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Worksheet · First Term · SY 2021 - 2022


Subject: Grade Level: Term:
Student’s Name: Section:
Chynna Mariz Casino Endurance

This worksheet covers the following competencies:

1. Predict the qualitative characteristics (orientation, type, and magnification) of images formed by plane and curved mirrors and
2. Identify ways in which the properties of mirrors and lenses determine their use in optical instruments (e.g., cameras and

I. Name of the Worksheet: The Images Formed by Plane and Spherical Mirrors

II. Instructions:
A. Picture Analysis

1. Analyze the four pictures related to the images formed by plane mirrors.
2. Every picture represents one of the characteristics of the image that can be formed by a plane mirror. Answer
the question/(s) assigned in each picture to determine the characteristics of the images formed by a plane mirror.
Your answer should be placed in the black cells provided.
3. Formulate your conclusion about the characteristics of the image that can be formed by the plane mirror.
4. Use pages 96-97 of your book, Exploring LIfe through Science, as your reference.

B. Simulation

1. Familiarize yourself with the elements of the ray diagram or the simulation by reviewing the figures given below.
2. To determine the different images formed by the spherical mirrors, drag and position the object according to the
given data in the first column of tables 1 and 2.
3. Fill out the table with the result you have gathered in the simulation.
4. Answer the guide questions afterward.
5. Formulate a conclusion about the things you have discovered in the activity.
6. Use pages 98-104 of your book, Exploring Life Through Science, and this link,, as your references.
Worksheet · First Term · SY 2021 - 2022

III. Activities
A. Picture Analysis (the image formed by a plane mirror)

Part I: Picture Analysis

Type and Orientation Size of The Image Distance of The Image Other
of The Image

Is the image real and A seven-footer basketball If a naruto figure is placed How is this picture
inverted or Virtual and player faces a plane 400cm away from the related to why the
Qiestion/(s) Upright? Why? mirror. How will you mirror, where will the image word “AMBULANCE”
describe the size or the be located? Why? is invertedly written on
height of the image that ambulance cars?
will be formed? Why?
The image is virtual The size of the image is The image is the same The AMBULANCE is
and upright because the same as the object distance behind the written invertedly on
Explanation the object does not size because a plane mirror as the object is in ambulance cars
/ Answer meet the image. The mirror always forms a front of the mirror. It is because the driver’s
virtual image is virtual image which is located behind the plane mirror in front shows
located behind the behind the mirror. in which the mirror lies. a lateral inversion.
mirror. The driver in front
can quickly identify
that the vehicle
behind him is an


In conclusion, images formed by plane mirrors are virtual, upright, left-right reversed, the same distance from the
mirror as the object's distance, and the same size as the object.
Worksheet · First Term · SY 2021 - 2022

B. Simulation

Figure 1: Some Important Parts of Spherical Mirrors

Figure 2: Incident Rays vs. Reflected Rays

Worksheet · First Term · SY 2021 - 2022
Figure 3: Object and Image (types, orientation, and size)

Table 1: The Images that Can Be Formed by a Concave Mirror

Location of The Onject Type of Image Orientation of The Image Size of The Image
Beyond the center of Real Inverted Diminished
At exactly at the center of Real Inverted Same size
Between the center of Real Inverted Enlarged
curvature and the focal point
At exactly at the center of Real Inverted Same size
Before the focal point/ Virtual Upright Enlarged
between the focal point and
the vertex

Table 2: The Image Formed by a Convex Mirror

Location of The Object Type of Image Orientation of The Image Size of The Image
At any point Virtual Upright Enlarged
Worksheet · First Term · SY 2021 - 2022

Guide Questions:

A. Concave Mirror

1. What are examples of a concave mirror?

Head mirrors, Shaving mirrors

2. What are the images that can be formed by a concave mirror?

Real and virtual images

3. An object is placed three meters away from the position of a concave mirror. Consider that the distance between
the center of curvature and the vertex (radius) is two meters? What will be the type, the orientation, and the size of
the image? Explain.
Virtual, orientation, upright,size and enlarged

4. Is it ideal for a dentist to use a convex mirror as a dental mirror?

No, dentists should use a concave mirror because it gives the dentist a magnified reflection of the mouth while
also refracting a bit of light. This means the image in the mirror is larger, brighter, and, for the dentist, easier to

5. Why does a light compound microscope use a concave mirror instead of a convex mirror?
In the reflecting telescope, light rays from a distant source fall upon the surface of a concave mirror fixed at the
bottom end of the tube. The use of a mirror instead of a lens eliminates chromatic aberration. The concave mirror
focuses the rays on its focal plane

B. Convex mirror

1. What are examples of convex mirrors?

rear side mirrors of vehicles, optical instruments, calling bell,

2. What image/ (s) can be formed by a convex mirror?

Virtual and erect

3. What are the consequences of using a concave mirror as a side mirror?

it forms real and inverted images


I conclude that convex mirrors form virtual and diminished images and concave forms real and virtual
images. There are also different examples of concave and convex mirrors.

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