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Animal Physiology

Homework #1 – 25 pts
Summer 2022
Due: July 12, 2022 – By 11:59 PM

Directions: This assignment is to be done individually. No group work!! You must use
complete sentences and show your work where applicable. Be as complete as
possible, always use units and label thoroughly, and be sure to answer ALL the parts to
each question. ALL assignments must be turned in digitally through SafeAssign on
Blackboard. I will not accept any assignments turned in via email or in person. Also,
make sure that any graphs, diagrams, or figures you include are clearly legible or else
you will lose points. All answers should be typed and graphs/figures should be made
using a software program rather than be hand-drawn.

1. A.) Define molarity. B.) How would you make one liter of 0.25 M sodium solution if you
only had distilled water and sodium chloride (table salt)? (Be specific, I want to see exact
amounts). C.) Define osmolarity. D.) Given the solution you created in B, what would the
osmolarity of that solution be? (4 points)

2. Given the following enzymatic reaction: 2A + 3B ↔ 3C + 3D, temperature = 25° C, pH =

7.0, and the concentrations of: [A] = 0.31 M, [B] = 0.39 M, [C] = 0.19 M, and [D] = 0.48
M; A.) Find the equilibrium constant (Keq; show work). B.) Find the change in standard
Gibbs Free Energy (ΔG°)- make sure to show your work. C.) What does your answer for
B mean about the reaction? (4 points)

3. Create a simple animal with four legs, and a body. Use only basic 3D geometric shapes
to construct your animal (cylinder, sphere, cube, etc.). The dimensions of your organism
should follow these guidelines:
i. Limb length should be 1/4 of total body length (or critical dimension)
b. Now Draw (or insert of picture of a drawing) the animal below (2 points)
c. Next, create a Graph that shows how the surface area (SA) and volume (V) of
the body change as the length (critical dimension) of the body changes over the
following values (cm). The X axis should be the critical dimension size (listed
below) and the Y axes should be the SA and V values. Make sure that SA and V
are on the same graph, but clearly represented by different lines. (5 points)
i. 1 cm, 3 cm, 6 cm, 10 cm, 15 cm, 25 cm, 50 cm, 100 cm
d. Now repeat this graph, but this time for the SA and V of the LIMBS. Use the
same body size values (but limbs are ¼ of the body), but adjusted for limb size.
(5 points)
4. Given the fractional composition of our atmosphere (20.95% Oxygen, 78.1% Nitrogen,
and 0.03% Carbon Dioxide), create a table that provides the partial pressure and
fractional composition of each one of these gases at the following atmospheric
pressures. (5 points)
a. 101 kPa, 95 kPa, 85 kPa, 76 kPa, 61 kPa, 50 kPa, 35 kPa
b. 760 mm Hg, 850 mm Hg, 970 mm Hg, 1050 mm Hg

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