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NUR 145

SAS 28



1.) D,
- Kawasaki disease (KD) is an inflammatory disorder of young children, associated with
vasculitis of the coronary arteries with subsequent aneurysm formation in up to onethird of
untreated patients.
2.) C.
- A normal weight for age is a sign that shows he is strictly following the directed therapeutic
3.) A.
- Rheumatic fever may develop after strep throat or scarlet fever infections that are not
treated properly. With this, the initial prevention should focus on treating streptococcal
throat infections with an antibiotic.
4.) B.
- Rheumatic fever is an inflammatory disorder caused by a Group A strep throat infection.
Carditis refers to the inflammation of the heart muscle and tissue. The areas of the heart
affected by carditis are the heart muscle and mitral valve.
5.) C.
- Some children with Kawasaki disease have diarrhea, vomiting and stomach pain. Kawasaki
disease might make the child very irritable and cross hence, it is important for parents to be
aware with the sign sand symptoms that their children will experience so that they will be
properly guided on how to handle when signs and symptoms occurs.
6.) D.
- The sign sand symptoms of rheumatic fever which result from inflammation in the heart,
joints, skin or central nervous system includes painful and tender joints most often in the
knees, ankles, elbows and wrist.
7.) B.
- Kawasaki disease (KD) is an inflammatory disorder of young children, associated with
vasculitis of the coronary arteries with subsequent aneurysm formation in up to onethird of
untreated patients.
8.) A.
- Symptoms of Kawasaki disease includes joint pain, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain,
fever, red eyes without any discharge, a rash on the trunk and in the genital area, cracked
lips, an extremely red and swollen tongue, swollenly the neck, irritability, and peeling of the
9.) B.
- Kawasaki disease (KD) is an inflammatory disorder of young children, associated with
vasculitis of the coronary arteries with subsequent aneurysm formation in up to onethird of
untreated patients.
- Aspirin is an orally administered non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. Acetylsalicylic acid
binds to and acetylates serine residues in cyclooxygenases, resulting in decreased synthesis
of prostaglandin, platelet aggregation, and inflammation

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