Listening Practice 1 - Writing and Reading Adverbs of Frequency

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Listening Practice 1

Directions: Listen to the recording and choose the correct adverb to complete the sentences.

1. George sleeps on the sofa.

2. We go swimming.
3. Grace and Drake do homework in the afternoon.
4. Mr. Jones listens to music.
5. I work at night.
6. My father helps in the house.
7. Ms. White cooks dinner.
8. Jenny plays sports.
9. You pay attention in my English class.
10. My brother enjoys a soccer match.
Rarely-hardly ever-always-always-always-often-never-sometimes-usually-hardly ever


Directions: Copy the list on your notebook and write 10 sentences expressing how often you do
these activities.

Now it is time for you to write sentences using the adverbs of frequency just to check if you
understood how to write them. Write sentences expressing how often you do the following
My life in South Wales

Directions: Read the text and put a tick (✓) if the sentence it is true or false.

Hellen Bouchand lives in Sydney, Australia. She always walks to school, because it is
near her house. Her father works as a mechanic in a small company. He usually fixes
the employees’ cars. Her mother is a housewife, she often does housework. On
weekend, they sometimes go downtown to eat in a restaurant. They rarely watch
television, and when they watch TV, they do it just at night. Hellen Bouchand never
goes to bed after midnight.

My life in South Wales TRUE FALSE

1. Hellen usually walks to school.
2. Hellen’s father always fixes the employees’ cars.
3. Hellen always goes downtown to eat in a restaurant.
4. Hellen’s mother often does housework.
5. Helen rarely watch TV in the morning.
6. Hellen always listens to music at night.
7. Hellen’s father always eats in a restaurant.
8. Hellen never walks to school.

My life in South Wales

Directions: Read the text and put a tick (✓) if the sentence it is true or false.

Hellen Bouchand lives in Sydney, Australia. She always walks to school, because it is
near her house. Her father works as a mechanic in a small company. He usually fixes
the employees’ cars. Her mother is a housewife, she often does housework. On
weekend, they sometimes go downtown to eat in a restaurant. They rarely watch
television, and when they watch TV, they do it just at night. Hellen Bouchand never
goes to bed after midnight.

My life in South Wales TRUE FALSE

1. Hellen usually walks to school.
2. Hellen’s father always fixes the employees’ cars.
3. Hellen always goes downtown to eat in a restaurant.
4. Hellen’s mother often does housework.
5. Helen rarely watch TV in the morning.
6. Hellen always listens to music at night.
7. Hellen’s father always eats in a restaurant.
8. Hellen never walks to school.

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