can undergo cleavage under light.12 The advent of photocaged dation is 0.33 day (Florida summer sunlight).34 In a specific case,
conception creates great opportunities for spatiotemporal manipu- the persistence of fipronil reduced significantly when exposed to
lation of a variety of processes in chemical, biological and material sunlight.35 As a consequence, two attempts were previously made
science.10,13 Excellent reviews include light-triggered catalysts,14 for controlling release of fipronil using microencapsulation of
organic surfaces,15 biomedical materials13 and photocontrol of cel- in situ polymerization or biocompatible silica nanocapsules.
lular chemistry16–18 or gene expression.19,20 Normally, such pho- Herein, we demonstrated a photochemical method that releases
insecticidal fipronil using pulses of light, which enables more pre-
⇑ Corresponding author. cise control and real-time activation. The fipronil was caged using
E-mail address: (X. Shao).
0960-894X/Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Z. Gao et al. / Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 27 (2017) 2528–2535 2529

coumarin as photoremovable protecting group. The caged com- stituent effects on this cages, 7-dialkylamino substituted coumarin
pound is stable and would release fipronil only upon irradiation. was selected here since it has the absorption band at biologically
The existence of an amino group in fipronil provides the possi- benign region. Thus, the diethylamino-coumarin-4-ylmethyl caged
bility for the installation of PPG. Covalent linking of a PPG with an fipronil was prepared for our subsequent investigations (Fig. 1).
active molecule is a straightforward way to generate a photocaged The photoresponsive CF was prepared from a three-steps route
molecule. Many factors should be taken into account in designing starting from commercially available 7-(diethylamino)-4-methyl-
such a photocaged molecule, such as the solubility, stability, light 2H-chromen-2-one 1 (Fig. 1). Oxidation of 1 with Selenium dioxide
wavelength, efficiency of desire cleavage reaction, avoidance of and the following reduction by Sodium borohydride (NaBH4)
photodamage/photodegradation and the toxicity of cleavage pro- afforded alcohol intermediate 2 (Cou). Alcohol 2 then condensed
duct of caging group.36 Most importantly, a PPG must be subtly with p-nitrophenyl chloroformate to furnish intermediate 3 under
selected. Various PPGs have been developed in the past decades. catalysis of DIPEA. Finally, 3 reacted with Fip at presence of DMAP
The well-studied and frequently used PPGs include o-nitrobenzyl, to present the target caged product CF.
coumarin-4-ylmethyl and p-hydroxylphenacyl.36 The coumarin With successful obtaining of coumarin-caged fipronil, its photo-
phototriggers attract the most attentions recently due to their physical properties were studied first. The absorption and emission
superior features, such as longer absorption wavelength, large maximum wavelength, molar absorption coefficient, Stokes shift
molar coefficients, fast release rates, improved stability, high and fluorescence quantum yield of CF were summarized in Table 1.
biocompatibility and fluorescent emitting.36 Considering the sub- In UV–Vis spectra, CF features two obvious absorption bands

Insecticide Fipronil Coumarin-caged Fipronil (CF)

F3 C N Cl N O
Cl H 2N CF3 CF3
F3C Cl


coumarin-4-ylmethyl as PPG hv

CO 2 F3C N
+ + O
O O N Cl H2 N CF3
Cou Fip
Synthetic route

a b O 2N


1 2 (Cou) 3
Cl N O
c CF3 CF
F3 C Cl


Fig. 1. Molecular design of photoresponsive coumarin-caged fipronil and its synthetic route. Reagents and condition: a) 1. SeO2, Ar, p-xylene, reflux, 53 h; 2. NaBH4, CH3OH, r.
t., 4 h, 26%. b) p-nitrophenyl chloroformate, DIPEA, Ar, dry dichloromethane, r. t., 20 h, 50%. c) fipronil, DMAP, Ar, dry dichloromethane, r. t., 48 h, 24%.

Table 1
UV–Vis and fluorescence data for CF.

Compound UV–Vis Fluorescence

kmaxa (nm) eb (104M 1
cm 1
) kmaxc (nm) Stokes shiftd (nm) ufe
CF 390 1.6 475 85 0.2
Maximum absorption wavelength.
Molar absorption coefficient (M 1 cm 1) at the wavelength of 390 nm.
Maximum emission wavelength.
Difference between wavelengths of the maximal emission and excitation.
Fluorescence quantum yield.
2530 Z. Gao et al. / Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 27 (2017) 2528–2535

0 min

Fluorescence Intensity
2.0 10 min
0 min 0.5 20 min
10 min 800
Absorbance 1.5 30 min
20 min
30 min 40 min
40 min 50 min
50 min 0.0 60 min
400 400
70 min

0.0 0
200 300 400 500 400 500 600

Wavelenght(nm) Wavelenght(nm)

Fluorescence Intensity
1.0 1000
C UV-Vis of Fip Absorbance D UV-Vis of 2 800
E Fluorescence of 2

2 600

0.0 0
400 500 600 700
200 300 400 200 300 400 500 wavelength(nm)
Wavelenght (nm) Wavelenght(nm)

Fig. 2. A: UV–Vis absorption of CF at regular intervals of irradiation in MeOH/H2O (50:50) (5.6  10 5 M). B: Emission spectra of CF at regular intervals of irradiation in MeOH/
H2O (50:50) (5.6  10 6 M). C: UV–Vis absorption of Fip. D: UV–Vis absorption of Cou. E: Emission spectra of Cou.

A Cl N

F3C Cl


N O O F3C Cl
Cou Fip

75 min

N S CF 3
F3C Cl
N O O F3C Cl O

60 min

30 min

0 min

Fig. 3. UPLC tracking of photolysis process of CF in CH3OH/H2O (50:50 v/v) under blue light (420 nm, 1 W) (A) and under sunlight (B).
Z. Gao et al. / Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 27 (2017) 2528–2535 2531

centered at 390 nm and 245 nm (Fig. 2, A), which corresponded to body structure that allows light easy to penetrate. In the dark, CF
the absorption of coumarin and fipronil fragments, respectively. alone showed low activity against mosquito larva suggesting the
The maximum emission wavelength of CF is about 475 nm and inefficiency of the caged compound. Upon exposure to blue light
the Stokes shift is 85 nm (Fig. 2, B). CF has high fluorescence quan- (420 nm), the activity increased dramatically with nearly 25-folds
tum yield (Uf = 0.2), which facilitate its application in imaging activity enhancement (LC50 = 0.56 lmol L 1) (Fig. 5, A and B).
study of tested targets. When subjected to sunlight, a similar activity enhancing trend
To measure the efficiency of the light-induced release of Fip was observed with a slight higher activity (LC50 = 0.37 lmol L 1)
from the cage, we irradiated CF with biologically benign blue light than that irradiated by blue light (Fig. 5, A and B), indicating that
(420 nm, LED). Significant UV–Vis and fluorescence spectra natural sunlight can be used as a clean light source to release the
changes were observed at different intervals of time under irradi- Fip. As comparison, the effect of photolysis product Cou or blue
ation (420 nm) (Fig. 2, A). The intensity of peak absorption at light alone were investigated and no obvious poisoning sign was
390 nm corresponding to the CF gradually decreased and maxi- observed on these two treatments. The increased activity corre-
mum absorption wavelength bathochromically shifted to 395 nm lated closely with the increased time of light exposure (Fig. 5, C).
after 50 min irradiation. Similar emission intensity decrease and Light do not have any turbulence to the Fip activity as the activities
bathochromic shift were also detected in the fluorescence spectra were almost the same at dark or irradiated by blue light or sun-
of CF (Fig. 2, B), indicating the chemical reactions occurred upon light. Slight decrease of Fip potency under sunlight may partly
irradiation. The shift in the peak absorbance and emission to longer attribute to its tiny photodecomposition since Fip is sensitive to
wavelength was caused by the generation of photolysis product sunlight. These results proved that the activity was mainly from
Cou whose maximum absorption and emission wavelength were the released Fip and the CF can only be activated by light
395 nm and 485 nm (Fig. 2, D and E), respectively. irradiation.
The UPLC analysis was then conducted to monitor the photore- In order to explore the possibility of releasing Fip in larger and
action process and identify the photolysis products (Fig. 3). The opaque insect, activity to armyworm (Mythimna separate) was
UPLC chart at regular intervals of irradiation time clearly showed screened using the above described method. However, the activity
the photolysis process of CF. The gradual peak decrease at is low due to the fact that blue light cannot penetrate into the
Rt = 8.0 min and increase at Rt = 7.0 min demonstrated the photo- armyworm. Therefore, a modified method was employed
cleavage of CF and generation of Fip, respectively. Besides Fip, alternatively in which CF was irradiated by blue light prior to be
two other photolysis products Cou and methylation product of
Cou were confirmed by matching the NMR spectra of isolated
products with authentic samples. The methylation reaction Table 2
occurred between Cou and the solvent methanol. Insecticidal activity of CF, Fip and Cou against Aedes albopictus larvae.
Nearly complete Fip release (95%) was achieved in 80 min and
Treatment LC50a (lmol L 1
approximately half of the Fip was released in 11 min of light irra-
diation (Fig. 4, A). The Fip release can be turned on and off with Aedes larvae Mythimna separatec
the light exposure or not (Fig. 4, B), suggesting that the release pro- CF-bluelight 0.56 24.64
ceeded only at the presence of light. To exclude other degradation CF-sunlighte 0.37 –
CF-dark 13.73 >50
pathway under the biological testing conditions, the hydrolytic and
Fip-blue light 0.11 –
enzymatic stability (see Supplementary Material) of CF were also Fip-sunlight 0.12 –
investigated. No significant decomposition (<5%) of CF was Fip-dark 0.11 6.82
observed when CF was kept at dark for two weeks or was incu- Cou-blue light >50 >100
Cou-sunlight >50 –
bated with homogenized mixture of mosquito larvae, guaranteeing
Cou-dark >50 >100
the CF can only be activated using light. Together, all the above CK-blue light No activity No activity
results indicated that our uncaging strategy have good dark stabil- CK-dark No activity No activity
ity and can successfully release insecticidal Fip upon light a
LC50 is the median lethal concentration.
irradiation. b
Light was imposed after 1 h treatment of Aedes larvae with CF.
To evaluate the efficiency of photo-induced release in living c
Light was impose to the CF directly before administrated to Mythimna separate.
organism and the subsequent toxic effects, the bioassay was con- Irradiated under visible light (420 nm).
ducted using mosquito larvae (Table 2) because of its transparent Irradiated under sunlight.

Normalized HPLC peak area x 103

Normalized HPLC peak area x 103

B off
80 off
off on
60 off on
20 off on

0 on
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Irradiation time (min) Irradiation time (min)
Fig. 4. Photo-controlled release of Fip irradiated by blue light. A) Time-dependent release of Fip upon blue light (420 nm) irradiation. B) The release process can be turned on
and off by switching the light on and off.
2532 Z. Gao et al. / Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 27 (2017) 2528–2535

A >100 B

Aedes larvae Mortality %

15 100

Aedes larvae (LC50, μmol/L)

Bluelight (410m)
10 Sunlight fipronil
Dark CF-sunlight
5 CF-dark

0 0
Fip CF Cou 1 2 3
Concentration (μmol/L)
100 C
Aedes larvae Motality (%)

50 CF 0.5 mg/L

0 2 4 6 8 10
Irradiation time (min)
Fig. 5. A: The activity of CF, Fip and Cou with or without irradiation against Aedes albopictus larvae. B: Mortality of CF at dark and irradiated under visible light (420 nm) or
sunlight against Aedes albopictus larvae. C: Time-dependent activity of CF upon blue light (420 nm) irradiation. Each value given as mean ± SE of three replicates.

Fig. 6. Poisoning signs of CF-treated armyworms plus light (A), CF-treated armyworms at dark (B), Fip-treated armyworms (C) and blank control (D).

administrated to armyworm. The released Fip retained its activity application. The CF-light-treated armyworms have the similar poi-
with LC50 value of 24.64 lmol L 1. Such application method has its soning signs with that of Fip-treated ones (Fig. 6), which suggested
own rationale, because part of Fip would be released under natural that Fip was the main toxic ingredient among the photolysis prod-
sunlight before the caged Fip reaches the target insects in field ucts of CF.
Z. Gao et al. / Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 27 (2017) 2528–2535 2533

Fig. 7. Fluorescence images of Aedes albopictus larvae. A: images of Aedes larvae treated by CF at dark (20 mg/L); B: images of Aedes larvae treated by CF (20 mg/L) and
irradiated by blue light (420 nm); C: images of Aedes larvae treated by CF (20 mg/L) and irradiated by sunlight; D: images of Aedes without any treatment; E: images of Aedes
larvae treated by Fip (10 mg/L); F: images of Aedes larvae treated by Cou (10 mg/L).
2534 Z. Gao et al. / Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 27 (2017) 2528–2535

Fig. 8. Confocal microscopy images of Aedes larvae treated with CF at dark (10 mg/L) (A), CF (10 mg/L) plus blue light (420 nm) (B) and without any treatment (C).

The blue fluorescence of CF makes it possible for the visualiza- Acknowledgments

tion study on the treated insects. The fluorescence and confocal
microscopy images were collected as depicted in Figs. 7 and 8, This work was financial supported by National Natural Science
respectively. After treatment of mosquito larvae with CF at dark, Foundation of China (21372079, 21472046), Shanghai Pujiang Pro-
CF mainly accumulated in the gastric caeca and guts lumen37 gram (14PJD012).
(Figs. 7, A and 8, A). When CF and light (blue light or sunlight) were
co-applied, the release of Fip led to the death of larvae and the
A. Supplementary data
fluorescent CF and Cou dispersed throughout the whole body
(Figs. 7, B and C, and 8, B), indicating the tissue damage caused
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
by Fip. For the Cou-treated mosquito larvae, the Cou was also
the online version, at
mainly located in the digestive system.
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