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Comparison between commercial and homemade trapping systems


Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae), often known as the spotted

wing drosophila, is an invasive pest that has lately spread over Europe and the Americas.  It is

capable of attacking a wide range of thin-skinned fruits. In this study, we examined the

comparison of four distinct trapping systems based on two handmade baits, one of which is apple

cider vinegar (ACV), and two commercial fermentation volatile-based lures (Cha, Et al, 2018).

Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura; Diptera: Drosophilidae) is one of the most dangerous berry and

cherry pests on the planet. Suzukii Trap is a food trap made of peptides and organic acids with a

great attraction power for catching Drosophila Suzukii. Apple cider vinegar has been commonly

used as an attractant because it is clear, readily available, and easy to use. However, initial

studies showed that fermentation products of wine and vinegar or yeast and sugar water were

more effective than ACV in attracting D. suzukii (Landolt et al. 2012, Iglesias et al. 2014).

Commercial trapping systems

D. Scentry's suzukii trapping devices (chemical lures and traps) were put to the test. The

four fermentation volatiles (acetic acid, ethanol, acetoin, and methionol) extracted from a

mixture of wine and vinegar were utilized as lures in both trapping systems (Cha et al. 2012,

2014, 2017). The Trécé D. suzukii trapping system is comprised of a Trécé lure and Trécé trap.

The Trécé lure had four components individually compartmentalized in plastic releasers. The

lure hung inside the trap under the lid using a customized plastic clip.

Both Scentry and Trécé traps had a 210 ml of 0.1% soapy as trap drowning solution. The

trap drowning solution was replaced weekly and the lures were replaced every 4 wk. The traps
were deployed in the fruiting zone of the respective crop (0.5–1 m from ground) (Cha Et al,


Homemade trapping system

The homemade ACV trapping system was 150 ml ACV (with 0.1% unscented soap) as

the bait and trap drowning solution in a red cup trap constructed from a red cup (473 ml; Dart

Container Corp., Mason, MI) and clear lid (Lee et al. 2013). We further modified the red cup

trap by adding black electrical tape (2 cm wide) that is 2.5 cm from top lip of the cup with 40

entry holes (0.32 cm diameter) within the tape zone based on (Basoalto et al 2013). Baits and

trap drowning solutions were replenished weekly in handmade trapping devices. The traps were

placed in the respective crop's fruiting zone (0.5–1 m from the ground).


In this study, commercial attractants consistently collected more D. Suzukii better than

ACV. Scentry and Dough traps were found to be more appealing to D Suzukii in this

investigation. D suzukii was shown to be more effective than the other attractants tested.

Commercial chemical lures, as opposed to food-type fermentation baits, provide a number of

advantages. Chemical lures appear to have more consistent performance than baits. Commercial

traps have a higher D. suzukii selectivity than any of the other traps that were examined

(Basoalto, Hilton, Knight, 2013)

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