Sublime QR Code

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the sublime potential of the qr code


When we see a beetle walking by, we disinterestedly register its appearance or passively note its trajectory. Another beetle, on the other hand, empathetically sees an expressive compatriot replete with chemical indicators and relational possibilities. As such, someone who does not scan a QR code with their smartphone merely sees it as an apparently generic symbol. But someone who scans the code awakens its deeper potential by capitalizing its transcendental DNA to discover the codes true (and often tritely pedestrian) meaning (namely, the website or photo it leads to). Unlike a foreign language, the QR code offers no outward aesthetic or otherwise symbolic clues to its translation its linguistics are completely alien to human hearts and minds so the nature of its understanding becomes absolutely binary: either you scan the code and receive the embedded communication in its entirety or you eschew scanning and maintain superficial observation and fully miss the encrypted essence.


- EDGE 1: the QR code contains all the information it needs to operate independent of any translational mediator. In other words, unlike a traditional barcode, which triggers the consultation of a local, external database in order to uncover its meaning, the QR codes standalone graphic matrix contains all the information necessary amongst its internal pixels to universally direct all scanners to the intended destination. Also, while there can be multiple working barcodes of identical encryption that reference different concepts (such as two barcodes uniformly reading 0838753083 that represent a bible in Wal-Marts system and bulked hypodermic needles in Costcos), a given QR code means exactly one thing and duplications always necessarily duplicate that meaning (it is read by the scanner like a language without synonyms or homonyms). - EDGE 2: the QR codes operation depends on the persistence of its internet destination which, in turn, is entirely contingent on the servers maintenance and/or the administrators respect for its continued integrity, The vulnerability of its transcendental meaning foreshadow each QR codes tragic fate: eventually, the website or photo to which it originally and exclusively corresponded will be taken down or otherwise deleted and forgotten, rendering the QR image without a purpose like a stick without a popsicle.


observe the gallerys exhibition immediately preceding the proposed exhibition.

preceding exhibition, wall 1

before the preceding exhibition is removed, particular sections are photographed and archived in an online server.


qr codes are generated to provide smartphone access to the images in their virtual location after their material content has vanished.


the qr codes are installed in the whitewashed gallery exactly where their linked images formerly resided. distorted to push the smartphone qr readers interpretive limits, the stillscannable codes virtually juxtapose a literal past condition against the spaces present state.

proposed exhibition, wall 1

preceding exhibition, wall 2

nouli se han

oli omo bou



proposed exhibition, wall 2

preceding exhibition, wall 3







proposed exhibition, wall 3

preceding exhibition, wall 4

i nimizi


proposed exhibition, wall 4


before/after viewing the exhibition, visitors are invited to enter the photo booth and have their photo taken without a shirt (underwear is permissible).

gallery entrance


reception photo booth

gallery plan with proposed exhibition and photo booth

the visitors torsos are cropped out and uploaded to the server. participating visitors are given (or sold) a unique t-shirt sporting the qr code corresponding to their torsos particular picture.

when scanned, the t-shirt will direct smartphones to the image revealing what lies beneath...

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