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This chapter presents the methods and research design that have been used in
this study to know the process of Vault Fingerprint Scanner with Intruder Selfie and
Alarm Security. It includes the research methodology of the dissertation. In more details,
we as the authors outlines the research method, the research approach, the methods of
data collection, the selection of the sample, the process, the type of data analysis, the
ethical considerations and the research limitations of the project.

Research Instrument

The researchers will use a questionnaire as a research instrument and guide for
this study. The research used a descriptive survey method used to assess such the
proposed research took the form of a new research but on an existing research subject.


The data will be collected through a questionnaire that will be administered to the
Food Chain/Grocery Staff who was responsible and authorized to use the said proposal.
The questionnaire will be developed to assess the Food Chain/Grocery Staff who is
authorized to use the Safety Vault Box and aimed at determining the affectivity of using
the said proposal.

Questionnaires will be used to​ provide a quick and efficient way obtaining of
information ​because they ensure a high response rate as the questionnaires will be
distributed to respondents and will be collected by the researchers, they require less
time and energy to administer and offer the possibility of anonymity because subject’s
names are not required on the completed questionnaires.

We will use 2 types of questionnaire for our respondents to be used:

● Closed-Ended Questions (​answerable by Yes or No or multiple choice​)
● Open-Ended Questions (​freedom to answer in their own words​)

The questions will be constructed as simple and understandable to obtain accurate

answer and easily filled in by respondents.

As mentioned above, the researcher will use Closed and Open- Ended
Questions to interpret data gathered from the respondents. It includes a series of
questions and extract data which can be an effective means of measuring there ideas,
opinions and intentions to the given questionnaire.

Population of Study

The researchers will use purposive sampling technique in choosing members of

the population to participate in the survey that will be conducted. The main focus of the
researchers for their given online survey was the Staff/Managers of the food chain or
grocery but to add more respondents because the said proposals was applicable also
for private home users of the said proposal, we will allow them to participate. The
researchers use will use Slovin’s Formula to get the number of sample population to be
used. Where Slovin’s formula is:

1+Ne ²

n= sample

N= population size

E= margin of error

​With a 5% margin of error, the researchers need 245 individual respondents to
participate in the survey. Moreover, the researchers will use simple random sampling
technique to identify the 245 respondents of the survey to be conducted.

Description of the respondents

the currently enrolled computer engineering students of Rizal Technological University

Boni Campus will be respondents of this study. They will be selected using simple
random sampling technique. They will be described according to their age, sex and year

Gathering Procedure

Researchers will make a questionnaire as a data-gathering instrument for this

study. The survey will be conducted through online to avoid physical contact in this time
of pandemic. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the questions that will be used; the
researchers will perform the following:

The researchers will formulate questions that will help them gather data for this
study. Several factors will be considered in formulating the questions to be used such
as (1) Difficulty level, the researchers will carefully formulate questions that are simple
as possible so it can easily understood by the respondents; and (2) Quality, questions
will be selected on the quality of data it can bring to the research. Moreover,
respondents can easily choose an answer to the questions because the researchers will
use Open and Close Ended questions. As said above, survey will be conducted online
as well as the collecting of data from the respondents once it is done. Once the
questionnaires were gathered, the researchers will analyze and interpret the data.

Validation of Instrument

A pretest will be administered after the initial questionnaire development in order

to test validity through consultation with the thesis adviser. The questionnaire will be

pre-tested on a sample of 10 Staff or expected user and the results obtained from the
pretest, will help the researcher modify some questions and alternative answers. The
sample that will be conducted to the respondents during the trial will be excluded from
the final population of the respondents. The final (modified) questionnaire after
pre-testing will be used for collecting the data.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers will use the following statistical techniques to analyze

and interpret the results of the data:

1. Percentage. This statistical treatment will be used in the

description of the samples and to show the differences between profiles of the

respondents such as their (?)age, gender, college and year level. Below is the

formula for getting the percentage:

P = f/N X 100


P = percentage

f = frequency

N = total number of respondents

2. Weighted Mean. This statistical treatment will be utilized to

interpret and summarized the data. Weighted Mean will be used to. Below is

the formula in getting the weighted mean:


X = Mean

N = The total number of cases or respondents

f = Frequency

∑ = Indicates the summation

∑f = Sum of the frequencies

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