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October 02, 2013 The Regional Director EMB, DENR, Region 1 Gov't Center, Sevilla San Femande City La Union " jue: © enn - Ewa Sir, May T have the honor to request ftom your geod office an amendment of the Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) Project Description with ECC # ECC- RO1-1 101-0003 issued by your office last January 13, 2011 An expansion will be introduced on the existing facilities and the project lot area will also become bigger from 3,563 sq. meters to 7,380 sq. meters. Please refer to attached Site Development Plan and Environmental Performance Report and Management Plan (EPRMP) for the additional facilities / amenities & structures, Thope you would find everything in order and that my application for amendment would be given due course the soonest. Thank you and More Power! Very truly yours, HELEN B. DAVID Owner/ Manager Mayor Anend ment 1,40 Oke =) 94u703l- [8°18 13 Co Dope Cmdact # JOL4YAL STS ~ Lucy KECFIVED | oate {19-13 TIME met RY vad DENR - EMBI ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE REPORT AND MANAGEMENT PLAN EPRMP) AVELINO RESORT & HOTEL, BRGY. BAYOYONG, BASISTA, PANGASINAN T. Executive Summary A, Brief Introduction This document has been prepared for the purpose of securing an amendment Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) Project Description with ECC 4 ECC-ROI-1 101-0003 issued on January 13, 2011 for the ist time for Avelino Resort & Hotel located in Brgy. Bayoyong, Basista, Pangasinan. B. Project Description The main purpose of the project expansion is to meet the demands of resort goers / customers to enjoy summer vacation or people who love to spend their leisure time during week end and or day offs and to upgrade/tmodernize the resort housing facilities, amenities, structures and fixtures, At present, the subject establishment has an existing 2-units switwming pool (l-adult & 1-kiddie), 1-function hall, pavilion, karaoke bar / kitchen, 4-cabona, water refilling station. parking orea and wastewater treatment facilities all confined on a 3,563 sq. meters lot. The proposed structures, facilities and amenities to be introduced / constructed are the following: €) 4-units swimming pool (2-adults & 2-kiddies): b) 4-units L-storey lodge inn & t-unit 2-storey 3-doors hotel: A Wanits nipa shed, 2-units slide; d) 1-CR for Male & 1-CR for Female, 2-open showers & 2-bathrooms: 2) L-bakeshop, l-restaurant & overhead and pressure tanks ) L-unit 3-compartments wastewater treatment facilities and 6) Lunit 7.5 KVA electric generator set The existing and proposed expansion will be co-located on the 7,380 ‘sq. meters lot considered as agricultural / orchard land. IZ. Environmental Performances A. Physical Environment The topography of Brgy. Bayoyong, Basista, Pangasinan is characterized by a flat level plain. The general land use of the area is orchard / agricultural land planted with different agricultural crops. The remaining residential areas may be categorized as medium to low density on account of their being intermingled with other uses. Resort operation will be nuisance to the environment if not properly managed, but with the type of structures / facilities that will be constructed applied with modernized and upgraded technology, possible significant impact to the environment will be minimized. Further, the location of the resort is still densely populated and is within the agricultural / orchard lands, Even without the resort, the demands for water supply will still continue to rise due to the increasing number of users both for domestic and commercial uses, with these, water resources are expected to deteriorate, especially, the operation of a resort project requires a considerable amount of water during its active operation. Furthermore, the resort has been established in 2010 but up to present, sufficient water supply is available in the locality. IIT. Environmental Management Plan The resort project had been providing long term job opportunities for its workers since the start of its operation. Since the management had hired people from nearby vicinities, this had eased any unemployment problems in the area. The income derived from these employments is providing better food, clothing and shelter for the workers and their dependents, Indirect beneficiaries are the commercial establishments in the area through the multiplier effect. Also, the establishment generates income in Barangay Bayoyong and municipality of Basista by means of taxes/ revenues, The project is promoting tourism industry in the locality. Environmental Management Plan Activities Trapact Mitigating Institutional Measures _| Plan 1. Use of Generation of The | Proponent toilet & bath domestic establishment facilities effluent is provided w/ 3-units 2- chambers septic vault \ 2. General Solid waste Use of Proponent Activities generation garbage cans placed at strategic places. Waste segregation & 3. General activities / Operation Wastewater generation recycling is strictly implemented on site. Recycling bins are present on site, Efficient WTF are provided to treat the wastewater generated by the establishment during its active operation. All wastewater generated is confined in the lagoons constructed as WTF. A part time employment of a Pollution Control Officer to oversee the establishment active activities that Proponent may have an effect onthe } environment 5. Operations | Other Pollution Proponent environment Control related problems | Officer was designated to oversee the impact to the environment TV. Manpower requirements During the site development and construction stage, the project proponent expects to hire 10 to 15 semi-skilled and skilled workers who shall be recruited mostly from the nearby areas as local hires. During operation stage, the proponent expects to hire skilled workers to man the operation and maintenance works. V. Abandonment Stage Abandonment stage for the project refers to the departure of all construction contractors from the project site. The abandonment phase will commence once the contractors has completed all aspects of the required construction works to develop the site according to the site development plan and will be in accordance with the completed work, Activities during the abandonment stage include the following: © Dismantling of temporary workers living quarters and construction related structures; © Hauling of scrap/excess materials from the project site for disposal. The disposal options includes: Salvaging of reusable materials for use in other project by the Contactor; Selling of scarp materials to scrap or junk dealers: and Direct disposal of unusable materials to the nearby LGU controlled dumpsite or landfill area, This type of establishment is not usually abandoned, It is repaired / rehabilitated once it deteriorates and upgraded and modernized. Prepared by: HELEN B. DAVID Proponent WORN 16 BEFORE Mi E> JW LINGO NEF ee

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