INGLES - Act 1

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Conversation Activator Video Exercises

Unit 6, Lesson 2, Page 67

Watch each scene. Then do the exercises, watching the scene again if necessary.
Watch again to check your work.


A Complete the paragraph with the correct words or phrases, based on the

Man : please help yourself

Woman : Everything looks fantastic But I’ll pass. The fried squid

Man : Don’t you eat Fried squid?

Woman : Actually no I don’t care for Squid

Man : I’m sorry I didn’t know that

Woman: Don’t worry. I’ll have Something else

B Read thesummaries and write a checkmark next to the one that is true.

1The woman thinks the food looks great, but she doesn’t eat squid. She says
she’ll eat something else. TRUE

2 The woman doesn’t like fried squid and the man doesn’t care. She’ll have
something else.

3 The man didn’t know the woman doesn’t like fried squid, but she says it looks
fantastic and she’ll eat it.

4 The woman didn’t like the squid and the man said don’t worry because he
didn’t know that.

Top Notch 2, Third Edition Unit 6, Lesson 2 Copyright ©2018 by Pearson

Education. Permissi
A Choose the correct words to complete each statement, based on the video.
Circle the letter.

1 The woman dinner guest won’t have any pasta

a because she doesn’t eat it

b because she’s on a diet
c because she’s a pasta addict

2 The host is sorry because she didn’t know

a that her friend is on a diet

b that pasta doesn’t agree with her
c that her friend is crazy about pasta

3 The man dinner guest

a will have both pasta and broccoli
b won’t have any pasta; he will only have broccoli
c will have pasta, but he won’t have any broccoli

4 Why is the woman dinner guest crazy about beets?

a because they are low calorie and have lots of vitamins

b because they look wonderful
c because she’s not a big vegetable eater

5 When the host says, “Please help yourself,” she means .

a “Please ask me for help.”

b “Please choose the foods you would like.”
c “Please tell me if the food looks good.”

6 When the host offers her dinner guests soda, .

a they both say, “I’ll have some”

b the man wants some, but the woman just wants water
c the woman wants some, but the man just wants water
B Watch Scene 2 again. Listen for statements and questions the host says to her
two dinner guests. Write them on the notepad.

 Please help yourself.

 I’m sorry I didn’t know that
 Would you like some pasta?
 And how about some broccoli?
 Really how about some beets?
 Great please serve yourself
 Soda?
 Thank you

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