Event Preparedness 2011-2012

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Dear Family, Friends, and Loved Ones: We believe we are approaching a critical period in human history on earth, and would like to share some important information to you, and sincerely hope you have the ear to hear, and the mind to grasp the urgency of this message; as well as, take the necessary steps to prepare your family. Through our research, we have uncovered some startling information regarding Planetary Events soon to happen, in the coming months. This event involves an object that has been called many things (Planet X, Nibiru, Elenin, WormWood, Nemesis, Destroyer). We believe they are referring to the same space object that is currently heading towards Earth. There has been too much happening this year (2011), to not take this seriously. We ask that you now review the following information, and decide for yourself whether you would like to prepare or not. We want you to be prepared, as you are all loved dearly. If this event does not transpire which we believe it will, we will happily buy everyone a round of beers, but we fear the worse is at hand.

Brief Summary of Events:

In 1955, a scientist by the name of Emmanuel Velikovsky discovered that the Earth had suffered a tremendous catastrophic event in its past 3600 years ago, that almost wiped out life on Earth. The reason this event was so catastrophic had to do with a Pole Shift. The North Pole as we see it today was not the North Pole 3600 years ago. The North Pole was actually near the equator, and the Siberia was actually a tropical climate. He found out that the only thing that could have caused such event was a planetary force exerting itself on Earth. This we have confirmed to be true. There is much more detailed information in his book with animal life and vegetation, but we will not go into detail here.

In 1983, Scientists discovered a planetary body or object in space, and was headline news in the Washington Post Newspaper. After this public newspaper report, the governments have made every attempt to cover it up, due to the sensitivity of the matter, and have not been heard since. The reason being, the object was heading towards Earth. It is only recently that this information has started to resurface, due to the increasing unexplainable events around the world. Since then, scientists have identified that this object could possibly be the Suns binary. In otherwise, the Sun is not alone and stationary as always thought, but actually moves and orbits around another planetary object. We believe this to be true. (Imagine the Sun being the Male and the other object the Female, to better understand the scope.) We also believe, this object is the same object theorized by Emmanuel Velikovsky in 1955. Our research indicates we are at the end of another 3600 year cycle right now, but the governments around the world do not want the public to know, for fear of economic and political collapse, and chaos.

Below is a link to a website with all the information you will need to confirm these findings, as well as research into the events happenings in the world today, and download PDF research documents, and locate safety zones in the USA and regions around the world. Get more info here: http://elenin.blog.com/

Estimated Event Dates: Note: These are unofficial dates, and cannot be completely confirmed due the nature of the forces involved. As the object approaches, we actually expect the events to speed up. These dates were derived from NASA Jet Propulsion Lab. We will provide a link so you can access it and see for yourself.

September 5, 2011 (Planet X/Elenin) will be very close to the Sun. It is expected to be as close, as a moon is as close to the Earth. The difference is Planet X is ~1/4 the size of the Sun. Expect massive Solar Flares from the SUN. Major Heat Waves.... September 25, 2011 (Planet X/Elenin) will be in between the Earth and Sun. This event will be very BAD as it will cause an Eclipse for 3 days or more. No Sun for 3 days or more!!! ALL Darkness! Expect massive earthquakes much bigger than in Japan. Earth quakes big enough to destroy San Francisco and submerge the California Coast for weeks in huge tsunamis, and flood other areas in the USA and regions around the world. October 17, 2011 (Planet X/Elenin) will almost HIT the Earth on its Trajectory. It will be so close to Earth, like the moon is to Earth. The only difference is this Planet X is a ~1/4 the size of the SUN roughly. Expect massive debris, rocks, red dust, etc. falling to earth. (At some point in this timeline, the Earths crust will pull from its core and will undergo a major Pole Shift which will be the biggest event felt. If you live in multi-level dwelling, make sure you find a safe place to be before these dates, as the dwellings will most likely collapse.) November 16-17, 2011 (Planet X/Elenin) will have another alignment with Earth. Expect massive Earth quakes again. Things should quiet down after this event. 1 year before the next alignment. December 21, 2012 (Planet X/Elenin) last alignment with Earth. Things will have quieted down by then, and a new beginning on earth. (Again, we expect these dates to speed up, as the object approaches, so prepare early!!!)

NASA Jet Propulsion Lab (Website): http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=elenin;orb=1;cov=1;log=0;cad=1#phys_par

The Magnetic North has already started to change.... This is expected to change to 90 degrees, making Indonesia area approximately the New Magnetic North Pole, and Brazil approximately the Magnetic South Pole. Right now we are experiencing minor adjustments, but when this planet comes very close in the next few months, we will be in for it. News Report by Bryan Williams NBC: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qvj5RJdF-ks&feature=related

HOW TO PREPARE: (Visit the CDC Website: http://emergency.cdc.gov/socialmedia/zombies_blog.asp ) - Stock up on dried storable foods for at least 6 months or longer. - Water - Buy an electric generator, or solar, or wind generator - Stock up on Gas for electric generator - Matches for starting fire - Emergency First Aid Kit (You can prepare anything else as you see necessary, as well as organize with others in your immediate family or community who have land for farming, as there could be a potential for food shortages, with supply chain management being disrupted.)

Please only stock up as much as you need, and do not hoard

We wish you the best and may God be with you all

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