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Name:…………………………………………………………………….………………….Academic Number:…………………………..


Read the passage and choose the correct answer:

ASIMO traveled to Edinburgh, Scotland, for the annual Edinburgh International Science Festival. The festival takes
place in February every year. Thousands of people came to visit the festival, but most of them came to see ASIMO.
ASIMO is very famous because ASIMO is a robot. It is designed to run, climb stairs, and kick a soccer ball.

1. Asimo travelled to……………… a. Italy b. Scotland

2. The annual festival takes place in…………… a. January b. February
3. ………… of the people came to see ASIMO. a. Some b. Most
4. Asimo is a ……………… a. robot b. animal
5. Asimo can………………… a. sing b. run

Choose the correct answer:

1. He…………playing football now. a. is b. am c. are
2. ………….watching TV at the moment. a. We is b. I are c. They are
3. I…………studying English this term. a. is b. am c. are
4. It is……………its milk. a. drinking b. drink c. drunk
5. Ali …………reading a book. a. is b. am c. are
6. Are …………… listening to me? a. she b. you c. he
7. We are not …………… now. a. work b. worked c. working
8. …………I hurting you? a. Is b. Am c. Are

Write the below problems in numerals:

Sixty-five minus twenty is forty-five ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Eighty-one plus eleven is ninety-two ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Look at the picture and write 5 sentences describing whatever you see:






Name:…………………………………………………………………….………………….Academic Number:…………………………..…………(B)

Read the passage and choose the correct answer:

Scientists developed robots more than 60 years ago. For many years, robots have worked in factories. They do
uninteresting jobs, such as packaging food or assembling cars. They are often used to do dangerous work as well.
Most of these robots are shaped like machines; they do not look like people. They are equipped with the ability to
recognize and remember people.

1. Scientists developed robots more than…………years ago. a. sixteen b. sixty

2. Robots can do food.........………… a. packaging b. cleaning
3. Robots are used to do…………………jobs. a. unsafe b. safe
4. ……………robots look like machines. a. Some b. Most
5. ……….………can recognize and remember people. a. Cars b. Robots

Choose the correct answer:

1. They…………playing football now. a. is b. am c. are
2. ………….watching TV at the moment. a. We are b. I are c. They is
3. She…………studying English this term. a. is b. am c. are
4. It is……………its cheese. a. eaten b. ate c. eating
5. Hasan …………reading a book. a. are b. am c. is
6. Is …………… listening to me? a. they b. you c. he
7. You are not …………… now. a. reading b. read c. rode
8. …………we hurting you? a. Is b. Am c. Are

Write the below problems in numerals:

Forty-five minus thirteen is thirty-two ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Twenty-five plus eighteen is forty-three ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Look at the picture and write 5 sentences describing whatever you see:





Name:…………………………………………………………………….………………….Academic Number:…………………………..…………(C)

Read the passage and choose the correct answer:

Japan has the most robots of all. In Japan, 20 percent of the people are over 65 years old. When people retire, robots
can do their work. Japan hopes to have one million robots working in the country by the year 2025. A single robot can
replace, or do the work of, 11 people! In the future, robots will become more useful and popular.

1. The country that has the most robots of all is………………… a. China b. Japan
2. Twenty percent of the people are over …………… years old. a. sixty-five b. fifty-six
3. Retired people are replaced by……………to do their jobs. a. robots b. animals
4. Japan hopes to have ……………robots by the year 2025. a. 100000 b. 1000000
5. One Robot can do the jobs of ………… people. a. eleven b. twelve

Choose the correct answer:

1. Waleed …………reading a book. a. is b. am c. are
2. Are …………… listening to me? a. she b. you c. he
3. We are not …………… now. a. work b. worked c. working
4. …………I hurting you? a. Is b. Am c. Are
5. He…………playing football now. a. is b. am c. are
6. ………….watching TV at the moment. a. We is b. I are c. They are
7. I…………studying English this term. a. is b. are c. am
8. The cat is……………its milk. a. drinking b. drink c. drunk

Write the below problems in numerals:

Seventy-nine minus fifty-one is twenty-eight ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Forty-two plus fifty-three is ninety-five ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Look at the picture and write 5 sentences describing whatever you see:





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