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Niched Walls in Inca Design

Author(s): Susan A. Niles

Source: The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 46, No. 3, (Sep., 1987), pp.
Published by: Society of Architectural Historians
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Accessed: 05/06/2008 01:44

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Niched Walls in Inca Design
SUSAN A. NILES Lafayette College

Inca architecture is highly standardized,withfamiliar buildingtypes important buildings have the style of masonry that represents
and architectural arrangementsfound throughoutthe empire.Niches, the most work.1 The importance of buildings, gauged in Inca
afeatureof Inca designfoundin mostbuildings,arealsostandardized, terms, is judged by the prestige of activities carried out there.
both in their size and in their orderlyarrangementin walls. The Activities associated with the state religion or with the royal
constructionof such uniformarchitectural features by gangs of con- families were more important than activities carriedout by com-
scriptedlaborersobeyedgeneral rules of construction,which are best moners; activities that took place in Cuzco were more presti-
seen in buildingsof the intermediatemasonrystyle. Standingarchitec- gious than activities that took place outside of the capital city.
tural remainsrevealhorizontaland verticalseams, changesin block There are three major stylistic traditions of Inca stone con-
size, and slight disjuncturesin blockfit that show how nicheframes struction which serve as markersof building prestige. Inca ma-
wereusedtoarrangenichesin wallsunderconstruction, andhowexterior sonry of the high-prestige tradition includes well-fitted coursed
buildingcornerswereusedasframes to orientbuildingson sites. The or polygonal blocks. Sometimes they are beveled to give a nice
rulesoutlinedto accountforwall construction of intermediatemasonry shadow on the surface; in other places the joins are so smooth
style buildingspermit us to accountforthe constructionof buildingsof they show almost no trace of a seam. Blocks of the high-prestige
fieldstonemasonryas well. Buildingsof the highestqualityCuzcostyle tradition are generally large, show careful attention to fit, and
stoneworkseem to have beenconstructed following differentrulesfor may be worked on all the faces that meet, whether visible or
nicheplacement. not.2 This fancy masonry is found in Inca Cuzco, for example,
in the polygonal masonry walls of building terraces, as in the
ALL OF Inca architecture is based on construction of rectan- Archbishop'sPalace on Hatun Rumiyoq (Fig. 1), or the coursed
gular buildings, most of a single room, with stone foundations masonry walls of the Qorikancha (Fig. 2). Outside of Cuzco,
and a thatched roof. Elaborationsof the basic design by changes high-prestige masonry is rare, occurring in a few buildings at a
in size, proportion, and the arrangementof structuresin groups handful of important sites. Cuzco style walls are by no means
are seen in the specialized building types devised by Inca ar- typical Inca masonry, and they are clearly associated with the
chitects to meet the administrative needs of the expanding em- special administrativeand ceremonial functions of the Inca cap-
pire, while differences in the style of masonry used in construc-
tion also served to reflect the status distinctions that were At the bottom end of the spectrum are walls of locally avail-
able fieldstone set into a matrix of clay. Fieldstone masonry is
important in imperial Inca style.
seen in the small buildings that make up the planned Inca sup-
Inca design:Masonrystyle port communities around the ancient capital, and it is generally
There is variety in the styles of Inca stone masonry, but the
distribution of styles is predictable. In a general sense, the most

My observationsof Inca architecturetook place in 1977-1978 under 1. Gaspariniand Margolies note that it is the quality of Inca stone-
an investigationpermit (AcuerdoNo. 02/21.07.77) grantedby the work that establishes the prestige of buildings, in part because Inca
Comisi6nTecnica,Centrode Investigaci6ny Restauraci6n de Bienes architecture lacks other ornamental detail. The argument is presented
Monumentales, InstitutoNacionalde Cultura,andwith the supportof in Graziano Gaspariniand Luise Margolies, Inca Architecture,trans. Pa-
the Fulbright-HaysStudyAbroadProgram.Additionalinvestigations tricia J. Lyon, Bloomington and London, 1980, 320. Other attributes
were made in the summerof 1982, 1983, and 1986. I was granted of prestige in Inca design are the scale of building forms and the com-
supportby the Committeeon AdvancedStudyand Researchand the plexity of building arrangements. The attribution of prestige to Inca
Provost'sOfficeof LafayetteCollege with a summerresearchstipend buildings is by reference to ethnohistorical sources that identify some
in 1983 anda JuniorFacultyLeaveduringacademicyear 1985-1986. structures.The division of Inca stone masonry into three stylistic tra-
A numberof peoplekindlycommentedon my ideasas they developed. ditions is my own and is made here for the first time.
I amparticularlygratefulfor the patienceandadviceof John H. Rowe, 2. Jean-Pierre Protzen, "Inca Quarrying and Stonecutting,"JSAH,
Jean-PierreProtzen,PatriciaJ.Lyon,andAnnePaul.Specialthanksare 44 (1985), 177-182.
due to my father,RichardD. Niles, for printingthe photographsthat 3. John H. Rowe, "What Kind of a Settlement Was Inca Cuzco?"
accompanythis article. Nawpa Pacha, 5 (1967), 59-75.

JSAH XLVI:277-285. SEPTEMBER 1987 277


Fig. 1. Polygonal masonry building terrace of the high-prestige tra- Fig. 2. Coursed stone masonry of the high-prestige tradition from the
dition serves as the foundation of the Spanish-builtArchbishop's Palace, exterior of the Qorikancha, in Cuzco (author).
Cuzco (author).

Fig. 3. Fieldstone wall of the great hall at Tip6n, a royal estate near Cuzco (author).

best considered to be low-prestige masonry.4 However, it is termediate" masonry,which is composedof workedor partially
sometimes seen in buildings of a form more often associated workedblocksthat may be fitted, coursed,or simply accom-
with higher-prestige activities, for example, the great hall at modatedto formthe walls of structuresor of terraces(Fig. 4).
Tipon, a royal estate near Cuzco (Fig. 3). In fieldstone walls, Intermediatemasonrywalls are generallyat least 80 cm thick
some attention is paid to fitting stones on exterior building andaremost often composedof two layersof blocks,with the
corners and around doorways so that these parts of the building visiblefacesworked,held togetherwith a clay andrubblecore.
generally have worked stone. This masonrytraditionis seen in fairlyhigh-prestigebuilding
Stylistically between the well-fitted stone masonry of Cuzco forms(suchas kanchas andgreathalls)in suburbanCuzco,usu-
and the fieldstone walls of its environs is a tradition I call "in- ally at sitesknown to be associatedwith royalactivity,andit is
also seen in some buildingsin provincialsites. The tradition
4. SusanA. Niles, "Architectural
FormandSocialFunctionin Inca seemsto be intermediate betweenfieldstoneandCuzcomasonry
Towns Near Cuzco," in CurrentArchaeologicalProjectsin the Central
Andes:Some Approachesand Results, ed. Ann Kendall, B.A.R. Interna- in prestigeaswell as styleandis bestconsideredto be a separate
tional Series 210, Oxford, 1984, 205-223. tradition,ratherthana failedattemptto copyCuzcostylewalls.

t4s 4E
w- Ft- i_' 4 4Sv tt o <, ttt. a r2

Fig. 4. Detail, fitted polygonal masonry of the intermediate tradition, Fig. 5. The lower architectural group from Rumi Wasi, near Cuzco
Rumi Wasi terrace wall (author). (author).

Inca design:Niche design between the 12 doorways on the front wall.7 Niche placement
Most Inca buildings, of any masonry style and of most forms, in Inca buildings is fairly constant in relation to the level of the
were provided with niches in the interior walls, and the Inca ground, with standardniches of about 80 to 90 cm tall placed
sense of design called for special attention to their arrangement.5 so that their base is about 1.25 m above the level of the ground.8
The absolute number of niches varies with the size and kind of Within any given site, the size and shape of the niches is quite

building, but they are always placed in a symmetrical compo- regular, though across Inca sites there is a range of acceptable
sition with respect to the doorways, and they are disposed sym- niche shapes from noticeably trapezoidalto a more nearly rect-

metricallyon facing short walls. For example, the simple farmers' angular form. Windows on the ground-floor level are rare in
houses of Raqay-Raqayniyoq, near Cuzco, which average 5.35 Inca buildings near Cuzco, but when they are seen they are the
m x 9.68 m, had four niches on the rearwall, two each on the same size and shape as niches and either take the place of niches
side walls, and two flanking the central doorway on the front or alternatewith them on walls, obeying the rules of placement
wall.6 The great hall at Tipon measures 6.9 m x 22.3 m and and construction outlined for niches. Oversize niches and body-
has 13 niches evenly spaced along the interior rear wall; the sized niches occur on some buildings, as do niches on exterior
hall at Incallacta, in Bolivia, three-and-a-half times the size of walls and niches elaboratedwith double or even triple jambs.9
All of these elaborations are uncommon, however, and appear
Tipon's hall (it measures 26 m x 78 m), has about three-and-
a-half times as many niches (44) on the rear wall. It also has to be restrictedto buildings associatedwith a high-prestige func-
ten niches on each side wall and has 13 windows, centered tion.
Given the obvious importance of orderly niche arrangements
in Inca architecture,this raisesa question: How did Inca builders
5. In additionto stone masonry,Inca architectsalso workedwith
sun-driedadobebrickandwith sod blocks.Adobeis a fairlycommon place niches in buildings without making mistakes?Examina-
materialthatis alwaysfoundon top of a stonefoundation,which may tion of standing architectural remains permits a suggestion of
be of any of the masonrytraditionsdiscussed.In buildingswith adobe one way that this was done.
upperwalls,nichesmaybe placedeitherin the stonefoundationor in
theadobeupperwall,dependingon the heightof the foundation.Lintels
Niche construction
in nichesbuilt exclusivelyof adobeare generallyof wood or bunches
of caneor grasslashedtogether.Niches placedin the stonefoundation All styles of masonry are used to construct walls with niches,
obey the constructionrulesoutlinedhere;a discussionof niche con- but walls of the intermediate masonry tradition tell us most
structionin adobeisbeyondthescopeof thispaper.No Incasodstructure
is preserved,and nothing can be saidaboutnichesin such buildings. about niche construction for reasons that will become clear. I
Discussionsof adobewallsareofferedbyJohn H. Rowe,"IncaCulture shall focus on the buildings of Rumi Wasi, part of a royal estate
at the Time of the SpanishConquest,"in Handbook of SouthAmerican
Indians,ed. JulianSteward,Bureauof AmericanEthnology,Bulletin
143, vol. 2, Washington,1946, 226-227; andElisabethL. Moorehead,
"HighlandIncaArchitecturein Adobe,"NawpaPacha,16 (1978), 65- 7. Gaspariniand Margolies, Inca Architecture,208.
94. 8. Ann Kendall, "Descripci6n e inventario de las formas arquitec-
6. SusanA. Niles, "CivilandSocialEngineers:IncaPlanningin the t6nicas inca. Patronesde distribuci6ne inferenciascronol6gicas," Revista
CuzcoRegion"(Ph.D.diss.,Universityof California,Berkeley,1980), del MuseoNacional [Lima], 42 (1976), 38.
34-35. 9. Kendall, "Descripci6n e inventario," 41.

r A



Fig. 7. Detail, northwestwall, Building4, RumiWasi. A stubof an

adobeupperwall is seenin the upper-rightportionof the photograph

distance above the floor. The interior of Building 4 at Rumi

Wasi (Fig. 7) gives some insight into the solution to this prob-
lem. In this building, there is a conspicuous line across the
relatively poorly fitted blocks just below the level of the niche
bases. The wall also shows a change in the relative size of the
stones used in the areajust below the niches, which gives the
effect of a horizontal seam across the wall at the base of the
niches. It appears that the foundations were built up to the
groupat RumiWasi (author).
Fig. 6. Planof the lower architectural
approximateheight of the niches, with particularlyclose atten-
tion paid to achieving a flattish surface on the course of stones
located just outside of Cuzco along the old Collasuyu Road.10 at the base of the niche (Fig. 8a). In some buildings this is done
The site includes a number of buildings disposed in two groups, by careful selection of the blocks placed in that course;in others,
of which the lower group will be discussed here (Figs. 5 and such as Building 4, masons filled in the low places with small
6). Rumi Wasi is of special interest because it has relatively or flat stones to even out the layer. The fact that some walls
well-preserved buildings which present the full range of pos- have "low" places suggests that there was a starting point on
sibilities for Inca niche placement in intermediate style archi- the building that was judged to be the right height. In Building
tecture: It has standardinterior niches (Buildings 1, 2, 3, and 4, we can surmise that the wall in the north corner was thought
4), oversize interior niches and body-sized exterior niches to be tall enough for niches, while the rest of the northwest
(Building 3), niching on both faces of a common wall (Buildings wall had to be built up with little stones to meet that height.
1 and 2), niched terrace walls, and even a subterraneanniche Thus, the north corner at least, and possibly the northeastwall,
carved in bedrock (see Fig. 6, feature A). Further, there is pres- would have been built up to niche height before the northwest
ervation of some of the adobe wall portion in one building in wall (Fig. 9).
this group (Building 4), so that we have an indication of the After a building's foundation was the right height, blocks
original height of the wall and we know that it has not been were laid on it to construct a niche frame (Fig. 8b). Niche blocks
reconstructed.By considering a single, small architecturalgroup are relatively well worked, finished so that they have a smooth
such as the buildings of Rumi Wasi, we are to some extent edge on the surface of the wall and a smooth edge at approxi-
ruling out the possibility of stylistic changes over time. mately right angles to form the inside of the niche. Niche blocks
The firstproblem faced by Inca builders was that of achieving are invariablylarger in size than the blocks used in the masonry
a level wall height for the placement of niches at a standard of the wall just below them, and they are always worked at least
as well as the best-fitting blocks in the wall. The niche blocks
10. RumiWasiis bestreachedby a dirtroad,usuallypassableby car, are stacked on top of one another to frame the niche. In stone
whichclimbsto the ex-haciendaCallachaca
walls, a flat stone lintel is set over the top of the niche blocks
Collasuyuat the mouthof the Cachimayocanyon.By foot, one reaches
RumiWasi followinga walledpathfromthe northside of the parish to complete the niche frame. In walls completed with adobe,
of SanSebastianfor abouthalf an hour. the lintel may be wood or even clay-wrappedbunches of grass.

;:::: Fig. 9. Detail, interiorbuildingcorner,Building4, Rumi Wasi (au-


?-i :::'.:::



:::: :;1

Fig. 10. Detail,Building3, RumiWasi,west andnorthwalls,showing
Fig. 8. Constructionsequencein Incanicheplacement(author). niche constructionon both oversizeand standardinteriorniches(au-
The laying out of niche blocks into niche frames makes a thor).

good deal of sense in Inca construction. In this way, all the

niches on a particular wall (or, for that matter, in the whole up the space. In buildings of intermediate style masonry, there
building) can be placed tentatively on the foundation so that may be room for one good-sized block (Fig. 10). The block is
the arrangement can be inspected to meet the planned design. often round or squarishand is generally at least equal in size to
In this way, errors in niche arrangement could be avoided, or the largest blocks used in the lower part of the wall. In walls
at least caught at an early stage, and corrected before the entire where a large block has been used to fill up the space, we can
wall was built up. Further, if errorsin niche size and shape were observe that gaps between the block and the niche frames are
avoided, then there was less chance of having to repeat time- filled in by small stones, usually of odd shapes, and often not
consuming work on the fitting of the well-worked niche blocks." particularlywell worked. In some cases it is clear that some of
To returnto the problem of wall construction, we can observe the small blocks were placed in last and from the front, to
that once the niche frames are put into place the gaps between function as a keystone, but it is not always possible to tell, and
the niches must be filled in (Fig. 8c). The task of filling in is at least some of them must have been put in before the big
of some interest and shows obedience to several general rules. block to hold it in place.12 One frequently sees narrow blocks
In many walls, the largest blocks possible are used first to fill placed vertically with respect to the lower courses in the area
between niches. In many walls there is more conspicuous mud
11. The use of niche framesto plan layoutsandcorrecterrorsmay mortar visible in the interniche wall space than is seen in the
be the architectural
equivalentof the outlinestitchesusedto organize lower walls, suggesting that there is, all in all, not a great deal
work on the elaboratelyembroideredtextiles of Paracasculture.See
Anne PaulandSusanNiles, "IdentifyingHandsat Work on a Paracas
Mantle," The TextileMuseumJournal,23 (1984), 5-15. 12. Protzen, "Inca Quarrying," 20.

Fig. 11. Detail,Building3, eastwall, showingniche framesin inter- Fig. 13. Detail,nichedterracewall, RumiWasi (author).

Fig. 12. Detail, west wall, Building 2, Rumi Wasi, showing niche frame Fig. 14. Detail,nicheson rearwall of the greathallat Tip6n(author).
andconspicuousmud mortarin the areabetweenniches(author).

of attentionpaid to achievinga good fit of the blocks used visibleandlessworkedsurfacesfit into a coreof clay androck.
betweenniches(Fig. 11). Incaaestheticsdemandeda flattishsurfaceasthe rearof a niche;
Once the wall betweenthe niches is built up to aboutthe to achievethis end, appropriately workedstoneswere placed
heightof the lintel,the wall is completedwith regularcoursing from the backof the niche and fittedto the niche blocks.In
to finish it to the properheight for roofingor for supporting somecases,at least,the workedblocksappearto be speciallyfit
an adobeupperwall (see Fig. 8d). into the core andsandwichedagainstthe blocksof the outside
The visualtraceof this systemof layingout nichesis quite wall (seeFig. 8a,b, c, d, crosssections).It is possibleto imagine
apparenton Inca buildings of intermediatestyle masonry, that intermediatestylebuildingscouldbe constructedso thata
whetherof fitted, coursed,or accommodatedstone (Fig. 12). singlelayerof fittedblockswouldbe usedto formthe exterior
The generalruleholdsup for the masonryof freestandingwalls wall surfaceandthe rearof the niches,but I havenot seenthis
and nichedterracewalls (Fig. 13), and it seemsto hold up for mannerof constructionin the fallenwalls I have observed.
niched walls of fieldstonemasonry,such as the greathall at It is worth noting that the depthof a niche is relatedto the
Tipon, where the niche framesarethe only traceof orderin a wall thicknessratherthan to the size of the niche itself. For
chaoticarrangement of stones(Fig. 14). example,the Palaceof Huascarat Calcahas nichesthat havea
The niche frame solves the problemof correctsizing and height of 1.15 m, a width at the baseof 84 cm, anda depthof
placementof niches on wall surfaces,and it requiresa special 35 cm, set into wallsof 80 cm thickness.The Palaceof Huayna
methodof providinga backfor the niche. Intermediatestyle Capacat Urubambahas niches with a width at the base of
masonryis madealmostlike a sandwich,with workedsurfaces approximately 70 cm, with a depthof 50 cm, set into a wall

Fig. 15. Detail,exteriorbuildingcorner,RumiWasi,Building1, front

wall (author).

that is 97 cm thick; small niches in a second building at this

site have a height of 70 cm, width at the base of 50 cm, and
depth of 50 cm, again in walls just about 1 m thick. It appears
that Inca niches were never deeper than one-half the thickness
of the wall into which they were built, perhaps to allow for
the possibility that niche backs could be formed by blocks from
the exterior wall.
The shared niched wall of "double houses" also gives some
insight into the problem of providing backs for niches.13Most
typically, the shared wall is the long niched wall opposite the
doorways, but it can be one of the short walls, as at Rumi Wasi
(Buildings 1 and 2). In many of the double buildings the niches Fig. 16. Detail,exteriorbuildingcornerfromRumiWasi,Building1,
rear wall (author).
in the common walls are placed opposite one another. The
sharedwall is one-and-a-half to two times the thickness of other
walls. In the common center wall of the temple at the Ecuador- served on the outside of buildings. There is some evidence from
ean site of Ingapircabuilding deterioration shows a nice bit of exterior walls to support the manner of construction proposed.
wall cross section, with clear evidence of a layer of blocks In the northeastexterior wall of Building 4 there is a horizontal
embedded in the core of the sharedwall.14This is precisely the seam in a wall which is in other regards not coursed (Fig. 15;
sort of patternone would expect to see if the backsof the opposed the seam is not conspicuousbut can be seen as a slight disjuncture
niches were formed by a separatelayer of blocks in the core of in the masonry on the end wall, above the level of the sixth
the wall. cornerstonefrom the bottom). This would be the level to which
The visual traces of niche construction on exterior walls are the wall was built up before niche placement on the interior.
subtle, as there is nothing corresponding to a niche frame, and
there is no discontinuity in the fitting of blocks between niches. Building frames

It appearsthat Inca builders took greater care to secure a good The problem of arranging niches in buildings can be solved
fit of blocks on wall exteriors than on interiors, which may by providing half-built walls with niche frames. The Incas de-
explain why traces of construction technique are less easily ob- vised an analogous solution to the problem of placing buildings
with respect to the relative location of naturaland architectural
featuresthat were deemed importantby using cornersas "build-
13. Gaspariniand Margolies, Inca Architecture,165-167.
14. John Hemming and Edward Ranney, Monumentsof the Incas, ing frames" to set the position of the foundations.
Boston, 1982, 207. In the lower part of the buildingthey illustrate, In most Inca structuresexterior corners are composed of rel-
one canseehow theseblockshavebeenusedto formthe commonbacks well-worked blocks, usually larger than those in the rest
of niches,althoughthispartof thewallmaybe a modernreconstruction. atively
The largenichesof the end walls show clearevidenceof havingbeen of the wall. Cornerstones usually pertain to each of the walls
constructedby niche frames. meeting at the corner (Fig. 16; and see Fig. 15). The corners

in Cuzco
Fig. 18. Nichedwallbetweentwo buildings,the Qorikancha
Fig. 17. Frontwall, Building 1, Rumi Wasi, with courseddoorway
edge (author). (author).

havea similarvisualimpactrelativeto the exteriorwalls as the One final observationto be made aboutbuildingframesis
nicheframeshaveto the interiorwalls,andthey probablyserve that a firstcourseof blocksfor the exteriorwalls, at least,was
muchthe samefunction.The placementof exteriorcornersfirst laidoutbeforethe upperportionof the wallswassetby building
would allow the criticalpointsof the buildingto be laidout so up the corners.The evidencefor this suggestionis the presence
thaterrorscouldbe correctedon the groundbeforethe building of perfectlyeven coursingjust above groundlevel on some
got started.The carefullyworkedcorners,coursedlike a col- structures.This subsoilcourseis most noticeablein the central
umn, could also show the angle of inclinationof the wall and wall of the templeof Viracochaat Raqchi,where it continues
could set its height. The cornersthus laid were perhapsmore even throughthe openspaceof the doorways,but it alsoshows
durable,andbecausethe cornerstonesformedpartof two walls clearlyin publishedphotographsof the pumagatesat Huanuco
the buildingcouldbe constructedwithoutunsightlyandstruc- Pampaand in an entrywayfrom Mawk'allaqta.16 In the unex-
turallyunsoundverticalseamsat the meetingof two walls.The of
cavatedfoundation Building at 1 Rumi a
Wasi, straightcourse
edgesof doorwaysarelikewisewell workedandappearto have can be seen along the frontwalljust at groundlevel (see Fig.
been seen as criticalpointsin framingthe upperportionof the 15). Without excavation,it is not possibleto tell whetherthis
front wall (Fig. 17). It seems likely that buildingswere con- featureis evidenceof a single courselaid to set the line of the
structedfrom the cornersin towardthe centerof walls. This wall or if it is the top of a deepersubsurfacefoundationlaid
observation suggeststhepossibilitythatworkerson construction andthen filled in to stabilizethe walls to a groundlevel from
crewswere disposedin such a way as to work simultaneously which the walls would be built up. In either case, it appears
from the endsof walls, meetingin the center. thatthe planof buildingswas delineatedon the groundas part
Examinationof interiorbuildingcornerssupportsthe view of the framingof the structure.
followed. Most Inca structuresof intermediateand fieldstone Conclusions

masonryhave slightly roundedinteriorbuildingcorners(see In solving the problemof constructinguniformniches ar-

Fig. 9). It is possibleto accountfor this observationby arguing rangedsymmetricallyin buildings,the Incadeviseda meansof
that the insidecornerswere placedlike a layeron pre-existing constructionthathasleft its markin the standingwallsof many
outsidecorners.Unless particularcarewas takenin settingup sites.The observationof nichedwall constructionin standing
the corner,by carefullycoursingstones,for example,a rounded architecturealso gives insight into more generalpointsabout
corneris likely to resultwhen one is buildingan interiorby Incaaesthetics,status,andwork patterns.
continuingthe surfaceof one wall aroundto the adjacentwall. It might seem to be a conflict of Inca aestheticvalues to
I havethe impressionthat in somebuildingsinteriorconstruc- toleratepoorlyfittedblocksin themasonryin the spacesbetween
tion proceededfroma single startingpoint, continuingaround
the inside.A few Incainteriorcornersshow a distinctvertical 16. The Templeof Viracochais shownby Gasparini andMargolies,
246, Fig. 232; 252, Fig. 238; 254, Fig. 241; Hemming
seam,a patternwhich would resultfrom completingone wall andRanney,Monuments, 190. The pumagatesat HuanucoPampaare
at a time so that laterwalls abuta finishedone.15 illustratedby Hemmingand Ranney,Monuments, 199, and by Craig
Morris and Donald E. Thompson, HuanucoPampa:An Inca City and its
15. The illustration of an open-front structure from Machu Picchu London,1985,68, Pi.IIIandIV.AnentrywayatMawk'allaqta
shows such a seam. Hemming and Ranney, Monuments,32. 219, Fig. 208.
is shownby GaspariniandMargolies,IncaArchitecture,

Fig. 19. Niched buildinginterior,MachuPicchu(author). Fig. 20. Centralwindow,the Templeof ThreeWindows,MachuPic-

chu (author).

carefully laid-out niches, but there is an explanation for this height of these featuresdoes not follow the courses at all; rather,
otherwise sloppy looking wall construction. A number of build- they are carved into a course of finely worked blocks (Fig. 20).
ing interiors in intermediate and fieldstone masonry structures Fancy walls often are composed of two layers of blocks worked
show traces of one or more thick coats of clay used to even out on all the surfaces that meet, so niche backs could have been
and cover the wall. I have seen clay coatings that are up to 3.5 formed by the rear side of blocks of the outer wall layer. In the
cm thick. While most of the plastered walls around Cuzco are highest quality walls, a good deal of work would have gone
badly weathered, one could imagine that a thick coat of clay into the preparationof blocks used in the courses,demonstrating
would mask disjunctions in the fit of blocks on a wall and could lavish use of labor. One might surmise that the masons working
be used to square off the sides and backs of niches. on these buildings were more skilled or more closely supervised
The rules outlined for niche placement hold well for inter- than those working on intermediate style buildings, as it is
mediate style masonry and seem to account for fieldstone struc- obvious from the way that niches are created that there is little
tures as well. The Incas commonly used aspects of form, scale, room to correct errors easily in the highest quality walls.
and complexity to markprestige differencesin their architecture, We can deduce certain principles of Inca organization from
and it is not surprising that the highest quality walls do not the construction rules observed in the architecture.Use of niche
always show the method of niche construction noted. High frames to place niches allows for the possibility that a niche
quality walls often use careful fitting or coursing to achieve an boss, expert in the rules of niche placement, could oversee the
even wall height without the need for filling in with smaller positioning of frames by relatively unskilled workers. Further,
blocks. In such walls, the fit of blocks in the space between the use of building frames to set the orientation of buildings
niches shows no discontinuity with the lower courses because would allow a building boss to set up a number of buildings so
the component blocks are so carefully fitted and worked. The that different gangs of laborers could work on many identical
highest quality walls, such as those of the Qorikancha (Fig. 18) constructions simultaneously, minimizing the possibility of in-
and some at Machu Picchu (Fig. 19), generally have the smallest dividual innovation and mistakes. Such a ratio of overseers to
number of blocks between the niches and often show carefully workers is in keeping with what we know about Inca organi-
worked blocks forming both the niche side and the interniche zation of workers into decimal groups, and it is in line with
space. In the most extreme examples, one worked stone will what we might expect for solving the problem of managing
form parts of two different niche frames and the intervening conscripted labor.18
space, as seen in the terrace wall at Ollantaytambo.17In the
Temple of Three Windows at Machu Picchu, in which the 18. The Incapolicyof tributein laboris notedin a numberof 16th-
three central windows are flanked by two blocked windows, the and 17th-centurysources.Moderndiscussionsare providedin Rowe,
"IncaCulture,"263-269; and in John H. Rowe, "IncaPoliciesand
17. The nichedwall at Ollantaytambo is illustrated and
by Gasparini InstitutionsRelatingto the CulturalUnificationof the Empire,"in The
74, Fig. 57, andby HemmingandRanney,
Margolies,IncaArchitecture, andHistory,ed. G. Collier,
IncaandAztecStates1400-1800: Anthropology
Monuments,33, 107. R. Rosaldo,andJ. Wirth, New York,93-118.

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