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Intraday Index Options Trading

By Degree Gann Number System (Buying/Selling/Scalping)

Ninad Desshmukh
This book is dedicated to


whose work is a great inspiration for stock market traders & researchers.

I would also like to thank my family members and friends. Without their support my journey to
fulfil my dreams would not have been possible

Title Page



Ch-1: Degree Gann Number System

Applying DGN System

Ch 3:- Intraday Index Options Trading By DGN System

Ch 4:- Expiry Day Trading


About The Author

Option trading is becoming very popular in India especially intraday options
trading (buying/selling/scalping). All new comers/beginners want to trade
option in the stock market. But options are heavily leveraged trading
instrument and hence a double edged sword. If trade goes in your favor you
can make huge profits with small capital (in case of buying options) in a
very little time. But chances of losses are also big if the trade is not managed

Most of the traders do not have a proper system to trade options. When they
take trade, they keep a very wide Stop Loss in arbitrary manner such as
30%-50-% of entry price. When trade goes wrong they lose heavily and also
do not able to get into trade on the opposite side as our mental bias is
towards the side of trade taken and even we see reversal we wait for stop
loss to hit instead of exiting the trade and taking trade on opposite side.

When the trade goes in favor, most of the traders quickly exit just to see
option price making huge move in the favor or when in good profit do not
exit and next few minutes all profit wiped out as option price quickly drops
even with small adverse move (in case of options buying) and then exit in
not much profit or even in a loss. So basically they do not have a mechanism
to trail the profits using Trailing Stop Loss.

So as options traders, we need to have a system that gives us well defined

Entry Price, Stop Loss, a mechanism to trail profits, probable targets and
thereby risk reward ratio.

During my research on Gann methods & study of Gann Square of Nine, I

discovered a mechanism to classify any trading instrument to a degree that
belongs to a degree line of Square of Nine. The instrument classified as of
particular degree follows the set of numbers belongs to that degree as
resistance and support. An instrument classified as 45-degree instrument will
have resistance & support at numbers falling on 45-degree line of Square of
Nine. I named this system as Degree Gann Number (DGN) system.

This system can be used for trading instruments such as Stocks (cash &
futures), Indices (futures), Commodities, Currencies, Cryptos, etc. I applied
this system on Options Strike Price and found extremely effective.
This system does not provide directional view for a trade .

It is a mechanism that helps you manage your trade in the most effective
manner. When applied to Intraday Options Trading, it will help you manage
your options trade in very efficient and effective manner.

The features of this system are

1. Strong Risk Management

2. Follows the rule of Cutting Losses quickly and Let Run the Profits

3. Helps to quickly exit a Wrong Trade & offers opportunity to participate in

the Reverse trade if such opportunity arises Note:-
This is my original work. I discovered this system in Oct-Nov-2016 & started using for my
Intraday Options Trading around Dec-2016. Here is a link to the trade that I posted on
my blog in Feb-2017.

I also use this system for trading stocks and other instruments.

I am not aware if anybody follows such system. Till date I have not came across anybody
using such system especially for options trading.

Ch-1: Degree Gann Number System

(DGN System)
The figure-1 shown below is W.D. Gann’s Square of Nine (SQ9). This SQ9
is actually arrangement of numbers from 1 onwards in a Pyramid format.

The yellow highlighted lines shown by 0-180 and 90-270 are called Cardinal
lines and 45-225 & 135-315 are called Ordinal lines.

These lines are degree lines of 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, and 315. We
will arrange these 8 degree lines drawn from centre under 4 degree lines by
1. 0 & 180 as 180 degree line

2. 45 & 225 as 45 degree line

3. 90 & 270 as 90 degree line

4. 135 & 315 as 135 degree line.

So we have now 4 degrees namely 180, 45, 90 & 135.

Then we will arrange numbers under each degree line in ascending order as
shown in the figure-2. So our Degree Gann Number System is ready for use.
We will call it DGN System.
Applying DGN System

on Option Strike Price

Consider a trading scenario, where Index, say Nifty-50 (Nifty) spot value is
at around 15700. You wish to trade 15700 call option (15700CE) of current
Weekly expiry. Following possibilities can arise of 15700CE trading:-
If your view is bullish & if you are option buyer then you may wish to buy


If your view is bearish and & if you are option seller then you may wish to
sell 15700CE

But before you take trade in 15700CE, we need to use our DGN system to
identify and assign one of the 4 degrees to 15700CE

Assigning Degree to Option Strike Price:

Open the 5-min/1-min option price chart of strike price that you wish to
trade with as much days data as possible.

1. Find major support & resistance levels for option price

2. Check on which degree numbers the majority of these supports and

resistances are lying

3. Assign that degree to the option strike price

TIP:- Check open/high/low price of option strike price at Gap up/down.

These price levels provides clue to most liekly degree for option strike

Continuing with example of 15700CE, here is 5-min normal price chart & 4-
charts of 15700CE (Chart No:-1 to Chart No:-5) with each degree lines
drawn on it (I created a template of each degree & saved on my broker’s
trading platform. I just applied those templates to find degree).
Looking at charts, I observe that 180-degree lines have mostly acted as
supports and resistance. So I will assign 180 degree to 15700CE.

With lot of practice one can quickly and correctly assign degree to an option
strike price.

Note: Each option strike price of different expiry will have its own

Do not assume all 15700CEs have same degree

Ch 3:- Intraday Index Options Trading By DGN System

You need to keep degree assigned to several option strike price of CEs &
PEs (Weekly &/or Monthly expiry) for the Index you wish to trade, so that
you are ready whenever the trading opportunity arises. Keep degree assigned

1. 5-6 Out of the Money (OTM) option strikes for PEs and CEs

2. At the Money (ATM) option strike (PE &CE)

3. 2-3 In the Money (ITM) option strikes (PEs & CEs)

This is to make sure that you are always having degree assigned to ATM
/near OTM / ITM PEs & CEs even with the movement of Index (even with
big gap up/down).

For example, if Nifty spot is at 14870 then find degree for

CEs:- 14750/14800/14850/14900/14950/15000/15050/15100/15150/15200

PEs:- 15000/14950/14900/14850/14800/14750/14700/14650/14600

One can note down the degree assigned to option strike price in the Option
Degree Table (Table Template is attached in Annexure)
Options Trading Set Up

For any trading set up we require following parameters:-

1. Entry Price

2. Stop Loss (SL) Price

3. Target (Exit) Price

4. Trailing SL method

5. Risk Reward Ratio (RR) (Will be derived/calculated from 1 st 3


When you identified a trade in the Index, based on your (Technical) analysis
& wish to take a trade in the Index option, for example say in Nifty Index
option based on following 5-min Nifty chart (Chart No:-6).
On Apr-05-2021 opening @ 9.15 am, price broke the upward trending
channel, showing possibility of bearish move.

(I):- Buying Options:-

Now let us take a look at Nifty 14900PE 1-min chart (Chart No:-7) (Weekly
expiry – Apr-08-2021) option chart. Based on our DGN system, we
identified this option strike price as 180-degree. So it follows price levels of
106, 127, 151, 176, 204 & so on (Numbers from 180 degree in DGN system

1. Entry Price for the Trade:-

The 14900PE option price opens above 160 @ 9.15 am, but retest Degree
Gann Number (DGN) of 151. So we can enter in the price range of 151-160.
So let us consider entry at Rs 155.

2. Stop Loss for the Trade:-

Next step is to put Stop Loss (SL). For this, we will again refer to DGN
Our entry price DGN is 151. So we will look for lower numbers in the table
(not in 180 degree). These numbers are 145 and 139. We can use these
numbers as reference point to arrive at our SL.
In deciding SL we have to take into consideration volatility in the market.

1. If volatility is less or you are trading Monthly options (Not when it

becomes weekly), then you can use midpoint of 145 & 139. So SL can be
placed @ 141

2. If volatility is very high, place SL below 139 @ 137

You can use this improvisation or simply use lowest level of 137.

In case you do not like to enter at the opening of the market and normally
look for trade opportunity after for 15-30 minutes after opening you can
avoid this trade and can take trade when 9.50 am candle broke triangle
pattern. In that case you could have entered @ 220-225 range or above DGN
of 233 after the option price also broke triangle pattern with SL @ 216.

3. Exit Price (Target) for the Trade:-

Target for the trade can be decided based on following parameters:

1. Based on Risk-Reward-Ratio (RRR). If SL is 20 points, then look for

profit target of 40/60 points i.e. RRR of 1:2 / 1:3

2. If you have target for Index for the trade then exit when target is achieved
or use strict TSL near Index target levels

In the 2 nd scenario, you can have idea of what is likely price for your option
strike near Index target price based on other option strike price.

For example, we entered 14900PE (Apr-08-2021 expiry) when Nifty was @

14850. Say we have Nifty target of 14550 i.e. 300 points away from entry
level. So, we will check price of 300 points up (for PE) option strike price
from 14900PE (Of same expiry) i.e. 15200PE at our entry time & level. The
price of 15200PE or DGN of 14900PE near that price level will be our price

If we were trading a bullish move, and bought 14600CE expecting 300

points up move then, to arrive at target price for 14600CE after 300 points
up move, we need to check 300 points down option strike price of same
expiry. So we will check price of 14300CE price at our entry time & level
for calculating target.

Take a look at following Banknifty 5-min chart (Chart No:-8). On Mar-31-

2021 at 10.15 am, it gave breakdown from triangle pattern and at 10.30 it
retested the previous low level of triangle pattern

If we enter the trade after retesting, it was at 33410 levels and if we observe
support levels, a possible target for Banknifty was at 33200 levels. So, 200
points down move was expected from our entry levels.

Now let us take a look at 33500PE 1-min chart (Chart No:-9) (Apr-01-2021
expiry). The entry price for option when Banknifty gave trade was 370. To
get target for this option strike for 200 points down move in Banknifty, we
will check price of option strike 33700PE (Option strike price 200 points up
from 33500PE of same expiry). Take a look at 1-min chart of 33700PE
(Chart No:-10). The price of this option when we made entry in 33500PE at
370 was at 490.
Banknifty 33500PE was of 180-degree. So DGN near 490 is 471. So for
33500PE target will be in the range of 471-490.

If you see 33500PE chart the move ended near 490-492 level. So we got
exact target based on other option price.

I always prefer to trail SL to ride the move unless I see the reversal of
the TREND!

4. Trailing Stop Loss (TSL) for the Trade:-

When option price touches/cross next DGN level, trail SL to just below 2 nd
lower number(from other degree) below this DGN level. For example, in our
trade, when 14900PE option reaches 176 levels, we trail SL to 2-points
below 163 @ 161.

Continue trailing SL in this way whenever option price reaches next DGN
level to ride the trend until your target on Index is achieved.

In our 14900PE trade, if we put TSL in this way, TSL would hit at 350 as
price reached DGN of 371 (not reached exact 371) as shown in (Chart
Note: - We have to consider 2-3 points’ tolerance as sometimes it may
not touch exact DGN level before reversing or sometimes even option
chart does not show accurate prices.

You can again enter the trade if your analysis suggests further movement in
Index or your Index target is not achieved. So here we can again enter
14900PE above 334 with SL at 314 (if you are aggressive trader) or above
371 with SL at 350. You can exit at DGN level of 452 as Index target is
achieved or TSL would hit at 429 (Chart No:-12).

So by using DGN system to trail SL, we are able to ride the trend & at the
same time covering profits in option trade.
5. Risk-Reward-Ratio (RRR) :-

My suggestion is look for RRR of 1:3, because slippages in entry/exit

prices (actual order execution) or hitting TSL eventually reduces profits
and a RRR of 1:3 becomes 1:2.5 or 1:2

So for our 14900PE trade, Entry was 155 and SL was 137. So it was 18
points SL. So we need 18*3=54 points profit for RRR of 1:3 as target.
So our price target for 14900PE option should be 155+54=209, say 210.
It is 5-6 points above our DGN level of 204. So our target range based
on RRR will be 204-210.

Let us analyse the 14900PE option BUY trade:-

Entry Price = 155 SL @ 137 = 18 points

Exit Price = 350 (based on TSL by DGN system)

Profits = 350-155 = 195

RRR = 18:195 = 1: 11

This RRR was possible due to TSL by DGN system

(II):- Selling Options:-

If we are interested in selling an option then we sell call option (CE). Here I
am taking 14700CE which is ITM (Chart No:-13) (You can choose ATM or
OTM options for selling). Nifty 14700PE (Apr-08-2021 expiry) was 180-
degree option strike.

The option price opens at Rs.200 on Apr-05-2021 at 9.15 am. It retests DGN
of 204. So we can sell at 204-200 range, say at 200, with SL just above 218
(Check DGN Table) @ 220 as per our DGN system (As we are selling, our
SL will at higher price than sell price).

It reaches 176 (Next DGN), so we will trail SL to Just above 190 @ 192. It
gets hit as price bounce back to 198 levels. So we will again sell 14700PE
when it crosses 176, @ 167, with SL @ 192. We can see from the option
chart (Chart No:-14), that using TSL by DGN systems we will be able to
ride till option price reach DGN of 69. So we can exit @ 69 as Index reached
its target or our TSL would hit @ 79.

Trade Details:-

Entry (Sell) = 200 SL = 218

Exit = 192 (TSL hit) Profit = 200-192 = 8

Re-Entry (Sell) = 167 SL = 192

Exit = 79 Profit = 167-79 = 88

RRR = 25:88 = 1:3.5

Note: In case of selling options keeping SL/TSL above 1 DGN level will
be more effective way of trading. For above trade keeping SL @ 235
and then TSL @ 206/178/153/129/108/88.

If we use SL above 1-DGN level then trade would have been turned out as
shown in the chart (Chart No:-15).
Trade Details:-

Entry (Sell) = 200 SL = 235

Exit = 88 (TSL hit) Profit = 200-88 = 112

Risk = 235-200 = 35 RRR = 35:112 = 1:3.2

Here are more charts of trades by DGN System

Buying Options
Selling Options
(III):- Scalping Options:-
Scalping is a technique where we buy/sell large quantity of options for a
very small quick profits and the trade is normally hold for less than 5 min
(actually most of the time not more than 1-minute).

The Risk Reward Ratio is important and normally skewed towards Risk i.e.
higher risk for less profit. By using DGN system, we can use RRR of 1.5:1
for scalping. So for a risk of Rs.20/- profit target is Rs.14-15/-

(A):- Scalping during Range bound Movement of Index

(A-i):- Scalping by Buying Options:-

Following is the 1-min chart of Banknifty (Chart No:-21). On July-15-2021,

Banknifty broke lower trend line @ 11.31 am candle. We are interested
trading 35900PE for buying.
For scalping we will use DGN system on option strike price with little
improvisation. 35900PE is 180-degree option strike. So we will plot 180-
DGN lines on 35900PE option strike price chart ( Blue color lines). Along
with 180-DGN lines, we will also plot 2 levels away DGN lines. So for 180-
degree 35900PE we will also plot 90-DGN lines ( RED color lines) (Chart

When Banknifty broke lower trend line @ 11.31 am, 35900PE option price
was very near to price resistance level of 316 (90-degree DGN). So we will
not enter into the trade and will wait for price to break 316 levels.

At 11.40 am candle 35900PE broke the 316 levels and we will enter in that
candle approximately @ Rs.318-320. We will keep SL 2 point below our
DGN level of 298. So SL will be @ 296.
For next 5-min option price does not move much. So either we will exit @
11.45 am candle with no loss/profit or we will hold as price action shows
Lower High Lower Low pattern.

If we hold then we will exit @ 11.54 am as Banknifty made a doji candle

that shows possibility of reversal. So if we exit after close of 11.54 am
candle exit price may be around Rs.330-325 range. So this is not a
successful trade as we are not able to make 14-15 points in profits.

(A-ii):- Scalping by Selling Options:-

For selling options for scalping, here I am taking example of 35900CE (You
can choose out of money options for selling).

When Banknifty broke lower trend line @ 11.31am candle, 35900CE(45-

degree Option Strike) broke the DGN level of 381 (Chart No:-23), so we
will enter the trade @ 11.31am running candle @ 380 with SL 2 points
above 401(135-degree DGN) @ 403.
For next 5-min option price does not move in our favor. So either we will
exit @ 11.36 am candle with no loss/profit or we will hold as price action
shows Lower High Lower Low pattern. If we hold then we will exit @ 11.40
am candle as price reached 372. We may exit around 375-378 with small
profit. This is not a successful scalp trade.

At 11.4 am candle we can re-enter @ 380 with SL little above previous high
of 395 @ 397 (Or you can keep SL @ 403). We will exit @ 11.54 am @ 357
as Banknifty made a doji candle that shows possibility of reversal. This is a
successful scalp trade as we are able to make more than 14-15 points in

We will take a look at more scalping trades

Continuing on Jul-15-2021, Banknifty broke lower trend line & a horizontal

support level @ 12.46 pm candle (Chart No:-24). But we do see immediate
horizontal support level. So entry at this point will be aggressive one. If we
take a look at 35900PE option strike price it broke the upper trend line and
we can take entry @ 323 with SL just below recent low @ 312 (Chart
All candles after 12.46 pm candle are gives entry possibilities. At 12.47 pm
candle 34900CE cross horizontal resistance and we can enter @ 328 with SL
@ 312

At 12.47 pm candle, 35900CE crosses DGN of 334 and 12.48 pm candle

sustains above DGN. So based on our system and conservative approach we
can enter at the running candle of 12.47 pm or close of 12.48 pm candle @
337 with SL below 316 @ 314.

At next candle, of 12.49 pm, Option price cross our target level of 352. It
makes a high of 358 and close just below 352. So either we exit or hold on
as price closed near 352 expecting further up move. Next candle price does
not cross high of 358 and again close below 352 so we will exit at the close
of 12.50 pm candle @ 352-350 levels.

For the same move of Banknifty we can sell option of 35900CE for scalping
trade. At 12.46 pm candle, option price cross 361 level (Chart No:-26). So
we can enter in the 12.46 pm candle @ 359 with SL @ 383.
We will exit @ 12.51 pm candle @ 335-337 as it reverses sharply.

A re-entry is possible @ 12.52 pm candle as price reverses from res of 343

@ 12.51 pm candle. Banknifty also reverses from res line. So we can enter
@ 340 with SL @ 363. Exit @ 320 @ 12.54 pm candle.

(B):-Scalping during Impulsive Movement of Index

(B-i):- Scalping by Buying Options:-

Following is the 1-min chart of Banknifty on Apr-15-2021 (Chart No:-27).

Price breaks out after consolidation @ 10.39 am candle.

If we check 35900CE option chart (Chart No:-28), it also break out of

consolidation @ 10.39 am candle from DGN level of 273. So we can enter
in 35900CE @ around 280 levels with SL @ 260 (based on pivot lows of
consolidation and just 20 points away) or @ 255 (2-points away from DGN
of 257) as per our system.

In next 1-min candle, option price reaches to next DGN of option strike @
307. This is our criterion for not exiting scalping trade and to ride the trend
using TSL. So if option price covers entry DGN to next DGN in 1-min (with
tolerance of 2-3 points) we hold the scalping trade using TSL with DGN

So when price reaches 307 levels, we can put TSL @ 287 (2-points below
289). But we entered trade @ 280 and we should at least cover our first
target of 15 points, so we will keep TSL @ 295. When price cross 325-DGN
from other degree, we keep TSL @ 305. When price cross 343 levels we
change TSL to 323.

At 10.41 am candle option price cross DGN of 343 but close just below it.
So we will wait for next candle. The 10.42 am candle did not cross high of
previous candle and also close very near to 343 levels. So either we can exit
here @ 340-342 or wait as there is good momentum.
The 10.43 am candle breaks 361 levels but close much below 361, so we
should exit at the close of this candle @ 355

So instead of exiting quickly in scalping trade, here we use TSL to ride the
trend and ended making much higher profits (75-points) than 15-25 points.
This is very good profits for scalping trade as we are using high quantity for
scalping (1000+ no for Banknifty options or 2000+ no for Nifty options)

(B-ii):- Scalping by Selling Options:-

If we choose to sell options then we will check 35900PE strike option. At

10.39 am candle, price breaks 371 DGN level (Chart No:-29), so we can
enter @ 370 with SL @ 393.

The 10.39 am candle closes @ 349. We do not want to exit as we expect

further move due to strong momentum in Banknifty. But we do not want to
lose profits and hence keep TSL @ 355 (covering target of 15 points). Next
candle @ 10.40 am reverses and just hits high just below 355 and hence our
TSL is saved in this case (It may hit, but then we at least achieved our profit

The 10.41 am candle broke DGN of 334 but reversed and close just below
334. By our DGN system TSL level still is 355. So we keep it as it is. The
10.43 am candle broke 320 levels and we change our TSL to 336.
Thereafter, we see consolidation move for next several minutes and we will
exit @ 320-316 range.

The following rules should be followed for options trading:-

1. Risk Reward (RR) Ratio -1:2 Min / Suggested 1:3

2. Strict SL in SYSTEM –not in MIND

3. U se SLM orders for SL/TSL

Ch 4:- Expiry Day Trading

Trading options on expiry day (of same expiry) is very risky at the same
time very rewarding if you manage risk well and on the right side of the
trades. By using DGN system one can easily make good profits following
rules strictly with buying/selling/scalping options.

Prefer trading after 12.30pm-1.00 pm as good move can be very rewarding

Use small capital (If you are a buyer of options) of 1500-2000/lot

Buy an Rs.50-60/- range option of Banknifty or Rs. 30-40/- for Nifty

Use 1-min charts for Indices and Options

Keep SL wide @ Lower/Higher DGN of option strike price.

Let us take a look at few trades to understand expiry day options

On weekly expiry of Jul-22-2021, Banknifty was moving in Lower High

Lower Low pattern as seen on the following 1-min chart (Chart No:-30). At
12.59 pm candle, price breaks support line.

Buying Options:-

If we check 34800PE (180-degree) Option price chart, price broke DGN

level of 53 @ 12.58 pm candle (Chart No:-31). So we can enter the 34800PE
@ 12.59 pm candle @ 58 with SL @ 38 2-points below Lower DGN of 40.
The option price reaches 84 levels @ 13.01 pm candle. As it almost reached
our DGN level of 86, we trail SL to 67 2-points below Lower DGN of 69. At
13.04 pm candle price hit our TSL of 67. So we exit with small profit of 9
Scalping (Buying Options):-

If we are scalping then we exit @ 12.59 pm candle (Chart No:-32). It made

high of 79, so we will exit with 14-15 points of profit around 72-73.
Another Buying Trade:-

The 14.11 pm candle breaks support level on Banknifty. At the same candle
34800 PE crosses DGN of 53 (Chart No :-33), so we can take entry @ 55
with SL @ 38.
The option price does go down in next 2 candles but reversed from 40 levels
and our SL is protected. Next few candles makes big moves and out TSL
gets hit @ 149. You can also optimize exit looking at big wick of 14.21 pm
candle. It made top of 192 but closed way below top @ 160 levels and hence
you can exit around 160 levels.

We can again take trade @ 14.43 pm candle, as it broke the trend line
support & 34800 PE crossed DGN level of 176. We can enter @ 180 with
SL @ 149. We can exit this trade at close of 14.51candle as 14.50 candle
made Double Top on option chart and 14.51 candle came down below DGN
of 233. So we can exit @ 229 OR we can exit @ close of 14.48 pm candle
@ 220.

For scalping trade, we can enter @ 14.11 pm candle @ 55 with SL @ 38

(same as normal Buy trade) (Chart No:-34). We will exit @ 14.16 pm candle
@ 72-73.
We can re-enter @ 14.17 pm candle @ 72 with SL @ 51. We exit when TSL
of 174 gets hit.

Selling Options:-

If we observe 34800CE, price broke DGN of 96 @ 12.58 pm candle & 12.59

pm candle (candle that broke support on Banknifty) also opened below DGN
of 96. We can sell 34800CE @ 94-92 levels with SL @ 114 (Chart No:-35).
Trade exit as TSL @ 79 gets hit.
If we do scalp sell then, entry @ 94-92 with SL @ 114 and exit @ 71 when
TSL gets hit (Chart No:-36).
The next trade entry @ 14.11pm candle as Banknifty broke support &
34800CE also open below DGN level of 46 (Chart No:-37). The entry @ 44
with SL @ 63. If we follow TSL mechanism, then TSL never gets hit and it
is prudent to exit in the range of 6-4 level.
Similarly for scalping trade, the entry @ 44 with SL @ 63 (Chart No:-38). If
we follow TSL mechanism used for scalping, then TSL never gets hit and it
is prudent to exit in the range of 6-4 level.
So by using DGN system one can easily trade on even expiry without any
anxiety or panicking whether you are buying, selling or scalping options.

With practice I am sure that you can you use this system to trade options
confidently. I wish you all the good luck with options trading.


Stock charts with Degree Gann Numbers

DGN Table (Upto 40100 nos)
About The Author

Ninad Desshmukh
Ninad Desshmukh is an Entrepreneur & Stock Market Trader.

He is researching on various Gann Methods for last 5 years such as Gann

Angles, Time cycles, etc.

He has special interest in Options trading.

Follow on

Twitter: @Ninad_Indicator



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