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“~ ‘September 10, 2013 Engr. Joel G. Salvador CESO IV SEPEIVED | Regional Director REC EIV ED Environmental Management Bureau Regional Office 1 DATE. 2 Department of Environment & Natural Resources ON oe Government Center, Sevilla, San Fernando City py _solalmen La Union DENR - EMBI APPLICATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATE (ECC) AMENDMENT FOR A N AGRO BASED POULTRY FARM PROJECT Dear Dir. Salvador, | am respectfully submitting herewith, my Environmental Performance Report and Management Plan (EPRMP) to support my application for Amendment of my Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) of my Poultry Farm Project Located at Brgy. Sta Rita, Aringay, La Union. Son Nqyor Arnel intend eb 946 A 9-14 | ose FITS J Covtact #00192 3944 743 vous, ‘105-202 MRD Ul sje pue mer SA iniad A103) 'NOWATYS ‘5 730f Wee ‘sunok Ansa Aan, ‘agueljduuoo pue aoueping sno 403, ypafoid unoA jo uonequawa|dwi auy 403 393 243 aseaja1 pjno> am 0s ulasatp payio uonejoin ay apas 0} ‘aiojasaxp padesnoous aie NOA “eTOZ ‘S Jaquareq PaIeP nod 0} J8}}9} sno Woy aney AeW aD4JO SIY UOIS!2ap sANAyeYM ao1phfasd JOU |JeYs jenoudde SIyL ‘aus ayy Jo Uonenjena 10 uaWISsasse JayLANy Jo} YOHLeD'y}POLL 40 UOISUEAX= 404 UEIA Aue JO BIO SIU uiojul 01 pasiape aq asealg “I2aford snoA Jo uonexado pue uoneuaWia}dus! ayy ZuLNP 4n250 Aew LeU sipeduu jeiawuos!nua anne8ou je ssaippe 0} saunseaw Bunesyiw Aressadeu aymysul aseard ‘—siNa>lT ‘anua4ajau aNOA Joy YEUIOY YIND aN s1 yymasay payseny “(6 # UORIPUOD) JUaWPUUIY 393 SIMA Jo IwaWasINbas [eoVOdas ay Ya! A\dUIOD (7 Ajjenuue-1was (yIND) Hoday BuyojUoWy aueydw05 e aaxjo si4y 01 WANs 0) papuIWa! osje axe NO, ‘ssauppe pareis anoge aya re pare20} ypalorg Wosay - ANSNpUl WSLINOL snOA Joy TTOZ ‘EL Axenuer ise} 1 UOWBAY “BWIa ~ YN3A 243 Aq panss! £000-TOTT-TO¥-393 “ON aIe0yNN9D aaUEy]dUIOD jeuawOH}AUy IMOK yo JUAUIPUBLUY ,,T OS} P2SOPUT pineq "sw se2q ueuiseBued eysiseg ‘uokokeg “Alig, Guava "a N3T3H ‘SW eloz 930 01 PMY 4 - . ¢ ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE 1% AMENDMENT AMENDING the Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC No. ECC-RO1-1101-0003) issued by the DENR-EMB, Region 1 last January 13, 2011, to the Tourism Industry - Resort Project of Ms. Helen B. David located at Brey. Bayoyong, Basista, Pangasinan, pursuant to the application received by this Office on October 18, 2013. |, JOEL G. SALVADOR, Regional Director, EMB — Region 1, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order. Section 1. Amendment. Section 1.1: Project Description should now read as follows: PROJECT DESCRIPTION ‘The project includes / covers the operation of Avetino’s Resort and Hotel consisting of 2 units swimming pool (I-adult & I-kiddie), function hall, pavilion, hotel, karaoke bar / kitchen, 4 units cabaria, water refilling station, parking area and wastewater treatment facilities and the construction operation of additional facilities as follows: 4 units swimming pool, 4 units 1- storey lodge inn, 1 unit 2-storey 3-door hotel, 12 units nipa shed/2-units slide, comfort rooms/bathrooms (male & female), bakeshop, restaurant, water system, 1 unit 3 | compartment wastewater treatment facilities and 1 unit generating set; all confined within a 7,380 square meter tot. Section 1.2: ECC Conditions, should now read as follows 1. CONDITIONS ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ‘The proponent shall strictly implement the following mitigating, enhancement, and rehabilitating measures: 1. Prior to project implementation, all permits and/or clearances from concerned office that have administrative jurisdiction over the project shall secured, i.e. DENR, LGU, HLURB, DAR, DOT, etc. 2. Adequate and appropriate drainage system and soil erosion control measures including other structural measures which will conform with natural topography shall be constructed / provided to avoid erosion and flooding of the adjoining properties; 3. Regular Sanitary Housekeeping practices, proper collection of solid and hazardous waste resulting from the implementation/operation of the project shall be strictly observed. The waste ‘management plan shall include adequate facilities for disposal of wastes which shall be done from the start of the construction; 4, In case of vegetation loss due to construction activities such as clearing and excavation works, the project proponent shall plant appropriate tree species and/or other forms of vegetation to compensate for the damaged vegetation; 5. Cutting of trees shall be covered by a valid permit from the DENR pursuant to the provisions of ee PD 953. “shep (St) A ‘uum 42jSUER Yons Jo 32440 [eUO!B>Y AN 243 AjNOU 0} pasinbas aq jjeYs aasaysueN aur pu ‘Aydde yeys uonoinsai pue suonpuos auses ayy ‘i22foud siyn Jo diysiaumo Jo sajsUes} JO 2Se9 UI “pT ue ‘uondiosap y2afoud au 01 paruy aq yeys Buseay> puey “ET quawissassy edu jeuauiuostnua Mau e 0} Y9a/qns apew aq eys ‘sues ‘Auanze aun ul aBuey> Aue 40 ‘juauundop via au UI peels asouR puocag SaimanLAS 49420 4 woRansUOD ‘uondyasap yafoud ayy puokag ra[oud ayy JO UoIsUedxe Ue aq a1ayR PINoYS “qwaunoop via 24 UI paieindhs sem 7eym UeLA JaIO UAyEWapUN aq {JeYs SBAIANDe J2yI0 ON “ZT :Suonaynsa4 Buymojjoy aun 0} 322fqns AnoURS s} 1uauodosd ay, SNOUDMUSY “I ‘tenosdde 40} uejd Suneiw yuawuopuege si! ywigns jeys pue wauUopuege ayy oF Joud syuoW (€) aan unaim souso feuoiBey awa au3 AOU jTeYs JuauOdoY ay ‘UaWUOpUEGe Jo aseD Ul “TT ‘suun uswusanoy 1220] pue sajouady quawusanop jeuoneN pausa9u00 Jo uope|nBas Buysixe ayy 0} yUensind eare wefoud ayn uum saunpadoig Buneiado prepuers Arajes 1uawajdui! jeys qauodoud aYp reUL “OT ‘ayeoyruiao siya yo aouenss, 243 Woy Bunsers (ST Ain 40/pue st Arenuer) Jaxsawias yoea Jaye Aep yUDaYyy Aland UE) 42222] 10u auop aq |LeYS Y>IYM Jo UOISsILUgnS ayy ‘Ay}eNUUe-WLaS 2oWJO sIKA 02 ODd/iUauOdalg ay ‘Aq panuigns pue paredasd aq jjeys (Wal Jo T-€ xouuy) Loday BuLoyUoWy soueydwoD e IeyL °¢ "203 panoudde aya yo suonaiisas pue suomipuoo ays je 03 2oueyduio> aunsug {uayeuapun aie Sunsoda, pue Buyo3}uow yeya 21nsuz ‘ape|d ul aue syuusad quawissasse-isod yeip asnsug ‘saunseaw uawe8euew pue si>eduy) parzipaud sin-e-stA yoedu! yoa{oud jeniDe J03]UOWN fayeudosdde se ‘gud / 181972249 / woday 331 / sia ay ul pay se saunseaw quauisoueyua pue BuneBj Jo SuUoIUoW “e suse ysuodsay Bumojioy ayn aney |!eys Yorym ‘Yoafoud aip jo stoadse jequawuosiaua ayy ajpuey jjeys oyM yun jeWUauUOsAUZ Ue dh-I9s |Ie4Ys Jauodosd ay, “g feBuey> ayeuno jo spaye se Suyuem jeqoj8 104 sasnseaw Sunesaw BuIpnjout yaford aya jo saumeay Arayes wyjeay Uewny pue jusWUOAIAUD ayy UO SarLed JayRO pue SuORAMNSUI 3WApere parsasarul ‘AUNWLLOD Pa1saye ayy Ayersadse 2yqnd ay ayeanpa 0} sanjunuioddo uado jJeys 41 “29a S143 Jo suoNIpuoa 2ui se jam se saunseow anew sy ApIgnd urejdxe oy uBledwe> (931) uoRerIuNWWOD Pue voneonpa ‘uoReuojU) paulersns pue annzaya ue ayeuapun jjeys uouodoid ay, “7 (666T 40 3 sy UearD euIddij4a) 6028 We Pue ‘(p00z Jo 19 JAIeNM UeaID aUIddIIYd) SZz6 Vu ‘(WeIBOIY JUaWABEUEWY ASEM PIIOS le2180}093 ue 403 Buipinord 3>¥) £006 VE “(OBET J0 3¥ JOIU0D arseM Jea}INN pue snopiezeH ue saoueisqns 21X01) 6969 We Jo SuoIsiAoud ay Ya} WOJUOD jIeYs SUOReJado SAuauodold ay, “9 sPayiduio> ApouIS aq jreYs aye2yI4—9 si4a Jo 1UesB au) 404 suOMIpUOD anesIsyujLUpe JaYLINS SNOLLIGNOD Twu3NaD Section 2. Applicability All provisions in this Amendment shall now prevail over the previous conditionalities cited in ECC No. ECC-RO1-1101-0003 issued last January 13, 2011. Section 3. Effectivity This Amendment is issued in the interest of all concerned parties and shall take effect immediately. Done in the City of San Fernando, La Union, Philippines, this_ 1) DEC