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2019 Singles’ Day Whitepaper

Singles’ Day Review

Fresh Food
Day 19
Game Day

Trendy Day

Smart Day

Quality Day


Health Day

Travel Day

Sports Day


Accessories Beauty Day


Dairy Mum&baby

Fresh Food Book Day

Group-buy Flash Sales Wish List


Day Launch

Mobile Supermark Chinese


et Day Fashion Day

Fashion Membership

Home Fashion Celebrity Day
Red Packet Game, Sharing 100 Mn Cash Coupon

Whale Discovery Game, Sharing 1 Bn Cash Coupon

Furnishing Day
Supermarket Mobile Day New Product
Singles’ Day Partner Game, Sharing 2 Bn Cash Coupon

Singles’ Day Wish List, Shopping Guide, Livestreaming, Limited Box

Import Appliance Import Day


Game Tmall V List Day

Category Carnival

Baby Lifestyle 88 Member Day

Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information

Official Recommendation, Flash Sales

Financial Coupon Coupon Day


Trendy Item Pre-sale Singles’ Day



Let’s Shop Singles’ Day

Alibaba launches more promotion occasions; JD extends Singles’ Day to 29 days


To Continue Shopping




Sales on Singles Day 2019 set a record

2019 Tmall Singles’ 2019 JD Singles’


268.4Bn RMB 204.4Bn RMB

GMV: Gross Merchandise Value

Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 4
Singles’ Day Market Trends
2019 Singles’ Day Key Market Trends

1 5 7
Diverse 3 Digitalized
Traffic Membership
Top 6 Brand and
Driving 2 Management 4
Trends Omni- Consumer
Mechanism Store Optimization channel Segmenta-
Innovative tion Model
Operation Singles’
Upgrade Day

2019 Singles’ Day Key Market Trends

1 5 7
Diverse 3 Digitalized
Traffic Membership
Top 6 Brand and
Driving 2 Management 4
Trends Omni- Consumer
Mechanism Store Optimization channel Segmenta-
Innovative tion Model
Operation Singles’
Upgrade Day

On-site livestreaming was prevalent on Singles’ Day this year; KOLs and celebrities
guaranteed high conversion rates
Brand-owned Livestreaming High Conversion of Top KOLs KOL + Celebrity Mode
Personal Care Beauty Austin Li X Zhennan Zhou
Viyaa: one livestream on
Qingfeng tissue endorsed by Zhennan
pre-sales (6.6 hrs.)
On-site generated 660 Mn RMB
43 Mn audience for
Zhou’s sold 50K+ in one livestreaming
The livestreaming listed on Weibo Hot,
hit 590M+ views,139K+ discussion
Livestreaming Nutrition &
Nov.11 Livestreaming

Austin Li: one
livestream on pre-sale
to Stimulate (5.3 hrs.) generated 660
Conversion Mn RMB
37 Mn audience for
Nov.11 Livestreaming
Furnishing Apparel
90% of brands
did livestreaming In “My Taobao”
section listed an Austin’s
entrance of Recommendation

200%+ growth Mum Recommendation
Home Consumer
No. of manufacturers Care
Bags & Electronics …

Sources: Kantar Consulting Analysis, Expert interviews, Desktop research 8

Leading platforms continue to use social sharing games this year and provide more exposure
opportunities for brands
Play Game to Gain Cash Coupon More Exposure Opportunities for Brands
⚫ 10.21 Start building own “Store”

Social Sharing Team up with friends for tower

building game
✓ Browsing brand collective
Games section
✓ Browsing Flagship Store
at Pop-ups
Earn Store ✓ Checking-in more stores
Fund by ✓ Sharing with friend 1st Daily Log-in Pop-up Video Pop-up
More Exposure Spend fund to upgrade
own store to get cash
coupon & subsidy
⚫ 10.25 Kick-off tower building 9am everyday at Check-
in Interface
✓ 9:00 start competition
✓ Sharing with friend for Daily Taskforce Check-in Pull-down sector
their support to win
Win competition
for cash coupon
⚫ 11.11 Opportunities to more award at Main
Get 18.8RMB Gifts Interface
shopping cash
cart paid coupon Personal Store Interface Tower Building Interface

Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 9

“Must buy” Lists became more diversified and richer in content, empowering brands with
more and better exposure during Singles’ Day
SKU List: Hero SKU Ranking Brand List: Tmall V Ranking Store List: Popularity Ranking
Consumers vote for products to Launched mid 2019 as a quality- • Store popularity list in each category
win cash coupon positioned Must-buy List • Standard: Store popularity value in
Singles’ day.(Original No. of followers+
Must-buy List • Voting section
for Hot SKUs
New No. of followers + store popularity value in
Top brands win customer exposure

• 55 categories
• Applying 5
Stimulate Purchase algorithms
• 36 KPIs
• Top-selling • 100+ media &
SKU exposure KOL reviews

Hero SKU Hero SKU Introduction

• Highlight key
selling points
• Brand followers
Brands • Cumulative sales
• No. of people
• Video to show who want to buy
• Comments on
Stores product
• Secret price to
drive traffic to experience from
product page media & KOLs

Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 10

Brands and their new products have access to more intelligent and more engaging ways to
reach consumers
Smarter Recommendation More Diverse Entrances More Interactive Push
Tmall released “Singles’ Day New Tmall Heybox provided diverse Interactive pop-ups to drive traffic
Products Guide” on 5th, Nov. different shopping scenario to to newly opened stores
providing AI recommendation provide better shopping experiences
New Product AI Recommendation Entrances in Heybox Surprise Box
1. Recommend new

Displays New stores

2. Encourage
browsing new
3. Cash coupon to
Create Demand Installment encourage people
New trials
payment to follow new
Recommends similar
Economical Limited new
New Products as Tmall new products as
new products products Lucky Box
2019 annual strategy AI
1. Pop-up during
browsing new
Large number of new shop- New product
New service products
ping evaluation
arrivals during 2019 cart
2. Contains cash
coupon of certain
Singles’ Day stores or products
Tmall exclusive Others… 3. Drive consumers
new launch to new stores

Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 11

Multiple off-site platforms drive traffic to eCommerce platforms via social sharing and
shopping suggestions
Traffic from WeChat Link within Shopping Guides Topics in More Social Media

Shopper group in WeChat to JD Tmall Singles’ Day sections embedded Weibo Singles’ Day Special Topic

Off-site in “花生日记” main interface

Generate Traffic

Social Sharing WeChat Moment to Tmall Supermarket Zhihu Singles’ Day Shopping Guide
“什么值得买” Singles’ Day

Shopping Guide

Social Media

Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 12

Shows and Singles’ Day Gala on multi-media became important source of traffic for brands

Here Comes Hot SKUs: 1st Shopping Guide Reality Show

Singles’ Day Gala
Started 17th Oct Two Battles 1st Nov

Singles’ Day • 120 brands joined • Restore real-life shopping

100+ celebrities
occasion and promote products
• Products advised by Longer show time

brands reps. & KOLs • Celebrities build own Must-buy • Final 200+ brands participated
list based on brand reps’ and
Gala • 4 celebrities decided
the winning SKUs
KOLs’ recommendation
round of
list vote
Livestreaming on multiple channels
(TV/YOUKU/Taobao/Overseas TV)
• Celebrities and KOL Viyaa present
• Livestream on Suning and Hunan TV Singles’
their Must-buy lists & audiences
multiple platforms Day Gala
vote top 10 must-buy products
Creates Social Buzz
ment • Weibo Topic #Here • Audiences can build and share
Comes Hot SKUs# their own Must-buy list Win cash
Pay for your shopping cart
coupons for
• Cash coupon for • 10 Mn consumers vote for the Win 1,111 RMB cash coupon
10 Mn participants participating
Hot SKUs Flash Sales
audience Must-buy list
voted Hot SKU

✓ Supports raising ✓ Apart from showing products, the

Suning Gala brand awareness as show had competition mechanism ✓ More
a hot topic and celebrities & KOLs to enhance intensive
TV Audience Rating 1.649 the effectiveness of product brand Exposure to overseas audience
✓ Guarantee more
brand exposure recommendation and to lift exposure
conversion rate during Singles’ and sales
Tmall Gala through livestreaming
on multiple platforms
TV Audience Rating 1.443

Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 13

Brands released original short videos to make a stronger emotional connection with
consumers and better communicate products in the videos
CLEAR - Love Story LEGO - Funny Leisure Time Haier - Scene Drama
Ready for Date LEGO Story Oh My God!
• Theme: Prepare for the • Theme: Innovative • Theme: Troubles in daily
date gifting life
Original • Key Message: Take
care of personal image
• Key Message: Show
your emotion by
• Key Message: Haier
solve daily life troubles
• Product: Fridge,
Videos even after staying up
late to play the game
• Product: KPL Gaming
• Product: Porsche 911

gift pack

Articulate Brand
Message Jomoo - The Attitude of Life Vivo - Cool Visual L‘Oreal Men – Career Vision
We are Hedgehog More than Fast Behind Win and Loss
1st JD original H5 videos • Theme: Dream & • Theme: Enjoying the • Theme: Pay attention to
passion progress men’s feeling
competition, involving 6 brands
• Key Message: Follow • Key Message: Vivo • Key Message: Gain
On-live in 3 platforms your dream and never helps you to confidence even after
give up experience young and losing
• Product: skincare cool life • Product: L'Oréal Male
sprinkler • Product: Vivo iQOO skincare pack
Neo855 Phone

Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 14

2019 Singles’ Day Key Market Trends

1 5 7
Diverse 3 Digitalized
Traffic Membership
Top 6 Brand and
Driving 2 Management 4
Trends Omni- Consumer
Mechanism Store Optimization channel Segmenta-
Innovative tion Model
Operation Singles’
Upgrade Day

Launch of Flagship Store 2.0: 4 key initiatives to improve consumer operation capability and
efficiency of Brands’ Flagship Store
Connecting Marketing Precise Recommendation
Personalized product display
• Heybox, Juhuasuan connected
1 to Flagship Store in “store loft”
• Store loft is designed by
Upgraded Fan Clubs 2
Occasion brands themselves Access to diversified membership
offers in flagship store interface Optimiza-
Connect Online and Offline Upgraded Fan Interaction tion
• Omni-channel CRM system Content marketing (livestreaming,
post, etc.) and customer
• Offline physical store, events relationship operation (new product
and benefits display reservation, coupon, etc.)

AR/VR Technology

3 • AR make-up
Integration of Qianniu (Ali 4
• 3D furniture Wangwang for Merchant) & Merchant
Customer Relationship
Tech Management System Platform
Establishment of unified data, Integration
Third-party Software Services strategy and operation platform
Providers to Customize Store
Page for Brands

Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 16

Some brands applied AR/VR technology to bring consumers real-world product experiences
anytime and anywhere
AR Makeup Try-on 3D Product Showcase AR Interactive Games
YSL lipstick try-on Kuka 3D Furniture Experience MAC Treasure Hunt
AR try-on for limited edition Furniture arrangement 3D view AR mini game in MAC online pop-
lipstick, enabling instant to see how products would look in up store offers more interesting
experience of the make-up effect home before purchase exploration experiences

AR/VR Application

Living room Bedroom


• Promote new products through

• Facilitate shopping experience • Control product return rate by entertaining interaction
by enabling instant glimpse and 3D real-world experience for
thus enhance the conversion product selection and thus • Acquire new consumers by
rate reduce after-sales cost encouraging sharing with friends
for more chances to play

Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 17

The newly launched Brand Zone empowers brands with more and different possibilities of
branding within their flagship stores
Brand Education Check-in for Winning Gift Interactive Mini Game
Qingdao Beer Panorama Museum Swisse X Chun Wu Gifting L'Oréal Paris Discovery Game
Reflecting the history of the brand and Chance for gift after check-in brand Explore L'Oréal palace to win gifts; gain

Innovative its products; gifting for consumers who

complete the visit tour in the museum
zone for 7 days; opportunities to speak
to brand ambassador Chun Wu
more chances to play by following the
store or sharing with friends

Brand Zone Design

Opportunity Opportunities

• Presenting the Qingdao factory in

Brand Zone an immersive manner • Boosting consumer engagement • Attracting consumers with an
entertaining game
• Sharing the history of Qingdao to • Attracting fans of celebrity to
strengthen the brand interact with the store and • Game designed to facilitate
positioning, and communicate the increasing brand awareness recruitment of new members
brand spirit

Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 18

2019 Singles’ Day Key Market Trends

1 5 7
Diverse 3 Digitalized
Traffic Membership
Top 6 Brand and
Driving 2 Management 4
Trends Omni- Consumer
Mechanism Store Optimization channel Segmenta-
Innovative tion Model
Operation Singles’
Upgrade Day

A variety of membership management tools enables optimized consumer interaction, and
member recruitment and retention
Omni-channel Upgraded Member
Intermediate Join Tmall Brand Club
Membership Integration Engagement System
• Connecting online and • Introduced Intimacy index* Tmall set a club with 60+
Basic Social Sharing for offline CRM data between brand and member brands of high-value
Targeted New Member • Realizing shared member • Exclusive gifts for intimate
Gift for New Joiners Recruitment rights across all channels members to encourage
• Enabling more efficient
membership management
by leveraging big data
Coupon for new members

Various special coupons:

• For re-purchase
Coupon for sharing
• For large amount
store with friends
• Flash Sales coupon
Gifts for new members

Credit Redemption for

• More member recruitment
Member Retention opportunities in Tmall
• Large amount coupon to
Gifts for inviting friends to join * Intimacy index:measuring rise ticket size
the brand’s club browse, purchase, interaction, • Stimulate repurchase
social share, etc.

Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 20

Lancôme adopts differentiated membership management tools and offered Singles’ Day
special gifts
Membership Integration Intimacy Management
Integrated data and member credits across all channels to Introduced optimized Weitao Membership Zone to
achieve more active Omni-Channel Consumer better manage store followers and promote products
Lancôme • Exclusive gift for members with
100+ Intimacy index
• Special gift for new members

WeChat Offline Official • Weitao section: Fans’
Mini Program Counters Website
Store Favorite
12 Mn
Tmall Flagship Store Exclusive Benefit for Singles’ Day Joined Tmall Brand Club
Applying various incentives to take advantage of the heavy
Followers Singles’ Day traffic
Deep cooperation with Tmall for gaining access to more
traffic and membership operation tools

• Launched member
27 Mn activities: free product
Singles’ Day Brand New Member Gifts
for large amount
• purchase in Singles’
Liked Day
The chance to pay for
Lancôme Shopping cart • Samples of top sellers
Double Credits and cash coupon
in Singles’ Day

Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 21

2019 Singles’ Day Key Market Trends

1 5 7
Diverse 3 Digitalized
Traffic Membership
Top 6 Brand and
Driving 2 Management 4
Trends Omni- Consumer
Mechanism Store Optimization channel Segmenta-
Innovative tion Model
Operation Singles’
Upgrade Day

The popular blind box has been extended online; many FMCG brands trail launched similar
products during Singles’ Day
Product as Blind Box Complimentary as Blind Box Experience as Blind Box
Lipton Singles’ Day Tmall Kotex X Hello Kitty gift pack POPMART online blind box
Exclusive Box • Buy two packs get one Hello Kitty • Buy and unveil the blind box
• 12 flavor tea bags hide behind the blind box online via a game embedded in the
gift box for consumer exploration • Monthly volume:75K+ flagship store
• Tmall pre-sales volume: 5,300+ • Tmall pre-sales volume realized
over 430% growth over last year
Blind Box

Combine Social L'OCCITANE X JD gift pack

Sharing and Buy gift pack get JD Joy blind box

Note: Sales data was collected from brand’s flagship store by noon, Nov.11 th
Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 23
Redemption cards were officially launched before Singles’ Day, offering extra opportunities to
drive sales during the big promotion
Effectively Improve Sales Performance Adopted by FMCGs

Food Beverage
1 From single purchase
to bulk purchase
Enables brand to boost
Singles’ Day ticket size and
Redemption encourage repurchase

Card 2 More choices

Skincare Cosmetics
Drives long-tailed products
sales by redeeming
Empower Promotion
& Stimulate
Repurchase 3 Gifting Shoes & Accessories Mom & Baby
Gain new shoppers and
promote brand exposure

Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 24

Companies brought brands together from across their portfolio to better meet different
consumer needs
Shiseido Group Full-solution Beauty Box H&H Group Cross-category Set
Offers cross-brand set with top SKUs of brands under Offer pregnancy nutrition solution for moms
Shiseido group Swisse Pregnancy Calcium+
Includes Shiseido, Ipsa, ANESSA, CPB, NARS, Fino, etc. Biostime Pregnancy Milk Powder

Cross-brand includes:

Sets 1. Dprogram Cleansing

2. Shiseido Ultimune
3. Ipsa Toner
Combine Top SKUs 4. ELIXIR Essence
and Related
5. ANESSA Sun Cream
Categories 6. CPB Primer
7. NARS Lipsticks
8. Fino Hair Mask

Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 25

Offline services were digitalized during Singles’ Day; Merchants entered B2C platforms by
selling service packages online and serving offline
Oral Care Physical Examination Beauty Services

• Invisalign cooperated with • iKang offered discounts and • Ali Health partnered with Cosmetic
offline dental clinics to sell cashback of its physical examination Medicine Clinics to provide services
orthodontic treatment packages packages such as skin management, depilation.
• Singles’ Day pre-sale volume: 22 • Singles’ Day pre-sale volume: 3,200+ • They did livestreaming for
education on female beauty

Service Deal
Domestic Botox from
Unlock New Selling Mylike Cosmetics Clinic
Channel for Offline

Livestreaming hosted by

Note: Sales data was collected from brand’s flagship store by noon, Nov.11 th
Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 26
2019 Singles’ Day Key Market Trends

1 5 7
Diverse 3 Digitalized
Traffic Membership
Top 6 Brand and
Driving 2 Management 4
Trends Omni- Consumer
Mechanism Store Optimization channel Segmenta-
Innovative tion Model
Operation Singles’
Upgrade Day

Chinese-style is a trendy concept for gift box design and it has recently been extended to
product design
Chinese-style Gift Box Chinese-style Package Chinese-style Product Design
Same product with different outer Same product with different product Special product design
package / box package
Pantene National Chinese National
Museum Gift Geography
Nezha diaper Eyeshadow colored with
landscape view of China
Pre-sales Volume: Pre-sales Volume: (e.g. Danxia)
90K+ 20K+ Monthly Volume:
Me And My Three Squirrels Yuesai X
Florasis Chinese
Emperor Hand Sculpture Lipstick
Cool Country made Gift Pack
Summer Palace
Monthly Volume:
Lipstick sculptured with
Chinese elements
Monthly Volume: 20K+ Monthly Volume:

White Rabbit NOC Yili Chinese Lining X People’s Daily

60-Year Anniversary Elements ice-cream Li-Ning Hoodie with
Gift Pack People’s Daily image
Monthly Volume: Monthly Volume: Pre-sale Volume:
4K 1.8K 600

Note: Sales data was collected from brand’s flagship store by noon, Nov.11 th
Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 28
Popular celebrities bring considerable traffic to brands and result in boosting the sales of the
endorsed products as their fans buy more

Sean Xiao Singer, Actor Yibo Wang Singer, Actor

Weibo Follower:20 million+ Weibo Follower:28 million+

Pay For
5 mins of pre-sale Anti-Hair Fall 1 min of pre-sale
My Idol Sean Gift Pack sold
out in 20mins
Skincare Products
1.65 hundred million+
Tide Pods
600K+ exceeded the whole
day sales of 2018
Pre-sale 80,085
exceeded the whole
day sales of 2018

Sean Gift Pack 3D toothpaste Gift pack

1.2 million+ 1.9million+ 2.55million+ HFP Skincare
Pre-sale in an hour Yibo Design T-shirt
2.7million+ Sold out in mins
hundred million+

28 mins of pre-sales
VS Gift Pack Pulse beer New SKU
exceeded one day
20million+ 1million+ Limited gift pack Yogurt set Shower Gel set
sales last year
Pre-sale 29,999 set 30million+ 10million+
* Above data present sales value

Note: Sales data was collected from brand’s flagship store by noon, Nov.11 th
Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 29
Niche and professional fitness products stand out from sport-related categories

Sports Equipment Smart Device Food & Beverage Accessories

Sharkfit Instant Veidoorn Waist
Espon Fascia Gun Xiaomi Fitness Tracker 4
Monthly volume:25k+ Monthly volume:100k+
Chicken Breast Trimmer
Monthly volume:80k+ Monthly volume:15k+

Fitness is a
part of my life Aoyi Foam Roller
Huawei Smart Body
Smeal Meal
Replacement Milk- Keep Gym Gloves
Monthly volume:20k+
Fat Scale Monthly volume:10k+
Monthly volume:45k+
Monthly volume:100k+

Note: Sales data was collected from brand’s flagship store by noon, Nov.11 th
Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 30
Stylish products drive sales as they are welcomed by more consumers during Singles’ Day

Consumer Electronics Food & Beverage Kitchenware Skincare

Usmile E-toothbrush Qingdao Night Owl Beer Bruno Moomin SKII Essence Limited
Monthly Volume: 95K+ Monthly Volume: 25K+ Limited Edition E-Pot Edition
Monthly Volume: 20K+ Monthly Volume: 55K+

Good Looks
Everything AMIRO Day Light Mirror
Monthly Volume: 55K+
Holiland Cheese Cake
Monthly Volume: 100K+
Zwilling Pink Knife Sets
Monthly Volume: 6K+
Pond’s X Monet
mask gift pack
Monthly Volume: 15K+

Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 31

Products for reducing stress and improving wellbeing had outstanding sales performance on
Singles’ Day
Sleep & Relaxation Nutrition Hair Loss Prevention Late Night Recovery
Head & Shoulders
AFU Sleep Oil Spray Swisse Liver Detox Guerlain Midnight Secret
Pre-sale Volume: 74K+ Monthly Volume: 41K+
Anti-Hair Loss Set Pre-sale Volume: 3,300+
Pre-sale Volume: 139K+

Self-care, The
New Norm SKG Neck Massager Xiaoxian Dun Instant KERASTASE Dermalogica Recovery
Monthly Volume: 65K+ Bird’s Nest Anti-hair Loss Ampoule Masque
Monthly Volume: 26K+ Monthly Volume: 15K+ Monthly Volume: 32K+

Note: Sales data was collected from brand’s flagship store by noon, Nov.11 th
Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 32
2019 Singles’ Day Key Market Trends

1 5 7
Diverse 3 Digitalized
Traffic Membership
Top 6 Brand and
Driving 2 Management 4
Trends Omni- Consumer
Mechanism Store Optimization channel Segmenta-
Innovative tion Model
Operation Singles’
Upgrade Day

Offline merchants participated in Singles’ Day promotion via O2O platforms, launching e-
vouchers and livestreaming
Various Coupon Formats Sharing for Free Meal O2O Livestream Launch – 0.1 RMB for Dicos’ 16 launched free meal campaign Merchants and partnered KOLs
RMB voucher in its WeChat Mini-Program: launched 100+ livestreaming to
promote their Singles’ Day campaign
O2O consumers share the a price-cut

Home Delivery
promotion to friends to win a free meal

Diverse Promotion

Koubei – KFC chicken coupons

Consumption at Store

(for dine in)

Free Meals


Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 34

B2B platforms upgraded Singles’ Day operation by leveraging traffic generation mechanisms for
better store owners engagement and by enhancing omni-channel distribution
Diversified Promotion Mechanism to Encourage Store Owners
Amount Discount Lottery Opportunities Cash Coupon In-store Display

Extensive Promotion
LST Engaging Store Owners B2B2C XTL Enhancing Omni-channel Selling
Singles’ Day Gala for Store Owners More Economic Product Offer
• Livestreaming Gala designated • JD launches its private label “Life
for store owners Hero” at Singles’ Day

• Interactive games during gala for • Covering Fab Liquid and Tissue,
Singles’ Day Gala activation, such as red pockets, as differentiated and high-
secret gifting, etc. margin products for store owners

Drive Traffic to Store by Promotion to Consumers Omni-channel Distribution for Brands

Private Label
• Consumers can participate the • First liaison of all JD’s offline
lottery game after shopping more retailers for Singles’ Day promotion
than 1.1 RMB
• Participants include JD CVS, JD
Omni-channel • Consumers have access to more Tobacco & Alcohol, JD Mum &
coupons if store owners purchased Baby, JD Foodservice, etc.
over 110 RMB of certain brands

Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information

CBEC is a crucial incubator of new products – brand introduction and Hot SKUs in niche
categories are highlights of Singles’ Day
300% YoY GR of New Brands on Tmall Global Niche Categories Entered
Probiotics Oral Care Beauty Care
More than 22,000 global brands entered Tmall
-Female -Teeth strips -Cosmetic
Probiotics instrument

CBEC Fenty Beauty

Flagship Store
Flagship Store
Drunk Elephant
Flagship Store
Pre-Sale Volume: 35K+
Brand Free
Teeth Strips
Beauty instrument
Pre-Sale Volume: 61K+ Pre-Sale Volume: 11K+

Foster New Products

New Brand Kakaofriends

Flagship Store
COACH Official
Flagship Store
Flagship Store
Pet Foods Bed & Household Make Up
-Natural food -Foam-latex pillow -Highlighter
GO Grain NITTAYA Fenty Beauty
Cat Food foam-latex pillow Highlighter
Monthly Volume: 1.4K+ Monthly Volume: 16K+ Monthly Volume: 38K+

New Hot SKUs

Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information

2019 Singles’ Day Key Market Trends

1 5 7
Diverse 3 Digitalized
Traffic Membership
Top 6 Brand and
Driving 2 Management 4
Trends Omni- Consumer
Mechanism Store Optimization channel Segmenta-
Innovative tion Model
Operation Singles’
Upgrade Day

Alibaba’s two new marketing KPI models: AIPL and FAST

AIPL Consumer Segmentation FAST

- Redefine Brand Marketing KPI - Systematic Evaluation of Brand Management KPI

Consumers who have been

exposed to advertisement and New & AIPL
Awareness campaign, or who have browsed
flagship store or visited offline Conversion
Consumer Fertility
Total Amount
store in the past 15 days
Convert high-potential
consumers to interest- AIPL converted
Brand members who have viewed based customers, and consumers
Interest products twice or above or added
product to cart or to favorite or
to expand consumer /AIPL Consumer total Advancing
base and lift conversion amount
voluntarily interacted with brands in the by customized promotion
past 15 days
High-value and influential

Consumers who have purchased any consumers who are willing to
interact with brands, and
products in the past 2.5 years Retention become members
Brands can reach, maintain
and activate consumers Active super users
effectively by providing /total super users
Consumers who have made positive
comments or purchased twice or
interactive membership (active: Adding to cart, adding to Thriving
and content management favorite and other interactive
above in the past 1 year
actions within 180 days)

Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 38

Alibaba defines eight strategic consumer segments

Small Town Exquisite Trendy Mature Small Town The City

Gen Z Blue-collar
Elite Mom White-collar Middle Class Uncle Elderly
• 20 - 30 YO • Post 95 & Post 00 • Moms (pregnant • 25 - 35 YO • 35 - 45 YO • 25 - 45 YO • >35 YO • >50 YO
• Below Tier 4 • Mostly students – with child up to • Tier 1/2/3 cities • Tier 1/2/3 cities • Tier 1/2/3 cities • Tier 4 and below • Tier 1/2/3 cities
cities 12 YO) cities
• Tier 1/2/3 cities • Company staff, • Company staff, • < L2 consumption
General • Tier 1/2/3 cities servants, finance servants, finance level
Attribute • L3+ consumption professionals professionals
level • L3+ consumption • L3+ consumption
level level

• Trend follower • Internet and • Baby first with • High income and • Sophisticated • High living cost • Pursuing value • Untapped EC
• Pursuing value online shopping high conscious of high spending consumption • Long-distance for money customers with
for money lovers product safety level habit with own commute with • Followers high potential
• Exploratory and • Caring health and • Pay for taste more time on • Economical
• Sufficient • Valuing
disposable seeking for new & beauty with high convenience due • Enjoying offline entertaining app acquaintance lifestyle
income as low exotic spending on to fast-pace life experience • Pursuing value • Still relying on
Detailed • Heavy users of
housing pressure • Easy to be fitness and Yoga • Value quality life • Rational for money offline spending
entertaining app
Attribute triggered by • Protector of consumers
• Heavy users of • Trendy urban • Trend follower • Heavy users of
entertaining app package and family health populations social network
with more leisure enjoy community • Pay for
time convenience

Sources: Kantar Consulting Analysis, Expert interviews, Desktop research 39

Digitalized consumer operation has reached a new era thanks to the Alibaba’s innovative
category performance evaluation - by assessing FAST across 8 consumers segments

Category FAST Ranking by

Category FAST Ranking Incremental Consumer Groups
Consumer Groups

Source: Kantar Consulting analysis based on public information 40

Singles’ Day Shopper Trends
Shopper Research Methodology

Timing & Sample City-tier Definition Research Objective

• Two rounds of survey were launched • New Tier-1 Cities includes: Tianjin, • Two rounds of survey one before and
through Kantar’s WeChat Account ShengYang, DaLian, NanJing, one after Singles’ Day zoomed into
“研之有礼”on Nov. 2nd to 4th and SuZhou, HangZhou, NingBo, QingDao, shopper trends, including consumer
Nov.12th . ZhengZhou, WuHan, ChangSha, mindset, platform preference, budget
DongGuan, ChongQing, ChengDu, and spending, media touchpoints,
• Both rounds survey had 900 samples; Xi’An and category selection.
Male accounted for 50% of samples, • It provides a better understanding of
16 to 34 YO accounted for 70%, and shopper trends during the Singles’
Tier-1 cities & new Tier-1 cities Day promotion.
accounted for 50%

Single’s Day Spending: Shopper have spent more than they budgeted, especially for Tier-1 and
New Tier-1 Shoppers; Lower-tier shoppers follow their budget planned before promotion

Singles’ Day Actual Spending

◼ No idea
19% 15%
◼ Above 5,001 RMB 20% 24% 28%

◼ 2,001-5,000 RMB 30% 36%


◼ 501-2,000 RMB 35% 31% 30%

◼ Less than 500 11% 13% 15%
3% 8%
Budget Spending Tier-1 Cities New Tier-1 Cities Tier-2 Cities Lower-tier Cities

Data Source:
Q: How much have you spend during Singles’ Day this year? (n=865)
Singles’ Day Consumption: The majority of shoppers felt that they bought just enough. Tier-2
shoppers bought beyond expectation and lower-tier shoppers would like to have bought more

Tier-1 Cities New Tier-1 Cities Tier-2 cities Lower-tier Cities

13 13 10 10
Avg. Number
of Orders orders orders orders orders

Bought Too 24% 22% 26% 20%

68% 65% 63% 63%
Not Enough
5% 8% 8% 11%

No Idea 3% 5% 3% 7%

Data Source:
Q: Reviewing your Singles’ Day consumption, how would you comment on it, too much or not enough? (n=865) 44
Q: How many orders have you placed during Singles’ Day this year? (n=865)
Singles’ Day Platform: Tier-1 and New Tier-1 shoppers focus on Tmall/Taobao and JD; PDD
stands out in Lower-tier and had shoppers from Tier-1 for cheaper electronic products

Platform Usage across Different City Tier

Tier-1 Cities New Tier-1 Cities Tier-2 Cities Lower-tier Cities

72% 71%

30% 29%

7% 7% 5% 5%

淘宝 天猫 京东 拼多多 苏宁易购 唯品会 聚美优品 网易严选 小红书 考拉 云集

Data Source:
Q: Which of platforms have your shopped from during Singles’ Day? (n=865)
Singles’ Day Platform: Shoppers under 24 YO are price-sensitive and prefer Taobao and PDD;
Older shoppers are more concentrated in three leading platforms and PDD

Platform Usage across Different Age Group

Below 24 YO 25-34 YO 35-44 YO Above 45 YO




20% 21% 20%


淘宝 天猫 京东 拼多多 苏宁易购 唯品会 聚美优品 网易严选 小红书 考拉 云集

Data Source:
Q: Which of platforms have your shopped from during Singles’ Day? (n=865)
Singles’ Day Shopping List: Apparel and Personal Care remain on top of Singles’ Day
shopping lists; Demand of Service Products and Virtual Products boost significantly

Wish-to-Buy Categories during Singles’ Day

2019 2018

46% 44%
32% 32% 31% 31% Categories with booming demand vs. 2018

22% 22%
20% 19%
16% 16% 15% 14% 14%
11% 10% 9%

Grain & Tea,

Apparel, Furniture Home Nutrition
Personal Consumer Sports & Home Oil & Fresh Services Coffee & Mom & Virtual Automoti
Shoes Snacks Beauty Electronic Outdoors
& Dairy Applianc Beverage Alcohol & Health
Care Care Furnishing Food Food Product Powdered Baby Products ve
and Bags es Beverage care

Service Product: e.g. offline SPA, flight tickets and hotel Data Source:
Virtual Product: e.g. video platform membership, game credits 47
2018 survey has not covered Home Appliances Q: Which of the following categories will you buy in Singles’ Day this year? (n=888)
Singles’ Day Category Choice: More stock up shopping mission for Grain & Oil and Home Care
categories; better discounted Beauty and Nutrition products also converted into sales
Categories that were purchased more than planned Apparel, Shoes and Bags

Personal Care
40% Snacks
Categories Actually Shopped

Home Care

30% Furniture & Furnishing

Grain & Oil & Foodstuff Sports & Outdoors
Consumer Electronics
Fresh food Dairy
20% Mom & Baby
Virtual Products Home Appliance
Beverage Service Products
Tea, Coffee & Powdered Beverage
Books and Video Automotive
Pet Products Alcohol
Nutrition & Healthcare

5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%
Categories Plan to Shop before Singles’ Day

Data Source:
Q: What categories did you buy during 2019 Singles’ Day? (n=865)
Singles’ Day Category Choice: Young shoppers bought more food than they planned, while
older shoppers bought more durable goods
Below 24 YO 25-34 YO 35-44 YO Above 45 YO
Pleasure Life Exquisite & Healthy Love Family and Myself
Buy snack, instant food and Buy apparel, personal care & Buy Home Care, Furnishing, and Fresh Food for family, also
memberships beauty, and sports equipment Electronics and Sports equipment for themselves

1 Snacks 1 Apparel, Shoes and Bags 1 Apparel, Shoes and Bags 1 Apparel, Shoes and Bags

2 Apparel, Shoes and Bags Personal Care Personal Care Furniture & Furnishing 6

3 Personal Care Beauty Snacks Personal Care 2

4 Beauty Snacks Home Care 3 Snacks

5 Virtual products 3 Home Care 1 Beauty Fresh food 3

6 Dairy 1 Sports & Outdoors 1 Sports & Outdoors 2 Consumer Electronics

7 Home Care 2 Furniture & Furnishing Furniture & Furnishing Beauty

8 Consumer Electronics Grain & Oil & Foodstuff 2 Consumer Electronics Sports & Outdoors 7

9 Grain & Oil & Foodstuff 3 Consumer Electronics Grain & Oil & Foodstuff Grain & Oil & Foodstuff 2

10 Sports & Outdoors Mom & Baby 3 Dairy 2 Home Care

N Ranked up in Actual Shopped Categories compared to Data Source:

Q: Which of the following categories will you buy in Singles’ Day this year? (n=888) 49
Wish-to-buy List before Singles’ Day Q: What categories did you buy during 2019 Singles’ Day? (n=865)
Brand Selection in Singles’ Day: Shoppers chose the affordable premium brands and familiar
brands for stock up; New brands and those recommended by KOLs were also considered

Reason of Choosing Certain Brands/Products in Singles’ Day

52% 46% 38% 31% 20% 19%

Premium Stock Up New/Limited KOL Low in Celebrity

Products Products Favored Price Endorsed
I will buy brands which I like I will choose the I will try new/limited I will try brands that I will buy lower-priced I will buy brand or
but I have not bought due to brands that I am products during was recommended brands which I am not products endorsed
the high price familiar with Singles’Day from other channels familiar with by my idol

Data Source:
Q: Which of the following choices better match your brand/product selection criteria? (n=888)
Category Breakdown: Shoppers intend to buy premium in Home Care, explore new products
in Sports & Outdoors, buy lower-priced Electronics and get endorsed Beauty products
Singles’ Day Wish-to-buy List and Brand Selection

Premium New/Limited Low in Celebrity

Stock Up KOL Favored
Products Products Price Endorsed

1 Apparel, Shoes and Apparel, Shoes and

Personal Care Personal Care Personal Care Personal Care
Bags Bags

2 Personal Care Personal Care

Apparel, Shoes and Apparel, Shoes and Consumer
Bags Bags Electronics

3 Beauty Snacks Snacks Snacks Snacks

Apparel, Shoes and

4 Snacks Beauty Beauty Beauty

Apparel, Shoes and

5 Home Care Sports & Outdoors

Sports & Furniture &
Furniture &
Outdoors Furnishing Furnishing

Data Source:
Q: Which of the following choices better match your brand/product selection criteria? (n=888)
Extra-shopping on Singles’ Day: Most shoppers buy additional products, mainly driven by the
better discount and product recommendation

54% 36% 32% 31%

Awesome discount, Advised by on-site Add-on items for Recommended by
Price below Must-buy Lists better discount family and friends

28% 25% 22% 16%

Requested by elder Recommended on Added into wish list Advocated by KOL
family members or Social Media, like offline and bought on Livestreaming
kids WeChat / Weibo online

Data Source:
Q: Why would you buy additional categories/products on top of your shopping list? (n=670)
Extra-shopping on Singles’ Day: Young shoppers are easily influences by Must-buy lists and
social media posts, while older shoppers buy additional products for family or better discount

Reasons for Extra-Shopping across Different Age Groups

Below 24 YO 25-34 YO 35-44 YO Above 45 YO

Advised by Recommended Add-on items
on-site Must- 42% Price below 55% by family and 36% for better 40%
buy Lists friends discount

Recommended Added into

Requested by
on Social 30% wish list 25% family 34%
Media offline

Advocated by
KOL on 17%

Data Source:
Q: Why would you buy additional categories/products on top of your shopping list? (n=670)
Singles’ Day Promotion Preference: Price cut is the most preferred promotion, especially
compared to shoppers above 45 YO; ideal promotion mechanism varies by age group
Main Promotion Mechanism in Singles’ Day

Below 24 YO 25-34 YO 35-44 YO Above 45

Price Cut 48% 55% 56% 78%

43% 52% 46% 32%

Platform Subsidy 39% 43% 44% 29%

Direct Coupon of Small

47% 40% 39% 43%
Complimentary same as
25% 35% 30% 26%
main product
30% 29% 35% 15%
Complimentary different
26% 26% 21% 17%
to main product
Complimentary related
11% 15% 12% 3%
to IP/celebrities

Data Source:
Q: Among the listed Singles’ Day promotion approaches, which one/ones do you prefer? (n=865)
Singles’ Day Media Touchpoints: Short video and eCommerce shopping guide platforms are
emerging touchpoints and contributors to sales conversion; Social Media is less influential

Key Media Touchpoints for Singles’ Day
More influential than 2018
60% eCommerce Platform
Similarly influential than 2018
Less influential than 2018

40% Social Media

Short Video Platform
2019 Friend/ Family/ Colleague
30% EC Shopping Guide Platform Video Platform
Physical Store
Content Platform
Livestreaming Platform


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Data Source:
Q: Which channels do you get promotion or product information of Singles’ Day from? (n=888)
Singles’ Day Media Touchpoints: Under 34 YO shoppers prefer short video platforms, while
eCommerce platforms and WOM are primary channels for shoppers aged 35 and above

Key Media Touchpoints for Singles’ Day

Below 24 YO 25-34 YO 35-44 YO Above 45

Platform 48% 63% 70% 65%

Social Media 39% 42% 40% 38%

Short Video
Platform 41% 37% 29% 24%
Colleague 28% 33% 37% 38%

Video Platform 27% 33% 34% 17%

EC Shopping
Guide Platform 22% 37% 25% 24%

Content Platform 19% 31% 18% 11%

Physical Store 13% 27% 23% 17%

Platform 16% 23% 17% 11%

Data Source:
Q: Which channels do you get promotion or product information of Singles’ Day from? (n=888)
Who do they shop for: Over 60% of shoppers buy for family; Men are more likely to buy for
wife/girlfriend, while more female shoppers buy for their whole family
Male Female
Shopper Shopper
88% 92%

Created by Gan Khoon Lay
from the Noun Pro ect

61% 67%

Whom to Parents

Shop for?
Created by b farias
from the Noun Pro ect 49% 62%
Created by David
from the Noun Pro ect
48% 63%
Created by Alice Design
from the Noun Pro ect

Anne Car oline Bittencour t Gon alves
from the Noun Pro ect
3% 6%

Data Source:
Q:For whom have you shopped during Singles’ Day this year? (Male n=402,Female n=463)
Singles’ Day Impact on Future Spending: More than half of shoppers plan to cut down shopping
after Singles’ Day, but more lower-tier shoppers will continue shopping as they did before
Post Singles’ Day Shopping Attitude across Different City Tier

Tier-1 Cities New Tier-1 Cities Tier-2 Cities Lower-tier Cities

Post singles’ day

Shopping won’t be 45% 47% 43% 53%

Will cut down

shopping within in 40% 39% 39% 33%
one month

Will cut down

shopping within in 13% 14% 18% 11%
three months

Will cut down

shopping within in 2% 0% 0% 3%
six months

Data Source:
Q: How would shopping in Singles’ Day impact your future spending? (n=865)
Platform with most satisfaction: Half of shoppers voted for Taobao, followed by JD with 27% of
Promotion rules of Taobao & Tmall
are too complicated, on the other
hand, PDD is much simpler I am used to Taobao so I don’t
want to try other platforms.

Jack Ma has good reputation Discount in Taobao are better, with

and we like him. more discounts and cash coupons.
Tmall has better promotion. 18%
Coupon from Tmall’s Singles’
48% Day game helps save money.

Taobao has better price and better

discount. The quality is good as well,
JD has its self-operated store, 27% with nice aftersales service. There is
which has more efficient delivery. also insurance for return fee, so I don’t
Shopping in JD can get JD Beans, and gaining need to worry about the return cost.
other subsidies if I accomplish JD assigned
activities. In this case, I can finally get lots of
discounts and cash coupons, which makes me
get a good deal.

Data Source:
Q: Which platform do you like most during Singles’ Day? Why?(n=229)
Complaints about 2019 Singles’ Day

It takes long time for some We have to stay up at midnight and pay
retailers to ship the parcels. the balance for pre-sales products at 1
am. I don’t like to stay up too late.

Some down payment is cheating. Price in 11.11 Failed to use some coupons.
is even cheaper than down payment one. Retailer Some retailers even raise price
refused to refund the differences. before promotion
The rules to use subsidy are complicated and confusing.

The subsidy I got by inviting friends to play the platform’s

game isn’t worth all the effort and investment.

I don’t like those platforms’ games for subsidy, which require sharing to
friends. I have to put a lot of resources and might disturb others.

Data Source:
Q: Do you have any bad shopping experience in Singles’ Day this year? (n=229)
Kantar China Consulting Digital Strategy Team Feel free to drop us an email:

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France Hu Senior Analyst
Shirley Wang Analyst
Lorinda Li Analyst

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