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A. Nature and Elements of Communication

TOPIC/LESSON NAME 1. Effective communication Skills
2. Intercultural Communication
CONTENT STANDARDS The learner understands the nature and elements of oral communication in context.
The learner designs and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled oral communication activities based on context.
1. Explains why there is a breakdown of communication.
2. Uses various strategies in order to avoid communication breakdown.
COMPETENCIES 3. Demonstrates sensitivity to the sociocultural dimension of communication situation with focus on culture, gender, age, social status , religion.
1. Explains the nature and process of communication.
2. Explains why there is a breakdown of communication.
3. Apply various strategies in overcoming communication breakdown.
4. Practice effective communication skills
5. Evaluate the effectiveness of an oral communication
OUTCOMES 6. Practice learning and thinking skills, life skills, and ICT Literacy.
7. Demonstrates effectice intercultural communication skills in speech situation.
8. Develop appreciation for different cultural perspectives
9. Practice effective intercultural communication.
SALIENT 1. Communication
PREPARATORY SKILLS 2. Critical and Creative Thinking
ADDRESSED 3. Planning, Organizing, Initiative

Lesson Outline:
1. Introduction: The students will play charade to elicit the importance of effective communication and to practice intercultural communication.
2. Motivation: The students will provide feedbacks based on the given task about effective communication and to practice effective intercultural communication.
3. Instruction and Delivery: The students will critique 2 videos. The first video shows the non-effective and cultural bias speaker while the second video shows the effective
and cultural sensitive speaker. Then, the teacher will further explain the fundamentals of communication and the definition and importance of cross- cultural communication,
cultural risk, 10 precautions in cross cultural communication and skills to overcome differences.
4. Practice:
 The students will perform a five-minute presentation of their favorite scenes from an English movie, TV series, or musical stage play.
 Processing of the play. BUZZ Group
 The students will watch two TV commercials and share their insights about cultural sensitivity.
 Concept mapping
5. Enrichment: the students will report on intercultural communication
6. Evaluation: Reflection Logs

RESOURCES PEAC Oral Communication in Context Module
MATERIALS Laptop, LED TV, VGA connector, scoring rubric

INTRODUCTION (15 mins) Teacher Tips:

 Group activity. The teacher will divide the class into three groups. This activity follows the format of a - The teacher will prepare relevant words in relation to
charades game, and the objective is to guess unknown words in the shortest time possible. the topic. E.g. gender, communication, barrier,
MOTIVATION (15 mins) listening, speaking, race, religion, ethnic etc.
- After the activity, a representative from each group will provide feedbacks based on the given task about effective
communication and to practice effective intercultural communication.

- The teacher will provide Venn Diagram template for
Video Analysis
the activity.
- (15 mins)The students will watch 2 videos. The first video shows the non-effective and cultural bias speaker while
- The teacher will give additional reading materials
the second video shows the effective and cultural sensitive speaker.
related to the topic. A bit of semantics on Duterte's
1. Cross cultural etiquette - mr. baseball.mp4 Source:
Putangina!” - Sonja Chan
2. 2010 short film communication
- (30 mins)The students will compare and contrast the videos to identify the effective communication skills and
explain why there is a breakdown and share it in the class.
- (1 hr)The teacher will further explain the given answers of the students through a short discussion on
fundamentals of communication.
- (1 hr)Discuss the definition and importance of cross-cultural communication, cultural risk, 10 precautions in cross
cultural communication and skills to overcome differences.
PRACTICE - The teacher will provide a an example of the concept
Group Roles map.
- (1 hr) With the same group, the students will perform a five-minute presentation of their favorite scene from an
English movie, TV Series, or musical /nonmusical stage play. The chosen scene should show how one or more
barriers to communication lead to miscommunication. You have 20 minutes to plan and organize.
- (15 mins) Processing. Buzz Group. 3-6 students will share their insights about the activity specifically on the
different techniques on how to solve communication breakdown.
- (1 hr) The students will watch two TV commercials and share their insights about cultural sensitivity.
1. racism in a chinese laundry detergent advertisement
2. this will change the way you think (racism experiment)
3. funniest call center conversation
- (15 mins) Concept Mapping - Students write keywords onto sticky notes and then organize them into a
flowchart. Could be less structured: students simply draw the connections they make between concepts.
1. Report on Intercultural Communication
- The students will be grouped according to their ethnicities. They will prepare:
a. 10-minute PowerPoint presentation
1. Discuss general description of their regions using the following guide questions:
a. What is the name of the place/region? What are its citizens called?
b. Is it an island or is it landlocked?
c. What is its tourist’s attraction?
d. What is your region famous for?
e. What are its citizens famous for?
2. Describe the way the citizens used language, as well as their general traits. Give specific situations through
a demonstration. Make sure to have a description of the following:
a. Behavior (Are they reserved? Loud? Generally humorous? Do they smile a lot?)
b. Language use (are they talkative? Soft- spoken? Do they rarely use polite words? )
c. Non-verbal cues (do they think shaking hands is distasteful?)
d. Values (What do they find offensive? What positive trait are they known for?)
EVALUATION (30 mins)
Reflection Logs - The teacher will give a worksheet for the reflection
Reflect on what you have learned after taking up this lesson by answering the questions below: logs.
1. What were your thoughts about effective communication and Intercultural communication prior to the
discussion of these lessons? Begin your answer with “I thought…”
2. What new or additional ideas did you learn after taking up the lessons? Begin your answer with “I learned

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Academic Coordinator
DATA SHEET for lesson 1

WHAT do President Rodrigo Duterte words really mean?

There were instances when his statements were misunderstood by the media both local and international which became very controversial. He says something but interpreted the other way around.
To avoid this, there’s a need to understand semantics, the study of meaning.

Professor Sonja Chan, an expert in Linguistic who made an effort to approach the issue linguistically and semantically cited one particular instance when the media accused him of uttering
‘putangina’ to the American President. She felt she had to explain that the President did not. She said the meaning of PDu30’s remark should not be taken as literal because there are diverse ways of
giving an utterance meaning and context is one of them. Another is culture.

She described the different contexts where the utterance could be said- which showed the context where he uttered the now classic 'putangina' was not the same context wherein he would have
directed it to Obama. 

Chan explained that Duterte did not direct the utterance to Obama but rather just said it directing it to no one as only triggered by the stressful context he was in at the particular moments.  

She added that informatively analyzing the semantics, the true and complete meaning of Duterte's utterance, is not really as simple as just giving it the translation as 'son of a whore' which was
wrong even literally because the literal meaning is 'mother that is a whore'! Thus, media people should really be extra careful about attaching meanings to people's utterances because meanings are
not really simple constructs. 

Chan also stressed that since media deal with language, it would be good if they have at least some linguistic backgrounds themselves to enable them to understand the utterances of people from
diverse backgrounds. 

On the other hand she added that while media should understand the president we have in terms of his language, Duterte himself should learn to use more refined expressions because otherwise, he
will be misunderstood by media men, if they, themselves, are not aware of the contextual and cultural properties and characteristics of language and of the people that speak the language.  

Meanwhile, the national media need to learn from the news coverage style of the Davao based journalists who understand more about the language and culture of the President including his
mannerisms. If not, let the equally good local media report about the President whenever he is in his hometown since most networks have their own regional reporters and correspondents for papers.
Why assign the national reporters for provincial coverage when there are local reporters who can handle the job?

It will also help a lot if more efforts will be done to double check the meaning of any utterance before reporting about it.

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